Kanz Al Arsh
Kanz Al Arsh
Kanz Al Arsh
How Apparent is Your Nur, how Munificent is Your
Countenance, how exalted is Your Thikr, how holy is
Your Sanctity, how lauded is Your Praise, how implemented is Your Command, how capable is Your Power
over what You wish, and how fulfilled are Your Promises.
You are The Most High, despite what the transgressors
say. The Exalted, The Great; nothing compares to You,
and nothing is like You. To You belongs the creation and
the command. Blessed are (You) Allah,
Lord of All the worlds.
I ask Thee with That Name that You have in the barrier
of Your proximity, the barrier of Your Arsh does not
diminish or weaken.
I ask Thee with Your Name that rolls up the heavens like
the rolling up of the scrolls, by Your Name with which
You accept the repentance of Your worshippers and
forgive their sins, by Your Most Noble of Noble countenances, and by what is hidden with the veils of Your Nur,
and with which, through Your splendor, The Arsh exists
O Lord of Muhammad e, Ibrahim, Ismael, Ishaaq,
Yaqub, Yousuf, and Asbaat (Sons of Yaqub ) Blessings be upon them. O Rabb of Jibreal, Mikael, Israfeel,
Izrael (A.S) O Lord of the Anbiya and Mursaleen u
The Rabb who sent down The Torah, Injeel, Zabur, and
The Great Proof (Al-Quran Al-Kareem).
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I ask Thee with every name that belongs to You
Allah U with which supplication is made by any
Nabi, Close Angel, or Believing Servant, and with
every name that belongs to You Allah U in any one
of Your Books.
I ask Thee with every name that is protected in Your
Knowledge, with Your Names that are inscribed on
the Preserved Tablet, and That Name by which You
created the nature of creation in its entirety.
I ask Thee with That Name of Allah, Al Akbar (The
Greatest), Al Kabeer (The Great), Al Ajal (The Most
Splendid), Al Jaleel (The Sublime), Al Aaz (The Most
Exalted), Al Aziz (The Mighty), Al Adham (The Most
Magnificent), Al Adheem (The Supreme).
I implore Thee with Your Attributes, that when You
are remembered by them, the assignments of Your
Angels, Your Skies, Your Earth, Your Jannah, and
Your Jannaham become easy.
I ask Thee with Your Most Exalted Name that You
taught to Adam u in the gardens of Eden.