DLL - English 5 - Q3 - W7

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Credits to the Writer of this DLL Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: MARCH 27-31, 2023 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.Content Standards The learner…. The learner…. The learner…. The learner….
. Demonstrates understanding of text Demonstrates understanding of text . Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of
types in order to construct elements to comprehend various texts research process to write a variety of the various forms and
feedback. texts. conventions of print, non-print
Demonstrates understanding of and digital materials.
different formats to write for a
variety of audiences and purpose

B.Performance Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...
Uses literary and informational texts Uses linguistic cues to appropriately Uses a variety of research strategies Evaluates effectively the message
heard to construct an construct meaning from a to effectively write a variety of texts constructed and conveyed in
appropriate feedback variety of texts for a variety of purposes for various audiences and purpose. various viewing texts.
Drafts text using appropriate text
types for a variety of audiences and
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Identify point of view. ( EN5LC-IIIg- Distinguish text types according to Organize information from secondary Determine images/ideas that are Weekly Test
3.17 ) features ( structural and sources in preparation for writing, explicitly used to influence
language ) – comparison and contrast. reporting and similar academic tasks viewers – Propaganda.
( EN5RC-III-g-3.2.7 ) in collaboration with others.
( EN5SS-IIIg-4 )
Write a 3-paragraph feature article.
( EN5WC-IIIg-2.2. 7 )
II.CONTENT Point of View Comparison and Contrast Organizing Information Images and Ideas Used to
Writing a Feature Article Influence Viewers – Propaganda (
EN5VC-IIIg-7.3 )
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Across Borders Through Language pp. Across Borders Language p. 250, Across Borders Language, p.7, p. 85,
219 – 220 ( Lourdes M. ( Lourdes M. Ribo ) p. 272 -273
Ribo )
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Audio Recorder, Power Point Chart or Power Point Presentation, Chart / Power Point, fact sheets, Chart / Power Point, sample
Presentation worksheets newspaper videos of propaganda
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Reviewing Previous Lesson What is your point of view regarding Recitation of the Choral Pieces Reviewing the Previous Lesson – (
the new lesson 1. How would you know the feeling of the government’s plan of  The Six Blind Men and the Elephant Recall )
the speaker in his speech? abolishing the school uniform among  Life Doesn’t Frighten Me  Read the two articles, which is a
2. Drill public school pupils like you? feature article?
Tell the mood or tone of each speaker.
Speaker 1 : “ My deepest and sincerest
thanks to all of you
who supported me in the election.
Words are not enough to
extend my grateful thanks to all. “
( guilty, thankful )
Speaker 2 : “ I am immensely
lamenting for what had happened
to our fellow Filipinos during the
typhoon Yolanda.”
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson Now, that you can tell the mood or What Philippine fiesta traditions do you Who wants to be a famous writer Have you seen a rally on TV or in
feelings and tone of the speaker, know? In what ways are someday? real situation?
today you will be tasked to identify they similar? How are they different? What do you think are the essential Why do people engage in rally?
the point of view and then as qualities of a good writer?
you go along you should be able to
give your own point of view or
feedback about a given topic
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of the Listen to the recorded article about Read the paragraph about the Ati- Power Point / Chart of a Sample Group the class into 3. Assign
new lesson the lantern festival in Atihan Festival and Sinulog in Feature each group to present the
Pampanga. Cebu. Try to note their similarities and This is an example of a feature following issues.
The Pampanga Lantern Festival differences. article. 1 – Help the school canteen. Do
The tradition of the lantern festival in Have you ever attended or read about ( Let the pupils read. ) not buy outside the campus
San Fernando Pampanga either the Ati-Atihan in Cloning premises, patronize the foods
dates back to the 1800s. In those days, Aklan or the Sinulog in Cebu? Would you like to have a duplicate of sold at the canteen, instead.
the people of Bacolor, the The Ati-atihan celebrated in Kalibo, yourself or of any other person? 2 – Maintain the cleanliness of
capital of Pampanga then, used Aklan on the third Sunday of Scientists say it can be done. the school.
lanterns made of bamboo and rice January, and the Sinulog celebrated in First, there was in vitro fertilization 3 – Spread the instilled value of
paper, and lighted with candles or gas Cebu at about the same (IVF ). In this process, an ovum is reading book rather than playing
lamps. Every morning, nine date, both center on the centuries-old fertilized outside the body. The online games and getting hooked
days before Christmas, they carried image of the Child Jesus. fertilized ovum is then injected into by social media
these lanterns with them as However, the Ati-atihan focuses on the the ovary of a female who becomes
they paraded along the road before transfer of the image four the surrogate mother. The ovum will
proceeding to the pre-dawn hundred years ago from the convent to undergo maturation in the womb of
mass known as misa de gallo or the church; while that of the the surrogate mother. The eagles
simbang gabi. Sinulog recalls the feeling of our Pagasa and Pagkakaisa, as well as the
Over the years, the lantern designs forefathers when they found in the carabaos, Malakas and Maganda,
have become more complex. image of the Child Jesus near the were produced through this
The five-point star has changed into Pahinay River. In both technology. The new technology is
different geometric shapes. celebrations, the main participants hailed to improve the breed of birds
The candles or gas lamps needed to smear their skin with soot, paint and animals. It also brings hopes to
light the lanterns have been their faces, and wear all sorts of of the problem of vanishing species.
replaced with electric light bulbs. The tribal finery – animal skin, Then came cloning. Cloning involves
frame is now made of wire feathers and beads – in imitation of the taking out the nucleus of a donor egg
instead of bamboo and is welded Ati, the early inhabitants of and fusing the egg with a cell from
instead of glued. Some lanterns the place. They dance on the streets in the animal being copied. The cell can
are too big and heavy to be carried by a long procession, to the come from any part of the body.
hand, so they are mounted rhythmic beat of drums, cymbals, and With the help of an electric current ,
on flat-bed trucks. And the venue has whistles. But in the Ati-Atihan the reconstituted cell has the
changed to San Fernando, , the revelers chant “ Hala Bira ! ( Keep potential to grow into a genetic
the current capital of the province. on! ), Puera Pasma! ( No duplicate. The sheep, Dolly,
The San Fernando Parol Festival starts tiring! )” as they dance any which way. developed in a laboratory in
in the morning. Visitors On the other hand, the Scotland, is the first cloned animal.
from neighboring provinces and other Sinulog revelers do a prayer-dance 656
places pour into San consisting of two steps forward Today, people are discovering the
Fernando. Food stalls are set up and one step backward. At the same possibility of human cloning. Some
around the town market, ready to time they proffer replicas of scientists think technology would
sell Pampango delicacies. Games and the image heavenward as they chant, “ help people who wnt to have
contests are held at the Pit Seῆor! Pit Seῆor! ( Glory children genetically related to them.
641 to the Lord! )”. In both celebrations, the Others think it may be unhealthy,
town plaza. When evening comes, the dancing on the streets can even unsafe. For example, there is
marvelous show of lanterns go on for three days. the possibility of creating a deformed
of different shapes, sizes, colors, and One thing is sure – the fiesta human. Besides, it could be
lights begins, to the delight celebration in both places is a unethical. There are many other
and awe of spectators. major tourist attraction. setbacks.
Many scientists say they are ready to
clone human beings. But do we want
them to?
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing Comprehension Questions 1. How are the two fiesta traditions What is the article about? What did you do in your activity?
new skills #1 a. What tradition is talked about in the described? Do they have How will you describe the way it is How did you bring out your
article? similarities? Do they have differences? written? Does it inform? Entertain? message?
b. Why was it held in Bacolor before? 2. How are they similar? How are they Explain? Why did you do that? What is
Where is it held now? different? Why did you say so? your intention? ( Induce the idea
c. What changes in the tradition have 647 What can you say about a feature of propaganda.)
evolved over the years? 3. What word clues help you identify article ? Propaganda is a form of
What do you think is the cause of the similarities of the two Feature is a write – up of interesting persuasion used to influence
these changes? festivals? How about the clue words stories, facts, ideas, people, events people’s attitudes, beliefs and
d. What is your reaction to this that help you identify their and places behaviors
tradition? differences?
( Let the pupils know that they are When you are giving similarities and
already giving their own point differences, you are giving
of view upon telling their reactions. ) the comparison and contrast.
Comparison and Contrast – finding
similarities and differences
between two people, things and
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing Which do you think is the best point of Analyze each sentence. Tell which How will you organize your What do you think are the other
new skills #2 view / feedback for the shows comparison and contrast. information at hand so you can write means of propaganda?
Pampanga Lantern Festival article? 1. Both the encyclopedia and internet a feature article? How can we spread out our
a. Lantern Festival started at give are rich in information. Let’s try to organize the following messages, how can we reach all
Pampanga. 2. I feel secured at home. information to come up with a good the people?
b. Lantern Festival in Pampanga 3. Liza and Liezl are my friends. They feature. Modern propaganda uses all the
changed over the years. are identical twins. They (a) All you need are five lemons, media available to spread its
c. Lantern Festival is done only in have the same face, the same height, some water, several cubes of ice, and message including press, radio,
Pampanga. and the same grin. some sugar. television, film, computers, fax
What do we mean by point of view? (b) Do you know how to make machine, poster, meetings,
Or feedback? lemonade? speeches, flags, monument,
Point of View – somebody’s personal (c) If you are going to sell the coins, street names, books, comic
opinion on a subject. lemonade, you will need one table to strip, play, company reports,
Feedback – comments in the form of serve as your lemonade store, many cultural and musical events,
opinions and reactions clean glasses, and at least two sporting events awards and
about something. spoons – one spoon to stir the prizes.
Now, going back to our article, what lemonade and the other, to use for
other point of view can you measuring the sugar
F.Developing Mastery A. Guided Practice Round Robin Draft a simple feature article about Show a sample video clip of
Read the following statements. Given the pictures, make some these topics: propaganda. Have a sneak
Choose the most appropriate comparison and contrast  Remembering Our Loved Ones discussion about it.
point of view by putting a check on the Who Passed Away Suggested video clips : TV
line.  Remembering Andres Bonifacio commercial of airlines, fashion
a. Marcos burial is already set before And His Worth and lifestyle, food and drinks,
the year ends. Many anti- home utilities
Marcos are protesting about the
decision of the Supreme
Court. More so, President Duterte
already gave his go signal
on the said burial.
____ Late Ferdinand Marcos should
not be buried anymore.
____ Marcos’ burial had been a
country’s issue for a long
period of time. It will be resolved then.
b. The use of internet and social media
is no longer anew.
Anyone’s need is just a click away. Yes,
it’s a great help, but
if not used responsibly, anyone can
also be ruined.
_____ Responsible use of internet and
social media should
not be taken for granted.
_____ Internet should be banned now.
B. Independent Practice
Read and understand the article
below. Write your own point of
view in 1-2 sentences.
Due to extreme poverty and hunger,
many children are
engaged in Child Labor. They are
deprived of the child’s lawful
rights because they want to help their
families. Some are
vendors, some are runners for
errands, some are garbage
collectors, some are houseboys and
some tend to beg for alms
to feed their hungry stomachs. What
future awaits for them?
My Point of View
G.Finding Practical application of concepts ACT – IT – OUT In our daily life, do we also make Are you all familiar with a As a student, how do you express
and skills in daily living Point Me The View ! comparison and contrast? newspaper? ( Show one.) yourself? How do you bring out
1. When you see your classmate ( Dig the children’s real – life situational Feature articles are usually found in what you need or what you
wearing an awful dress experiences. ) the newspaper. want?
2. When you find the Periodical Test Examples: choosing the clothes to ( Distribute a newspaper in each Just like in propaganda, we also
so difficult for you. wear, choosing the foods to eat, group. ) express ourselves every day. We
3. When your fantastic photo got a choosing the hairstyle, choosing their With your group, find the feature want to be heard and be paid
thousand views and likes. seatmates, etc… page. Discuss the feature article attention
focusing on the following points :
 What is the feature article all
 What does it convey?
 What kind of feature is it ?
H.Making generalization and abstraction REMEMBER Remember What skill have you learned today ? What is propaganda?
about the lesson Point of View – somebody’s personal Comparison and Contrast means What is a feature article? How does it influence the public
opinion on a subject. examining and How can you write a good feature viewers?
Feedback – comments in the form of analyzing the similarities and article? REMEMBER :
opinions and reactions differences of two person, things, REMEMBER : Propaganda is a form of
about something. animals and events. Feature article is a write-up of persuasion used to influence
The commonly used words that show interesting stories, facts, ideas , people’s attitudes, beliefs and
comparison and people, events and places. It is behaviors
contrast are similarly, both, however, written freely though it also follows
on the other hand, some rules and organizational
different, while,more, better and same pattern
I.Evaluating learning Read and understand the following Ring the sentence that shows Write a feature article about the Tell which video shows a
statements. Pick out the comparison and contrast. given topic. propaganda
appropriate point of view. 1. I want to go to Hongkong “ Empowering Filipino Youth for a
1. Many Filipinos prefer to work Disneyland.I want the blue cap. It is Better Citizenship “
abroad as they usually say “ to different from the other one. Rubrics:
look for greener pasture. “ 2. Baguio City and Tagaytay City are Indicators
____ Many Filipinos work abroad both the summer venues in the Nearing to perfection, with clear and
because they are not happy Philippines. significant ideas, good organization
here in our country. The man in the village is very old. of information
____ Many Filipinos grab the 3. The ampalaya is known to be iron- 85 – meet all the 3 indicators
opportunity to work abroad for rich food. Ampalaya and liver are the 80 – meet only 2 indicators
their family’s good future. same in nutrient content. Both of them 75 – meet only 1 indicator
2. Vehicular accidents are the are rich in iron. 70 - No indicator met
common incidents we often see on 4. Life in the province is simpler and
a TV news program. The incidents more peaceful than life in the city.
happen because some It is nice to live in a province.
drivers or even the pedestrians do not 5. Mother prepares our meal every day.
follow the safety traffic 649 Home-made meals are healthier
rules. than fast - food meals.
_____ Road accidents and mishap
occur due to lack of
discipline among the motorists and
_____ Riding in any vehicle is
3. Kelly John is a transferee. Though
he is, he tries to make new
friends. He plays and spends time with
his new classmates. He
lends his adventurous books to them.
_____ A transferee should please his
classmates all the time.
_____ A transferee should find ways
to feel comfortable in his
new environment.
a. Children love hotdogs, nuggets,
“tsisirya” and fast food
stuffs. But little do they know that
these foods are junk.
That’s why they are called junk foods.
Junk foods are not
good for the children’s health.
_____ Children love junk foods.
_____ Children should be taught that
junk foods are not
good for the health.
4. Loisa is born Catholic. Aisha is a
Muslim. Tessa is
Iglesia ni Cristo. Despite their religious
they can connect to each other. They
are good
friends, actually.
______ It’s good to have friends with
different religion.
______ Having different religion
doesn’t matter in
J.additional activities for application or Group Work Make a comparison and contrast. Find for more samples of feature 1. Watch for other samples of
remediation Conduct an interview with the elders 1. Philippines _____________________ articles propaganda. Be able to tell the
in your community. Jot Middle East countries. message it conveys.
down their point of views regarding 2. Basketball 2. Look for samples of other
one of the following ______________________ volleyball. means of propaganda and tell
topics. 3. Pink color ______________________ their message
Christmas Season : Then and Now red color .
Child Labor 4. Beef __________________________
Marcos Burial at the Heroes Cemetery pork.
Duterte’s Administration 5. Books _________________________
Filipino Traditional Values internet
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to
evaluation next objective. next objective. the next objective. the next objective. the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80%
mastery mastery mastery mastery mastery
B.No.of learners who require additional ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
activities for remediation answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering their
___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in lesson. lesson.
answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson answering their lesson. answering their lesson.
because of lack of knowledge, because of lack of knowledge, because of lack of knowledge, ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the
skills and interest about the skills and interest about the lesson. skills and interest about the lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
lesson. ___Pupils were interested on the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest knowledge, skills and interest
___Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties ___Pupils were interested on the about the lesson. about the lesson.
lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in answering the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested on
encountered in answering the questions asked by the teacher. difficulties encountered in the lesson, despite of some the lesson, despite of some
questions asked by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson answering the questions asked by difficulties encountered in difficulties encountered in
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher. answering the questions asked answering the questions asked
despite of limited resources used the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson by the teacher. by the teacher.
by the teacher. ___Majority of the pupils finished despite of limited resources used ___Pupils mastered the lesson ___Pupils mastered the lesson
___Majority of the pupils finished their work on time. by the teacher. despite of limited resources despite of limited resources
their work on time. ___Some pupils did not finish their ___Majority of the pupils finished used by the teacher. used by the teacher.
___Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary their work on time. ___Majority of the pupils ___Majority of the pupils
work on time due to unnecessary behavior. ___Some pupils did not finish their finished their work on time. finished their work on time.
behavior. work on time due to unnecessary ___Some pupils did not finish ___Some pupils did not finish
behavior. their work on time due to their work on time due to
unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior.

C.Did the remedial work? No.of learners ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
who have caught up with the lesson above above above 80% above 80% above

D.No. of learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
remediation additional activities for remediation additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies worked ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
well? Why did these work? ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught
the lesson lesson the lesson up the lesson up the lesson
F.What difficulties did I encounter which my ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue
principal or supervisor can helpme solve? require remediation require remediation require remediation to require remediation to require remediation
G.What innovation or localized materials did Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
used/discover which I wish to share with ___Metacognitive Development: ___Metacognitive Development: ___Metacognitive Development: ___Metacognitive Development: ___Metacognitive Development:
other teachers? Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, Examples: Self assessments, note
taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, and note taking and studying taking and studying techniques,
vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. techniques, and vocabulary and vocabulary assignments.
___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair- ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair- ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair- assignments. ___Bridging:Examples:Think-
share, quick-writes, and anticipatory share, quick-writes, and anticipatory share, quick-writes, and anticipatory ___Bridging: Examples: Think- pair-share,quick-
charts. charts. charts. pair-share, quick-writes, and writes,andanticipatorycharts.
___Schema-Building: Examples: ___Schema-Building: Examples: ___Schema-Building: Examples: anticipatory charts. __Schema-Building: Examples:
Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, Compare and contrast, jigsaw ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare and contrast, jigsaw
peer teaching, and projects. peer teaching, and projects. learning, peer teaching, and projects. Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and
learning, peer teaching, and projects.
projects. ___Contextualization:
___Contextualization: ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization:
Examples: Demonstrations,
Examples: Demonstrations, media, Examples: Demonstrations, media, Examples: Demonstrations, media, ___Contextualization: media, manipulatives, repetition,
manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and local and local opportunities.
opportunities. opportunities. opportunities. Examples: Demonstrations,
media, manipulatives, repetition, ___Text Representation:
___Text Representation: ___Text Representation:
and local opportunities. Examples: Student created
Examples: Student created drawings, ___Text Representation: Examples: Student created drawings, ___Text Representation: drawings, videos, and games.
videos, and games. videos, and games.
Examples: Student created drawings, Examples: Student created ___Modeling: Examples:
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking videos, and games. ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking
drawings, videos, and games. Speaking slowly and clearly,
slowly and clearly, modeling the slowly and clearly, modeling the modeling the language you want
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking ___Modeling: Examples:
language you want students to use, and language you want students to use, students to use, and providing
providing samples of student work. slowly and clearly, modeling the and providing samples of student Speaking slowly and clearly,
language you want students to use, and samples of student work.
work. modeling the language you want Other Techniques and
providing samples of student work. students to use, and providing
Other Techniques and Strategies Strategies used:
used: Other Techniques and Strategies samples of student work. ___ Explicit Teaching
___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and Strategies used: ___ Group collaboration
___ Group collaboration used: ___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and ___Gamification/Learning throuh
___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Group collaboration Strategies used: play
___ Answering preliminary ___ Group collaboration ___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___ Explicit Teaching ___Answering preliminary
activities/exercises ___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___ Answering preliminary ___ Group collaboration activities/exercises
___ Carousel ___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Carousel
___ Diads activities/exercises ___ Carousel play ___ Diads
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Carousel ___ Diads ___ Answering preliminary ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Diads ___ Differentiated Instruction activities/exercises ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Carousel ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method ___ Diads ___ Lecture Method
Why? ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Differentiated Instruction Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Lecture Method Why? ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials Why? ___ Complete IMs ___ Discovery Method ___Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Complete IMs ___ Availability of Materials ___ Lecture Method ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s ___ Availability of Materials ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn Why? ___ Group member’s
collaboration/cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Group member’s ___ Complete IMs collaboration/cooperation
in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation ___ Availability of Materials in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___Audio Visual Presentatio of the
of the lesson in doing their tasks ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Group member’s lesson
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson collaboration/cooperation
of the lesson in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson

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