Blood Relation 02
Blood Relation 02
Blood Relation 02
46. Amit is brother of Sonia, Jyoti is the sister of lacaf/r gS\
Nikita, Sonia is the daughter of Satish’s fa-
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
ther, Nikita is the daughter of Kavinder, Jyoti
is the mother of Amit[ Mukesh is Nikita’s only (a) Mother's brother/ek¡ dk HkkbZ
sister’s husband. How is Satish related to (b) Maternal Grandmother/ek¡ dk HkkbZ
Kavinder? (c) Sister/cgu
vfer lksfu;k dk HkkbZ gS] T;ksfr fufdrk dh cgu gS] lksfu;k
(d) Mother's Sister/ek¡ dh cgu
lrh'k ds firk dh csVh gSA fufdrk] dfoanj dh csVh gS]49. T;ksfr
j ee
Arsh is Shivam's father and Dhruv is the son
vfer dh ek¡ gSA eqds'k fufdrk dh ,dek=k cgu dk ifr gSA of Bimla. Eshwar is the father of Arsh. If
lrh'k] dfoanj ls fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS\ Shivam is the brother of Dhruv, how is Bimla
related to Eshwar?
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
v'kZ f'koe dk firk gS rFkk /zqo fceyk dk csVk gSA bZ'oj
(a) Grandson/iksrk ;k ukrh
v'kZ dk firk gSA ;fn f'koe /zqo dk HkkbZ gS] rks fceyk d
(b) Son-in-law/nkekn
bZ'oj ls D;k laca/ gS\
(c) Son/csVk
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
(d) Brother/HkkbZ
(a) Daughter-in-law/cgw
ik r
47. A + B means, 'B is the brother of A'/ A + B dk
(b) Mother/ek¡
vFkZ gS]B, A dk HkkbZ gSA
(c) Wife/iRuh
A – B means, 'A is the mother of B;/ A – B dk
(d) Sister-in-law/uun ;k HkkHkh
vFkZ gS]A, B dk ek¡ gSA
50. A + B means, 'B is the Sister of A;/ A + B dk
vFkZ gS]A, B dk ek¡ gSA
(d) Aunt/vkaVh
A ÷ B means, 'B is the son of A;/A ÷ B dk vFkZ gS]
52. There is a family of five members: K, L, M, N
B, A dh iq=k gSA
and O. Among them, there is one married
couple. O is unmarried and is the brother of If, P + R × T – Q ÷ S + U, then how is P related
K, N is the sister of O, M is the only married to S?
female and the mother of N, L and O are the ;fn P + R × T – Q ÷ S + U gS] rksP, S ls fdl izdkj
only males in the group. Who is the father of
j ee
lacaf/r gS\
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)
ikap lnL;ksa
K, L, M, N rFkkO dk ,d ifjokj gSA muesa ls
(a) Father-in-law/llqj
,d fookfgr tksM+kOgSAvfookfgr gS rFkk
K dk HkkbZN,gSA
(b) Maternal grandfather/ukuk
O dh cgu gSA M ,dek=k fookfgr efgyk gSN rFkk
dh ek¡
(c) Paternal Grandfather/ukuk
gSA lewg esa dsoy
L vkSjO gh iq#"k gSaA
K dk firk dkSu gS\
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) (d) Uncle/vady
(a) O (b) M 56. A + B means, 'A is the father of B;/ A + B dk
(c) K (d) L vFkZ gS]
A, B dk firk gSA
ik r
53. Pointing to the photograph of Sanchi, Nitin A – B means, 'A is the, sister of B;/ A – B dk
said, "Her mother's son's wife is my mother-
vFkZ gS]
A, B dh cgu gSA
in-law's only daughter". How is Nitin related
to Sanchi's mother? A × B means, 'A is the brother of B;/A × B dk
lk¡ph dh rLohj dh rjiQ b'kkjk djrs gq,] fufru us dgk]vFkZ gS] A, B dk HkkbZ gSA
54. A + B means, 'A is the Mother of B;/ A + B dk (a) Brother/HkkbZ (b) Son/csVk
vFkZ gS]
A, B dh ek¡ gSA (c) Husband/ ifr (d) Daughter/csVh
A – B means, 'A is the brother of B;/ A – B dk 57. A + B means, 'A is the husband of B;/ A + B dk
vFkZ gS]
A, B dk HkkbZ gSA vFkZ gS]
A, B dh ifr gSA
A × B means, 'A is the father of B;/A × B dk vFkZ A – B means, 'A is the, wife of B;/ A – B dk vFkZ
If, P – K × Y – J ÷ S + R, then which of the A ÷ B means, 'B is the son of A;/A ÷ B dk vFkZ gS]
following statements is NOT correct? B, A dh iq=k gSA
;fn P – K × Y – J ÷ S + R gS] rks fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu
If, W × R × J – S ÷ V + L, then which of the
lk dFku lgh ugha gS\ following statements is NOT correct?
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) ;fn W × R × J – S ÷ V + L gS] rks fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu
(a) P is paternal uncle of R/J, P dh csVh gSA lk dFku lgh ugha gS\
(b) J is daughter of P/J, P dh csVh gSA CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) V is the father-in-law of J/V, J dk llqj gSA (c) Paternal Grandfather/nknk
(b) L is the wife of V./L, V dh iRuh gSA (d) Maternal Grandfather/ukuk
(c) L is the mother-in-law of S/L, S dh lkl gSA 61. A + B means, 'A is the father of B;/ A + B dk
(d) W is the maternal grandmother of J/W, J vFkZ gS]
A, B dk firk gSA
dh ukuh gSA A × B means, 'A is the, brother of B;/ A × B dk
58. A + B means, 'A is the mother of B;/ A + B dk vFkZ gS]
A, B dk HkkbZ gSA
vFkZ gS]
A, B dh ek¡ gSA A ÷ B means, 'A is the sister of B;/A ÷ B dk vFkZ
A – B means, 'A is the, husband of B;/ A – B dk gS]A, B dh cgu gSA
vFkZ gS]
A, B dk ifr gSA Which of the following expressions measn 'H
A × B means, 'A is the son of B;/A × B dk vFkZ gS] is the paternal grandson of P'?
A, B dk csVk gSA fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl lehdj.k dk vFkZ gSH, fd
P dk
A ÷ B means, 'A is the daughter of B;/A ÷ B dk iksrk gS\
vFkZ gS]
A, B dh csVh gSA CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) H + K + D × P ÷ M
j ee
If, W × Z + Y ÷ X, then how is X related to Z?
(b) D + H + K × M ÷ P
;fn W × Z + Y ÷ X gS] rks
X, Z ls fdl izdkj lacafèkr gS\ (c) P + K + D ÷ H × M
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) (d) P + K + D × H ÷ M
(a) Daughter/csVh (b) Son/csVk 62. A – B means, 'A is the sister of B;/ A – B dk vFkZ
(c) Wife/iRuh (d) Husband/ifr gS]A, B dh cgu gSA
59. A – B means, 'A is the Mother of B;/ A – B dk A × B means, 'A is the, husband of B;/ A × B
vFkZ gS]
A, B dh ek¡ gSA dk vFkZ gS]A, B dk ifr gSA
A × B means, 'A is the, sister of B;/ A × B dk A ÷ B means, 'A is the Son of B;/A ÷ B dk vFkZ gS]
ik r
vFkZ gS]
A, B dh cgu gSA A, B dk csVk gSA
A ÷ B means, 'A is the Daughter of B;/A ÷ B dk If, Y × M – T – Z ÷ L × U, then how is U related
vFkZ gS]
A, B dh csVh gSA to Y?
Which of the following expressions means 'U ;fn Y × M – T – Z ÷ L × U, gS] rks
U, Y ls fdl izdkj
60. A + B means, 'B is the Daughter of A;/ A + B mother is my wife's daughter's mother's
dk vFkZ gS]
B, A dh csVh gSA mother-in-law". How is Rajeev related to
A – B means, 'B is the, sister of A;/ A – B dk Akansha?
vFkZ gS]
B, A dh cgu gSA vkdka{kk uke dh ,d yM+dh dh rLohj dh vksj b'kkjk djrs
A × B means, 'B is the husband of A;/A × B dk gq,] jktho us dgk] ^^mldh csVh ds firk dh iRuh dh ek¡
vFkZ gS]
B, A dk ifr gSA esjh iRuh dh csVh dh ek¡ dh lkl gSA jktho] vkdka{kk ls
A ÷ B means, 'A is the father of B;/A ÷ B dk vFkZ fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS\
gS]A, B dk firk gSA CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
Re a
gS]A, B dh iRuh gSA lacaf/r gS\
A × B means, 'A is the Daughter of B;/A × B dk CHSL 2019 19/3/20(Morning)
(a) Son/ csVk (b) Father/firk
vFkZ gS]A, B dh csVh gSA
A ÷ B means, 'A is the Son of B;/A ÷ B dk vFkZ gS] (c) Husband/ifr (d) Brother/HkkbZ
70. Pointing to the photograph of Amit, Gagan
A, B dk csVk gSA
Said, 'His sister's mother's husband is my
If, J × K + L ÷ M, then how is M related to J?
j ee
daughter's mother's husband's father. How is
;fn J × K + L ÷ M gS] rksM, J ls fdl izdkj lacafèkr gS\ Amit related to Gagan?
CHSL 2019 17/3/20 (Afternoon) vfer dh rLohj dh rjiQ b'kkjk djrs gq, xxu us dgk]
(a) Mother/ek¡ (b) Father/firk ^^bldh cgu dh ek¡ ds ifr esjh csVh dh ek¡ ds ifr ds firk
(c) Brother/HkkbZ (d) Sister/cgu gSA** vfer xxu ls fdl izdkj laacaf/r gS\
66. Sheela intriduced Rahul saying, "His sister is
the single daughter of my mother". How are
Rahul and Sheela related to each other?
'khyk us jkgqy dk ifjp; nsrs gq, dgk] ^^bldh cgu esjh ek¡
CHSL 2019 19/3/20(Afternoon)
(a) Nephew/Hkrhtk
(b) Maternal Uncle/ekek
ik r
(c) Father/firk
dh bdykSrh csVh gSA** jkgqy vkSj 'khyk ,d nwljs ls fdl
(d) Brother/HkkbZ
izdkj lacaf/r gS\ 71. Himmat is the husband of Kavit. Sharda is
CHSL 2019 18/3/20 (Morning) the daughter of Ravi whose wife is Ketaki,
(a) Unclle-Niece/pkpk&Hkrhth Kavita is Shraddha's sister. How is Ravi re-
in the mother of C. The relation of B with D is: of A, then how is J related to Y?
B, A dk bdykSrk iq=k C,gSA A, C dh ek¡ gSA ;fn A, B dh ek¡ gS%
D dh ek¡ gSA X, Y dk firk gSa_
H J dk HkkbZ L,gS_
B vkSjD ds fcp D;k lEcU/ gSA Y ds firk dk HkkbZ B,gS_
L dh cgy gS vkSj
J, A dk ifr
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening) gS] rks
J, Y ls fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS\
(a) Paternal Uncle/iSr`d pkpk CHSL 2019 14/10/20 (Morning)
(b) Father/firk (a) Son-in-law/nkekn
(c) Maternal Uncle/ekr` pkpk
j ee
(b) Paternal Gran/d
(d) Brother/HkkbZ (c) Nephew/Hkrhtk
75. A × B means' A is the wife of B;/A × B dk vFkZ (d) Son/iq=k
A, B dh choh gSA 79. Introducing Shikha, Arvind said, "The only
A ÷ B means A is the father of B;/A ÷ B dk vFkZ
daughter of her mother is my son's wife". How
A, B dk firk gSA is Arvind related to Shikha?
Which of the following expressions means 'R f'k[kk dk ifjp; nsrs gq, vjfoUn us dgk] ^^bldh ek¡ dh
is the paternal grandfather of S'? bdykSrh csVh esjs csVs dh iRuh gSA** vjfoUn f'k[kk ls
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl vfHkO;fDr dk'R,vFkZ
S dk ukuk
ik r
izdkj lacaf/r gS\
gSA* ls gS\ CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
CHSL 2019 13/10/20 (Morning) (a) Father-in-law/llqj
(a) J × S ÷ R × U (b) Uncle/pkpk
(b) S ÷ U × J ÷ R
(c) Father/firk
(c) R ÷ J ÷ S × U
(d) S × U × R ÷ J (d) Mother/ek¡
76. A + B means, 'A is the Mother of B;/ A + B dk 80. A is husband of M who is sister-in-law of N, N
vFkZ gS]A, B dh ek¡ gSA is daughter of R and U, M is daughter-in-law
of U. How A is related to U?
A – B means, 'A is the, sister of B;/ A – B dk
A, M dk ifr gS tks dhN dh HkkHkh N,gSA
R vkSjU dh
vFkZ gS]A, B dh cgu gSA
A × B means, 'A is the Son of B;/A × B dk vFkZ
csVh gS]
M, U dh cgq gSA A, U ls fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS\
gS]A, B dk csVk gSA CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
ni n
(c) Wife/iRuh
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(d) Maternal Grandmother/ukuh
(a) Mother-in-law/lkl
77. Pointing to a picture of Rajiv, a lady Neena
said, "His sister's father is the only son of my (b) Paternal Grandmother/nknh
father-in-law." How is Neena related to Rajiv? (c) Maternal Grandmother/ukuh
jktho dh rjiQ b'kkjk djrs gq, uhuk ds dgk] ^^bldh cgu(d) Maternal aunt/ekeh
ds firk esjs llqj ds bdykSrs csVs gSaA** uhuk jktho ls fdl is the relation of Ramesh with his
82. What
izdkj lacaf/r gS\ mother's son-in-law's wife's sister?
jes'k dk viuh ek¡ ds nkekn dh o/q dh cgu ls D;k lEcU/87.
gS\Anita is the sister of Babita and Dharmendar
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) is the brother of Sushma. If Sushma is the
sister of Anita, then how is Babita related to
(a) Husband/ifr
(b) Brother/HkkbZ
vuhrk cfcrk dh cgu gS vkSj /esZanj 'kq"ek dk HkkbZ gSA vxj
(c) Father/firk
'kq"ek vuhrk dh cgu gS] rks cfcrk 'kq"ek ls fdl izdkj
(d) Father-in-law/lklqj
83. Pointing to the photograph of a boy, Vikas said,
lEcaf/r gS\
"His father's mother, Sunitha, is my wife's SSC CHSL 19/10/20(Morning)
sister's mother. How is Sunitha related to (a) Brother/HkkbZ
Vikas? (b) Information is incomplete/lwpuk viw.kZ
,d yM+ds dh rLohj dh rjiQ b'kkjk djrs gq, fodkl us (c) Aunt/vkaVh
dgk] ^^blds firk dh ek¡ lquhrk] esjh iRuh dh cgu dh ek¡
(d) Sister/cgu
gSA** lquhrk fodkl ls fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS\ 88. Introducing a boy, Ritika said, 'This is the son
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) of the only son of my father'. So how is Ritika
(a) Mother-in-law/lkl
j ee
related to that boy's mother?
(b) Maternal Grandmother/ukuh ,d yM+ds ls ifjp; djkrs gq, fjfrdk us dgk ^;g esjs firk
(c) Maternal aunt/ekeh ds bdykSrs iq=k dk iq=k gSA rks fjfrdk dk ml yM+ds dh ek¡
(d) Mother/ek¡ ls D;k laca/ gS\
84. When Laxmi saw Mahesh, she said, "He is the SSC CHSL 19/10/20(Afternoon)
son of the father-in-law of the father of my (a) Aunt/cqvk
daughter". How is Mahesh related to Laxmi?
(b) Sister/cgu
tc y{eh esa egs'k dks ns[kks] mlus dgk] ^^;g esjh csVh ds
gS\ sister-in-law/uun
firk ds llqj dk csVk gSA** egs'k y{eh ls fdl izdkj lacafèkr(c)
ik r
(d) cousin/ekSlsjh cgu
SSC CHSL 16/10/20(Morning)
89. A and B are brother of C. B is the son of D and
(a) Brother/HkkbZ
E. D is the daughter of F. P is the father-in-
(b) Son/csVk law of E. Q is the son of F. How is A related to P?
(c) Maternal uncle/ekek A vkSjB, C ds HkkbZ B,gSA
D vkSjE dk iq=k gSA
D, F dh
SSC CHSL 16/10/20(Afternoon) 90. G is the grandfather of S. B has only two sons
(a) Nephew/Hkrhtk E and F. A and B are the only sons of G. Who
(b) Father/firk is the father of S?
(c) Causin/ppsjs HkkbZ G, S dk nknk gSA B ds dsoy nks csVs E vkSj
gS F, G ds
(d) Mohan himself/eksgu dsoy nks csVsA gS
vkSjB. S dk firk dkSu gS\
86. Between the siblings A and B, one is a brother SSC CHSL 20/10/20(Afternoon)
and the other a sister. B is the son of X. X is (a) F (b) B
Y's husband and O's brother. How is A related (c) E (d) A
Re a
SSC CHSL 26/10/20(Morning)
fot; dh csVh gSA lfjrk jksfgr dh lklq ek¡ gSA gjh'k pUnj
(a) Brother/HkkbZ (b) Father/firk
t; ds firk gS vkSj lfjrk fot; dh iRuh gSA fot; vkSj
(c) Son/iq=k (d) Son-in-law/nkekn
lfjrk ds dsoy nks csfV;ka gSA jksfgr fot; ls fdl 96.
If A is the brother of B, C is the father of D, F
laacaf/r gS\ is the daughter of E, L is the brother of D's
SSC CHSL 21/10/20(Morning) father, B is the sister of L and E is the wife of
(a) Son/csVk C, then how is F related to A?
j ee
(b) Father/firk ;fn A, B dk HkkbZC,gS] D dk firk gS]F, E csVh gS]
(c) Brother/HkkbZ D ds firk dk HkkbZ B,gS]
L dh cgu gS vkSj
E, C dh iRuh
(d) Son-in-law/nkekn gSA rks
F, A ls fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS\
93. Introducing a boy, I said, "His mother is the SSC CHSL 26/10/20(Afternoon)
only daughter of my mother in law". How am I (a) Aunt/pkph
related to the boy? (b) Daughter in law/cgq
,d yM+ds dk ifjp; djkrs gq, eSus dgk] ^^bldh ek¡ esjh
(c) Sister/cgu
lklq ek¡ dh bdykSrh csVh gSA** esa ml yM+ds ls fdl (d)izdkj
ik r
lacaf/r gw¡\ 97. Seeing a portrait, Rucha asked Seema, "Whose
SSC CHSL 21/10/20(Afternoon) portrait is this?". Seema replied, "Her son is
(a) Brother/HkkbZ the father of my daughter". Whose portrait is
(b) Father/firk it?
(c) Brother-in-law/thtkth ,d rLohj dks ns[krs gq, #pk lhek ls iwNrh gS] ^^;g rLohj
(d) Nephew/Hkrhtk fdldh gS\** lhek us dgk] ^^bldk csVk esjh csVh dk firk
94. Pointing to Rehan, Rukhsana said, "His pa- gSA** rLohj fdldh gS\
lacaf/r gS\
Re a