Metabolic Encephalopathies
Metabolic Encephalopathies
Metabolic Encephalopathies
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 27
Dyselectrolytemia - Related encephalopathy pontine sites such as basal ganglia, cerebral cortex,
hippocampi, lateral geniculate bodies and white matter.
Electrolyte disturbances such as hyponatremia,
Clinical manifestations include altered sensorium, coma,
hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia,
seizures, memory disturbances, dysphagia, flaccid
hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia and
quadriparesis, mutism, tremor, ataxia, dysarthria, dystonia,
hypermagnesemia often result in encephalopathy.
horizontal gaze paralysis and parkinsonism.6,7
Clinical symptoms may be directly related to electrolyte
disturbances or iatrogenic resulting from an inappropriate Hypoglycemic encephalopathy
correction. The laboratory cut-off values above or below
which encephalopathy may occur include sodium less Hypoglycemia is one of the common causes of
than 125 mmol/L (hyponatremia), sodium more than encephalopathy in infants and children. In symptomatic
160mmol/L (hypernatremia), ionized calcium less than cases, hypoglycemia is defined as blood sugar less than
0.5 mmol/L (hypocalcemia), ionized calcium more 50 mg/dL and 60 mg/dL in neonates less than 48 hours and
than 3 mmol/L (hypercalcemia), phosphorus less than after 48 hours of life respectively. 8 Hypoglycemia may
0.5 mmol/L (hypophosphatemia), magnesium less than occur due to low birth weight, sepsis, hyperinsulinism,
0.5 mmol/L (hypomagnesemia) and magnesium more than inborn errors of metabolism, growth hormone deficiency,
2 mmol/L (hypermagnesemia).2 adrenal insufficiency and medications. Clinical symptoms
in hypoglycemic patients that result from the activation of
Hyponatremia contributes to hypoosmolar stress that sympathetic nervous system are tachycardia, sweating,
drives water into the intracellular space by osmotic forces hypothermia, anxiety and tremors. Neuroglycopenic
thereby resulting in cerebral edema. However, a rapid shift symptoms in these patients include lethargy, headache,
of electrolytes and organic osmolytes occurs from the seizures and altered sensorium.8
intracellular space to prevent cerebral edema. Severe
hyponatremia attributes to failure of adaptive mechanisms Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM)
resulting in clinical manifestations. Clinical symptoms IEM may be broadly categorized into 3 groups.9 Group
include headache, lethargy, seizures, vomiting, behavioral 1 disorders include amino acidopathies, organic acidemia,
symptoms and coma. Hypernatremia leads to hyperosmolar porphyria and metal intoxication. In group 1 disorders,
stress that activates the shift of water and electrolytes out proximal to the block in metabolic pathways, the
of the intracellular compartment resulting in shrinkage of metabolites accumulate resulting in acute or progressive
oligodendroglial cells.2 Clinical symptoms in these patients intoxication. Group 2 disorders are those resulting from
are altered sensorium and seizures. Dysregulation of defects in energy production or utilization. Disorders under
calcium homeostasis affects the neuronal excitability, this group are mitochondrial energy defects such as
synaptic transmission and function of various organelles. pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, pyruvate dehydrogenase
The precise mechanism of encephalopathy in patients with deficiency, fatty acid oxidation defects, ketone body
hypomagnesemia is not clear, though it is postulated to
result from an influence on the calcium homeostasis. Box 2. Clinical clues for diagnosis of inher-
Neurological manifestations in patients with hypocalcemia, ited metabolic disorders in neonates and
hypercalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypermagnesemia and infants
hypophosphatemia are cognitive disturbances, psychiatric
symptoms, seizures, muscle weakness, cramps, Neurological
hemiparesis, aphasia, extrapyramidal symptoms and
Lethargy, coma, poor sucking, apnea, myoclonic
respiratory compromise.2
seizures, hypotonia or hypertonia, involuntary
Osmotic demyelination syndrome is a rare cause of movements, hiccups, fast breathing
encephalopathy in children and adults. It has been reported
in patients with rapid correction of hyponatremia, Gastrointestinal
malnutrition, burn injuries, cirrhosis, pituitary surgeries,
Hepatosplenomegaly, Cholestatic jaundice
prolonged use of diuretics, hypophosphatemia and folate
deficiency.6 The underlying pathophysiology is impaired Others
ability of brain cells to respond to sudden osmolality
changes with resultant intracellular dehydration, energy Hypothermia, sepsis-like presentation with no response
depletion and axonal damage. 6 Sites of involvement in to antibiotics, abnormal urine odor, dysmorphic features,
osmotic demyelination syndrome are pons and extra hydrops fetalis
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 28
Table I. Specific diagnostic markers for inherited metabolic disorders in general physical and
neurological examination
Features Metabolic disorders
Microcephaly Sulfite oxidase deficiency, molybdenum cofactor deficiency,
untreated phenylketonuria
Facial dysmorphism Glutaric aciduria type II, peroxisomal disorders
Sparse hypopigmented hair Biotinidase deficiency, multiple carboxylase deficiency, vitamin
B12 deficiency
Hair shaft abnormalities Arginosuccinic aciduria, Menkes disease
Alopecia Biotinidase deficiency, multiple carboxylase deficiency
Hypertrichosis Mitochondrial complex deficiency
Skin rashes Biotinidase deficiency, multiple carboxylase deficiency
Fat maldistribution Congenital disorder of glycosylation
Cyanosis Methemoglobinemia due to cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency
Petechiae Ethylmalonic aciduria
Anemia Vitamin B12 deficiency
Ocular findings - Cherry red spot, retinitis Tay-Sachs disease, Niemann Pick disease, mitochondrial
pigmentosa, nystagmus, optic atrophy, cytopathy, homocystinuria, sulfite oxidase deficiency,
supranuclear gaze paralysis, strabismus, Gaucher disease, neurotransmitter defects
oculogyric crisis, lens dislocation
Spasticity Nonketotic hyperglycinemia, sulfite oxidase deficiency,
molybdenum cofactor deficiency, multiple carboxylase
Extrapyramidal signs Glutaric aciduria, Leigh syndrome, biotin thiamine responsive
(dystonia, choreoathetosis, tremors) basal ganglia disease, neurotransmitter defects, homocystinuria
Ataxia L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria, vitamin B12 deficiency,
cobalamin disorders, mitochondrial complex deficiency
utilization defects and respiratory chain disorders. Group Clinical manifestations of IEM in neonates are often
3 disorders involve the defects in the synthesis or non-specific. Neonates with IEM usually manifest with
catabolism of complex molecules such as lysosomal storage poor feeding, lethargy, vomiting, failure to thrive,
disorders, peroxisomal disorders, congenital disorders of respiratory distress and coma. Other symptoms include
glycosylation (CDG) and disorders of cholesterol neurological deterioration, seizures, jaundice, cardiac
metabolism. Group 1 and 2 disorders usually manifests failure or refractory hypoglycemia.9 A full term neonate
with acute encephalopathy. Disorders categorized under with no apparent antenatal or perinatal risk factors
group 3 manifest with chronic progressive course and presenting with sudden neurological deterioration must be
episodic decompensation with intercurrent illness may evaluated for IEM. Clinical clues for consideration of IEM
rarely occur in some of these disorders. Hypoglycemia, in full term neonates and infants are summarized in
Box 2.9
dyselectrolytemia, cytotoxic edema and energy failure
could possibly attribute to encephalopathy in children with Disorders that exhibit lethargy and progressive
various inborn errors of metabolism. neurological deterioration are maple syrup urine disease
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 29
(MSUD), methylmalonic acidemia (MMA), propionic Table II. West Haven grading of hepatic
acidemia (PA), isovaleric acidemia (IVA), multiple encephalopathy15,16
carboxylase deficiency (MCD) and urea cycle disorders
(UCD).9 Seizures are predominantly observed in pyridoxine Grade Clinical features
dependent epilepsy, biotinidase deficiency, folinic acid 1 Lack of awareness
responsive seizures and hypomagnesemia. Hepatic failure Decreased attention span
has been reported in galactosemia, tyrosinemia, fructose Impaired calculation
intolerance, CDG type 1b and bile acid synthesis defects. Euphoria or anxiety
Cardiac failure and rhythm disturbances have been
2 Lethargy or apathy
observed in neonates with fatty acid oxidation defect
Disorientation of time or place
(FAOD). Disorders of glycogenolysis, hyperinsulinism and
Personality changes
FAOD must be considered in neonates with persistent
Inappropriate behavior
Impaired calculation
IEM must be suspected in children of any age with 3 Hypersomnolence
developmental delay, seizures, consanguinity, positive Disorientation
family history, stroke like episodes, vision deterioration, Stupor
hearing dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, extrapyramidal
signs, ataxia and neurological worsening with intercurrent 4 Coma
illness.10 The clinical markers for diagnosis of inherited
metabolic disorders are summarized in Table I.10 dysfunction and cerebral edema while chronic HE
Nutritional deficiencies predominantly results from portosystemic shunting. 2
Hyperammonemia, dyselectrolytemia, generation of
Children with nutritional deficiencies of vitamins such aberrant neurotransmitter-like molecules, manganese
as thiamine, vitamin B12, folic acid and niacin would deposition in brain and production of abnormal ligands
manifest with altered level of consciousness, memory could explain the neurological symptoms in children with
disturbances, seizures, ataxia and involuntary movements. HE. 12,13 The precipitating factors of HE are infection,
variceal bleeding, constipation, dehydration,
Wernicke encephalopathy results from thiamine dyselectrolytemia, hypoglycemia, excessive intake of
deficiency and though common in alcoholic patients, it has dietary protein, use of sedative drugs and renal failure.14
been reported in infants born to thiamine deficient mother, There are four types of HE namely type A associated with
children with malignancies on chemotherapy, nephrotic acute liver failure, type B associated with portosystemic
syndrome, gastrointestinal surgeries, prolonged bypass, type C associated with cirrhosis and type D
hospitalization, magnesium deficiency and inherited associated with urea cycle disorders. 14 Common IEM
thiamine transporter deficiency. 11 The classical triad responsible for liver failure are tyrosinemia, galactosemia,
described in Wernicke encephalopathy consisting of urea cycle disorder and neonatal hemochromatosis.
encephalopathy or memory disturbances, ataxia and The clinical stages of HE are summarized in Table II.15, 16
ophthalmoplegia are not observed in majority of cases.
Other uncommon clinical manifestations in Wernicke Reye syndrome
encephalopathy are seizures, hallucinations, behavioral
disturbances, dyskinesias, coma, hypotension and Reye syndrome was first described by R.D.K Reye in
hypothermia. 11 Thiamine deficiency leads to impaired 1963.17 It is an acute non-inflammatory encephalopathy
functioning of transketolase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, that typically manifests with vomiting, lethargy and
alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and branched chain progression to coma.17 The criteria to be fulfilled for the
ketoacid dehydrogenase resulting in energy depletion and diagnosis of Reye syndrome is given Box 3.18
neuronal injury. Reye syndrome may be precipitated by viral or
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) bacterial pathogens such as influenza virus, varicella zoster
virus, coxsackie virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus,
Hepatic encephalopathy occurs commonly in children Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis virus, chlamydia, bordetella,
with fulminant hepatic failure due to viral hepatitis, drug mycoplasma and shigella. Ingestion of salicylates has also
toxicity or inborn errors of metabolism. HE may be acute been associated with the occurrence of Reye syndrome.
or chronic. The acute HE would result from liver cell These bacterial / viral pathogens and aspirin appear to cause
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 30
and infection. In the absence of insulin, triglycerides in symptomatology are hyponatremia, hypothermia,
the liver are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol and hypoventilation and hypoxia. Hashimoto’s encephalopathy
the glycerol is again converted in to glucose. However, the refers to an immune-mediated neurological disorder with
glucose thus formed cannot be utilized by the peripheral varied clinical symptoms such as seizures, movement
tissues due the lack of insulin leading on to a rise in the disorders, psychiatric symptoms and coma. Though the
production of ketone bodies. Hyperglycemia, glucosuria, exact pathophysiology is not clear, it is believed to result
high anion gap metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia and ketosis from an underlying immune-mediated pathogenic process.
are the biochemical markers of DKA. Anti-thyroglobulin and anti-microsomal antibodies are
Clinical manifestations in children with DKA are lethargy, detected in these patients despite the euthyroid state. 27
abdominal pain, vomiting, polyuria, polydipsia, The treatment modalities include high dose steroids,
dehydration, tachypnea and altered sensorium.25 plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulins.27,28
b) Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome (HHS) occurs d) Patients with hyperthyroidism rarely manifest with
more commonly in type-2 diabetes mellitus, often thyroid storm following surgery, trauma or infection.
precipitated by infection. In HHS, despite hyperglycemia, These patients exhibit tremors, seizures, involuntary
the peripheral tissues are unable to utilize the glucose and movements and coma.
hence, counter regulatory hormones are released that raises
e) Adrenal crisis is usually precipitated by dehydration,
the blood sugar level and serum osmolarity. Since the
infection, trauma in children with pre-existing adrenal
insulin levels are not decreased in type-2 diabetes, lipolysis
insufficiency and also following abrupt withdrawal of
and ketogenesis are inhibited. Children with HHS manifest
steroid. These patients manifest with lethargy, vomiting,
with fever, lethargy, tachypnea, tachycardia, dehydration,
hypotension, shock, confusion and coma.29,30
focal neurological deficits and altered sensorium.26
Clinical spectrum
c) Hypothyroid coma is extremely rare in children.
These children usually manifest with lethargy, bradycardia, Though the signs of global cerebral dysfunction
hypothermia, dyspnea and seizures. In children with predominate in metabolic encephalopathies, a careful
hypothyroidism, factors that attribute to clinical clinical examination to look for neuropsychological signs
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 32
Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2020;22(1) : 33
children. The summary of neuroimaging findings in 1. General measures in children presenting with metabolic
children with metabolic encephalopathies of varied etiology encephalopathies involve the management of airway,
and suspected inborn errors of metabolism are summarized breathing and circulation. Maintain euglycemia, correct
in Table III and IV.10,11,33-38 dyselectrolytemia if identified and supplement thiamine
Freshly voided urine samples must be collected in or other vitamin cofactors in cases with Wernicke
infants and children with suspected metabolic encephalopathy or other inborn errors of metabolism.
encephalopathies. Urine samples have to be collected Antiepileptic medications must be chosen appropriately
before treatment and while on treatment. These samples to achieve seizure freedom. Raised intracranial pressure if
have to be stored at -20º C and urinary samples are to be identified must be managed appropriately using standard
analyzed for odour, P H, sulfite excretion, electrolytes, protocols. Strict control of hypertension and elimination
ketones, amino acid and ketoacids.9 Urinary organic acids of precipitating factors are recommended in management
are analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of children with PRES.
(GCMS). Plasma, dried blood spot on filter paper and 2. Specific measures and organ support
whole blood are collected and stored in appropriate vials.
Neuroimaging plays a vital role in identifying the a) The management of hepatic encephalopathy involves
etiology of metabolic encephalopathies. Other laboratory maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance and
tests that needs to be considered in children with metabolic euglycemia. Other measures that target to decrease the
encephalopathies are shown in Table V.9, 39-41 blood ammonia levels in children with hepatic
encephalopathy are protein restricted diet; use of antibiotics
Treatment such as ampicillin and metronidazole to reduce gut bacterial
The management of metabolic encephalopathies can colonization and use of sodium benzoate and phenyl
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