Kanz Al Arsh

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Dua Kanz Al Arsh

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

In The Name of Allah

The Beneficent The Merciful.
Yaa Allah, Indeed I implore Thee with that
name of Yours that when You are remembered by it, the heavens start trembling, the
worlds are split open and because of that the
clouds are torn apart, the mountains are rent
asunder, and the winds start blowing because
of that (Name). The oceans receded giving
rise to mighty waves, causing windstorms. The
people become disoriented, the hearts tremble,
the feet stumble, the ears deafen, sight is lost,
sound yields, the necks subjugate to (Your
Name), the souls rise up,

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

the angels prostrate, and the creation praises You and

trembles with fear of You, the Arsh shakes, and the
creation is indebted because
of that (Your Name).
I ask Thee with That Name that is projected on Jennah,
establishing it, thus bringing it closer; and on Jahannam,
causing it to kindle; and the fire, causing it to ignite; and
on the sky, stabilizing it, therefore it stands without pillars or support; and beautifies the stars; and irradiates the
sun; and illuminates and brightens the moon, and with
That Name that is projected on the earth, stabilizing it;
and the mountains pegging them.

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with That Name that is projected on the

winds so they blow; and on the clouds bringing forth
rain. I beseech Thee with That Name that is projected
on the angels, hence they glorify You; and on mankind
and jinn-kind, thus they answer; and the birds and the
ants hence they speak, and on the night, therefore it
becomes dark; and on the day, thus it becomes light;
and by That Name that is projected on everything,
therefore it praises You.
I ask You by That Name with which the worlds are
stabilized in their positions, and the mountains in their
places, and the seas to their boundaries, and the trees
in their roots, and the stars on their paths, and the
heavens on their foundations, and the angels that are
stationed under the Arsh of Ar-Rahman by The Power
of their Lord.

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I implore Thee with That Name of Al Quddus (The

Most Holy), Al Qadeem (The Uncreated), Al Mutaqadim (The Most Venerable), Al Mukhtaar (The One Who
Chooses), Al Jabaar (The Compeller), Al Mutakabir
(The Majestic), Al Kabeer (The Great), Al Mutaadhim
(The Most Divine), Al Aziz (The Mighty), Al Mumin
(The Guardian of Faith), Al Muhaimin (The Protector),
Al Malik (The King), Al Muqtadir (The Capable), Al Hameed (The Powerful), Al Majeed (The Praised One), As
Samad (The Glorious), Al Mutawahid (The One upon
Whom All Depend) , Al Mutafarrid (The Alone), Al
Kabeer (The Great), Al Mutaali (The Most High), and
with That Protected Cherished Name in Your All Encompassing Knowledge with Your Immaculate Arsh, At
Taahir (The Most Pure), Al Mutahhar (The Benedictor),
Al Murbarak (The Holy), Al Quddus (The Bestower of
Peace), As Salaam (The Aspirer of Faith),

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

Al Mumin (The Absolute), Al Muhaimin (The All

Mighty), Al Aziz (The Mighty), Al Jabaar (The Compeller), Al Mutakabbir (The Majestic), Al Khaaliq (The
Creator), Al Baari (The Maker), Al Musawwir (The Fashioner), Al Awwal (The First), Al Aakhir (The Last), Adh
Dhaahir (The Manifest), and Al Baatin (The Hidden).
The Ever Present before everything and The Creator of
everything. The Ever Present after the annihilation of
all things. You exist and will continue to exist and will
not cease to exist and You never change. The One who
is The Light of Light, Light upon Light and The Light
above all light, all lights are illuminated by You.

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I beseech Thee with That Name that You

attributed to Yourself and on Your Arsh. You established Yourself on Your Kursi and created with it, Your
Angels u, Your heavens, Your earth, Your Jannah and
Your Jahannam. With Your Name, You created Your
creation from naught. Al Waahid (The One), Al Ahad
(The Only), Al Fard (The Unique), As Samad (The
Eternal), Al Kabeer (The Great), Al Mutakabir (The
Majestic), Al Adheem (The Magnificent), Al Mutaadhim
(The Omnipotent), Al Aziz (The Mighty), Al Maleek
(The Sovereign), Al Muqtadir (The All Capable), Al Quddus (The Holy), Al Mutaqaddis (The Most Divine). You
beget not nor are You begotten, and none is like You.
I ask Thee with That Name that You did not designate
for any of Your creation whether they accept it or reject
it. And with That Name that is written in the palm of the
Angel of Death u, who, if the souls look
toward it they flee.

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I beseech Thee with That Name that is written

from the light of La Illaha Illa Allah Muhammad
Rasulullah e onto the canopy of Your Arsh,
with That Name that is inscribed in the canopies
of greatness, with That Name that is inscribed in
the canopies of radiance, with That Name that
is inscribed in the canopies of splendor, with
That Name that is inscribed in the canopies of
The Majestic, with That Name that is inscribed
in the canopies of Exaltedness, and with That
Name that is inscribed in the canopies of The
Creator. The All Seeing Rabb of the Eight
Angels (that bear the Arsh) u and The Rabb
of The Exalted Arsh, with the Greatest of The
Great Names, and with The Most Exalted of
The Exalted Names, that surrounds the unseen
worlds of the heavens and earth.

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with That Name with which the sun is

irradiated, the moon is illuminated, the seas are set
ablaze (overflow), the mountains are driven into the
earth, with That Name by which the Arsh and Kursi
are erected, and with those Names that are Pure,
Concealed, and Protected in the knowledge of the
unseen that You possess.
I implore Thee with That Name that is written on the
olive leaf. I ask Thee with That Name which (Ibrahim
u) was thrown into the fire, but was not affected,
with That Name that Khidr u walked on water
without even his feet becoming wet, with That Name
that the doors of the heavens are opened and every
wise affair is made distinct, with That Name that
Musa u struck the sea, so it parted, and each part
was like a mountain.

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with That Name that

Isa Ibn Maryam u raised the Mayyit, and healed
the blind and lepers. Those Names with which Jibreel,
Mikeal, Izrael, the Bearers of the Arsh, the Karrubiyun (The Angels who are closest to Allah), and those
around them from the Angels and those who are spiritual, pure, and glorify Allah they all u supplicate.
I ask Thee with Your Names that cannot be forgotten,
with Your Countenance that does not wane, with Your
Noor that does not extinguish, with Your Glory that
does not fade, with Your Power that does not oppress,
Your Kingdom that is everlasting, Your Dominion that
does not change, with the Arsh that does not move, with
the Kursi that does not diminish, with the Eye that does
not sleep, with the Attentiveness that does not falter,
with the Everliving that does not taste maut, and with
The Self Subsisting One Who neither slumbers nor does
sleep overtake Him.

Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I petition Thee with That Name with which the heavens

praise You, the lands with their expanses praise You, the
seas with their waves praise You, the fish in their seas
praise You, the trees with their branches praise You, and
the stars with their beauty praise You.
I petition Thee by That Name with which the beasts in
the wild praise You, the birds in their nests praise You,
the bees in their hives praise You, the ants in their colonies praise You, the sun and the moon in their orbits
praise You. Everything glorifies with the praises of their
Rabb. So Glory be to You, Who gives maut to the creation and maut does not overtake You.


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

How Apparent is Your Nur, how Munificent is Your
Countenance, how exalted is Your Thikr, how holy is
Your Sanctity, how lauded is Your Praise, how implemented is Your Command, how capable is Your Power
over what You wish, and how fulfilled are Your Promises.
You are The Most High, despite what the transgressors
say. The Exalted, The Great; nothing compares to You,
and nothing is like You. To You belongs the creation and
the command. Blessed are (You) Allah,
Lord of All the worlds.


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with That Name with which Muhammad e

drew near to You until he crossed (Sidratul Muntaha).
Then he e was as close to You as the measure of Qaaba
Qawsain (measure of two bow lengths) or closer, and
with That Name that made the fire a comfort and peace
to Ibrahim u and gifted to him u from Your
Mercy Ishaaq u and with this same Mercy the shirt
was given to Yaqub u, and when he put it on his face
his vision returned. I implore Thee by That Name that
creates the heavy clouds, and the thunder that declares
Your glory. With That Name with which the adversities
of Ayyub u were removed and the dua of Yunus u
was accepted in the three coverings of darkness. I solicit
Thee with That Name that Yahya u, a nabi,
was gifted to Zakariya u.


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

And You bestowed favor upon Your servant Isa Ibn

Maryam u when You taught him The Book and
wisdom and made him a blessed Nabi from the pious.
I ask Thee with That Name that Jibreal u supplicates
to You amongst the close ones. And with That Name
Mikael and Israfeel u supplicate to You and You
answer them. You are close to the Angels. To them You
are The Answerer.
I ask Thee with Your name that is inscribed in the Preserved Tablet and with Your Name that is inscribed in
Baitul Mamoor.
I ask Thee with Your Name that is inscribed on The
Banner of Praise that You gave to Your Nabi Muhammad e and to his family, upon them be peace. And
promised to him e the Lake, the power of intercession
and Maqama Mahmud (The Praised Station).


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with That Name that You have in the barrier
of Your proximity, the barrier of Your Arsh does not
diminish or weaken.
I ask Thee with Your Name that rolls up the heavens like
the rolling up of the scrolls, by Your Name with which
You accept the repentance of Your worshippers and
forgive their sins, by Your Most Noble of Noble countenances, and by what is hidden with the veils of Your Nur,
and with which, through Your splendor, The Arsh exists
O Lord of Muhammad e, Ibrahim, Ismael, Ishaaq,
Yaqub, Yousuf, and Asbaat (Sons of Yaqub ) Blessings be upon them. O Rabb of Jibreal, Mikael, Israfeel,
Izrael (A.S) O Lord of the Anbiya and Mursaleen u
The Rabb who sent down The Torah, Injeel, Zabur, and
The Great Proof (Al-Quran Al-Kareem).


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with every name that

belongs to You, that You attribute to Yourself, and send
down in Your books, or what You teach to anyone of
Your creatures, or what You solely possess in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You. O Bestower of
the gifts, O Freer of the necks (slaves), O Remover of
the difficulties, be my intercessor to You because You
are my guide to You. I ask Thee with That Name with
which the reality becomes true with Your words, and
You abolish falsehood even if the evil-doers hate it.
I petition Thee with That Name that the thunder
extols Your Limitless Glory and praises You, and [so
do] the angels, in awe of You, with Your Names that
are written on the wings of the Karubeen (The close
angels u), with Your Names which give life to the
bones after they have turned to dust, and with That
Name that Isa Ibn Maryam u supplicates to You.


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Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask You by Those Names that are written on the

staff of Musa u and with That Name that Musa
u spoke to the Egyptian Sorcerers. You revealed to
him Have No Fear! indeed you are
greater than them.
I ask You by Your Names that are inscribed on the
ring of Sulaiman Ibn Dawood u with which he
controlled Jinn, Mankind, and Shayateen, and subjected with it, Iblees and his minions.
I ask You by Those Names that Ibrahim u was
rescued from the fire of Nimrud, with Those Names
that Idrees e was lifted to a high station, with Those
Names that are written on the forehead of Israfeel
u and with Those Names that are written on Your
sacred abode.


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with every name that belongs to You
Allah U with which supplication is made by any
Nabi, Close Angel, or Believing Servant, and with
every name that belongs to You Allah U in any one
of Your Books.
I ask Thee with every name that is protected in Your
Knowledge, with Your Names that are inscribed on
the Preserved Tablet, and That Name by which You
created the nature of creation in its entirety.


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

I ask Thee with That Name of Allah, Al Akbar (The
Greatest), Al Kabeer (The Great), Al Ajal (The Most
Splendid), Al Jaleel (The Sublime), Al Aaz (The Most
Exalted), Al Aziz (The Mighty), Al Adham (The Most
Magnificent), Al Adheem (The Supreme).
I implore Thee with Your Attributes, that when You
are remembered by them, the assignments of Your
Angels, Your Skies, Your Earth, Your Jannah, and
Your Jannaham become easy.
I ask Thee with Your Most Exalted Name that You
taught to Adam u in the gardens of Eden.


Dua Kanz Al Arsh

Allah U and His Angels u send Salutations on

Muhammad e, His family, the Anbiya and Messengers of Allah u. Yaa Allah with the sanctity of these
Names and with the sanctity of their explanations,
indeed none other than You knows its explanation. I
ask that You consider and answer my supplications
and include me among the righteous servants. Yaa
Allah give us in this world and in the next and all that
is between them, goodness, forgiveness, and mercy
and save us from the punishment of Jahannam and
let us return to You among the righteous. Yaa Allah
do not disgrace us on The Day of Resurrection, for
You never go back on Your promises. You shall see
the angels u going round about the Arsh glorifying
the praise of their Lord; judgement shall be given between them with justice, and it shall be said; all praise
is due to Allah The Lord of the worlds.


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