2.1 Classification of Corrosion
2.1 Classification of Corrosion
2.1 Classification of Corrosion
2.1.1Wet corrosion:-
The metal is exposed to humid mediums or placed in basic, acidic, or salt solutions
Occurs when a liquid is present. This usually involves aqueous solutions or
electrolytes and accounts for the greatest amount of corrosion by far. A common
example is corrosion of steel by water. where different electrophoresis interactions
occur and thus cause corrosion.
2.1.2Dry corrosion:-
It is the rapid oxidation by normal or high temperatures and in an atmosphere free
from moisture, which resulted from the formation of a layer of metal oxide that forms
the layer of the outer surface, which is a corrosive layer. Or dry corrosion occurs in
the absence of a liquid phase or above the dew point of the environment. Vapors and
gases are usually the corrodes. Dry corrosion is most often associated with high
temperatures. An example is a attack on steel by furnace gases.
The presence of even small amounts of moisture could change the corrosion picture
completely. For example, dry chlorine is practically non corrosive to ordinary steel,
but moist chlorine, or chlorine dissolved in water, is extremely corrosive and attacks
of the common metals and alloys.
2.2 Forms of corrosion:-
It is convenient to classify corrosion according to the manner in which it is
manifest. the basis for classification being the appearance of corroded metal. Each
form can be identified by mere visual observation .Examination before cleaning is
particularly desirable
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
2 3 1
The photo (2) shows a steel coupon corroded (rusted) uniformly over its entire
surface after immersion in oxygen aerated water while the same batch of coupons
exposed to de aerated water (3) retained their metallic appearance with no visible
corrosion (rust). As for the picture(1), it shows a group of gears and the mechanical
parts attached to them, and all their parts have been regularly corroded.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
copper(+0.334 v) and iron (-0.44 v) , a galvanic cell is formed. a cell in which the
chemical change is the source of energy is called a "galvanic cell". The corrosion
which is caused due to the formation of the galvanic cell, therefore, called "galvanic
corrosion" .The driving force for corrosion is a potential different between different
materials. Between two different materials connected through the electrolyte, the
less noble will became the anode and tend to corrode. For example a galvanic
corrosion between welded steel and stainless steel. The carbon steel pipe flange is
active to the stainless steel pipe, and is corroded preferentially near the weld.
Preferential corrosion near the junction between dissimilar alloys is characteristic of
galvanic corrosion, which decreases at points farther from the junction due to
higher resistance through a longer electrolyte path.
as mentioned earlier, the further apart the metals are in the galvanic series, the
greater is the chance for galvanic corrosion magnitude of galvanic corrosion
primarily depends on how much potential difference exists between two metals. For a
particular environment, the metals selected should be close to each other in the
galvanic series to minimize galvanic corrosion. Active metals should not be joined
with passive metals.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
For instance, water containing copper iron, like seawater, is likely to form galvanic
cells on a steel surface of the tank. If the water in contact with steel is either acidic or
contains salt, the galvanic reaction is accelerated because of the increased ionization
of the electrolyte.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
Crevice corrosion under bolt which is Crevice corrosion inside stainless steel piping
holding structural beam in place, which
initiated in a crevice created by lack of a full
penetration in an orbital weld.
Crevice corrosion occurs at locations where oxygen cannot freely circulate such as
tight joints, under fastener heads and in other circumstances where the pieces of
metal are in close contact. Chloride salts, pollutants and moisture from the
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
environment accumulate in the crevice. The environment inside the crevice becomes
depleted of oxygen, enriched in chlorides, and acidified which promotes the
breakdown of the passive film and anodic dissolution. The basic mechanism
underlying crevice corrosion in passive table alloys exposed to aerated chloride-rich
media is gradual acidification of the solution inside the crevice, leading to the
appearance of highly aggressive local conditions that destroy the passivity.
1-Proper design, avoiding crevices, will control crevice corrosion. If lap joints are
used, the crevices caused by such joints should be closed by either welding or
caulking. Welded butt joints are preferable to bolted or riveted joints.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
3-Cathodic protection.
2.2.4Intergranular Corrosion:-
Intergranular corrosion is a localized form of corrosion. also called "inter
crystalline corrosion" or "interdendritic corrosion". In the presence of tensile stress,
cracking may occur along grain boundaries and this type of corrosion is frequently
called "intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC)". Little or no attack is
observed on the main body of the grain. This results in the loss of strength and
ductility. The attack is often rapid, penetrating deeply into the metal and causing
The photos above show the microstructure of a type 304 stainless steel. The figure on
the left is the normalized microstructure and the one on the right is the "sensitized"
structure and is susceptible to intergranular corrosion or intergranular stress corrosion
* Mechanisms of Intergranular Corrosion:-
Intergranular corrosion is caused by Microsegregation of impurities and alloying
elements on the grains boundaries. The driving force of intergranular corrosion is the
difference between the Electrode potentials of the grain boundary and the grain itself,
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
2.2.7 Erosion–corrosion:-
Refers to the combined action involving erosion and corrosion in the
presence of a moving corrosive fluid or a metal component moving through the fluid,
leading to accelerated loss of metal. Applies to deterioration due to mechanical
force, when the factors contributing to erosion accelerate the rate of corrosion of a
metal, the attack is called “erosion corrosion.
*Mechanisms of Erosion Corrosion:-
Erosion corrosion is usually caused by an aqueous or gaseous corrodent flowing over
the metal surface or impinging on it. The mechanical deterioration may be aggravated
by the presence of a corrodent, as in the case of fretting or corrosive wear. The
acceleration of attack is due to the distribution or removal of the protective surface
film by mechanical forces exposing fresh metal surfaces that are anodic to the un eroded
neighboring film. The initial stage involves the mechanical removal of a metal's
protective film and then corrosion of bare metal by a flowing corrosive occurs. The
process is cyclic until perforation of the component occurs.
Erosion-corrosion is usually found at high flow rates around tube blockages, tube inlet
ends, or in pump impellers. The photo shows erosion corrosion of a cast aluminum
pump casing due to excessively high flow rate of the coolant.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
-The softer coating reflects the shock waves and reduces the damage on metallic parts.
2.2.8 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC):-
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is defined as crack growth due to
simultaneous tensile stress and corrosive environments on active metals or alloys. In
order for SCC to occur, the metal should be susceptible to SCC and be in a corrosive
environment such as chloride ions, water, oxygen, pH, and so on. SCC leads to
catastrophic failure in aircraft structures, nuclear facilities, boilers, and liquid or gas
transmission pipes. Stress is induced by heat treatment, welding, machining, grinding,
and cold work. The required tensile stresses may occur in the form of residual stress,
applied load (directly applied stress), monotonic straining, or low amplitude cycling
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.
Assistant Lecturer. Fouad K. Mahdi Corrosion Engineering/ Third Stage
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Chemical Depart. College of Eng.