Towards A Simple Indicator of Water Stress in Grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) Based On The Differential Sensitivities of Vegetative Growth Components

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306 Vegetative indicators of water stress Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 11, 306–315, 2005

Towards a simple indicator of water stress in grapevine

(Vitis vinifera L.) based on the differential sensitivities
of vegetative growth components
Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique, Avenue Agropolis,
34 398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France.
Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, 2 place Viala, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 01, France.
Current address: CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, Horticulture Unit, Private Mail Bag, Merbein,Vic 3505,Australia).
Corresponding author: Dr Anne Pellegrino, facsimile + 61 3 5051 3111, email
Responses of grapevine vegetative growth components to mild, medium and severe soil water deficits were
used to identify simple and sensitive indicators for early diagnosis of water stress. Soil water deficit was
characterised as the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) remaining in a water-depleted rootzone.
Growth components included the number of emerged leaves on first (Ist) and second (IInd) order lateral
branches, the leaf area and internode length of each phytomer of Ist order lateral branches, and the
frequency of IInd order lateral branching. These components were measured in a greenhouse on Shiraz
(syn. Syrah) grapevines, over a 38-day period of stabilised soil water regimes. Leaf emergence rate, final
leaf area and final internode length of lateral branches I were relatively insensitive to mild and medium
water deficits. They only decreased in response to severe water deficits. The frequency of IInd order lateral
branching showed a similar trend, but was inhibited at severe water deficits. The leaf emergence rate of
lateral branches II was highly sensitive to FTSW, and decreased even in response to mild water deficits.
Because measurement of leaf emergence rate is a time consuming process, further analysis of the data was
undertaken to identify a simpler but similarly effective indicator of cumulative water deficit. Accordingly,
we established that the final length of lateral branches I was sensitive to medium water deficits, while the
final ratio of the number of leaves on lateral branches II to the number of leaves on lateral branches I, was
sensitive to even mild water deficits. Both of these composite indicators (derived variables) were relatively
easy to measure and showed potential as early indicators of water deficits. They were more sensitive to
FTSW than was predawn leaf water potential. Moreover, the final ratio of the number of leaves on lateral
branches II to the number of leaves on lateral branches I was even more sensitive to FTSW than was
stomatal conductance.

Keywords: plant water stress, vegetative indicators, shoot emergence, shoot morphology, stomatal conductance,
predawn leaf water potential, Vitis vinifera L.

Introduction quality (Hardie and Considine 1976, Smart et al. 1990,

Taken to extremes, either excessive water or severe Jackson and Lombard 1993).
drought have detrimental influences on vineyard yield On balance, moderate water deficits are beneficial for
and grape quality. At one extreme, unrestricted water vineyard productivity because fruit growth is less affected
supply leads to luxuriant vegetative growth at the expense than vegetative growth (Matthews et al. 1987) and mat-
of reproductive sinks (berries). Indeed, under luxury irri- uration is improved (Smart et al. 1990, Van Leeuwen and
gation, canopies can even close, having a negative effect Seguin 1994, Koundouras et al. 1999). There is therefore
on flower bud initiation and fruit ripening, as well as a need for sensitive indicators of water deficits during a
encouraging development of diseases due to increased air cropping season.
humidity (Gubler et al. 1987, Jackson and Lombard 1993, Indicators of vine water status based on soil water
Dry and Loveys 1998, Zahavi et al. 2001). At the other measures (soil water potential or soil water content) are
extreme, severe water deficit reduces leaf area, thereby time consuming and have questionable value in those
decreasing intercepted light which in turn combines with vineyards with considerable spatial variation in depth and
stomatal closure to limit photosynthesis and the produc- lateral spread of roots. Furthermore, grapevine roots may
tion of assimilates (Delgado et al. 1995, Pellegrino et al. explore localised water confined in cracks or soil pockets
2002). Reduced leaf area also results in an excessive fruit that develop in heterogeneous soils. Under such condi-
exposure to sunlight with undesirable impacts on wine tions, it is not possible to infer the quantity of water that
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Pellegrino, Lebon, Simonneau & Wery Vegetative indicators of water stress 307

is, in effect, available for grapevine growth and cropping. Soltani et al. 2000 on chickpea). Such relationships pro-
Provided that they respond sensitively to soil water status, vide an analytical framework to identify sensitive vegeta-
indicators based on plant attributes may represent a use- tive growth indicators that could be used to achieve a
ful alternative to direct physical measurements of soil good balance between grapevine vigour, grape yield and
water availability (Jones 2004). Predawn leaf water poten- grape quality.
tial (Ψp) is the reference indicator of soil water potential in One major difficulty in characterising vine growth
many species including grapevine (Lebon et al. 2003). response to soil water deficit is in accurately quantifying
However, discrepancies between soil water content and Ψp the soil water status over the period of time in which the
have been reported, most likely due to soil heterogeneity growth response occurs. Characteristics of plant growth
(Améglio et al. 1999). Moreover, while plant growth that take several days to settle cannot be related to a
responds to high soil water availability (Jones 2004), Ψp unique soil water availability in natural conditions because
may not respond similarly. soil water status will have fluctuated (spatially and tem-
Indicators of grapevine water status based on daily porally) over the period in question. Experiments in pots
measures of plant-based criteria can also prove inappro- may overcome these problems, enabling water regimes to
priate, and especially with near-isohydric grapevine cul- be strictly controlled over long periods of time and accu-
tivars that are subject to homeostatic regulation of water rately quantified – an approach that was applied here
status (Schultz 2003, Jones 2004). Stomatal conductance with Shiraz grapevines.
(gs), which decreases as soil water deficit develops, is piv- Accordingly, the aims of this study were (i) to establish
otal in this regulation and is therefore a potential indica- quantitative relationships between FTSW and the basic
tor of water stress. In the short term, gs is among the first components of vegetative growth on first and second
physiological processes in expanded leaves to respond to order lateral branches, (ii) assess the sensitivities of the dif-
drought. However, gs is a spot measurement, presents a ferent components of vegetative growth, (iii) identify sim-
huge sampling problem when trying to gauge whole ple and sensitive vegetative growth-based indicators for
canopy behaviour, and generally requires specialised early diagnosis of water stress, and (iv) compare their
instrumentation. Such issues augur against practical sensitivity to that of predawn leaf water potential and
implementation for irrigation scheduling. Other measure- stomatal conductance. A watering device was developed
ments, such as those inferred from either gs or plant to produce a range of soil water deficits which were spa-
transpiration – water potential, sap flow, trunk diameter tially uniform within the pots and which stabilised during
variations, canopy temperature, or those measurements the long period (38 days) necessary for experimentation.
based on optical properties such leaf reflectance index or In addition, the main stem of each pot-grown Shiraz
photochemical indexes such as steady-state chlorophyll grapevine was topped immediately above node 15 to
fluorescence, all hold promise as possible indicators of mimic field conditions.
critical changes in grapevine water status (Choné et al.
2001, Cifre et al. 2005) but have yet to find general prac- Materials and methods
tical application in viticulture. Plant material and growing conditions
Compared to such physical and/or physiological The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the
indicators of water deficit (as discussed above), vegetative INRA-ENSA M. campus in Montpellier (southern France;
growth offers several advantages. During long-term 43°38’N, 3°53’E) in 2001. Two-year-old plants (Vitis
drought, as stress develops progressively, tissue expan- vinifera L., cultivar Shiraz (syn. Syrah) grafted onto Fercal
sion underlying vegetative growth is the most sensitive rootstock) were grown in soil columns (0.3 m in diame-
indicator of diminished water status (Hsiao 1973, Moriana ter, 0.7 m high) filled with a mixture of clay, loam and
and Fereres 2002) and integrates water deficit effects over sand (in volume proportions of 0.17, 0.36 and 0.47 respec-
extended periods. Vegetative growth is easy to measure tively) and covered with a 0.01 m layer of perlite to limit
and is interrelated with crop yield and grape quality. evaporation. Irrigation treatments (see below) were ran-
Regrettably however, vegetative growth and morpholog- domised among the row of pots. Buffer pots were used at
ical development of shoots have only rarely been investi- each row extremity. Plants (one per column) were pruned
gated as a putative indicator of soil water status. to two latent buds, and subsequently thinned to one
In grapevines, internode extension, leaf expansion branch. To mimic field conditions, the main stems were
and elongation of tendrils all respond to changes in soil vertically trained and topped at the fifteenth node when
water potential (Schultz and Matthews 1988, Hardie and the ‘19 separated leaves’ stage was reached. Inflorescences
Martin 2000). Close relationships have been obtained were removed as soon as they appeared to avoid complex
with potted vines of the cultivars Grenache Noir and interactions between soil water deficit, reproductive devel-
Sangiovese between the Fraction of Transpirable Soil opment and vegetative growth.
Water (FTSW) remaining within a root zone, and the
growth rate of the main stem and its lateral branches Micrometeorological conditions and calculation of thermal time
(Lebon et al. 2001, Bindi et al. 2005). In other species, Measurements of air temperature, relative humidity and
relationships between FTSW and vegetative growth were photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) were record-
shown to be stable between growth conditions (both pot ed by a weather station located in the middle of the col-
and field), between varieties, and between years (Lecoeur lection of pots. Data were collected every 30 s, and means
and Sinclair 1996, Lecoeur and Guilioni 1998 on pea, were calculated and stored every 1800 s. Daily mean VPD
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308 Vegetative indicators of water stress Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 11, 306–315, 2005

ranged from 0.5 to 1.3 kPa and daily cumulative PPFD was totally explored by the roots. SWCmin was determined,
from 6.5 to 25.7 mol/m2.d. Daily mean temperature from after a drying period (following the experiment), when
the beginning (March 01) to the end of the experiment the daily variation of the pot weight was negligible, indi-
(July 02) varied between 16.3 and 24.6ºC. Thermal time cating that transpiration had ceased. The Fraction of
was calculated by cumulating the daily differences Transpirable Soil Water (FTSW) was calculated through-
between mean temperature and a base temperature of out the experiment as the ratio of the Available Soil Water
10°C (Winkler and Williams 1939). at any given date (ASW) to TTSW, with ASW defined
as the difference between actual soil water content
Watering regimes and SWCmin over the soil depth explored by the roots
Pots were initially irrigated with water only, and then (Pellegrino et al. 2004).
with water plus nutrients to avoid differences of plant
nutritional status between soil water treatments. Four Predawn leaf water potential and stomatal conductance
water regimes with 7 replicates per regime were applied: Leaf water potential was measured with a pressure cham-
well-watered control – C – and three levels of soil water ber (Soil Moisture Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, USA)
deficit with increasing intensities – S1 (mild), S2 (medi- before dawn using one leaf per plant, and on four occa-
um) and S3 (severe). Irrigation was scheduled to achieve sions over the cropping season. Stomatal conductance for
the target soil water content for each regime and to main- water vapour (gs) was measured for each pot on one
tain soil water status at those levels during the growing mature leaf exposed to saturating sunlight (PAR > 800
cycle, while still maintaining uniformity of soil moisture µmol quanta/m2.s) with an ADC-LCA 3-type open-
throughout the soil columns. This was controlled by mea- system gas analyser (ADC, Hoddeston, UK). The analyser
surements of soil water potential at 0.15 and 0.55 m depth was enclosed in a shade chamber to avoid overheating,
and volumetric soil moisture content over 0.6 m depth and was equipped with a Parkinson leaf cuvette.
(see below). To prevent the development of soil water Measurements of gs were undertaken weekly or fort-
gradients, irrigation was supplied by two tricklers (2 nightly.
L/hour) per column, positioned in two 0.6 m long woven
sleeves filled with sand and inserted into the soil. Irrigation Vegetative growth
was activated only during the period of higher water con- Vegetative growth was measured on one first order later-
sumption by the plant, which limited the accumulation of al branch (branch I) on the main stem of each plant, and
unused free water. Soil water deficit was imposed after the on all the second order lateral branches (branches II) on
main stem was topped. In order to achieve a rapid onset this branch I (Figure 1a, b). The selected branch I emerged
of the soil water deficit, pea (Pisum sativum L.) was sown from the 15th phytomer of the main stem (i.e. the branch
in the pots at grapevine budburst. Pea plants were topped immediately under the topping zone). This branch exhib-
at the soil surface a few days before the soil water deficit ited the highest rate of leaf emergence for all the water
stabilised. deficit treatments (Pellegrino 2003). Grapevine branches
have been described as repeated sequences of three types
Soil water status of phytomers with specific morphologies and growth
Soil water content was measured each day, using a time dynamics: P0 with no tendril or inflorescence/ bunch, P1
domain reflectometry device (TDR – Trase System I, Soil and P2 carrying a tendril or an inflorescence/ bunch in
moisture Equipment Corp, Santa Barbara, CA, USA). A alternate position (Jacquinet and Simon 1971, Schultz
0.6 m long stainless steel guide was vertically inserted and Matthews 1988, Lebon et al. 2004). The influence of
into each soil column. In order to obtain the lower limit of the phytomer type on the vegetative growth components
the grapevine’s Total Transpirable Soil Water (TTSW, see was tested when appropriate, and significant differences
definition below), supplementary measurements were for specific growth components between phytomer types
made after the experiment, when soil water extraction by were taken into account in the analysis of the data.
the plant was maximal. TDR values were calibrated The number of unfolded leaves on branches I and II
against a range of soil water contents, measured on soil (LN I, LN II), the lengths of individual leaf lamina (L I) and
cores sampled at 0.15 and 0.55 m depths. Daily measure- internodes (INL I) were measured on branch I two to
ments of soil water potential (Ψs) were also performed three times a week. Individual leaf area on branches I
with tensiometers installed at 0.15 and 0.55 m depth in (LA I) was estimated from the length of the leaf lamina
each column. using the parameter of a regression fitted from an inde-
pendent set of 420 leaves (Eqn 1). LI and LA I were deter-
Calculations of the total transpirable soil water and the fraction mined for each leaf by image analysis (Optimas V6.5;
of transpirable soil water Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD, USA).
Total Transpirable Soil Water (TTSW) is defined as the
LA I = 5.87 × LI2 + 1.18 (r2 = 0.91; CVe = 12%) 1
difference, over the soil depth explored by the roots,
between the soil water content at field capacity (SWCfc), The final LA I and INL I were determined at the end of
and the minimum soil water content (SWCmin) observed the period with stabilised soil water deficit for fully elon-
after complete extraction of water by the grapevine gated leaves and internodes respectively.
(Pellegrino et al. 2004). SWCfc and SWCmin were deter- The rates of leaf emergence were calculated for
mined over the whole depth of the soil column since it branches I (LER I) and II (LER II) as the slope of the lin-
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Pellegrino, Lebon, Simonneau & Wery Vegetative indicators of water stress 309

a b
Main stem First order
Main stem Figure 1. Diagram of the vegetative
lateral branch structure in grapevine: main stem,
Topping 15th node nº15 first order lateral branches
(branches I, a) and second order
First order
P2 lateral branches (branches II, b).
lateral branch The ternary modular structures
P0 P1
(phytomers P0, P1 and P2) of the
main stem and branches I are
represented. The main stem was
P2 Second order topped at the 15th node and
lateral branch individual parameters and
P1 composite indicators of vegetative
growth were determined on branch I
P0 : leaf emerged from the 15th phytomer of
the main stem, and on branches II
: tendril or infloresence / bunch
on this branch I.
P0, P1 and P2 : phytomers, P0, P1 or P2

ear regressions between the number of unfolded leaves Results

and thermal time. Final periods of slowed or stopped Characterisation of the fraction of transpirable soil water
growth were excluded from the analysis. To determine during the period of stabilised soil water deficit
this period, an average phyllochron was calculated from Once the targeted soil water deficits (S1 to S3) were
observations on actively growing branches (at least one reached, they were maintained at these stabilised levels for
new leaf emerged between two successive observations). the period beginning on 15 May, when the available soil
When the period of time with no newly emerged leaf water (ASW), and stomatal conductance (gs) relative to
exceeded this average phyllochron, growth was consid- the control had stabilised, and ending on 22 June, when
ered to have stopped. Then, the frequency of second order gs relative to the control, had increased (Figure 2c). This
lateral branching (FB II) was determined. latter increase of gs was probably due to the higher
Since our primary objective was to identify simple amounts of water supplied each day that were necessary
parameters indicative of early water deficits, two com- to match the increase in plant water uptake as leaf area
posite growth parameters based on ‘easy to measure’ com- developed. At this time, transient accumulation of free
ponents (composite indicators) were defined. The final water in the soil columns after irrigation was inevitable,
length of branches I (BL I) which gives information on probably causing short oscillations in soil water availabil-
overall vigour of branches I was measured. It combines ity that could not be detected. The period after 22 June
the previous components as follows: was therefore disregarded. ASW calculated over the whole
BL I = LER I × INL I × GD I 2 depth of soil columns (0.7 m) averaged, for this period
from 15 May to 22 June, 94.3 mm, 66.7 mm, 44.1 mm
where GD I is the growth duration of branch I. and 21.3 mm respectively for the treatments C, S1, S2 and
An indicator of vigour for branches II was also calcu- S3. Over the same period, average values of FTSW,
lated. To dissociate it from the vigour of branch I, the defined as the ratio of ASW to the total transpirable soil
final number of leaves on all branches II was divided by water (TTSW), were 0.87, 0.61, 0.40 and 0.19 respective-
the number of leaves on the bearing branch I. The result ly for C, S1, S2 and S3 (Figure 2a). Daily measurements of
is related to the basic growth processes as follows: soil water potential at 0.15 and 0.55 m depths confirmed
N the reduced heterogeneity over the soil columns and the
i =1
3 stability of the soil water deficits for each treatment
= throughout that 38-day period. The gradient of soil water
potential between 0.15 and 0.55 m ranged from 13 to
Where i indicates the number of the phytomer on branch 329 mbars for C and S2 respectively. The gradient of soil
I, N is the total number of branching positions on branch water potential over the 38-day period ranged from 61 (C)
I, and GDIIi is the growth duration of the branch II insert- to 551 mbars (S2) at 0.15 m, and from 28 (C) to 473
ed onto phytomer i. mbars (S2) at 0.55 m. The individual parameters and
composite indicators of vegetative growth were analysed
Statistical analysis during this period.
Comparison of means (Student-Newman-Keuls tests,
SNK) was performed with SAS (V8.0, SAS Institute 1999). Predawn leaf water potential is only sensitive to severe soil
Relationships between FTSW and individual or composite water deficit while stomatal conductance is sensitive to mild soil
vegetative growth parameters, were fitted with linear or water deficit
non linear functions using the conventional least squares During the period of stabilised soil water deficits, predawn
method (GRG2 algorithm, Excel, Microsoft). leaf water potential (Ψp) was slightly decreased for mild
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310 Vegetative indicators of water stress Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 11, 306–315, 2005

1.2 es S1 and S2 (Figure 3b, c). Over the whole range of soil
C a
S1 water deficits, a curvilinear relationship could be drawn
Fraction of transpirable

1.0 S2 between LER I and FTSW determined for each individual

0.8 plant (Figure 4a). The fitted curve demonstrated the low
soil water

sensitivity of LER I in the upper range of FTSW (higher

than 0.4).
0.4 The leaf emergence rate on branches II (LER II) was
much lower than LER I, and varied with the type of the
bearing phytomer (P0, P1 or P2) on branch I (P < 5%).
Branches II emerged from phytomer 5 and 8 (numbered
Predawn leaf water potential (MPa)

-0.05 from the base of the bearing branch I) were retained
because they were of the same type P0 and they exhibit-
-0.10 ed the highest rates of development. No difference was
detected between these two positions that were both
included in the calculations (Figure 3e, f, g). This mini-
-0.20 mised the errors associated with the low values of LER II.
Despite this, LER II values remained scattered and only a
* loose relationship between leaf emergence rate and FTSW
-0.30 was obtained for branches II compared to branches I
1.2 c
(Figure 4d). LER II averaged 0.016 leaves/°C.d for the
Stomatal conductance
relative to the control

1.0 well watered regime C (one-third of the rate observed

on branches I for the same water regime). All the water
* * **
* *
deficits reduced LER II in comparison with C, although the
0.6 * reduction was similar for S1 and S2 (0.012 and 0.010
0.4 leaves/°C.d, respectively). The most severe water deficit S3
completely stopped the growth of branches II (Figures
0.2 *
* ** * 3h, 4d). The leaf emergence rate was more sensitive to
0.0 water stress for branches II than for branches I even for
01/03 01/04 01/05 01/06 01/07
mild water deficit. Relative to the control, LER II for each
water deficit treatment decreased to 71% (S1), 60% (S2)
Figure 2. Characterisation of the watering regimes (well watered and 0% (S3) while the corresponding values for LER I
control C, and the water deficit treatments S1, S2 and S3) by the decreased to 96%, 93% and 34% of control plants
changes in the fraction of transpirable soil water (a), and the
(Figures 4a, d).
responses of predawn leaf water potential (Ψp, b) and stomatal
conductance (gs) relative to the control (c). The period of stabilised
soil water deficit is delimited by the dashed lines (see text). Significant Final leaf area and internode length of lateral branches I have
differences of Ψp or gs during this period between the water deficit similar responses to soil water deficit
treatments (S1 to S3) and the control plants (C) (P < 5%) are The final individual leaf area on branches I (LA I) was
indicated by asterisks. Symbols with bars in the left-hand panel
determined, excluding the first leaves with lower areas.
indicate average 95% confidence intervals over the period of
stabilised soil water deficit. This comprised leaves 5 to 10 for C, S1 and S2, and only
leaf 5 for S3 because of the slower development for this
(S1) and medium (S2) water deficits compared to the regime (Figure 5 a). LA I of C, S1 and S2 plants did not
control plants C (to 87% and 85% of C for S1 and S2 depend on the type of phytomer (P0, P1 or P2) (P > 5%),
respectively) (Figure 2b). However, the differences and was uniform from phytomer 5 to 10 on branches I
between C, S1 and S2 at each date during this period (two phytomer sequences). Mean leaf area was not
were not significant (P > 5%). In contrast, Ψp significant- significantly reduced for plants submitted to water deficits
ly decreased to 56% of C plants at severe water deficit S1 and S2 (Figure 4b). In an unexpected way, LA I was
(S3). For the same period, gs showed a small decrease for slightly but significantly higher for S1 than control plants
S1 (to 83% of C), while significant (P < 5%) for most of (110% of the control, P < 5%, Figure 4b). LA I was
the dates (Figure 2c). It decreased to 75% and 19% of C significantly reduced for S3 plants (P < 5%).
for S2 and S3 respectively. The differences of gs between The first internodes were excluded for the determina-
C and S2 or S3 were significant at each date, except the tion of the final internode length on branches I (INL I)
first date for S2. because of their limited elongation. This comprised intern-
odes 8 to 16 for treatments C, S1 and S2, and internodes
Leaf emergence rate is more sensitive to soil water deficit for 8 to 10 for S3 (Figure 5b). INL I depended on the type of
laterals branches II than for lateral branches I phytomer, internodes on phytomers P2 being longer than
Leaf emergence rate on branches I (LER I) averaged 0.05 on P0 and P1 (P < 5%). This effect could not be detected
leaves/°C d (base 10°C) for control plants C (Figure 3a). In at the more severe water deficit S3 where internode
comparison to C, the most severe stress S3 significantly length was smaller. Only S3 significantly reduced intern-
reduced LER I down to 0.018 leaves/°C.d (P < 5%, Figure ode lengths whatever the phytomer type (P < 5%) (Figure
3d). LER I was only slightly altered by intermediate stress- 4c).
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Pellegrino, Lebon, Simonneau & Wery Vegetative indicators of water stress 311

25 25
C a C n°1 e
C n°2 C
20 20 C n°3
C n°4
C n°5
15 15 C n°6
C n°7
10 10 ajust. C

Number of unfolded leaves on branches II

5 5
Number of unfolded leaves on branches I

0 0
S1 b S1 n°1 S1 f
20 20 S1 n°2
S1 n°3
S1 n°4
15 15 S1 n°5
S1 n°6
10 10 ajust. C
ajust. S1
5 5

0 0
S2 c S2 n°1 S2 g
20 20 S2 n°2
S2 n°3
S2 n°4
15 15 S2 n°5
S2 n°6
10 10 ajust. C
ajust. S2
5 5

0 0
S3 d S3 n°1 S3 h
20 20 S3 n°2
S3 n°3
15 15 S3 n°4
S3 n°5
S3 n°6
10 10 ajust. C
ajust. S3
5 5

0 0
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 400
Thermal time from budburst (°C d) Thermal time from IInd branch emission (°C d)

Figure 3. Number of unfolded leaves on lateral branches I (15th phytomer) (a to d) or II (5th and 8th phytomer) (e to h) as a function of thermal
time for the control plants (C) or the water deficit treatments (S1 to S3). The 5th and 8th phytomers for the branches II are not distinguished.
Each value corresponds to one plant. The fitted lines for the water deficit treatment (thin line) are represented with the adjustment obtained
for control plants (thick line).

Frequency of IInd lateral branching is relatively insensitive to of lateral branches I (BL I), was reduced by water deficit
soil water deficit except for severe deficit for all the water regimes, although the differences were
For all the water regimes, 4 to 5 apical phytomers on the only significant for medium and severe water deficits (S2
apical zone of branches I were not branched. The fre- and S3 respectively, P < 5%) (Figure 6 a). It decreased to
quency of IInd lateral branching (FB II) was therefore 89% (S1), 74% (S2) and 7% (S3), of C plants, while Ψp
calculated excluding the top 5 phytomers for all the treat- only decreased to 87% (S1), 85% (S2) and 56% (S3) of C
ments (Figure 4e). The remaining phytomers on branch I plants (Figure 2b).
all developed branches II for control plants (FB II close to The intensity of secondary branching on lateral
100%). Intermediate soil water deficits S1 and S2 did not branches I, indicated by the final ratio of the number of
significantly alter this branching frequency (P > 5%). leaves on lateral branches II to the number of leaves on
Only the most severe deficit S3 eventually inhibited the lateral branches I (LN II/LN I) was significantly reduced for
development of branches II (FB II down to zero) (P < 5%). the range of water deficits (S1 to S3, P < 5%). It decreased
to 75% and 62% of C plants for S1 and S2 respectively
Composite indicators of Ist lateral branches growth and of and was reduced to zero for S3. LN II/LN I was therefore
branching intensity on branches I are sensitive to medium and more sensitive to water deficit than BL I, and even more
mild soil water deficits, respectively than gs which decreased to 83%, 75% and 19% of C for
The Ist lateral branch growth, indicated by the final length S1, S2 and S3, respectively (Figures 6b, 2c)
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312 Vegetative indicators of water stress Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 11, 306–315, 2005

120 120
a d

branches I (% of control)

branches II (% of control)
Leaf emergence rate on

Leaf emergence rate on

100 100

80 S1 80
60 60 S1*
40 40 S2*

20 S3* 20
0 0

Frequency of lateral branching

120 b 120 e
branches I (% of control)

100 100
Final leaf area on


(% of control)
C C S1
80 S2 80 S2

60 60

40 40
20 20
0 0
120 c
branches I (% of control)
Final internode length on

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0

100 Fraction of transpirable soil water
80 S1


20 S3*

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
Fraction of transpirable soil water

Figure 4. Vegetative growth individual parameters, as a percentage of control plants, of branches I (15th phytomer: leaf emergence rate, LER I;
final leaf area, LA I and final internode length, INL I) (a to c), or branches II (5th and 8th P0 type phytomer for leaf emergence rate, LER II; all
the phytomers for frequency of lateral branching, FB II) (d and e) plotted as a function of the average value of the fraction of transpirable soil
water during the period of stabilised soil water deficit (Figure 2a, c).
LER I (% of control) = 101.2 – 246.2 × exp(–7.1 × FTSW) (r 2 = 0.81; CVe = 15%)
LA I (% of control) = –22.7 + 394.0 × FTSW – 289.4 × FTSW2 (r 2 = 0.85; CVe = 11%)
INL I (% of control) = 98.1 – 221.6 × exp(–7.3×FTSW) (r 2 = 0.83; CVe = 9%)
LER II (% of control = 108.7 + 63.8 × ln(FTSW) (r 2 = 0.83; CVe = 27%)
FB II (% of control) = 103.2 – 480.1 × exp(–8.1 × FTSW) (r 2 = 0.92; CVe = 16%)
Final leaf area on branches I (cm2)

a 160 b
Final internode length
on branches I (mm)

150 80
40 S1
50 S2
0 1 2 0 1 2 S3
0 0
5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Leaf position on branches I Leaf position on branches I

Figure 5. Final leaf area (LA I, a) and internode length (INL I, b) of each phytomer of branches I (15th phytomer) for the control plants (C) or
the water deficit treatments (S1 to S3). LA I and INL I are represented for the phytomers 5 to 10 and 5 to 16 respectively. Leaves and internodes
are fully expanded for these phytomers. The type of phytomer (P0, P1 and P2) is represented for the first sequence in each figure. The phytomers
with constant values of INL I per type of phytomer are delimited by the dashed-line. Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

Comparison of the sensitivities to soil water deficit of the trend to soil water deficit (Figure 7). They were all rela-
individual parameters and composite indicators of vegetative tively insensitive to mild and medium soil water deficits
growth (S1 and S2 respectively, FTSW > 0.4), but were reduced
The leaf emergence rate on lateral branches I (LER I), for severe water deficits (S3, FTSW = 0.19). In contrast
their final individual leaf area (LA I) and internode length with LA I, LER I and INL I did not increase for mild water
(INL I) all plotted as a function of FTSW showed a similar deficits (FTSW = 0.61). The frequency of IInd lateral
17550238, 2005, 3, Downloaded from by Montpellier SupAgro, Wiley Online Library on [21/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Pellegrino, Lebon, Simonneau & Wery Vegetative indicators of water stress 313

120 a 120

on branches II to the number of leaves


Final ratio of the number of leaves

Final length of branches I
100 100

on branches I (% of control)
(% of control)

80 80 C
60 60 S1*
40 40 S2*

20 20
S3* S3*
0 0
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
Fraction of transpirable soil water Fraction of transpirable soil water

Figure 6. Vegetative growth composite indicators, in percentage of control plants, of branches I (15th phytomer: final length of branches, BL
I) (a), or branches II (all the phytomers: final ratio of the number of leaves on branches II to the number of leaves on branches I, LN II/LN I)
(b) plotted as a function of the average value of the fraction of transpirable soil water during the period of stabilised soil water deficit (Figure
2 a, c). Significant differences of the vegetative growth composite indicators between the water deficit treatments (S1 to S3) and the control
plants (C) (P < 5%) are indicated by asterisks. Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.
BL I(% of control) = 135.4 – 30.0/FTSW + 1.15/FTSW2 (r 2 = 0.88; CVe = 19%)
LN II/LN I(% of control) = 110.7 + 64.2 × ln(FTSW) (r 2 = 0.87; CVe = 24%)

branching (FB II) was also only sensitive to severe deficits, Discussion
at which it was inhibited (Figure 7). Overall, the leaf Consistent with the results of Belaygue et al. (1996) on
emergence rate on lateral branch II (LER II) was the most white clover, Lecoeur and Guilioni (1998) on pea and Lebon
sensitive individual parameter to water stress (Figure 7). et al. (2001) and Bindi et al. (2005) on grapevine, present
It was reduced for mild and medium water stress. data for individual parameters of vegetative growth were
The composite indicators of Ist lateral branch growth closely linked to soil water deficit, as characterised by
(BL I) and of branching intensity on branches I (LN II/LN FTSW (r 2 > 0.81). Existing knowledge on the production
I) showed a severe sensitivity to water stress compared of root signals (including abscisic acid and cytokinins) in
with all the individual parameters of vegetative growth response to soil drying and their effect on leaf emergence,
(Figure 7). The sensitivity to water deficit of BL I was leaf expansion and lateral branching (Dry and Loveys
higher than the sensitivities of all the individual parame- 1998, Stoll et al. 2000) provides a sound physiological
ters measured on lateral branches I and of FB II, but lower basis for this type of empirical relationship between soil
than the sensitivity of LER II, providing an intermediate water deficit in the root zone and shoot behaviour.
shape of vegetative growth response to water deficit. Individual parameters for shoot growth and morphol-
LN II/LN I was more sensitive to soil water deficit than the ogy showed contrasted sensitivities to water stress,
growth of the lower order branch (indicated by BL I). Its increasing with the branch order (I, II). These sensitivities
sensitivity was similar to that of LER II. were used to identify two composite indicators (BL I,
LN II/LN I) based on simple measurements (branch length
and leaf number). They showed a higher sensitivity to
water deficits than Ψp or even than gs for LN II/LN I.
Individual parameters or composite

Strong correlations were observed between these com-
indicators (% of control

100 posites indicators and FTSW (r2 > 0.88). They can there-
fore be used to diagnose mild to medium water deficits
which may impact on canopy development and optimi-
60 sation of the balance between yield and grape quality.
LA I The sensitivities of the individual vegetative growth parameters
20 FB II to water deficit mainly depend on the branches order (I, II)
BL I The parameters LER I, LA I, INL I and FB II showed a low
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 sensitivity for a large range of water deficits (FTSW >
Fraction of transpirable soil water 0.4), and were only reduced for severe water deficits
(FTSW = 0.19) (Figure 7). The low sensitivity of the leaf
Figure 7. Differential sensitivities of the individual parameters and emergence process to water stress was also observed by
composite indicators of vegetative growth to the fraction of Lebon et al. (2001) on the non-topped main stem of
transpirable soil water (FTSW). Parameters of the regression are Grenache Noir, by Belaygue et al. (1996) on white clover
detailed in Figure 4 (branches I: leaf emergence rate, LER I; final leaf and by Lecoeur and Guilioni (1998) on pea. LER I, LA I
area, LA I and final internode length, INL I – branches II: leaf and INL I all exhibited similar decrease to water deficit in
emergence rate, LER II and frequency of lateral branching, FB II), and
in Figure 6 (branches I: final length of branches, BL I – branches II: grapevine. Other species showed in contrast higher sen-
final ratio of the number of leaves on branches II to the number of sitivity of phytomer expansion compared to phytomer
leaves on branches I, LN II/LN I). production (Randall and Sinclair 1988, Belaygue et al.
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314 Vegetative indicators of water stress Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 11, 306–315, 2005

1996, Lecoeur and Guilioni 1998). Leaf expansion (the al. 2000). However, the parameters of some relationships
underlying process of LA I) surprisingly improved for mild could be affected by different factors including cultivar and
water deficit (FTSW of 0.61, Figure 7). This increase was rootstock, crop load and mineral status. Competition for
consistent with the results of Jun (1994) on rice. This assimilates between the vegetative and reproductive sinks
was potentially linked to the higher level of assimilates decreased vegetative growth to similar levels as experi-
available for leaves under mild stress, which was in term enced for water stress (Hardie and Martin 2000). Nitrogen
linked with the reduction of the vegetative sinks repre- deficiency also reduced grapevine vigour (Gaudillère et al.
sented by lateral branches (decrease of LER II, see below) 2002). However, Tréogat et al. (2002) showed that vege-
while photosynthesis (and thereby the carbon source) tative growth was generally more reduced by water stress
was maintained to its maximum value for this range of than by nitrogen deficiency for grapevines growing under
water deficit (Pellegrino 2003). The inhibition of FB II by standard rain-fed conditions, which serves to emphasise
water deficit was consistent with the observations on the over-riding importance of water as a driving variable.
other species (Steinberg et al. 1990 on peach tree, In this same connection, the diagnosis of water deficit
Belaygue et al. 1996). in the field could be completed by simple observations or
The development of branches II (LER II) was more measurements (using a N-tester) of leaf colour to assess
affected by soil water deficit than the development of the vine nitrogen status. Non-stabilised soil water status could
stems bearing these branches (LER I) (Figure 7). The also affect the stability of LA I, INL I or BL I (which
almost linear reduction of LER II with FTSW is quite depends on INL I) vs FTSW because the final leaf area and
unique among all the relationships of this type published internode length depend on the timing of water stress in
to date, suggesting that the production of phytomers on relation to the development period for each phytomer
branches II is the most sensitive process in plant response (Lecoeur et al. 1995 on pea, Belaygue et al. 1996 on white
to drought. Lebon et al. (2001), similarly, observed that clover, Randall and Sinclair 1988 on soybean). Even if
the leaf emergence rate of branches I was the most sensi- relationships between individual parameters and com-
tive parameter for non-topped main stems of grapevine. posite indicators with FTSW may change, the classification
based on the relative sensitivity to water stress between
The composite indicators of vegetative growth can be used to these individual parameters and composite indicators is
diagnose mild to medium water deficits likely to be consistent.
As expected (Eqn 2), the final length of branches I (com- In conclusion, contrasts between vegetative growth
posite indicator BL I), showed a higher sensitivity to soil components of Shiraz grapevines in their respective sen-
water deficit in comparison with its underlying processes sitivities to soil water deficits (based on FTSW) have been
of node production (LER I) and internode elongation (INL identified and quantified. In particular, the parameter of
I) (Figure 7). The final ratio of the number of leaves on vegetative development of lateral branches II (LER II)
branches II to the number of leaves on branches I (com- was sensitive to mild soil water deficit whereas the
posite indicator LN II/LN I), showed a higher sensitivity to parameters of vegetative development and growth of the
soil water deficit than BL I. Its sensitivity was similar to phytomers on lateral branches I, LER I, LA I and INL I, or
that of LER II for a large range of soil water deficit as LER of the frequency of branching, FB II, were relatively insen-
I and FB II were only slightly reduced (Eqn 3). sitive to FTSW, except for severe water deficit. Two com-
LN II/LN I and BL I are therefore sufficiently sensitive plementary composite indicators were identified from this
to soil water deficits to be used as indicators of respectively analysis. The first was an indicator of growth of branches
mild (FTSW = 0.61) and medium water deficits I (BL I) and the second was an indicator of branching
(FTSW = 0.40). They are more sensitive to water stress intensity on branches I (LN II/LN I). These ‘easy to mea-
than Ψp (Figure 2 b), which is widely used as an indicator sure’ composite indicators were more sensitive to FTSW
of plant water stress in grapevine. The sensitivity of than all the individual parameters measured on branches
LN II/LN I to water stress is even higher than that of gs I and than FB II. They were also more sensitive to FTSW
(Figure 2c). The low sensitivity of Ψp or gs observed than Ψp, or even than gs for LN II/LN I which showed a
respectively for medium and mild water deficits is consis- similar trend as LER II. They can be used to diagnose mild
tent with the results of Lebon et al. (2003) and Pellegrino water deficits (using LN II/LN I) as well as the medium
et al. (2004) in vineyard conditions. Compared to Ψp or gs, water deficits (using BL I) required to constrain vegetative
LN II/LN I and BL I offer the advantage of being integra- vigour, and thus improve the balance between vineyard
tive indicators of water stress and require therefore a yield and grape quality.
lower number of measurements to characterise the water
deficit experienced by a grapevine over the cropping season. Acknowledgements
Anne Pellegrino received funding from the French
Extrapolation to field conditions Ministry of Agriculture and the Languedoc-Roussillon
Present relationships between FTSW and either individual region. We thank Yvan Bouisson, Philippe Naudin, Carla
parameters or composite indicators of vegetative growth Machado and Adriano Zago for their technical assistance.
should remain stable in vineyards, because such relation- Grateful acknowledgment is also made to my colleagues at
ships did not change between different pedoclimatic con- CSIRO Plant Industry (Horticulture Unit) Merbein, and
ditions, nor between varieties of other species (Lecoeur especially to Dr Rob Walker, for their helpful input during
and Sinclair 1996, Lecoeur and Guilioni 1998, Soltani et the final stages of manuscript preparation.
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Pellegrino, Lebon, Simonneau & Wery Vegetative indicators of water stress 315

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