A Study On The Floating Building As A New Paradigm of Architecture
A Study On The Floating Building As A New Paradigm of Architecture
A Study On The Floating Building As A New Paradigm of Architecture
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1 author:
Changho Moon
Kunsan National University
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Floating Camping Area Design for 25th World Scout Jamboree 2013 View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Changho Moon on 23 August 2018.
Abstract : According to climate change, deficiency of usable land, large water portion of the Earth surface, and improvement of income
level, floating architecture is emerging as a strong & attractive alternative. The aim of this study is to suggest some related applying
ways for new building projects around waterside. New paradigm of architecture can be described as a new model and/or system of
architecture with new concept and Zeitgeist like sustainability and green building. Floating building is already a new paradigm of
architecture comparing with the preconception of building only on the land and current building regulations. New paradigm features
from the sample projects can be summarized as new concepts of building, application of various renewable energy resources(water,
solar, wind), modular construction, use of local raw material, dual purpose usage, long term and relocatable usage, and special building
materials for green building.
Key words : Floating building, Water friendly building, New paradigm, Sustainability, Climate change
only on land. Usually building regulation permits the According to the British Columbia Float Home
building design only on land. But for example, the Dutch Standards(Office of Housing and Construction Standards,
has lived on houseboat for a long time. And immigrants in Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia, Canada,
Seattle have started to live on the floating homes made of 2012), float home means a structure incorporating a
wood raft and wood structures. floatation system, intended for use or being used or
The aim of this study is to investigate the new paradigm occupied for residential purposes, containing one dwelling
features of floating building through planned and realized unit only, not primarily intended for, or usable in navigation
projects, and to suggest the applicable item and way for the and does not include a watercraft designed or intended for
new building projects on water. navigation(Moon, C., 2012).
Research methods include the review of the related New paradigm of architecture can be described as a new
literatures to set the framework of new paradigm concept, model or system of architecture with new concept and
the navigation of floating building related homepages, and Zeitgeist like sustainability and green building(The Free
the site-visits of some floating buildings in Europe & USA. Dictionary, 2012).
Sample buildings of realized and planned projects are sele In this paper, sample floating buildings are to be analyzed
cted through the search on internet like Google(https://ww and new paradigm features are suggested in terms of new
w.google.com/) and the related articles of online architectur
†Corresponding author, mchangho@kunsan.ac.kr 063)469-4782
Note) This paper was presented on the subject of "Floating Building as a New Paradigm of Architecture" in the 9th International
Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia(KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea, 22nd-25th October, 2012) and has been
revised and developed.
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A Study on the Floating Building as a New Paradigm of Architecture
concept, sustainability(focused on renewable energy) and 2) Floating hotel "Salt & Sill"
green building concept.
Floating building itself is already a new type of - Region: Island of Klädesholmen, Sweden
architecture and there are a lot of possibilities in terms of - Completion time: 2008
sustainability and green building. Therefore floating - Story & no. of rooms: 2 story, 23 rooms(46 beds)
- Date of visit: 2011.8.9
building can be a good example in new paradigm of
architecture. This floating hotel is located near the famous seafood
restaurant "Salt & Sill". The hotel consists of six
two-story wooden buildings on floating concrete
3. Outline of sample floating buildings
pontoon(see Fig. 2).
The hotel is very popular even though it is located in
3.1 Realized Projects rural & coastal area. So there are many visitors all the year
1) IBA dock
- Region: Hamburg, Germany
- Completion time: 2009
- Story & floor area: 3 story, 1,623㎡
- Date of visit: 2011.8.6
This building was the headquarters of the IBA
(international building exhibition) Hamburg GmbH as well Fig. 2 Overview and interior of Salt and Sill
as an information and event center for the IBA. Now the The hotel was designed with the mind of environmental
building is being used for Urban and Architecture sustainability as heating energy is generated from the
information center in Hamburg(see Fig. 1). warm sea water underneath the hotel in winter.
The building used local raw materials such as the pine
wood from Swedish forests, and environmentally friendly
paint. They have even used the left over quarrying stone to
build a new lobster reef under the pontoon(Voyatzis, C.,
2008). And the raised floor system was applied for easy
installation & maintenance of service lines.
Fig. 1 Overview and interior of IBA dock New paradigm features from this building can be pointed
out as new concept of hotel and consideration of sea life,
This floating building is a steel-construction on concrete adoption of hydrothermal energy in winter, and use of local
substructure pontoon. The superstructure of building was material & raised floor for easy maintenance.
made in a prefabricated modular construction, and it also
used a ready-made heating and cooling ceiling elements in 3) Oregon yacht club
the entire building. - Region: Portland, Oregon, USA
This building was planned that air conditioning might be - Completion time: 2009
possible without conventional energy sources such as oil - acres No. of homes & area of water property: 38 homes, 8
and gas. Several measures were reviewed to provide energy - Date of visit: 2012.8.19.
supply for the IBA dock from the water temperatures of the
Elbe, solar heat panel, and solar photovoltaic cells
(Immosolar, 2013).
New paradigm features from this building can be
summarized as new concept of office and exhibition
building, application of various renewable energy system,
and adoption of modular construction.
Fig. 3 Google satellite map and walkway of OYC
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Chang-Ho Moon
The Oregon yacht club(OYC) is a floating home So the architect proposed a floating cemetery near harbor.
community located on the Willamette River in Portland. It Visitors can go to the columbarium by boat and keep the
is close to downtown with a pastoral setting, so became ashes in a designated niche or scatter them over the sea.
one of the premier floating home moorage(see Fig. 3). There should be quite different atmosphere comparing
The OYC has more than 100 years’ history. The original with the existing cemetery on the land. This structure can
purpose was to foster and encourage yachting. After 1910, be a sort of artificial park and provide good seascape to the
OYC started allowing houseboat living in summer, prayers(LaBarre, S., 2010).
eventually evolved to the year-round homes of today. New paradigm features from this project can be
OYC is now a modern houseboat community, with a summarized as new concept of cemetery and provision of
predominance of two-story buildings replacing the artificial park for good seascape.
traditional one-story residences. The club is currently 2) Floating pool
comprised of 38 floating homes that are permanently
situated on the moorage and the walkway. - Region: Vltava river, Prague
There are gratings in walkway for light influx to the - Design time: 2012
water. This is a kind of consideration for the eco-system - Story & floor area: 1 story, 810㎡
under the floating home. The community also has great
interesting in conserving the natural environment like
restoration of wild birds, clean marine program, watershed
re-vegetation program, and others.
New paradigm features from this floating home
community can be suggested as high sense of community
and environmental conservation like grating installation in
walkway for light influx and related activities for natural
3.2 Planned Projects
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A Study on the Floating Building as a New Paradigm of Architecture
pedestrian bridge. innovative and sustainable facility worldwide due to
The pool is located in the center of the building and is economic efficiency and long-term utilization.
surrounded by subsidiary facilities like a bar, private cabins, New paradigm features from this project can be
changing rooms, rest rooms, shower & sauna rooms, and summarized as new concept of mobile sports facility,
mechanical room. A small and shallow pool is also provided adoption of various renewable energy system
for younger kids. (hydrothermal, solar energy and wind power) and
The river water can be filtered through a textile long-term usage by different relocations by different people
membrane on the bottom of the pool. In the winter, the pool in need.
can be converted into an ice rink for continued use all the 4) Floating mosque
year round(Meinhold, B., 2012).
New paradigm features from this project can be - Region: Palm Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE
suggested as new concept of recreational facility - Design time: 2007
(swimming and skating), installation of purifying facility for - Story & floor area: 1 story, -
the polluted river and dual purpose usage by different This floating mosque has traditional Islamic arches and
seasons. two rows of transparent plastic columns that support the
3) Floating off-shore stadium roof and give daylight through the prayer hall. The
mosque could be floating by the large pontoons made of
- Region: Worldwide concrete & styrofoam(see Fig. 8) and self-supporting as
- Design time: 2010/2011 possible in terms of energy.
- Floor area & no. of seats: 260,000㎡, 65,000seats
Fig. 7 Overview & Sectional View Fig. 8 Perspective & interior of floating mosque
(Source: Sebastian, J., 2011) (Source: Reinl, J., 2007)
Roof and columns are made transparent by composite
This stadium was developed by the German architects material. Sea water is purified and pumped from outside
“Stadiumconcept” for the FIFA World Cup 2022(see Fig 7). through the building components like floor, wall & roof, and
The floating off-shore stadium can be relocated to seaside it flows out again over the roof via the columns. A
place across the oceans(Sebastian, J., 2011). Therefore this transport controller ensures that the transparent columns
stadium can be used by more effectively than usual always keep the water in full, to give continuously visual
on-shore stadium. attraction(Olthuis, K. and Keuning D., 2010).
The stadium can be operated by divers renewable energy And the floating mosques are also eco-friendly, pumping
resources such as hydrothermal use of water, wind power water from the sea through a vein-like system cools down
and solar energy. As floating structures are located on the the building by 15 degree Celsius, in other words, saving
sea or lake and there is no obstacles, wind and solar power air conditioning cost by as much as around 40 percentage.
is easy to obtain. And sea water can be used as cooling The roof and walls could not absorb the heat because of
material in summer in the Middle East region. porous exterior material, consisting of a spongelike ceramic
Its global mobility, long-term utilization and various substance with highly low density. The fat external walls
economic efficiency show great advantages and so can be a have a high accumulative volume due to their extraordinary
new model for 21st century sports facility. Once a big density and great size(Reinl, J., 2007).
sports event such as World Cup or Olympic Games was New paradigm features from this project can be
completed, operation and maintenance of the stadium raises suggested as new concept of mosque with light on water,
economic problems due to low utilization. adoption of renewable energy system(hydrothermal energy
Almost all the countries of the world have access to the usage and solar panel system in cooling), and application of
sea. This unique floating stadium can be one of the most maximum daylight influx & special exterior wall material.
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Chang-Ho Moon
Table 1 New paradigm features of the sample floating buildings
New Paradigm Features
Name of floating building
New building concept Renewable energy Green building concept
hydrothermal energy, solar heat modular construction, ready-made
IBA dock, Hamburg floating office and exhibition
panel, solar photovoltaic cell equipment element
Floating hotel "Salt floating hotel, fish reef under the
hydrothermal energy
local raw material, raised floor for
& Sill", Sweden pontoon service lines
4. New paradigm features from the concepts of building had to be introduced spontaneously.
Renewable energy systems were employed in many cases
due to no obstacles around the site. Especially hydrothermal
New paradigm features of architecture through the study usage under the pontoon was adopted in most samples.
of concept(Chapter 2) are suggested as following three Prefabrication and modular construction method without
factors: new building concept, sustainability (focused on building waste, usage of local materials, long-term usage
renewable energy), and green building concept. by different location by different people and others were
In this paper, new paradigm features of floating building introduced for environmental conservation.
on water rather than those of usual building on land are
primarily discussed. 5. Conclusions
On analyzing the sample floating buildings, new Floating building on water has been emerging as a
paradigm features with the framework of new concept, strong & attractive alternative architecture. Floating
renewable energy and green building can be summarized as building on the water is already new paradigm comparing
followings(see Table 1); with the preconception of building only on the land and
- New building concept: floating building itself comparing current
conservative building regulation.
paradigm features from the sample projects can be
with same function on land. Especially floating burial at extracted as building
sea in small land country and floating stadium for global hydrothermal energy, itself solar
on the water, use of
energy and wind
mobility & economic efficiency
- Renewable energy: hydrothermal energy, solar energy power(renewable energy), introduction of modular
and wind power. Especially hydrothermal energy for construction and ready-made equipment elements, use of
heating and/or cooling due to floating building on the and relocable facility,dualusepurpose
local raw material, usage, long term usable
of special wall material(green
water. building).
- Green building: modular construction, ready-made Therefore the floating buildings could contribute to the
equipment elements, raised floor, local raw material, development of major new paradigm features such as the
grating in walkway, artificial park, dual purpose usage, various concept of renewable energy and green building
long term and relocable facility, special wall material. concepts. Especially, use of hydrothermal energy and
As floating buildings are constructed on the water, new modular
construction would be expanded more and more
considering the location of the building.
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A Study on the Floating Building as a New Paradigm of Architecture
In case of new floating building design, hydrothermal ore-stadium-stadiumconcept/
energy source among renewable energy system need to be [9] The Free Dictionary(2012), Paradigm, www.thefreedictio
considered at least, proper modular & prefabrication nary.com/paradigm
methods should be considered for green construction and [10] Voyatzis, C.(2008), The first floating hotel in Sweden,
maintenance. http://www.yatzer.com/1426_sweden%E2%80%99s_first_
Further research for the meaning, significance and floating_hotel
characteristics of floating building including cultural &
social respects should be continued.
In addition, the concept of floating building needs to be Received 29 January 2013
changed from “building on the water” to “making the Revised 31 May 2013
Accepted 31 May 2013
floating land and building on the land” for the easy
understanding and realization. And more scientific and
practical research related should be continued.