Title Search Engine: Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Award of Degree

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A Practical Training Seminar Report On

Training Undertake HCL CDC

Title Search Engine

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree
Bachelor of Technology In Department of Information Technology Engineering



Submitted By H.O.D OF IT Students Name: RTU Roll No : Semester : Vineet Kanwat

Submitted To : Faculty Name: Designation :

First of all it is my privilege to acknowledge with gratitude Mr. Hri Om Puncholi (H.O.D) OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT for their kind permission and they had allowed us to go to them wherever we needed for the project. I am thankful to my project and training guide Mr.Shivraj Sharma whose

knowledge was always available at my help whenever we needed that, he gave us inspiration to be concentrated on my work. His efforts and inspiration could make the way so easy and interesting. He is entirely responsible for the study being so beneficial. Moreover, only his guidance helped in realizing the real application. Their efforts for the trainee are highly appreciable. A trainee finds a separate sitting arrangement for himself, expectation. Vineet kanwat which really help in gaining something more than

Search Engine with WebCrawler Abstract Project : SEARCH ENGINE WITH WEB CRAWLER Front End : Core java, JSP. Back End : File system & My sql server Web server : Tomcat web server. This project is an attempt to implement a search engine with web crawler so as to demonstrate its contribution to the human for performing the searching in web in a faster way. A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a computer system. The most public, visible form of a search engine is a Web search engine which searches for the information on the World Wide Web. Search engines provide an interface to a group of items that enables the users to specify the criteria about an item of interest and have the engine find the matching items. A web crawler (Web spider or Web robot)is a program or automated script which browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. This process is called Web crawling or spidering. Search engines use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data. Web crawler starts with a list of URLs to visit, called the seeds. As the crawler visits these URLs, it identifies all the hyperlinks in the page and adds them to the list of URLs to visit, called the crawl frontier. Web crawler was the Internets first search engine that performed keyword searches in both the names and texts of pages on the World Wide Web. Web crawlers search engine performed two basic functions. First, it compiled an ongoing index of web addresses (URLs). Web crawler retrieved and marked a document, analyzed the content of both its title and its full text, registered the relevant links it contained, and then stored the information in its database. When the user submitted a query in the form of one or more keywords, Web crawler compared it with the information in its index and reported back any matches. Web crawlers second function was searching the Internet in real time for the sites.

This is to certify that the project titled Search Engine submitted to Rajdhani Institute Of Technology And Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Computer Applications is the bonafide record of the project work done by Vineet Kanwat in the year of 2011 under our supervision and guidance during.

Examiner RITM Jaipur Date:

I hereby declarethe project entitled Search Engine has been carried out by me and the contents have been submitted to Department I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y , for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology under Rajasthan Technical University,Kota.

Signature: Place: Date:


Title of project Name of Students Duration Platform

: : : :

Search Engine Vineet Kanwat 45 Day Windows 7

Application Software
Front End Back End : : JSP, HTML, JAVA SCRIPT MYSQL, Apache Tomcat

Tables Of Contents
1. Introduction 2. System Analysis

Proposed System. Need for the Proposed System Feasibility Study.. a. Technical Feasibility b. Financial Feasibility c. Operational Feasibility
Overiew of D.B.M.S.. An Introduction to MYSQL. An Introduction to JSP.. An Introduction to JavaScript.

An introduction to Apache Tomcat.. 3. Requirement Analysis

Requirement Engineering Requirement Definition Requirement Specification.. Functional Requirement.. List of Input List of Output. Performance Requirement a. Security b. Availability c. Capacity d. Response Time e. User Characteristics f.Interface Requirement..............................

4. Database Design
Database Tables............................................... Data Flow Diagrams..........................................

5.Output Screen
Output of Pages 6. SQA Plan Purpose Scope Reference Documentation .. Standards, Practices, Conventions and Metrics .. Reviews 7

and audits .. Problem reporting Tools, Techniques and Methodologies Media control . Training Risk Management

7. Testing 8. Conclusion
Scope for further development

Search Engine is a project based on a view of complete city Search. for example view Hospitals, Residential, Restaurants, Temple, Publicity etc. Search Engine project gives the complete information about a city. In Search Engine project user get information about Temples, Hospitals, Restaurant etc. Search Engine project is also give the news about Temples, Hospitals, Restaurant, etc. Search engine databases are selected and built by computer robot programs called spiders. Although it is said they "crawl" the web in their hunt for pages to include, in truth they stay in one place. They find the pages for potential inclusion by following the links in the pages they already have in their database. After spiders find pages, they pass them on to another computer program for "indexing." This program identifies the text, links, and other content in the page and stores it in the search engine database's files so that the database can be searched by keyword and whatever more advanced approaches are offered, and the page will be found if your search matches its content.

Meta-search engine, another type of search engine in contrary to database orientedapproach, you submit keywords in its search box, and it transmits your search simultaneously to several individual search engines and their databases of web pages. Within a few seconds, you get back results from all the search engines queried. Meta-search engines do not own a database of Web pages; they send your search terms to the databases maintained by search engine companies. Few meta-search implementations include clustering and linguistic analysis that attempts to show you themes within results, and some fancy textual analysis and display that can help you dig deeply into set of results. Few meta-searchers allow you to delve into the largest, most search engine.

System Analysis
1.1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this document is to describe the design of the project named S e a r c h E n g i n e .The purpose of design documentation is to express the vision for the project, describe the contents, and present a plan for implementation. A design document is a bible from which the producer preaches the goal, through which the designers champion their ideas, and from which the artists and programmers get their instructions and express their expertise. 1.2 SCOPE:

The scope of this document is to design all the functionality which is provided by the project. 1.3 INTENDED AUDIENCE:

This document is useful for the customer to understand all the requirements of the system which he/she want to be automated. This document will help customer to see whether all the requirements he/she wants is designed or not? This document is also useful for the developer of the project to understand the system will work? 1.4 IDENTIFY THE SYSTEM/ PRODUCT USING ANY APPLICABLE NAMES AND/OR VERSION NUMBERS Name of this website is Search Engine. This website is providing Any Information which are Re la t e d City Search. Search Engine project based on a view of complete city Search. for example view Hospitals, Residential, Restaurants, Temple, Publicity etc. Search Engine project gives the complete information about a city. In Search Engine project user get information about Temples, Hospitals, Restaurant etc. Search Engine project is also give the news about Temples, Hospitals, Restaurant, etc.


1.5 IMPORTANT TERMS, ACRONYMS,OR ABBREVIATION Admin HTML HDD HTTP JSP RAM Administrator Hyper text markup language Hard disk Hypertext transfer protocol Java Server Page Random access memory

2. MODULES: There are two modules in this project. 2.1 ADMINISTRATOR MODULE: If any person wants to register for a membership the administrator can allow for freeregistration and save all the information as given by the user in a separate space.

2.2 USER MODULE: User Is the which Regiter Persons That can See Informaion On WebSite And Search For Information.

3. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS This section describes many of the issues which need to be addressed solution or resolved before attempting to devise a complete design


3.1 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES This section describes any assumptions or dependencies regarding the software and its use. These may concern such issues as:

Database system provides the centralized control of its operational data that is one of its most valuable assets. In any enterprise with a database system there will be someone identifiable person who has this central responsibility for the operational data and is known as DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR.
The advantages of having centralized control of the data are 1. Redundancy can be eliminated:

In non-database system each application has its own private file. This can often lead to considerable redundancy in stored data, with resultant waste of storage space. These private files can be eliminated, if the DBA has the necessary overall control on the . database system

2. Inconsistency can be avoided:

Suppose that a student from the department SMS has taken a paper from DCA then these two values will be in two tables in the database of both the department. Then there will be some occasion on which the two entries will not agree. At this stage the database is said to be inconsistence. The database system could guarantee that the system is not inconsistence by ensuring that any change made to either of any two entries is automatically made to the other. This process is known as propagation updates.
3. The data can be shared:

The data can be shared among different application if we are using a database system.

Types of data model

A data model is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data; data relationships, data semantics, and data constraints, there are number of different data models that have been proposed. These are partitioned into different groups.
1. Object based logical models:

They are used in describing data at the conceptual and view levels. They are characterized by the fact that they provide fairly flexible structuring capabilities and allow one to specify data constraints explicitly.

2. Relationship models:

The relationship approach is based on mathematical theory of relations. According to this approach, all database tables, files can be represented as rectangular tables, where columns represent the attributes and rows corresponding to tuples.

3. Relational models:

In relation system, data reliability is provided by the ability to construct new relations from existing relation by the use of relational operators. The existence, construction and maintenance of access paths are hidden from the use and their implementation is one of the hardest design problems in relational system.

Advantage of Relational Models over other Models:

Simplicity and ease of use: Data Independence: Symmetry:


Good Theoretical Foundation: An Introduction to the MYSQL MYSQL is a high performance, relational database server based on MYSQL. It is built on CLIENT/SERVER architecture, which means a front- end or client component, and a back end, or server component. MYSQL server forms the back-end component in this architecture and is responsible for providing all the standard DBMS functions. The client component, for which there are many different possibilities, is responsible for providing all of the user interface and application-processing function. The language used to communicate between clients and MySQL. A database system must provide the following features: A variety of user interfaces Physical data independence Logical data independence Query optimization Data integrity Concurrency control Backup and recovery Security and authorization SQL Server 2000 is a Relational Database Management System.

An Introduction to JSP JSP technology is the interface between HTML and JAVA .The JSP tech. provides a seem less connection with JAVA and presents easy to use.java like programming construct that can be scripting with HTML files. This technology provides dynamic way to construct web pages. A JSP page contains standard markup language elements, such as HTML tags, just like a regular web page. A JSP page also contains special JSP elements that allow the server to insert dynamic content in the web

page. ADVANTAGES OF JSP JSP supports both scripting and element-based dynamic content. Allows developing custom tag libraries. JSP pages are precompiled for efficient server processing. JSP pages can be used in combination with servlets that handle the business logic. High Security. Can run on any J2EE compatible web Server. It can run on any OS that have J2EE compatible web server. JSP separates the dynamic and static parts. High Quality tool supports. JSP supports N tier Application. Write Once, Run Everywhere. JSP is vender Neutral.


Java script is a general purpose, prototype based, object oriented scripting language developed jointly by sun and Netscape and is meant for the WWW. Java script borrows most of its syntax from java but also inherits from awk and perl, with some indirect influence from self in its object prototype system.

Java Script is almost as easy to learn as HTML and it can be included directly in HTML documents. Java Script was developed independently of java. Java script is a high level

scripting language that does not depend on or expose particular machine representations or operating system services.

F EA TU R ES : Java script is embedded into HTML documents and is executed with in them. Java script is browser dependent. JavaScript is an interpreted language that can be interpreted by the browser at run time. Java script is loosely typed language Java script is an object-based language. Java script is an Event-Driven language and supports event handlers to specify the functionality of a button. The Struts framework provides the flexibility to develop the much less coupled applications. It generalizes and strictly implements MVC-model View Controller Architecture. That is the basic need of our architecture.

ADVANCED FEATURE: New development environment provides a new concept for validation is by using Gen validator 31 .Having some in built functionality which help you in quick validation. In the function of genValidator we make an object of any form which is the name of form. Then use File GenValidator having a lot of predefined function for different type of constraints.

About Apache Tomcat: Apache Tomcat is a servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the Java Server Pages (JSP) specifications from Sun Microsystems, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web Server

environment for Java code to run. Tomcat should not be confused with the Apache web server, which is a C Implementation of an HTTP web server; these two web servers are not bundled together. Apache Tomcat includes tools for configuration and management, but can also be configured by editing XML configuration files. Components Tomcat version 4.x was released with Jasper (a redesigned JSP engine), Catalina (a redesigned servlet container) and Coyote (an HTTP connector).


Catalina Catalina is Tomcat's servlet container. Catalina implements Sun Microsystems' Specifications for servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP). The architect for Catalina Was Craig McClanahan.

HARDWARE: Processor Memory HDD INTEL Pentium and followers(X86) 1000MHz 512 MB 80 GB

Clock Speed -

3.1.2 OPERATING SYSTEMS Windows xp 3.1.3 END USER CHARACTERISTICS The End user in this system has to register in the first step. Then he can login to the web page. There he/she can search a partner and send messages to his/her. He/she has to first enter the details for his/her life partner to whom he/she is searching. Then a suitable match list will be displayed and then he/she has to send a message to his/her suitable match. The user only needs to know English language and how to browse a website. Thereby he\she can simply do the whole things. 3.1.4 POSSIBLE AND/OR PROBABLE CHANGES IN FUNCTIONALITY


3.2 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS 3.2.1 HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT The essential things that are needed for this project are JSP, JAVA in which we are DESIGNING THE WEBSITE. Then we need MYSQL for the DATABSE 3.2.2 END-USER ENVIRONMENT In the case of contacting with the member the administrator has to ensure that the user is an active member and he/she has submitted the fee require for that. For that Administrator has to ask to the user to pay small money in advance by sending a cheque number or DD number .The use of debit card will become a hard problem because he has to check a large number of algorithms. 3.2.3 AVAILABILITY OR VOLATILITY OF RESOURCES The resources required for the project must be available. 3.2.4 STANDARDS COMPLIANCE The project is designed on some standard basis. 3.2.5 INTEROPERABILITY REQUIREMENTS The project is designed so that all the forms can operate with each other. 3.2.6 INTERFACE/PROTOCOL REQUIREMENTS HTTP FTP SMTP



MySQL is the database used for storing the details of the user and the marriage story. 3.2.8 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS Administrator is responsible for all the accesses to the existing contacts. The information given by the users are secure. 3.2.9 MEMORY AND OTHER CAPACITY LIMITATIONS Memory HDD 1 GB 80 GB

3.2.10 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The system is designed so that it will achieve its performance requirements.

3.2.11 VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS The project is designed so that it satisfy all the verification and validation requirements.

3.2.12 OTHER MEANS OF ADDRESSING QUALITY GOALS The system is designed so that it achieves its quality goals.

3.2.13 OTHER REQUIREMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION The project is designed so that it will fulfill all the other requirements described in the SRS



1. Normalization Normalization provides for table optimization through the investigation of entity relationships. Main purpose of normalization is to avoid Data redundancy and some unforeseen scalability factors. Normalization is done to remove Insertion, Updating and Modification anomalies and redundancy of data. A certain level of normalization of tables in database gives a particular normal form based of particulars steps followed. Database can be normalized up to any defined normal forms according as the need of application and its effectiveness. Database of Sales Tracking system is normalized up to Third Normal Form. Further normalization of database was not considered taking into account the need of application and ease of working with database. The database is in First Normal Form as all the fields of all tables are atomic. There is no multi valued field in any table. The database is in Second Normal Form as it satisfies the constraint of full functional dependency. All the fields of all tables are fully functional dependent on the primary key. The database is in Third Normal Form as all its tables satisfy the Constraint that there should be no transitive dependency. No field has Transitive dependency on the key field. Thus database also satisfies the Constraints of third normal form.

Database Table: Table :login


NAME UserID Password Type

DATA TYPE Varchar Varchar Varchar

SIZE 50 50 50

CONSTRAINT Primary key Refernces Foreign key

DESCRIPTION Id of the User Password of the User Type of user

2. Data Flow Diagrams: DFD means data flow diagram. Before developing software, programmer should have a clear picture of DFD. A DFD shows the movement of data through the different transformations or processes in the system. A DFD or data flow diagram is a graphical representation that depicts the information flow and the transformation that are applied to data it moves from input to output. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used to define the flow of the system and its resources such as information. Data Flow Diagrams are a way of expressing system requirements in a graphical manner. DFS represents one of the most ingenious tools used for structured analysis.

A DFD is also known as a bubble chart. It has the purpose of Clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. Named circles show the processes and data named arrows

represent flows and a rectangle represents a source or sink.


The Data Flow Diagram basically serves two purposes. 1. Provide a graphical tool, which can be used effectively by the analyst to explain the understanding of the system to the user. 2. They can be effectively converted into structured charts, which effectively help in the designing of the system?

There are only five symbols that are used in the drawing of data flow diagrams EXTERNAL ENTITY An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow. Only those entities which originate or receive data are represented on a data flow diagram. The symbol used is an oval containing a meaningful and unique identifier PROCESS A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. The symbol used is a rectangular box:

DATAFLOW A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination. A data flow is represented by a line, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow. Information always flows to or from a process and may be written, verbal or electronic. Each data flow may be referenced by the processes or data stores at its head and tail, or by a description on its contents. DATA STORE A data store is a holding place for information within the system: It is represented by an open ended narrow rectangle.

Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term accumulations: for example batches of documents that are waiting to be processed. Each data store should be given a reference followed by an arbitrary number.


A resource flow shows the flow of any physical material from its source to its destination. For this reason they are sometimes referred to as physical flows. The physical material in question should be given a meaningful name. Resource flows are usually restricted to early, high-level diagrams and are used when a description of the physical flow of materials is considered to be important to help the analysis.


Searrch Engine represented by DFDS

Level 0:

Context Diagram Database


Store User Takes Registration Informed Interact Admin.



Level 1:

Status informed User Do Login Login Admin. Invalid S Login Datab ase Valid Admin. Window Admin. Manipulations Registration Store Id and pwd. database


Level Diagram

Level 2.1:-





View From database View Registered user

Level 2.2:-

Administrator From

ViewIntereste d user acc.del Data bas

Output Screen
User Login Page:

Registration Page:

User Page:

Admin Login:

Software Quality Assurance

Purpose The purpose of this Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Plan is to establish the goals, processes, and responsibilities required to implement effective quality assurance functions for the S e a r c h registration The S earch Registration Software Quality Assurance Plan provides the framework necessary to ensure a consistent approach to software quality assurance throughout the project life cycle. It defines the approach that will be used by the SAM and Software Quality (SQ) personnel to monitor and assess software development processes and products to provide objective insight into the maturity and quality of the software.

Reference Documents The following documents were used or referenced in the development of this plan: The Software quality Assurance Plan(SQAP) The Software Requirement Specification The Software Design Document(SDD) The Software Test Plan The Final Project Report

Documentation The following documentation will be generated and updated throughout the duration of software life cycles: Phase I:

1.) Vision Document - provides detailed description of the entire project, goals of the software, constraints and requirements for the software to satisfy. 2.) Project Plan - illustrates the major milestones and provides a rough timeline for the project and estimation on the size and effort of the project. 3.) Software Quality Assurance Plan provides plan for software quality assurance Phase II: 1.) Formal Requirement Specification UML/OCL methodology will be used to produce this document. 2.) Test Plan - provides description of test cases during testing 3.) Architecture Design Object Model and Use Cases will be produced. 4.) Formal Technical Inspection - two MSE students will participate in formal technical inspection, and developer will also provide an inspection checklist.

Phase III: 1.) User Manual - instructions on how to use software 2.) Final source code - actual implemented documented source code 3.) Assessment Evaluation - assessment of reliability and performance of software 4.) Project Evaluation - review of the entire project Standards, Practices, Conventions, and Metrics This section of the software quality assurance plan should contain at a minimum, the following:1. Documentation standards 2. Logic structure standards 3. Coding standards

Reviews and audits This section of the software quality assurance plan will state which technical and

managerial reviews will be undertaken and how they will be carried out. Project can separately keep a schedule of provisional dates for conducting these reviews. The ANSI

Standard suggests that the following would be a minimum set of reviews : a. Software Requirements Specification Review b. Preliminary Design Review c. Critical Design Review d. Software Verification Review e. Functional Audit f. Physical Audit g. In-Process Audits h. Management Reviews

Problem reporting If any problems are encountered throughout the duration of the project, the software developer can report and discuss the problems with the major professor. If any conflict or problems are discovered by one of the committee members during a presentation, the developer will then correct the errors.

Tools, Techniques and Methodologies Tools - SQA software tools include, but are not limited utilities, debugging aids, documentation auditors, analysis simulators, packages, execution software analyzers, development test drivers, aids, to, operating system structuring statistical static or

checklists, monitors, software generators,

preprocessors, file comparators, structure analyzers, code analyzers, standards performance folder/files, test case

traceability matrices,

dynamic test tools, and information engineering CASE tools. Techniques - techniques include review of the use of standards, software inspections, requirements tracing, requirements and design verification, reliability measurements and assessments, and rigorous or formal logic analysis. Methodologies - methodologies are an integrated set of the above tools and techniques. The methodologies should be well documented for accomplishing the task or activity and provide a description of the process to be used. Where applicable, SQA will use SEPO organizational processes and tailor the processes specific to the project.

Code control includes the items listed below: Identifying, labeling, and cataloging the software to be controlled Identifying the physical location of the software under control Identifying the location, maintenance, and use of backup copies Distributing copies of the code

Identifying the documentation that is affected by a change Establishing a new version Regulating user access to the code.

MEDIA CONTROL The purpose of this section is to state the methods and facilities to be used, and whose proper use is to be verified by SQA, to identify the media for each computer product and the documentation required to store the media, including the copy and restore process, and to protect the computer program physical media from unauthorized access or inadvertent damage or degradation during all phases of the software life cycle. This may be provided as a part of reference (f). If so, an appropriate reference should be made. Media control includes the items listed below: a. Regularly scheduled backup of the media. b. Labeled and inventoried media filed in a storage area in accordance with security requirements and in a controlled environment that prevents degradation or damage to the media. c. Adequate protection from unauthorized access. The software media control methods and facilities are described in reference (f). SQA will conduct ongoing evaluations of the software media control process to verify that the process of controlling the software media is effective and in complianc e. Training SQ personnel shall have fundamental knowledge in the following areas/disciplines through prior experience, training, or certification in methodologies, processes, and standards: Software Quality Assurance: Audits and Reviews

Configuration Management Software Safety Contracts/Contractor Surveillance CMMI ISO 9001 Project-specific Training It is the responsibility of the SQ personnel to acquire the necessary skills or knowledge in each of the above disciplines. An SQ Training log has been prepared that specifies the type of training and/or on-the-job experience that has been completed, along with the source of the training, and the date of completion.

RISK MANAGEMENT Specify the methods and procedures employed to identify, assess, monitor, and control areas of risk arising during the portion of the software life cycle covered by the SQA Plan. SQA will review and evaluate the technical risk analysis and any risk reduction plan. SQA reporting will confirm that the identified risks are managed in accordance with the provisions of the projects risk management plans, and that associated action items are reported, managed, and followed through to closure.

Testing For testing our software we test each and every path that user can go at any point in the lifetime of the system to ensure that the system is fool proof. Various Tests: 1. Unit Testing In unit testing we had tested every single part that is the

forms of the software. We do this simultaneously while the project is being built. For each part various inputs are given based on the fields of those particular forms and match with the possible outputs and its acceptable ranges are retrieved. Then the various sets of input values are devised with various combinations of inputs being out of range. These bring out the behavior of software in case of inputs being out of range. 2. Module Testing Software is written in JSP , so it is a collection of pages. So we tested each and every page carefully with various sets of input values with various combinations of inputs being out of range. And we found all the components in the module are working perfectly. These bring out the behavior of software in case of inputs being out of range. 3. System Testing This phase of testing is done by evaluating the software performance by putting into test more than one forms hence the system. Then the softwares performance is evaluated and checked. Various sets of input values are devised with various combinations of inputs being out of range. These bring out the behavior of software in case of inputs being out of range.

Conclusion It has helped us in gaining valuable information on the webpage design principle, handling the user interface in powerful way to access the various pages across the application. More than anything this project has given us great satisfaction in having designed an application, which processes information from departments to the students and vice-versa, As well to the administration. And in one place, which saves precious time and transfers the users needs into a software solution. Scope for further Development:

There is a scope for further development in our project in terms of functionality for student in which they can choose their elective paper through internet and also from other departments paper if not available in their department.

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