What Is The Human Nous

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What is the Human Nous?

Chapter 1 from Patristic Theology

by Father John Romanides
The chief concern of the Orthodox Church is the healing of the human soul. The Church has
always considered the soul as the part of the human being that needs healing because She has
seen from Hebrew tradition, from Christ Himself, and from the Apostles that in the region of the
physical heart there functions something that the Fathers called the nous. In other words, the
Fathers took the traditional term nous, which means both intellect (dianoia) and speech or reason
(logos), and gave it a different meaning. They used nous to refer to this noetic energy that
functions in the heart of every spiritually healthy person. We do not know when this change in
meaning took place, because we know that some Fathers used the same word nous to refer to
reason as well as to this noetic energy that descends and functions in the region of the heart.

So from this perspective, noetic activity is an activity essential to the soul. It functions in the
brain as the reason; it simultaneously functions in the heart as the nous. In other words, the same
organ, the nous, prays ceaselessly in the heart and simultaneously thinks about mathematical
problems, for example, or anything else in the brain.

We should point out that there is a difference in terminology between St. Paul and the Fathers.
What St. Paul calls the nous is the same as what the Fathers call dianoia. When the Apostle Paul
says, "I will pray with the spirit,"[1] he means what the Fathers mean when they say, "I will pray
with the nous." And when he says, "I will pray with the nous," he means "I will pray with the
intellect (dianoia)." When the Fathers use the word nous, the Apostle Paul uses the word "spirit."
When he says "I will pray with the nous, I will pray with the spirit" or when he says "I will chant
with the nous, I will chant with the spirit," and when he says "the Spirit of God bears witness to
our spirit,"[2] he uses the word "spirit" to mean what the Fathers refer to as the nous. And by the
word nous, he means the intellect or reason.

In his phrase, "the Spirit of God bears witness to our spirit," St. Paul speaks about two spirits: the
Spirit of God and the human spirit. By some strange turn of events, what St. Paul meant by the
human spirit later reappeared during the time of St. Makarios the Egyptian with the name nous,
and only the words logos and dianoia continued to refer to man"s rational ability. This is how the
nous came to be identified with spirit, that is, with the heart, since according to St. Paul, the heart
is the place of man"s spirit.[3]

Thus, for the Apostle Paul reasonable or logical worship takes place by means of the nous (i.e.,
the reason or the intellect) while noetic prayer occurs through the spirit and is spiritual prayer or
prayer of the heart.[4] So when the Apostle Paul says, "I prefer to say five words with my nous
in order to instruct others rather than a thousand with my tongue,"[5] he means that he prefers to
say five words, in other words to speak a bit, for the instruction of others rather than pray
noetically. Some monks interpret what St. Paul says here as a reference to the Prayer of Jesus,
which consists of five words,[6] but at this point the Apostle is speaking here about the words he
used in instructing others.[7] For how can catechism take place with noetic prayer, since noetic
prayer is a person"s inward prayer, and others around him do not hear anything? Catechism,
however, takes place with teaching and worship that are cogent and reasonable. We teach and
speak by using the reason, which is the usual way that people communicate with each other.[8]

Those who have noetic prayer in their hearts do, however, communicate with one another. In
other words, they have the ability to sit together, and communicate with each other noetically,
without speaking. That is, they are able to communicate spiritually. Of course, this also occurs
even when such people are far apart. They also have the gifts of clairvoyance and
foreknowledge. Through clairvoyance, they can sense both other people"s sins and thoughts
(logismoi), while foreknowledge enables them to see and talk about subjects, deeds, and events
in the future. Such charismatic people really do exist. If you go to them for confession, they
know everything that you have done in your life before you open your mouth to tell them.

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