Jenkins Notes

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« Jenkins is an open-source project written in Java, that runs on Windows, macOS, and
other Unix-like OS. Itis a free community supported and might be your first choice tool for CI
(Continuous Integration).
« Jenkins automates the entire software development life cycle.
« Jenkins was originally developed by Sun Microsystem in 2004 under the name Hudson.
« The project was later named Jenkins when oracle bought Microsystems.
« It can run on any major platform without any compatibility issues.

« Wherever developers write code, we integrate all that code and then build, test, and
deliver/deploy to the client. This process is called CIICD.

« Because of Cl, bugs will be reported fast and get rectified fast: So the entire software development
happens fast.

@ Workflow of Jenkins

« We can attach Git, Maven, Selenium, and Artfactory plugins to Jenkins.

« Once developers put code in GitHub, Jenkins pulls that code and sends it to Maven for Build or
other build tools.

« Once the build is done, Jenkins pulls that code and sends it to Selenium for testing.

+ Once testing is done, Jenkins wil pull that code and send it to Artifactory as per requirement.

« We can also deploy with Jenkins,

@ Advantages of Jenkins

« It has a lot of plugins available.

« You can write your plugin.

« You can use community plugins.

« Jenkins is not just a tool. Itis a framework, i.e. you can do whatever you want. All you need is just

« We can attach slaves (nodes) to Jenkins's master. It instructs others (slaves) to do Jobs. If slaves are
not available, Jenkins itself does the Job.

« Jenkins also behaves as a Cron Server replacement, i.e- can do the scheduled task.

« It can create Labels.

@ What is Node

« A machine that is part of the Jenkins environment and capable of executing Pipelines or jobs. Both
the Controller and Agents

are considered to be Nodes.

@ What is Node
« A machine that is part of the Jenkins environment and capable of executing Pipelines or jobs. Both
the Controller and Agents

are considered to be Nodes.

@ What is an Agent in Jenkins

« An agent is typically a machine, or container, which connects to a Jenkins controller and executes
tasks when directed by the


@ What is Pipeline - A pipeline is a collection of steps or jobs which are interlinked with one another
in a sequence.

Declarative: Declarative is a more recent and advanced implementation of a pipeline as a code.

Scripted: Scripted was the first and most traditional implementation of the pipeline as a code in
Jenkins. It was designed as a

general-purpose DSL (Domain Specific Language) built with Groovy.

Install Jenkins

Best site: hitps://

Update Your Ubuntu

-$ sudo apt update

Install java

-$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre

Add Keys

wget -q -0 - |sudo gpg --dearmor -o


sudo sh -c ‘echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins.gpg]

binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins

Update packages again |

sudo apt update

Install Jenkins

sudo apt install jenkins

Check Jenkins status |

sudo systemctl status jenkins

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