Assessment 3

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Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Course / Course Code Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching (PEC4)

Assessment No. 3. Cognitive Learning Theories
Name/s Bernabe, Caira
Fronda, Rocelle
Porteza Vhlenky

Selerio, Rene
Tambuon, John Lacson
Villa Juan, Christian
Year and Section BSED II FILIPINO A
Instructions Online: Type in your answers at our Google Classroom.
Offline: Write your answers on a yellow pad paper.

Assessment Sheet

Fill in the table below. (By group)

Theory Proponent Brief Summary / Implications to Application / Teaching

Description Education Strategies
Piaget’s Cognitive Jean Piaget was a To Piaget, An important By using Piaget's theory in
Development Swiss psychologist cognitive implication of the classroom, teachers
Theory and genetic development was Piaget's theory is and students benefit in
epistemologist. He a progressive adaptation of several ways. Teachers
is most famously reorganization of instruction to the develop a better
known for his mental processes learner's understanding of their
theory of cognitive as a result of developmental students' thinking. They
development that biological level. The content
can also align their
looked at how maturation and of instruction
teaching strategies with
children develop environmental needs to be
intellectually experience. consistent with the their students' cognitive
throughout the Children construct developmental level
course of an understanding level of the
childhood. of the world learner. The
around them, then teacher's role is to
experience facilitate learning
discrepancies by providing a
between what they variety of
already know and experiences.
what they discover
in their
Vygotsky’s Socio- Sociocultural Vygotsky's The sociocultural The most important
cultural Theory of theory is an sociocultural theory has application of
Cognitive emerging theory in theory views important Vygotsky's theory to
Development psychology that human implications for education is in
looks at the development as a kindergarten age hisconcept of a zone of
important socially mediated children and proximal development.
contributions that process in which children with This concept is
society makes to children acquire specialized needs important
individual their cultural as it can be becauseteachers can
development. This values, beliefs, effectively used to use it as a guide to a
theory stresses and problem- occasion critical child's development. It
the interaction solving strategies advancements in allows a teacher toknow
between through their learning what a student is able
developing people collaborative development. to achieve through the
and the culture in dialogues with According to the use of a mediator and
which they live. more theory, children thusenables the teacher
Sociocultural knowledgeable are able to learn to help the child attain
theory also members of much through that level by
suggests that society. social interaction. themselves.
human learning is There are some
largely a social instructional A second important
process. implications of the aspect of Vygotsky's
sociocultural theory is the role of play
theory. The main in histheory. According
implication is that to this perspective
learning occurs teachers need to
through provide
interaction, children,especially
negotiation, and young children, many
collaboration opportunities to play.
among learners. Through play,
andimagination a child's
conceptual abilities are
stretched. Vygotsky
argued thatplay leads to
development. "While
imitating their elders in
activities, children
generate opportunities
Information Information The information Information- In a learning
Processing processing theory processing theory processing theory environment, there are
Theory has become a is based on the has definite a number of ways in
general theory of idea that humans educational which Information
human cognition; actively process implications for Processing can be
the phenomenon the information students with applied. In a classroom
of chunking has they receive from learning and setting, learners are
been verified at all their senses, like a behavior continually learning and
levels of cognitive computer does. problems. utilizing memory
processing. Learning is what is Teachers with a processes in order to
happening when greater store the information
our brains recieve understanding of being provided by the
information, record the theory and instructor. They are also
it, mould it and how it is formed actively retrieving the
store it. to, select learning information required for
strategies in order the lesson. From an
to improve the instructor’s standpoint,
retention and Information Processing
retrieval of is used to help learners
learning. to further enhance their
respective skills and
understand the
curriculum presented.A
great way for teachers
and instructors to
practice the information
processing skills of their
learners is to test their
focusing, information
remembering, and
organizing skills.
Problem Solving Theories of According to the In many teaching In a problem solving
Theory problem-solving GPS framework, situations, TAs are method, children learn
are dominated by problem-solving responsible for by working on
the work of Newell involves the helping students problems. This enables
& Simon on GPS identification of solve problems in the students to learn
(General Problem subgoals and the their disciplines. new knowledge by
Solver). This work use of methods Whatever the facing the problems to
established the (especially instructional be solved. The students
information heuristics) to setting you are in, are expected to
processing satisfy the the basic strategy observe, understand,
paradigm for the subgoals. ... for addressing analyze, interpret find
study of problem- Schoenfeld problems remains solutions, and perform
solving and the presents a theory similar. First, applications that lead to
concepts of of problem-solving explain principles a holistic understanding
“means-ends- in mathematics in your discipline of the concept.
analysis” and that involves four for assessing a
“problem space”. aspects: situation and
According to the resources, making sense of
GPS framework, heuristics, control, the given
problem-solving and beliefs. information. Then,
involves the explain how to
identification of apply these
subgoals and the general principles
use of methods to a particular
(especially problem. Whether
heuristics) to the discipline is
satisfy the Political Science
subgoals. or Engineering,
the problem solver
must first
represent the
problem and then
devise and
implement a
strategy for

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