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International School

Capstone Project Test Plan

CMU-CS450 Capstone Project I

Test Plan Document

Version: 1.1



Submitted by

Khai, Tran Dinh

Duc, Nguyen Tan
Thuy, Pham Thanh

Approved by

Tuan, Nguyen Kim

Proposal Review Panel Representative:

Name Signature Date

Capstone Project 1- Mentor:

Name Signature Date


Project Acronym AMLIDPW

Project Title Apply Machine Learning In Detecting Phishing Websites
Start Date 12/08/2020 End Date 05/12/2020
Lead Institution International School, Duytan University
Project Mentor Nguyen Kim Tuan
Scrum master / Khai, Tran Dinh
Project Leader & Email: khaitran9499@gmail.com
contact details
Tel: 0707375015
Project Web
Team members Name Email Tel
1 Duc, Nguyen Tan nguyentanduc259@gmail.com 0935684175
2 Thuy, Pham Thanh btpham99@gmail.com 0905562806


Version Date Comments Author Approval

1.0 01/11/2020 Initial Release C1NE.03
1.1 05/11/2020 Update C1NE.03
Table of Contents
1. Purpose: 4
2. Scope: 4
3. References: 5
1. Test Outline: 5
2. Test Strategy: 5
3. Test Type: 5
3.1. Unit Test: 5
3.2. Functional Test: 6
3.3. Configuration Test: 6
3.4. Acceptance Test: 6
4. Test Tools: 7
5. Technical Inspection (Equipment and Hardware): 7
6. Pass/Fail Condition: 7
1.Scenario 1 : Detecting legimate website. 8
2.Scenario 2 : Detecting phishing website. 8
3.Result evaluation: 8

Figure 1: Network Diagram

This document is the Test Plan for the AMLIDPW System project, presented by Quality
Assurance. It describes the testing strategy and approach to testing QA will use to validate the
quality of this product prior to release. It also contains the various resources needed to
successfully complete this project.

1. Purpose:
- The purpose of this document is to describe what the system should do such as specific
functionality, nonfunctional features and constraints.
- Describing the cyber security system which is called Apply Machine Learning In
Detecting Phishing Websites.
- Evaluation system: test,attitude of user.

2.  Scope:
- Planning requirements management: collect required by the group to collect the
requirements to take this job, reporting requirements, test requirements, remove carpet,
Mehrad Italian survey requirements experts.
- Collect required: determine the required needs to collect, the wishes of you involved.
Provide the basis for the complete product to create malformed add to the project.
- Scopes of the project:
● The system should be useful in many e-commercial websites for maintaining the
security and reliability of customers and people online.
● The system should be useful in preventing online frauds leading to leakage of
important and private user data.
● The scope of using Machine Language over other Traditional Detecting

3. References:

No. References Document Information Note

User Stories This document provides a user story and a goal-oriented

Document perspective of the AMLIDPW Project.

Sprint Backlog A list of tasks determined by the Scrum Team to be

Document completed in each sprint.


1. Test Outline:
- Unit test.
- Functional test.
- Configuration test.
- Acceptance test.

2. Test Strategy:
- The test strategy presented is the method for testing the system.
- Test requirements must describe what should be tested; Test strategy outlines the ways that
are used for testing.
- In this section, techniques and standards for assessment are the main focus of attention.

3. Test Type:

3.1. Unit Test:

● Unit testing is a procedure used to determine if the source code (units) of software is
working properly.
● Unit testing is done by the developers.
Test Objectives Make sure the source code works without errors, is working fine.

All functions, methods, processes, and classes are subjected to testing to

Technique ensure there are no risks and must be carefully tested and made sure that
any minor errors are not ignored.

Completion Debugging with no errors.

Criteria All functions, methods, classes, and procedures are 100%.


3.2. Functional Test:

Functional testing will be performed to verify all functional requirements have been met
successfully. This will be done through black box testing.

Test Objectives Verify system functional requirements.

Use the Black Box test.

Design test case to perform functional test.
Based on user stories to create test cases for the functional system:

Technique ● Build Login Interface for Admin.

● Build Change Password for Admin.
● Build Register Interface  for Admin.
● Build Add Lecturers  for Admin.
● Build Update Lecturers for Admin.
● Build Remove Lecturers  for Admin.
● Build View Lecturers  for Admin.
All of the following have been tested successfully:
Completion Criteria
● All major use cases.
● All main features.
Special Considerations

3.3. Configuration Test:

Test Configuration Verify that the test target works correctly under different software
configurations and interacts with different software.
Accurately verify the test target functionality on different platforms
Test Objectives
and in different configurations.

Execute unrelated software on the same platform as the test objective

to verify no side effects.

Oracles Test target behavior.

This technique requires the following tools:

Required tools ● Restore and restore the base configuration.
● Install monitoring tools (registry, hard disk, CPU, memory,
Completion Test target works as expected, and non-test target software works as
Criteria expected.


3.4. Acceptance Test:

Please refer to the Check Acceptance attached in the documentation.

4. Test Tools:
Activities Tools Company

Manage test
Excel Microsoft

Project management Slack, Trello, GitHub Slack Technologies, Atlassian, Microsoft

5. Technical Inspection (Equipment and Hardware):

Purpose Tools Description Version

Command 20.2.4
Pip Command Check version of Libraries

Command 3.8.6
Python Command Check version of Python

6. Pass/Fail Condition:
A test case will have the script action, the condition, the input value, and the expected result.
● If the result of the test case is sequentially as the input is provided, the result is correct
with the expected result => Pass.
● If the result is failed, or differs from expected result => Fail.


In conclusion, Smart Assistant will be a great system supporting basic tasks in the
international Training Office quickly and effectively.

Role Assigned to Responsibility

Provide management supervision for the project.

Scrum Duc,
Master Nguyen Tan Define control points for error handling.
● Acquire the right resources for testing.
● Provide management reports.

Provide management supervision for testing. Ensures that the

identified testing activities are traceable to the defined
functional / business requirements.
Thuy, Pham ● Determine the requirements for and establish the image of
Thanh the developed test environment.
Tester ● System / function test, integration and system.
Khai, Tran ● Test management.
Dinh ● Test planning.
● Evaluation and coordination of testing strategies.
● Define control points for error handling.
● Acquire the right resources for testing.
● Provide management reports.


1.Scenario 1 : Detecting legitimate websites.

● Prepare :Kali linux,python version 3.8.6
● Implement :
o Step 1:enable the tool and python version 3.8.6 into the file's installed directory

o Step 2: execute file run.py .

o Step 3:Enter Url and check if percent of math algorithm up 50% will be a
legitimate website based on the indicators that we set out to compare and check it.

2.Scenario 2 : Detecting phishing websites.

● Prepare :Kali linux,python version 3.8.6
● Implement :
o Step 1:enable the tool and python version 3.8.6 into the file's installed directory

o Step 2: execute file run.py.

o Step 3:Enter Url and check if percent of math algorithms under 50% will be
phishing websites based on the indicators that we set out to compare and check.

3.Result evaluation:
- Advantage :
● After testing we assure you that our system is in good working order.
● The fake website took a shorter time to identify compared to other web
● Using the random forest algorithm helps it find the answer faster than other
- Disadvantage : 
● The algorithm is still less functional and the interface is quite simple.
● In addition, learning the algorithm has many obstacles and takes a lot of time, so
you do not avoid errors in the operation and will fix it in capstone 2.

Phishing is one of the most popular online attack techniques. Although the email filtering
tools of popular email services are quite effective at filtering fake messages, users still need to be
careful and take measures to protect their information. Be careful of emails asking for your
sensitive or private information. If possible, always look for another method of communication
so that you can confirm the sender and the request is legitimate. Don't click on the links in the
email about the privacy scenarios and navigate to the site yourself using your browser, and check
if the URLs start with the HTTPS protocol. Finally, be especially cautious about cryptocurrency
transactions as there is no way to reverse them, if the seller doesn't do their part in the
transaction. Always keep your private keys and passwords private and never take too much
confidence in something.

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