Varma Internship Final Sahithimam
Varma Internship Final Sahithimam
Varma Internship Final Sahithimam
Summer Internship I
Submitted by
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Summer Internship I
Carried out at
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Certified that this internship report DIABETSIS PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING is the bonafide work of “UPPALAPATI SAI
NARENDRA VARMA” who carried out summer internship under our supervision at Mr. DINESH KUMAR HIRAWAT, HMI ENGINEERING
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Table of Contents
No. Description Page Number
5 PO #6 8
PO #7 9
PO #8 10
PO #9 11
PO #10 12
PO #11 13
PO #12 14
PSO #1 & #2
Rubrics (Three Reviews & Final
6 17,18
Presentation Review)
Feedback 19
7 Write your experience with the company
Photo(s) of your internship
experience/Product/Other related
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to my project supervisor, Mrs. P SAHITHI
MAM, Asst. Professor, CSE , N S Raju Institute of Technology (A), S o n t y a m , Visakhapatnam, who has persistently
and determinedly guided me during the whole course of this project. It would have been very difficult to complete
this project without his/her enthusiastic support, insight and advice. I am extremely thankful to DR. R. SRINIVAS
RAYADU, PROFESSOR, & Head of CSE Department for providing excellent lab facilities which were helpful in successful
completion of my internship program. Our utmost thanks also to all the trainers of the company for their support
throughout my Summer Internship and Internship, my internship department level coordinator Ms. P. Sahithi Asst.
Prof. Of CSE and our Institute Level Coordinator, Mrs. V. Usha Rani, Asst. Prof. of EEE.
I take immense pleasure in thanking Dr. M.A. Khadar Baba, Principal & Dr. J. Raja Murugadoss, Director, N S Raju
Institute of Technology (A), Sontyam, Visakhapatnam, for having permitted me to finish the Summer Internship - I. I
am thankful to the MANAGEMENT of N S Raju Institute of Technology (A), Sontyam, Visakhapatnam, for providing
the various resources to complete the Summer Internship - I successfully. I am also thankful to one and all who
contributed to my work directly or indirectly.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Company Profile
Our Company
HMI Engineering services is the Ministry of Micro, Small and MediumEnterprises, is the apex
executive body for the formulation and administration of rules, regulations and laws relating to
micro, small medium enterprises in India and collaborates with different manufacturing industrial
companies and different research and development companies. Free industrial Internship for all
technical students, real time implementation in manufacturing processing, real time robotics
manufacturing company.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
Learning Outcomes (Write in your own words not exceeding 200 words)
(Indicate how the theoretical knowledge of the courses taught helped you to do summerinternships)
• At first, we initially started with IOT and we came to know different Sensors like lcd, led, bulb,
smoke and some few.
• Internet of things, IoT, is when physical objects are embedded with sensors, software, and
other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and
• Later we came into know about coding and implementation of deployment of a code in a
hardware component.
• After completion of iot we learned about python fundamentals and we came to know about
modules in python which are used for project like NumPy, pandas, matplotlib. Which are
important modules for data science.
• Data science is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on extracting knowledge from data sets
which are typically huge in amount. The field encompasses analysis, preparing data for
analysis, and presenting findings to inform high-level decisions in an organization. As such,
it incorporates skills from computer science, mathematics, statics, information visualization,
graphic, and business.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #2:
(Indicate the ability of Problem Analysis)
• As come to problem analysis stage we analysis the problem by collaborating with team
members and choosing decisions and we analyze the problem and followed methods and
knowledge required for that problem as follows.
• The aim of the proposed work is to analyze the diabetes dataset over the classification
• Selection of the right attributes in given dataset to get the quality results from the classification
can be expected.
• And to produce as a result which is prediction of chances of having diabetes to a person based
on his/her inputs (values for attributes available in our data set) to get result we usen random
forest classifier.
• Random Forest is a classifier that contains a number of decision trees on various subsets of
the given dataset and takes the average to improve the predictive accuracy of that data.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #3:
(Indicate the ability of Design and Development of Solutions)
• For any development of model or application design and development of
solutions is necessary.
• Secondly, we need to have the appropriate packages to import the CSV file
into the program.
• Finally, we need to check model using real time and run time inputs.
• For design we can create a UI integrating multi plat form access to users so
that Whenever users need to check they can use any platform to access the
Model with ease in any shape of appliance.
• Creating an Android application for wearable devices and Apple watch which can
Call for help whenever the uses have chances of having diabetes.
• Creating a Learning model for ML model so it can be UpToDate of present Data sets.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #4:
(Indicate your experiments being carried out in industry, if any)
• As I started about learning of iot both theoretical and experimental there we came to know
about different working of Arduino.
• I started our experiments with led Sensor, bulb Sensor, lcd Sensor, smoke Sensor which is as
a part of iot.
• As I connected to Thing speak network and we observed our experimental results at online.
• As coming iot is a new experience for me as before coming to internship I only know about
software side knowledge but hardware side I don’t have much knowledge as I means I only
theoretical knowledge only I had but when I came to internship I learn about iot I was very much
interested in learning iot.
• later I came to know about and start of data science with machine learning.
• As a final project I came with diabetes prediction in this we used random forest classifier.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #5:
(Indicate the new tools, programming language, equipment learned during this program, if any)
• This dataset is originally from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases. The objective is to predict based on diagnostic measurements whether a patient
has diabetes.
• A random forest is a classifier that contains a number of decision trees on various subsets
of the given dataset and takes the average to improve the predictive accuracy of that dataset
• In talking with python the important modules for both data science and machine learning
are NumPy library used for working with arrays and functions.
• We have also learnt many more models like classification, decision trees, Support
vector machine etc. Which are chosen based on our requirement to implement our
given data set.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #6:
(Indicate how your Summer Internship is helpful for the Society)
• It helps me to solve real world problems like diabetes prediction, diabetes prediction, so on
• it makes me know the what is the real work of a software engineer and his duties.
My project is "diabetes prediction ". Diabetes Prediction of diabetes at an early stage can lead to
improved treatment. Data mining techniques are widely used for prediction of disease at an early
stage. Diabetes is predicted using significant attributes, and the relationship of the differing attributes
is also characterized
Early prediction of diabetes of a person is chances of having or is to help that person to take care of
his/her health will aware people on their health condition check. And help them to leave
with good health condition.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #7
(Indicate how the Summer Internship is helpful for the Environment and how it is sustainable)
• They are sustained as they are helpful for future generations in a way predication of their
health condition and make them to live with good health.
• We are having many projects and predictions which are sustained for
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #8:
(Indicate the ethical practices followed in your Summer Internship)
Almost every decision involves ethics. I have always viewed myself as a very ethical person, however
every person has their own set of procedures and rules. I wouldn’t necessarily say I follow the “book”
to the fullest extent. No technology or piece of equipment can replace the effectiveness of a skilled
person. It always has to be on a case-by-case basis, but there are times it is the most human thing to
do. Ethical behaviors are always important in both the workplace and my personal life. I have yet come
across any ethical practice during my internship so far, but I am sure I will choose to do the right thing
if I have to.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
(Indicate your work experience in Summer Internship as an Individual and in a team)
• As an individual I done my daily tasks in internship which were given by company people as
an assignment.
• As I completed them by my knowledge gained at my internship. But when the project has
assigned, I was the team member of my project.
• As doing my daily tasks I got an new knowledge because the assignment questions are
related my programming subject.
• what concepts I had learnt based on that my assignment questions were given and they
related to me in a way not only to make practice of concepts learned on that but also to make
new things with that concept.
• As coming into my work experience in collaboration with my team members to complete our
project were given a new happy and new kind learning experience.
• As before summer internship I worked and completed my tasks on using my view and my
knowledge. But when I worked in team, I came to gain a knowledge by them and my
knowledge is to be delivered to them.
• we collaborated and discussed about our project with each other and find solution to our
problem domain and we implemented our project
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #10:
(Indicate your improvement in Communication in Oral, Written and Graphical Communication)
In the weekly assessments, I am evaluated for the works I had done during internship which
improved my oral communication skills. While coming to written part we write weekly one report
based on the given topic it improved my written skills. Also, the design phases of the project helped
to understand and improve the graphical communication and graphical skill.
As coming to talk about oral and writtening skill as I very much improved than before because after
going to internship as my oral skills are very much improved at the time instructor explaining I
listened very carefully and when I got doubts, I clarified by asking my instructor. As he clarified my
doubts and he also gave me chance to spoke about the real-life situation’s is has to be applied. As
per my knowledge I answered as he says correct and he also explains some real time situations.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #11:
(Indicate your project management in Summer Internship)
Our team worked on “diabetes prediction project” I was experienced to take care of management of
our project as a member. I had responsibility to take of care of our project and as well as getting idea
and skills gaining among all team members(including me) in doing project. In our project each and
every person should have good understanding in all aspects of project and each and every person in
team should involve in completion and management of project.
As I involved in project management in a way that planning for group discussions and sharing
information related to
project by all team members and asking them to say their ideas for project and coordinating all team.
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PO #12:
(Indicate about the self learnt topics or self learnt skills, if any)
• Model Building:
o Selecting the right ML algorithms to identify the patterns
o Building the candidate models
• Model validation:
o Validation of the Model
o Tuning the parameters of Model
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PSO #1
(Able to apply the theoretical knowledge of Computer Science and Engineeringand the foundational
principles of software development to provide sustainablesolutions for the real-world technical
challenges in the tech landscape by maintaining professional standards, ethical values and
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
PSO #2
(Able to adopt to technological changes by initiating self-paced learning to meet
the industry demands)
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology. IQAC: Quality Management System (QMS)
Criteria Unsatisfactory (1) Developing (2) Satisfactory (3) Good (4) Exemplary (5) Score
Aware of the significance of the industry
Aware of the significance
Aware of the significance of engagement and completely aware of
Criterion #1 the industry engagement and the objectives and intended learning
this aspect and no engagement to the of the industry
Ability to understand the completely aware of the outcomes of the internship and able to
traces of objectives industry being engaged engagement and little bit
need of industry objectives and intended guide others to sensitize them and
as well as alone and little bit familiar familiar with objectives
engagement through learning outcomes of the making efforts on his to companies /
outcomes. with objectives and and outcomes.
internship program internship. SMEs and groom himself initiating life-
long learning
theoretical knowledge
the theoretical outcomes theoretical outcomes with outcomes with the practical
And able to demonstrate to the full
Criterion #2 Unable to correlate with the practical the practical applications. applications. And able to
extent and cite references with
Ability to correlate the theory and demonstrate the applications. However not However not able to demonstrate to the full extent
examples not only in their respective
and practice theory and practice able to demonstrate to the demonstrate to the full and cite references with
program of study but also in other inter-
full extent and cite extent and cite references examples in the appropriate
disciplinary domain suggesting changes
references with examples with examples program of study
for curriculum enrichment
Unable to identify
C. Problem Analysis & Critical Thinking
the source of
problems and
suggest solutions
Able to identify the source of problems
Criterion #3 Able to identify problems’ Able to identify the source Able to identify the source of
as well as the source / cause and not
Ability to identify the source source with little bit depth of problems as well as the problems as well as the
able to provide solutions by citing
of problems and suggest and not able to provide source / cause and not source / cause and able to
appropriate journal papers / articles with
solutions solutions able to provide solutions provide solutions
research based proven facts
Able to visualize /
any others in relevant form
group with appropriate use of forms with their peer group with
Able to realize the properly in any of appropriate technical with the use of appropriate
technical language that appropriate use of technical language
importance of the form (Written, language that everyone technical language that
everyone understands that everyone understands and support
communication Verbal and understands but not with everyone understands but
demonstrating professional others in doing so
Graphical) other skills of not with other skill of
ethics occasionally
communication communication
Signature of the Reviewer with Date / Review No. Total Score (Average of the ‘A’, through ‘F’
Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous) – Summer Internship-I Report
Department of CSE, 2020-2021 Admitted Batch
As I learned about io, python fundamentals, important modules in python for data science, as
I experienced in doing iot and implementation of various classifiers on various datasets. As I
really liked experimental learning in before summer internship also but when I worked on
team to do the project as I really excited and enjoyed and mostly experienced in working as
team. As I get to know how team coordination and managing problems in team and carrying
responsibilities is very help to all of our team and as member me to also. My personal
experience in working is very new and happy experience to me. As I felt very grateful for
getting this opportunity because by this only as I learned real time industrial experience. As I
am eagerly waiting for my next internship. To learn and to implement what I learned.
Signature of the Student