Activity 01. Learner-Centered Psychological Principles

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Activity 01.


A. Read research or study related to Learner-Centered Psychological Principles. Fill out
the matrix below.

Research Title:
Student Growth in Learner-Centered and Non- Learner-Centered and Math Teachers

Problem/Objectives: Research Methodology:

1. What are student's perceptions of There are two phases to the study: Phase 1
teacher's "approaches to teaching" utilized quantitative methods with an
(learner vs none -learner-centered) independent sample two-tailed t-test used
based on students' responses to a to test for significance in the growth means
student classroom instruction of students who rated their teachers'
questionnaire? practices as non-learner-centered. Phase 2
2. What are the differences, if any, in of the research applied qualitative
student growth from STAR Math methodology consisting of interviews with
diagnostic assessment for students two prototypical teachers (high growth,
who perceive their teachers to the high LCP practice teacher and low
learner-centered vs students who growth/ low LCP practice teachers)
perceive their teachers to non- identified from phase 1 of the study: the
learner-centered? researcher conducted unstructured
3. What are teachers' perceptions of interviewers with the teachers in which
their pedagogical practices they were asked to describe their teaching
regarding "approaches to teaching" belief and practices.
(learner vs non-learner-centered)
based on teacher's responses as a
classroom instruction self-
assessment survey?

Findings: Conclusions:
There was a significant in the academic The researcher in this study examined if
growth of students in reading or math student input could assist teachers in
between students who perceive their solving student academic performance by
teacher to the learner-centered and students providing feedback on teachers'
who perceive their teacher to be non-learner instructional practices.
centered, the qualitative analysis provided
differences between two prototypical The results of the study showed that there's
teachers from the study: one high growth / a significant difference in the academic
high LCP teacher and one low growth/low growth of students in reading or math
LCP teacher. between students who perceive their
teacher to be learner-centered and students
who perceive their teacher to non-learner-
centered, the qualitative analysis provided
differences between two prototypical
teachers from the study: one high growth /
high LCP teacher and one low growth /
low LCP teacher.

Source (APA) :
Neal, D. (2016).Student Growth in Learner-Centered and Non- Learner-Centered and
Math Teachers Classrooms.The School of Education and Health Sciences of University
of Dayton.pp: 1-176

How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?

 The implication for teachers is the positive use of student feedback by the teacher
to improve student learning. When utilized by the classroom teacher, student
feedback can assist the teacher in evaluating their instructional practices and in
assessing their students' learning. The teachers' use of student's feedback helped in
improving instruction and influence the effectiveness in fostering student

B. Put (/)check before a correct statement and an X before a wrong one. If you put X
explains why.

/ 1. Development is a pattern of change.

X 2. Development is either growth or decline.
 According to Paul Baltes's perspective about development, he states that
development is possible throughout the life span.
X 3. From both traditional and life-span perspectives development is lifelong.
 Traditional has a different perspective from life-span the approach. Traditional
states that there extensive change from little to adolescence or no change in
adulthood and decline in the old age while in the life span approach, on the other
hand, that even in adulthood developmental change takes place.
/ 4. In the development process, there are things that hold true to all people.
X 5. Individuals develop uniformity.
 Individuals don't develop uniformity specifically in terms of physical and
psychological changes of adolescence. Some individuals mature more rapidly and
others more slowly than most of their peers.
/ 6. Development is predictable because it follows an orderly process.
X 7. Development is unidimensional.
 According to Paul Baltes about the human development perspective, he states that
development is multidimensional.
X 8. Development takes place in a vacuum.
 Development doesn't take place in a vacuum because it happens through
sociocultural and historical influences.
/ 9. The effect of biological processes on development is isolated from the effect of
cognitive and socioemotional processes.
/ 10. Development is unique.

C. Reflection: Write a simple reflection.

1. You are a bundle of possibilities. You are meant to develop like any other living thing
or else you will rut. Remember “Growth is evidence of Life”. If you are alive, then you
must be growing and developing. Are you on your way to development?
 Yes, I'm always on my way to my development to become a great teacher through
the learnings I acquired by my university.

2. Like you, each of your future students is also a bundle of possibilities. How should you
look at them in terms of development? Write down your reflections. There’s no wrong
answer, remember.
 As professional teachers toward high school learners, I'm going to look positively
to them that they will be successful individuals someday. They will be the next
generation that will explore and create a world for human widest possibilities.
Viewing their own lives to be great and wonderful through teaching and guiding
them to develop their full potential such as self-improvement, self- awareness,
self-accountability, and forming a good relationship with others. Hence, the
teacher is not only a teacher but a mother who keeps advising them in choosing
right from wrong as possible especially adolescent learners are the time where
they go through puberty, mature mentally and physically. And most of all, the one
who motivates them to be bold enough to concur the challenges in this fast-paced



1. Reflect on your early childhood, middle, and late childhood days. Were you able to
acquire the developmental tasks expected of early, middle, late childhood, and
adolescence? What facilitated your acquisitions of the ability to perform such tasks?
Write your reflections.
 My happiness was extraordinary when I reminisce about my childhood years.
Playing all day long is my stuff each day as I get to know more new friends from
my neighborhood. Building a great relationship with themselves was essential as
they are my companion to experience new things. Also, my parents taught us to
view our living status to be grateful because though we are not rich like anybody
else at least we have each other that eats three times a day. Also, when I was late
childhood stage, my mother taught me to do some household chores that give
insight that as a girl I should know how to cook and wash dishes. And above all
else, at this stage, I've got to learn academic stuffs as I entered elementary school
such as how to read, write, solve simple calculations, and the right conduct.
And then when I hit my adolescence, changes in all aspects especially physically
and mentally. Accepting bodily changes and having feminine awareness was
achieved, being observant, carefree, easily get bored into something uninteresting,
addicted to technology innovations, and wants to perceive love and happiness in a
relationship. Yet, making mature decisions is shown and evident in this stage
through the pressure I have in my environment-school and family as they
influence me to become a successful person someday. Therefore, the
developmental tasks I acquire were facilitated through the environment around
me, started from family, friends, and society.

2. Having mastered the developmental tasks of early childhood, middle and late
childhood, and adolescence, reflect on what you should do as a teacher to facilitate your
students’ acquisition of these development tasks. Write down your reflections.
 As a teacher, I'm going to give my love and best in teaching towards my students.
Showing them my full capacity to teach as it will guide them to reach their full
potential in terms of their academic growth and extracurricular aspects on which it
gives opportunities for them to choose their own path or career but to do so, I, as a
teacher should have substantial knowledge but deeper and more advance in
employing a wide repertoire of teaching methods, procedures, and strategies.
Also, to be a mother, friend, and sister who is considerate in judging and able to
understand whatever changes they will become. Being more experienced and
sensitive to student's reactions and attitudes as they are all different in experiences
and socioeconomic backgrounds. Language, ethnicity, race, beliefs, cultures, and
social status should be taken into account as these factors will enhance the
possibilities for designing and implementing appropriate learning methods and
environments. Most of all, showing and giving my compassion and love in
teaching my students, because I do believe based on my experience as student
before, 'love' is the most powerful key and compelling energy that makes
educators happy in teaching and makes the students continue to learn with desire
and happiness. It makes students highly motivated and interested, having their
own faith and hope in improving themselves.


A. Read research or study related to issues on human development. Fill out the matrix

B. Reflection:
Relate what you learned here to your personal development. Reflect on your own
personal. What has helped you become the person that you are now? Are you a product
of the mere interaction of heredity and the environment? Or a product of both heredity
and environment interacting and what you have decided or determined yourself to
become? Write your reflections.
 I obtained both hereditary and environment interacting. As I've looked myself in
the mirror, I've saw the reflection of the young version of my mother. The facial
structures, skin tone, body physique and some good character is also hers such
being kind and caring towards others. The level of my intelligence I had is based
on my perseverance and learnings that I've acquired at school. Therefore, the
characteristics and inborn traits inherited from my parents are physiological and
psychological features like the intellect level, physical appearance, mannerisms
and character. Thus, the environment that forms socialization results my values
and attitudes. This two factors that interact each other molds me for who I am
today as it gives ideals what I wanted to myself to be. Wanting and hoping that
every development I do is for the positive and the better version of myself
especially as today's early adulthood stage, wants to be successful in my
educational course. I want to continue to develop the accepted standards and
ideals of the teaching profession inoder for me to teach my students with
confidence and accuracy.

C. Watch the “The Battle between Nature and Nurture by Irene Gallego Romer. What
conclusions can you derive from the battle between nature and nurture?
 " You are not the battle ground upon nature and nurture fight. You are the canvas
upon which they collaborate, you are the product of their interactions.", said by
Irene Gallego Romer
This conclusion stated gives insight that nature and nurture interact, they aren't
against to each other, it is the matter of both/and not versus. Hence,our genes
respond to other gene and they respond to other gene as well (environment). They
respond to the food we take, the influences and decisions we make for example
drinking alcoholic beverages. As we drink it has effect to our body and our may cause illnesses and addiction. Therfore, the society around us
develop and influenced us for what we are, whether we admitted or not, it is
undeniably proven true.


A. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong.

T 1. Quality research adheres to the scientific method.

T 2. For research on child and adolescent development to serve its ultimate purpose,
researchers must be governed by ethical principles.
F 3. The research design and data-gathering technique use has nothing to do with the
nature of the research problem and objective/s of the research.
T 4. Teachers are both producers of knowledge when they conduct research and are
consumers or end-users of knowledge when they utilize research findings to improve
T 5. Research has a transformative effect on teachers’ self-understanding and on their
classroom practice. It enables teachers to develop a better understanding of themselves,
their classrooms, and their practice through the act of reflective inquiry.

B. Reflection: It is said that because teachers are overloaded with work, they usually
frown on the conduct of research. Reflect on the consequences of this attitude. What can
be done to prevent this? Write your reflection on this issue.
 As part of a family whose teaching is the profession, I've seen how many works
they have on their shoulders. It is sometimes avoidable to frown in conducting
some research when they're at home because it's a sign that they were also a
human being who gets tired and drained. But considering the fact of
'professionalism'- the commitment, proper ethical behavior, and time-
management towards work and others are needed and essential. Teaching is a
profession that requires endless learning at everything, hence, its affiliates in
conducting researches automatically. Thus, educators should keep in mind that
research is part of their work. They should be optimistic in conducting research
because it is not only beneficial for learners but for them also. It gives a positive
implication or feedback for them what is needed to improve in students learning.
Therefore, I realized that as a future teacher, I should act professionally in order to
achieve our school's mission and vision effectively.



The 14th Learner-Centered Principles were made to identify the right repertoire materials
for learners on his learning processes. These learning principles were categorized into
four parts (1.) Cognitive and metacognitive (2.) Motivational and Effective (3.)
Developmental and social (4.) Individual differences factors influencing learners and

Cognitive & Metacognitive

1) Nature of the learning process
2) Goals of the learning process
3) Construction of knowledge
4) Strategic thinking
5) Thingking about thingking
6) Context of learning

Motivational & Affective Factors

7) Motivational and Emotional Influences on Learning
8) Instrinsic Motivation to Learn
9) Effects of Motivation on effort

Developmental and Social Factors

10) Developmental Influences on Learning
11) Social Influences on Learning

Individual Differences Factors

12) Individual differences in Learning
13) Learning and Diversity
14) Standards and Assessment

In human development, I've realized that even in adulthood there's a developmental

change happen. According to Paul Baltes about life-space development, he stated the five
characteristics of life-span approach which are the following;
1. Developmental is lifelong
2. Development is plastic
3. Development is multidimensional
4. Development is contextual
5. Development involves growth, maintenance and regulation

In lesson III about issues on human development, there are three type of issues stated that
characterize the life-span development which are (1) Nature vs Nurture (2) Continuity vs
Discontinuity (3) Stability vs Change. The main key in the lesson is that everyone is
unique as they go to their own development. Both heredity and environment works
together for a person to exist. They influence and contribute different development that is
needed by any individuals such as physical appearances, cognitive, values, etc.

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