OBE Elecs 1 Midterm Examination - v1 Answer Key
OBE Elecs 1 Midterm Examination - v1 Answer Key
OBE Elecs 1 Midterm Examination - v1 Answer Key
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I, , a student of the FEU Institute of Technology and enlisted in ELECS1 Section ______,
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I pledge to do all that is in my power to live a life of dignity and credibility and to create that spirit in my environment.
PO – C: ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards
c.1 Analyze and solve various types of clipper and clamper circuits and other application of
General Instructions
Choose the letter of the best answer. If your answer is not among the choices, choose E. Shade the corresponding letter on your
answer sheet. Use a dark-colored pen inshading your answers and avoid erasures.
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
10. You have an unknown type of diode in a circuit. You measure the voltage across it and find it to be 0.3 V. The diode might
a. a silicon diode. c. a forward biased silicon diode
b. a germanium diode. d. a forward biased germanium diode
11. A reverse-biased diode has the _____ connected to the positive side of the source, and the _____ connected to the negative
side of the source.
a. cathode, anode b. base, anode c. cathode, base d. anode, cathode
12. The boundary between p-type material and n-type material is called
a. a diode. b. a pn junction c. a reverse-biased diode. d. a FB diode
14. A silicon diode measures a low value of resistance with the meter leads in both positions. The trouble, if any, is
a. the diode is open. c. the diode is shorted to ground.
b. the diode is internally shorted. d. the diode is working correctly.
16. What occurs when a conduction-band electron loses energy and falls back into a hole in the valence band?
a. doping b. generation c. recombination d. none
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
17. What types of impurity atoms are added to increase the number of conduction-band electrons in intrinsic silicon?
a. bivalent b. pentavalent c. octavalent d. trivalent
19. An ideal diode presents a(n) _____ when reversed-biased and a(n) _____ when forward-biased.
a. open, short b. open, open c. short, open d. short, short
22. Zener diodes with breakdown voltages less than 5 V operate predominantly in what type of breakdown?
a. avalanche b. varactor c. zener d. Schottky
23. Zener diodes with breakdown voltages greater than 5 V operate predominantly in what type of breakdown?
a. avalanche b. zener c. peak d. varactor
24. What do you call an impurity atom with three valence electrons?
a. Acceptor b. Intrinsic c. Extrinsic d. Donor
27. It is a biasing condition that essentially prevents current through the diode.
a. Reverse bias b. Forward c. Feedback d. Voltage Divider
28. The knee voltage of a diode ______ when the temperature increases.
a. Increases b. stay the same c. Decreases d. Doubled
33. . What is the maximum number of electrons that can orbit around the M shell?
a. 16 b. 17 c. 18 d. 19
35. This is the amount of energy that a valence electron must have in order to jump from the valence band to the conduction
a. Energy gap b. Barrier potential c. electron volt d. Bias voltage
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
37. How many shared valence electrons are there in a chemical stable atom?
a. 8 b. 20 c. 16 d. 24
38. What do you call the vacancy left by the valence electrons?
a. Junction b. Hole c. PN region d. Electron-hole pair
40. For every electron raised to the conduction band by external energy, there is one hole left in the valence band creating what
is called ______.
a. Junction b. Hole c. PN region d. Electron-hole pair
41. It occurs when a conduction-band electron loses energy and falls back into a hole in the valence band.
a. Doping b. Thermal energy c. Covalent d. Recombination
43. ________ of the electric field across the depletion region is the amount of voltage required to move electrons through the
electric field.
a. Pinch off b. Barrier potential b. Valley Point d. Threshold
45. What will happen to the reverse breakdown voltage of a diode when the temperature increases?
a. Increases b. stay the same c. Decreases d. Doubled
46. What is the equivalent circuit / element of a practical model diode?
a. Battery only b. Battery and internal resistance c. Battery and switch d. Switch only
47. What is the ohmic value of a defective-short diode in forward bias testing?
a. 0 b. 100 c. OL(out of range) d. cannot be determine
From #’s 51 to 59
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
#’s 72 - #79
A transformer coupled bridge type rectifier has the following specification:
Primary winding voltage = 115V 60Hz filter capacitor = 50μF
Turns ratio = 10:1 load resistor = 2.2kΩ
4 silicon diodes
79. Determine %r
a. 6% b. 7% c. 8% d. 9%
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
80. If the AC supply is 50 Hz, what will be the ripple frequency out of the full-wave rectifier?
a. 50 Hz b. 100Hz c. 60 Hz d. 120Hz
83. How many diodes are there in a center tapped full wave rectifier circuits?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
84. The output frequency of a full-wave rectifier is _____ the input frequency.
a. one-half b. twice c. equal to d. One – quarter
85. The average value of a full-wave rectified voltage with a peak value of 75 V is
a. 53 V b. 47.8 V c. 37.5 V d. 23.9 V
a. b. c. d.
87. What type of diode circuit is used to clip off portions of signal voltages above or below certain levels?
a. clipper or limiter b. IC voltage regulator c. clamper d. none
88. What type of diode circuit is used to add or restore a DC level to an electrical signal?
a. clipper or limiter b. IC voltage regulator c. clamper d. none
a. b. c. d.
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TRONIC1. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory
Removal Examination
a. b. c. d.
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