Patient Access Clinic: Schegistrar
Patient Access Clinic: Schegistrar
Patient Access Clinic: Schegistrar
Epic Cadence
Cadence Table of Contents
Introduction to Hyperspace .....................................................................1
1. Scheduling an Existing Patient Appointment ......................................1
Patient Lookup ...................................................................................................................... 1
Follow Along: ........................................................................................................................ 2
Entering Appointment Information ...................................................................................... 2
Date & Time Conventions ..................................................................................................... 3
Interpreting the Provider’s Schedule ................................................................................... 5
Test Your Understanding ................................................................................................... 9
Appointment Review and After Scheduling Questionnaire .............................................. 9
Components of Hyperspace ............................................................................................. 10
Using the Patient Sidebar ................................................................................................... 11
Try it out: Scheduling an Established Patient Appointment ............................................. 11
Using the Auto Scheduler to Find the Next Available Appointment .............................. 13
Follow Along: ...................................................................................................................... 13
Appointment Reminders ................................................................................................ 13
Warning and Error Messages at Scheduling and Check In ......................................... 13
Confirming Medicaid Eligibility ....................................................................................... 14
Try it out: Established Patient Appointment ...................................................................... 15
Marking Duplicate Patients for Merge .......................................................................... 16
If You Have Time: Review Exercise .................................................................................... 19
15. Workqueues.........................................................................................1
Workqueues Transferring Accounts .................................................................................... 1
18. Downtime.............................................................................................1
Registration during RTE Downtime ....................................................................................... 1
Scanning and E-Signature Downtime ................................................................................. 1
Read Only Mode .................................................................................................................. 2
Appendix .................................................................................................... i
Glossary.................................................................................................................................. i
Introduction to Hyperspace
1. Hyperspace Title Bar Displays basic information about a Hyperspace session, such as the login
2. Hyperspace Tool Bar Lists menu options most frequently accessed by a user.
4. Workspace Tabs Tabs are linked to active workspaces including patient workqueues and
patient workspaces. A tab is generated when a workspace is opened.
5. Front Desk Dashboard The home workspace. This contains links to reports, frequent web links,
and alerts.
Patient Lookup
There are several ways to look up patients. Enter at least two patient identifiers.
o The patient's full or partial name, in the format Last Name, First Name
Additional fields such as the patient’s phone number and zip code provide greater flexibility
with misspelled names.
Patient Lookup results will also display potential matching records with specific weight values and
corresponding colors. The higher the weight the closer the match resulting in the designated colors
changing from red to orange to yellow to green, respectively. With this, it will more closely match
the patient identifiers entered during Patient Lookup.
Follow Along:
Mary, an existing patient, is experiencing headaches and calls to schedule an appointment with
Provider Drew. Schedule Mary an established patient visit (486) for one week from today.
Appointment Notes (Reason for the Visit)
Visit Type
Provider or Resource
Start Search on Date
The Visit type drives the copay amount to be collected at registration. Be careful to select the correct
Visit type.
Click the Selection tool or press F5 to view a list of available visit types.
Note: Two visit types may be listed: a specialty list and a general list. General visit types can be
scheduled by any department. Specialty visit types can only be scheduled when a user is logged in to a
department of a given specialty.
Visit type EP – PRIMARY CARE (OHS) [486] will trigger a decision tree, decision trees
help schedulers to schedule the right visit with the right provider and resources.
Decision trees can handle advanced logic to offer a consistent scheduling experience
for both schedulers and patients.
The questions in a decision tree appear one at a time for a scheduler to answer as
the system evaluates the logic in the decision tree for what needs to happen next to
evaluate what visit type should be used. The visit type is then automatically assigned
based on the answers to the decision tree questions.
If you have a PCP defined for the patient that works in the department in which you
are scheduling, then the PCP’s name may automatically populate in the Provider
section based on system setup. If the patient is not being scheduled with their PCP,
remove it by highlighting the provider's name and pressing DELETE.
m (month) m+1 = the date one month from today (for example, if today is June
24, m+1 = July 24)
m-1 = the date one month ago today
The Schedule Scanner allows quick view of how full a provider's schedule is for the next seven days.
When entering a provider in the Provider field or performing a department search, the provider
appears on the Schedule Scanner.
The percentage of the provider's schedule that is already filled appears in each cell, along with a color
that correlates to a percentage range. Double-click a cell to be taken directly to the provider's
schedule for that date. Click on the column headers to list providers by their schedule utilization
The Schedule Scanner can be refreshed, viewed in a larger window or used to view future and past
dates by selecting the arrows above the Schedule Scanner.
The first view displayed is defined by the view selected on the Make Appointment form. The view can
be changed by clicking the arrow next to the View field at the top of the form and selecting a new
Restrictions Check Box Restricts view to time slots that match search
criteria. Must be cleared (unchecked) to view
the full schedule. For example, when searching
for a time slot for an EP appt, slots reserved for
New Patient Appointments or Procedures will
not be displayed.
Regular Openings (Green or Blue Time Slots): Regular openings can be scheduled into without
any problems. The number of open regular slots is indicated by the number located in the column to
the left of the time slot
A green slot with a positive number indicates no regular appointments have been scheduled.
A blue slot indicates at least one regular opening has been booked and at least one regular
opening is available.
No special security is needed to schedule into these slots. (Note: All other time slots require
special security access, which may not be available to a Schegistrar.)
Overbooks (Yellow Time Slots): Overbooks may or may not be a part of a provider's schedule.
These openings are set up if the provider is willing to be overbooked in certain time slots. Users
cannot tell by looking at the schedule how many overbooks are allowed.
If there is a zero and the slot color is yellow, there are no regular openings available, but the
provider has at least one open overbook available.
Requires Overbook security to schedule into slot.
Held Time (Gray Time Slots): If a time slot is gray this means the time slot has been designated as
held time. This means that the provider wanted a portion of his or her schedule held for some reason.
For example, a possible meeting is coming up and the provider wants to make sure that time is
reserved for it. The hold reason is displayed in the Name column on the schedule.
Requires Override Held Time security to schedule into slot. (Note: this is different from the
Override security below).
Unavailable Time (Red Time Slots): Unavailable time indicates the provider is unable to see
patients during this time. To understand red time slots, review the number in the slot.
If there is a positive number, there are regular openings available, but the time has been
marked unavailable for scheduling. For example, time might be marked unavailable if the
provider must take a phone call and does not want any patients scheduled at that time.
o Requires Override security to schedule into slot.
If there is zero, there are no regular openings or overbooks available.
o Requires Super Overbook security to schedule into slot.
If there is a negative number, there are no regular openings or overbooks, and the slot has
been super overbooked.
o Requires Super Overbook security to schedule into slot.
If there is no number, this indicates there is a break in the provider's schedule, or it is the end
of the provider's schedule for that day.
Slot Types:
Public Time Slot: Indicates no special security is required to schedule into a slot. Nothing in the
Pri? column indicates the slot is public and can be scheduled by anyone with scheduling access in the
Private Time Slot: Pri in the Pri? column indicates the slot is private. Special security is required for
scheduling in private slots. Private Access security is required for scheduling into private time slots.
All other column fields will fill with appointment data once a patient is scheduled into
the time slot.
Why is the time slot gray? Give an example of when a gray slot would be displayed.
For an appointment scheduled within 48 hours of the appointment time, select the Confirm now
button on the Appointment Review window. This will prevent the appointment from appearing on the
Confirm Appointments Report and the patient will not receive a reminder call from Televox.
Patients can be added to a Wait List from this screen by clicking Add to waitlist button. Wait List (Add
Appt) Activity will open automatically after clicking Accept.
The After-Scheduling Questionnaire will fire after scheduling an appointment in most clinics, except
for departments such as Executive Health, Smoking Cessation, Research, etc. As responses are given,
additional questions may deactivate, no longer requiring an answer.
Components of Hyperspace
Components of Hyperspace
1. Patient Storyboard Displays information about the current workspace and
2. Activity Tabs Tabs including Registration, Appt Desk, Appt Entry, and
Response History allow access to other activities
related to the current open activity.
3. Activity Toolbar Icons such as Appt Desk, PCP, Claim Info, used to
accomplish tasks related to the current activity.
There are four report settings to choose from on the Patient Sidebar:
The Sidebar Checklist allows users to verify patient information and correct any errors for
the corresponding record. If any information should be corrected, click the hyperlink in
the error message that appears on the Sidebar Checklist to help resolve the issue quickly.
Select the information icon within a sidebar record to view details on the verification
Some visit types trigger Decision Trees which simply help to ensure the proper visit type
is utilized during scheduling by answering a series of yes/no questions.
Using the Appts button, open Patient Lookup to find Jim.
o What information do you need to enter?
o What indicators do you see to ensure you have the correct patient?
The patient’s Appointment Desk opens. Click Make Appt on the Activity toolbar.
Which fields must be completed to schedule an appt?
o Department: SLIC Family Medicine
o Appt notes: stomach aches
o Visit type: EP – Primary Care (OHS) [486]
o Provider: Provider Drew (classroom information sheet)
o Start search on: t+1
How can you tell which time slots are available for this visit?
o Hint: color, number, block type
Select an available time slot with a block of Any on the Provider Schedule.
Click Schedule.
o Has Jim’s appt been scheduled at this point?
Review the appointment information with Jim to confirm it meets his needs.
Since Jim’s appt is within 48 hours, what should you do before clicking Accept?
o ______________________
The After Scheduling Questionnaire opens.
o Jim does not need to be seen today, the visit is not accident related and did not want
to be added to the waitlist.
In Registration, what categories must be verified?
o Verify ________________
o Verify ________________
o Verify _____________________________
Enter Jim’s Referring Provider: Dr. Walt Whitecoat.
Verify Encounter on Checklist.
Click Accept.
For example, a patient needs to see a speech therapist, a physical therapist, and an occupational
therapist, but not necessarily in that order. Speech therapy is available only in the afternoon and
physical therapy is available only in the morning. Occupational therapy is available all day. The Auto
Scheduler can rearrange visits to find the best solution.
Schedulers can search for visits in any order by selecting the ‘Visits in any order’ check box in the
Make Appointment activity or on the Recommended Solutions form in the Auto Scheduler.
Schedulers can set their own preference for whether the check box is selected by default.
Follow Along:
David, an existing patient, would like to schedule a visit with Provider Drew. He is having flu-like
symptoms and would like to be seen two days from today. This visit is not accident related. Schedule
David’s appointment and update his information as provided by the instructor.
Appointment Reminders
Patients can choose how they want to be reminded about their upcoming appointments. This includes
appointment reminder text messages, emails, phone calls, letters, and MyChart messages. In addition,
appointment reminders are sent in the following timeframes prior to the patient’s scheduled
appointment: Text messages: within 24 hours; Phone Call: 2 days; MyChart: 7 days or anytime the
patient updates their profile; and Letters: 14 days.
Patients must choose at least one reminder preference during scheduling or check in. If preferences
aren’t set, the patient will continue to receive a Letter, Phone Call, and MyChart appointment
in, the warning becomes an error. The registrar will be required to enter at least one preference at
check in.
If the patient has selected “Yes-Wants to receive texts” but has not provided a mobile phone number,
the following message will appear during scheduling as a warning, and during check in as an error:
Self-pay patients
Patients with no active coverage on the guarantor account
Patients with traditional Medicare coverage and no secondary insurance on the guarantor
Currently, this query only receives eligibility information from Medicaid of LA. The patient may receive
benefits from another payor, but the eligibility query will only display Medicaid information.
*For new patients, coverage cannot be created until a guarantor account has been created. Allow the
response to flash until a guarantor account has been created.
FOR TRAINING PURPOSES: To move forward, you must ignore the response. However, in production
you must verify if the patient is eligible for Medicaid coverage.
The Coverage Eligibility for Medicaid window will provide details regarding the
patient’s eligibility for Medicaid. Users should thoroughly read the response to
determine if the patient is eligible for Medicaid coverage and which plan to choose.
If the patient is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary and has a QMB policy, the initial
response may appear ineligible. Use the QMB Medicaid plan as necessary.
George, an existing patient, calls to make an appointment with Provider Drew. George is having sinus
issues and would like to be seen tomorrow. George has Medicare and a supplemental coverage, but
he does not have his insurance information available. Set George’s appointment reminder
preferences to include Letters and Phone Call Reminders. George does not want to receive Text
Message Appointment Reminders. He was referred by Dr. Walt Whitecoat. The visit is not accident
related. Use Auto Search to schedule an EP – PRIMARY CARE (OHS) [486] appointment for George.
o _______________________________
o ____________________________________________
o ____________________________________________
o ____________________________________________
o ____________________________________________
o ____________________________________________
Use Auto Scheduler to find the first available appt. (Hint: Look in Advanced Options)
George would like his appointment after 9 am. Use Multiple Solutions to find an appropriate
Review George’s Appointment Review window to make sure the information is correct.
Since this appointment is tomorrow, what should you do before exiting the Appointment
Review window?
Review George’s information. How do you indicate in Epic that the patient’s information is
reviewed and up-to-date?
o ________________________________________________
o ___________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________
Where can you see the appointment you have made for George?
o __________________________________________________
The Identity Mark for Merge utility enables end users to notify the EMPI group of
potential duplicates. Schegistrars are usually the first users to encounter duplicate
patients and often are in the best position to gather current demographic
information. Mark patients with similar demographics as possible duplicates. The
EMPI group will process merges.
Follow the steps bellow if you encounter a duplicated patient during check-in (skip to step 5 if
encounter during scheduling):
2. Within registration, add a patient FYI to immediately alert Nurses and Physicians of the duplicate.
Select Patient FYI under Patient Options on the toolbar.
3. Select a Flag Type of General. Enter a message regarding the duplication’s MRN and click Accept.
5. After the patient is checked-in, access the Mark Patients for Merge Activity. Epic Button > Tools >
Identity Tools> Mark Patients for Merge
7. Enter Name/MRN: First Patient, the patient with the scheduled appointment.
9. The Mark Patients for Merge window opens displaying First and Second Patients’ information
side-by-side. Click on the correct data in each column as provided by the patient. Note the First
Patient’s MRN is maintained. Selected information now appears in Merge Result column.
10. Enter a reason and any necessary comments for marking these patients for merge. Click Mark for
The following warning may appear when updating a patient’s registration information:
To correct the social security number for the patient, replace the SS# of the potential duplicate
with 000-00-0000.
Kathy, an existing patient, calls to schedule an appointment with Provider Drew. She
has a fever and cough and wants an appointment tomorrow. Set Kathy’s
appointment reminder preferences to include Letter and Phone Call Reminders and
no text messages. Kathy has no significant changes to her billing or insurance
information. She was referred by Dr. Walt Whitecoat. This visit is not due to an
accident and should not be added to the Wait List. Schedule an Established Patient
appointment for Kathy using the Auto Search function.
Lastname,Firstname: Martinez,Antonio
Lastname,Firstname space Middle Initial: Martinez,Antonio M
Lastname,Firstname space Suffix: Martinez,Antonio Jr
Lastname,Firstname space Middle Initial space Suffix: Martinez,Antonio M Jr
Lastname Lastname, Firstname: Smith-Martinez, Antonio
0’s = Unknown
1’s = Newborn
2’s = No SSN (International does not have a Social Security #)
9’s = Refused
Remember, when a new patient record is created, Epic automatically opens registration before
allowing an appointment to be scheduled using Make Appt. Once you’ve completed new patient
registration, you will be taken back to the Make Appt form.
Patient Demographics
When the following symbols are present with a registration field, you will encounter a warning or
error before you close the patient record.
Recommended fields are marked with a yellow yield sign. It may be possible to leave a form
without supplying recommended information.
Required fields are marked with a red stop sign and require completion before proceeding.
In certain situations, you will have to click the lock button to the right of the name
box to unlock the name record. In these scenarios, please update the preferred
name only.
Address Information
Correspondence names and addresses are pulled from registration data. Be sure to use proper title
case, spelling and grammar when entering patient data, so correspondence will look professional.
Do not use periods after abbreviations. Use the Tab key after entering a patient’s street address.
Using the Enter key after the street address inserts a blank line and creates a Checklist error. Review
the following examples:
The Demographics form includes tabs for a Permanent, Temporary and Confidential
Address. The Guarantor account must also have an address listed.
Permanent Address: used for patient correspondence (appointment reminders, lab
results, etc.), can be physical address or PO Box.
Collecting up to date phone numbers and email addresses is crucial at the time of scheduling as they
are used to communicate with the patient about appointment reminders. If a patient does not have
an email address or refuses to provide an email address, leave the E-mail field blank. Then, enter a
reason in the “Reason for no email” field.
No Known Address
General Information
The following information should be gathered for each patient to prevent errors/warnings from firing
during check in and registration:
In addition to government mandates, our facility is committed to meeting the needs of every patient.
If the patient is deaf, or English is not the patient’s preferred language, our facility will provide
interpreter services if needed.
When “yes” is entered in the Interpreter Needed field, the following will happen:
o Information about the patient needing an interpreter will appear on a report to be
worked by the interpreter scheduling department.
o Interpreter scheduling will schedule the interpreter for the patient.
For reporting purposes, it is important to obtain a patient’s ethnicity and race for their medical record.
These fields track healthcare disparities and cultural healthcare trends. Race and ethnicity are self-
reported fields. The registrar should never guess as to the patient’s race and ethnicity.
Ethnicity: Pertaining to cultural factors such as nationality, regional, cultural, ancestry, and
Race: Pertaining to physical characteristics such as bone structure, skin, hair, and eye color
o The following ethnicities and races should be used with caution:
Other: Patient believes that he/she belongs to an ethnicity not listed.
Patient Refused: The patient does not wish to list their ethnicity or race.
Unknown: This should only be used when a patient arrives to the emergency
department in an unconscious state.
The following language is to be used when registering a new or existing patient in order to collect
information regarding a patient’s ethnicity and race:
Ethnicity- “How would you like for me to list your ethnicity in our system?”
Race- “How would you like for me to list your race in our system?”
*Multiple Race fields are provided for patients who identify as bi-racial.
Another field in General Information is Patient Type. This is used to identify a particular type of
patient. The information appears not only in the patient’s Demographics folder but also in the Patient
Header. If Break the Glass: All Other (patients requesting their record be privatized and employees) is
selected, a Break the Glass message will appear when the patient’s record is accessed. The user is
required to re-enter their password and explain the reason for accessing the account.
When PCP information is entered in the Patient Care Team activity, the PCP appears in the patient
header and on the Patient Contacts form.
Patient are required to have at least one contact on file for emergency situations. The short list of
questions will assist should a patient contact need to be reached. If additional information is provided,
click the pencil icon to expand and edit the Patient Contact form.
If a patient refuses or does not have an emergency contact, enter No, Contact in the name
field. All other fields can remain empty.
The Patient Contacts form holds information about a patient's employment. Employer information is
stored in the system. When selected from the employer list, the employer's address and phone
number information populate by default. Not all employers are listed. If a patient's employer is not
listed, select Other. A Comment Entry window appears with a free-text Employer field. Enter the
employer and click Accept. Enter the rest of the employer's demographic information in the
appropriate fields.
Employment Status field contains options for patients who are not currently employed.
Each guarantor account can have only one guarantor. The guarantor can be the patient, another
person or a financial entity. Most adults are their own guarantors. A parent or legal guardian is usually
indicated as the guarantor for a minor. A patient can have multiple guarantor accounts.
Guarantor accounts do not hold insurance information. Insurance information is stored in a coverage
When a patient receives services that are covered by insurance, a claim is sent to the
insurance company listed in the patient's coverage record.
When creating a new patient record, a Personal Family Guarantor (P/F) account will automatically be
created for all patients 18 years old and older.
The Coverage Selection form allows users to search for the patient's payor. If a payor uses electronic
verification, a query to verify the patient's coverage information will be sent electronically.
Verification for a payor that does not use electronic verification requires details about the insurance
coverage to be entered manually.
In Registration workflows you will notice some Subscriber ID formatting hard stops. These hard stops
are used to ensure that data entered is always in the proper format required by the payor/plan. If
entered incorrectly, these will advise you of proper ID formatting for the requested payor.
When users receive a response for an RTE-enabled coverage, it is important to check the Response
History to see coverage details, alerts, mismatched information, and any reasons why the patient
might not be eligible for coverage. From here, users can choose to create the coverage, or ignore the
response and try to create a new coverage.
Read the Real Time Eligibility (RTE) Response carefully to confirm the patient is
covered by the insurance plan selected. An error in matching the correct
payor/plan combination will result in a denial.
If Member effective from and Member effective to date fields are entered, the coverage will only be
available for visits and admissions that fall on or between those dates. The Member eff from field is
left blank unless listed on the patient's insurance card. A member effective from date may not be
required for some RTE payors.
On the Subscriber Info form there is an Address Link? field. If this field is set to Yes, there is a link
between the patient and subscriber's address. If you change or update the patient address
information, the subscriber address information is automatically updated and vice versa. Only check
“yes” if the Subscriber has a home phone number.
The following language is to be used when registering a new or existing patient to determine whether
or not the patient is covered by a secondary or tertiary coverage:
“Do you have any additional insurance that you will be using for today’s visit?”
“Is there any other insurance that will help pay for this visit?”
“Are you covered under any additional/other insurance policy?”
“Do you have any additional insurance cards that you use for any of your healthcare visits?”
“Is anyone else responsible for your healthcare bills?”
Jessica calls the clinic to make an appointment with Provider Drew for a scratchy throat. She is new
and referred by Dr. Whitecoat. Complete her registration and schedule an appointment for tomorrow.
DOB: 04/15/1980
SSN: <enter any random nine-digit number>
Sex: Female
Address: 135 University Ave City (or ZIP): 70118
Home Phone: 504-888-9999 Mobile Phone (Primary): 504-369-8888
E-mail: Patient refused
Interpreter Needed: No Language: English
Marital Status: Married Religion: Catholic
Ethnicity: African American Race: African American
Patient Contacts:
Jessica’s mother, Leann will be her contact. Leann prefers to be contacted on her mobile, 504-444-
5555. Jessica lives with her mother and would like her to be contacted on admission.
She would like to make Dr. Drew her PCP.
Jessica works full-time for Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Jessica has Coventry insurance through her job.
Use the following info from her card to enter her coverage:
Group number: 246
Subscriber ID: 135791113
Insurance ID: 135791113
Group number: 246
Auth phone: (888) 555-6666
Covered through: Current Employment
Employer size: 100+ Employees (3 Enter)
Co-pay: Primary $25, Specialty $35, ED $65
Jessica would like Phone Call & Text for her Appointment Reminders.
If the amount paid at time of check-in exceeds the amount of the visit, remaining credit will be applied
to outstanding balances. If no outstanding balance, the credit will be refunded after all charges have
been processed. Patients will be billed for any remaining outstanding balance. This does not apply to
Package Pricing.
If a patient indicates that he/she is not covered by any health insurance, the following scripting is to
be used during scheduling:
“Ms./Mr. X we have a self-pay deposit of ($250/ $500) for the physician/department you are
requesting to see. We ask that you bring this amount at the time of your visit and any charges
in addition to your deposit will be billed to you.
The information in the Coverage Info form applies only to the current encounter.
Coverages can be added, removed or edited for this encounter. When a patient
does not have insurance, select the “Self-pay” check box to indicate the patient was
asked and there is no insurance to add. This prevents Epic from pulling the patient
into a workqueue for missing registration information.
All patients must have a guarantor account so that they can be charged and billed for
the medical services received.
1. The first step in establishing billing information is to add a guarantor account to the patient
record. Click the Pat Guar and Cvg activity.
For new accounts, the system selects an account type of Personal/Family by default. If the
patient is a minor, the guarantor responsible for the account is not set to Self by default, as
it was for adult patients. Instead, you must select who is responsible for the account.
2. Click Add Guarantor
3. Epic can scan minor's emergency contact information to pull in if the patient is a minor.
4. Click Search for the Guarantor’s Patient Record to search for an existing patient/legal
guardian’s remaining information.
If the responsible guarantor is not an existing patient, you will need to enter the
patient’s Name, Sex, and Date of Birth.
5. Click Search/Create.
Note: Find Existing Account will not work with Individual Billing. You will receive a “No guarantor
accounts were found that matched the criteria” Error Message.
6. Click the Response Notification button. For training only, ignore any Medicaid queries.
Camille is suffering from earaches. Her mom calls to schedule an appointment with Provider Drew.
Camille is a new patient. She is a minor and lives with her mother and father. Her mother will be her
guarantor. Camille is covered under her father, Richard’s, insurance. Camille was referred by Dr.
Mickey Quinn. Complete her registration and schedule her appointment for one day from today.
Jessica indicates that she would also like to have Camille’s father, Richard [Your information sheet
name], added to her daughter’s contacts. Richard’s primary number is his mobile, 504-667-8989.
What’s the quickest way to enter Camille’s address and phone information?
o (Hint: Jessica is a patient too)
Coverage Selection
Enter the following information on for the UHC Jefferson Parish Government insurance:
o Auth Phone: 208-654-6199
o Covered Through: Current Employer
o Employer Size: 100 + Employees
o Copays: Primary: $15, Specialty: $30, ED: $100
Appt Reminder Preferences: Letters and Phone Call Reminders, Yes to texts
Camille should have a New Patient visit for her ear aches with Dr. Drew tomorrow.
In Louisiana, Medicaid programs include standard Medicaid and the Healthy Louisiana plans. Patients
who participate in a Healthy Louisiana plan will hold two identification cards: a standard Medicaid
card and their chosen health plan card. For patients in a Healthy Louisiana plan, the plan should be
registered as the insurance. The Standard Medicaid card is not a secondary insurance. Plans can
change; it is important to stay up to date with contracted Healthy Louisiana plans.
Remember, all Medicaid participants are the subscriber for their plan, including children and infants.
When adding Healthy Louisiana plans using RTE, be careful to identify the correct payor, as
many include the logo of large commercial payors, such as United Healthcare.
To safeguard against choosing a plan other than the Healthy Louisiana, use the search synonym
“Medicaid” when searching for each of the Healthy Louisiana plans. The Healthy Louisiana Plans
will have a Financial Class of LA Medicaid.
When adding Healthy Louisiana plans using RTE, be careful to verify the Mem Eff date reflects the
chosen Healthy Louisiana Plan and not the Medicaid benefits. Only the Healthy Louisiana plan
information should be entered into Epic.
Errors in subscriber information can cause denials and delays in payment. Some of the most common
errors occur when a middle name, initial, and/or suffix is listed with the insurance company but not
entered into the patient record. Be sure to use the Name on Card field if needed.
Maher’s mother, Sarah, calls to schedule a new patient appointment for him with Provider
Drew. Maher’s DOB is 1/25/2009. He is a new patient and needs to be seen for a sprained
finger. Maher lives with his mother, Sarah, and his father Cole. Sarah will be his Guarantor.
His father covers Maher under Humana PPO insurance. Complete Maher’s registration and
schedule his appointment one day from today.
Name: Maher
Preferred Name: Maher
SSN: <assign any nine-digit number>
Address: Pull from Sarah
Interpreter Needed: No
Language: Spanish
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Buddhist
Ethnicity: Asian Race: Asian
PCP: Provider Drew
Emergency Contact: His mother, Sarah
Employment Info: Full time Student, Hynes Charter School
Insurance Coverage and Subscriber Information:
Name: Cole
SSN: < assign any nine-digit number>
Sex: Male
Birth date: 2/28/1982
Insurance: Humana PPO
Subscriber ID: 465789213
Member ID: 465789213-02 (do not include hyphen in field)
Auth Phone: 985-789-2525
Covered Through: Current Employer
Employer Size: 100 + Employees
Primary Copay: $15.00
Specialty Copay: $30.00
ED Copay: $50
Subscriber Employer: Wal-Mart in Harahan, Full time
Mary’s PCP has asked that she get some blood work done at the Slidell Lab. She has been complaining
of low energy. Her doctor has signed the orders for three non-fasting tests that should all be
performed tomorrow, during the same appointment. Schedule Mary’s appointment.
If there are multiple active requests of the same visit type (i.e. non-fasting lab) that need to
be performed during the same visit (such as blood tests) click and drag to highlight all of the
active requests that need to be scheduled for the visit. This will allow all of the active
requests to be scheduled at once without having to Link Requests later.
Note: The Visit Type field is already filled in based on your prior responses.
Change the department, then enter appointment notes, resource and use the Start search
date from the scenario and info sheet.
Select Outpatient.
Notice the referral source was pulled directly from the active request.
Your patient has an appointment on the Future tab of her Appointment Desk. Move the cursor
over the clipboard in the ORD column. The clipboard indicates the three orders are linked to the
If these were the only orders that needed to be scheduled for Mary, the Active Request tab will
Madea’s PCP asks that she get some blood work done at the Slidell Lab. She has been scheduled an
appointment for only a sickle cell screening. The CB Auto Differential and TSH orders were also to be
scheduled with the same appointment. Link the remaining orders to Madea’s existing appointment.
A purple box indicates future orders and the clipboard in the ORD column indicates an order is
attached to that visit. Verify the linked orders by:
Expanding the appointment
Hovering over the clipboard
Susan calls to schedule the CT abdominal scan ordered by her provider. The electronic order must be
located prior to scheduling the procedure. Schedule Susan’s CT abdominal scan for tomorrow.
Open Susan’s Active request tab, select the order for CT Abdomen with Contrast.
Click Schedule.
o When completing a questionnaire, a red stop sign in the Answer field requires an
answer be provided.
Visit type questionnaires are useful during appointment scheduling in several ways:
Guides schedulers in selecting the correct visit type based upon patient’s
Prevents certain visit types from being scheduled based upon patient
Department at the top of Make Appointment form serves as a filter. Certain visit types are
restricted to certain departments. For example, only users who are logged in to a department
with the specialty of Infusion Therapy might be able to access the Infusion visit type.
Visit type: CT ABD W CONTRAST, auto populates. CT IMAGING POOL appears in the Provider
Note: The provider field is already filled in. This visit uses pools. Read about pools below.
Providers and/or resources pull in automatically based on the type of visit being
scheduled. This is called a pool.
Pools save time because you don't have to think about who to schedule with for
specific visits.
o Note that the auto search check box has been selected. Auto search will make
scheduling this appointment faster and easier since there may be restrictions built for
when this particular machine is available for this procedure.
Susan wants to have her scan performed at Covington, Hammond or Slidell clinic or hospital.
On the Schedule at option, click the Selection button (box with 3 dots) to see a list of available
o A center is a geographical grouping of places of service that are close to one another.
They are useful for scheduling, and it is possible that there is more than one resource
or provider in each center. For example, there may be three CT machines in Slidell that
the system can choose from for this appointment.
Select Schedule.
Registration opens. Referring Provider, the referral source was pulled directly from the order.
Confirm that an order is attached to this appointment. The Active Request tab no longer
appears on the Patient’s Appointment Desk.
Jessica has been having chest pain. Her physician's office faxed the order below for a chest X-ray.
Transcribe the order and schedule Jessica’s chest X-ray.
Epic Health Systems
Central Scheduling
Phone: 504-271-9000
Fax: 504-557-3247
Date: Today
Select the Transcribe Order button from the Hyperspace toolbar to open an Orders Only
Find your Jessica patient using two patient identifiers, then click Accept.
On the New Encounter for Jessica, enter the Authorizing Provider and Department:
Provider: Baltz, Horace
Note: The authorizing provider is the physician who signed the order.
Enter the services requested from the paper order in the +Add Order field.
Search for new order: X-ray (or x-ray chest pa and lateral).
The Preference List Search for the patient opens. Select X-Ray Chest PA and lateral, Accept.
For multiple tests requested on the same order form, select Select and Stay and add any
additional tests to be performed.
If the procedure does not appear on Preference List Search, expand the search by opening the
Facility List tab.
The order window opens. If it disappears, simply click the Sign Orders button to reopen. Click the
order hyperlink.
A Visit Orders Procedures (1 Order) form opens. Fields include:
Future: standard, default normally runs 1 year
Normal: usually for an in-office procedure
Choose the Order Priority listed on the transcribed order. If the priority is not listed,
then please contact the ordering provider.
Ancillary Performed: outpatient
Hospital Performed: inpatient
If you are provided a phrase or ICD-10 code, enter the phrase or code. If there is more than
one ICD-10 code, and the phrase on the order matches one of the options in Epic, you should
then move forward with transcription by choosing the exact phrase match.
If there is not an ICD-10 code, or an unspecified ICD-10, you should not proceed in
transcribing the order. Call the ordering physician to obtain the correct ICD-10 code.
If only an ICD-10 code is given without a phrase for the diagnosis on the order, enter the code
in the Add Diagnosis field and press enter. The code will automatically display in the diagnosis
list below.
If you are unsure of the appropriate ICD-10 code to select, and there is no phrase attached to
the order, contact the ordering Provider.
Click Accept.
All orders must be associated with a diagnosis. An interlocking circle icon appears next to an
order to indicate the order and diagnosis are associated.
An Order-Associate Diagnosis box opens, Select All and the Accept.
The Sign Orders button on the Activity toolbar allows the user to select Sign only, Sign & Schedule,
Selective Sign for specific orders or Sign/Nav for orders to be co-signed.
You must sign the visit. This closes the encounter and an InBasket Notification will not
be generated. If the encounter isn’t signed you will be held accountable for closing the
encounter from your InBasket.
From the Jessica’s Appt Desk, verify to see if there is an Orders tab. If the Orders tab appears,
then an order has been placed for the patient that needs to be scheduled.
Select a blank row on the Documents Table and enter “Physicians Orders”
Enter “Faxed Order - Dr. Baltz - Chest X-Ray” in the Description field, Tab.
Scan the paper order into Epic using your OnBase scanner.
Without a scanned order under the Physicians Orders type, users will receive a Warning at
scheduling and an Error at Check In.
The Front Desk activity is the main tool for those receiving patients in the diagnostic radiology
department. The Front Desk activity allows users to process the incoming orders that need to be
scheduled, check in and check out patients, and track the exams already in progress within the
department. Radiant relies on both appointments and orders, and the Front Desk is the place where
these two activities intersect.
The Front Desk activity contains two panes, which are work list-style reports for:
In Front Desk activity, “Please select a report” will display in the Orders and Appointments Pane.
Click in the empty box to activate the top portion of the activity.
Click in the empty box to activate the top portion of the activity.
Doctor Docson has ordered a mammogram for his patient, Mary, who has a suspicious lump in her
breast. The order was written on a piece of paper and faxed to our facility. Before Mary arrives for her
exam, transcribe the paper order and schedule the first available appointment in Epic. All answers to
the scheduling questionnaire are “no” except for “Has it been over a year since last mammogram?”
Epic Health Systems
Central Scheduling
Phone: 504-271-9000
Fax: 504-557-3247
Date: Today
Select the Transcribe Order button on the Hyperspace Toolbar to transcribe the order.
Once you have finished transcribing the order, you should see the order listed under the Active
Request Pane.
Select Schedule from the Activity Toolbar to schedule Mary’s appointment for today. Answer the
questionnaire appropriately.
Is the patient pregnant? No
Where was the last mammo performed? Ochsner
Appt Notes: Mammogram
Once the order has been scheduled, you should see the appointment listed under the Appointments
Audrey calls because her PCP wants her to schedule a treatment with Provider Chris, one of the
Physical Therapists at SMOC Physical Medicine and Rehab. Audrey’s insurance provider, Aetna,
requires a referral which her PCP has already entered in Epic. Schedule the first available appointment
for tomorrow.
Try it out:
Navigate to Audrey’s Referrals tab.
Click Schedule on the bottom toolbar.
The Department, Appointment Notes, and Provider can be pulled into the Make Appointment form
directly from the referral. If only the Department and Appointment Notes (Reason for Referral) is
listed, the Provider field will be left blank.
Appt Notes: Knee injury
Visit Type: Consult [2354]
Provider: Provider Chris
Start search on: t +1
Select Auto search and Click Search.
Confirm that Dr. Walt Whitecoat is the referring physician. This was pulled from the referral.
Update Appt Reminder Preferences.
The Future appointment shows a red exclamation point in the RFL column, the referral is
Close Audrey’s Appt Desk.
Karen calls to schedule an appointment with Provider Chris. Her PCP works outside of our
organization and would like Karen to be seen by an SMOC Physical Medicine Provider for an EMG to
assess her chronic back pain. Karen's insurance requires a referral. Create the referral and schedule
Karen’s appointment for four weeks from today.
Visit Type: Choose EMG-2 LIMBS and delete any other visit types.
A Point of Service Warning opens with a red warning alerting the user a referral must be
Assign Referral.
The Referral Action Activity lists the patient’s existing referrals. This form can be used to create new
referrals, edit existing referrals, assign referrals, and disassociate referrals assigned to a contact.
Patients covered under United Health Care Compass must have a referral from their PCP. Entering
“Self Referral”, “No Primary PCP”, “Not able to Obtain” or leaving the Referring Provider field blank
will lead to a denial from this payor. If the patient’s PCP cannot be found in the system, enter
Additional information about the patient’s PCP must be entered on the Referring Provider form.
Click Next to the Diagnosis and Services forms. Enter Diagnosis and Procedure/Service
information, if applicable.
Click Next three times to the Notes form. If a note is needed, then enter on this form.
NOTE: If the number of authorized visits has been used, a warning appears. Click OK to close warning.
The Referral Action activity displays the list of referrals, including any new ones created. A green
checkmark next to a referral indicates that the referral is associated with the appointment.
The Point of Service Warnings form opens reflecting a Referral ID number has been assigned.
The Appointment Review Window opens, review information with Karen and click Accept.
Karen does not want any changes made to her Patient Preferences.
navigate to Encounter Info and ensure that ‘no’ is in Accident Related? field.
The appointment appears on the future tab. On the Referrals tab, the Sched/Comp column
indicates 1/0, 1 appointment scheduled and 0 completed.
The Referrals Sidebar can give users all the information they need in one place, allowing users to view
relevant information referral/patient. In addition, this sidebar allows users to complete the referral
without leaving Referral Entry to look for information elsewhere, saving users time. If a change is
made to the referral in Referral Entry, users must accept the referral and then reopen it to see those
changes in the Sidebar.
6. Scheduling Variations
Scheduling Sequential Appointments
Two or more visit types scheduled in the same entry process are called sequential appointments.
Sequential appointments consist of any number of visit types and providers. What makes them
sequential appointments is simply the process of scheduling at the same time. Appointments may be
scheduled in any order and in any timeframe. When scheduling sequential appointments,
appointment information must be entered for each visit type, just as if scheduling a single
appointment. When multiple visit types are entered on the Make Appointment form, the Auto Search
check box is selected by default.
Fred calls to schedule two visits, an EP with his PCP to address a sore ankle and an eye exam with his
Ophthalmologist, Dr Alex. Schedule the visits back-to-back for the same day.
Try it out:
The Share notes check box allows users to share the appointment notes onto all
sequential appointments. To view hidden appointment notes, check the Expand Notes
Provider field: Provider Drew. This combination represents Fred’s appointment with his
PCP for his ankle pain.
Visit type: complete eye exam [2325], Tab. A hard stop will appear to the left of the 2nd
visit type and in the appt notes.
Provider field: Provider Alex. This combination represents Fred’s eye exam with his
If not entered previously, the Appointment note for the 2nd visit can be entered from
the recommended solution.
If the Auto Scheduler cannot find solutions for some of the visits, schedulers can schedule the
appointments with solutions and then manually schedule appointments for those without. This
feature is called partial solutions.
Fred needs time to travel between his appointments. Hold the appointment with Provider Drew then
search for an appointment later in the day with Provider Alex.
Try it out:
Select the drop-down arrow next to the first appointment listed and chose “Hold Appt”.
Note: Other schedulers cannot schedule into slots that have been put on hold unless
they have Override Held Time security.
Click Next, Previous or Date/Time to view different solutions. Select Multiple Solutions to
view additional available appointments.
Select Schedule.
An "S" appears in the Appt Link Type column next to the two appointments just scheduled
indicating the visits are linked as sequential appointments.
NOTE: Appointment notes can be adjusted if need be by highlighting the appointment and clicking
Edit Notes from the appointment toolbar.
Orders are linked to visit types. When scheduling from an order, the system automatically selects the
appropriate visit type (or prompts the appropriate visit type to be selected from a list). Scheduling
from an order is slightly easier than regular appointment scheduling because the visit type is
preselected. Scheduling instructions appear in the field under the visit type. Scheduling instructions
are linked to certain visit types to remind schedulers about something in regard to that visit when
they schedule it.
Limit Search By
The Limit Search By pane lets users set up search restrictions during the appointment entry process. Like
Patient Preferences, the recommended solutions form will only present appointments that fall within the Limit
Search by options. Unlike Patient Preferences, the Limit Search by options will not be stored for the patient’s
next appointment.
Susan calls to schedule an annual checkup as soon as possible. She is new to the area and has only
been to our clinic once before. Susan does not already have a PCP and wants to see a provider at
either Covington or Slidell. Search for providers using Family Medicine Specialty, then to eliminate the
providers who work at locations outside of Covington or Slidell we will use a center filter.
Open Susan's Appointment Desk. Make Appt.
Appt notes: annual physical
Visit type: NP – PRIMARY CARE (OHS) [476]
Next to the Provider field, select the radio button labeled ‘Specialty’
Specialty: Family Med
In Advanced Options:
Schedule at: check Schedule at box, click the three dots in the field.
Select Covington and Slidell Centers only and click OK.
Check Auto search.
Schedule Susan’s appt.
Susan feels that she does need to be seen today. This visit is not accident related.
Susan wants to receive letters for her patient preference but no texts.
Ensure all information on the Interactive Face Sheet has been verified.
On Encounter Info form. Accident Related?: No.
Referring Provider: Self Referral
Navigate to the Checklist to Verify Encounter.
Click Accept to return to Susan’s Appointment Desk.
Close Susan’s Appointment Desk
Audrey's provider requested to see Audrey for 4 appointments to check her blood pressure. He
would like to see her two times in the first week and one time per week for the next two weeks.
Schedule a recurring appointment for Audrey.
Make Appt:
2. Period Number
Allows more than one recur period to be specified for
the same recurring series. Change to the pattern of
recurring appointments can be changed part way
through but keep the recur link. For example, if the
patient needs to come in twice a week for three weeks
and once a week for five more weeks, separate recur
periods can be specified for each set.
3. Add Period Enter the criteria associated with that specific period
4. Time period
Options include daily, weekly, and monthly. Frequency
corresponds with the time period selected.
6. Frequency
How often the appointments are to recur. Based on
the Time Period selected, the appointments occur in
days, weeks, or months.
8. Occurrences to Schedule
End Date specifies the date by which the recurrences
should end.
Number of Occurrences specifies the number of
recurring appointments to be scheduled including
the first one.
Period Number: 1
Time Period: Weekly.
Tue and Thu checkboxes.
Frequency: Number of weeks between recurrences: 1
Occurrences to Schedule: Number of occurrences: 2.
Review the Period Summary to verify that the information has been captured correctly.
Click Add Period.
Audrey would like to return on Tuesdays for her remaining visits.
Period Number: 2
Remove the Thu checkmark
Occurrences to Schedule: Additional occurrences: 2.
Review the Period Summary to verify that the information has been captured correctly.
The Recur Recommended Solution form appears and displays a recommended scheduling solution
according to the recurrence. Changes can be made to one or more of the recurrences or to the initial
occurrence and then synchronize the rest of the recurrences.
Solutions appear for each of the appointments on the days specified. Starting with the first
appointment, click Next to search for another time on Tuesdays. If this time works for every
Tuesday, click Match Recurrences to match all of the other appointments to the day and time
specified for the first appointment.
Schedule and Accept.
Audrey does not feel that she needs to be seen today. This visit is not accident related and does
not need to be added to the Wait List.
Audrey does not want any changes made to her Patient Preferences.
Verify Patient, Guarantor and Coverage from the Interactive Face Sheet.
Referring Provider: Provider Drew
Checklist. Verify Encounter.
The Recurring appointments appear on the Future tab. Recurring appointment indicated by “R”.
Recurring appointments are linked appointments. If one is canceled/rescheduled, Epic will prompt
users with a notification asking if the others should also be canceled/rescheduled.
Recall functionality allows users to manually create recall records for a patient. Recall records are
used to send reminder letters informing the patient to schedule another appointment. Recall
appointments are then scheduled based on criteria specified in the recall record.
Significant Dates:
Notification Date: The date on which the recall letter is sent to the patient
Recall Date: The earliest date on which the recall appointment can be scheduled.
Expiration Date: The date on which the Recall record is no longer valid.
Templates are available for the Notification Date, the Recall Date, the Expiration Date, Visit Type and
Department. This information is pre-populated but can be edited to add any appointment or
scheduling notes.
o The New Recall button can be found on the Patient’s Appointment Desk Activity Toolbar,
Check Out Activity Toolbar and Check In Activity Toolbar. Regardless of from where the
button is accessed, the process and functionality are the same.
o Note that the notification date, recall date, and expiration date are populated. Any of
these dates can be changed manually, if necessary. The visit type is populated in the Visit
Type field.
Scheduling instructions can be added and will appear when this appointment is scheduled.
Refresh the Patient’s Appointment Desk if a Recalls tab doesn’t appear. Double-click the recall to
expand and view additional information.
4 months later, Lucy receives a letter in the mail notifying her that she needs to schedule her 6 month
follow up with her PCP.
Make Appointment form opens. Various fields have been populated based on the information
entered when creating the recall.
If a provider’s schedule shows “Unrlsd,” this indicates the provider’s schedule has not
been released for scheduling yet.
When the Make Appointment form opens and information from the original appointment
appears by default, including the appointment notes, visit type, and provider.
a. The original appointment will not be canceled until the new appointment is scheduled.
David scheduled his appointment with Provider Drew earlier, but he calls back to reschedule that
appointment. David still has flu like symptoms and is feeling worse. He would like to come in
tomorrow morning. Reschedule David’s appointment.
Find the appointment David would like to reschedule and click Reschedule.
Ensure the checkbox next to the appointment is selected and click Reschedule.
Notice most of the fields on the Make Appointment form are populated based on the previous
appointment. Fill in the search date according to the scenario.
Open the Expand window to view original appointment details including who/when it was
scheduled and canceled. Notice the appointment has been rescheduled.
1. Reschedule options:
Reschedule- use for future or no-show appointments. Just like the cancel/reschedule
workflow, the original appointment is rescheduled.
Copy to Appointment- use for future scheduled appointment or past completed
appointment. It creates a new appointment copied from the original.
2. The Make Appointment form opens.
Information, including appointment notes, visit type, and provider, appears by default
because the original appointment information is pulling into a new appointment. This
information can be changed as needed.
Audrey has four appointments scheduled for her blood pressure. She needs to reschedule her third
and fourth appointments to any time after 2:00 pm because she has morning meetings on Tuesdays.
Reschedule Audrey’s appointments according to her request.
Edit the form with the new criteria and click Search.
Match Recurrences button will change the Date/Time of the second solution.
Return to the Cancel/Reschedule Activity. The appointments that have been rescheduled now
have an ‘R’ next to them to indicate that they have been rescheduled.
All rescheduled appointments appear on Appointment Desk and are part of the recurring series.
8. In Basket Messaging
In Basket Folder Overview
There exist several different folder types in In Basket. Folders will only appear if it contains a message with that
message type. Schedulers send the following message types: Patient Call Backs, Staff Messages, Schedule
Messages, Letter Messages, and Referral Messages.
There is a special set of tools along the navigation toolbar in In Basket. Each message type may require a
different message type.
Folder Type Why do I have this folder? Actions to Take How do I remove
the message?
Staff Message Sent by staff members and require Review: view the patient’s chart Done button
action on a scheduler’s part. Note: do
Tel Call: create a telephone
NOT use staff messages for
actionable items on patients such as
telephone calls, medications, orders, Letter: send a letter to the patient
etc. These messages should be Appts: open the appointment desk
treated the same as e-mails. activity
Sec Pt Msg: send a MyChart
message to a patient
Patient Call Back Messages from patients sent by the Tel Call: create a telephone Tel Call or Done
front desk staff to a provider pool encounter buttons
when a patient calls.
Review: view the patient’s chart
Letter: send a letter to the patient
My Open Automatically sent when a user Enc: enter the encounter The only way to
Encounters opens an encounter (like an Orders remove these
Close Enc: close the encounter
Only Encounter) as a reminder that messages is to
(ONLY if all actions are complete)
there is still work to be done on it. Close the
These will remain in the user's My Letter: send a letter to the patient Encounter
Open Encounters folder until the Tel Call: create a telephone
encounter is closed. The messages for encounter
an encounter are displayed only for
the user who opened the encounter. Review: view the patient’s chart
Pt Schedule Used to inform clinical staff of a Take: (Clinical) Staff MUST take Complete button
Request patient request through MyChart. these messages
They will also see these if a patient
Reply to Pt: send the patient a
cancels an appointment. Users can
message through MyChart
choose to schedule an appointment
directly from the message. Appts: open the appointment desk
Review: view the patient’s chart
Letters Contain hyperlinks to letters for Click the Hyperlink in the message Done button
printing and are usually sent by to open, edit, and print the letter
providers to their pools. The letters
Letter: send a letter to the patient
are usually patient-related and
typically contain information Review: view the patient’s chart
concerning upcoming appointments,
lab results, and immunization
On Tuesdays you monitor Workqueue 719. Its mid-day and you must leave work due to a
family emergency. Send a message to co-worker Sally via In Basket to see if she can monitor
the Workqueue for the afternoon.
10. Read the message and click Done on the navigation toolbar.
Status changes from Read to Done. This indicates that it has been taken care of.
11. Click Refresh. The Message and Staff Message folder go away.
Pend Message has been opened and action has been taken (Tel Call; Replied; Refill Encounter etc.)
Sent The message was sent but has not yet been reviewed/opened
Josh’s mother, Claudia, calls to ask Dr. Baez staff to discuss lab results from her son’s recent
visit. Send Dr. Baez’s staff a Patient Call Back Message.
3. Use Patient Lookup to enter Josh [Your classroom information sheet last name] in the Patient field.
A SmartPhrase allows users to insert specific text by typing a short abbreviation. Users can
create their own for ones used repeatedly. Type a period followed by phrase name and
press Enter.
The following SmartPhrases have been created for scheduling. Use along with flags to
streamline documentation.
.phresult: [Use Flag: Results] Patient is calling for {MRI, CT, Lab, ***} results. Please call
patient at ***-***-****. Thanks!
.phrefill: [Use Flag: Refill] Patient needs a refill on *** called into *** at ***-***-****.
Please call patient at ***-***-**** if you have any questions. Thanks!
.phlate: [Use Flag: Appointment Access] Patient is scheduled for *** and they called to say
they will be *** mins late to their appointment due to ***. Thanks!
.phappt: [Use Flag: Appointment Access or Same Day Access Requested] Patient needs
{first available/same day} appointment due to ***. Please call patient at ***-***-****.
.phrxcalled: [Use Flag: Pharmacy Authorization] *** pharmacy called regarding *** for
above patient. They are requesting one of the following: {Rx clarification/prior
authorization/Rx Substitution}. Thanks!
.phprocinfo: [Use Flag: Pt Advice] Patient states they have an upcoming
{procedure/surgery} and would like {date/arrival time/prop instruction} information. Please
call patient at ***-***-****. Thanks!
.phcxlproc: [Use Flag: Pt Advice] Patient is scheduled for *** {procedure/surgery} on ***
and requesting to {cancel/reschedule}. Please call patient at ***-***-****. Thanks!
.phptcallback: [Use Flag: Pt Advice] Patient states they have left previous messages
regarding ***, please call patient at ***-***-****. Thanks!
.phptadvice: [Use Flag: Pt Advice] Patient called asking for advice about ***. Please call
patient at ***-***-****. Thanks!
*NOTE* When in doubt as to which flag to use, select Pt Advice.
Wildcards *** are placeholders for free text. {SmartLists} contain a list of options to choose
from. Use the F2 key to navigate through the text to complete each. A message with
unsatisfied wildcards or SmartLists cannot be sent.
5. Enter “.phresult” in the Notes section of the message. A list of options will appear.
6. Select the star to make it yellow. This adds the SmartPhrase to a list of Favorites.
9. Double click LAB from the SmartList and press F2 to move on.
10. Without touching the mouse, type the first three digits of Claudia’s phone number: 504.
11. Press F2
12. Without touching the mouse, type the next three digits, followed by F2 and the rest of the phone
Flags on Patient Call Back messages that allow staff to view and sort categories and
prioritize message and complete tasks in a timely manner.
Appointment Access Patient called to make an appointment and/or needs an appointment sooner
than can be scheduled by the phone staff
Same Day Access Patient called to make an appointment and/or needs a same day appointment. If
Requested the call is before noon the appointment should be booked that day. If the call is
afternoon the appointment should be booked before noon the following day.
Pt Advice Patient called for clinical advice, a request, procedure information, order
information, and/or referral information
Hospital Consult Hospital called for a specialist to see a patient in the hospital.
Audrey [Your classroom information sheet last name] calls in to schedule a two week follow
up appointment in the Allergy Department. Her DOB is 4/24/1979. Only schedulers in this
department have the security to schedule into this department. The line is busy and a warm
transfer is not possible. Create a Schedule message with Audrey’s information.
5. Enter or use Patient Lookup to find Audrey [Your classroom information sheet last name].
9. Click Accept.
The Pt Schedule folder contains messages from MyChart patients who are requesting
appointments, scheduling appointments and canceling appointments via MyChart. Users
can schedule appointments, cancel appointments, or send the patient a message from this
folder using the Navigation Toolbar.
3. The Message Search Report Settings window opens. On the Criteria Tab indicate the following:
Check My In Basket
Message Types: All
Statuses: check Done
4. Click Search.
5. The deleted message will be in the same folder as in the In Basket. Find the Message in the Ad Hoc
(Search Results) folder.
Messages in the Search Results Folder can be saved directly to the active In Basket by changing the status to
something other than “Done”.
7. Select the My Messages bar and click Refresh. The message is now back in its original folder.
Sort by date or patient. Find the message and review the Status.
Users can also look up the status of a Patient Call Back message sent by another user by accessing the patient’s
– If there is no telephone encounter within 2-3 days from the date the message was sent, no one
has responded to the message
Double click to open the telephone encounter. Click on Detailed Report to view the Routing History.
– If the Routing History section only shows that the message was routed to the physician that
means that the nurse/MA is awaiting a response. Once the physician responds, a Routing
History entry will appear, along with any documentation.
Scott’s mother, Jessica, calls for Dr. Michael Wasserman. Scott’s DOB is 11/19/2001. He saw
Dr. Wasserman yesterday and now has a 102 degree fever. Dr. Wasserman told her to call if
the fever was over 100 degrees. Send Dr. Wasserman’s pool a Patient Call Back Message.
9. Insurance Verification
Insurance Eligibility Errors
Industry research has found that 1 in 4 claims are delayed, denied or rejected due to issues with
verification of insurance eligibility. Verifying insurance eligibility for all patient visits has been
identified as a best practice to combat these issues.
Verification can occur through various methods:
Real-time Eligibility (RTE)- Epic
Passport OneSource (clinic)
Payor Websites- i.e., iLinkBLUE
Eligibility tells users whether the patient is eligible for the coverage.
Alerts If the information entered in the Eligibility Query form does not match what
the payor has on file, the Mismatched Information section opens
automatically to show the discrepancy. Use this information to correct the
information on file.
Ignore Response If the patient is ineligible select Ignore Response. The coverage will not be
Create Coverage Click Create Coverage to set up the Coverage
File Response Click File Response to automatically save the response within Epic
Review the sections of the Response Received message carefully. Some or all of the following sections
will appear in the Response.
Highlights: Snapshot of outpatient and emergency benefits. May include Plan type and
coverage status.
Benefits: Indicates In and Out of Network service types, co-insurance and co-pay information.
Limitations: Specifies limits based upon lifetime and/or calendar year. May include specialties
such as Mental Health and Therapy.
Submit an insurance query by selecting the plan which most closely matches the patient’s
insurance card.
When the response returns it will indicate if the wrong plan was selected and give the name of
the proper plan.
– The Payor/Plan select window will open with fewer plan options. Select the plan
indicated in the response.
Enter the name of the payor and select the plan which most closely matches the patient’s
insurance card.
When the response returns it will indicate if the wrong plan was selected and give the name of
the proper plan.
Clicking Create Coverage will add the proper plan to the Patient’s registration.
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Remember, copays will file every time a RTE query is sent. If there is an issue with an
incorrect copay amount, consult your manager.
When demographic information in Epic differs from that in the payor’s database, a data mismatch is
created. This demographic information cannot be changed unless the patient is present. Information
entered in patient records must match the information on the patient’s ID.
One common error is when a middle name, initial, and/or suffix is listed with the insurance
company but not entered into the patient record. Under the Payer-Returned Demographics
in the subscriber section of the Coverage Edit form to enter information to match the payor’s
Another common error is a discrepancy in the member’s DOB. Again, always enter information
into Epic according to the patient’s state ID. Patients are responsible for correcting inaccurate
information with their insurance company. Enter the payor’s alternate DOB under Payer-
Returned Demographics in the subscriber section of the Coverage Edit form. If RTE responses
continue to reflect data mismatches, verify via payor website, Passport, or call the insurance
Insurance Subscriber (self/spouse/etc) – An error may occur when the subscriber is not the
patient. An incorrect subscriber may be listed or have mismatched demographic information.
Confirm the correct subscriber with the patient. Review the “Rel to subscriber” field and the
source used to Pull Information into Subscriber Demographics.
Subscriber ID – The most common mismatch with Subscriber ID is the addition or deletion of
member numbers. Users should replace the sent value with the returned value. If the patient
is eligible, rerun the query.
Group Number –The RTE can be run without a group number. The group number normally
automatically populates. If not, enter the returned group number in the patient file.
Content Errors
Content errors differ from data mismatches; instead indicating the eligibility query contained
incorrectly formatted ID, gender, name, or incomplete data. RTE Content Error responses contain a
Reason Code number and error reason.
Review and correct data errors. Confirm updated data matches the patient’s insurance card. If the
content error remains, verify via Passport, payor website, phone, or fax.
Content Error Reason Code 42 indicates the payor is down. Verify these insurances
through Passport, payor website, phone or fax.
Medicare Errors
Replacement Returned
Indicates Medicare (or possibly another payor) does not want to be responsible for the patient’s bill.
This response indicates who SHOULD be responsible in the eligibility response. Check the insurance
card to confirm the correct insurance plan.
Other Insurance Returned will display whenever a patient has another insurance returned in the RTE
response as either a supplement or an additional coverage. If the error persists after adding the
secondary insurance, verify the Medicare plan via Passport.
Plan Mismatch
This error only occurs with Medicare insurances. The response indicates patient eligibility and
whether the correct Medicare plan was selected. When creating the new coverage, select the plan
listed on Indicated in Response.
If the website is unable to respond, an RTE error will direct users not to resend the query. When the
site is back in operation, the response will be received automatically. If verification is needed
immediately, verify eligibility by phone. Indicate the Status as verified by phone and enter verification
information in the Guarantor Account Notes.
Claim Address
Add the claim address for Non-RTE payors and generic plans. The claim address is on the back of the
insurance card. Click the Claim Address hyperlink on the Coverage Info form to add the address and
phone number.
Insurance marked as elapsed must be re-verified. RTE insurance verification is valid for one month.
Click the Verify Member hyperlink on the Checklist to resend the query and re-verify coverage.
Check with the patient for a different coverage when the response indicates Not eligible. Select
Ignore Response to clear the eligibility query. Mark patient as Self pay if no other coverage exists.
Locate the corrected coverage on the Checklist. The status indicates an error occurred.
Always document and secure coverage verified via an external website by printing
and scanning the eligibility into the patient’s Document table.
Enter the name of the verification source, i.e. Passport, iLinkBlue, etc. in the Description field.
Plan Name
Benefit Coverage
Plan Effective Dates
If RTE and/or websites are unavailable, contact the insurance company by phone. For phone
verifications, a Guarantor Account Note must be added with details of the phone call.
Locate the provider’s phone number on the back of the insurance card.
An Insurance Representative or Automated System will ask a series of questions related to
patient information. Once the patient’s record is located they will provide eligibility
If eligible, change the insurance verification status to “Verified by Phone.”
Enter a new Guarantor Account Note with a note type of General.
– Guarantor Notes include:
Phone Number called
Representative’s name
Benefit and eligibility information
Call reference number
Any specific information given pertaining to the visit
For appointment specific notes, enter the date of service and
appointment specific guarantor information in the free text field.
Some payors do not accept a date of 1/1/1900, please select an appropriate year and make the
member effective dates the same (i.e. 1/1/2012-1/1/2012).
3. Click Run.
The DAR for SLIC FAMILY MEDICINE will open. The DAR will have preset columns. However,
users can also customize the DAR.
6. Click the Display tab. The Display tab contains two columns: Available Columns lists the columns users can
add to the DAR. Selected Columns lists columns currently included on the DAR.
7. Select unwanted columns on the Selected Columns list and then click the Left Arrow to remove. Hold
down CTRL to select multiple columns.
Remove the following columns: (These have been selected in training but may be useful in real-world)
8. Select new columns on the Available Columns list then click the right arrow to add.
9. New columns appear at the bottom of the Selected Columns list. Use the up and down arrows to reorder
column placement on the DAR.
10. Click Save As and name the report. This will create a private report.
11. Check the My default report box. By checking this box, the saved report will automatically open each
time the user logs into Epic.
13. Click on the column header Pt Info to sort by patient name alphabetically.
14. Type the first letter of the last name of your patient. The DAR will navigate to the patients’ last names
beginning with that letter.
15. Right click on the Prov/Res column header. Choose Filter by and select your Provider Drew. The DAR now
only shows appointments scheduled for that provider. The header is bold with an asterisk, indicating a
filter is being used.
16. To remove the filter, right click on the column header and choose Clear all filters.
The Concourse workflow allows registrars to assess wait times and track patients in areas where we are using
either patient sign-in or patient self-sign in (Welcome/Kiosk). Concourse allows you to:
Have patients sign themselves in for encounters to be called when registration is ready to avoid long
lines and wait times.
Arrive patients to reg, giving them a placeholder so that they can be serviced without waiting in line.
Use the Department Appointments Report (DAR) and/or Today’s Patients Report (TPR) to sign in and
track patient wait times
Measure overall department or location patient wait times to ensure we are providing the most
pleasant experience for our patients.
Each facility is not currently using Concourse. Please check with your leadership team to
see if available.
“Signing In” the appointment from the DAR will also arrive to the Jetway but will display on the Jetway as
“Registration completed.” This will not affect your score, but since not all facilities launch registration at sign
in, this is not a recommended workflow.
In addition to the Jetway, the DAR can be modified to display wait times.
From the display tab, these available columns can be added to the selected columns on the DAR.
Sign In Time [100627] – Encounters signed in using the kiosk, or by a registrar using the ‘Sign In’ button. OHS
Jetway Total Wait Time [103836] – Displays the total amount of time that the patient has been waiting since
they were signed in or arrived to reg.
Check In Time [103830] – Displays the time that the patient was checked in for their appointment. When a
check in time is populated, the Total Wait column will show as blank indicating that they are no longer waiting.
Patients arriving at a clinic must be checked in before being seen by a provider for their appointments. The
front desk uses a DAR for patient check-in. The Check In DAR was set as our default in the last chapter, so it
should automatically open when logging into Epic. If not:
1. Click Dept Appts on the Hyperspace Toolbar.
MyChart Activation
MyChart gives patients secure access to healthcare information online. If a patient has not signed up, users
can help them do so from within the normal registration workflow:
Click Ask Later if the patient wants to be asked again after today.
Remember, visit types drive co-pays. Always refer to the Appointment Notes when determining if the co-pay
populated in the Co-pay due field is accurate. If not collecting a co-pay, users should still complete the copay
workflow and indicate the reason for not collecting.
Documents are either “Signed” by an electronic signature pad, or “Received” by scanning into an On-Base
Scanner. The documents table serves as a storage tool and an indicator of receipt. At minimum, three
documents require an E-Signature: OHS Provider Based Facility Disclosure (signed once each day they are
Patients must be marked either “Contracted” or “Not Contracted” for upcoming appts. Upon
arrival, patients will be informed of their status and asked to sign the document. All patients must
When collecting documents during registration, a window will appear displaying the E-
Signature Document with the patient’s information and document sidebar. To collect the
required document information, registrars should:
•Type the patient/guardian’s name and witness’s name prior to collecting the required
signatures. The patient/guardian’s name and witness’s name can be typed or copied and
pasted into the Document Content section on the left hand side of the Epic E-Sign
document. Click on the blue highlighted ‘Patient or Guardian’ or ‘Witness Name’ –this
hyperlink will take the end user to the item that needs to be completed in the Document
Content section.
•Once the printed names are completed, collect the required e-signatures and follow the
usual document collection workflow. If the signatures are collected first, the data fields for
the printed names are locked down and cannot be completed unless the signatures are
A patient’s insurance card accidentally scanned into the wrong Patient ID folder can be removed from the
database or moved to the correct document or patient folder.
The document will be sent to an HIM workqueue for error correction. Contact the HIM
Department for urgent issues.
Hospital Account Records (HARs) are used to keep track of charges, payments, and adjustments related to
hospital or technical fee billing. HARs are usually specific to a single patient encounter and must be linked to a
single patient and a single guarantor account. If a HAR is not created prior to patient arrival, it is automatically
created upon check-in.
The information in the Coverage Info form within the HAR applies only to the current encounter. Coverage can
be added, removed or edited for this encounter. Coverage can be edited, removed or added. For visits not
covered by insurance, remove insurance coverage(s), check “Do not bill insurance”.
Occasionally, users might need to enter additional registration information during check in. The Checklist will
alert users if any additional information is needed. Use the link in the error message to resolve errors quickly.
The Sidebar Checklist allows users to navigate directly back to where any necessary information can be
Reprinting Receipts
A receipt can only be Reprinted if it is printed in the first place.
To Reprint a Receipt you will have to navigate to the Appointment Desk and locate the amount paid under the
payment history section of the patient Sidebar.
Jessica has arrived for her appointment with Provider Drew. Find Jessica on the Department Appointments
Report and begin to check in her appointment. Jessica does not want to sign up for MyChart or make any
changes to her appointment reminder preferences and opts out of taking a photo. This visit is not accident
related. Indicate that Jessica has given her completed HIPAA Notice of Privacy, Clinic Authorization, OHS
Facility Disclosure, State ID (Expiration Date: 12/2021), and Insurance Card. Jessica does not want a copy of
the Plain Language Summary or no surprise billing. Verify that all of Jessica’s information is up to date and
continue the check-in process by collecting her copay. Jessica will pay with check #4321.
Review and Verify Patient Record
Confirm the Hospital Account and Coverage
Collect Co-Pay and Obtain E-Signature
Collect and Scan Documents
Verify Encounter Information
Patient: Kathy
Since her last visit, Kathy was scheduled for her appointment; she has a full-time job at AT&T, which provides
her with insurance. Kathy is now responsible for her own medical expenses. Check-in Kathy for her
appointment and update her information.
Terminate a Coverage
Terminating a coverage is the process of indicating that a coverage is no longer effective and should no longer
be used.
If coverage is no longer effective for all family members on a plan, users need to terminate
coverage in each member’s patient record. Terminating Kathy’s coverage will not terminate the
coverage for Robert.
Entering an Effective to date terminates a coverage. The coverage is valid up to and including that
date but cannot be selected for future encounters.
Terminating allows the system to maintain historical records for the coverage. ONLY delete a
coverage if it is created in error.
Aetna Coverage Info.
Member eff to: me-1.
When guarantor account was once valid but should no longer be used for future visits, it should be
inactivated. Inactivating a guarantor account prevents that account from being assigned as a visit account in
the future.
Patients under 18 years of age and responsible for their own medical expenses are considered
emancipated minors. On the Guarantor Info form in the Account status field, enter Emancipated
Minor and create a Guarantor Account Note with further details.
Kathy currently has her father as guarantor; indicating him as the responsible party. Now that Kathy is an
adult, she is responsible for her own medical expenses.
Patient Guarantors and Coverages.
Check the Show Inactive Guarantor Accounts? Checkbox
Click the Active? Checkbox for Robert to make Robert inactive.
Click the Active? Checkbox for Kathy to make Kathy active.
Guarantor Info
Click Kathy’s P/F Guarantor account hyperlink that was just activated.
Link Kathy's address.
Pull Info, All Information, then click Accept.
Complete Check In
Review and verify the correct Guarantor and Coverage have been assigned.
In the Encounter Guarantor and Coverages section. Kathy’s Humana PPO coverage should be listed.
Documents to collect Kathy’s documents.
Kathy does not want a copy of the Plain Language Summary.
Verify any unverified information.
Continue to Check In.
The Check In activity opens to the Co-pay form.
Kathy pays her $10 Office Visit Copay with a ten dollar bill. Collect Kathy’s co-pay.
Click Collect Payment in the Payments Section.
The $10 copay is listed in Collecting.
This Visit, click the pencil.
Under Copay, select Office Visit.
George arrives for his appointment with Provider Drew. George provides two insurance cards, Medicare Part
A&B and Seafarers coverage. Check George in for his appointment and complete his Registration information.
George does not have any coverages in the system. Add Coverage.
Exercise caution when entering Medicare coverage. Medicare Part A covers inpatient
care, skilled nursing facilities, and home health. Medicare Part B covers clinic visits,
outpatient services, and physician fees. If a patient has both parts A &B, it is important
to make this selection to streamline the billing process.
Select subscriber.
A Secondary or Supplemental plan for Medicare is in ADDITION TO the patient's primary Medicare. This kind
of plan (like AARP or other commercial plans) pays in addition to what Medicare may cover.
George is retired and has coverage through his previous employer. His secondary coverage through Seafarer’s
became effective 2 months ago.
Add Coverage.
Search Seafarers.
Some payors listed in Epic are not verifiable by RTE. Verify the eligibility either by Passport or phone and
update the Verification Status accordingly.
You must contact Seafarers; Rep Nancy Cobra confirms George’s coverage has been effective for two months.
He has no copays, and the information printed on his card is correct. Document George’s eligibility and create
the coverage.
Verification Status: Verified by Phone
Enter Guarantor Account Note information in the New Note and click Add and then Close.
Coverage Info.
Seafarer’s will be listed first in the filing order (FO), which indicates the order of payment
When the MSPQ is completed, the hospital account’s filing order will automatically reflect the MSPQ COB
Status. The filing order will become fixed and unable to be changed manually. If the filing order needs to be
changed, the user will have to re-complete the MSPQ or find a supervisor who can override it.
Scan and label his Patient ID and Insurance cards. (Hint: Use the blank space to add his second Insurance
George does not want a copy of the Plain Language Summary or the No Surprise Billing
Two weeks later, George stops by the front desk to update his patient information. He presents his new
insurance card, Humana Gold Plus, that has replaced both of his previous insurance plans. Update George’s
A Medicare Advantage Plan, like Humana Gold Plus, replaces the patient’s traditional Medicare
coverage. Medicare Part A&B should be removed and not listed as the secondary insurance.
Add Coverage.
Create Coverage.
Audrey approaches the front desk and asked for an appointment today. She is experiencing fever and chills.
Schedule a walk-in appointment for Audrey.
If the visit is for a work-related injury, the patient’s registration will be adjusted to account for the workers’
compensation claim. This process would need to be done at the front desk.
To register a visit as Accident Related, Workers’ Comp, the following must be attached:
Mary calls the front desk and asks for an appointment today. She injured her left arm.
Schedule Mary for the first available appointment with Provider Drew.
Mary presents to the clinic. She informs you that she slipped on the floor at work yesterday and injured her
left arm. Mary works for East Jefferson Hospital. Mary has some information from her organization’s
Employee Health department in reference to Workers’ Compensation.
Although this visit is Workers’ Comp related, it is critical to verify the patient’s P/F
guarantor account and personal coverage to have on file in the event the Workers’
Comp claim is denied.
Mary does not want any changes made to her Patient Preferences. She declines to have her
photo taken.
Self Referral
Verify the Employer’s Address is in the Guarantor Demographics and Guarantor Employment.
Address link?: No
The General Claim Information form opens. The General Claim form stores additional information
regarding the patient’s injury and is sent to the insurance company with the claim.
Click Primary claim info selection tool and select the claim you created. The claim name populates into
the field.
Enter “EJ Workers Comp Insurance” and click the selection tool.
An employer’s workers comp insurance provider may not be listed in the system. When not
listed, enter "Generic" in the Create a New Coverage field and manually enter the provider’s
member and subscriber information. If a provider is in the system, verify the address prior to
The name of the W/C guarantor account includes the initials of the patient, the date of injury,
and the responsible employer. This helps distinguish between workers' compensation
guarantor accounts when the patient has more than one.
Account/Coverage Wizard:
On the Claim Information window, enter a claim address, phone number and the
Attn/Insurance Co:
500 Main St
ZIP: 70114
Phone: 504-908-7765
Insurance ID and Subscriber ID: Enter the patient’s SSN without hyphens. This can be copied
from the Registration from the Interactive Face Sheet.
Verification Status: Verified by phone (select how you verified the claim).
Subscriber Info
Coverage Info. Verify the Workers’ Comp coverage is attached, if is not attached, click Add.
Select an Existing Coverage, highlight the W/C Coverage, click Finish.
Verify the Hospital Account Information lists Mary’s W/C Guarantor account.
Close Detailed view
Navigate to the green guarantor account folder
Click “Change Guarantor”
Assign the W/C Guarantor
Accept the Generic Workers Comp insurance
Click Finish
Occurrence Codes are required for inpatient and outpatient accident claims, outpatient maternity claims, and
non-accident medical emergency outpatient claims. Occurrence Codes indicate the “Onset of Illness”; when
the patient first became aware of the symptoms or illness being treated. Some payers are requiring this
information to be included on the claim form.
Claim Info form. Click the Claim Info button.
The Hospital Account Claim Information Selection window lists any existing claim information records
for this patient.
Highlight the claim information record associated with the patient’s encounter. Select.
A red check mark will appear indicating that the claim information record is associated
with the patient’s encounter.
Edit Claim Info button.
Move to the UB Occ Codes & Remarks section. Enter the following:
Enter Occurrence Code [04].
Enter “t-1” in the Date field. (Date of Injury)
Enter Occurrence Code [11].
Enter “t-1” in the Date field. (Date of Injury)
Verify guarantor.
Add a New Note documenting the phone verification for the W/C insurance.
Scan Mary’s Workers Comp paperwork into an Insurance Documents field. Description: W/C.
From the patient’s registration, complete Checklist, click Continue Check in.
Click Enterprise Payment on the activity toolbar.
This Visit, click the pencil.
Under Prepay, select Same Day Services.
Enter the payment in Due.
Click Accept.
Click, Collect Payment.
Select the payment source.
For checks and credit card payments, in Reference record check # or last 4 digits of credit card
Verify Receipt type(s) is checked.
Click Collect Payment.
Check in activity, Accept.
Collecting Payment for Hospital Based and Same Day Hospital Outpatient
A Hospital Based (HB) procedure occurs in the clinic but is billed through the hospital. Some examples are CT
scans, nuclear medicine encounters, and PET scans.
An outpatient procedure can occur in both the clinic and hospital setting. Examples of outpatient surgeries
include colonoscopies and endoscopies.
When a patient arrives for a procedure in a specialty area where hospital procedures are performed, there are
some key differences in the payment process. The copay for patients checking in for a procedure is entered by
Pre-service and stored in Benefit Collection. The Pre-service team updates any patient financial liability based
on the coverage used for the procedure. If the Pre-Service team has determined pre-payment is due, the
prepayment amount will display on the Interactive Face Sheet. To quickly collect a payment, click the blue
Collect Payment hyperlink.
Click Close to exit Benefit Collection and return to the patient’s registration.
Complete the Checklist, select Continue Check in.
The Check In activity opens.
On the Activity Toolbar select Enterprise Pmt.
This Visit, click the pencil.
Under Prepay, select Hospital Billing.
Collect Payment.
Select the payment source.
Verify Receipt is checked.
Click Collect Payment.
If the amount paid at time of check in exceeds the amount of the visit, remaining credit will be applied to
outstanding balances. If no outstanding balance, the credit will be refunded after all charges have been
processed. Patients will be billed for any remaining outstanding balance.
When a patient has coverage, but the insurance company should not be billed for the scheduled visit, the
Hospital Account Record should reflect: Do not bill insurance.
Audrey has arrived for her appointment. Audrey does not want any updates to her Appt Reminder Preferences
and opts out of taking a photo. She does not want a copy of the Plain Language Summary. She tells you that
she does not want her insurance billed for this appointment. She hands you a check for $250.00. Check in
Audrey and indicate that her insurance will not be used for this visit.
Users collecting on an open balance must manually select the appropriate visit/service by placing a check mark
beside the charge in the Hospital Accounts section. This designates where the payment should be applied.
Typically, the payment is applied towards the oldest account, unless the patient designates otherwise.
Julie has approached the front desk with a check. She would like to make a payment on an outstanding
balance. Collect Julie’s check and enter her payment into Epic. Julie gives you $200.00 in cash. Enter Julie’s
payment in Epic.
To process credit cards, in the Payment Source field select Credit Card. The Electronic Payment window
Click Swipe.
Swipe credit card.
The credit card information can be entered manually. Click Manual, enter the credit card
information, Process.
NOTE: When the electronic payment is processed two steps occur simultaneously. The payment is posted in
Epic and charged to the patient’s credit card in Passport.
Print a receipt for the patient, click Accept to exit Payment Processing.
Mary approaches the desk and says a co-pay was not required for her visit today with Provider Drew. Refund
the $15.00.
Check In, Check Out, the POS Refund icon on the Activity Toolbar, or the dropdown menu from the
More button.
O2 Schegistrar: March 2020 14.6
Cadence Chapter 14: Payments and Balancing
Epic >Enterprise Billing>POS Refund
Select the payment to be refunded by clicking the checkbox next to the payment if there are multiple
Select Give Back then choose a Reason for the refund, Payment Made in Error. Add a Comment to
further clarify the reason.
Note: Refer to supervisor for refunds for payments made after date of service.
1. Void the transaction from Epic using the directions for Processing a Refund from POS Refund.
4. Financial Services.
5. PaymentSafe.
9. Search.
12. Payment Information window opens, confirm correct transaction, click Issue Void.
13. Issue Void window opens, enter reason for void in Notes field.
16. Adobe Reader opens, click Printer icon. Print two receipts, one for patient, one for cash drawer.
Count the total amount of cash in bag including the starting cash amount, write it on the
reconciliation. Place in reconciliation in cash bag.
Have the senior representative, lead on the floor, registrar from another clinic, financial counselor,
supervisor, manager, or as a last resort, clinician, secondarily sign off on the amount collected in
the bag during regular clinic hours. During non-regular clinic hours, have a clinician secondarily sign
off on what was collected in the bag.
If closing after the supervisors have left for the day, complete the Registration Cash Bags Log as
usual in the cash office.
Unselect All, then Select All again in Match Drawer Contents to Posted Payments.
Count cash again and confirm that the numbers were entered correctly.
Confirm each check and credit card slip is properly entered in the Other section.
If drawer doesn’t balance (if 0.00 does not appear in the Difference field), select a reason from the list
AND enter a Comment explaining the difference.
Print a user batch to aid in viewing and correcting the error at the department level.
A. The Check and Credit Card totals have not been entered correctly on the Cash Drawer Contents form.
Double check entries; a check may have been entered as credit card or credit card as check.
Q. I posted a credit card payment to the incorrect account. How can I fix this?
A. This must be corrected on the same day. Go to POS Refund, refund the incorrect account. Go to Enterprise
Payment Posting find the correct account, post the payment again use a Post Type of voucher, and enter a
Comment with details.
A: If Yes, work with the other cashier to physically give the person the check etc. so that both cash drawers will
Q: Was a refund made from a different cash drawer, than where the original payment was posted?
A: This difference cannot be resolved in Epic. Record the reason for the discrepancy in the Comment section.
Q. I posted a payment as a check, but it should have been cash (or any variation). What should I do?
incorrect entry. Open the patient co-pay form and click Enterprise Payment and re-post the payment
using the correct source.
a. Payment was not posted in the EPIC system. Make sure patients are getting receipts for payments.
O2 Schegistrar: March 2020 14.11
Cadence Chapter 14: Payments and Balancing
b. Count change for self AND count out change to patient.
c. Money, check, or Credit card receipt was misplaced and not entered in EPIC.
Closing Information
The Closing Information section of the report contains the following information:
15. Workqueues
Workqueues Transferring Accounts
Transfer (Do not work) accounts with errors belonging to Transplant, Executive Health, International Patients,
Coding as follows:
IMPORTANT: Patients with an international address may not necessarily qualify as an INTERNATIONAL
PATIENT account. Patients are identified when “International” appears in the Patient Type field on the
Demographic page.
You receive a call from Susan. She would like to be seen for an office visit with your Estrum provider regarding
his abdominal pain. Your Estrum provider does not have any openings for some time and the earliest
appointment you can make for Susan is in one month. As you are reviewing the appointment information with
Susan, she asks if she can keep the appointment next month but also be added to the Wait List right away.
Hint: Use the Start search on field to change the date to one month from today.
In training, there will be plenty of openings on the provider's schedule. Imagine that the
Schedule Scanner for your Estrum provider was showing no availability for weeks.
Continue scheduling the appointment. Stop when you get to the Appointment Review window.
You do not need to update any registration information; return to Susan's Appointment Desk.
Susan's future appointment with your Estrum provider should appear under the Future tab.
You should see a Wait List tab on your Susan's Appointment Desk with the entry you just created.
You receive a call from Julie. She would like to be seen for an office visit with your Estrum provider regarding
her acid reflux. As you are scheduling her appointment, you notice that your Estrum provider does not have
any openings for a month. You offer Julie the option of being placed on the Wait List.
Hint: Use the Start search on field to change the date to one month from today.
In training, there will be plenty of openings in the provider's schedule. Imagine that the Schedule
Scanner for your Estrum provider was showing no availability for weeks.
Complete the Add to Wait List form using the details below:
Julie would like to stay on the Wait List for one month.
You should see a Wait List tab on your Julie's Appointment Desk with the entry you just created.
You receive a call from Susan. She needs to cancel her upcoming appointment with your Estrum provider. She
does not want to reschedule at this time.
Select her future appointment with your Estrum provider and cancel the appointment.
Click Jump to the Wait List and find your Julie's Wait List entry in the top half of the screen.
Select the open slot in the bottom half of the screen and schedule the appointment for Julie.
Hint: Click Sched. When the Quick Appt activity opens, click Schedule. Continue to schedule
the appointment.
Open Julie's Appointment Desk. You should no longer see a Wait List tab. Her appointment with your
Estrum provider that you just scheduled should appear under the Future tab.
Answer Key
Information about the appointment that you entered on the Make Appointment form -
appointment notes, visit type, and provider.
There is not a linked future appointment, so you have to enter the Remain on list until
date manually.
A yellow C
A window appeared letting you know that there are patients on the Wait List to see the
provider you canceled the appointment with. You had the option to Jump to Wait List
or Don't Jump.
2. When all the WQ errors are resolved, you can exit the registration by clicking Accept.
3. When you return to the WQ, if all errors are resolved the patient will no longer be on the WQ.
If there still errors left to be resolved, only those will remain in the details of the WQ.
For example, a patient presents with Humana Managed Medicare coverage, but the patient is only 45
years old. This is usually not correct, but our patient is entitled to Medicare by a disability, not age, so
they legitimately have this coverage.
1. In a scenario where a contact needs to be deferred, with the encounter highlighted, Click
Defer. This will open the Defer Until window.
2. In the Defer activity select the date and time until which the contact should be deferred.
3. In the Message field explain why this encounter should be deferred and reviewed by your
supervisor. Your supervisor should be monitoring the deferred queue daily. If your supervisor
finds that the error is in fact legitimate, the contact will be returned to the Active tab on your
Once a contact is deferred, it will move to the Deferred tab, and no longer be found in the Active tab
for the amount of time specified in the Defer activity.
A summary of the deferred encounters can be found on the Deferred tab. The summary includes:
The name of the person who deferred the contact
The date the contact will go back to the Active tab of the WQ (Deferred Until)
Using the Crosscheck User Scorecard, you can view your productivity on a specified group of metrics
and a date range. You can view your metrics by day, week, month, or quarter. We recommend
viewing by week, as your numbers will change throughout a day.
For example, if you choose “week” as your interval you can then choose the amount of weeks you
would like to have display. Each metric contains a row of data. If applicable, the values listed fall into
thresholds that display if the users data is satisfactory, needs improvement, or poor; this is,
respectively, displayed as green, yellow, and red.
Key Metrics
1. Avg Check In Time- This metric tracks the average amount of time spent per check in
4+ mins- Red
3-4 mins- Yellow
0-3 mins- Green
2. Visits Checked In- This metric indicates how many visits were checked in over a given period of
3. Avg Admit Time- This metric indicates how long on average it takes to complete the admission
workflow during the patient arrival process. The admit time is determined by comparing the
time when the admission workflow was started by a user and the time when the admission
workflow was completed.
5+ mins- Red
4-5 mins- Yellow
0-4 mins- Green
4. Encounters Admitted- This metric indicates how many patient encounters were admitted over
a given time period.
5. Crosscheck Score-This indicates your overall productivity based on the Crosscheck WQ. If
errors are not corrected in 72 hours of entry to the WQ, they reduce your overall score. The %
is calculated by comparing the number of encounters left unresolved in this WQ vs. the
encounters check in or admitted.
Additional Metrics
1. Avg Reg Time- This metric indicates how much time per patient is spent updating registration
2. Avg Reg Time (New) - This metric indicates how much time per patient is spent updating
registration information. Only patients that are new to the organization are included in this
3. Avg Reg Time (Existing) - This metric indicates how much time per patient is spent updating
registration information. Patients that are new to the organization are excluded from this
4. Workflows Completed- This metric indicates the number of check in, sign in, check out, or
admission workflows that were completed.
5. % of Workflows Without Warnings- This metric indicates the percentage of sign in, check in,
check out, or admission workflows that were completed without ignoring any registration
0-90%- Red
91-95% Yellow
96-100% Green
6. Contacts Added to Crosscheck WQ- This metric indicates how many workqueue encounters
were added to the Crosscheck WQ over the specified time period.
7. Contacts Resolved on Crosscheck WQ- This metric indicates how many workqueue encounters
were resolved on the Crosscheck WQ over the specified time period.
8. Coverages Created- This metric indicates how many coverages were created over a given time
9. Contacts Deferred on Pat WQ- This metric indicates how many encounters were deferred over
a given time period.
You can click on any blue number to view drilldown reports that display the encounters qualifying for
that number, and the details of the encounter. This is for your reference and self-assessment. You can
use the View Graph to examine how you trend throughout a given time period.
18. Downtime
Registration during RTE Downtime
If RTE is down when verifying a payor electronically in Epic, users may experience an extended response wait
time. If ‘Awaiting Response’ displays for an extended period, override the query to manually enter the
insurance information. Verify via Passport, payor website, phone or fax.
6. For the HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) Acknowledgement of Receipt, add the Document Type,
‘HIPAA Notice of Privacy’ and scan the Document into Epic.
Just double-click the desktop icon and log in. In read only mode, users can look up patient information.
Some information/functions may not be available, such as OnBase scanned documents or registration forms.
Epic Read Only will close when Epic Hyperspace is back online and available.
19. Lagniappe
Collecting ABN Signatures
An Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN) Form is a standardized notice that a health care
provider/supplier or his/her designee must give to a Medicare beneficiary, before providing certain
Medicare Part B (outpatient) or Part A (limited to hospice and Religious Non-medical Healthcare
Institutions only) items or services. The ABN must be issued when the health care provider believes that
Medicare may not pay for an item or service that Medicare usually covers because it is not considered
medically reasonable and necessary for this particular patient instance. The ABN allows the beneficiary
to make an informed decision about whether to receive services and accept financial responsibility for
those services if Medicare does not pay.
The ABN serves as proof that the beneficiary had knowledge prior to receiving the service that Medicare
might not pay. If a health care provider/supplier does not deliver a valid ABN to the beneficiary when
required by statute, the beneficiary cannot be billed for the service and the provider may be held
financially liable.
ABNs will also trigger for patients with Humana-Managed Medicare listed as their primary coverage.
Providers will see the existing pop up for ABNs while placing orders but will receive a slightly modified
waiver form that reflects the Humana-Managed Medicare coverage.
Initial ABN Warning is triggered when the order is placed. Either Review Diagnoses to update them
according to the physician’s order (in the event of incorrect entry) or select the Waiver Form for
evaluation. Notice Status must be updated before order can be signed.
Scheduling an appointment from an order with an ABN attached triggers a warning that must be
viewed prior to scheduling the appointment.
Schedulers can click Accept and continue scheduling the appointment with the order linked.
If a signature can be obtained during scheduling, the ABN must be located using the ABN Follow Up
1. This Report can be found under: Epic Button > Reports > ABN Follow Up Report
2. Run the ABN Follow Up Report by selecting the Follow Up Report and clicking Run.
3. Find the patient on the report and select View/Edit ABN on the toolbar.
ABN Follow Up Report shows patients with unsigned ABNs. A similar report can also be used to locate
signed ABN records.
1. The ABN with the Patient’s Signature must now be scanned in the Patient’s Registration via
Media Manager. Access Media Manager via the Epic button (Epic Patient Care Media
2. Enter the patient’s info in the Patient Lookup window and Media Manager opens.
3. Identify where new files will be attached. The default level is Patient. Click the dropdown
arrow and select Choose an Encounter.
4. Choose the appropriate encounter from the list, which changes to Encounter and reflects the
selected encounter.
5. Click Scan from the Activity Toolbar. The Scan activity opens. In the Document Type field
choose Advance Beneficiary Notice, click Index, click Exit Scan Server.
6. The Media Manger window displays the scan information.
Once a signature is obtained, the user can update the Notice Status to a more appropriate
The final ABN warning appears during check in, once ‘Continue Check In’ is selected.
A Medical Necessity Warning appears after ‘Continue Check In’ is selected. The user can view the
status and if the signature is pending, select the ABN attached: ### hyperlink to access the Advanced
Notice Form seen in ABN Image 5. The document is printed, signature obtained from the patient and
the status is updated by the user.
Scan the signed ABN into Registration directly from the Check In Activity by selecting the
Documents button on the toolbar. Clicking the LCD/ABN button brings the Medical Necessity
Warning box back up.
Use the radio buttons to ensure the proper Guarantor account is selected.
Ensure the correct coverage(s) are selected. If a patient is classified as a self-pay patient, or if
he does not want insurance to be billed, select the Self Pay or Do not bill insurance.
Check Out
Checking Out a Patient’s Appointment
Unlike check in, check out is an optional workflow. Since most tasks in both workflows are the same,
organizations typically use check out to do two things: 1) schedule follow-up appointments and 2)
maintain accurate statistics on how long appointments take from check in to check out.
When a patient is checked in, the appointment status changes from Scheduled to Arrived; when a
patient is checked out, the appointment status changes from Arrived to Complete.
Your patient, Jessica, has finished her appointment and needs to be checked out. She tells
you that she needs a follow-up appointment one week from today.
To schedule a follow-up appointment for your patient, click Follow Up on the activity toolbar.
The patient’s PCP appears by default in the Provider field.
– Appt Notes: "follow up on coughing and fever"
– Visit type: EP – PRIMARY CARE (OHS) [486].
– Start search on: "w+1."
Schedule the appointment.
You are returned to the Check Out activity. Click Accept to complete check out.
– The status of the appointment is now Comp, meaning the appointment is complete.
3. Why do you think you are unable to schedule a follow-up visit during check in?
4. When you check out a patient, their appointment status changes from what to what?
This is a Medicare Railroad Retirement Card. If a patient presents this card, you should create
coverage for Medicare Railroad Retirement. This is not a Medicare part A&B card. The benefits for
these two plans are different, so you must choose the correct coverage.
1. Begin by terminating any incorrect insurance coverages such as Medicare part A&B that may exist,
but make sure to note the effective date of the coverage (you will have to input this information
4. When the coverage wizard opens, click the Override Query button on the activity toolbar.
5. Manually enter the required information into the appropriate boxes and click Finish.
6. Once you have entered the information, click on the Purple Medicare Coverage Folder.
Payor: Medicare
Patient rel to sub
Subscriber ID
9. When the Response Received button starts to flash at the bottom, click on it to view the coverage
10. Click on the Medicare Railroad Plan, under Update Existing Coverage, and click Update Coverage.
11. Select the blue Coverages folder and update your filing order if needed.
End of day (EOD) processing ensures that patient and appointment statistics are accurate, and that
unnecessary data is removed to reduce clutter. It also deletes old statistics and other kinds of data
according to system settings.
EOD processing runs on an offset. This means that when EOD processing runs in the evening it might
be running appointment information from a few days ago. This allows users a window of opportunity
to update appointment statistics. This is accomplished using the EOD Status.
Confirming Appointments
Sometimes you might schedule an appointment for a patient that is a month away. When
appointments are scheduled far into the future, it's possible that the patient might forget to come in if
he doesn't receive some type of reminder. The Confirm Appointments report helps reduce the
number of no-shows that happen because of this type of scenario.
To help reduce no-shows, you have been calling patients who are scheduled within
the next few days to remind them about their appointments. You need to call
Sophie now to remind her about her upcoming flu shot and office visit. She confirms
that she will make her scheduled appointment.
2. If you attempt to call a patient but are unable to reach her, how can you document this?
3. When appointment slips are printed for appointments within the next 14 days, what other
appointments will also be printed on this letter?
4. True or False. A patient has two appointments scheduled 4 weeks from today. You have selected
one of these appointments and printed an appointment letter. Both appointments will appear on
this appointment letter.
Patient Financial Services: A department in the Revenue Cycle that provides financial counseling to
patients, and has a team dedicated to International and Transplant patients.
International Patient: A patient that elects the healthcare facility they would like to travel to for
specific medical procedures to be performed.
Transplant Candidate- Transplant patient that has not yet received a transplant.
Package Pricing- Special discount pricing, determined by Patient Financial Services, for patients having
multiple procedures performed during their stay at our organization.
International Patients
All international patients report to the International/Transplant team at their first appointment to fill
out all necessary paperwork and determine all special or package pricing. At this first appointment, all
international patients will be given a patient type of International. This patient type ensures that you
can identify true international patients. Just because a patient is not from the USA, does not make
them an international patient, they must have the correct patient type assigned. Also, Schegistrars
should not be assigning this patient type, the International and Transplant team will assign it.
To locate the Patient Type, click on the blue Demographics folder and look at Patient Type located
under the General Information section.
Collecting Money
Most International patients will be Self Pay patients. These patients will have special “package”
pricing that will be worked out with the Patient Financial Services team. Registration will not collect
money from an International patient unless they have health insurance. If an International patient
does have insurance, it will be entered and treated as a regular insurance. If the insurance requires a
co-pay, the co-pay can be collected at check in. International patients with insurance can choose to
defer their co-pay and be billed for it later. If this happens, simply put a note in the Guarantor Acct
Notes section and do not collect a co-pay.
Registration Tips
Most international patients will not have a social security number. If this is the case, the proper
generic social security number 222-22-2222 should be entered for patients that do not have a social
security number.
To enter the patient’s address properly, you must first change the country. Then you will able to
enter the zip code.
Transplant Patients
Transplant patients are broken up into two types, candidates and recipients. Candidates have not yet
received a transplant, whereas recipients have already received a transplant.
Transplant patients will be identified in Epic with Patient FYI flags. These flags are entered by the
Patient Financial Services team. They will appear in the top right hand corner of the Patient Header.
If you hover over the FYI flag, it will tell you the information contained in the FYI.
Candidates are part of a global transplant billing structure. All billing and collection of monies will be
done through the Patient Financial Services department. Also, all calls concerning these patients will
go to Patient Financial Services and be handled through that department.
Recipients are considered regular patients, and they are billed accordingly. If they have insurance, the
insurance is billed and they are responsible for any co-pays or unpaid services based on the insurance
coverage. Recipients, however, cannot be denied care for any unpaid balances or bad debts.
Activity Toolbar: Buttons appearing at the top of an activity used to perform tasks related to the current
Appointment Review: Used to review relevant appointment information with a patient before the appointment
is officially scheduled. From Appointment Review, an appointment can be confirmed if it is within the next 48
hours. For appointments scheduled in HODs, a patient type of either Outpatient or Inpatient must be selected
prior to the appointment being scheduled.
Assigning a Referral: Assigning a referral is the act of associating a referral with an encounter. Only one
referral can be assigned to each visit.
Auto-Scheduler: Located on the Make Appointment form as a check box next to Auto Search. This is the most
efficient method for finding the earliest available appointment. The auto scheduler will not present a
recommended solution that does not match appointment specifications or the provider’s schedule preference.
The auto scheduler will present available time slots based on the scheduler’s security level.
Block: a time slot reserved for a particular type of visit or patient. During the scheduling process, blocks serve as
visual indicators on the provider’s schedule. Blocks appear in the name column on the Provider Schedule.
Cadence: Name for Epic’s Enterprise Scheduling application used to schedule and track patient appointments.
Cancel: Original appointment is canceled. The patient will not come back for another visit.
Center: A geographical grouping of places of service that are close to one another. Centers are used when
scheduling with pools and across locations.
Check In: process of checking in patients for clinic appointments prior to being seen by a provider.
Completion Matching: A short cut used in fields requiring entry of a pre-defined value. Users enter a partial
value (for example, "ep" for established patient) and the system returns all related matches. Any related terms
starting with the characters entered are returned. For example, pa = patient refused.
Confirm Now Button: Located on the appointment review window, this button can be used to confirm
appointments made within 48 hours of the appointment and cancels the Televox automated appointment
reminder call. The Confirm Now button allows the appointment to be confirmed in the Confirmation Report.
Dashboard: Appears on the Home Workspace and contains information including reports and links. This space is
always open and can be accessed outside of any activity.
Date Conventions: (t, m, y, mb, me) Date abbreviations used in Epic to quickly enter a date. Example: m+1 =
one month from today.
Department Appointment Report (DAR): a list of all patient appointments in a department today.
Documents Folder: table listing e-signed or scanned documents.
Duplicate: Occurs when two (or more) medical record numbers are assigned to one patient. Often, a new
medical record number is created in order to avoid selecting an incorrect medical record number.
Emancipated Minor: A minor who is freed from parental control. Emancipation is not available in all states.
Emdeon Mailed Reminder: Vendor that handles mailing appointment reminder letters. The letters are
automatically sent out 14 days prior to the patient’s appointment.
Enterprise Payment: used to post payments received at front desk including co-payments, pre-payments,
into the Make Appointment when using the Auto Scheduler to schedule an appointment, takes into account
provider availability, provider scheduling restrictions, and users scheduling security.
Referral: A place to document authorization from an insurance company for services or a way to track patient
movement from physician to physician. A referral is a purchasing order for medical services, often in a specialty
area, written by the patient’s PCP.
Replacement Plan/ Medicare Advantage Plan: Private health plans that have contracted with Medicare. These
plans are paid fixed subsidies by Medicare to provide Medicare beneficiaries’ benefits.
Reschedule: Original appointment is canceled. The patient will come back for another visit.
Resource: Refers to equipment, room, or non-specific representation of staff that can be used in place of a
provider. A resource has a schedule but is generally non-human.
RTE (Real Time Eligibility): Automated insurance coverage verification directly through Epic.
Schedule Scanner: Located at the bottom of the Make Appointment form, when a provider is selected during
manual scheduling (not auto search). The schedule scanner allows users to quickly assess how full a provider’s
schedule is for the next seven days. The percentage of schedule used appears in each cell along with a color
that correlates to a percentage range.
Schegistrar: Model combining Scheduling and Registration in the same workflow. This term can also be used to
describe an individual who schedules and registers appointments.
Secondary Payor: The second payor in the filing order. The insurance plan that has the responsibility for
payment of any eligible charges not covered by the primary coverage.
Sequential Appointment: Two or more appointments scheduled in the same workflow. An ‘S’ next to the
appointment on the Appointment Desk indicates the appt was scheduled sequentially. When a sequential
appointment is canceled, the system prompts the user to cancel the other sequentially made appointments.
Subscriber: Owner of the insurance policy.
Supplemental insurance: Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans help cover some of the costs not covered by
Medicare Parts A and B, such as deductibles and coinsurance. Patients are still in the Medicare program.
Medicare Supplement plans are not managed care and are also called Medigap policies.
TeleVox: TeleVox is an automatic telephone reminder service. Patients receive a telephone call two days prior
to their appointment and have the option to confirm or cancel their appointment directly on the phone.
Temporary Address: Used when a patient requests their correspondence other than bills (appointment
reminders, lab reports, etc.) be delivered to an address other than their permanent address. Requires a start
and end date. Located in the patient's Demographics folder.
Verification Duration: time, typically 30 days, a patient, guarantor and member remains verified.
Waitlist: List of visits that a patient would like to reschedule if earlier times become available.
Walk In: patient arriving without a scheduled appointment.
Wizard: Guides users through a specific workflow.
Workqueue List: Shows all workqueues that a user has access to including billing, referrals, and patient
workqueues. From the Patient tab, users can see a list of all the patient workqueues that they have security to
see. The Active Count column displays the number of patient encounters that need to be worked.