Treponema Pallidum: Microbiology
Treponema Pallidum: Microbiology
Treponema Pallidum: Microbiology
Spirochaetaceae Family
• Sexual contact
Treponema pallidum gram stain results in a very weak stain. So, silver
impregnation technique is one of the most traditional techniques of
viewing Treponema species.
T. pallidum penetrates the mucosal lining and attaches itself to the host
cell. Following adherence, it multiplies itself and start to disseminate
through blood and into distant organs.
Due to the presence of an outer agent inside the body, cell mediated
immunity comes into action. This action results in the
formation of lesions.
Treatment of Choice for Treponema Pallidum
• Brachyspira aalborgi
• Brachyspira hominis