MIS442 Report
MIS442 Report
MIS442 Report
Serial Student ID Student Name Marks
1. 1910350 Avijit Kumar Saha
2. 1910617 Tasnim hasan
3. 2231087 Samia Arif Sinthiya
Name of the Course Faculty Ashis Talukder
Department Department of Management Information
University Independent University, Bangladesh
Ashis Talukder
Faculty, SBE
Independent University, Bangladesh
Plot 16 Block B, Aftabuddin Ahmed Road, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Date: 7th December, 2022
Subject: Submission of report on Database Management of US Bangla Airlines.
Dear Sir,
With due respect, it is our privilege and honor to be your students and have this opportunity to
present the report on comprehensive report. While preparing the report, we have given our best
effort. We have provided all relevant information regarding this report and we believe and hope
that our plan will provide a clear conception about our findings.
We all gave our best to accumulate the required information and we will be more than happy to
answer any question and clarify it fully to your understanding. Thank you for all your help and
support which helped us significantly in preparing the report.
Yours Sincerely,
Group Elite
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................3
Table Descriptions.......................................................................................................................................4
Flights Table.............................................................................................................................................4
Passenger Table.......................................................................................................................................5
Destination Table.....................................................................................................................................7
Form Descriptions.......................................................................................................................................8
Questions and Codes.................................................................................................................................10
Executive Summary
US-Bangla Airlines
US-Bangla Airlines is considered as one of the leading industry service providers in Bangladesh.
The standard and the airline service provided by this company is obviously considered and
compared with the world's other airline industries. The flight service ensures scheduled and due
time flight operations in all domestic parts of Bangladesh side by side it also covers many parts
of the South and South-east Asia, middle east and also SAARC countries that provided a positive
image in the airline market industry. The company is currently performing a competitive strategy
in the airline sector and it is considered as one of the major portions of US-Bangla Group.
Currently, the airline company is operated with its motto “Fly Fast Fly Safe'' and it indicates that
it is providing the customers flights with proper airline safety with its accuracy and the accuracy
indicates that fastness of the operation of the flight. The airline fleet is consistent with modern
and advanced aircrafts that ensures the safety with fastness of both domestic and international
flights and its operating within due time with their team effort which majorly includes the flight
crew members.
Table Descriptions
Flights Table
Datasheet view:
Design view:
The flights table allows us to manage the timelines of all the flights and the number of seats
available on each flight and where the flights are headed towards. There are 5 entities and they
are Flight_no, Departure_date, Arrival_date, Seats_available and lastly Destination. The primary
key for this table is Flight_No.
We have kept all accurate records of flight departure and arrival dates as well as how many seats
are available and the last destination of the flights. From this table we can easily find out which
flights have been the most packed and as well as which still have many seats available. We can
also trace the departure and expected arrival times of the flights by using the necessary codes.
Passenger Table
Datasheet View:
Design View:
The passenger table helps us to look through all the details regarding passengers of US
Bangla airlines. This table contained 5 entities with all the information. These entities are
-Passenger_ID, Passenger_Name, Passenger_Email, Flight_No and Ticket_No. The
primary key for this table is Passenger_ID.
This passenger table is welly organized. We can find any information effortlessly in
seconds using some codes only. By using passenger id along with their name and email,
help us to track down the passenger’s personal information easily. Then we focused on
the flight no and ticket no, where we can smartly go through passenger’s exact flight and
ticket number and help them out if needed.
Destination Table
Datasheet view:
Design View:
The Destinations Table indicates the destined location of passengers. The entities are –
Flight_No, Destination, Country, Arrival_Date and Departure_Date. The primary key of this
table is Destination.
In this table we kept accurate records of passengers’ destined location and the dates of their
Arrival and Departure and also kept records of Flight No. By passengers’ destined location we
can find out that they are heading towards which country. Through this database, we can easily
track the country where the bulk of the passengers are heading.
Form Descriptions
Flight Form:
Passenger Form:
The above method creates a form with all our table’s columns added to it. If we don't want to use
all the columns, create a blank form first, and then select the fields we want to include.
We can add fields to our blank form from any of our tables within the same database. We can
also change the order of our fields in our form with this method.
Here’s how to create a blank form in Access:
1. Click the Create tab at the top and select Blank Form.
2. Start adding fields. On the right, select the table that i want to add fields from, then
double-click on individual fields to add them to our form.
3. Once our chosen fields are added to the form, click the save icon at the top-left corner to
save the form.
Questions and Codes
Number Seats_available
UB123455555 40
UB123455558 66
UB123456664 36
UB123456666 36
UB123456667 34
UB123456770 44
UB123456771 43
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WHERE (((Flights.Number)=[Destination].[Number] And
Departure date Arrival date City Country
3. Which flights are going to Turkey and what’s its departure and arrival
SELECT Destination.Number,Departure_date,Arrival_date
FROM Flights,Destination
Where Destination.Country="Turkey"
AND Flights.Number=Destination.Number
SELECT Passenger_ID,Passenger_Name
FROM Passenger,Destination
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Where Destination.Country="Turkey"
AND Destination.Number=Passenger.Number
Passenger_ID Passenger_Name
PB1234567890 Rayana
PB1234567894 Taslima
PB1234567880 Javed
PB1234567889 Sajjad
PB1234567886 Abir
PB1234567895 Rajib
PB1234567893 Tahniz
PB1234567891 Liea
PB1234567888 Mahir
PB1234567899 Jamil
PB1234567898 Khasfia
PB1234567897 Arnob
SELECT Flight_no,Destination
FROM Flights
WHERE Seats_available=0
Number Destination
UB123455556 Ankara
UB123455559 Frankfurt
UB123456662 Indore
UB123456786 Berlin
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