Report On DSCC by Yausub Osman
Report On DSCC by Yausub Osman
Report On DSCC by Yausub Osman
Submitted To:
Shamima Akhter
Associate Professor,
Department of Public Administration,
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Submitted By:
Yausub Ali
Second Year First Semester
Department of Public Administration,
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
The honorable Deputy Secretary and Personal Secretary to the Mayor of DSCC
Mohammad Marufur Rashid Khan was present there. He briefed a beautiful speech
in the seminar. What is Dhaka City Corporation? Evaluation of Dhaka City
Corporation, Structure of DSCC, How the Dhaka South City Corporation works?
What is the roles and functions of DSCC? Obstacles of Dhaka south city corporation
All the students noted down this speech and asked some question. He was properly
answered those question in that seminar.
Now, I am describing what I was learned from this field visit to the Dhaka South
City Corporation.
Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) is a local government body engaged in the
management of the southern part of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It is a city
administration and autonomous institution of Bangladesh. The Dhaka South City
Corporation is in charge of managing the southern part of Dhaka city as a whole.
It is one of the two municipal corporations in Dhaka created when the former Dhaka
City Corporation was divided into two by the Local Government City Corporation
Amendment Bill 2011 on 29 November 2011, passed in the Parliament of
Bangladesh, following the President's approval.Dhaka South has a long history,
including that of European arrival and colonization.
Dhaka was founded in 1608 the capital of the Province by Islam Khan Chisti
during the regime of Mughal Emperor Zahangir. With the establishment of Mughal
control over the region, Dhaka continued functioning as the capital of Bengal,
Behar, Orissa and retained the status till 1717. In 1905, Dhaka Was became the
capital of a new province comprising East Bengal and Assam. A great deal of
construction took place to house the new administration. This was cut short by
annulling the partition of Bengal in 1911. In 1947, the city emerged as the provincial
capital of East Pakistan and embraced the historic movements and finally the victory
in the War of Liberation. After independence,
Dhaka became the capital of Bangladesh in 1971. It is the 9th largest city in the
world and also 28th among the most densely populated cities in the world. Dhaka
South City Corporation is the distinct part of previous Dhaka City Corporation,
which was spilt into two parts, Dhaka south city corporation and Dhaka north City
Corporation. According to the existing law (Dhaka Municipal Corporation
Ordinance, 1983), the executive power of the Corporation vests in and exercised by
the Mayor (Administrator). The Corporation constitutes Several Standing
Committees and other Committees to monitor and guide the diversified activities of
the organization. The Mayor is assisted by the Chief Executive Officer, who in turn,
is assisted by the Secretary, the Heads of Departments and Zonal Executive Officers.
Dhaka Municipality was established on the 1st August, 1864. Prior to the
establishment of the Municipality, a Committee of Improvement existed in the city
as early as 1823. The Committee consisted of three members was headed by Mr.
Walters, the then Collector of Dhaka. This Committee was replaced by another
Committee named "Dhaka Committee" in 1840. District Municipal improvement
(Act III B.C. of 1864) was introduced in Dhaka from the 1st August, 1864. Through
the introduction of this Act the "Dhaka Municipal Committee" was formed. The
District Magistrate was ex-officio Chairman and such persons as the Lieutenant-
Governor would appoint, were the Vice-Chairman.
The Act of 1884 recognized for the first time the elective principle in unambiguous
term. The Chairman, the Vice-Chairman And two thirds of the Commissioners were
to be elected. The first elected Chairman was Mr. Ananda Chandra Roy and the first
elected Vice-Chairman was Mr. Khawaja Amirullah. The next significant milestone
was the Bengal Municipal Act of 1922. This Act extended franchise to women also
who had so far been denied this right.
In 1990, Dhaka Municipal Corporation was renamed as Dhaka City Corporation and
was divided in to zones to fulfill the objectives of decentralization. In 1993, the
Government with a view to democratize the city corporation, made drastic
amendment in Ordinance, 1993 and repealing the application of pourashava that the
Mayor and the Commissioners will be elected by direct election. The election of the
Corporation was held on January, 1994 and Mr. Mohammad Hanif became the first
elected Mayor. The Local Govt. (City Corporation) Amendment Act (2011), Dhaka
City Corporation has divided as Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) and Dhaka
North City Corporation (DNCC).
Structure of Dhaka South City Corporation:
According to the Statute, an urban area must fulfill three characteristics before being
declared as pourashava or city corporation , such as:
(i) three-fourths of the adult male population of the area must be employed mainly
in non- agricultural occupations,
(ii) such area must contain not less than fifteen thousand population, and
(iii) the density of population should not be less than two
thousand inhabitants per square mile.
At present, Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh is the Mayor of Dhaka South City
Corporation (DSCC). In 2020, he won the Dhaka Mayoral Election and became the
mayor of Dhaka South City Corporation.
Roles and Functions of DSCC:
DSCC performs multi-dimensional function for the dwellers living within the
corporation area. Its functions included public health, water supply and drainage,
matters related to food and drink, animals, construction and maintenance of roads,
street lighting, street watering, public safety, maintenance of parks and gardens and
forests, education, culture, social welfare and general development of the city. In
addition, the City Corporation may perform any functions delegated to it by the
Public Safety: Taking measures for Civil defense, Floods, Famine, Dangerous
and offensive articles and Burial and burning places.
Water Supply and Drainage: Water Supply and Drainage related functions
involve- Water Supply, Private sources of water supply, Drainage schemes,
Bathing and washing places, Dhobi Ghats & washer men, Public water courses,
Public ferries, Public fisheries etc.
Online Birth Certificate Activities: Dhaka City Corporation has started online
birth certificate activities in Zone-5 as a pilot project. At Present, this online
services has extended all zones of DCC. So, now the honorable citizens can
apply for birth certificate both manual and online system. The address of this
website is www. As per Govt. decision the applicant age is
more than 18 (eighteen) years then he/she should pay 50/-(fifty) taka otherwise
it is free.
Besides above, Zonal officer and Standing committee are also part of DSCC
organization chart.
Zonal Officers : There are 5 zonal offices of DSCC. Officer of zonal office Acts as
the Principal Executive Officer of the concerned zone. The zone officer is a self-
contained branch of DSCC, Handles all administrative functions and coordinates
zone activities Supervises activities of all departments ,Takes decisions on zonal
problems after consulting concerned department heads and obtaining consent of the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Liaises with departmental heads concerning zone
activities and through the CEO, remains responsible to the Mayor, Presides over
interdepartmental meeting of the zone, Approves salary and other allowances of
section chief, Spends development funds, maintain accounts, and regularly submits
returns on routine and development expenditures to the main office, Coordinates and
supervises all transport in the zoon, Formulates annual development plan for the
zone in consultation with concerned ward commissioners and section chiefs,
Convenes the Zone Tender Committee and approves work, Takes responsibility for
delivery of all public utility service.
The Ordinance also states that,the Corporation shall, by regulation, determent the
functions of Standing Committee. Therefore,the Standing Committees discharge
functions basically on an ad-hoc basis depending on the perception of the members
about the functions of the Standing Committee. DSCC Finance There are three broad
financial aspects of the city corporation.
The resources of city corporation can be divided into three groups. These are,
internally raised revenue, government grants and loans and advances. Own sources
of revenue include taxes, rates, fines, tolls and rents and profits from own property
while the government grants constitute a significant portion of income.
Own Revenue Income : The revenue department of the DSCC Imposes Tax on
Building, issues New Holding Number, Correction of Records in case of Transfer of
Property, issues Trade License for the Business Community of Dhaka, issues
License of Non Motorized Vehicles, allots Shops of DSCC Owned Markets,collects
Rent from DCC Owned Market, collects Amusement Tax Holding tax is one of the
main revenue earning sector of DSCC. The own revenue has always constituted the
major portion of income in the city corporation. The own revenue income of the city
corporation is mainly derived from taxes on holdings and rates on
water,conservancy and lights. Revenues are also drawn from the transfer of
immovable property, lease money on hat-bazars, applications for the creation and
creation of buildings, professional, trades and callings, amusements, vehicles,
animals, advertisement, birth, marriages and feasts. Other revenues include rent and
profits from own property and shops and interest from investment, fines etc. In
accordance with The City Corporations (Taxation) Rules, 1986, DSCC can impose
tax on following sectors :
Obstacles of DSCC:
The supreme challenge of implementing any initiaive with full swing is the lack of
coordination between government bodies along with corrupt officials have hindered
growth at all city corporations including the Dhaka ,North City Corporation (DNCC)
and Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC).Moreover, there are as many as 44
government bodies including ministries various department specialized bodies for
instance WASA, BRTC etc are linked with DCC. There is a serious lack of
coordination among them.This lessens the speed of any project or creates obstacles.
This has been an ever present problem for DSCC.
Another biggest challenge for DSCC is being overloaded with debt. This has
become the prime obstacle for DSCC.Being unable to pay the suppliers and the
contractors taking new projects has come out as the severe most headache for the
mayor. DSCC even hasgone to its limit to give the salay and others allowance to its
huge staff. DSCC has tried to increase the tax rate but it has faced strict resistance
from the citizens.
Political barrier is one of the ever present factors that slow down the activities of any
public organization. Like every other public organization, DSCC is also going
through this sort of problem. Sometimes local political tycoons create problems
unless they gain their share. This problem iscreated due to lack of executive power.
In reality there are lots of flaws and limitations remain in the execution process of
DSCC. It has to deal with thosebarriers. It is getting changed by facing those
troubles and restrictions. Proper support from all parts would help it to get changed
to offer better service.
The Deputy Secretary and Perosnal Secretary of the Mayor of DSCC Mohammad
Marufur Rashid Khan said that “Already we have taken 30 years sustainable
development plan for the DSCC ”
He also said that, Firstly the presser of population in Dhaka city must be decrees
Secondly, we must be follow the decentralization government organ then we
decrees the population of Dhaka , when we decrees our population in Dhaka city
then we will be overcome our all obstacles.
Thirdly, we can recommend that the all work of DSCC are take properly done and
ensure the transparency , accountability and rule of law.
Finally we can say that we must follow the traffic rules and follow the Rules and
laws of the this City Corporation whom they are live in Dhaka city, We must always
try to be clean our Dhaka city.
Dhaka City Corporation is a self governing corporation that is associated with the
task of running affairs of the city.It is important to notice that though Dhaka has
been denoted as tha second most dirty city in the world but her resident identified
the municipal services offered to them as fair.Their perception is influenced by the
overall socio economic context in the country.It is the prime responsibility of
municipalities to ensure a healthy,clean and safe city.If comapared at global scale
the failure of Dhaka City Corporation is unquestionable but at local level with the
active participation of people,the city is still serving and struggling for better life.