The Tools: Pemodelan Dan Visualisasi Data

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The Tools

Pemodelan dan Visualisasi Data

1. Basic productivity applications
Tools for
2. Visualization software
building 3. Business intelligence tools
visualization 4. Developer-based / Programming packages
1) Microsoft Excel
These include column and horizontal bars, line, pie, area, radar,
scatterplot, and spark lines.

2) iWork
Apple’s own productivity suite, iWork, which includes Pages,
Basic Numbers, and Keynote, offers basic 2D and 3D charts in addition to
animated vertical and horizontal bars, scatter plots, and bubble charts.
productivity 3) Google Charts
applications Google offers a free and open option for creating a variety of data
graphics. The charts integrate seamlessly with the Google Apps suite
(Docs, Sheets, and Slides). Google Charts offers more options than
Excel or iWork including interactive, animated, and geospatial data
graphics. For more robust reporting and visualization tools in one, see
Google’s Data Studio.
1) Tableau Desktop
– It is designed to integrate with a range of data sources and file types.
For example, you can import the basic .xls, .cvs, or .txt files and
connect them to live data sources on Tableau Server, Oracle,
Amazon, Cloudera, etc.
– robust capabilities for filtering, grouping, clustering, aggregating,
and disaggregating variables.
2) ArcGIS
Visualization – ArcGIS is a mapping platform available for desktop or online.
– It is a platform that visualizes and analyzes most types of spatial
software data.
– There are many types of ready to use base maps, demographic and
lifestyle maps, historical maps, and layers for boundaries and places,
landscapes, oceans, earth observations, transportation, and urban
3) Google Data Studio
– Data Studio is a free tool that turns your data into informative, easy
to read, easy to share, and fully customizable dashboards and
IBM Watson Analytics
Watson Analytics provides a platform for users to explore their data,
Business ask questions of their data, and create data graphics.
intelligence Watson is unique in that it guides the user in selecting the best
method of inquiry to learn about the data.
tools The user can then build data graphics with recommendations from
For developers, analysts, and designers who want to visualize data in
their own programming environment, there are several contenders.
1) R dan Rstudio
– R is a free open-source statistical programming language. There are
several packages that are used for visualization in R. These include:
graphics , ggplot2, car, lattice, ndtv, ggvis, plotly, shiny.
– R is capable of both data analysis and data graphics.
– The ggvis package in R produces graphs that apply many more of the
accepted data visualization design principles.
Programming – shiny package for interactive web applications.
2) Python
Packages – Python’s matplotlib package is used to plot basic charts. Packages
such as Seaborn yield high-quality data graphics.
– Python’s other data visualization libraries include: geoplotlib, Bokeh,
Pandas, Altair, ggplot, pygal, plotly
3) JavaScript
– a web-based scripting language that is used in combination with
– JavaScript libraries include D3, rCharts, HighCharts, charts. js,
dimple.js, and processing.js.
– Skills in working with HTML and JSON data are required.
§ Sharing: can others view and edit your visualization and analysis? The
ability to share your charts and graphs with others promotes
collaboration on data visualization tasks.
§ Output: can you publish visualizations to the web, create high quality
print graphics, and embed them in other applications? For example, if
your audience is viewing your graphs online, you may want to make
them interactive to facilitate exploration.
§ Interoperability: how easily can you connect to other data sources?
Criteria for For example, does the software allow you to import diverse file types,
such as. xlsx,. csv, or. txt, and also link to databases?
Selecting § Display types: what types of visualizations do you need to build?
Maps, networks, and text-based visualizations are not available in
Tools every tool.
§ Data exploration: do you need a tool to explore your data and
present it visually? Features such as visual querying are not standard
in every tool.
§ Simplicity: do you want to create charts and graphs quickly? Some
tools require a steep learning curve, even to build a simple bar chart.
§ Persistence: do you think you’ll need to revise the visualizations you
create? Choose a tool from a reputable company that you think will be
around for a while
1) GoogleCharts
– Explore Google’s Visualization API at
– Select the GeoCharts.
– Cut and paste the GeoCharts code into a text document using a text editor
such as NotePad.
– Save and name the document with an. html extension.
– Drag and drop the .html document into your browser window to see the

2) Tableau
Latihan – Tableau for Students,
– Download sample file at:
– Import file into Tableau
– Go to Sheet 1 and observe the dimensions and measures
– Drag Location T to Columns (which is in the upper edge of the window)
and Number of Records from Measures to Rows (which is directly
underneath Columns).
– Display data by type by dragging Type to the Color option in the Marks
– Customize your Bar Chart by editing options
Sosulski, K. Data Visualization Made Simple: Insights into Becoming
Referensi Visual. New York: Routledge, 2019.

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