in the synaptic cleft
the deactivation of neurotransmitters by the enzymes i
tthe same synapse to reinforce a post-
the effect of impulses from different neurons arriving al
synaptic potential
3, mepeen frequency of a neuron firing that triggers the release of neurotransmiters into the
“ synaptic cleft
(the effect of sucdessive impulses in the same axon to reinforce a post-synaptic potential
Question 2
n object in the visual field and’
The function of the . . . Jobe is to help people recognize elements of a
integrate them into meaningful patterns.
4. frontal
2. temporal
¢& occipi
Question 3
Which of the following statements about noradrenaline is correot?
pathetic nerves and speed up the metabolism and th:
4, Noradrenalin is released by the sym
release of glucose into the blood
2. Alack of noradrenalin leads to the decline in cognitive functioning seen in Alzheimer’s diseas¢
. Noradrenalin is involved in the experience of pleasure and suppression of pain
sociated with an increase In heart rate and contraction of blood vessels.
Question 4
whereas a low level of dopamine is associated wit!1. myelination
Question 7
Which neurotransmitter is associated with an increase in heart rate, the contraction of blood vessels,
Smee neastinuscien?
3. Adrenalin
4, Endorphin
Question &
‘The opening through which ‘one neuron communicates with another neuron is known as the...
1. threshold
2. channel argiving cell : eee
e impulse stimulates terminal bouton - Neurotransmitters attach to receptors
leurotransmitters cross synaptic cleft ae
ve impulse stimulates terminal bouton - Vesicles attach to the membrane
leurotransmitters are released - Neurotransmitters attach to receptors on postsynaptic
membrane BEES,
Question 10
The contrast between two poles of a neuron is called .
: a nce
3. testing membrane potential
4. a postsynaptic potential
Question 11
Which. term refers to the condition of breathing iffculties during sleep. whereby an individual,
wakes up ga ‘then goes back to sleep?
41. Insomnia
2. Catalepsy
4. Narcolepsy
Question 12
‘The phenomenon of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) occurs during :
Goossen tei creams usually occut :
~ Phase 2 of sleep, whereby brain wave frequencies are mixed =
3. Phase 3 of sleep, in which autonomic activity slows down
‘S-Sleep, in which delta brain waves are synchronized1. Inhalants
Eragon Re
> Depressants
Question 16
Which of the following is not one of the steps in the process of problem-solving?’
1. Gaining insight
2. Explore various strategies
le solutions
blem and define it clearly
Question 17
7 r asks you to think of different possible uses of a coffee mug. You suggest that a coffee
mug car perisad ae the pens holder. This is an example of .
4. cognitive complexity
Question 18
“Tike difference between informal and formal reasoning is that “formal reasoning is logical whereas
plomeloesoalnaelioaieae Th
This answer is...
because formal reasoning is based on premises and conclusions
2ecause formal reasoning is based on inductive and deductive teasoning
because the difference lies in the topic that is being discussed
_ and, conclusions are explicitly stated in fornelQuestion 20
‘Which of the following is pot an example of visual representation as a form of thinking?
1. Recognising an actor you once saw in another movie
2. Remembering a love song you heard on the radio
3. Remembering how you got lost and you had to follow road signs to your friend’s house
Using visual cues to make meaning such as in public places
Question 21
Which of the following statements relates to the orienting reaction?
The orienting reaction occurs when a stimulus is recognised or given meaning
Habituation refers to the re-appearance of the orienting reaction
The orienting reaction follows a sudden change in environmental stimulation
The brain's ability to process incoming information rapidly and below the awareness level
Question 22
Your groupmate on MyUnisa asks for your help in organising the information on sensation and
perception in a logical sequence. Which of the following sequence is correct?
4. Stimulus received on the retina - nerve impulses sent to the brain - threshold crossed
perceptual constancy
2. Sensory information sent to the brain - information is organised - meaning given
3. Sensory stimulus - transduction - monitoring - perceptual constancy
4, Sensory stimulus ~ transduction - increase in conscious awareness - perceptual constancy
Question 23
Yauapewatehind asixcyenrold child playing with Lego toy blocks: He starts arranging the blocks
according to their shapes and sizes. What principle of perceptual grouping is evident in this
1. Principle of symmetry
_ Principle of proximity
of continuity_aaanerpatina e sms’ a party, you are ablé to focus on the voice of that person and
screen out the background noise. This is an example of which law of perceptual organisation?
i Figure and ground
3. Proximity. Ce]
4. Grouping |
End of assignment 04