United States Patent (19) : (11) - Patent Number: 45 Date of Patent

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United States Patent (19) (11). Patent Number: 5,247,341

Kurachi et al. 45 Date of Patent: Sep. 21, 1993
(54) LENSMETER FOR AUTOMATICALLY 2934263A1 3/1981 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
MEASURING OPTICAL CHARACTERSTC 3223438A1 3/1983 Fed. Rep. of Germany.
75) Inventors: Mikio Kurachi, Aichi; Toshiaki DE-Buch: Pancove, J. I.: Display Devices, Springer
Mizuno, Gamagori; Hirokatsu Verlage Berlin 1980, S.VII-XII.
Obayashi, Aichi, all of Japan Prospekt Topcon Computerized lensmeter CL-1000,
73) Assignee: Nidek Co., Ltd., Gamagori, Japan der Fa. Topcon Deutschland. 4156 Willich, im DPA
(21) Appl. No.: 727,738 eingg. Mar. 26, 1990.
22) Filed: Jul. 10, 1991 Primary Examiner-Richard A. Rosenberger
Assistant Examiner-Hoa Q. Pham
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Nikaido, Marmelstein,
Jul. 11, 1990 (JP) Japan. 2-183516 Murray & Oram
Jul. 19, 1990 JP Japan .................................. 2-190983 (57) ABSTRACT
51) Int. Cl................................................. G01B.9/00 An automatic lensmeter for measuring optical charac
52 U.S. Cl. ..................................... 356/127; 356/125 teristics of a lens to be examined is disclosed. The auto
58) Field of Search ............... 356/124, 125, 126, 127, matic lensmeter includes a display for displaying
356/153 thereon an alignment target, first and second calculation
(56) References Cited devices for converting a shift between the optical center
of the lens to be examined and a measurement optical
axis into a prism power and a deviation respectively,
4,534,645 8/1985 Nohda ................................. 356/127 and device for forming the alignment target at a prede
4,641,964 2/1987 Mitani et al. ........................ 356/127 termined position, whereby highly accurate alignment
4,779,979 10/1988 Iwane ... ........................... 356/127 can be attained and accurate marking can be readily
2925951A1 1/1980 Fed. Rep. of Germany . 7 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Sep. 21, 1993 Sheet 1 of 5 5,247,341

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U.S. Patent Sep. 21, 1993 Sheet 5 of 5 5,247,341

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high manufacturing cost, while the latter results in re
LENSMETER FOR AUTOMATICALLY duction of the display range.
MEASURING OPTICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF A There have been conventionally proposed various
POWER LENS sorts of automatic lensmeters which allow marking or
the lens.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The marking is usually carried out at the optical cen
The present invention generally relates to an auto ter. However, it is convenient in prism prescription to
matic lensmeter and, more particularly, to a mechanism perform marking at a position where a prism to be pre
for displaying an alignment target indicative of the 10
scribed is added. To this end, when it is desired to per
position of a lens to be examined relative to the optical form marking at a position other than the optical center,
axis of a measurement optical system. it has been conventionally common practice to move
There have been so far proposed various sorts of the lens in such a manner as to make the measured prism
lensmeters which automatically measure optical charac power indicated on the display visually coincide with
teristics of ophthalmic lenses for use in spectacles. 5
the prescribed value, at which coincided position the
In these automatic lensmeter, a mechanism for indi axis marking has been conducted.
cating a relative position of the optical center of a lens The above marking method, however, has been de
to be examined with respect to the optical axis of a fective in that an operator must greatly resort to his
measurement optical system is indispensable. To this experience and therefore it takes a lot of time in the
end, generally speaking, a target called a corona target 20 marking work. Further, in the case of an astigmatic lens,
or a cross line target is indicated on a display together the lens must be moved so as to obtain a coincidence of
with a mark indicative of the measurement optical axis. even its cylindrical axial angle, thus resulting in very
There have so far existed several systems of display hard marking work.
ing a relative positional relationship of the optical cen SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
ter of a lens to be examined with respect to the optical 25 It is therefore an object of the present invention to
axis of a measurement optical system, which follow.
In a first display system, prism power (prism diopter) provide an automatic lensmeter, which eliminates the
above defects in the prior art and which can quickly
occurred when the optical axis of the measurement measure
optical system is shifted from the optical center of the refractiveopticalpowers
characteristics of lenses having any
while allowing its highly accurate
lens to be examined is measured and the position of the 30 positioning.
target is indicated in terms of the magnitude of the
measured prism power. An optical aberration has a anAnother automatic
object of the present invention is to provide
lensmeter for easily achieving the marking
correlative relationship with the diopter. However, it is work at the position at which the prism value is added.
advantageous to indicate a shift between the optical axis 35 A feature of the present invention is to provide an
of the measurement optical system and the optical cen automatic lensmeter for automatically measuring opti
ter of the lens to be examined in the form of prism cal characteristics of a lens to be examined such as
power, so that the range guaranteed to measure accu spherical power and cylindrical power inserted in a
rately the optical characteristics can be set with use of a measurement optical system, comprising:
standardized reference. measurement means for measuring a shift between an
In a second display system, a deviation (distance) optical center of the lens to be examined inserted in the
between the optical center of a lens to be examined and measurement optical system and an optical axis of the
the optical axis of a measurement optical system is cal measurement optical system;
culated and the position of a target is indicated in terms first calculation means for converting the shift mea
of the calculated deviation. According to this system, 45 sured by said measurement means into a prism power;
the movement of the lens to be examined and the move second calculation means for converting the mea
ment of the target can be made advantageously propor sured shift as a deviation;
tional to each other. comparison means for comparing the converted
With the first display system based on the prism value by said first calculation means with a predeter
power, since a lens having large diopter varies greatly 50 mined value; and
in prism power even in the vicinity of its optical center, display means for displaying thereon a positioning
it is disadvantageously difficult to attain alignment. target selectively, on the basis of the comparison result
The first display system is also defective from the obtained by said comprising means, in a coordinate
viewpoint of its manufacturing cost in the more accu system having its coordinate axis as the prism power or
rate alignment cannot be obtained without increasing 55 in a coordinate system having its coordinate axis as the
the resolution of the display. deviation.
The second display system of positioning and display Another feature of the present invention is to provide
ing the target at the position proportional to the devia an automatic lensmeter for automatically measuring
tion between the optical center of the lens to be exam optical characteristics of a lens to be examined such as
ined and the optical axis of the measurement optical 60 spherical power and cylindrical power inserted in a
system, on the other hand, has such a problem that, measurement optical system, comprising:
when the standardized range is set so as to be guarantee measurement means for measuring a shift between an
the measurement accuracy, a lens having large diopter optical center of the lens to be examined inserted in the
must be employed as a reference and thus strict posi measurement optical system and an optical axis of the
tioning is required even in a lens having small diopter. 65 measurement optical system;
Further, accurate positioning involves the need for calculation means for calculating prism power and
increasing the resolution of the display or the need for /or deviation on the basis of the shift measured by said
increasing its magnification. The former results in a measurement means;
3 w
input means for entering pre-measured prism power puter so that the four LEDs a, b, c and d are sequen
of an eye to be examined; tially turned ON.
coordinate transformation means for transforming a A target 13 having slits perpendicular to each other
positional coordinate system of the prism power and/or therein is positioned fixedly or movably between the
deviation calculated by said calculation means having 5 objective lens 12 and a collimater lens 14 and in the
the optical axis of the measurement optical system as an vicinity of the focal point thereof. The nose piece 8 is
origin into a coordinate system having a position of the disposed between the collimater lens 14 and a focusing
prism power entered through said input means as an lens 16 and in the vicinity of the focal point thereof.
origin; and Reference numeral 17 denotes a half prism and 18 de
formation means for forming a positioning target on a 10 notes image sensors which are provided to be perpen
display in the coordinate system transformed by said dicular to each other with respect to the optical axis.
coordinate transformation means. In operation, light emitted from the LEDs is passed
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS through the objective lens 12, the collimater lens 14, the
lens 15 to be examined, and the focussing lens 16 and
FIG. 1 is a front view of an automatic lensmeter in 15 then focused on the two image sensors 18 and 18 dis
accordance with an embodiment of the present inven posed perpendicular to each other.
tion; As shown in FIG. 3, signals outputted from the two
FIG. 2 is an arrangement of an optical system used in image sensors 18 and 18 are sent through a CCD driving
the automatic lensmeter;
FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a control system in the 20 A peak21voltage
circuit to a comparator 22 and a peak hold circuit 23.
as an output of the peak hold circuit 23
automatic lensmeter of the embodiment; is converted into a digital signal at an A/D converter 24
FIG. 4 is a corona target on a display; and then sent to a computer 25. The digital signal corre
FIG. 5 is a cross line target on the display;
FIG. 6 is a state on the display when alignment with is also sent through voltage
sponding to the peak of the peak hold circuit 23
the cross line target is completed; 25 verter 26 to be converted thereat into25thetovoltage
the computer a D/A con
FIG. 7 is a state on the display when alignment of an corresponding to of the peak voltage and further
astigmatic lens is completed; applied to the comparator 22. The comparator 22 com
FIG. 8 is a flowchart for explaining an alignment pares the signal received from the D/A converter 26
display manner of the present embodiment; and
FIG. 9 is a flowchart for explaining the operation of 30 circuit 21signal
with the
received directly from the CCD driving
generates a strobe signal. The strobe
the automatic lensmeter when marking is carried out at signal is sent from the comparator 22 to a latch 28. That
a position where a prism to be prescribed is added. is, the latch 28, in response to the strobe signal received
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED from the comparator 22, accepts a signal from a counter
EMBODIMENTS 27, reads out the border of a bright portion and a dark
35 portion from the waveform of the accepted signal, and
An embodiment of the present invention will be ex detects its coordinate position under control of the com
plained with reference to the attached drawings. puter 25.
Referring first to FIG. 1, there is shown an exterior Explanation will next be briefly made as to how to
appearance view of an automatic lensmeter in accor calculate a measured value on the basis of the detected
dance with an embodiment of the present invention. 40 coordinate position.
The automatic lensmeter of FIG. 1 includes a display 1
which comprises a reticule having the optical axis of a ofThe target 13 is subjected to individual illumination
measuring optical system in its center, an alignment to the four LEDs a, b, c and d. In the case where no lens
be examined is mounted on the nose piece 8 and
target 2 (which is shown as a corona target in FIG. 1 to where
be detailed later), and an LED dot matrix display for 45 mounteda on lens to be examined having zero diopter is
the nose piece 8, target images formed on
indicating thereon measured results and so on. The the image sensors
lensmeter also includes a PRINT switch 3 for printing all overlapped with18each by the four LEDs a, b, c and d are
the measured results, an ADD switch 4 for changing to When the lens 15 to be examined has only spherical
an addition diopter measurement mode, LEFT/- refractive power, the target images formed on the
RIGHT switches 5 an 5 for selecting to measure a left- 50 image sensors 18 are shifted in position thereon by an
eye or a right-eye lens, a READ switch 6 for reading amount corresponding to the spherical diopter.
measured values a lens holder 7, and a nose piece 8. A When the lens 15 to be examined has only cylindrical
lens to be examined is held in place by mounting the lens refractive
to be examined on the nose piece 8 and then lowering drical lens power, is
a light beam incident upon the cylin
subjected to refractive power in the direc
the lens holder 7. 55 tion perpendicular to (as) its principal meridian (or in
Explanation will next be made as to an embodiment the same direction as the principal meridian). Thus the
of the measuring optical system of the automatic lensm cylindrical diopter can be calculated on the basis of the
shift of the target images.
Shown in FIG. 2 is an arrangement of the optical In the case where the lens 15 to be examined has both
system of the automatic lensmeter. 60 spherical and cylindrical refractive powers, the target
In the optical system, four light emitting elements 11 images are focused on the image sensor 18 as shifted by
such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) are disposed to be an amount corresponding to their refractive diopters.
perpendicular to the optical axis of the optical system in Assume now that, when the four LEDs a, b, c and d
the vicinity of the focal point of an objective lens 12. are turned ON, their target images have centers of A(x,
More specifically, the four light emitting elements 11 65 ya), B(xb, yb), C(xc, yo) and D(xd, yd), respectively and
are four LEDs a, b, c and d. When a lens 15 to be exam X1, X2, Y1 and Y2 are expressed as follows.
ined is mounted on the nose piece 8, a LED driver is
actuated in response to a instruction sent from a com
5 6
Y = ya-yel, and Y2=y-Yal moved on the rearmost LED array toward outer side at
intervals of 1A.
Then spherical diopter S, cylindrical diopter C, axial When the corona target is in a 1A circle, this indicates
angle 6 and prism power are expressed as follows. that it is possible to realize measurement without any
influence of an aberration and soon (Refer to FIG. 4).
Spherical diopter S= (X -- Y2C)/2 Accordingly, alignment for the measurement of the
optical characteristics can be quickly attained.
Further, when it is necessary to mark the ophthalmic
lens, alignment is carried out below 0.25A S6, and a
Cylindrical diopter C = \ (X2 - 2) - 20x1 + Yi) deviation display is provided S7 (see, FIG. 8). The
alignment of below 0.25A causes the target to be
Axial angle 8 = tan W(X - S)/(Y-S) or switched to the cross line target (Refer to FIG. 5). At
this time, the movement of the target is made propor
15 tional not to the prism power but to a distance (devia
tan No. - S)/(X2 - S) tion) between the optical center of the lens to be exam
Prism power = ined and the measurement optical axis. The deviation is
calculated S8 in accordance with the following equa
tion using the diopter of the lens to be examined and the
Nie, , , , , , 2. . . . . . . . 20 prism power:
The computer 25 detects the coordinate position,
calculates the spherical diopter, cylindrical diopter, Deviation (mm) = Prism diopter power x Diopter/m)
axial angle and prism power in accordance with the O
aforementioned calculation expressions and digitally 25 = 1.5 x 5 in
displays the values. = 3 (mm).
When the lens to be examined has diopter (refractive
power) other than zero diopter, the four target images The present embodiment is arranged so that, when
become out of focus. For the purpose of avoiding this, the target is located in the center according to a gener
the positions of the images are shifted by an amount
corresponding to the diopter, which results in a cause of 3O ally requested reference, alignment is carried out below
a measurement error. Accordingly, it is desirable in the 0.2 mm. When the deviation exceeds 0.2 mm, the target
practical lensmeter that the measuring target is shifted is shifted by an amount corresponding to one dot from
in order to reduce a deviation caused by the out-of the center for every 0.4 mm deviation. For example, in
focus, so that the optical characteristics of the lens to be 35 the case where the lens has spherical diopter S of
measured are calculated on the basis of the shift of the +20D, alignment below 0.25A causes the deviation to
measuring target and the image position. be 0.2 mm or less, thus resulting in that the cross line
Explanation will next be made as to how to form the target is displayed in the center S9 (see, FIG. 8) (See
alignment target by referring to a flowchart of FIG. 8. also FIG. 6). In this way, by switchingly selecting one
When the lensmeter is in its measurement mode, the 40
of two stages of alignment method, highly accurate
measurement system is successively actuated at con alignment can be readily attained.
stant intervals to measure the optical characteristics of a In the case of an astigmatism lens, cylindrical axial
lens to be measured S1. In such a manner as mentioned angle is 180 degrees (or 90 degrees) or marking is made
above, the computer 25 computes the spherical diopter, at a prescribed value. When marking is done at the
cylindrical diopter, axial angle and prism power of the prescribed value, its axial angle is determined and mark
lens to be examined S2. Then the computer 25 causes 45 ing is carried out by observing an indication on the
indication S4 of the computed spherical diopter, cylin display. When the axial angle coincides with 180 de
drical diopter and axis angle in the lower part of the grees, the horizontal line of the target is extended, while
display 1, and also causes display of the corona target S5 when the axial angle coincides with 90 degrees, the
in accordance with the computed prism power under vertical line of the target is extended, whereby comple
control of a display control circuit at a predetermined 50 tion of the alignment is informed (See FIG. 7). This is
position of the reticule having in its center the optical because there have been increasingly proposed such
axis of the measurement optical system displayed on the modern lens-meters of a so-called patternless lensedger
FIG. 4 is an enlarged view of a reticule display part type that axial angle is input to the lensedger side and an
on the display, which has a 16x16 dot-matrix display 55 marking angle is set indiscriminately at 180 or 90 de
positioned in its center and an LED array of 8 LEDs grees.
radially arranged outside the dot-matrix display. The In this connection, the graduation of the reticule is
reticule having the optical axis of the measurement not limited only to the above case but may be modified
optical system set in the center comprises circles indica in various ways depending on the required accuracy.
tive of 1A, 1.5A and 2A arranged around the center of 60 In accordance with the automatic lensmeter of the
the optical axis on the display. foregoing embodiment, accurate alignment can be
In the present embodiment, when the measurement highly easily realized and in particular, relatively rough
prism is 0.25A or more S5 (see, FIG. 8), corona target alignment necessary in the measurement mode as well
display is provided (S5 see, FIG. 8). When the measure as fine alignment necessary at the time of marking can
ment prism is in a range of above 0.25A and below 2A, 65 be both realized through simple operations.
the corona target is moved vertically or horizontally in Explanation will then be made in connection with the
proportion to the prism value at intervals of 0.25A. case where a marking work is conducted not at the
When the measurement prism exceeds 2A, the target is optical center of the lens under to be examined but at
the position where a prism to be prescribed is added by lens and a cylindrical power lens to be examined in
referring to a flowchart of FIG. 9. serted in a measurement optical system, comprising:
Prism powers for X and Y axes are measured S11 on measurement means for measuring a shift between an
the basis of the positions of target images formed on the optical center of the lens to be examined inserted in
two image sensors arranged perpendicular to each 5 the measurement optical system and an optical axis
other, and the measured prism powers are denoted by of the measurement optical system;
XP and YP respectively. first calculation means for converting the shift mea
When the prism representation mode S12 is of an sured by said measurement means into a prism
orthogonal coordinate system representation, pre power;
scribed values for marking are input as follows: 10 second calculation means for converting the mea
BASE IN/OUT (Prescribed value in X-axis direc sured shift as a deviation;
tion) comparing means for comparing the prism power
BASE UP/DOWN (Prescribed value in Y-axis direc converted by said first calculation means with a
tion) predetermined value, said predetermined value
The BASE IN/OUT is input as an INXP value S13 (X 15 display being outside an allowable range of alignment; and
coordinate in the orthogonal coordinate system repre means for selectively displaying thereon an
sentation) but its polarity is inverted depending on image positioning target on the basis of a compari
whether the lens to be examined is the right or left eye son result obtained by said comparing means,
lens. The BASE UP/DOWN is input as an INYP value 20 wherein said image positioning target is in a coordi
(Y coordinate in the orthogonal coordinate system rep nate system having a coordinate axis thereof as the
resentation). When the prism representation mode is of prism power or in a coordinate system having a
a polar coordinate system representation, prescribed coordinate axis thereof as the deviation.
values for marking are input S14 as follows: 2. An automatic lensmeter as set forth in claim 1,
PRISM (Prescribed value for distance from the wherein said display for displaying thereon said image
25 positioning target is one of an LED dot-matrix display
optical center) and a CRT monitor.
BASE (Angle to X axis) 3. An automatic lensmeter as set forth in claim 1,
The input PRISM and BASE are transformed S15 into wherein a configuration of said image positioning target
orthogonal coordinate systems in accordance with the varies depending on said selected coordinate system.
following equations: 30 4. An automatic lensmeter as set forth in claim 1,
wherein a configuration of said image positioning target
is varied when cylindrical axial angle of said lens to be
INYP-PRISMXSIN BASE examined coincides with a predetermined direction.
5. An automatic lensmeter as set forth in claim 1,
wherein said first and second calculation means make
A target display position is expressed in terms of XD 35 up
(X axis) and YD (Y axis) and the target is displayed at a common microcomputer.
this coordinate position. The XD and YD are found S16 ing opticalAn automatic lensmeter for automatically measur
characteristics of one of a spherical power
in accordance with the following equations with use of lens and a cylindrical power lens to be examined in
the INXP and
values XP and YP:
INYP previously input and measured 40 serted in a measurement optical system, comprising:
measurement means for measuring a shift between an
XD-XP-INXP optical center of the lens to be examined inserted in
the measurement optical system and an optical axis
Yo-YP-INYP of the measurement optical system;
45 calculation means for calculating at least one of a
The target display position is determined and dis prism power and a deviation on the basis of the
played S17 by the found XD and YD. shift measured by said measurement means;
The above operation is repeated S18 until alignment input means for entering pre-measured prism power
is completed and the prism presetting function is turned of an eye to be examined;
OFF S19. 50 coordinate transformation means for transforming a
As has been disclosed in the foregoing, in accordance positional coordinate system of one of the prism
with the automatic lensmeter, the marking work can be power and the deviation calculated by said calcula
highly easily and accurately carried out not at the opti tion means having the optical axis of the measure
cal center of the lens to be examined but at the position 55 ment optical system as an origin into a coordinate
where a prism to be prescribed is added. system having a position of the prism power en
While the invention has been particularly shown and tered through said input means as an origin; and
described in reference to preferred embodiments formation means for forming an image positioning
thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art
target on a display in the coordinate system trans
formed by said coordinate transformation means.
that changes in form and details may be made therein 60 7. An automatic lensmeter as set forth in claim 6,
without departing from the spirit and scope of the in wherein said input means has selection means for arbi
vention. trarily selecting one of a polar coordinate system repre
What is claimed is: sentation and an orthogonal coordinate system repre
1. An automatic lensmeter for automatically measur sentation.
ing optical characteristics of one of a spherical power 65 k k e k sk

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