Hotel Management System: International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Hotel Management System: International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Hotel Management System: International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
This project examines the aspect of the hospitality industry which is Hotel management. In the 21 st century the use of
the internet, computers and other electronic devices have made handling different jobs and aspects of management very
easy. This project is the design and implementation of an electronic hotel management system that provides proper
management of data and transactions in a centralized and organized manner and also provides a user friendly interface
with which the user can interact easily with the just little or elementary knowledge of operating computers.
This project is designed to create a platform that allows both the user and administrator to keep track of transactions like
room reservations, room booking, financial administration of the hotel, staff record keeping, online reservation and
other day to day activities involved in the running and management of a hotel. The implementation is based on the
requirements for a hotel management system. The project work is divided into five major categories which are; Front
Desk, Accommodation, Catering, Finance & Account and Personnel Staff Record (Human resource management).
This project accomplished the task of building a system that ensures accurate record maintenance which was done
through proper identification of customers and the proper designation of user functions with most of the processes being
done automatically. An electronic hotel management information system is required to assist management of data in the
hospitality industry and also to make the entire hotel management process easier.
The project was designed with the use of Microsoft visual Studio which is an integrated development environment made
by Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with windows form
application websites. The database system was created using Microsoft SQL server (MSSQL).
Keywords: Hotel Management System, Modules, Enterprise resource planner, Hotelogix
The aim of the proposed system is to provide solutions to the problems stated above and help the user to manage the
hotel effectively and efficiently through:
Adequate Record Keeping :To eliminate manual record keeping and install an electronic record keeping thereby
ensuring adequate record of transactions are kept. This ensures a centralized system where all necessary data and
information can easily be accessed, Tracked, and monitored
Reduced Incidence of Fraud : The program is envisaged to reduce the incidence of fraud both by staff and outsiders
through proper record keeping, tracking and monitoring of transaction operations in the organization.
Maximum Accountability: To Instill accountability in the process of management in the hotel organization by not
only reducing incidence of fraud, but also eliminate wastages.
Provide Data Security: The study will install security measures by providing different access levels to various staff.
Effective Resource Management: The Human Resource module (HR) and Finance & Account (F&A) module will
enable effective utilization of financial and human resources by comparing the accounts receivable with the account
payable and complete record of personnel through the nominal roll module will enhance staff deployment and
Increased Profit Line for The Organization: when there is reduced incidence of fraud this and proper management of
resources this will enable increased profit line for the organization
Reduced Time Consumption: A good search algorithm will be implemented on the web application to enhance the
search facility whereby users of the system can search for all kinds of data using various criteria.
The system can be handy to the user in the following ways:
To automatize the work such as gathering information, gathering Hotel Staff information, Workers’ roster, food
ordering and Hotel administration in general.
To atomize different types of reports.
Removal of Data Redundancy.
To create a centralized system where all necessary data and information can be accessed easily.
The study is focused on the critical operations carried out within the hotel administrative system. These major
operations include
Front-desk operations (customer management, room allocation, cashier posting)
Accommodation (Hotel room management, staff schedules, inventory).
Assets management (Fixed, Floating asset).
Staff record Management.
Restaurant & Bar operation.
Staff payroll (Pay slip).
Accounts Receivable &Payable.
The goals are achieved based on ability of the computer to store large amounts of data which is very useful to store
information regarding the transactions of Sacoba Hotel. The study is limited to the following:
RECEPTION MODULE: The Reception module covers all the customer allocation and booking with the sub-fields
(Customer Details, Room Allocation, and Cashier Posting).
ACCOMODATION MODULE: The Accommodation covers all Room Maintenance, Housekeeping Schedules and
room inventory.
FINANCE & ACCOUNT: Covers the staff payroll, assets register, accounts receivable and accounts payable.
CATERING MODULE: Covers the food ordering maintenance and bar transactions.
ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL SERVICES: Covers Personnel staff record keeping and the stores with
As earlier mentioned the project study covers Reception, accommodation, finance and account, catering, food ordering,
administrative, security, and general services transactions in the Hotel management.
However the project has limitations based on these facts
The “finance and account” aspect of the HMIS will not capture the budget function; it only captures the accounts
receivables and accounts payable.
Another limitation of the system is that customer’s signature will not be captured. This process might make
procedures cumbersome, which is what the study hopes to eliminate; however it captures full details of the
The system does not have an online payment option on the online room reservation menu.
The system is not designed to run off-line.
Due to time constraints certain fields were not included; the software was therefore reduced to covering critical
aspect of hotel management.
These limitations were encountered in the course of the study, and appropriate techniques have been applied to ensure
the system functions properly thereby eliminates the “stale mate”
This section involves Area of study, the data quality controls provided for the study. It also illustrates how the data was
analyzed and presented.
Visual Basic revolves around ready-made objects and it is event-driven that is all the activities in a program are
triggered by one event or another. Each object has its own properties, determining its size, colour, appearance and
nature of its text and much more. Each object also has its own event-Handling procedures. Visual basic also handles
images, menus, dialog boxes, drive and directory list and much more. The application will be web-based using the
ASP.NET platform to eliminate system compatibility issues, and ensure it run on all systems provided with web-
MS-SQL is used as the backend where Customer Record and Transactions are stored. It serves as the Database.
To do this, a proper search algorithm must be incorporated; the method involves using specific search criterion to select
information from sources. The overall methods which are used while gathering information are:
1. Interviewing
2. Record Inspection
3. Observation
In the literature review we consider and examine the work done by other scholars and researchers who have broached
on this particular topic (Hotel Management System)
Technology has made a considerable impact on the Hospitality industry in recent years and will continue to do so with
the increasing use of computer, controlled equipment and the growth of information technology in general” (Jones and
Lockwood, 1989, p.6) Really in the last two decades, technology has become far more advanced and far more widely
used throughout all types of industry. The tourism and hospitality industry is no exception. Indeed, many tourism and
leisure establishments rely on technological systems for the vast majority of their operations.
They use a range of computer programs from everything to bookings, communications, security and payments. If a
hospitality establishment does not use some sort of advanced technological system in its operations, it is deemed to be
out of date and disorganized. Indeed, James Bardi begins to outline the importance of these programs by claiming that
“a well-organized reservation system allows hotels to ensure a steady flow of guests into their
properties”. Furthermore, “Profitable business ventures rely on effective marketing, which includes reviewing people
who require hotel products and services, determining their specific needs, developing products and services that meet
those needs, and making a profit on the sale of those products and services” (Bardi, 2010).
Part of the reason why hotels utilize technological systems in their operations is because it keeps them up to date in
terms of where they are placed in the market. It makes work easier for staff members, allowing them to work more
efficiently and taking away time consuming activities which can be carried out by the technology. In some hotels, the
utilization of technological systems mean that fewer staff members are needed and this saves considerable costs. For
others, especially luxury hotels, this is not the case but it means that the staff can be free to attend to customers on a
more personal basis, thus upholding high standards. Therefore, it is understandable that 5 star hotels must ensure that
they employ the most advanced technology available. This is because their priority is maintaining their position and
status as a luxury brand, rather than cutting costs, which would be more of a priority for budget hotels which cater to a
lower end market. Therefore luxury tourist establishments rely on top quality technological systems.
It is clear that technology used in hospitality establishments it is also used to make customers’ lives more convenient.
Peacock notes “automated hospitality enterprises will become an increasing feature of the industry, particularly at the
budget end of the market, but the main use of information technology will be in enhancing customer service, rather than
The system must make the hotel services fully known to the customer such as the room details and pricing.
The system must be able to search databases or records to provide quick result based on users query.
The system should ensure data consistency and no duplication of data no matter how small.
The system must be accessed only by authorized persons and should indicate the user at any point in time (User
Manager Admin
Catering/ Food
Finance &
Admin &Gen.
Front Desk / Reception Accommodation Catering Finance & Accounts Admin & General Services
Customer Information
Add Hotel Room Food Ordering Schedule Staff Payroll System Personnel Staff Record
Housekeeping Schedule
Cashier Posting Accounts Payable
The following are the necessary hardware requirements necessary for the proper implementation of the Hotel
Management Information System:
A 32-bit 2.2GHz processor
Windows Xp and upwards operating system
Web Browser (internet explorer recommended)
1 GB RAM processor
Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. It involves
careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on implementation, design of methods to
achieve the changeover, an evaluation of change over methods. Apart from planning major task of preparing the
implementation are education and training of users. The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the
implementation of the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried out, discussions made regarding the
Asset Maintenance
This comprises of fixed asset maintenance; the coordination and maintenance of all assets which cannot be easily
converted into cash and floating asset maintenance; care and coordination of movable assets.