Inz 1377

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OFFICE USE ONLY Client no.: Date received: / / Application no.

February 2023 INZ 1377

Recovery Visa
- Employer Supplementary Form
for the purpose of travelling to New Zealand and
supporting the recovery from a 2023 extreme weather event.

Information for employers

This form must be completed and signed by a person who Next steps
has authority to make representations and enter into
agreements on the employer’s behalf. Please answer all Once you complete this form, you should provide it to the
questions. If any question does not apply please answer person you have offered a position to. They will need to
“N/A” for “not applicable”. Complete this form if you have submit it with their Work Visa Application (INZ 1015) form, or
offered a position to a person who is applying for a specific upload it as an attachment with their online application.
purpose work visa to assist with New Zealand’s recovery The applicant will need to specify the length of time they will
from the January and February 2023 extreme weather events be in New Zealand for as 6 months or less.
and you are:
We will then assess the application and inform them of the
• a New Zealand employer who has offered a job to a
worker; or
• a New Zealand employer who is contracting or Work entitlement
seconding workers. It is an offence under the Immigration Act 2009 to employ a
This form is not required for any other work visa category. person who is not entitled to work in New Zealand. One way for
employers to avoid committing this offence is to check a person’s
Providing this information will help us to process the application, entitlement to work through Immigration New Zealand’s online
however we may need to contact you for more information. VisaView system. For more information or to register please visit Disclosure of information
through VisaView is authorised by legislation.

About the information you provide

Immigration New Zealand collects the information about you For more information
on this form to determine your request to recruit overseas If you have questions about completing this form:
workers. We may also use the information to contact you for
research purposes or to advise you on immigration matters. • see our website
The address of Immigration New Zealand is PO Box 1473, • telephone our call centre on 0508 558 855 (within New Zealand).
Wellington 6140, New Zealand. Do not send your application
to this address.
Collecting the information is authorised by the Immigration Act
2009 and the Immigration Regulations made under that Act.
You do not have to provide the information, but if you do not
we are likely to decline your application.
Immigration New Zealand may also share the information
you have provided with other government agencies that
are entitled to it by law, or with other agencies (as you have
agreed in the declaration).
You have the right to access the information we hold about
you and have any of it corrected if you think it is necessary.
When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.

Section A Employer details

A1 Full name of person completing this form.

A2 Position or title of person completing this form.

A3 Business name (if applicable) and physical and postal addresses.

A4 New Zealand Business Number For help search:

A5 Telephone (preferred) Telephone (evening)

A6 Email

Section B Position details

B1 Provide the name of the person to whom you have offered a position to, and details of the position in the table

Surname First name Position offered Rate of pay ANZSCO code Duration of job Location of work
offered offered

B2 How does this work support New Zealand’s recovery from the extreme weather events of January and February

2 – Employer Supplementary Form – February 2023 This form has been approved under section 381 of the Immigration Act 2009.
Section C Employer declaration
This section must be read and signed by a person who has authority to make representations and enter into
agreements on the employer’s behalf.
I understand the notes and questions in this form and I declare that the information given about my business
is true and correct.
I confirm that the person named in the table at section B is being recruited for the purpose of supporting
New Zealand’s recovery from the extreme weather events of January and February 2023 (including Cyclone
I confirm that this form is being submitted for the purposes of providing evidence in support of this person’s
application for a visa, and that they are suitably qualified for the role.
I understand that further information relating to business records, sets of accounts, financial statements and
other records deemed necessary may be requested.
I understand that if I make any false statements, or provide any false or misleading information, or have
changed or altered this form in any way, that I may be committing an offence under sections 342 and 348 of
the Immigration Act 2009 and may be liable to prosecution.
I agree to inform Immigration New Zealand about any relevant changes to the circumstances of my business
that occur after I lodge this form that may impact on current or prospective applicant’s employment.
I authorise Immigration New Zealand to:
• seek information concerning my compliance with New Zealand’s immigration and employment laws from
any records held by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
• make any enquiries it deems necessary in respect of the documents or information provided in respect of
this form
• share information provided about me or my business with other government agencies (including overseas
agencies) to the extent necessary to make decisions.

Signature Date D D M M Y Y Y Y

Name   Job title or position

Employer Supplementary Form – February 2023 – 3

When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.

4 – Employer Supplementary Form – February 2023

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