StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
About the StartUp! Foundation Skills Development Course .................................... 5
Skills Development Schedule ................................................................................. 12
Welcome and expectations .................................................................................... 16
Insert Jumpstart content here – 3 full days .......................................................... 19
Module 1, Articulate your business vision ............................................................. 20
Module 1, Group coaching session ........................................................................ 37
Module 2, Know your customers ............................................................................ 45
Module 2, Group coaching session ........................................................................ 58
Module 3, Estimating annual sales income ........................................................... 67
Module 3, Group coaching session ........................................................................ 82
Module 4, Validating the customer problem assumptions ................................... 89
Module 4, Group coaching session ...................................................................... 108
Module 5, Design your Value Proposition ............................................................ 115
Module 5, Group coaching session ...................................................................... 127
Module 6, The Value Proposition Sheet ............................................................... 136
Module 6, Group coaching session ...................................................................... 143
Module 7, Test your minimum viable product ..................................................... 146
Module 7, Group coaching session ...................................................................... 156
Module 8, Revenue and pricing strategy ............................................................. 159
Module 8, Group coaching session ..................................................................... 174
Module 9, Reaching Customers, Key Activities and Resources .......................... 178
Module 10, Prepare your business story ............................................................. 188
Business presentations ........................................................................................ 192
StartUp! Foundation philosophy ........................................................................... 194
Customer conversations and pivots..................................................................... 199
Review your facilitation experience ..................................................................... 207
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Included in StartUp! Foundation Skills Development are key facilitation and coaching skills
that are important for Intern’s work with Participants. Also included are core skills for other
key Intern responsibilities.
The target audience for StartUp! Foundation is made up of Participants who have either
completed ReachUp! or the Business Ideation Bootcamp, known as Jumpstart. They enter
the StartUp! Foundation Course with a business idea. They are familiar with DOT, DOT
concepts of empowerment and sustainability, and DOT learning processes.
Participants are individuals who want to start or grow a business or recover an at-risk or
failed business.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Skills Development leads StartUp! Interns first through a business
ideation process, Jumpstart, so that they create a business idea. They then take that idea
through the StartUp! Foundation process of business model development and market
testing. They will experience the participant curriculum directly.
After Interns complete the modules of the StartUp! Foundation participant learning
experience, they will then explore the key skills that they must have in order to effectively
deliver the curriculum to participants. There are 4 separate modules devoted to debriefing
their learning from the participant experience and transferring that experience into what it
might mean for their own work in the field.
After a through exploration of the rationale and impact of the StartUp! Foundation program,
Interns then explore facilitation skills required to deliver the program. The facilitation modules
are followed by coaching modules, as StartUp! Interns will also be coaching participants
toward achieving their business goals.
Teams of Interns will practice facilitation the key modules within StartUp! They will receive
feedback from you as well as their peers on clarity of their work.
The final modules of StartUp! Foundation Skills Development centre around two other
important Intern activities: Measurement & evaluation and blogging.
The program takes 5 full weeks to complete. The suggested schedule for StartUp!
Foundation Skills Development appears starting on page 11. You will see that it is planned
to last 22 days. That will give you some leeway to lengthen to a full 5 weeks if you need to
add content that is country specific or if you wish to add formal class time to allow Interns to
work on the Application to Business sections.
The output of StartUp! Foundation is a Business Model Canvas Poster and a compelling
business presentation. In this ILE, Interns will work on each block of the Business Model
Canvas separately on Business Model Canvas Sheets and then bring them together to form
the poster.
The Business Model Canvas Sheets need to be updated whenever an Intern learns
something new that will impact their business idea. You may choose to have Interns work in
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
pencil so they can erase and update each Sheet as necessary. Alternatively, you can
provide additional copies when requested. Whatever action you decide to take must
encourage Interns to update the Sheets whenever needed.
Interns should stick the sheets together as they are completed to build their canvas. As
each sheet is added, Interns gain a more complete understanding of their business.
Whenever the activity involves a complicated set of steps, we have provided a worksheet for
Interns to use.
• Annual sales income estimation worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 3)
• Problem validation worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 4)
• Problem validation form (StartUp! Foundation Module 4)
• Product market fit worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 5)
• Feature benefit worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 5)
• Competitive position worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 6)
• Customer test worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 7)
• Customer values worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 8)
• Profit or loss worksheet (StartUp! Foundation Module 9)
We have included worked examples within StartUp! Foundation for use with Participants.
You may also choose to use them with Interns. Having a worked example to refer to after the
class will help Participants apply the principles at a later time. We have chosen to provide
these coaching tools for some of the more complicated activities. If you find that they are
needed for all Participants, you may choose to hand out copies along with the worksheets. If
cost of printing is a problem, you can create them on flipcharts that can be then reused.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Participants are encouraged to bring a Business Journal to the course where they can
record all their thinking and research about their business in one place. It is recommended
that Participants staple their worksheets into their Business Journals to keep them safe.
Interns should also be given blank notebooks to use as Business Journals to use during
StartUp! Foundation.
In order to be an effective facilitator, it is essential that you prepare thoroughly before
facilitating each module. You should also plan on having a team to facilitate the program as
5 weeks is a very long time to be on stage. Consider using a co-facilitator for each module
and divide the modules up into co-facilitation teams.
Remember, Interns will deliver the curriculum exactly as they have experienced it so you
must be fully prepared to facilitate. Most of this content will be new to you; only through
becoming totally familiar with it can you focus on facilitation.
1. Read through the modules to get an understanding of what happens in each module.
List the flow/steps on a sticky note and attach to the front page of the module as a
quick reminder.
2. Go through each module a second time and add any facilitation tips that you can
recall from the Intern Learning Experience. What did you see the DOT facilitators do
when they facilitated the module? What ideas do you have for how to facilitate this
module effectively?
3. Go back through each module a third time and underline the key points. What are the
key messages in each section of the module? How might you convey these in your
own words?
4. Complete each and every activity in the modules.
5. Make a list of any elements you are unsure of for discussion with your group.
6. Make sure you understand how the module links to other modules in the curriculum.
1. Walk through the module as a group. Take turns to lead the preparation of each
section. The Intern responsible should:
i. Summarise what he/she plans to do in the section and highlight the key
ii. Talk through the answers of the exercises.
iii. Share any concerns/questions about the content.
2. Compile the key points for the module and share these with the DOT facilitator for
1. The night before you facilitate a module, go back through the module to refresh what
you will be doing.
2. Ensure you arrive at the venue AT LEAST 30-45 minutes before the session starts to
do any final preparations (e.g., prepare flip charts, arrange the room, etc.).
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
3. Use the timer on your BlackBerry to keep time each day and ensure you move
through the content at the appropriate speed.
In addition, you should go through the business model generation process for your own
business idea prior to facilitating this course. This will ensure understanding of key concepts
and will also provide concrete examples that can be shared with the Interns.
The following resources will also help you prepare to facilitate this course:
Blank, S. (2013). Why the lean startup changes everything. Harvard Business
Udacity Course taught by Steve Blank: How to Build a Startup (series of videos,
approximately 8 hours)
Blank, S. & Dorf, B. (2012). The Startup Owner’s Manual. Pescadero, CA: K&S
Ranch. http://www.stevenblank.com/startup_index_qty.html
Thornton, C. (2010). Group and Team Coaching. East Sussex, Routledge.
Schwarz, D. & Davidson, A. (2009). Facilitative Coaching. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.
StartUp! Foundation is designed to be facilitated to a group of 15-20 Intern. The curriculum is
not designed to be effective with large groups. If the group is large, the chance for
Participants to achieve the learning objectives is greatly reduced.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Throughout StartUp! Foundation, Participants work in small groups and with partners,
participate in group discussions, and do individual work. They “learn by doing,” using
experiential methodology in every module. Learning from other members of the group is an
important part of StartUp! Foundation. Discussion, questions and answers, and individual
presentations encourage the exchange of ideas.
Participants will need work tables to conduct their small group discussions and other
activities. The facilitator will need a materials table, a work table, coloured markers, and a
white board and/or flip charts.
Facilitators deliver the course in the local language to literate community Participants. All
StartUp! materials, including the Facilitator Guide, are written in English. Facilitators will
need to be aware of the language skills of Participants. This means the vocabulary level of
the Participants in their local language, as well as their reading and comprehension of
English. Facilitators should review materials in advance and be prepared to translate as
You are expected to facilitate StartUp! Foundation in a way that ensures men and women
are able to graduate with equitable benefits. This means that men and women have
equitable skill levels and equitable outcomes, such as business creation.
Men and women have different needs and priorities. They have different roles in
communities, different sources of income, and spend money in different ways. Men and
women have different life experience and society has different expectations of them. As a
result, they also participate and learn in different ways. Thus, when facilitating StartUp!
Foundation, it is important to take these differences into account to ensure both men and
women learn and are empowered by DOT’s programs.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
A good facilitator recognises the different experiences of men and women and adjusts their
facilitation approach to ensure that both men and women understand and relate to the
material. For example, women tend to have lower literacy levels, have a greater labour
burden at home, and have different personal safety issues than men. This can affect their
confidence to enrol and attend programs, so you might have to be more supportive in
encouraging women to attend and consider location and timing in the delivery of the
While men may have more access to collateral, many microfinance programs are targeting
women, which may make it a challenge for poor men to access start up capital. Thus, when
making linkages with microfinance institutions, it is important to make sure that there are
options presented that will work for both men and women.
You should create an environment conducive to the participation of both women and men by
using gender neutral language, avoiding sexist references, recognising the different
experiences of men and women, and encouraging both sexes to see different perspectives
and respect different experiences.
Having both male and female co-facilitators introduces balances, ensures that there are two
different perspectives and styles represented, and may make both sexes more comfortable.
When having visitors come to talk to Participants, you should ensure a balance of male and
female presenters.
Using a variety of facilitation methods will encourage both men and women to participate in a
way that suits them and makes the most of this learning opportunity:
• Men don’t usually like to share personal information, particularly with other men.
• Women avoid taking part in open debates.
• A mix of individual, small group, and large group work usually allows different
individuals to feel comfortable and participate in their own way.
• Groups can be either mixed or single sex depending on what the purpose is. If
mixed, there should be at least 30% representation of both sexes to ensure everyone
feels comfortable.
• Men tend to talk longer and interrupt women. They also respond to questions
quicker. Women tend to take a few extra seconds to think of their answer and are
less likely to interrupt. Waiting for a few extra moments after a question has been
asked may facilitate a greater number and diversity of responses.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The suggested schedule for StartUp! Foundation Skills Development
appears on these next three pages. You will see that it is planned to
last 22 days. That will give you some leeway to lengthen to a full 5
weeks if you need to add content that is country specific.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Welcome 15 mins
MODULE What’s your superpower? 20 mins
SECTIONS Overview of the 5 week schedule 10 mins
Set context for the next three weeks 15 mins
Introduce yourself and your fellow facilitators. Greet each Intern by
name and take care of that everyone knows the logistics of the space.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
and not take yourself too seriously. The success of this icebreaker
depends on your own ability to model those behaviours.
Now you will each have 5 minutes to come up with your own Super
Hero. Begin with something you do really well. For example, if you can
squeeze into a matatu or an elevator no matter how crowded it is, your
Super hero name might be Incredible Squeeze Man. If you can keep
your temper no matter what happens, your Superhero name might be
Peace Girl.
Remember your superhero voice and stance. It’s time to reveal your
Superhero to another class mate.
Allow the group to circulate around the room, until everyone has met
everyone else. Once everyone has met, call the group back together
and debrief the experience:
? What might you do with what you have learned about each
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
It is a very full 5 weeks and will require your total attention. Are you
There are a few conditions that you have to accept about the business
ideas that you take forward. These are non-negotiable.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Welcome to StartUp! Foundation.
In this course, you will learn how to make a business successful from
the moment it launches. You will learn to apply cutting-edge
entrepreneurial approaches to starting a business.
Explain each of the elements (see the Course Structure session in the
Front Matter of this Guide) and emphasise the importance of the
second bullet above.
Indicate when and where you will meet for each of these sessions.
Our goal is to ensure that after you leave this course, you will be able
to complete all the steps you need to take and grow a business on
your own.
Once you have been in business for a few months, you will know more
about the kinds of actions you need to take on behalf of your
business. DOT has a number of specific shorter StartUp! Foundation
modules that will help you accomplish those tasks.
Either answer questions or write them on a parking lot so that you can
come back to them when appropriate.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Divide the group into small groups of three and share the following
The shortest person in each triad is the leader in the first round.
Leaders, you have power over your followers but you must only use
your power to create a positive, supportive group atmosphere in the
group. Take one minute to think about something that your followers
can do to create a positive, supportive group atmosphere for all of the
people in the room. Leaders, once you have an idea in mind, give
instructions to your followers telling them what they must do to create
this positive atmosphere.
Let’s do an example together to start. I will be the leader and you will
be my followers. Followers, go around the room and introduce yourself
to people in the room you have not yet met and tell them one thing
about the StartUp! course you are excited about. Try to meet as many
new people as you can in the next three minutes.
Offer two of your own creative ideas that are culturally appropriate to
ensure that Participants understand the exercise.
OK, it is now your turn. Leaders, take one minute to come up with your
Now, tell the followers their tasks. Followers, you will have 3 minutes
to accomplish your task. As soon as you receive your instructions,
move around the room to fulfil your task. When you approach a
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
person or small group, first tell them your instructions and then carry
them out.
Now the tallest person in the triad will be the leader. Leaders, take a
minute to think about something your followers can do and then give
them the instructions. Followers, once you have received your
instructions, carry them out.
Now the person with the middle height will be the leader. Leaders,
take a minute to think about something your followers can do and then
give them the instructions. Followers, once you have received your
instructions, carry them out.
The purpose of this activity is to allow Participants to create their own
positive atmosphere in the room.
? What is different now from the time you entered the room?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Writing a business plan before you know the facts about your
business will mean that your business plan will include a lot of guess
work. Often hours and hours are invested before the entrepreneur
ever speaks to a customer and then learns the hard way that they
created a product or service that nobody wants. The good news is that
there is a better process for starting a business that is less risky and
more successful. It’s called “lean start up” and it will guide all the work
you do in this course.
Once a startup has successfully made money for about a year, then it
begins to resemble an established business. And then, and only then,
is it time for a formal business plan—once the facts that need to go
into a business plan are known.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You will work on each block of the Business Model Canvas separately
and then bring them together to form the poster. You will complete
each block and then test your assumptions with actual customers in
the market. Then you’ll come back and update that piece of the
Business Module Canvas with the facts that you have gathered from
the market.
Let’s look at the entire Business Model Canvas Poster and the story it
tells. The Business Model Canvas is what you will use to think through
and document ALL aspects of your business. It will help you come up
with an effective business model. You can use it to design and invent
new business models and/or challenge an existing model.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
make money
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
When all of these parts work together, businesses are successful. The
picture is in balance. When one block is out of balance or missing,
businesses don’t work well and may fail.
Paulina wants to start a child care service in her home. What is her
business vision?
Take a few suggestions and then pick only one customer type to
continue to use in the example. For example, you might choose to
work with the customer who is a full time working mother with young
children in school.
? Okay, she wants us to help her have more time. What else
might she want?
Okay, she wants a child care service to keep her children safe. So
now we this we know a bit about who our customer is and what she
wants from our service. We know a little bit about the Value of what
we are offering.
Now it’s time to go talk to a few potential customers and find out
whether or not we are right. We do that. Were we right? We found out
something else that she wanted. What else did she want?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Okay, let’s look at our Business Model Canvas. We only need to make
a few changes. Let’s update our vision and update our value
proposition based on what we learned.
? Now, we know what we are selling. What will we charge for our
We make a few notes on the Pricing Block of our Canvas and then. . .
we do some research in order to test our price. Will our customers pay
this amount for our service? Will they pay MORE?
We found out what our customers were willing to pay. Our customers
told us that they were all interested in safe child care. A few seemed
interested in picking up a good home cooked meal to take with them.
So we have two different options for our customers. How does that
change our Vision and our Value Proposition?
Now we need to figure out how to reach our customers. How will they
learn about our service? How will they decide between our service
and other solutions that they currently use? How will they pay us?
How will we make sure that they are happy with the service we
As we look at the top portion of our canvas, we can see all of the
information we need that describes WHAT we are selling, WHO we
are selling to and HOW we are reaching them. The top portion of the
Canvas is all about our offer.
Let’s look at the bottom portion of the Canvas. If the top is all about
the outside of the business, our offer and our market, what is the
bottom showing us?
The bottom part of the canvas that captures what goes in inside the
business, like how much money we expect to make and how. What
we need to have and do in order to make that money and how much
all of it will cost us.
So, the top is the outside the customer facing portion and the bottom
is the inside, the business owner’s portion. You can see how these
parts all work to balance the business. You now have a big picture of
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
all parts of your business and what you need for it to be successful.
And it all goes on one poster so you can see how each part impacts
all the other parts of the business.
You then need to ask yourself what your customers would be willing to
pay for your product or service and how they would like to pay.
Through a subscription? Rent? Buy?
Once you know who you are targeting and what you are offering them,
you then need to ask yourself, “How do they want to be reached?
Through which channels do they want to communicate with me as a
company? Through which channels do they want to receive the goods
I am selling them? Through stores? Via the web? Through a delivery
That’s the top part of our canvas: The “What”. Now, let’s look at the
bottom half: The “How”. How are we going to do it? What do we need
to create our business?
The first question is to ask what resources you need. Do you need a
shop? A factory? A brand? Servers? What are the key things you
need to have in order for you to deliver on what you are promising?
Once you know what you need to have, you need to ask yourself what
you really need to do, what you need to excel at for your business to
work—the key activities. Is it marketing and sales? Managing staff?
Don’t worry, you don’t need to do everything yourself; you can work
with partners. So, you need to ask yourself, in addition to materials
and supplies, who are the key partners that can help you leverage
your business.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
module and you will add assumptions about each block of your
business to the Business Model Canvas Poster.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
use their phones and appliances more regularly, more often, and more
easily. Plus, it eliminates the need to make long trips to a charging
Think for a minute about your product or service and fill in the blanks
in this sentence.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You are going to work with a partner to clarify your statement so that it
is easily understood. You want it to be clear to others who will hear
your business vision.
Number the blanks in the sentence you wrote on the flip chart:
Then you will switch roles and work on Partner B’s business idea.
Find a partner and begin. You have 8 minutes to come up with the
answers. Then you will switch roles.
Keep asking questions until you understand who the customer is and
then move on to the problem or goal. Then go on to the product or
Discuss for 8 minutes, then switch. Make sure to take notes about
what you learn about your business idea.
Call time at the end of 8 minutes and have partners switch roles.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Now you’ll write a description of your market in a year from now and
how you plan to respond to that market.
Make the point that business owners who stay competitive try to
predict what might happen to their market in the future so that they are
prepared to respond. Use a local example of a business that predicted
how the market would change and was ready to respond to that
change or use the battery charging example that follows.
4. What will the market look like one year from when you start
your business?
5. How do you plan to respond to the market in a year?
This thinking focuses on your business future and will ensure that the
business you design will be sustainable and competitive.
? How will the market for rural battery charging services change
in a year’s time?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
So, I would answer question 4 (What will the market look like one year
from when you start your business?) this way:
Now that you know how your market may change in a year’s time, you
can plan on how you might respond to those changes, keeping you
ahead of any competition you might have. Let’s answer question 5,
How do you plan to respond to the market a year from now?
Answer question 5 in your Business Journal. You may work with your
partner again if you get stuck. I will walk around and answer any
questions you might have.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
At the end of 12 minutes, you will switch roles and repeat the process.
Complete the Vision Sheet for your business. You will see how we will
use it in the next module. Make sure that the description you add to
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test.
For this module, test and refine your business vision with two other
people. You only want to test the clarity of the vision to ensure it’s
easily understood. DO NOT change your ideas based on their
response; only refine and clarify the wording of your vision!
When you have revised your business vision, update that piece of the
Business Model Canvas. Remember, the Business Model Canvas
should always reflect your most recent knowledge of your business.
You will update it as you learn more about your business.
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the application to own business before the
coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
" Ball of string
" Agenda flip chart
" Flip chart and markers
" Laser Coaching Process flip chart
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
ball of string to another person in the circle. The person who they
throw the ball to then shares one of their strengths. They then hold
onto the string and throw the ball to another person, thereby creating a
web with the string. Repeat until all Participants have spoken at least
twice. If you have time you can go around more than twice.
? What did you learn that you didn’t know before?
? What can you do with the information that you have now?
This web that you have created represents the rich set of resources
that are in this group. There are a lot of strengths, skills, and passions
here. We can each draw on these during the group coaching
sessions, while developing our businesses, and beyond.
• Teach group and peer coaching tools and processes that you
can used during and after DOT, at home, at work, or in your
You will be helping each other in this process. We have just seen how
many strengths there are in this room; so, let’s use them to create
successful businesses.
We’ll start with a quick check-in each session to get an idea of how
everyone is doing in terms of applying the module’s concepts to their
own business. What is going well? What have you learned? Where
are you struggling? This will help to focus the coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Then, you’ll coach each other using the tools you have learned and
what you learned from watching me do the laser coaching session. As
we move through this course, you will spend more and more of the
time peer coaching as you develop the skills you need to help each
other. Again, we’re focusing on peer coaching so you have the skills
you need to support each other even once you leave DOT.
Each group coaching session will end with you setting a specific
short-term goal that you will work on over the next days. This will
ensure you keep moving forwards with your business.
Today we will add one thing to this list, creating a group charter. A
group charter outlines the way in which we have decided, as a group,
to work together in these sessions. It will ensure we create a trusting,
confidential, and supportive environment in which to do our work.
Today, the focus of the group coaching session will be on refining your
business vision and your perspective of your future market that you
began in the last classroom session and have been testing with others
since then. Remember, it’s really important to test your assumptions
with potential customers throughout this course in the time you are
away from the classroom.
Let the group know that they will choose their own peer coach and
that they don’t have to share anything with the larger group until they
feel comfortable.
The check-in sets the stage for coaching by bringing everyone’s
attention to the session. It allows each person a voice in the group and
also allows the group to hear and think about common issues or new
perspectives. You must always start the group coaching sessions with
a check-in. You may use the following questions to get the check-in
We’re going to start every group coaching session with a brief check-
in regarding how you are applying the most recent concepts we have
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Think for a minute about the following questions. Then we’ll go around
the room until everyone has had a chance to speak. Keep your
answers to 1-2 minutes so that we have a chance to hear from
? What are your key learnings when you tested your business
vision with others?
After the group has had 30 seconds or so to think about the questions,
begin the check-in. This is not the time to solve problems. You just
want to get a feel for how the group is doing. What are the common
issues? Where are they struggling?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
6. Debrief.
7. Gain commitment.
The laser coaching session will follow the format on the flip chart. I’m
not going to go through the process before we begin but look at the
flip chart as the session proceeds to see where we are in the session.
I’m going to begin by setting context for my audience, all of you. Even
though the coaching occurs with a specific person and a specific
purpose, it can also help each of you in the audience.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
answer the questions I’m asking [volunteer name] about your own
6. Debrief by asking, “What are you taking away from this session
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You may use versions of these questions to help guide your laser
coaching conversation. As you develop your coaching proficiency,
questions will come to you more easily. Above all, remain focused
and curious about what the coachee is telling you and do not offer
When you look for a thinking partner, it’s helpful to have someone who
is not like you, who can offer a different viewpoint. In addition, a peer’s
thinking isn’t limited by what might have worked in the past. He or she
can offer possibilities or strategies without being bound by past
history. Finally, we are much more committed to goals that we have
shared with another person than those which we keep secret. We feel
a responsibility to deliver if we have said we will do it.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
You will each have 10 minutes to be the coach and the coachee.
Once you have found your partner, you may begin. Follow the process
on the flip chart. Make sure you conclude each session by agreeing
on the goal that you will work towards before the next peer coaching
session. Make sure it is a SMART goal. Write your goal in your
Business Journal.
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal.
? What key learnings are you taking away from this session?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? What part of the Business Model Canvas does it make the
most sense to start with?
Benow’s friends always ask her to make her special [snack] for their
parties. They say that she makes the best [snack] they have ever
tasted. She is always happy to show off her cooking skills and is proud
of being able to make [snack] that is even better than the ones her
mother makes.
One day a friend said, “Benow, why don’t you sell your [snacks]? They
are so good that I know you could make a lot of money”.
She receives the following answers to the first question, “What is the
thing you like most about [snack]?”
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
She receives the following answers to the third question, “What is the
one thing you would change about [snack]?”
She can’t. Somewhere, someone won’t buy from you because the
product or service doesn’t meet their expectations or needs.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
For example, Yutola goes into a fabric store and notices that among
all the fabrics available, there is very little bright red fabric. She says to
herself, “I will create bright red fabric because there isn’t much
? How does she know that people will buy red fabric?
She doesn’t. Just because it’s not there doesn’t mean that she knows
there is a need for red fabric.
Yutola needs to first think about WHO might want to buy red fabric,
what issues they face in finding red fabric, and how they currently deal
with the issue of not having red fabric.
Once you know who your customer is and how they behave, you can
use the information to help you make decisions; like how to market to
them, how to add value to your business idea, how to price, etc.
Rather than keeping these ideas in your head, you are going to write
them down.
• They will be more precise than a vague idea that you hold in
your head.
• You can share thinking with others about customer issues and
• You can include others in your conversation about product or
service design.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? What did I say that the market might look like in a year?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
In Block 3, you’re going to list customer problems and goals that this
customer persona has when charging their phone and using their
television. What causes them problems? What do they need to do?
What would they like to achieve?
The batteries are heavy to carry. They need a way to charge car
batteries without having to carry them long distances to a charging
station. They need to be able to charge their mobile phones regularly.
They would like to have regular access to electricity.
In Block 4, you’ll list how they act as they try to meet their needs or
achieve their goals, specifically with regards to using their mobile
phone or television.
They might not use their mobile phones very often because they are
trying to preserve the charge. They use their televisions only on
special occasions. Those who have charged mobile phones
sometimes rent their phone to those who don’t have charged phones.
They have an easier time getting phones charged because they are
more fit than other members of their community.
Finally, in Block 1, you’ll draw a picture of this customer and give them
a name.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Sort the answers into categories that define types of customers based
on their wants and write each category on a flip chart. You want at
least four categories.
Divide the class into groups of four and have each group represent
one type of customer. Create at least four or five different groups.
Give each group a sheet of flip chart paper.
You will now use what you know to create a single persona for the
model customer you have been assigned.
You may use pictures and/or words in bullet points to complete each
of the four blocks of your persona.
Divide your paper into four blocks like we did in our example and
complete each block. You have about 20 minutes to complete this so
manage your time accordingly and make sure you don’t spend too
long on any one block.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
customers for your product or service idea. The goal is to know them
so well you can make product or service decisions based on what you
know about the customer.
In your Business Journal, create a persona for each group just like
you did in the last activity.
Don’t worry if you don’t finish each of your personas. You will have a
chance to complete them after class if you need more time. What’s
important is that when you have finished you have detailed, accurate
personas that you can use.
I will walk around and answer any questions you might have. Also,
feel free to work together if you find that helpful.
? What do you know about your customers now that you didn’t
know before?
? How can you make sure that your personas are accurate?
You will have an hour of class time to apply what you have learned to
your business idea and to test it in the marketplace. After each
StartUp! Foundation module you will be given some time to test your
assumptions in the marketplace. You may NOT SKIP THIS STEP!
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test.
For this module, you will go to places where your potential customers
can be found and observe them. Use what you learn through
observations to build and refine your customer persona.
If you have current customers, ask them a few questions about the
problems that you think they face or the goals that they want to
You will be using this work in Module 3, so ensure your personas are
complete before the next module.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the persona work before the coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The Family Africa example provided below is an example that is used throughout the
StartUp! Foundation Course. You can use it to demonstrate each block of the Business
Model Canvas AND to show how it all fits together. You may use this as an additional
example when you are coaching Participants as they work on their own business.
From the comfort of their own home, using the Internet, families can plan
their trip and be assured that they will be fully prepared to enjoy their
East African experience.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
In the far future, it is expected that trips to more remote locations will
receive greater interest than those in the urban centres, which bear
resemblance to Western cities. The interest in rural locations will grow.
In a few years, villagers who had little potential for income and therefore
moved to the cities will now have people interested in experiencing the
local assets and culture. Cultural assets will be built up in the rural areas.
Here are two additional persona examples for two personas for Family Africa. You may use
these as coaching tools as you walk around and assist Participants in completing their
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
" Discovery Bingo cards (one per Participant)
" Agenda flip chart
" Listening Guidelines flip chart
" Laser Coaching Process flip chart
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
We’re now going to play a game that allows us to discover the wide
variety of experiences and backgrounds in the room. On the Discovery
Bingo Sheet, you will see a description of an individual characteristic
in each box. The object of the game is to go around the room and to
find a person who matches that characteristic. When you find
someone who matches that characteristic, have them write their
initials in the box. To win, you must have a complete row of boxes
(vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) signed by other players. When you
have a complete row or column or diagonal filled out with initials, call
out “Bingo” and we will stop the game.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? What happened when you were trying to get initials to fill the
Today, you have an opportunity to help each other work on issues and
obstacles that you encountered when completing your customer
Let the group know that they will choose their own peer coach and
that they don’t have to share anything with the larger group until they
feel comfortable.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The check-in sets the stage for coaching by bringing everyone’s
attention to the session. It allows each person a voice in the group and
also allows the group to hear and think about common issues or new
perspectives. You must always start the group coaching sessions with
a check-in. You may use the following questions to get the check-in
As you recall from our first group coaching session, we start every
group coaching session with a brief check-in regarding how you are
applying the most recent concepts we have discussed to your own
business. It’s important that we hear all voices in the group; however,
if you don’t feel comfortable talking when we come to you, you may
choose to pass. The check-in allows us to put away the stray thoughts
from the rest of our day and our life and to focus our attention on the
session before us.
Think for a minute about the following questions. Then we’ll go around
the room until everyone has had a chance to speak. Keep your
answers to 1-2 minutes so that we have a chance to hear from
After the group has had 30 seconds or so to think about the questions,
begin the check-in. This is not the time to solve problems. You just
want to get a feel for how the group is doing. What are the common
issues? Where are they struggling?
Ask for a volunteer to tell you a [quick!] story about that time.
When you are truly listened to you feel respected. Someone has
demonstrated that they value what you have to say and what you
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Once the groups are formed give the next set of directions.
You are going to have a conversation about the last group coaching
1. You may talk about anything you like, related to that subject.
2. Make sure that everyone has a chance to talk.
3. You will keep your eyes closed during the entire conversation.
Open your eyes.
? What did you notice about the conversation with your eyes
• When you visually tune out distractions, you are often able to
tune out the distractions that come with them
Ask for a volunteer to read the guidelines aloud or read them aloud
Listening Guidelines
• Stop talking to others and to yourself. You can’t listen and talk
at the same time.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
• Don’t interrupt.
Call time at the end of 3 minutes and ask Participants to switch roles.
Call time again at the end of 6 minutes and ask Participants to switch
roles again.
? What did you notice when you were the speaker?
As before, this session will follow the format on the flip chart.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Even though the laser coaching occurs with a specific person and a
specific purpose, it can also help each of you in the audience.
6. Debrief by asking, “What are you taking away from this session
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You may use versions of these questions to help guide your laser
coaching conversation. As you develop your coaching proficiency,
questions will come to you more easily. Above all, remain focused
and curious about what the coachee is telling you and do not offer
? What did you notice specifically about listening during the laser
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
You will each have 10 minutes to be the coach and the coachee.
Once you have found your partner, you may begin. Follow the process
on the flip chart. Make sure you conclude each session by agreeing
on the goal that you will work towards before the next peer coaching
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
? What key learnings are you taking away from this session?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
This is also the first financial projection that Participants complete and
is the first point to introduce conservative estimates, as was
mentioned in the front matter of this guide.
That is the first issue that you may run into with Participants, is that
they are overly optimistic about their ability to make significant sales in
a new marketplace. The other issue is that Participant’s will often say
that they have no competition. You must make the point that there is
no such thing and no competition in this kind of an estimate.
Competition includes not only direct competitors, businesses who offer
the same product or service but competition for pocket share – where
potential customers spend their money when they don’t spend it with
Before you can determine whether your business will succeed, you
have to make an educated guess about how many customers you
might have. Can your business make money? If you only have a total
market of 50 customers who will buy from you one time, your business
might not last very long.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Now that you know your customers, it’s time to fill in another portion of
the Business Model Canvas Poster.
You will only need to add a few words that clearly describe your
customers on the Business Model Canvas.
? If the canvas only needs a few words, why did we describe the
customers in such detail when we created the personas?
You use the customer personas that you created to make detailed
decisions about your product or service so it’s important that the
personas are as realistic as possible.
The persona detail will help with making business decisions; the
Business Model Canvas will act as a big picture record of the detailed
work. We will work with different levels of detail throughout this
course, always coming back to record the big picture on the Business
Model Canvas Poster.
Make the point that since you will use the customer personas to make
decisions about your product or service, customer research is
important to ensure that your personas are accurate.
Ask for a volunteer who is willing to talk about his or her personas.
? How might you change your product or service for one persona
over another?
Here’s one example just to illustrate the difference you are looking for
but you should create your own example or pull an example from the
volunteer’s situation.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Use one row for each customer segment. In the “Who?” column, add a
few bullet points to describe each customer type that you defined in
your customer personas. Add just enough so that anyone working in
your business can understand who that segment represents.
1. Name
2. Demographics
3. Needs and goals
4. Behaviours
? How would you describe how this persona behaves as they try
to meet their needs or achieve their goals related to shopping
in a supermarket?
Now complete the “Who?” column of the Customers Sheet for your
own business. Do that for each customer segment.
You are now going to estimate the annual sales for the first year of
your business to see whether you have a viable business idea. These
numbers should be conservative, especially if this is the first year you
will be doing business, but you want to make sure that you can
support the business long enough to get it up and running. To do this,
you will complete an Annual Sales Income Estimation worksheet.
We will work through one example together and then you will
complete the worksheet for your own business.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
1. Number of customers in the total 2,766
Assumption based on: The number of primary and secondary
schools in the country (source: Wikipedia)
2. Number of best potential customers: 2,200
Market segment
Assumption based on: The number of primary schools in the
country (source: Wikipedia)
3. Number of customers you can 220
reasonably serve: Addressable market
Assumption based on: Population of the country = 11 million.
Population of capital city = 1 million. 10% of population lives in
capital city, therefore 10% of primary schools are in capital city.
4. Number of customers served by the 220
competition: Competitor market share
Assumption based on: 4 competitors currently serve the entire
capital city primary school market
a. How many customers will you 33
take from your competition?
Assumption based on: Bruno and Adele are selling stools
rather than chairs so they can supply seats for students that
are much cheaper than their competition. They assume that
they can take 15% of the customers away from each
b. How many customers are not 2
currently served by the
Assumption based on: Adele recently read a newspaper article
that announced that two new primary schools will open this
year in the capital city.
5. Number of your customers (a + b): 35
Business market share
6. Number of products each customer will 20
buy in a year: Annual purchase per
Assumption based on: The principal they spoke with said he
buys 20 new chairs per year and his school is of average size
7. Number of products purchased 700
annually in your market share: Annual
purchase in market share
Assumption based on: Business market share x annual
purchase per customer. Does not include supplying all the
chairs for the new schools.
8. Selling price $20
9. Estimated annual sales income $14,000
You know who your customers are. Now you need to make some
assumptions about how many customers you might have in the
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Let’s start out with a story of how one set of business partners
estimated market size. Bruno and Adele want to start a business
making stools for children to use in schools.
Bruno uses the Internet to find the number of primary and secondary
schools in the country. Using Wikipedia, he learns there are 2,766
schools. This represents the number of customers in the total market.
There are 2,200 primary schools and 566 secondary schools. Bruno
decides to make stools for primary school pupils because it is a much
larger population and therefore a bigger market. With 1.6 million pupils
in primary schools Bruno thinks his business could make a fortune as
that is a lot of stools needed: “If we sell stools for $20 we can make
$32 million!”
? What did Bruno fail to consider when he did his market size
Not likely.
Bruno told his partner Adele about the potential income of the
company. Adele was pleased but wanted to know how Bruno had
arrived at the number. Bruno described the process.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Adele and Bruno share their business idea with a friend who says,
“Wow! That’s terrific. How are you going to deliver the chairs to the
Bruno and Adele were intending to use a small truck that belongs to a
friend. But the truck is old and sometimes breaks down. They can’t
really drive it beyond the city limits. That means that they can’t deliver
all over the country; they can only deliver in the capital city.
Adele answered, “We can use Eric’s truck to deliver to schools that
are in the capital city”.
The size of the market that they can actually serve based on their
current business model is called the addressable market. In this case
it is a geographic area of the country.
Bruno and Adele now need to know how many customers are in the
capital city. They search on the Internet but can’t find the number of
primary schools in the capital city. However, they find the population of
the capital city is around 1 million and that the total population of the
country is 11 million. Based on the fact that 10% of the country’s
population lives within their target geographic area, they assume that
10% of the total number of primary schools is also located in the
capital city. That means that their total addressable market is 10% of
the market segment number which is 220 schools.
Adele says, “That’s still a potential market value of $3.2 million. It’s still
worth it.”
Bruno is now thinking about it. He asks, “Are we the only ones in this
area who make and sell seating to primary schools?”
They decide to visit the school that Adele’s children attend to talk to
the school principal.
Bruno: I’m here to show you some wonderful stools for small children.
Bruno thinks: Schools already have chairs and won’t all need them.
Bruno: Do you have any that are wearing out that you need to
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Principal: Yes, but we get them from Jorge’s Chairs down the street.
Adele thinks: There are other businesses who sell chairs to this
market. How many customers buy chairs from someone else?
Principal: Yes.
Bruno: Do you know how many other chair suppliers there are in your
They thank the principal and leave the school. They have a lot to talk
They just learned that there are 4 chair providers in their geographic
area. Even though Bruno and Adele produce the only stools, their
competitors are those businesses with which customers spend the
money that they might spend with Bruno and Adele. They assume that
those competitors serve the entire addressable market of 220
customers. This is the competitor market share.
Adele: How many customers will buy stools from us rather than chairs,
which are more expensive to make?
Bruno: I’d say that we can take away 25% of the customers from the
Adele: Really? In the first year? Let’s be more conservative and say
that we can capture 15% of the existing market. We’ll really have to
work at it, with advertising and sales calls but I think we can do that.
Enter the number of customers you will take from your competition in
line 4a.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Bruno and Adele are selling stools rather than chairs so they can
supply seats for students that are much cheaper than their
competition. They assume that they can take 15% of the customers
away from their competitors.
Adele: I also read a newspaper article last week that said that they
were planning to open 2 new schools in the capital city this year.
Adele: Probably. But, for now, let’s just assume we’ll sell them the
same number of chairs as other schools to be conservative.
Adele recently read a newspaper article that announced that two new
primary schools will open this year in the capital city.
Add number of customers you will take from competition and number
of customers not currently served by the competition (4a + 4b).
Now they need to estimate how many stools each customer will buy in
a year.
They know that in this one school, the principal buys 20 chairs a year.
They know that his school size is 700 students.
Bruno: The size of that school is close to the average school size. So
we can estimate the annual purchase per customer as 20 stools.
Bruno and Adele now have the information they need to estimate the
total number of chairs they could sell in a year.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
They are planning to sell the stools for $20 per stool.
Adele and Bruno look at each other. That’s a lot less than they
expected at the start.
Bruno likes the idea, but he also wants to base the business on
conservative numbers. A business that makes $14,000 a year to start
isn’t a bad business.
Bruno: First, let’s see if we can build a working business model around
this small number. If we can make a profit at this level, any additional
sales will just add to our profit.
You can see from this story that estimating the potential size of your
market is more of an art than a science.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
They might not sell every stool they make. There might be slower
I will walk around and answer any questions you might have as you
work. You have about one hour to work.
You can hand out the worked example of the Annual Sales Income
Estimation Worksheet to give Participants a reference tool to help
them as they do their own work.
? Why do you want your estimates to be conservative? What
might happen if they aren’t?
? How did you manage your estimates to make sure that they
were conservative, realistic estimates?
? Where did you find the numbers you needed to start your
? What do you wish you knew about your estimates? How would
knowing help you? How might you find out?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? How can the market estimates help you make decisions about
your business?
You have recorded needs and goals for each customer segment in
your customer personas. Based on the needs and goals of your
customers, what kinds of problems do they face when trying to meet
their needs or achieve their goals? What gets in their way of getting
what they need? What keeps them from attaining their goals?
Then complete the Goals column with 2-3 goals that each of your
customer segments wants to accomplish. Don’t stop at a single
customer goal.
You will have an hour of class time to apply what you have learned to
your business idea and to test it in the marketplace. After each
StartUp! Foundation module you will be given some time to test your
assumptions in the marketplace. You may NOT SKIP THIS STEP!
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test.
For this module, you will conduct research to complete your Annual
Sales Income Estimation worksheet with accurate numbers. Use
these numbers to calculate your annual sales income projection.
As you learn from your research, update the appropriate parts of your
Business Model Canvas with the new information. Remember, the
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
What part of your Vision do you need to update, now that you have
clearer assumptions about who your customer is, the problems they
face and the goals that they want to accomplish?
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the application to own business before the
coaching session.
Make sure to check the estimated annual sales income of all of your
Participants (line 10). Look for both overly optimistic or those whose
sales estimates aren’t big enough to support a business. If a business
doesn’t seem to be able to pay for itself in the first year, the Participant
may need coaching to adjust their business idea to appeal to a
broader market or change the idea completely.
It is very important that at the end of each module, you follow up with
Participants to ensure that the work they did in that module reflects a
successful business idea. If not, plan additional coaching sessions
outside of the regular group coaching. You may use the ReachUp!
material to support your coaching work.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
1. Number of customers in the total market
Assumption based on:
2. Number of best potential customers:
Market segment
Assumption based on:
3. Number of customers you can
reasonably serve: Addressable market
Assumption based on:
4. Number of customers served by the
competition: Competitor market share
Assumption based on:
a. How many customers will you
take from your competition
Assumption based on:
b. How many customers are not
currently served by the
Assumption based on:
5. Number of your customers (a + b):
Business market share
6. Number of products each customer will
buy in a year: Annual purchase per
Assumption based on:
7. Number of products purchased annually
in your market share: Annual purchase
in market share
Assumption based on:
8. Selling price
9. Estimated annual sales income
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
1. Number of customers in the total market 116,011,000
Assumption based on: Households in the U.S., 2006 U.S. Census
2. Number of best potential customers: Market 15,535
Assumption based on: U.S. household income between 100,000-199,000,
2005 U.S. Census
3. Number of customers you can reasonably serve: 1000
Addressable market
Assumption based on: Initial countries available, website capacity, capacity to
locate and assess partners
4. Number of customers served by the competition: 0
Competitor market share
Assumption based on: The combination of family, affordable, multi-country and
broader than safari focus seems to be unique based on Internet searches for
African tour operators
a. How many customers will you take from your n/a
Assumption based on: See assumption for line 4
b. How many customers are not currently 1000
served by the competition
Assumption based on: See assumption for line 4
5. Number of your customers (add a + b): Business 1000
market share
6. Number of products used per customer .1
Assumption based on: Each customer will only take one trip in their lifetime. I
assume that 10% of my customers will purchase each year.
7. Number of products purchased annually in your 100
market share: Annual purchase in market share
8. Selling price $200
Planning and concierge services
9. Estimated annual sales income $20,000
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
" Paper and tape
" Agenda flip chart
" Question Guidelines flip chart
" Laser Coaching Process flip chart
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Each Participant needs to identify who the famous person is they have
taped to their own back. They can only ask questions that can be
answered with a yes or no answer.
? What made it difficult to figure out who you were?
? What was the question you asked that finally helped you
discover who you were?
Today, you have an opportunity to help each other work on issues and
obstacles that you encountered when completing your annual sales
income projection and estimating your market size.
Let the group know that they will choose their own peer coach and
that they don’t have to share anything with the larger group until they
feel comfortable.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The check-in sets the stage for coaching by bringing everyone’s
attention to the session. It allows each person a voice in the group and
also allows the group to hear and think about common issues or new
perspectives. You must always start with a check-in. You may use the
following questions to get the check-in started.
As before, we’ll start the session with a brief check-in on where you
are with the ideas and the application to own business that you have
been doing. It’s important that we hear all voices in the group,
however, if you don’t feel comfortable talking when we come to you,
you may choose to pass. The check-in allows us to put away the stray
thoughts from the rest of our day and our life and to focus our
attention on the session before us.
Think for a minute about the following questions. Then we’ll go around
the room until everyone has had a chance to speak. Keep your
answers to 1-2 minutes so that we have a chance to hear from
? What are your key learnings when you completed your annual
sales income projection and estimated your market size?
After the group has had 30 seconds or so to think about the questions,
begin the check-in.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Question Guidelines
We’ll start with the first guideline: Ask one question at a time. Here’s
my wrong demonstration:
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
have you done in the past that worked for you? What didn’t
Go through the same process until you get to the end of the
As before, this session will follow the format on the flip chart.
Even though the laser coaching occurs with a specific person and a
specific purpose, it can also help each of you in the audience.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
6. Debrief by asking, “What are you taking away from this session
You may use versions of these questions to help guide your laser
coaching conversation. As you develop your coaching proficiency,
questions will come to you more easily. Above all, remain focused
and curious about what the coachee is telling you and do not offer
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
? What did you do differently now that you know about how to
ask good questions?
? What key learnings are you taking away from this session?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? Who can remember the two reasons most startups fail?
50% of all startups fail due to 1) lack of market, meaning the business
didn’t appeal to enough customers and 2) lack of money, meaning the
business spent too much money before bringing in income.
In this module, you will learn how to test your key assumptions about
your customer’s problem by talking to customers and conducting a
customer interview. By performing these tests, you can protect
yourself against the key reasons that startups fail. Because you have
a better understanding of your customer problems and goals, you can
then design a product that will deliver what your customer wants. And
because you are building a business based on the facts about your
customers and your market, you can avoid spending money on items
that won’t deliver value to your customers.
Surinda was really excited to have found an unmet need in the local
market. She had gone to help a friend at her stall. Even though her
friend had given her directions on how to find her stall, it still took her
15 minutes. She thought, “People who come to the market need a
map to find what they are looking for. I can create a map and sell it to
everyone who comes to the market. It will save them time since they
can go straight to that market stall, buy what they need and leave”.
Surinda spent the next four market days carefully walking around the
market and drawing each aisle and recording the stalls that could be
found on each aisle. She went home and created a very attractive
map of the market. She then scanned it and produced 50 copies. She
was ready for the next market day.
Surinda stood at the main entrance to the market and tried to sell her
maps. By the end of a very long day, she had only sold 3. She couldn’t
figure out why this idea hadn’t worked.
The next market day, Surinda watched people in the market. She
made a discovery. People didn’t go directly to a stall to buy something;
they wandered around. They ran into friends and spent time talking in
the aisles. While finding the right stall and the right product was part of
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Surinda decided that people needed to save time. They might actually
need to save time, but in this case, they didn’t want to save time. They
didn’t value it.
You need to be sure that what you are offering is what people want
and not what you know or think they need.
You will go out and talk to your potential customers. The more
conversations you have with customers, the less risk you will have
later on when you release your product or service and the greater your
chance of business success.
You’re going to find out if the areas you have decided to focus your
business around, actually matter enough to your customers for them
to spend money to achieve them.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
It’s important that the problem or problems you are planning to solve
are important problems to your customer and ones that they want to
solve too.
You want to find out the following information from your customers:
These are NOT the exact questions you will ask the customers. You
will have to design questions and conversations to gather the
information you need to be able to answer the questions on the flip
Since we’re using the interview to validate our thinking about the
customer’s needs, you must prepare that information ahead of time.
I’m going to share another business idea that I will use at various
points throughout the course to help explain some of the concepts we
talk about. The business is called, Family Africa.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
the language. Guided safaris only offer a single experience and are
often out of the price range of middle-class families.
From the comfort of their own home, using the Internet, families can
plan their trip and be assured that they will be fully prepared to enjoy
their East African experience.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You can hand out the worked example of the Problem Validation
Worksheet to give Participants a reference tool to help them as they
do their own work.
As you can see, there are 5 parts to the interview. As I describe each
part, take notes in your Business Journal so you know what is in each
part as you will be creating your own interview plan next.
1. Introduction
2. Presentation and validation of problems and goals
3. Presentation and validation of current solutions
4. Presentation of your proposed solution
5. Closing
The customer interview should start with a brief introduction that
covers the following:
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Then, ask if there are other problems or goals that you haven’t
considered that are important to them.
Lastly, ask them to rank the problems and goals in the order of
importance to them.
Lastly, you will close the interview:
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Go through the interview pausing for questions at each stage. You will
be stepping in and out of the role play to explain the actions taken at
each stage of the interview. The content of the role play is indented.
Practise this example ahead of time to make sure that you are clear
on which parts are role play, which are explanation, and which are
questions to the Participants.
To begin, I will introduce myself and explain why I’m here.
Thank you so much for your time. I am [name] from Family Africa, a
tour company specialising in custom vacations for American
families. My purpose today is to get your feedback on some ideas
that Family Africa is working on. It will take the form of a
conversation rather than a presentation because I am really
interested in your input and ideas. The conversation will take
approximately 30 minutes.
What will they get in return? Give them an idea of something that you
can give them in return. It can be something like, if they help you with
this, you will offer them a coupon or something in return once your
business is started. Or you may offer them a list of little-known but
important tour destinations. Be creative.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
These are some of the main problems or goals that we think you
face when you and your family think of having a holiday in Africa.
Present the problem and goals using the Family Africa Problem
Validation Form that you show to the customer. Make sure to ask if
there are other problems or goals that aren’t on your sheet.
Are these problems the main challenges that you face when trying
to plan a holiday to Africa?
How would you rank them in terms of how they affect your
Make sure that your Participants know that ranking means listing in
order of importance, not rating each problem individually.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
We think these are the ways that people address these problems or
achieve these goals.
Next, look at the second column that lists the ways the problem is
solved today.
Look at the first solution in the column. How would you rate this
solution? How satisfied are you with this current solution?
Look at the second solution in the column. How would you rate this
solution? How satisfied are you with this current solution?
Look at the third solution in the column. How would you rate this
solution? How satisfied are you with this current solution?
Look at the fourth solution in the column. How would you rate this
solution? How satisfied are you with this current solution?
It’s not a problem worth solving in your customer’s eyes and they may
not be willing to pay for a solution to solve it.
When you do this, you will pause after you present your idea and
watch how your customers react. What do they say? How do they act?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
We do the research for you, choosing only the very best of local
providers. We coordinate your trip among our partners.
End the interview with two questions:
Who else should I talk to who might also know about this problem?
Thank you so much for your time. Your input has been extremely
valuable and will ensure that Family Africa is the best possible
option for customers like you who wish to take their family on the
holiday of a lifetime.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You’ll have 10 minutes for each role play. After 10 minutes you’ll
switch roles and repeat the process.
Call time at the end of 10 minutes and have Participants switch roles.
If your business idea requires that you contribute only labour hours
and these labour hours don’t cost you anything (e.g., you don’t have to
take time away from a paying job), you might decide to test your idea
with 5 potential customers. If you have a bigger business idea that will
require more money or time, you might want to talk to many more
customers to ensure that you are creating the right business. After you
have talked to 50 customers, you should have a really strong idea of
what you are developing.
Right now, make a list of all of the people you know who might face a
problem like the one you have identified. Don’t worry too much if they
are not exactly the right customers who will eventually buy your
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
product. Even though you may only end up talking to a small number
of people, try to make your list as long as possible at this stage.
Allow participants to work on their list for about 15 minutes. Make sure
you circulate around the room to coach them to think about other
Where else might you find customers? What other places do they go
where you might be able to talk to them?
Add those places to your list, along with how many customers you
plan to talk to and where you would find them. For example, do your
customers go to a market or a school or an event where you might be
able to have 5-10 minutes of their time?
Where are the people who would buy your product or service? Do
they already buy a similar product or service? Can you go to where
they buy it?
? What questions do you have about conducting your
? What if you find out during your interview that customers don’t
know or agree with the problems that you have identified?
If you need to spend all of your time convincing your customers that
they have an important problem, chances are really good that they
aren’t going to buy your solution. Once you find out that your idea of
their problems doesn’t match their idea of their problems, turn the
interview toward learning what problems they face.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test.
For this module, you will continue to make a long list of customers to
speak to. You will need about 20 contacts to obtain 5 interviews; you
will need about 200 contacts to obtain 50 interviews.
During this time, you will schedule and conduct interviews with at least
5 customers in each of your customer segments.
As you learn from your research, update the appropriate parts of your
Business Model Canvas with your new information. Remember, the
Business Model Canvas should always reflect your most recent
knowledge of your business. You will update it as you learn more
about your business.
Make sure you learn at least three new things from each interview.
Make note of things of interest including things that they tell you
beyond the answers to the standard questions. Make note of any
observations that seem important, like how they behave. Are they
excited? Do they seem bored? Are they overwhelmed?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
As you learn, look back at all of the sections of your Business Model
Canvas that you have completed. Are they still accurate? Has your
business vision changed? What more do you know about actual
customer problems that you need to add to your customer sheet?
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the application to own business before the
coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
" Paper
" Agenda flip chart
You can see that there aren’t enough pieces of paper in the circle for
me so I don’t have a place in the circle. But here’s how I’m going to
get one. I’m going to call out something that I might have in common
with other people in the circle. If you have that thing in common with
me, you MUST move to a new piece of paper. While you are moving, I
will be trying to find my own piece of paper. The person that doesn’t
find an empty piece of paper then comes to the middle of the circle
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
and takes my place. Then they have to find a new place by calling out
something they may have in common with other people in the circle
and causing everyone to move.
Let’s do a trial first. Everybody who [use something that many people
might have in common with you, such as has seen a movie in the last
6 months], MOVE!
Correct any errors and begin the game. Play long enough to allow
most people to come to the centre of the circle.
? What did you learn about others through this the game?
Allow people to talk for a few minutes about common experiences that
surprised them.
Let the group know that they will choose their own peer coach and
that they don’t have to share anything with the larger group until they
feel comfortable.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The check-in sets the stage for coaching by bringing everyone’s
attention to the session. It allows each person a voice in the group and
also allows the group to hear and think about common issues or new
perspectives. You must always start the group coaching sessions with
a check-in. You may use the following questions to get the check-in
As before, we’re going to start with a brief check-in regarding how you
are applying the most recent concepts we have discussed to your own
business. It’s important that we hear all voices in the group; however,
if you don’t feel comfortable talking when we come to you, you may
choose to pass. The check-in allows us to put away the stray thoughts
from the rest of our day and our life and to focus our attention on the
session before us.
Think for a minute about the following questions. Then we’ll go around
the room until everyone has had a chance to speak. Keep your
answers to 1-2 minutes so that we have a chance to hear from
After the group has had 30 seconds or so to think about the questions,
begin the check-in. This is not the time to solve problems. You just
want to get a feel for how the group is doing. What are the common
issues? Where are they struggling?
Today we’re going to learn another set of peer coaching tools, which
will be demonstrated through laser coaching. One of the biggest
benefits to having a peer coach is having a thinking partner who can
help us when we are stuck. We’re going to practise three different
techniques for getting beyond an obstacle right now.
They are:
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Ask your first volunteer to come up and work through the first process
with you.
What options for overcoming this obstacle might exist based on the
future you imagined?
5 WAYS – 10 MINS
This tool is called 5 ways.
Ask your second volunteer to come up and work through the second
process with you.
What’s another?
What’s another?
What’s another?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Don’t stop asking questions until your volunteer has come up with 5
different options to overcome that obstacle.
Ask your third volunteer to come up and work through the third
process with you.
Imagine that you have completely overcome that obstacle. What does
the world look like now?
Coach your volunteer to reveal enough details about their future vision
that it seems that they can picture it.
What steps did you take to get here from where you were?
? What did you learn about the three tools as you watched the
coaching sessions?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? How might you be able to use these tools on your own, without
a peer coach?
? How else in your life might you use these tools? With your
family? With your friends?
Call time at the end of 15 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
Call time at the end of 15 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
? Which of the tools did you use in your peer coaching to think
beyond obstacles?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? What key learnings are you taking away from this session?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Now it’s time to take all of that customer knowledge and design a
product or service that appeals to your customer. Specifically, what
will your product help them do? What will it include? What is a nice to
have? What is a must have?
When you have a product or service that your customers want to buy,
we call it Product Market Fit.
Use the next 15 minutes to record the problems and goals that your
customers told you were important to them. Then, rank them in the
order of importance. Complete only the first two columns.
I will walk around and answer any questions you might have as you
work in the first two columns of the worksheet.
Hand out the Product Market Fit Worksheet. Make sure that the
Participants know that ranking means listing in order of importance,
not rating each problem individually.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Wants the family to feel safe 1 All locations are carefully selected to be
and comfortable safe and secure. Air lift insurance
available for an extra charge.
Wants a unique vacation for 4 Suggestions are provided based on
their family, as if they planned it individual survey responses. Each
themselves. Doesn’t want a family member completes the survey on
“packaged excursion” their own.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Get together in groups of four. One person will begin by sharing their
product or service vision. Then they will share the list of customer
problems and goals that are recorded on their Product Market Fit
At the end of 10 minutes, you will rotate to the next group member.
Choose who will go first and begin.
Call time at the end of each 10 minute segment and have Participants
switch roles.
Begin with the most important goal or problem for your customer. List
the feature that addresses that goal or problem. Design each feature
to help a customer complete an important task, eliminate a problem,
or achieve a goal. Work down the list of problems and goals in order
of importance adding a feature for each.
I will walk around and answer any questions you might have as you
complete the worksheet.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Features of your product or service are the facts about your product or
service; benefits are the emotional response your customer will
receive from the feature. You want to make sure you sell the benefits
of your product or service rather than the features.
• Red
• Stabilising legs
? So what?
? So what?
? So what?
Picked a feature of the product or service and kept asking “So What?”
until we got to the ultimate benefit.
? So what?
? So what?
? So what?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
worked through, we could have stopped after “The cart won’t fall
over”, because that is a benefit. But a much more powerful benefit is
that you won’t lose money from damaged produce. If we had stopped
with the first benefit, we would have made the customer figure out why
the cart not falling over was valuable to them.
The way we can ensure that we are getting to the biggest benefit is to
go through the So What? process until we arrive at a universal value
and then take one step back. Let’s begin with universal values.
People value what helps them achieve what they want out of life. Most
people want the same things. They want more of some things and
less of others.
Draw a table on the flip chart with 4 columns and 8 rows on it. Title the
second column “More” and the fourth column “Less”.
Use the list below to add a title to each row in light pencil so that you
can use the titles to categorise the responses.
• Money
• Love
• Respect
• Time
• Freedom
• Happiness
• Security
There are also things we want less of. You can use those things to
create value in your product or service as well. Think about what you
want less of in your life.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Let’s walk through the worksheet using our produce cart example.
Stablising legs
? So what?
? So what?
Produce is protected
? So what?
? So what?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Complete the Features and Benefits List worksheet for your product or
service. Begin by adding the features that your customers have told
you are important to them in the order of importance. Then for each
feature, follow the 5 step process to get to the Universal Value. Use
the trick of asking “So What?” to create powerful customer benefits.
? Think about a product you buy. What features does it offer?
What are the benefits?
? How can you test whether you have the information that will
influence your customers?
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test.
For this module, continue to refine your feature benefit list. Think
about how you might test it informally to make sure that it will appeal
to a customer.
? How would you present your list of key features and benefits to
a customer and gather valuable feedback?
Between now and our next class, perform at least two customer tests.
Try to find which feature is MOST important to them and which ones
they don’t seem to care about. See if they can describe the benefit to
you in their own words.
As you learn from your research, update the appropriate parts of your
Business Model Canvas with your new information. Remember, the
Business Model Canvas should always reflect your most recent
knowledge of your business. You must continue to update it as your
conversations with customers tell you more about what kind of
business they would actually support.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the application to own business before the
coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
" Agenda flip chart
" Coaching videos
Divide the group into two teams and have the teams line up in a line
facing you. You need two lines of 8 or more. If you have fewer
participants, you can have them form one line which won’t allow for
You stand between the two lines. Tell them they are going to compete
to complete some assignments.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? What did you learn about your group members?
This session you will not do laser coaching. Instead, you will walk
around and assist peer coaches. This will help reduce the Participants’
dependency on you as a coach and allow them to begin to work on
their own. Make sure that as you walk around, you don’t take over the
peer coaching sessions. Instead, help guide them by asking additional
questions that they might not have considered.
Let the group know that they will choose their own peer coach and
that they don’t have to share anything with the larger group until they
feel comfortable.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The check-in sets the stage for coaching by bringing everyone’s
attention to the session. It allows each person a voice in the group and
also allows the group to hear and think about common issues or new
perspectives. You must always start the group coaching sessions with
a check-in. You may use the following questions to get the check-in
Think for a minute about the following questions. Then we’ll go around
the room until everyone has had a chance to speak. I will give you a
bit longer to answer these questions. You will have 5-7 minutes or so.
And remember that we want to hear from everyone.
? What are your big takeaways from all of the work that you’ve
been doing?
After the group has had 30 seconds or so to think about the questions,
begin the check-in.
Watch carefully to see the differences in the way each coach handles
the scenario. Even in the novice scenario, the coach is doing some
things right. Try to capture these too in your notes.
Either show the video or role play the coaching dialogue using the
script. If you role play, watch the video and rehearse ahead of time to
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Coach A: Good morning, Grace. How are you today?
Grace: I’m okay [sigh]. But I have a problem that I can’t seem to fix. I
need your help.
Grace: Yes.
Coach A: [lean forward] Tell me what she does that gives you that
Grace: She doesn’t come in on some days. She’s not at work at least
2 days a week. I’ve been working really hard to make up for her
Grace: We sell less on the days when she doesn’t come in.
Customers like to come in and talk to her.
Coach A: Are there any positive aspects to your partner not coming in
some days?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Grace: I bring lunch in for both of us. When she doesn’t come in, I can
sell her lunch to a man who works in the business next door. I make a
small profit on the sale of her lunch. [pause] What should I do?
Coach A: What do you want from the partnership? How do you want
your partnership to work?
Grace: Well, I said I want someone who has the same commitment to
the business that I do.
Grace: [pause] I don’t know. Maybe I should ask her? [getting excited]
Grace: [pause] Then I’ll ask my partner to make a list too. Then we’ll
get together to compare our lists.
Coach A: I think you’re on your way. What do you want to talk about
next time?
Grace: Let me do this and then we can talk about what happened and
you can help me think about what I might need to do next.
Grace: Well, I’ve had better days. My partner and I met and it turns out
that she thinks since she’s only getting 25% of the business that she
should only work 25% of the time.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Grace: I need to figure out how to find a new partner, someone who is
a better match.
Coach A: How will you know that they are a better match?
Coach B: Good morning, Grace. How are you today?
Grace: I’m okay. But I have a problem that I can’t seem to fix? I need
your help.
Grace: She doesn’t come in on some days. She’s not at work at least
2 days a week. I’ve been working really hard to make up for her
Coach B: You need to tell her that she needs to focus more on the
business. You come in every day, right? You both need to spend
equal time on the business to be equal partners.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Coach B: Good for you, come back and tell me what happens.
Grace: Not too good. Your solution didn’t work. Now I’ve lost my
business partner. I need to find a new one and in a hurry. Rather than
helping me fix my problem, you have now caused me more trouble.
What can you do about it?
? What was the biggest difference between these two
The novice coach provided advice. When her advice didn’t work, the
coachee blamed her for giving bad information. The coachee was no
longer responsible for the outcome of her actions.
You saw in the two different coaching approaches how giving advice
can backfire. However, in this room there is a wealth of experience
which each of you should be able to draw from. We learned about
some of that experience on the first day of our coaching session,
when we created the web of strengths.
You may use a different problem that is more applicable to your group.
Just make sure that it’s simple enough to talk about quickly.
? Those who have your hands up, keep your hand up if you were
able to change that behaviour or solve that problem. What did
you do?
Focus responses so that they only reflect direct experience and are
not telling someone what they should do, even in an indirect way. For
example, if someone says, “You have to. . . you should, etc.” that’s
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
advice. You want to hear the actual experience and in enough detail
that everyone can picture how it worked. After each contribution ask:
? What other issues arose that you didn’t consider when you . . .
You can see that each person solved the problem in a different way.
You might take a piece from each of the experiences that were shared
to create your own plan. The difference is that we are all the experts of
our own lives; we are not experts in the lives of others.
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
You will each have 10 minutes to be the coach and the coachee.
Once you have found your partner, you may begin. Follow the process
on the flip chart. Make sure you conclude each session by agreeing
on the goal that you will work towards before the next peer coaching
session. Make sure it is a SMART goal. Write your goal in your
Business Journal.
Call time at the end of 10 minutes, remind the coachee to write their
goal in their Business Journal, and then have partners switch roles.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? What will you need to focus on to help your peer coach partner
without giving advice?
? What key learnings are you taking away from this session?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You went through a deep process to arrive at the information that
you’ll now add to the first two columns of the Value Proposition Sheet.
You began by assuming what kind of product or service might appeal
to customers. Then you chose specific customer segments and
named them. Then you tested your feature list with those specific
customer segments to discover what was most important to them.
Your thinking has come a long way. In this module, you’ll begin by
adding the information that you developed in the last module and then
extend that thinking to beat your competition.
You will use the Value Proposition Sheet to record the key ideas about
the value proposition that you are delivering for your product or
In the description block, write a brief
description of the product or service you are
selling for each customer segment based on
the feature list you created in the last module.
Using the Family Africa example, I would write the following across
from the customer segment “Middle-class American families”:
I would write the following across from the customer segment “Tour
Complete the description blocks for your products and/or services now
for each of your customer segments.
I will walk around and answer any questions that you might have as
you work.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
customer segment. Write them in each benefit block. You may find
that several features have similar benefits. What you are looking for
here are the ones that are most important to customers. You’ll use
the in-depth work that you did on Features and Benefits when you
create any marketing materials for your product or service but for now,
you just need to capture the MOST important ones on your Business
Model Canvas.
Safety, Money
I will walk around and answer any questions that you might have as
you work.
Create the table below on a flip chart as you explain each part.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You’re going to work with a partner of your choice to help each other
develop a product or service that stands up against everything the
competition offers that is important to your customer. You don’t need
to worry about the rest of the competition’s features now that you
know what your customers want.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Call time at the end of 15 minutes and have partners switch roles.
When you look at your Value Proposition Sheet, you should see all of
the information about your product or service that is important to
? What did you learn about your business that you hadn’t
thought about before?
? What do you still need to know about any of the other portions
of the Business Model Canvas that you have completed to
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You’ll need the information that you have developed about your
product or service to be as clear and correct as you can make it at this
point before talking to customers.
Make sure you review and update all of the information on your
Business Model Canvas before our next group coaching session.
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the application to own business before the
coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Outside experts and expert panels will be more useful later in the
Enterprise Track, once the StartUp! Foundation Course has been
completed and Participants begin to deal with more traditional
business concepts.
During the Q&A session, resist the urge to step in and answer
questions until you have determined that the group cannot move on.
Only then, should you step in. When you intervene, do it with
questions, not answers. The group should begin to see the expertise
in their own experience.
There are a number of different ways you can run the Q&A sessions:
Divide Participants into small groups. Ask each group to develop a list
of questions. Give each list to a new group for answers.
You can create a Participant panel that the remaining Participants
interview. The panel can address questions about their experiences.
Make sure that the questions and the answers focus on experience
and not advice.
? What was the most important mistake you ever made and what
did you learn from it?
? What do you know now that you wished you had known when
you first started working on your business?
Consider picking a guest moderator from the Participants for the Q&A
It’s important to debrief when you aren’t facilitating. Plan enough time
for the group to share key learnings. It’s one of the biggest benefits of
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
getting a group of learners together and a practice that you want the
group to continue after you are no longer involved.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
This module is all about testing your solution to the customer problem.
That is, you will be testing the product or service you are planning to
sell. It is not about trying to sell your product or service to the
customer. It is about finding out whether your solution fits a serious
problem or need and therefore whether your business will be
To find out if you have created a product or service that customers will
buy, you’ll test that product or service with a small group of target
Jengo has two friends, Mosi and Ochieng who run moto delivery
services between their village and a larger city. One day when they
are all three together, Mosi says his feet really hurt because
yesterday, he ran out of gas and had to walk most of the way between
the village and the city. Ochieng says that has happened to him too, at
least 2 times in the last 2 months. As Jengo listens, he wonders if
there is an opportunity to provide a mid-point gasoline station that
would help rural motos.
? How can Jengo test his idea using an MVP, without building a
full service station?
Here is one possible answer: He can find a location on the road where
he can set up a sign that offers gas for sale. He can have 2-3 gallons
of gas in a gas can.
(Think this part through on your own before you deliver this module:
This is a tricky example. Jengo could and probably will sell gas to
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
He can sit at one location and see how many times people come by
needing gas. He can move the location further from the village or
closer. He can talk to people who get gas from him and ask them what
they might want and where. He might find that they would like a
gasoline delivery service instead of a location. He can find out how
much they will pay by testing several prices. He is NOT, however,
setting up a permanent location at this point and he should not be
selling gas as if this is a real business.
• no permanent location
• no building
• nothing but gasoline
Daguerra knows from talking to city dwellers that they have or would
like very small gardens to produce fresh vegetables. Through
customer interviews she learned that the biggest challenges are in the
space available, the time spent maintaining the garden, the low yield
or produce, and access to water for irrigation. She believes that if she
can solve these three problems for her customers she will have a
sustainable business.
In order to test her solution, she creates a keyhole garden in the small
garden space behind her house. She plants it with a variety of fast
growing plants because she wants to be able to show off the results
as quickly as possible.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The slideshow will include how the family has to plan based on
current offerings, what they get as part of the package now,
and a summary of the major things that can go wrong.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
If you are offering a service, you might consider picking one potential
customer to serve in return for allowing 4-5 other customers to
observe the demonstration. If you are creating a physical product,
assemble a simple prototype that your customers can interact with,
that they can hold in their hands.
Record the parts of your MVP that you want to include and then
describe how you will create something that the customer can
experience. You can write it out, or map it in a drawing or chart,
whatever works for you.
For this next step, you will work with a partner to test whether or not
your MVP will demonstrate your product or service adequately. You
will describe or demonstrate your MVP as simply as possible.
Find a partner and choose who will go first. Presenter, you will have
10 minutes to describe your MVP and get feedback. Observer, you will
play the part of a customer. Pay attention to the parts that seem most
exciting as well as areas that aren’t entirely clear to you.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
This description is only the beginning. You will create an actual MVP
during the application to own business.
You will begin your customer test by first presenting the customer
problem you are solving. Then, you will present your solution as
demonstrated by your MVP. As you present your solution, you will
look for customer reactions.
The format for the test in provided in the Customer Test Worksheet.
Let’s walk through the worksheet now.
Who are you and why are you here. Remember, you are still not
selling anything.
You will start the customer test by briefly describing the problem. Go
back to your Problem Validation Worksheet for the top 3 problems you
identified. Write them into your Customer Test Worksheet.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
As you present your solution, you must watch for customer reactions.
Make note of any and all reactions. Are they excited? Are they paying
attention? Do they ask you where they can get one of these?
This will give you important insight into whether you have a product or
service that customers will value.
In the customer test, you will also need to find out what your
customers are willing to pay to solve the problem. This question is a
hard one and should be kept very informal. You aren’t presenting a
pricing strategy here. You are trying to find out what value they place
on solving the problem.
What important goal does this problem keep you from achieving? How
valuable is that goal to you?
Thank your customer for their time and tell them how their time has
helped you. Mention any insights that they provided that were
particularly helpful.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
? How did you use your knowledge of your target customer to
design your MVP?
? What did you learn as you decided what your MVP would
include and not include?
This is what this stage is all about. Will your customers buy what you
plan to produce?
Find out what it is that doesn’t work for them. Where is the problem?
Learn the details about what doesn’t work for them. Then you go back
and rebuild your MVP based on their feedback.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test. For this
module, Create your MVP.
Make sure that you can answer the following questions from your test:
As you learn from your research, update the appropriate parts of your
Business Model Canvas with your new information. Remember, the
Business Model Canvas should always reflect your most recent
knowledge of your business. You will update it as you learn more
about your business.
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the application to own business before the
coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Outside experts and expert panels will be more useful later in the
Enterprise Track, once the StartUp! Foundation Course has been
completed and Participants begin to deal with more traditional
business concepts.
During the Q&A session, resist the urge to step in and answer
questions until you have determined that the group cannot move on.
Only then, should you step in. When you intervene, do it with
questions, not answers. The group should begin to see the expertise
in their own experience.
There are a number of different ways you can run the Q&A sessions:
Divide Participants into small groups. Ask each group to develop a list
of questions. Give each list to a new group for answers.
You can create a Participant panel that the remaining Participants
interview. The panel can address questions about their experiences.
Make sure that the questions and the answers focus on experience
and not advice.
? What was the most important mistake you ever made and what
did you learn from it?
? What do you know now that you wished you had known when
you first started working on your business?
Consider picking a guest moderator from the Participants for the Q&A
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Debrief – 30 mins
It’s important to debrief when you aren’t facilitating. Plan enough time
for the group to share key learnings. It’s one of the biggest benefits of
getting a group of learners together and a practice that you want the
group to continue after you are no longer involved.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Gisela is a fine tailor. Her cousin, Beta has asked Gisela to make a
formal dress for her for a big function that she is attending. Together
they pick out the fabric for the dress and Gisela figures out how much
time she will spend making the dress. Beta attends several fittings to
get the dress just right. Gisela delivers the dress and Beta pays her for
the time she spent and the cost of the material. Beta wears it to the
function where it is greatly admired.
Beta is invited to another event and doesn’t want to wear the same
dress. Gisela contacts another customer for whom she has made a
dress that she believes Beta will like. Gisela asks if she can borrow
the dress for a friend. Her customer says yes, knowing that Gisela will
take care of the dress. Gisela alters the dress to fit Beta and charges
her a fee for tailoring plus a fee to rent the dress.
Gisela sends out flyers to local women’s groups offering her formal
dress services. The flyer also has a coupon for 10% off of any fabric
that the customer purchases through Gisela’s favourite fabric store.
Gisela receives 2% of every purchase directly from the fabric store for
every one of her customers who buys using the coupon.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Title a flip chart Revenue Models and write the name of each revenue
model (underlined) as Participants answer the questions below.
She made money from the fabric store in return for sending them
customers through her coupon.
There are two others that are worth noting; they might not have
worked well for Gisela but we see them all around us.
The first is a usage fee. The more you use it, the more you pay.
The second is a license fee. This is a fee that is charged for use of a
piece of intellectual property.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You’ll come back to complete this sheet after you’ve determined your
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You will complete each column of the Pricing Strategy Sheet to come
up with a reasonable price for each revenue stream.
You’ll take several factors into account to set an initial price. Then
you’ll test that price with some of your target customers.
Imagine that there are six customers who are choosing which laundry
soap to buy.
1. The first customer looks at the price on each box of soap and
picks the brand that is cheapest.
2. The second customer reads the label on each box of soap and
picks the one that is environmentally safe.
3. The third customer picks the one that says it gets whites whiter
than the other leading brands.
4. The fourth customer doesn’t go to the store but has laundry
soap delivered.
5. The fifth customer buys the soap that comes in a waterproof
box that she can use afterwards to store other things.
6. The sixth customer buys the brand that offers a money back
1. Low cost
2. Low impact on the environment
3. Performance of the product
4. Convenience
5. Added benefit
6. Lowered risk of a wrong decision
It’s easy to assume that price is the ONE thing that determines
whether or not customers will buy your product or service. But, as you
can see from the laundry soap example, that’s not always the case.
You need to figure out what your customer values and then determine
a price for delivering on all those values.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
in the third column, how Family Africa plan to deliver this value is
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Customisation Holiday experiences that are unique to their Customisable from website
interests, budgets, and needs
Getting the job A simple process of coordinating all of the Concierge service that
done components of a complicated family holiday manages the total holiday
Cost reduction An affordable holiday to East Africa We offer the most value for the
money of any tour operator in
East Africa
Risk reduction A safe holiday in East Africa A full set of planning guides
plus a personal tour guide is
provided to ensure your holiday
goes smoothly
Accessibility Ability to take a trip to East Africa Based on your budget
Convenience A convenient way to consolidate and One stop shop to plan a holiday
coordinate disjointed tours to make one with lots of variety
entire trip
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Think about everything you know about your customer now. What do
your customers value? You can use the list in the worksheet as a
starting point. However, your customer may have additional values.
Look at their behaviours, problems, and goals to help you understand
what they value. Look back at your Product Market Fit Worksheet.
What do your customers value in problem solver and goal achiever
The first column lists the type of Value Proposition. Decide which of
these types are relevant for your customer. They won’t all be.
Use the second column to fill out specific details on how your
customer sees that value proposition. Is it important? Why or why not?
In the third column, describe how your product or service meets that
Value Proposition.
I will walk around while you work to answer any questions you might
There are additional examples for each Value Proposition at the end
of this section if you need to enhance Participant understanding. You
should also create examples of your own that are applicable to your
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Now, transfer what you have learned about your customer values by
adding a few bullet points to the Customer Values column of the
Pricing Strategy Sheet for each of your customer segments.
? What is a value proposition?
It’s the reason customers buy from you. It’s why your product is more
appealing to them than that of your competitors.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Here are some ideas in case you need to get the discussion started:
In your Business Journal, list all your hard costs. Make sure you
include hard costs for each customer segment.
Now, add up all of these costs and divide them by the number of
products you expect to sell. Enter that number in the Hard Costs
block. These are the minimum hard costs that you will have to pay out
in order to sell your product or service.
You can see how much you need to take into account to set the right
price for your product or service: what the customer values, what the
competition charges, and what your hard costs are. Now it’s time to
put all of this together and determine how much you will charge for
your product or service.
How do you decide how much to charge for your product or service?
There are a few different ways to determine pricing.
The simplest is to figure out how much it will cost you to deliver your
product or service and then add a profit percentage on top of that. You
would figure out your cost and determine your desired profit
percentage. This type of pricing is known as “cost plus pricing”.
You just calculated your hard costs. Let’s start with that number. Take
your hard cost per product and add 20%.
Multiply your hard costs by 0.2 to find the percentage or by 1.2 to find
the cost plus pricing price.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Your hard costs plus 20% should represent your absolute minimum
price, below which you cannot go. It’s very likely that when you gather
additional costs, this number may need to change. Often, when
businesses price this way, they leave money on the table as
customers may be willing to pay more for the value provided.
You know enough about your customers now to know that there is
something that you offer that they cannot get from other providers in
the market. Therefore, they value what you offer because you are
saving them some pain or giving them something that they really want.
It’s good to know the hard costs as a starting point because you want
to be sure you can make money. But it’s even better to know what it is
you are delivering that customers really value and price accordingly.
Make sure you consider how much the product or service is worth to
the customer when determining your pricing.
Look to see what your customer values. Are they price sensitive? If
you have chosen to produce a product or service for a price sensitive
customer, you might have decided that you will be the low cost
provider. This is a hard place to start a new business unless you have
discovered a new method for producing products or services much
more efficiently than others in the marketplace.
Think about how much customers currently pay for products or
services like yours. What additional value, beyond what the
competition offers, are you providing?
Look at your competitor’s price. What are they charging? Look back at
your comparison of competitive features. Where do you stand out?
Are you offering more or less value? Does your customer value the
value you offer? How can you price accordingly?
Maybe your product is so much like your competitors, that if you
charge more, you will lose significant sales. If you offer a product that
closely matches your competitors’ products or services, can you also
sell “add on” services or value once a customer has purchased your
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
For example, you sell a drink in a cup for a similar price to your
competitor but you offer one free refill if your customer brings their cup
back to your store.
Each partner will have 2-3 minutes to describe their revenue models
and what their customers value. Then, you’ll work together for 7-8
minutes to decide on a good price for your product or service. You will
need to set a price for each revenue stream. At the end of 10 minutes,
you will switch roles. Decide who will go first and then begin.
I will walk around while you work and answer any questions you might
Call time at the end of 10 minutes and have partners switch roles.
Once you have chosen a price for your product or service, write it into
the My Price column on the Pricing Sheet and the Revenue Sheet.
In the Annual Revenue column, record the annual revenue for each to
the revenue model for each customer segment and revenue model.
? What surprised you about any of the concepts that we covered
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test. For this
module, you will research your competition pricing and test your own
pricing in the marketplace.
As you learn from your research, update the appropriate parts of your
Business Model Canvas with your new information. Remember, the
Business Model Canvas should always reflect your most recent
knowledge of your business. You will update it as you learn more
about your business.
Remind Participants when and where the next group coaching session
will be held. For them to get the most out of each coaching session,
they should complete the application to own business before the
coaching session.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
This is the final session of group coaching. After this session, the
group will decide whether to meet on its own and you will transition
your coaching to individual coaching. Create a signup sheet for
individual coaching time slots based on the time you have available.
Plan 1 hour for the first session with each person. This will shorten to
30-45 minute sessions after the first session, depending on what you
and your coachee agree to.
In this session, you will complete handing over the control of the group
coaching session to the group. This way, by the end of the course, the
group will be self-reliant and can continue on without you.
The final 30 minutes of this group session are devoted to allowing the
group to figure out their next steps.
Let the group know that this is the last group coaching session that
you will attend.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Although we still have two more classes, this is the final session of our
group to meet formally. If you have found this valuable, you may
choose to meet together on the same schedule or on a different
schedule. You may find it especially helpful to meet together at
minimum in small groups to help you prepare to deliver your
You now all know and trust each other. That’s a great audience from
which to gather feedback on your business presentations before you
present them to key stakeholders. It’s also a great way to rehearse
your presentations in front of a friendly audience.
This, however, isn’t the end of coaching. From this point forward, I will
be available to coach each of you privately for the next 8 weeks, as
you develop your business further. That will allow us to have much
more detailed conversations that are specific to your business
interests and needs.
During the last part of our session today, I am going to pass out a form
with dates and times in which I am available to coach. If you are
interested in receiving individual coaching from me, sign up for one of
the time slots on the sheet.
We will have 30 minutes at the end of this session for you to talk as a
group about whether you would like to continue to meet and how you
would like to handle it.
Outside experts and expert panels will be more useful later in the
Enterprise Track, once the StartUp! Foundation Course has been
completed and Participants begin to deal with more traditional
business concepts.
During the Q&A session, resist the urge to step in and answer
questions until you have determined that the group cannot move on.
Only then, should you step in. When you intervene, do it with
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
questions, not answers. The group should begin to see the expertise
in their own experience.
There are a number of different ways you can run the Q&A sessions:
Divide Participants into small groups. Ask each group to develop a list
of questions. Give each list to a new group for answers.
You can create a Participant panel that the remaining Participants
interview. The panel can address questions about their experiences.
Make sure that the questions and the answers focus on experience
and not advice.
? What was the most important mistake you ever made and what
did you learn from it?
? What do you know now that you wished you had known when
you first started working on your business?
Consider picking a guest moderator from the Participants for the Q&A
Debrief – 30 mins
It’s important to debrief when you aren’t facilitating. Plan enough time
for the group to share key learnings. It’s one of the biggest benefits of
getting a group of learners together and a practice that you want the
group to continue after you are no longer involved.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
We’ve met for three hours each time, which is a long time. Do you
want to continue that time or try a different amount of time?
The role of the sponsor is to call the meeting together and guide the
agenda of the meeting. The sponsor would let the rest of the group
know if there are changes in any meeting time or location.
Now that you have your group arrangements, let me suggest that you
use the next couple of group meetings to share your BMCs and
presentations so that they are as complete and as polished as they
can possibly be, before you actually present to outside members.
Recognize the group for all of the good work that they did together
and remind them that there are two more class sessions before the
final presentation event.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Show the following flip chart with the five phases listed:
After sales – what actions did the seller take after you purchased the
Find a partner to work with for this discussion. In pairs, share the
product that you are planning to discuss. Then, discuss the following
? How did you find out about this product? Did you hear or see
an advertisement about it? Did your friends tell you about it?
Did you see it in a store? Did you find out some other way?
? What made you decide to buy it? How did you decide that you
would actually purchase this product?
? Where did you go to buy it? Did you go to a store? Did you
order it online? Did you do something else?
? How was it delivered to you? Did you get it off the shelf? Did a
delivery person deliver it? Did you download it?
? How have you interacted with the business who supplied the
product since you bought it?
You may need several flip chart pages for the debrief. Participants will
use this information to complete their Reaching Customers Sheet so
you want to capture a variety of responses for each question.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
This is only a sample of the many ways that customers become aware
of products and services; there are others.
Keeps the customer happy. Keeps the business in touch with a buying
customer. Will make a customer more likely to come back to you to
buy a product or service in the future.
For the Evaluation phase, are you demonstrating how well your
product performs in a live demonstration or are you sending out free
samples that a potential customer can experience for him or herself?
For the sales phase, does the customer come to a store and pick out
the product for themselves off a shelf or do you deliver the product to
them? And how do you keep in touch with them after the sale? Do
they contact you through a website? Does a sales person call on
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
partner will have 3 minutes to provide feedback. Then you will switch
roles and repeat the process.
As you learn from your research, update the appropriate parts of your
Business Model Canvas with your new information.
You are going to help each other come up with a list of key activities.
Key activities are the things your business must do to meet your
customers’ most important needs.
For Family Africa, some of the things that we must do are to design
and build a holiday planning website. We must also find a list of
potential customers to contact. We must research the best tour
operators, etc.
Pick who will go first. Partner A will use the sheets of their Business
Model Canvas Poster to describe their business to Partner B.
Then, the two of you will brainstorm all of the tasks that Partner A’s
business must do. To help you brainstorm, ask each other questions
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You will have 15 minutes to do this for Partner A. Then, you will switch
and repeat the process.
Call time at the end of 15 minutes and remind Partners to switch roles.
For example, Benow decided to cook her party snacks for a caterer
rather than sell them directly to customers so she needs a catering
partner. She also needs raw materials, the ingredients for her
[snacks]. She needs a kitchen with appliances in order to make her
snacks and she might need bags or boxes to deliver her [snacks] in.
You’ll work with your partner on this next activity in the same way as
you did in the Key Activities activity. You will spend 10 minutes
brainstorming for the Resources that Partner A needs and then you
will switch roles. Make sure you consider every Key Activity so you
can be sure you identify all the resources required.
Don’t forget to list the TYPE of resource and not the value of it.
Call time at the end of 10 minutes and remind Partners to switch roles.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
As you learn from your research, update the appropriate parts of your
Business Model Canvas with your new information.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Complete the Profit or Loss Worksheet on your own. I will walk around
as you work to answer any questions you might have.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You will have 3 hours of class time to apply what you have learned to
your business idea and to test it in the marketplace. After each
StartUp! Foundation module you will be given some time to test your
assumptions in the marketplace. You may NOT SKIP THIS STEP!
You are welcome to use additional personal time in order to fully test
your assumptions. Each module will require its own test.
For this moduleAs you learn from your research, update the
appropriate parts of your Business Model Canvas with your new
information. Remember, the Business Model Canvas should always
reflect your most recent knowledge of your business. You will update it
as you learn more about your business.
You may choose to continue your peer coaching group even if you
have also chosen to sign up for individual coaching.
Ask the group sponsor, if the group has decided to continue coaching
to remind others when and where the session will be held.
For peer coaching, would the group sponsor remind the group where
and when you are planning to meet?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Design your business story 120
MODULE Peer practise presentation 60
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Today you will prepare your presentation and practise it with a peer. In
the future, you can use this presentation to share your business story
with interested stakeholders, which might include investors and
business service providers.
You will use your Business Model Canvas to present the big picture of
your business.
I will walk around as you work to answer any questions you might
Plan the points you will include for each component on paper before
you begin to create your presentation. If any business issues arise
that you have not considered as you work out the points in your
presentation, make sure you have a potential solution for them. Your
presentation should be confident and positive.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
As you are observing, pay attention to points that were really powerful
as well as those that aren’t clear. At the end of the 10 minute feedback
session, the next presenter will begin.
Presentation 1 – 10 minutes
Feedback session 1 – 10 minutes
Presentation 2 – 10 minutes
Feedback session 2 – 10 minutes
Presentation 3 – 10 minutes
Feedback session 3 – 10 minutes
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Feedback on: Clear? Reasonable? Tested? Competitive?
1. The business vision
2. The customer problem
being solved
3. The target customer
(who they are and what
they want)
4. What the customer’s
life is like before and
after purchasing the
product or service
5. The strategy for
reaching the customer
through the different
channel phases
6. The revenue model(s)
7. The pricing strategies
8. The key activities and
9. The costs for key
activities and resources
and what the business
owner plans to
10. How the business
model is sustainable;
how it will make
money. The break even
date. What it will take.
When a profit will be
made. What this is
dependent on.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Arrange a forum for Participants to present their business ideas to
relevant stakeholders. It is up to DOT Country Teams to decide how to
do this, but one suggestion follows.
Allow 15 minutes for each presenter: 10 for the presentation, and 5 for
questions and feedback.
Judging criteria
5. 1st year profit: How achievable is the business model in the first
year? Is the business “right-sized” so that it can generate a
profit in the first year?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Hold the presentations.
Follow up with a formal recognition of achievement. Let Participants
know that they know enough now to begin. Make sure that they know
that coaches will continue to be available to help with the next steps
along the way.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
This module follows the OLE idea; gives Interns the core concepts
PURPOSE behind STUF. Why is the program designed this way?
Why StartUp! Foundation is designed the way it is 30 mins
MODULE How StartUp! is structured – 30 mins 45 mins
SECTIONS Debrief 15 mins
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Look for versions of the following answers. When you have them,
write the list on a flip chart.
Quickly divide into small discussion groups, one small group for each
flip chart point.
Let’s hear from the groups. Let’s hear from the group that explored
Poor Planning of Lack of Planning. What was the most important
action or strategy that you did that helped you avoid the failure risk of
Poor planning?
As the Intern groups report out, check to make sure that they
recognized the kinds of activities that are underlined in the
explanations below.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
A common pricing error for new business owners is to enter the
market with a low price product. Other pricing models may be more
effective. Participants explore a variety of pricing options and test their
pricing assumptions in the marketplace before setting a final product
You cannot make the next point too strongly. Some Interns focus only
on teaching the tools and allow Participants to use examples to learn
rather than creating real work products that further their own goals.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Application to Business
? Then next
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
1. Classroom session
2. Application to own business
3. Tutoring session
4. Group coaching session
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
The Startup mindset challenge 45 mins
MODULE Creating awareness with business parables 75 mins
SECTIONS MVP Fair announcement 15 mins
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Wait for Interns to form groups before giving them the next set of
Hand each group a slip of paper with their question set printed on it.
Group 1: What information did you receive from your customers that
made you shift your business idea? How did it shift? What change did
you make? How did you feel about making the change? When did you
choose NOT to make a change?
Group 3: Think back to your Business Model Canvas. What did you do
to ensure that it was complete and up to date? When did you run into
problems keeping it current? What worked well? What strategy or
process did you use that ensured that your Business Model Canvas
always showed your most current understanding of your business and
the market?
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
checks or the business owner will find him or herself without a plan for
recovery. At what points did hope seem to override reality? What did
you do to temper your hope, to step back and check on the reality of
conditions in the marketplace?
Talk through the following points. These behaviours will occur during
StartUp! Foundation.
There are many actions that are not helpful to the business model
process. You will see the following behaviours as Participants go
through StartUp! Foundation. Knowing about them ahead of time will
help you work through the issues.
New business owners often fall in love with their business idea, which
leads them to hold on to their original thinking despite any customer
feedback they have received. You must encourage Participants that
market-driven change is a good thing.
Throughout this course, the key to a business succeeding is talking to
customers. Market research over the internet or from a distance can
provide a starting point, but until Participants get out of the classroom
and into the marketplace, every piece of their business idea is
suspect. It may be harder for some Participants than others to conduct
these conversations needed to gather direct market information.
Support them in any way you can.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
This program focuses a lot of attention on the customer. However,
investors and potential partners will also want a somewhat rigorous
analysis of the business’s potential financial performance. It is
important to allow enough time for Participants to really think about the
finances of the business.
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You can take them back to their feasibility grid exercise that they
performed either during ReachUp! or Jumpstart, where they might
look at another high potential business on their list. Or you can take
them further back, to review their passions and available assets.
Put on your investor hat now. You know that between 75-90% of
startup business fail.
? Why tell parables? What not just tell Participants that they are
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
Parables allow people to hear differently. You are going to now have
the opportunity to create your own parable, based on the mindset
challenge that you just discussed.
Let me tell you a story right now. You may recognize parts of it.
Once upon a time there was a monkey who wanted to find a way to
help others. He knew that the best way to decide on what to do was to
look around him and see what problems there were that needed
solving. He spent some time walking around his village which was
bordered by a small stream. He looked and looked but couldn’t find
any problems that he could help solve.
Finally, the monsoons came and the little stream swelled into a mighty
river. Monkey walked out to the edge of the river and noticed that
there were many fish struggling in the current. He ran back to his
house and found a basket. He took the basket back to the now raging
river and one by one in the pouring rain, he rescued the fish from the
flood, laying each on carefully on the bank so that they were safe.
He noticed that the fish struggled for a little while, obviously not
noticing that they had been rescued. But then after a short while, they
realized that they were safe and relaxed and became very calm and
StartUp! Foundation Intern Learning Experience v.1
You may create a parable totally from scratch or adjust one that you
have heard. Make sure that the learning points that you want to make
in your parable are clear, without having to tell them.
Begin by agreeing on the learning points that your story will convey
based upon the questions you discussed.
Allow each group to tell their parable. After each parable, stop and ask
the rest of the class:
Group 1: Was there a time when you had received information from
your customers that made you shift your business idea? How did it
shift? What change did you make? How did you feel about making
the change?
Group 3: Think back to your Business Model Canvas. What did you
do to ensure that it was complete and up to date? When did you run
into problems keeping it current? What worked well? What strategy
or process did you use that ensured that your Business Model
Canvas always showed your most current understanding of your
business and the market?
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We’re going to divide into four groups. Each group will focus on one of
four areas. You’ll create a flip chart with a list of observations for your
area. Your group will list what you noticed about what I did as a
facilitator, as well as about how the learning was structured.
You’ll then tour the flip charts and add any other ideas that you might
have observed.
This will build four big lists of ideas and observations that we will use
for tomorrow’s work on facilitation.
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You have 30 minutes in your groups to come up with your flip chart
Call time after each 5 minute period and have groups change flip
Review the flip charts and ask questions to bring out any of the points
below that aren’t already covered on the flip charts.
• The Facilitator explained how this would help the learner in the
• The Facilitator introduced the value of each task (WIIFM)
• The Facilitator offered personal stories and experiences to
make the learning real and relevant
• The Facilitator drew out personal stories from learners
• The Facilitator set expectations for what was going to happen
and how long it would take
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Learning Environment
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We’ll use the information that you created here throughout the day
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In the last module you created lists of what you observed about
facilitation practices. We’re going to use those lists today to contrast
what you observed yesterday with what you have experienced in a
more traditional learning environment.
When we know the difference between one method and another, it’s
easier to recognize and correct behaviours for either method.
You will continue to work in the same groups as you were in during
the last module.
Go around the room and ask each group to share 1 item on their list.
Ask each group, one at a time, “Do you have something different to
add?” until groups have shared all the items on their list.
I’m going to tell you a story that illustrates a more traditional learning
method and then we’ll explore how that learning method might impact
future opportunities.
Imagine your father is a farmer, as his father was. He works the same
plot of land that his father did. We’ll call the farm Tomato Heaven. He
knows Tomato Heaven like the back of his hand, every low spot, every
hill, every rock.
He also knows what kind of tomato grows well on this land, how much
water each plant needs and exactly when it needs it, how to get rid of
pests, and how to grow the biggest crop of tomatoes based on what
he has.
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He uses the same tools that his father used. He knows how to replace
each particular tool handle and exactly how to sharpen each one. He
knows that the bend in the hoe causes it to slew slightly to the left if he
swings it hard.
Once a week, someone comes to the farm and picks up his tomato
crop to sell at the market. He knows exactly what income he can
expect each year.
Your father has told you exactly how he grows this crop on this land,
starting with “Turn the land by April 17th; plant tomatoes on May 12th”.
Now, imagine a friend of yours admires your father’s farm and knows
that you know a lot about it. He has a large plot of land in another
region. He offers you 50% of the profit from selling the beans he wants
to grow if you will tell him how to successfully grow beans.
Make the point that unless your friend is growing tomatoes on a spot
very like your father’s farm, you are less able to help him.
When your father taught you how to grow tomatoes on his land, the
learning method your father has used is expert-led. Your father was
the expert in growing tomatoes. He decided what you needed to know
and told you exactly what that was. You were the receiver of
The learning
facilitator focuses
on the process of
learning, as well
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In learner-centred
learning, the facilitator
and the learner engage in
the first learning
experiences together
(represented by the curly
lines that start with the
facilitator and the learner).
The learning facilitator helps the learner navigate their first knowledge
domain. Because the learner learns the process of learning, they are
soon able to navigate other levels and other domains (shown by the
arrows that originate from the learner only).
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The model DOT uses is called Experiential Learning and is based on
the work by David Kolb. It puts the learner in the centre of learning
and allows them to learn from their experiences.
You’ve been experiencing it from the very first day of your Intern
Learning Experience. The Participants will experience it throughout
StartUp! Foundation.
? What are some of the things that you did during StartUp!
Foundation that put you at the centre of the learning
? Are there any questions before you leave for the day?
Remind Interns that tomorrow is the Minimum Viable Product Fair and
that they should bring their MVP to share with the group.
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Interns will collect strategies for creating a strong, realistic MVP that they
WIIFM can then share with Participants
Fair tables
MATERIALS Numbered tent signs, one for each business group
Fair set up 30 mins
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Before beginning the fair, place number tent signs on the MVP tables.
Make sure that there is enough space for each business team to
display their MVP.
During this fair, each business team will display their MVP. They will
share the MVP experience with two other business teams who will
play the role of their target customers. I will tell you the rotation pattern
once you are set up.
First, I’m going to assign each business team a number. Once you
have your number, find your location on the tables. This is where you
will set up your MVP.
Now it’s time to set up your MVP displays. Find the number tent on the
table that matches your business team number.
Check at the end of 30 minutes and see if teams need more time.
Teams numbered 1-5 will start as business teams. Each team will
have 5 minutes to present their MVP.
Teams 6-10, you will be Customer teams for this round. Listen
carefully to the MVP experience.
Then you will have 10 minutes to talk as a larger group about what the
business team might do to make their MVP more realistic and more
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Customer team, your job is to help the Presenting team improve their
MVP so that it feels as close to a real product experience as possible.
As you first experience their MVP, think about what they could do to
make the experience more real for you.
For example, there was a new business that sold nail buffing supplies.
In order for customers to experience their product, they offered to buff
one nail using their supplies. That delivered a very clear idea of the
product experience
Let me tell you the first pairings. Team 1 and Team 6, Team 2 and
Team 7, Team 3 and Team 8, Team 4 and Team 9, Team 5 and
Team 10.
Call time at the end of 5 minutes and have Customer teams ask
Call time at the end of another 5 minutes and allow the entire group to
talk about improving the MVP.
Call time at the end of another 10 minutes and stop the team
Let me tell you the second pairings. Team 1 and Team 7, Team 2 and
Team 8, Team 3 and Team 9, Team 4 and Team 10, Team 5 and
Team 6.
Let me tell you the third pairings. Team 1 and Team 8, Team 2 and
Team 9, Team 3 and Team 10, Team 4 and Team 6, Team 5 and
Team 7.
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Teams numbered 56-10 will become business teams. Each team will
have 5 minutes to present their MVP.
Teams 1-5, you will be Customer teams for this round. Listen carefully
to the MVP experience.
Then you will have 10 minutes to talk as a larger group about what the
business team might do to make their MVP more realistic and more
Let me tell you the fourth pairings. Team 1 and Team 9, Team 2 and
Team 10, Team 3 and Team 6, Team 4 and Team 7, Team 5 and
Team 8.
Let me tell you the fifth pairings. Team 1 and Team 10, Team 2 and
Team 6, Team 3 and Team 7, Team 4 and Team 8, Team 5 and
Team 9.
Let me tell you the sixth pairings. Team 1 and Team 6, Team 2 and
Team 7, Team 3 and Team 8, Team 4 and Team 9, Team 5 and
Team 10.
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? What did you learn about creating a strong MVP from your
work at the fair?
? What did you decide to change with your MVP? Why did you
choose to make that change?
? What would you have done differently with your MVP during
your StartUp! Foundation experience based on what you know
? How can you use what you learned to help Participants create
a strong MVP?
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120 minutes
! Read through the module to get a sense of the flow and to
PREPARATION gain an understanding of what happens
! Work through the exercises as if you are an Intern to
develop examples or samples for explanations
! Read through the module and add notes and your own
phrasing and explanations to any complex concepts
! Practise role plays or set up videos
In this session, Interns will:
LEARNING • Compare the impacts from different coaching behaviours on
OBJECTIVES the coachee
• Gather a list of coaching behaviours from coaching scenarios
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Divide Interns into groups with no more than five Interns per
group. Try to have them work with Interns that they haven’t
worked with before.
In some of the scenarios, you’ll see the coach fall into some
common pitfalls often experienced in coaching. In others, you
will see a Star Coach in action. While you are watching the
scenarios, make a list of the behaviours you see in each one.
What kinds of things does a Star Coach do? What don’t they
do? Your list will start with this next activity.
Either show the video or role play the coaching dialogue using
the script. If you role play, watch the video and rehearse ahead
of time to make the demonstration as dramatic and engaging
as possible.
Nafula: Good morning, Zuri. How are you today?
Zuri: I’m okay. But I have a problem that I can’t seem to fix? I
need your help.
Zuri: Yes.
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Nafula: Tell me what she does that gives you that sense.
Zuri: We sell less on the days when she doesn’t come in.
Customers like to come in and talk to her.
Zuri: I bring lunch in for both of us. When she doesn’t come in,
I can sell her lunch to a man who works in the business next
door. I make a small profit on the sale of her lunch. What
should I do?
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Zuri: Then I’ll ask my partner to make a list too. Then we’ll get
together to compare our lists and see how we might each fulfil
our list.
Zuri: Let me do this and then we can talk about what happened
and what we might need to do next.
Zuri: Well, I’ve had better days. My partner and I met and it
turns out that she thinks since she’s only getting 25% of the
business that she should only work 25% of the time.
Zuri: Yes! I wrote them down for the conversation that we just
had. I can use them for finding a partner.
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Abassi: Good morning, Masani. How are you today?
Masani: I’m okay. But I have a problem that I can’t seem to fix?
I need your help.
Abassi: You need to tell her that she needs to focus more on
the business. You come in every day, right? You both need to
spend equal time on the business to be equal partners.
Masani: Not too good. Your solution didn’t work. Now I’ve lost
my business partner. I need to find a new one. Rather than
helping me fix my problem, you have now caused me more
trouble. What can you do about it?
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When the coach has a stake in the outcome, the coach has an
Either show the video or role play the coaching dialogue using
the script. If you role play, watch the video and rehearse ahead
of time to make the demonstration as dramatic and engaging
as possible.
Abassi is facilitating StartUp! Foundation! for the third time.
Masani is a ReachUp! Participant in this session. Abassi is
impressed with Masani’s business ability. She is a Star
Participant. Abassi has an Internet store and would like Masani
to sell her products through his online store. He thinks it would
be good for both of them.
Abassi: I’m glad to hear it. I too am well. It’s a fine day. What is
your goal for this coaching session?
Abassi: Do you have an idea about how much more profit you
want or need to make?
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Masani: Right.
Abassi: Right. So raising prices is one way. How else can you
increase your profit?
? What has happened in this coaching conversation?
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She might not trust Abassi to help her for her sake. She might
assume that he always has a hidden agenda.
Let’s look at a coaching conversation that either breaks or fails
to establish trust. We’re going to walk through it slowly,
pausing after each exchange to talk about how you might feel
if you were Massani, the coachee.
Either show the video or role play the coaching dialogue using
the script. If you role play, watch the video and rehearse ahead
of time to make the demonstration as dramatic and engaging
as possible.
Stop the role play or the video at the end of each section and
ask the group,
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The first person to buzz in will describe what Abassi did wrong
and how he could be a better coach.
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? Any questions?
Answer any questions and then start the activity. The table on
the next page shows what should have happened in the
situation provided, as well as some possible example answers.
You may allow any variations to the answers as long as they
reflect what needs to be corrected.
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Coaches help us see beyond our own limiting ideas and help
us explore options. Coaches focus on goals for the future.
The four areas that you may be most tempted to move into
If you step into any one of these roles, you become less
effective as a coach. You can even harm your coachee. That’s
why it’s important to maintain coaching boundaries.
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Write the questions on the flip chart so that Interns can refer to
them while they work in their groups.
1. Friends
2. Counsellors
3. Partners of any kind (e.g.,business, relationship)
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Have each group do a brief report out for their group.
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Coloured markers
MATERIALS Coloured paper
Flip chart paper
Create posters 60 mins
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After Interns have finished their posters, have them put them
on the wall in a place where they can be easily seen tomorrow.
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You have experienced each module and you have learned the
structure and purpose behind the program. You have also learned key
facilitation behaviours. It’s time to put all of that learning into action.
You will divide into facilitation teams now. Each team will have a day
to prepare to facilitate their module. Each team will share the
facilitation of a full module.
When you are not facilitating, you will have on three different hats:
You will have the rest of the day to prepare for facilitation, using a
carefully designed and tested process, which we will talk about next.
While you are wearing your Intern hat, you will focus on facilitation tips
and techniques that seem really effective to you.
After each Practice Facilitation module, the facilitation team will have
20 minutes to complete a facilitation self assessment. The rest of you
will have 20 minutes to complete your Facilitation Tip Sheets and
make a few coaching notes.
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Then we will move to the next module. We will complete two modules
a day as well the associated self-assessment and Facilitation Tip
Form groups so that you have at least three Interns per module. If you
do not have at least 3 per module, consider eliminating Module 6.
Hand out a copy of the Preparation Process table to each Intern.
You will have all day tomorrow to work in your facilitation teams and
prepare to facilitate your module. As you divide the sections of the
module up, make sure that everyone has a chance to facilitate.
Let’s walk through the preparation process sheet and talk about what
each step might look like.
? Why would you do this? What can you learn from this?
? Where could you keep records on this work that would help
you in the classroom?
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Co-facilitation pairs
Step 6 Debrief and create Facilitation Tip Sheets for all sessions 1
created by all.
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In your triad, you will each perform three roles, coach, coachee
and coach observer.
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You have all day to work as a group as you finalise and
practise your module. We will begin facilitation tomorrow
morning with Module 2, Know your customers.
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Module 2, Know your customer 180 mins
Complete self assessment, facilitation tip 20 mins
sheet and coaching notes
Module 3, Estimating annual sales income 180 mins
Complete self assessment, facilitation tip 20 mins
sheet and coaching notes
Module 4, Validating the customer problem 180 mins
Complete self assessment, facilitation tip 20 mins
sheet and coaching notes
Module 5, Design your value proposition 180 mins
Complete self assessment, facilitation tip 20 mins
sheet and coaching notes
Module 6, The Value Proposition Sheet 180 mins
Complete self assessment, facilitation tip 20 mins
sheet and coaching notes
Facilitation Q&A 60 mins
Facilitation Coaching 60 mins
What key concepts are presented in each section? What facilitation practices did you see that you want to
What key concepts are presented in each section? What facilitation practices did you see that you want to
What key concepts are presented in each section? What facilitation practices did you see that you want to
What key concepts are presented in each section? What facilitation practices did you see that you want to
What key concepts are presented in each section? What facilitation practices did you see that you want to
Use this self-assessment form to self-assess your facilitation performance in each performance
Read each of the performance dimensions in the table below
Reflect on your practise facilitation and think about what evidence exists that demonstrates your
achievement in each performance dimension
Rate your facilitation performance against the performance dimension using the following scale:
1 = I have no evidence of behaviour(s) in this performance dimension
2 = I have some evidence of behaviour(s) in this performance dimension
3 = I have good evidence of behaviour(s) in this performance dimension
4 = I have excellent evidence of behaviour(s) in this performance dimension
Rating (1-
Role Performance Dimension Evidence to Support Rating
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You will repeat the process one more time and end after
Coaching and Feedback Session 3.
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Here’s one title just as an example, but we’re not going to use
this one. This is just to get the thinking started.
Go around the circle several times until the story has ended.
Acknowledge responses.
Bring out the two points of listening closely and not pre-
determining where the dialogue is going.
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Call time at the end of 2 minutes and tell pairs to start the
? What kept you from saying the things you wrote in your
left-hand column?
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They are:
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A says to B: Yes. They don’t hit each other any other time.
? What kinds of
things were going
on behind the
Not only can all these filters get in the way of what we are
hearing but they can hijack the conversation.
When you are coaching, you need to apply all your listening
skills. Remember, coaching means you are helping the
coachee find their own way. To do that, you really need to hear
what the coachee is saying without imposing your filters n the
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? What was hard about the process of not knowing?
1. Be curious
2. Practise not knowing
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You will each have a chance to be the coach and the coachee.
As a coachee, choose a goal that you would like to talk about
and then begin your coaching session. The session will last 10
minutes and then you will switch places.
Call time at the end of 20 and bring the group back together.
I’d like to hear about the coachee experience now.
Walk through the rest of the list asking similar questions for
each item on the list. For example for Guideline 9, Make notes,
you would ask something like, How did the coach use the
notes that they took during the coaching session?
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They’re learning.
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Bring out options “How could this job help your career search?”
Or “How can what you’re learning right now help him?”
? What did you think about when you heard that question?
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One was closed, required a one to two word answer; one was
open ended.
There are times when all you need for an answer is one or two
words. That’s when a closed question might make sense.
Even beyond closed and open ended questions, the words you
use in your questions make a difference. Suppose you wanted
to know which movie showing you should select to
accommodate you and your three best friends.
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Call time at the end of 10 minutes and have Interns swap their
worksheets back.
? What questions would you ask to help us think about
the points in this module?
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Call attention How was your experience today What are you looking for in a business
to a point different from the last time? partner?
Uncover facts What happened? What happened What is it that the clients want that
next? you can’t provide?
Show you Do I understand correctly, that you . . You’re saying if you had a partner,
understand . ? they could help you . . . ?
Gain What would you like to work on What will you do to explore the
commitment between now and the next time we options we talked about today?
Help explore Does it happen every time or most of How can having a business partner
assumptions the time? help with your current situation?
Test an idea What if you tried that option? What What if you found a partner? What
might happen? would they do that someone you hired
couldn’t do?
Bring out What other things might you do that Where else could you get the help you
options have a similar impact? need?
Summarise a Are you saying that you need these Are you saying you want a business
discussion three things and if you have those partner to share expenses as well as
then. . . the work?
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120 minutes
! Read through the module to get a sense of the flow and to
PREPARATION gain an understanding of what happens
! Work through the exercises as if you are an Intern to develop
examples or samples for explanations
! Read through the module and add notes and your own
phrasing and explanations to any complex concepts
! Print out the Coaching do and don’t strips and cut them apart
In this session, Interns will:
LEARNING • Recall coaching do’s and don’ts
OBJECTIVES • Experience the DOT coaching structure
• Recall Coach actions and behaviours during each stage of the
coaching structure
• Practice coaching using the structure
Role play, coaching triads
The module demonstrates a detailed structure that Interns will use when
PURPOSE delivering coaching.
A clear coaching structure enables new coaches to adhere to correct
WIIFM coaching procedures. For that reason, each DOT coach follows a defined
structure for the coaching session.
Coaching do and don’t slips, a box to put them in, Role play script,
MATERIALS Coaching structure worksheet and coaching structure handout.
Coaching do and don’t race 20 mins
MODULE The DOT coaching structure 20 mins
SECTIONS Triad debrief, completing the structure worksheet 30 mins
Triad coaching practice 40 mins
Coaching practice debrief 10 mins
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The first person to the front of the room is the Star Coach.
Then everyone move to the back of the room and we’ll start.
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When a coach is an expert in a business area, he or she may give advice to the
coachee, but only if he or she is an expert. F
Sometimes a coach needs to check his or her phone during a coaching session to
make sure they don’t miss the next coaching appointment. F
It’s the coach’s responsibility to hold the coachee accountable.
It’s the coach’s responsibility to keep conversations confidential.
Coaching is most effective when the coachee has a goal that he or she wants to
work on. T
Coaches listen openly and without filters.
Coaches believe in their coaches ability to achieve their goals.
If a coach invests money in a coachee’s business, he can still be neutral when he
coaches that person. F
Coaches spend most of their time talking during a coaching conversation.
Good coaches are curious.
It is the coach’s responsibility to correct a coachee’s decision when she knows it is
wrong. F
Coaches know more about the subject they are coaching on than the coachee.
Coaches help a coachee tap into their own personal wisdom.
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Coaches need to know the local resources in order to refer a coachee to an expert
when needed. T
The coachee determines their next action step.
Paraphrasing is one method that a coach can show that he is listening.
The purpose of coaching is improvement.
Coaches often ask questions that start with “Why did you. . .?”
Coaches use questions to uncover facts and bring out options
If the coach doesn’t agree with what the coachee is say, she should say so.
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Listen to the following role play and see if you can tell what the
stages of the structure are.
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Grace: I am fine.
Grace: Yes.
You are really the expert on what you should do. However, as
your coach, I can guide you through a thought process that
can help you come up with the right answers.
It will work sort of like this. I will ask you questions to fully
understand your thinking up to this point. Through this
question and answer work, you will decide on a course of
action to take. Then together we will agree on a time and date
to complete that action. I will help you make sure that the
action is reasonable and something that you can complete
between one coaching session and the next. You will complete
the action and we will then talk about the results in the next
coaching session. I will help guide you through your decisions,
based on your own goals. You will be doing the work.
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Grace: Sure.
Coach: I’m sure I can. Is that what you would like to work on
today, coming up with a business idea?
Grace: Yes.
Coach: Tell me about all of the ideas that you are considering
right now?
Coach: That’s good. We want to get all the ideas out right now.
We’ll narrow them down later. Let’s hear your crazy idea.
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Coach: How about you look at the ideas to decide which ones
are the most interesting for you to pursue. Let’s use this
decision making grid that you used during ReachUp!
Why don’t you write all your ideas as a list and number them.
Then see if you can plot each of your ideas on this grid. As
you make each point, put the number of it next to the point so
that we know what each one is.
Grace: Okay.
Coach hands Grace a sheet of paper with the grid on it. Grace
plots each idea on the grid where she thinks it belongs.
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Coach: Okay. So, do you have a store that you can use?
Grace: Not now. But my uncle has a shop that he might let me
use part of.
Coach: Are there other business ideas on this plot that you
might want to adjust after our conversation about the
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good garden area where the children could play. It’s behind a
wall so it’s secure. Maybe I have more assets for that. Maybe
I’ll move it up on the asset line.
Coach: Why don’t you look at all of the ideas now that you
know more about the thought process. See which ones are in
the right place and which ones you might want to move.
Grace and the Coach act out moving the points around.
Grace: I would. I guess I don’t know about them.
Coach: That’s a great idea. Who might you talk to and what
kinds of questions might you ask?
Coach: Okay, you have a great list of people to talk to and
you’ve come up with some really great questions. Is that what
you would like to work on between now and our next session?
Grace: Yes! I will talk with three potential customers for each
of these four business ideas in the top asset quadrant. Then I’ll
learn how attractive the business might be to the community.
Coach: Grace, that sounds great!!! I know you’re going to have
wonderful conversations and the questions you came up with
are really going to help you get the answers you need. I can’t
wait to hear what you learn.
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Coach: Great! I think you are well on your way toward deciding
on what business makes sense for you. And I think that your
conversations are going to provide you with some really
valuable information.
Are you still okay meeting in two weeks at this same time?
Coach: Great! We can talk how they went and what you
learned at that time.
Grace: Yes. Thank you for your help. I also learned how
coaching worked today.
You might offer that, “The coach also said, ‘Today we’ll have
an hour to talk about you’re your goals are and what you want
to work on.’
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So, in that stage, the action is that the coach greeted Grace
and explained how much time they would have to work
Stage Action
7. Commit Agree on what actions the coachee will take between now
and next session; create an action statement that they agree
Step Action
1. Open the
2. Establish the
3. Establish the
session goal
4. Exploration
5. Decide
6. Plan
7. Commit
8. Encourage
9. Close
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Decide who will start in each role. Then begin. Coachees, use
one of your 5 goals that you came up.
Okay, Observers, it’s time to report back to your coaches. You
have ten minutes to complete your observations so make sure
that you allow enough time for each coach.
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Stage Action
7. Commit Agree on what actions the coachee will take between now
and next session; create an action statement that they agree
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But first, you should know that there are three separate
coaching opportunities that occur during DOT programs.
Draw the diagram on the flip chart and tell the following story.
Add each point to the line as you say it.
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She still needs to refine her business idea, test it in the market
and create a clear plan toward making the business
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Flip chart each of the questions. Keep probing until you have a
really strong, complete set of questions.
You are going to divide up into groups of four. Two groups will
interview a WorkUp! Program Expert and two groups will
interview a StartUp! Program Expert. Try to learn everything
you need to know from your expert by asking good questions.
You may want to take notes from your interview. Work as a
group to gather your information.
Now you will each have a chance to learn about the other
program. Rotate one station to the right.
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You will again have 10 minutes. The experts will not answer
any questions you do not ask.
Once you have chosen your experts, I will give you the next
If one panel gets the answer wrong, you will hear this sound:
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The next activity is to plan and hold mock information
In this activity, you are going to plan the information that you
will deliver in an Information Session.
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Right now, let’s get into five different groups. Then I will give
you the next set of instructions.
Divide the class into five groups. Once they are in groups,
hand out one story to each group. Each member of a group
should have their own copy to read.
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As you read, look for the following points and make notes. You
will use those notes in the group discussion that follows.
3. What was the challenge that was faced? What was the
original state of mind for the participant about that
You will have 5 minutes to present the story you studied. Your
presentation should include something for each of the points
you studied.
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? What did all of the stories have in common?
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? How can you use what you learned from this activity to
create your own compelling success stories?
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In the next 20 minutes, you will read at least three other stories
and write meaningful comments on the stories.
Where might you find sources for success stories?
What might you expect to learn from the stories that other
Interns share?
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120 minutes
! Read through the module to get a sense of the flow
PREPARATION and to gain an understanding of what happens
! Work through the exercises as if you are a Participant
to develop examples or samples for explanations
! Read through the module and add notes and your own
phrasing and explanations to any complex concepts
In this session, Interns will:
OUTCOMES • Practice laser coaching in front of a group
Small group laser coaching, large group discussion
Interns perform laser coaching during Group Coaching Sessions
PURPOSE 1-5. This module allows them the opportunity to practice and to
As an Intern, you will be laser coaching in at least 5 different
WIIFM sessions. This module will give you a chance to practice as well as
observe laser coaching and receive feedback from your peers
The Laser Coaching Process flip chart that you used during Group
MATERIALS Coaching Session 1
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A laser coaching session is one that is conducted between a
coach and a coachee but is observed by the group. For a laser
coaching session to be effective, two conditions must be true:
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You will use one set of techniques to help the laser coachee in
the coaching process. You will use another to allow the group
to listen and learn while focusing on their own goals.
(or you may reference the page numbers from the StartUp!
Foundation Facilitation Guide and have Interns turn to those
That’s a great invitation. Can you see how that gives the rest of
the group a focus for listening?
For the debrief, I might ask something like: What were your
own big takeaways or discoveries as you watched the laser
coaching session?
? What are some other ways that I could help the group
gather their own discoveries?
Begin the laser coaching session using the actions that are
outlined below, starting with inviting participation from the
volunteer. Ask:
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Divide the class into groups of at least 7-8 each and begin the
first session. Call time at the end of 15 minutes.
Decide who will be the coachee for the next session and who
will be the coach and begin.
Decide who will be the coachee for the final session and who
will be the coach and begin.
? What did you learn about the practice of Laser
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So we know:
Debere: When you say, you do all the talking when you are
facilitating, about how much of the time are you talking
compared to when the Participants are talking?
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? Is that measureable?
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Review and discuss the results and the order they were
placed. They should align with DOT’s Result Chain shown in
the diagram above. Ask powerful questions to allow Interns to
make any changes to the order if necessary and add any
missing elements to ensure all elements of the Result Chain
are included. For example:
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Tape a piece of paper with the word “Output” above the first
cluster of stickies that represent the first box in the results
For example,
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Let me share a story with you that will help you to visualize
what DOT results mean.
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This story has provided you with a real example of how the
DOT achieves results. How does this relate to your
understanding of the Internship you have applied for?
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Aisha has a small savings box where she keeps this 2000shs
and has been doing this ever since the day she opened the shop
and she intends to keep doing this for two years after which she
will break the box and invest the money back into her shop. She
also has another where she keeps the savings she gets from the
airtime she sells.
Aisha's next move is to save up more money and add more items
into her shop. She has a diary where she has been noting all the
frequently desired items the customers want but has not yet got
the money to buy. When she does, some of them will include
vim, powdered detergent, and more cassava flour because it is
frequently bought by those who make the local pancakes. She
also plans on building a shed outside her shop where she will
transfer the plastics such as the basins and buckets. Aisha still
helps out her brother in baking cakes but cannot sell them at her
shop because they are expensive for the society in which she
operates. The queen cakes they make require a lot of ingredients
and cannot be sold cheaply at the usual 300 shs. She however
put a signpost/posters outside her shop indicating that she can
make occasional cakes.
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We have now discussed DOT’s goals and the DOT Results
• Baseline/progress surveys
• Registration tools
To provide:
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Because if people don’t tell you what they think, you might
build the wrong product. You won’t be able to meet their
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Hand out the progress survey and give Interns a few minutes
to review it.
? What was hard about doing the baseline survey in the
role play?
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In the last module, you learned about one of the DOT M&E
tools: The baselines and progress surveys. Today we are
going to work with the DOT registration profile.
Choose who will be the Intern and who will be the Participant.
Participants, make sure you ask the Intern any questions you
might have about the process or any questions that are
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? Which questions were the hardest to explain?
With the Interns, brainstorm the process that they will
undertake in terms of their M&E role of particular participants.
Go step by step (as below) to make sure the order is correct.
? What questions do you have about DOT Connect
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Introduction 10 mins
MODULE Community cover story 10 mins
SECTIONS Your place in the story 20 mins
Take two bold steps 10 mins
Create your Showcase 110 mins
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Think back. Way back to the first day of Skills Development.
Remember the drawings that you did to envision Skills
Development? This session is going to be all about creating a
vision to guide and enrich your Showcase stories.
Let’s move back into the future. You are walking through the
capital city and you pass a newsstand filled with national
magazines. There is your community as a model community
on the cover of four different magazines! Take 10 minutes to
make a few notes about your future story.
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You’ll have the next two hours to create a showcase for your
model community. You will share your Showcase at the
Making Your Future conference, held tomorrow, the final day
of Skills Development. Each of you will create a display as a
conference presentation.
You will need to create the Skills Development slide show that
you will use to help Interns recall and celebrate their two
weeks together during the 1/2 hour of conference set up time.
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You will be doing several things during the hour that you are
You will be doing several things during the hour that you are
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Hand out a copy of the Preparation Process table to each
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Get together with your facilitation team and create and agree
upon a preparation calendar for your first StartUp! Foundation
Co-facilitation pairs
Step 6 Debrief and create Facilitation Tip Sheets for all sessions 1
created by all.
______________, ___________________________________
Day Module Lead Step Scheduled
Day Module Lead Step
Day Module Lead Step
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Place the certificates in several piles on a table at the front of
the room with Intern names clearly visible.
As the next strong step on that path, we’d like each of you to
offer another Intern a few words of thank you, praise and
encouragement before you take leave of each other.
Think about the Intern whose certificate you have picked up.
Finally, think about the work that your certificate holder will
now be doing in the field. Write a specific encouragement
piece of paper, ensuring them that you know they will
accomplish the task based on what you know about them.
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