Corken CompressorI100
Corken CompressorI100
Corken CompressorI100
Model HG602
Corken is a leading manufacturer of industrial compressors, Institute of Japan (KHK), Bureau Veritas of France,
pumps, bypass valves, and accessories designed for European Union Pressure Equipment Directive (PED),
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), anhydrous ammonia, and ATEX Equipment Directive, European Union Machinery
many other flammable, volatile, and toxic liquids and gases. Directive, International Quality Standard (ISO 9001), and
Environmental Management Standard (ISO 14001).
Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, Corken was
founded in 1924 as a water and boiler feed pump Today, Corken is a diversified company serving a worldwide
distributor and quickly gained a reputation for customer base in Far East Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East,
excellence in customer service. In the mid-1940s, the South America, and North America. Each customer is served
company entered the LPG industry which proved to be through an extensive network of distributors sharing the
a turning point. In the years to follow, Corken was same commitment to customer service demonstrated by
recognized for its quality line of compressors, pumps, Corken for more than 90 years.
bypass valves, and accessories.
This exceptional reputation for customer service and
Many products meet multiple industry standards, quality products, combined with a strong commitment to
including Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Canadian technological innovation, has positioned Corken as a
Standards Association (CSA), High Pressure Gas Safety global leader in compression and pumping solutions.
LPG Product
Oil-free compression for a wide Class 300 RF Flange Option: All I-Series vertical
compressors are available with Class 300 raised face
range of process gases... flanges that dramatically improve leakage containment
Corken’s line of oil-free industrial series (I-Series) and structural integrity. Most horizontal compressors
compressors are designed to transfer a wide range of are not available with Class
process gases such as butadiene, hydrogen, helium, 300 RF flanges but have
methyl chloride, sulfur dioxide, chlorine, HCFCs, exotic a slip-on weld flange
gases for research, corrosive biogases in landfills, and option. The only
hydrocarbon gases within the oil and gas industry. exception is the
2.75" horizontal
Compatibility Chart
Air Chlorine Helium Methyl chloride Refrigerants: HFC-23
Ammonia Chlorodifluoro- Hexafluoroethane Methyl fluoride CFC-11 HFC-134A
Argon methane N-heptane Methyl mercaptan CFC-12 HFC-152A
Benzene Cyanogen N-hexane Monoethylamine CFC-13 Sulfur dioxide
Biogas Cyclohexane Hydrocarbon gas Monomethylamine CFC-113 Sulfur hexafluoride
Butadiene Cyclopropane Hydrogen Natural gas CFC-114 Tetrafluoroethylene
N-butane Deuterium Hydrogen chloride Neon CFC-115 Trichloroethane
1-butene Dimethylamine Isobutane Nitric oxide CFC500 Trimethylamine
Bromotrifluoro- Dimethyl ether Isobutene Nitrous oxide CFC502 Vinyl bromide
methane 2,2-dimethylpropane Isobutylene N-octaine CFC503 Vinyl fluoride
Carbon dioxide Ethane Krypton Ozone HCFC-22 Vinyl chloride
Carbon monoxide Ethyl chloride Methane N-pentane HCFC-141B Xenon
Carbon tetrachloride Ethylene Methyl acetylene Propane HCFC-142B And many more
Carbonyl sulfide Ethylene oxide Methyl bromide Propylene HFC-14
Vertical Industrial
Gas Compressors
Maximum versatility...
Corken offers one of the most versatile lines of industrial
vertical compressors in the world. There are several
compressor models with single- or two-stage compression,
Self lubricating air- or water-cooled options, and single- or double-acting
piston rings
made of PTFE compression for maximum efficiency. Lubricated and non-
lubricated versions are also available.
Features and
Piston rod packing design… Single- and double-acting designs...
With the exception of models 791 and 891, all of Corken’s Single-acting vertical compressors have one compression
vertical industrial compressors use a V-ring packing design. stroke per revolution so the compression takes place on
Compressor models 791 and 891 use a combination of one side (top) of the piston. Double-acting compressors
V-ring and segmented packing. V-ring packing consists of have two compression strokes per revolution so the
several V-rings, male packing rings, female packing rings, compression takes place on both sides of the piston.
washers, and a spring. In high temperature applications,
optional K-ring spacers are used in conjunction with the Corken offers two vertical models in a double-acting
V-ring packing to improve leakage control and extend the design. The model 891 is a single-stage gas compressor
service life of the packing. Segmented packing consists of capable of supplying between 56.7 and 117.0 CFM (96.3
packing cups, spacers, O-rings, segmented packing, and 198.8 m3/hr) while the model 791 is a two-stage
backup rings, and a spring. compressor with roughly the same capacities but a much
higher working pressure.
Reciprocating Gas Compressors
Features and Benefits
Packing cartridge body: Packing cartridge adapter:
Holds the outer and Holds the inner oil wiper
middle sets of packing. ring set and inner packing.
Self-lubricating piston
and rider rings:
Made of PTFE to ensure
a long service life.
Adapter Distance piece
Tanker and Multiple Railcar
Unloading and Recovery
Inner oil wiper rings of packing is greater than the stroke of the compressor,
so there’s no rod over travel or oil carryover. In other
Inner packing words, the portion of the piston rod coming into contact
with the first set of packing will never reach the second
Oil deflector ring
set of packing while the portion of the piston rod
coming into contact with the second set of packing will
Heavy-duty cylinder design: never reach the third set of packing. In the event oil
Each cylinder is hydrostatically tested
to 1-1/2 times the rated working gets past the inner packing set, an oil deflector ring
Middle packing
pressure for maximum strength.
keeps it from reaching the outer distance piece (see
Outer packing figure 2 for details).
Variable clearance head:
Can be adjusted for
capacity and brake
horsepower (BHP)
Available in single- or double-
acting configurations...
Placement of valves:
Makes inspection and
maintenance simple. The plain and T-style horizontal compressors are available
in single- or double-acting configurations. Single-acting
configurations are ideal for applications requiring low flow
and high pressure while double-acting configurations
offer maximum capacity. Single-acting configurations
require a blank valve option.
Vertical Industrial
Gas Compressors
Operating Specifications
Specifications Single-Stage Compressors Two-Stage Compressors
D-style (single-
D91 D291 D491 D491-3 D691 D691-4 FD891 a FD151 D191 FD351 D391 WFD551 FD591 D791 a
distance piece)
T-style (double-
T91 T291 T491 T491-3 T691 T691-4 FT891 a FT151 T191 FT351 T391 WFT551 FT591 T791 a
distance piece)
Bore of cylinder inches (mm)
3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.5 4.0 4.5 2.5 3.0 2.75 4.5 4.0 6.0 6.0
First stage
(76.2) (76.2) (101.6) (76.2) (114.3) (101.6) (114.3) (63.5) (76.2) (69.9) (114.3) (101.6) (152.4) (152.4)
1.25 1.75 1.75 2.5 2.5 3.25 3.25
Second stage
(31.8) (44.5) (44.5) (63.5) (63.5) (82.5) (82.5)
2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 4 4.0 4.0
Stroke inches (mm)
(63.5) (63.5) (76.2) (76.2) (101.6) (101.6) (101.6) (63.5) (63.5) (76.2) (76.2) (101.6) (101.6) (101.6)
Piston displacement CFM (m3/hr)
4.1 8.2 17.5 9.8 29.5 23.3 56.7 2.8 4.1 4.1 11.1 11.6 26.2 52.4
@ 400 rpm
(7.0) (13.9) (29.7) (16.7) (50.1) (39.6) (96.3) (4.76) (7.0) (7.0) (18.9) (19.7) (44.5) (89.0)
8.4 16.9 36.0 20.3 60.8 48.0 117.0 5.9 8.9 8.5 22.8 24.8 54.0 105.8
@ 825 rpm
(14.3) (28.7) (61.2) (34.5) (103.3) (81.6) (198.8) (10.0) (15.2) (14.4) (38.7) (42.1) (91.7) (179.8)
Maximum working
335 335 335 600 335 600 450 1,200 600 1,200 600 1,000 600 600
pressure psig
(23.1) (23.1) (23.1) (41.4) (23.1) (41.4) (31.0) (82.8) (41.4) (82.8) (41.4) (69.0) (41.4) (41.4)
(bar g)
Maximum brake 7.5 15 15 15 35 35 45 15 15 15 15 35 35 45
horsepower (kW) (5.6) (11) (11) (11) (26.1) (26.1) (34) (11) (11) (11) (11) (26.1) (26.1) (34)
Maximum rod load 3,600 3,600 4,000 4,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 3,600 3,600 4,000 4,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
lbs (kg) (1,633) (1,633) (1,814) (1,814) (3,175) (3,175) (3,175) (1,633) (1,633) (1,814) (1,814) (3,175) (3,175) (3,175)
Maximum discharge 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
temperature °F (°C) b (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177) (177)
Bare unit weight with 150 210 390 390 745 745 900 215 215 340 350 815 790 930
flywheel lbs (kg) (68.0) (95.2) (176.9) (176.9) (337.9) (337.9) (408.2) (97.5) (97.5) (154) (158.8) (369.7) (358.8) (421.9)
ANSI/DIN flange option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Standard –
Water-cooled option – – – – Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes Standard Yes –
Double-acting compressor
350°F discharge temperature requires use of high temperature O-rings, such as PTFE or Viton. Maximum recommended discharge
temperature for use with Buna-N or Neoprene O-rings is 250°F.
Note: Specific application conditions may limit a compressor’s operating performance to less than the values shown on this page.
Contact a Corken distributor or the factory for verification. Specifications may be changed without liability or advance notice.
350°F discharge temperature requires use of high temperature O-rings, such as PTFE or Viton. Maximum recommended discharge
K-ring Spacers: When used in conjunction with our V-ring Safety and Control Switches:
packing, K-ring spacers offer improved leakage control Safety and shutdown
and extend the operating life in applications where switches, meeting
operating temperatures exceed 250°F (121°C). international and U.S.
specifications, can be
supplied. Shutdown switches
for pressure, temperature,
liquid level, and vibration
used in conjunction with a
control panel can effectively
automate the operation of
the compressor.
Intercoolers and
Aftercoolers: Corken offers NEMA 7
liquid level
water-cooled and air-cooled switches
intercoolers and aftercoolers
in a variety of materials.
Drain line
Custom designed heat
exchangers are available
Figure 4: Flanged, ASME code
for applications requiring liquid trap with liquid-level
Crosshead guide, piston rod, packing barrel, K-ring spacers, and
extra cooling or special switches, manual drain, and
packing set.
stainless steel demister pad.
material considerations.
Liquid Traps: Corken offers electric (automatic) and
mechanical traps. The electric design incorporates one or
two liquid level switches depending on specific
Vertical & Horizontal
Compressor Options
MC1002 Coating: This coating significantly increases
component life in corrosive gas service. It will not peel
or chip and offers resistance to corrosion, moisture,
abrasion. Lab tests show piston rings can last up
to three times longer when used with an
MC1002 coated cylinder.
Matching Options
with Process Gases
Gas Properties Compressor Requirements
T-style MC 1002 Alloy 50
Type of Gas Formula Double Corrosion Piston Rings Optional
Explosive Flammable Corrosive Toxic Comments
Distance Resistant & Rod Materials
Piece Coating Packing
Copper, aluminum and zinc prohibited. PTFE
O-rings and iron/lead trim recommended.
Ammonia NH3 Copper and copper alloys prohibited.
Leak tightness important. Compression ratios
Argon AR
are limited due to high specific heat ratio.
Highly corrosive when wet. Recommendations
will vary depending on nature of mixture.
Copper and copper alloys prohibited. Leak
Butadiene C4H6
tightness is important.
Butane, C4H10 /
Easily liquefied.
butene C4H8
Leak tightness important.
Carbon Acidic when wet, compression ratios are
dioxide limited due to high specific heat ratios.
No high nickel alloys or pure nickel.
CO Compression ratios are limited due to high
specific heat ratio.
Highly corrosive when wet, chrome oxide
Chlorine Cl2
piston rod coating and PTFE O-rings required.
Copper, tin, zinc prohibited. PTFE O-rings
Dimethylamine (CH3)2NH
Dimethyl ether (CH3)2O Optional O-ring material available.
Ethane C2H6
Ethylene C2H4 Iron/lead trim and PTFE O-rings recommended.
Copper, silver, magnesium prohibited. PTFE
Ethylene oxide C2H4O
O-rings required.
Leak tightness important. Compression ratios
Helium He
are limited due to high specific heat ratio.
Hydrocarbon Unusual com pressibility factors, chance of
gases liquefaction.
Leak tightness very important. Compression
Hydrogen H2
ratios are limited due to high specific heat ratio.
Chrome oxide piston rod coating
Hydrogen recommended. Iron/lead trim and PTFE O-rings
chloride required. Compression ratios are limited due to
high specific heat ratio.
Isobutane CH(CH3)3
Isobutylene (CH3)2C:CH2 Iron/lead trim and PTFE O-rings required.
Methane CH4
Zinc, aluminum, magnesium, and their alloys
CH3Cl prohibited. Chrome oxide piston rod coating
recommended. PTFE O-rings recommended.
Methyl Copper, lead, zinc prohibited. PTFE O-rings
mercaptan required.
Natural gas Review composition of mixture.
Usually very dry with no lubricating qualities.
Nitrogen N2 Compression ratios are limited due to high
specific heat ratio.
Nitrous oxide N2O Avoid any hydrocarbons.
Leak tightness important. Iron/lead trim and
Propylene C3H6
PTFE O-rings recommended.
Sulfur Dioxide SO2 Corrosive when wet. Leak tightness important.
Chrome oxide piston rod coating
Vinyl chloride CH2CHCl recommended. Iron/lead trim and PTFE
Standard Compressor
Corken offers three standard mountings for industrial
compressors. The 103 mounting is a basic mounting and I-Series compressors are used
allows for maximum flexibility for on-site installation. The 107 in many applications...
mounting comes with a 4-way valve and liquid trap and is
designed for both Liquefied Gas Transfer and Vapor • Air boosting • PSA gas generation
Recovery (LTVR) applications. The 109 mounting does not • Gas blanketing • Refrigerant reclaiming
include a 4-way valve but has a liquid trap but. The 109 is
• Instrumentation • Selective catalytic
best suited for either a liquefied gas transfer or vapor
recovery application but not both in the same application. • Landfill gas recovery
• Tank car unloading
• Liquid transfer
The various 107 and 109 mountings are available with
• Vapor recovery
three different liquid trap configurations. The first liquid • Pressure boosting
trap, used on the 107 and 109, is a mechanical liquid
trap with a floating ball to block the suction and cut off
flow before liquid can enter the compressor causing
Industries served...
damage. The 107A and 109A have an automatic liquid
trap that utilizes a single NEMA 7 liquid level switch for Process
shut down control. The 107B and 109B use a larger
• Chemical and petrochemical processing
ASME code liquid trap containing two NEMA 7 liquid
level switches. One sounds an alarm and the other Energy
shuts down the compressor. Alternatively, the switches • Oil and natural gas production
can be configured to operate a dump system.
• Alternative fuel
103 Mounting
Enclosed steel • Steel baseplate
Optional driver • V-belt drive
• Adjustable driver slide base
• Enclosed steel beltguard
• Suction and discharge pressure gauges
10 20 30 40
1 2
0 3
107B Mounting
Adjustable driver slide base
• Automatic liquid trap with two NEMA 7 liquid
–107A mounting shown above. level switches
107F Mounting
• 107A or 107B with Class 300 RF flanged
components and connections
Relief Valve
Two NEMA 7
liquid level 109 Mounting
• Mechanical liquid trap with ball float
Enclosed steel
beltguard Optional driver
109A Mounting
• Automatic liquid trap with one NEMA 7 liquid
level switch
Drain valve
109B Mounting
• Automatic liquid trap with two NEMA 7 liquid
level switches
Steel baseplate Adjustable driver slide base 109F Mounting
–109F mounting shown above. • 109A or 109B with Class 300 RF flanged
components and connections
Custom Engineered
Compressor Packages
Custom engineered packages...
When a standard mounting does not fit the application,
Corken can build a custom compressor package. Most
custom packages are a modification of a standard
mounting. If this is not suitable for the application,
Corken will build a mounting or skid from the floor up.
Just send the specifications to Corken and an
application engineer will design a compressor package
to match the requirements.
291-107 single-stage compressor package designed for Customized D891-109F
tank maintenance evacuation and emergency evacuation single-stage compressor package
situations like an over turned tank car or transport truck. designed for a liquefied gas transfer application.
JUNE 2018