Lok Sabha Debates: Fourth Series-Vol. XXX No-1 Monday, July 21, 1969 Asadha 30, 1891 (Saka)
Lok Sabha Debates: Fourth Series-Vol. XXX No-1 Monday, July 21, 1969 Asadha 30, 1891 (Saka)
Lok Sabha Debates: Fourth Series-Vol. XXX No-1 Monday, July 21, 1969 Asadha 30, 1891 (Saka)
XXX No-1
CONTENTS Monday, July 21, 1969
(Fourth Series, Vol. XXX-8th Session, 1969) 30, 1891 (Saka)
No.1, Monday, July 21, 1969/Asadha 30, 1891 (SAKA). COLUMJII!;
Resignation by Shri N. Sanjiva Reddy of office of Speaker 1
MemberSwom 3
Obituary References
Man's landing on the Moon 7
Oral Answers to Questions :
'Starred Questions Nos. I and 2
Written Answers to Questions :
Starred Questions Nos. 3 to 30
Unstarred Questions Nos. I to 4, 6 to 106, 108 to liS, 117 to 124,
126 to 158 and 160 to 200 53-228
Corrections of Answers to USQ Nos. 1505 dated 3rd March, 1969
and 1040 dated 1st November, 1968 228-30
Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance
Withdrawal of Indian Military Mission and Indian Wireless
Operators from Nepal 230-44
Papers Laid on the Table 244·56
Estimates Committee-
Seventy·ninth and Eighty-ninth Reports 256-57
Statement on Railway Accidents
Dr. Ram Subhag Singh 257-64
Statement re Nationalisation of Banks 264
Shrimati Indira Gandhi 275-89
Statements re resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister 280-83
Shri Morarji Desai 280-84
Shrimati Indira Gandhi 285-87
Enlargement of the Appellate (Criminal) Jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court BiII-
Extension of time for presentation of Report of Select Committee
Bills Introduced-
(i) 'Oil fields (Regulation and Development) Amendment Bill 287-89
(ii) Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament
(Amendment) Bill 289-304
Statutory resolution re: Indian Railways (Amendment) Ordinance
and Indian Railways (Second AmendmeDt) Bill 303
Shri S. S. Kothari 303-10
Motion to Consider 310
Dr. Ram Subhag Singh 310-14
Shri J. Mohamed Imam 314-17
Shri Randhir Singh 318-24
Shri J. M. Biswas
Shri K. N. Tiwary
(Eighth Session) 324-28
Shri Suraj Bhan 330-33
Shri D. N. Tiwary 333-38
Shri B. P. MandaI 338-40
Shri Tulshidas Jadhav 341-45
Shri Sonavane
(Vol. XXX contain No.1-10)
Shri Mohammad Ismail 345-48
Shri George Fernandes 351-56
Shrimati lIa Palchoudhuri 356-59
Shri B. K. Daschowdhury 359-62
Shri Nathu Ram Ahirwar 362-65
Shri Hukam Chand Kachwai 366
marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was
actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member.
Price : Re. 1.00
(Fourth Series, Vol. XXX-8th Session, 1969)
No.1, Monday, July 21, 1969/Asadha 30, 1891 (SAKA). COLUMJII!;
Resignation by Shri N. Sanjiva Reddy of office of Speaker 1
MemberSwom 3
Obituary References
Man's landing on the Moon 7
Oral Answers to Questions :
'Starred Questions Nos. I and 2 8-26
Written Answers to Questions :
Starred Questions Nos. 3 to 30 26-52.
Unstarred Questions Nos. I to 4, 6 to 106, 108 to liS, 117 to 124,
126 to 158 and 160 to 200 53-228
Corrections of Answers to USQ Nos. 1505 dated 3rd March, 1969
and 1040 dated 1st November, 1968 228-30
Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance
Withdrawal of Indian Military Mission and Indian Wireless
Operators from Nepal 230-44
Papers Laid on the Table 244·56
Estimates Committee-
Seventy·ninth and Eighty-ninth Reports 256-57
Statement on Railway Accidents
Dr. Ram Subhag Singh 257-64
Statement re Nationalisation of Banks 264
Shrimati Indira Gandhi 275-89
Statements re resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister 280-83
Shri Morarji Desai 280-84
Shrimati Indira Gandhi 285-87
Enlargement of the Appellate (Criminal) Jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court BiII-
Extension of time for presentation of Report of Select Committee
Bills Introduced-
(i) 'Oil fields (Regulation and Development) Amendment Bill 287-89
(ii) Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament
(Amendment) Bill 289-304
Statutory resolution re: Indian Railways (Amendment) Ordinance
and Indian Railways (Second AmendmeDt) Bill 303
Shri S. S. Kothari 303-10
Motion to Consider 310
Dr. Ram Subhag Singh 310-14
Shri J. Mohamed Imam 314-17
Shri Randhir Singh 318-24
Shri J. M. Biswas 324-28
Shri K. N. Tiwary 329-30
Shri Suraj Bhan 330-33
Shri D. N. Tiwary 333-38
Shri B. P. MandaI 338-40
Shri Tulshidas Jadhav 341-45
Shri Mohammad Ismail 345-48
Shri Sonavane 349-51
Shri George Fernandes 351-56
Shrimati lIa Palchoudhuri 356-59
Shri B. K. Daschowdhury 359-62
Shri Nathu Ram Ahirwar 362-65
Shri Hukam Chand Kachwai 366
'The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was
actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member.
Mukerjee, Shri H.N. (Calcutta North Pandey, Shri Kashi Nath (Padrauna).
East). Pandey, Sbri Sarjoo (Ghazipur).
Mukerjee, Shrimati Sbarda (Ratna- Pandey, Shri Vishwa Nath (Salempur).
Panigrahi, Shri Chintamani (Bbohaneswar).
Mukne, Shri Yeshwantrao Martandrao Pant, Shri Krishna Chandra (NainitaI).
Paokai Haokip, Shri (Outer Manipur).
Mulla, Shri Anand Narain (Lucknow).
Parmar, SOO Bhaljibbai Ravjibhai
Murthy, Sbri B. S. (Amalapuram). (Dobad).
Murti, Shri M. S. (Anakapalli).
Parmar, Shri lla¥bBbhai (Patan).
Mutbusami, Sbri C. (Karur).
Partap Singh, Shri (Simla).
Parthasa'i-thy, P. C. (RQunpet).
Paswan, Shri Kedar (RoIera).
Naghnoor, M. N. Shri (Bolgaum). Patel, Shri Baburao (Shajapur).
Nahata, soo Amrit (Ba!::met). Patel, Soo 1•. 8. (ShiJDgpJ.
Xavier. Shri S. (Tiruneiveli).
Tamasitar. Shri V. Y. (Dura).
Tapuriah. Shri Surendra Kumar (pali).
Taroclekar. Sbri Venlcatrao (Nauded) Yadab. Shri Naaendra Prasad (Sitamarhi).
Thakur. Shri Gunanand (S8barsa). Yadav. Shri Cbandrajeet (Azamgarh).
Thakur. Shri P. R. (Nabadwip). Yaday. Sbri Jqesbwar (Banda).
Tiwary. Pandit D. N. (Gopalpnj). Yaday. Sbri Ram Sewak (Barabanki).
Tiwary. Shri Kamal Nath (Bettiab). Yajnik, Sbri IndulaI (Ahmedabad).
Tripathi. Shri Krislma Dca (Unnao). Yashpal Singb. Sbri (Debra Dun).
The Speaker
Sbri R. K. Kbadilkar
PaMl 0/ ella/nne"
Shri Y. Gadilingana Goud
Sbri M. B. RaIla
Sbri S. R. Rane
Sbri K. N. Tiwary
Sbri S. L. Sbakdher
The Prime Minister. Minister of Finance, Ministar of Atomic Enersy and Minister
of PJannilll-Sbrimati Indira Gandhi.
The Minister of Industrial Development, Internal Trade and Company Affairs-Sbri
F. A. Ahmed.
The Minister of Foreign Trade and Supply-Shri B. R. Bhapt.
The Minister of Home Affairs-Shri Y. B. Cbavan.
The Minister of External Affairs-Sbri Dinesh Silllh.
The Minister of Labour and Rehabilitation-Sbri Hathi.
The Minister of Food and Agriculturc-Shri Iagjiwan Ram.
The Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation-Dr. Karan Singh.
The Minister of Law and Social Welfare-Shri Govinda Menon.
The Minister of Steel and Heavy Engineering-Sbri C. M. Poonacha.
The Minister of Railways-Dr. Ram Subbag Singh.
The Minister of Education and Youth Services-Dr. V. K. R. V. Rao.
The Minister "f Petroleum and Chemicals and Mines and Metals-Dr. Triguna Sen.
The Minister of Health and Family Plannings and Works, Housin. and Urban
Deve\opment-Shri K. K. Shah.
The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, and Communications-Shri Satya
Narayan Sinha.
The Minister of Defencc-Shri Swaran Singh.
Ministers of State
The Minister of Irrigation and Power-Dr. K. L. Rao.
The Minister of State in tbe Ministry of Industrial Development, Internal Trade and
Company Affairs-Sbri Raghunatba Reddy.
The Minister of State in tbe Ministry of Financ:e-Sbri P. C. Sethi.
The Mini,ter of State in the Ministry of InCormation and Broadcasting and in tbe
Department of Communicatioo&-Sbri Sber Singh.
The Minister of State in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Community Development
and Cooperation-Shri Annasabeb Sbinde.
The Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs-5hri vidya Charan Shukla.
Deputy Mialsters
The Deputy Minister in tbe Ministry of Education and Youth Services--Shri Bhakt
The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Industrial Development, Internal Trade and
Company Affairs-Sbri Bhanu Prakash Singh.
Tbe Deputy Minister in tbe Ministry of Railway&-Shri R. L. Chaturvedi.
The Deputy Minister in tbe Ministry of Food, AJric:ulture, Community Development
and Cooperation-Shri D. Ering.
The Deputy Minister in the Department of Parliamentary Affairs and in the Ministry
of Sbipping & Transport-Shri Iqbal Singh.
The Deputy Minister in tbe Ministry of Education and Youth ServiC:CS-Sbrimati
Jabanara Jaipal Singh.
The Deputy Minister in tbe Ministry of Labour, Employment and Rehabilitation-Shri
S. C. Jamir.
The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Defenc:e-Shri M. R. Krishna.
The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation-Dr. Sarojini
The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Finaru:e-Shri Jagannath Pahadia.
Tbe Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Steel and Heavy Engineering-5hri Mohd.
Sbafi Qureshi.
The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Supply-Shri Cbowdhary
Ram Sewak.
The Deputy Minister in . tbe Ministry of Home Afl"ain-Shri K. S. Ramaswamy.
The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Law and in the Department of Social Welfare
-Shri Muthyal Rao.
Tbe Deputy Minister in the Minitsry of Law and in the Department of Social
Wclfare-Shri M. Yunus Saleem.
Tbe Deputy Minister-Shrimati Nandini Satpathy.
The Deputy Ministel" in the Ministry of Irrig.~tion and Power-Sbri Siddhesbwar
The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of External Afl"aira-Shri Surendra Pal Sinab.
LOK SABHA ~ I ~ ~iT lJ&I' ~ ~~, am ~
Mnnday, July 21, 1969/Asadha 30, 1891 it~" I~~~'IIT'PI"~I
(SAKA) ~lf@';nf~ I
..Jit ami
~: mmr
If@', 'PI"
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- N. Sanjiva Reddy
'lif ~ ~~ I arT'l ~ Qlf<14lii4'l ~ S P.M. 19-7-1969."
3 ObilUDry Re'ereru:es JULY 21. 1969 ObilUDry Re'"rmc"s 4
~ "1 fioI1Iit
(~) : ~ smmr iliT last met? You have mentioned their names-
• !fin pIT? if.\" ~ iliT ;ftmr rorr t I Dr. Gopalrao Bajirao Kbedkar and Shri
OD tbe demise of two of our elI<oJleagues. the Joung everywhere are inspired by their
Shri Ramasesbaiab was Dot only a member example. In this moment of achievement,
of the First Lok Sabha but at the time of our thoughts go out to the Government and
bis death was a minister in tbe present the people of the United States and, specially,
Orissa Cabinet. As an industrialist also he if I might say so, to the families of tbese
had made some contribution to the industrial courageous men. May we wish them a happy
development of Orissa. We are very sorry landing back home.
that we have lost sueb a person. I express
my condolences to the bereaved families and SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY
I hope that our condolences will be conveyed (Kendrapara) : May I 'suggest that the
to them. House gives a standing ovation to these brave
men for their achievement ?
may stand in silence for a short while to MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The whole
ellpreSs its sorrow. House joins and shares the sentiments ex-
pressed by the Leader of the House, the
The Members th~n stood in ';/~nce
Prime Minister, and we wish them safe lan-
for a short while. ding back home. As suggested, let us give
them a standing ovation for this achievement.
(b) if so, the details of the other recom- SHRI JAGANNATH PAHADIA: I
mendations made by the Committee in tbeir will ask them to take the decision as early as
report; and possible.
(e) tbe decisions taken by Government SHRI RANJIT SINGH: The Minister
thereon? himself claims to be a labour leader wbo sees
to the interests of members, but tbe very fact
THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE that tbese reports bave been under considera-
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI JAGAN- tion for such a long time goes to sbow tbat
NATH PAHADIA1: (a) and (b). A Government always dilly-dallies where the
Committee of Actuaries was appointed by interests of the workers are to be paramount
tbe Corporation to ellBmine the premium and the interests of Government suffer. 10
rates in force. Tbeir report is under this case I would request the bon. Minister
consideration of tbe Corporation. to inform us wben tbe final action of the
Government would be taken on tbis and
The Administrative Reforms Commission wbetber be would set a deadline so that the
has recommended that "tbe Corporation officials start working according to the dead-
should endeavour to make its policies more line, instead of answering every time that
attractive by reducing tbe premium rates and they are still under consideration.
increasing the bonus."
is a complicated matter. Therefore, some
(c) No decision bas yet been taken. time is taken .
. DR. SUSHILA. NAYAR: I could not
bear tbe last part of the answer. I will ask SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK: Is it a
a supplementary and ask him to repeat that reply? He may be a complicated man. The
also. Prime Minister may be a complicated person.
Wby should the House be given such an
This report, if I remember right, was sub- answer?
mitted in the month of April. May I know
bow long it will take for the Government to ~ Uq" -mt"f ~ ;;ft1rr~
examine it? It is a very important point
that life insurance reaches the largest section
'liT p;>q ~ lITW:
~r iii ~'f if
of the people as we hoped when we nationa- 'IT I ar. \VI'lfiT ~~ it ;rqr &I it
lised it and its benefits reacb the small man ~ ;;w("ifT ~ ~ fili" ~ ~ \VI'lfiT ~
in terms of whom our Party and, I am sure,
tbe otber parties also want to tbink and want ~garr&, CN ~ W ~ if tm
to act. Tberefore, I would like to know from srl\ftr ~ &I ~ ~ ~ f.Alff anN
the bon' Deputy Minister bow soon they
are likely to take a decision and wbether tbey it ~aT &, tm '"'" ~r ;ft1rr fiffl1I' it 1ft"
arc likely to accept tbe, recommendatioQS lifTZT ~ w &? >;fil" ~!ft 'liT ~lT
and implement them? maT &. <:it m:<m:r ~. lilT ;i)1fT
lfi1"ff0flff iii ~ of.t ~ t. tRrar am:
~.rr'1l ~ ~If rn t am: amlI1ft iii
received the report in January, 1968. After
tbat, we were waiting for tbe report of tbe liI1'iI"«T it af.IiI; SAm: lI>'l' ~ ~ t I
Morarn Committee. (Interruption .. ) Now
'flIT m:<m: ~ 'Iif~ ~T ~ ifi'{ iii
botb tbe reports arc under the consideration
of the Corporation. ~<'ITtll~~~ ?
;rmit t am:
~-iIiIW' it; ~ ~ America even casts and dogs' lives are insured
but in India even human beings are not
.~it~~lIftiiI"RiTt I respected and their lives are not secure and
their lives are not insured. As a Member
.n~~~: if.t~'lUT of Parliament even my life is not secure
tf.I; ifif ~ ;fI1rr 0Il'imlf 'liT (1-4I4if1(01 becaue of the policy of this GoverDJDent.
F t, QiI" ~ m l!4T JI11fu ~ t I 5IlWf
'Ibis is because we have not created economic
stability in this country and we have not
~~~~'fIT;;rcmr~1 created. enough employment. and we are
facing unemployment problem in this country.
We have not mobilised all the resources in
this country. Therefore. will the Government
of India and the hon. Prime Minister
answer this question caregorically ?
.n ~~~:~1If
~, ~ ~ 'fIT ~ ron- ~ I
Member is absolutely irrelevant ...
Jr~;:r ~ ;;mil" ~ <111m ~ itif f.I;
~~~tl(~) Government bring about economic stability
in the country and also insure the lives of
.n ~ ~: ifll(IIj~~I" lift the people in this country and also bring
fuli {{ ~ mtft ;;mft t ~if am: about a reduction in the insurance premia ? I
want an answer to my question.
JI11fuil;~~~q (I
~ ~ ,"",",,: ~ Brij Bhushan Lal .
f..... I(ltO'I ~ I 'd'~ liIN 1If ail'< 'l'f IJm titit~~~;;rr;m~ ~flI;
'1ft ~ 'lil'f ail'< anr ~ ~it; iIIlfu'< ~~ f~ t nmt f.Ii ilT'T.
it an 'lil't lit ~ ;;rTiA'r ~oT ~ f.Ii ~ m ....,. m t \\Ai'lfit«!.."l
ifill 'I"@ff i!1t ~if ~ it; ~ ~ flffi< ~ 'Ii"< it; ail'< mrif ~ arrqftr
rn it w-rr ~ ~m ~ I ~ ~~ 1R:');rl il1'T'!1t ;rt\' ~) ~ ~, tit ~'!it ~fu
'!it ~i{if ~ it; ~~ it~, iI!lin1 i!1t ~r I rnit;~~~1fIll ~~t?
ifill ~lf m-<rr< ~ m it ~ ~ ~ ? lJ"~~~ttitW;rt\'~ ?
anftr<~~ OR if'Ii f..... I <IEl1'1 ~m ?
SHRI P. C. SETHI: The Morarka
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Committee report was submitted very rece-
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. ntly. and tbis subject forms part of that
SETHI) : As far as the reduction of premium report. They have gone into the expense
rates is conccrnecl, it is related to three impor- aspect of it. But immediate reduction of
tant facton; one is the mortality factor; the the staft" is a big problem and it may create
other is the interest which the LIC earns complications. Therefore. all aspects of tbe
and the third is tbe expense ratio. From this problem will bave to be gone into.
point of view, wben tbis report was submitted.
L. I. C. was awaiting the Morarka Com-
mittcc's reports wbicb was specially going into .n ~ ~ : iIf'lIm ~. it
the question of ci:pcnsc ratio. Now. tbat the ~;;j'Tif'1'f ~ ~, ~trr-T ~ ail'< 6""(lm
Morarka Committcc's report has come, and lI>'t tm;~ ~m 1f{~'llJ"T~f'li~
the LIC board is going into all these aspects
along witb this report also. and we would aj6(2f""ij 'tiT $ iI>cr.r'1"'JiT ifi1Il'1T tt
ask them to expedite the examination as '1&1 ;;r;mr '!it ~ w~, tit ~ rlisz ~
early as possible.
~ ani 61 '!it \'IT1T '1ft pi" t ail'< w 'tiT
.n~ WT\'T: ~ ~, 0lJ"T'IT( '1ft ~ ~ 6'IT ""'" 'lit arI1! '1ft ~
~ 'IiiIi\" ~ ~~ f~ 'lit 'Ii t tit ~ 01l1lf iffiff '!it SIl1iI" it ~
t'd"1if ~ t:t'Ii ~ ~ f.Ii 25 'I"W: mq; ~ ifill ~ .'1" it ~ armT~ ~ it;
~fu;r mq; ~ ~ I 1967-68 ~ arI'f ~ t f.Ii;;ftq.r ;ftlrr lI>'t ~ anr
'!WI" lI>'t;;mt<ft Ifll'ff.!; (1"4l4ifi<G1 it; 'Il~
it23~~ij"~mq;'Iit~ ~I
25 'I"W: it; ~ ~ 6 ~ U1<'T 'tiT ;;IT ~ .ry ~ anr 'Ift:;r.r ~ t tit "<l1$T-
ifi"(1If i ;;r;mr '!it ill< ~ '!it ifill \'IT1T t,
~~W~I~1~ ~ t f'li 50
'I"W: 'IiT1'i ~ ~;;IT ffi arrmt;;r ~~ ~tl ~ij" i.rt<rT '!it ~
'!it;;ffil" f ~ ,;'1<Cf.\idjij tl ~ ~ f1r.!;ft oqrf~ ail'< ~ ~ "" SIl1iI" it
~ 40 ~iz 'fiTlt ~~ ;;r) ~ m ~ fmrto ~ it ~ ~ 'Iilf ott ;;rr~,
anflI;ft ail'< m... anftfiR '!it ;;rm t ~ f.Iia;ft Ifill' ~ ~ arI'f ~ it 0lJ" 'Ii"<
~~ ~ 'Iilf 'Iit;mtm- ~ amcrnr ~
it;~arI'f ~t?
They can be eliminated without sacricing
efficiency . SHRI P. c. SETHI: The entire question
is under consideration because of the expense
The board of the corporation has not ratio and other facton. As far as the other
been discharging its functions as cft"ectively activities of the LIC are concerned. it is
as it sbould bave done. engaged inJvarious other activities whicb arc
beneficial to tbe country as such. as, for
Tben it bas been said that group term example, housinl. advancing loans to
insurance be given due recognition. pubulic sector and other industries clC.
15 Oral Nuwers JULy 21, 1969 16
*2. ~IIVI tqm~1: ration of the first staae design for the re-
quired filted type drilling platform, (b) train-
,,11fD ~: ing of Indian Design Engineers in the design
of platforms, (c) preparalion of working
~~1nf'0.: designs in the Hindoil Design Institute, and
~~ ~: <d) deputation of one or two Soviet experts
on fabrication and installation of blocks etc.
~~OqqD ~:
~~ifT'f~: In tbe matter of drilling in deeper waters,
a consultancy arrangement has been made
with a firm of consultants who will study the
VTD~~: avililable data pertaining to the area and
recommend to us the most suitable type of
mobile off-shore drilling platform for carrying
'tlff itiW\IIQ1f ~ ~ am: '"" out exploration drilling in the deep waters
81I'T ~ ~ III ;rm- iii'! ~ rn f.I; : of West Coast. An expert of this Consul-
tancy organisation recently visited India for
obtaining the relevant data, famiUarisalion
(iii) 'tlffan:il' ~ if ~ ~~. with tbe environment and preliminary assess-
1;!1~H;irrnt ~ f<ro 1fll1 &; ment of the technical drilling personnel.
The report of the Consultants will be avail-
able in two months, i.e., approximately by
(I;!') l!f~~, ~"t ~T GIl'ro 'tlff & the end of August. 00 receipt of the report.
the ONGC will decide further course of
om~~ if'tlff~T "" zri~ action in regard to drilling.
om: m 'tlff 'l'furrr1f ~ ~;
(d) Ten proposals have been received
(IT) ~~, m~;it ~ ~'t and none has been rejected so far.
if ~ f~ m'm iliT lmIR m 93fT
'IT 3T'R ~ ~ 'R ~ f~ ;;nit '1ft ~amrtqm~:~. III
~&; om ~ ~ 1fll1 &
oil ~ mrr qe.r m
~ (~) ~ (IT) 'liT a-m: ~& I
(~) ~ ~ if 3TiI' <l'iIi fil;<ril' (IT) III &:
smmr SIT«r ~~ am m ~ ~
lmIR ~ f~ ~ ~ <I''IT ~~ .'llft ~ <it ~ ;it ~ ~ if
<rn ~ ~ <rn"l' 'tlff it ? ~ f~ ~rtm iliT lmIR SIT«r 93fT
srr«:r ~ t, ~ w ~ iIf'R 'll"iI' flifi
for tbe purpose of exploration in shallow
water. That is technical collaboration with
~~~~\ilTitil>'t arrm~? USSR. Tecbnical consultancy is witb a
firm of.o. K. It bas been decided that tbis
SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: All the ten firm would be useful for givina us technical
proposals mentioned in the statement laid on advice on certain matters. No tenders were
tbe Table of tbe House were received in tbe invited. The details of all the firms were
Ministry between 1966 and 1968. gone into, and this firm has been selected.
~~, ~m m
~ arflIi1ff ;rr.rr SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: So for as
~'IT, ~)'flrl~~~? technical consultants were concerned, I bave
already answered. About eigbt or ten pr0-
SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: The ten pro- posals were received and their potentiality
posals mentioned in tbe statement were for was assessed and finally it has been decided
the exploration work in Bombay High; that this firm in the United Kingdom should
collaboration to be obtained is for tbe pur- be given this work for exploration. Tbe
pose of shallow drilling in combay; Tbere consultancy fee is 19,500 dollars.
are two things-sballow drilling in the Cam-
bay area and exploration in Bombay High SHRI P. M. SA YEED: My question
whicb is about 60-70 miles to the nOrthwest has not been answered. Have any estimates
of Bombay. been made and if so, what are their details?
He has not given them. Secondly, I asked :
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: This con- were any tenders invited ? If not, why
sultancy was aiven to a particular firm. The not?
21 Oral Answer. ASADHA 30, 1891 (S.4K.4) Oral .4nswers 22
SHR! D. R. CHAVAN: It was not details been worked out regarding consultancy
considered necessary to invite tenders. Esti- and other technicalities? Has any point
mates for exploration, etc, have to come been fixed on the Bombay High and Bas
later on after advice is received on what type Aliabet been included? In Comhay also
of equipment should be procured for explo- bas any particular point been fixed and if so,
ration in deep waters, whether it should be what is it ?
a mobile platform or some other type, what
is going to be the cost, etc.? All these SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: As I said, the
matters will be gone into by the consultancy drilling in shallow waters .. .(llll.rruption)
firm and they will give advice. Then esti-
mates and other things would be made. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Order, order.
Let us follow the reply.
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The specific
question is whether at the stage of consul- SHR! D. R. CHAVAN: I mentioned
tancy you Call for tenders or not. about the shallow waters. The areas con-
cerned were Aliabet, Nos. 1 and 2 and the
SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: I have said Tapti strueture, Nos. 1 and 2.
that no tenders had been called for ...
Concerning Bomhay High, as I mentioned,
SHRI P. M. SAYEED: I am entitled it is a very huge structure, measuring nearly
to an answer. I asked: If no tenders had about 2,000 sq. kms. situated to the north-
been invited, why not? west of Bombay in a water depth of over 60
metres. Therefore, as I mentioned earlier ...
AJiabet, tbe Minister said during his tour
that it bas been selected.
regard to the question about shallow drilling,
we have decided to do it ourselves and no
tenders were called for.. We have given the SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: About Aliabet,
work to this consultancy firm. It is only I mentioned that is on the east structure and
when the question about equipment and other the commencement of the first well that will
thinl' is taken up tenders have to be invited. be drilled in A1iabet East will be sometime
We have consultancy arrangements with the in Marcb 1970.
Soviet Union in this matter under technical
co-operation ... (An Hon. Member: Under SHRI D. N. PATODIA:Tbeonly conclu-
pressure) ... No. pressure, For deep sbore sion that I can draw is that while replying to
drilling, we have received various offers since the questions, the Minister himself does not
we do not think that we are competent to know what be is replying. Nevertheless
deal with it and they have consulted a reli- it bas been said that with regard to tbis
able firm in the United Kiogdom. I think arrangement of sballow water drillinl in
we are awaiting their report. whicb India bas entered into an agreement
witb the USSR, it was not considered neces-
I should like to share one thought with sary by the Government to invite tenders
the hon. Members. Wbile I was in Japan, I from others. ·If that be tbe case, may I know
did not take up this matter but the officials what are the broad considerations for decid-
who had accompanied me had more detailed ing in favour of that country? As far as I
discussions with the Japanese officials who understand, offers were lIiade by tbe United
expressed their interest in our plans for the Kingdom, Japan and USA, with regard to
exploration of offshore oil. They have given tbis type of exploration. In respect of
us some indiction of their desire to help. USSR, what were the specific considerations
We are at the moment engaged in examining wbicb weighed in their favour for entering
various aspects of this problem. We are into thi. collaboration ?
awaiting the report from the U.K. firm.
Secondly, witb regard to tbis collabora-
SHR! MANUBHAI PATEL: The Bom- tion, what are tbe specific terms? Under
bay Hilh is too long a strip. Have all the wbat terms have tbe USSR agreed to carry
23 Oral AlUwers JULY 21, 1969 Oral AIIsw.,s 24
out this work? What are the financial obli- in India. We have bad discussions with
gations? What are the financial commit- them and they have gone to study this.
m~nts, and what is the expected production After they hav~ given the report as to the
and what is the time-schedule expected to be way in which we should proceed, the
taken and what are the complete facts with Government will take a decision. I think
regard to this collaboration ? it is very clear at least to us, and I hope it
so to the hon. Members also.
METALS (DR. TRIGUNA SEN): In 1964, part of my question has not been answered.
the Oil and Natural Gas Commission What are the sPecific terms? What are the
made a contract with Technoexpert of financial commitments, the obligations, etc.,
Moscow to survey the shallow water in relation to tbe USSR agreement? That
areas in Aliabet and accordingly they has not been replied yet.
decided that the Oil and Natural Gas
Commission itself would bring in the shallow DR. TRIG UNA SEN I have said
water area for drilling, and they made what are the terms of reference. The Hind
arrangements with the USSR firm to design Oil Design Institute and the design section
projects for the fixed platforms and pier of ONGC are working in collaboration with
structures, provide specialists for taking part the technoexperts of Moscow and they are
in the manufacture of the fixed platforms in working on the details of the details of the
India, assembling the fixed platforms and design. I will give this informltion to the
erecting them on the drilling locations and House.
drilling of the first offshore well in India,
provide training facilities to Indian specia- SHRI D. ·N. PATODIA: Sir, let my
lists III manufacturing and building of que,tion be replied to. I want to know
marine piers and fixed platforms and how much money is going to be paid to
also in drilling and development of offshore this USSR concern.
wells in deposites, and supply of special
machines required, particularly cranes, if MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER He has
requiroid, and diesel hammers for construc- replied to that question. He said they are
tion of piers and by-platforms for different being worked out because it is on tbe consul-
purposes, including by-pier jetty. tancy stage.
This has been decided upon in 1964, DR. TRIG UNA SEN: I have said I
and the Designing Department of the Oil will give this information to the House.
and Natural Gas Commission, in collabora-
tion with them, had been working on it to SHRI S. M. KRISHNA: Sir, oil has
find out different workshops in India where been further adulterated by a heavy dose of
it can be done. This is the arrangement so ideological considerations as a result of
far as Aliabet is concerned. which we find the vacillation, the indecision
and, therefore, stagnation on this front also_
Regarding Bombay High, several I would like to know from the Government
proposals came to us including, as explained whether a team of experts from Russia
by the Prime Minister also, the proposals came here and they recommended to ONGC
from Japan. The Oil and Natural Gas that first they should take up drilliog in
Commission has no expert to study all those shallow waters of Cambay because it is the
proposa.ls, because there are various' sugges- easiest one and after gaining enough experi-
tions of fixed platforms, ftoating platforms ence only they can go into Bombay High.
and other things. This is why we thought Again it was followed by another delegation
that the best possible thing that would suit from Japan representing the Mitsubishi and
us was to do this: namely, we appointed a they also opined first we should start
consultancy firm. There were several names with drilling in shallow waters. There is
and we thought a British firm would be a design in both the advice given because
the best firm. 11 is not interested in 'any drilling in shallow waters is always consi-
way in tbe drilling of wells in Bombay High. dered as easier and it takes less of expenditure
So, we appointed them. Tbey are at present and investment whereas deepshore drilling
25 Oral AII.wer. ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Wrlll~" A_r. 26
IIllturally calls for a floating platform and may be some company there.
all that. That is the reason why neither >
the Japanese firm nor tbe Soviet experts Dr. TRIGUNA SEN: When he refers
were very much enthusiastic about this to United States I take it as United States
deep-shore drilling. I would like to know Government.
from the Government why they entered into
an agreement with the Soviet firm and why SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY:
they did not put a condition before entering For the information of the Minister, may I
into a contract with them that if they were read that statement? This is the statement
going into shallow water drilling they should of Shri D. R. Chavan and I take it that he
also go into deep-shore drilling? On account is the Minister of State in that Ministry. He
this now the Soviet Union says that they are says:
not going to take up this Bombay High
drilling and they would only be content with "The Union Government are in
shallow-water drilling. May I know why correspondence with the United States
they did not put this condition before enter- for suggesting tecbnical assistance for
ing into an agreement with the Soviet firm .? the Project."
Dr. TRIGUNA SEN: Sir, the hon. Mem-
This is the statement publisbed in the
ber is correct that it is for our benefit, as Times of India dated 26th May, 1969.
advised by the USSR experts, we must first
try drilling in the shollow water.;, which we
SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: What I stated
have decided to do, as I explained just a few
was tbat our experts are having consultations
minutes before, and we will have our experien- with a firm in the United Kingdom.
ced engineers trained to that. But so far as
deep-shore drilling is concerned I must in-
form the hon. Member that tbe Russians Hour is over.
have no experts to drill in high seas and,
tberefore, it is no use making a contaact SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY:
with the Russians that after tbey have done Sir, I could .not hear the reply.
in shallow waters they sbould also do in dcep
waters. We must take expert opinion from MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: What was
those wbo have got that experience. We the reply?
cannot tie up these two together as the
Russians have no experience of deep-sea DR. TRIGUNA SEN: I have replied
water drilling. several times that we have appointed a firm
SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY: in UK as consultants to advise us on what is
Sir, it seems Government has decided to go the best we can do in this matter.
into deep waters along witb U.K. I want
to know, because I read a statement of the
Minister sometime in May that tbis. matter WRlriEN ANSWERS TO
of deep water drilling was at a stage where QUESTIONS
they were in correspondence with the United
States of America-that is the statement siven Audit Board For Public Undertakings
by the Minister, which I have before me and
from which I can quote-with what all coun- ·3. SHRI P. VISWAMBHARAN: Will
tries they had correspondence fnr consulting the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to
on this matter of deep water drilling and refer to the reply giveD to Unstarred Ques-
which countries have refused actually to tion No. 3321 on the 17th March, 1969 and
associate with them in this matter ? state:
DR. TRIG UNA SEN: I think the hon. .(a) whether the Audit Board has been
Member is mistaken. The Minister did not set uv,
make any statement that we contacted any
(b) which of the public sector underta-
SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY: kings have been selected for review by the
May not be the United States Government; Audit Board durinS the year 1969_70; and
27 JULY 21,1969 28
(c) whetber the Fertilisers and Chemicals TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(TAvaDcore) Limited will be taken up for MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C.
review by the Audit Board durina the current SETHI): (a) to <c). The House will appreciate
year? tbat it is not possible to disclose any details
either about tbe sources of information or
TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN TIlE the action taken on the cases in wbich
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. information might bave been given by them.
SETHI): <a) Yes, Sir.
~ salFered by Andhra Pndesb
(b) It is expected that the followinl enter- due to Cydoae
prises will be takeD up for review by the
Audit Board duriDg tbe year 1969-70: ·5. SHRI R. K. AMIN:
1. National Mineral DevelopmeDt SHRI D. N. DEB:
Corporation Ltd. SHRI YASHPAL SINGH:
2. Oil and Natural Gas Commis- SHRI D. R. PARMAR:
3. Heavy EI~ricals (India) Ltd.
4. Heavy Engineering Corporation SHRI BmHUTI MISHRA:
S. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. SHRI Y. A. PRASAD:
6. Sbipping CorporatioD of India SURI P. GOPALAN:
7. National Buildings Construction SHRI A. K. GOPALAN:
Corporation Ltd.
8. Indian Telephone Industies Ltd. Will the Minister of FINANCE be
pleased to state:
(c) So far, this enterprise is not included
in the list. (a) whether several Districts of Andbra
Pradesh )VCI'C recently hit by cyclones;
Tal[ Evasion Cases
·4. SHRI VASUDEVAN NAIR: (b) if so, the details of total losses of
SURI C. JANARDHANAN: persons, cattle wealth and crops; and
SURI ISHAQ SAMBHALI: (c) the details of relief measures pro-
SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES: vided by the Central Government and the
SHRI BHAGABAN DAS: demand 'made by tbe State Government in
this regard ?
Will the Minister of FINANCE be
pleased to state:
(a) whether Shri K. A. LuIllllD Prabhu, MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI JAGAN-
a Calcutta elIpert in detecting tax evasions, NATH PAHADIA): (a) Yes Sir.
bad sent to the income-tax authorities in
Calcutta 49 cases of tax evasion to the tune (b) and (c). A statement is laid on the
of Rs. 2S crores accompanied by case Table of the House showing the details of
information reports and documentary losses caused by the cyclone, the State
evideace; Government's estimate of the financial
• requirements for various relief and rehabili-
(b) whether it is a fact that no action tation measures and tbe Central assistance
has been takeD in these cases; and agreed to be provided. The implementation
of the relief measures is the responsibility
(c) if so, the reasons therefor ? of the State Government.
29 Written A"awrs ASADHA 30. 1891 (SA-KA) Writt~1I A_rs 30
(b). Damoge/losses caused by cyclone and /loods ill Alldltra Pradesh (May. 1969) as
reported by the Slate Govemmelll:
(c). Slalement showing Ihe details of financIal requiremelll elr. for relief and re!tabilllQ/ioll
(Rs. in lakhs)
ifIfT fiI;nf <I'n ~... Jt '1Iit ll& i\(ffit ~ mtf ~o 100 ~~ ~ arm;
'lIT 'Fn" m f~ : (tof) tam a{~ ~ it <ft~ ~"'T
&'Ifcr ~~ I ~JfTif ~ fif; 100 if;~I~ if;T m
lIf~~, CIT ~ ~~ f",a;fr ~
mr mm ij- ~~T..rr?
~f.f ~~ ~ I 'llrof ~ Uilff am: ~
~~f<'('1:!;~"t<r~~~if ~
~, or ~ srvnf<'J1iT it;
(Ill') lift
Bank Advance to Congress Party IRR <I1IT f.rnm:: it; f.rit m<m: IflfT
.r' ~T~ttr~; am:
tbe Minister of FINANCE be pleased to
state: _ (l'J') m<m: mr ~m; 'lit
RfffiIT srumIT '1>1 W'fi!T if ~T '1»
(a) wbetber tbe United Commercial Bank arm; ~ Rit ;;rrit it; 'flIT lffiVT ~ ?
of India or any otber Scbeduled Bank gave
to the A.I.C.C./Congress President 01 any
other Congress Organisation an advance of ~ ft'fI qfnm: ~nr.r am:
Rs. 10 lakhs (or more or less) this year;
~,if1Qf "'" ~ mrm .m
(b) whether tbese bodies or persons are ('11 ilio ,ilio ~): (~) ~m;
treated as farmers or small entrepreneurs: f'<rfffiIT S(1I1l'\'IT ~ ~ <rr.IT
(~) ~ it ~<:" iI; f<f;m:r 'til Grand Feeder Canal for Diversion
of Surplus Water of Ganga
~ ~ iI; f.:rtr 'fflUm: m~
~ if ~ ~ ~rt~am:: *14. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO:
f<R;r~'IiT lfil:~ ~qt~~if SHRI S.K. TAPURIAH:
"4\' ~ Wrr I ~ f;;rf.rnrr 5I'1'm'it iI; SHRI K.M. MADHUKAR:
~'til"4\'~if~~ ~I ,llilRI TULSIDAS DASAPPA:
Cc) if not, the reasons for tbe delay? The possibility of diverting the surplus
waters of the Ganga by connecting it with
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the Cauvery and further south with feeder
MINISTRY OF FINANCE CSHRI P. C. canals to serve areas in Rajasthan and the
SE1HI): Ca) Yes, Sir. pJatesu of Mysore, therefore, has been
preliminarily examined on toposheets. The
link canal from the Ganga from near Patna
(b) The information as available in
to Mellor dam will have to cross the various
respect of All India Public Sector Financial
~or river basins of the country, namely
Institutions namely the Industrial Finance
Sone, Narmada, Godavari and Krishna and
Corporation of India, Industrial Development
smaller basins like Palar. Pennar, etc. The
Bank of India and Life Ins~nce Corpo-
link will require the construction of a large
ration of India is given in the, -Statements I,
number of dams and barrages on the various
II and III respectively laid on tbe Table of
sub-basins to store up tbe water, more than
the House. [PkIced in Librar, See No.
2,000 miles of canals with cross·drainage
works, a large number of pumping stations,
etc. The work Involved is large and would
(c) Does not arise. require substantial investment. The Project
41 Written Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Wrillen Answer< 42
has to be first thoroughly investigated and it Government of India and the amount so.
is roughly assessed that it would involve an released are exhibited in the budget on the
expenditure of about Rs. I to 2· crores every expenditure side. Consequently the procedure
year for 10 to 15 years even to fully investi- suggested in the Report is already being
gate such a proposal. Proposals are under- followed, and steps are being taken to
way to initiate action on investigation work. cushion the impact on the economy of
expenditures from PL-480 funds.
Report on Impact of-PL 480 Funds
U. S. Aid to India
Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased SHRI S. XAVIER:
(a) whether the Khusro Study Group on
the impact of PL-480 funds has submitted
Will the Minister of FINANCE be
its report;
pleased to state:
(b) if so, the main recommendation
(a) whether it is a fact that U.S. Secre-
thereof; and
tary of State visited lndia during the month
of May, 1969 and hlld a round of talks with
(c) the action taken by Government on him in regard to the continued U.S. aid to
report? India; .
THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER (b) if so, the outcome of the talks;
ENERG Y AND MINISTER OF PLAN- (c) whether he has assured that U.S.
NING (SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI) : will give more aid to India or at least fulfil
(a) Yes, Sir. the commitments which India had asked to
give during 1969; and
(b) and (c). The Report recognises that
this potentiality can be met in one or several
ways. Their first suggestion is that expendi- (d) wether any assessment has been
ture from accumulated PL-480 funds should made of the extent to which India will receive
be properly phased under agreement with the aid from U.S. during the current year?
Government of India and that such agree-
ment and knowledge would enable the THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER
Government to adjust its other expenditures OF FINANCE, MINISTER OF ATOMIC
in such a manner as to keep the total expen- ENERGY AND MINISTER OF PLANN-
diture to a level which does not give rise to ING (SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDID):
any inflationary effects. Their second (a) to (e). The discussions which the U. S.
suggestion is to obtain the accumulated Secretary of State had with the Deputy
funds as grants from the U.S. Government Prime Minister during his visit to India in
and their final alternative is to enter into an May, 1969 were of a genel"l!.l nature and
agreement to freeze the funds permanently did not rel11te to U.S. aid to India.
All PL--480 funds are currently invested in
the special securities by the Government of (d) The foreign aid bill is before t~ U.S.
India and are in that sense already frozen. Congress and it is too early to say what the
Moreover, even at present funds are released level of U.S. aid to India in the current
for U.S. uses after consultations with the year is likely to be.
43 Written Answers JULY 21, 1969 Written Answers 44
Group Housing Scheme for Delhi Index (1949=100) 185, 195, 205 and 215 is
concerned. The other recommendations have
*17. SHRI SURAJ BHAN: Will the not been accepted.
pleased to refer to the reply given to Unstar- *19. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Will
red Question Nos. 2917 and 4076 on the the Ministet of FINANCE be pleased to
2nd December, 1968 and 24th March, 1969 state:
respectively and state :
tal whether the Institute of Foreign
(a) whether Government have accepted Trade has suggested that Indian enterprises
the GROUP HOUSING SCHEME for investing abroad in Joint Ventures . should be
Delhi residents; guaranteed against political risks in the
countries where they are investing; and
(b) whether any final decision lorders in
this connection have been communicated to <b) if so, Government'! decision thereon?
Delhi Administration by now; and
(c) if the reply to (b) above be in MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C.
negative, U1e reasons for the delay? SETHI): <a) Yes, Sir.
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE <b) The matter is still under considera-
AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI fw;ft fcr;mr snf"lllin: if; !liN ~\'Iif if;
B.S. MURTHY): (a) to (c). The proposal firq f~1ICl
about Group Housing Scheme is still under
consideration of the Government.
*20. 1511 ~ \'1m ~: ~lIT ~II~
Gajendragadkar Commission Report <!'lIT qf~m~ iIT~~, ilTm9 <rqr
~ ~ ~T lff! ifOrit ii1T 'li'fT llim flli:
*18. SHRI M.L, SONDHI: Will the
Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state; (iii) ;rcr ~) crq'f if ~ m.rn
~ if;~~;rif;m: itm:'f.R'I>l
<a) whether Government are considering
the detailed implementation of the Gajendra- f.I;<r;ft f~ srrc<r ~ ~ om: ,,;r 'R:
gadkar Commission Report; ~ it iflIT ~iIT&T IliT ~ :
<b) what other benefits are likely to (l1r) iflIT lff! ~ ~ flli rom m.rn
accrue to the Ceotral Government employees;
"1&1 ~ ; iIT~
(c) the date by which these are likely to
be implemented? (q) lffqf, ffi w mif m:om <m
~@''Ii1: 'i!T~?
SETHI): <a) to (c). Government have imple-
mented the recommendation of the Gajendra-
. ammf <!'lIT ~ fiftim ~r.lq if ~
gadkar Commission in so far as payment of ~ (~.,o 1lfiI): (iii) m.rTf~«
compensation to Central Government emplo-
yees with reference to 12-monthly average of
~vr if; ifiT7i1 if; m4:
'I>lt ~
the All India Working Class Consumer Price fu;m<r «~;m: 'I>l STTt<r ~ ~ ~ I
45 Written Answers . ASADHA 30. 1891 (SAKA) Written Answers 46
(liI") !tilt '1ft ~w: lR~ mmffi' (c) whether it is a fact that Mr. Nainmal.
Poonjaji had donated Rs. 2S lakhs to the
firifim mf~~ur if;T ~fli ~ ~. f~ Famine Relief Fund in Rajasthan; and
m~ffi;f~-~~ ~~(m~
~ ~ij--~~ ~ qf~ (d) if so, whether Government inquired
into the circumstances in which Mr. Shah
(~mT ~;m;r) ~ ~ ~ I came in possession of this vast sum of money?
(b) and (c). Do not arise. (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and
Foreign ExChange Racket by Mr. Naiomal (c) the steps taken to provide alternative
PJIOojaji Sbah of Bombay. employment to the workers thrown out of
work due to stoppage and reduction of
Will the Minister of FII:'IANCE be pleased to
(a) whether investigations into the foreign CHEMICALS AND MINES AND ME-
exchange racket by Mr. Nainmal Poonjaji TALS (SURI JAGANATH RAO): (a) and
Shah of Bombay have been completed; (b). The manganese ore export market is
passing through difficult time due to raIl in
(b) if not, what are the preliminary prices and increased competition in the inter-
findings in his case ; national market from other countries like
47 Written Answers JULY 21, 1969 Writ/en Answers 48
(jabon, Brazil etc. As such the question of tial accommodation to Sheikh Abdullah at
expansion of manganese mines in the country concessional rent; and
does note arise.
(d) the exact wording of the certificate
(c) Efforts are being made to step up given by the Union Ministry to describe the
exports of maganese ore, as also internal occupation?
sales. In addition other Mining Organi,ation
have been addressed to examine the possibi- THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND
lity of employing such workers. FAMILY PLANNING, AND WORKS,
Selection Grade Posts for naftries MENT (SHRI K. K. SHAH) : (a) A house
has been allotted to Sheikh Abdullah on a
*24. SHRI P. C. ADICHAN: Will the rent of Rs. 178 per month and an additional
Minister of FINANCE be pleased to refer to rent of Rs. 100 per month for furniture.
the reply given to Unstarred Question No.
8471 on the 5th May, 1969 and state : (b) The market rent of such bungalows
in this area ranges between Rs. 570(- and
(a) whether the information regarding Rs. 690(- per month.
the number of Selection Grade posts of
Daftries in the various Ministries and (c) Consequent on his release, Sheikh
Departments and their pay-Scales has since Abullah was allowed to retain the bungalow
been collected; and where he had been detained, on a tempnrary
basis, having regard to his position in public
(b) if so, details thereof? life and the other circumstances of the case.
(b) Does not arise. *26. SHRI LOBO PRABHU: Will the
Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:
Bungalow allotted in Delhi to
Sheikh Abdullah (a) the manner in which increase in taxes
to restrain conspicuous spending can be
*25. SHRI MAHANT DIGVIJA Y NATH: effected without reducing the marginal con-
sumers who are trying to raise their standard
of living;
(b) whether such an inrcrease in taxes
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND will not lead to further idle capacity, which
FAMILY PLANNING AND WORKS. will create more unemployment; and
be pleased to state : (c) if so, whether it will not be uncons-
titutional to increase tax on land values in
(a) whether it is a fact that Sheikh urban areas, without including all owners,
Abdullah has been allotted a bunplow in including the small ones, which will have
Delhi at a very nominal rent; the result of further increasing rents1
(b) whether it is also a fact that the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE.
market rent of such bungalows ranges between MINISTR Y OF FINANC E (SHRI P. C
Rs. 800 to Rs. 1600 per month; SETHI): (a) Taxes levied to restrain cons-
picnous spending do not have any impact on
(c) if so, the reason for giving a residen- low income groups.
49 Wrlttm Answer8 ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Written Answers so
(b) Measures to restrain c:onlipicuous
c:onsumption are not likely to lead to any
f.f;mr m it ~ ~ m~ filmit it;
significant increase of idle capacity in Jl1:Wf fiI;1t GIl ~~ ~ I
industry. In any event, Government's policy
is to promote the fuller use of industrial (~) ~f","1llf i!t ~, ef<;r1;r,
capacity for productive purposes and not to
sustain c:onspicuous c:onsumption.
GIl~f;w ~mf~, em: (f'IT ar~
ft;r"!:~ " ~ llif f'vt;;rU (fIfT ~
(c) It is not unc:oostitutional to grant
preferential treatment in the levy of taxes
m, ~ (fIfT ~ WI' i!t ~
to owners of properties of small value. ~ ;{fefu:r(']"/~ 'IiTif;r, ~ ~'l]"
~, ~ ~ sri~T irm (flIi-
~ am: " ~ lIlT ~q.f ;fA;f;;n;;.rn:f ~ i!t ~ llif q-( ~ I
(q) lIf~ ~, on ~<m: irm alIi- (a) whether it is a fact that Messrs Hind
GalVanising and Engineering Company Ltd.,
;ftott iiITirlIiT"U sn<a m ifi" m it iflfT
,t ~ ; am:
did not complete deliveries under the order
lflmr f.t;it GIl placed with them by the Indian Oil Corpo-
ration within the time limit;
(~) ~ fif>il"-f.t;;r W1l1"iiT 'liT
~mit~~q-(~? (b) the loss incurred due to delay in
delivery; -
• (c) and (d). The Estimates Committee, (b) if so, the details of the scheme indi-
have already looked into the matter and cating the extent of production capacity in
their findings are contained in their eighty- respect of each item to be installed in the
sixth report (Fourth Lok Sabha) wbich are said complex and refinery ?
being examined by Government.
Petro-Chemical Complex at Namrup MINISTR Y, OF PETROLEUM AND
(SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) A letter of
in~t has been granted to the Assam Indus-
trial Development Corporation Ltd. for the
establishment of a number of Petro·chemical
units at Moran-Lakhowa area in Sibsall8r
NATHAM: District of Assam. As regards the second
oil refinery in Assam, the matter is at present
Will tbe Minister of PETROLEUM under study by a committee of experts
AND CHEMICALS AND MINES AND appointed by the Government.
METALS be pleased to state:
(b) The items and the production capa-
(a) whether Government have sanctioned cities for which the letter of intent have,
the establishment of a petro·chemical comp- been issued to the Assam Industrial
lex at Namrup and second oil refinery in Development Corporation Ltd. are as
Assam; and follows : -
~, amrRr "'" 'I'R"N fWnr ~T"'" be pleased 10 state:
if~~ ('IIft.o ~): (iii) .........
m it U;Rf m:lIm: i[TU ~<'RI' g: (a) whether it is a fact ihat according to
the Audit Report for 1967-68, the Damodar
~'IiT~ ~I it~.·~, Valley Corporation has not been able to
~.~~m8T'R: ~it ~~I achieve its targels with regard to irrigation;
~~~itif;;:jftq- m:lIm:'IiT ~ ~
~~tl (b) if so, the steps proposed to be taken
to achieve the targets?
('iT) 'I<f ffi it U;Rf ~ 'til' ~"N
~ iliT otm1fT iI' 5Tijil<: iliT zft;;r;rrarT THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE
ifIl!O: If;;:i\' ~i3' 01IT ~ ~ 11; POWER (SHRI SIDDHESHWAR
ar.<r~i3' 1J1l' 'It ~T I ~ ~ 11; 8T~ ~ PRASAD): (a) Yas Sir.
if;;:jftq- ~~ff zft;;r;rrarT 11; fOllt ~T
(b) More water courses are being cons-
~ ~ ~ ~ ¥fi 8T'R: ~r.ro: Ifi! ~ tructed each year by the Government of
~~tfiji~:~~1I; West Bengal, who have taken over the DVC
ss Wrillen Answers JULY 21, 1969 Wrillen Answers 56
irpaation system, to .increase the utilisation (b) the sections under which these
for achievement of the targets. persons have been charged and whether they
have been granted bail;
Loans to Agriculturists
(cl if so, the particulars of bail in each
3. SHRI K. M. KOUSHIK: Will the case;
Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:
(d) the ~es and designations of
Customs officers suspended in tbis matter;
(a) the rate of interest charged on loan and
given to the agriculturists;
(e) if not, the reasons therefor?
(b) the rate of interest charged on loans
for industrial purposes; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(c) how Government account for the SETHI) :
disparity in this; and
(a) Exporting Firms
(d) whether Government propose to give
some relief to the agriculturists in this
MIs. Flexo Industries, Sural.
MIs. Amritlal Manchand Bros" Surat.
MIs. Gopal Traders. Bombay.
MIs. C. J. Corpotation, Bombay,
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIs. Ajanta Metal Industries, Bombay.
SETHI) : (a) to (d). While fixing the rates of List 01 Customs Officiols
interest on advances, commercial banks are
generally guided by various factors such as Shri D. B, Dalvi, Appraiser.
the nature and marketability of the security, Shri P. D. Daruwala, Appraiser.
the type of the borrower and his financial Shri B. S. Kokatay, Appraiser.
strength, the size of advance, the cost of Shri V. P. Joshi, Appraiser.
making the advance, servicing of the account Shri G. D. Nerukar, Appraiser.
etc. In the context of social control, more Shri T. L. Alve, Examiner.
emphasis is now being placed by the banks Shri G. P. Rao, Examiner.
on the purpose of the advance and the tech- Smi P. N. Motwani, Examiner.
nical and economic feasibility of the scheme Shri A. H. Shaikh, Examiner.
rather than on the financial position of the Shri R. N. Naik, Examiner.
borrower and the security offered. Data
collected by the Reserve Bank from major' (b) and (c). The exporting firms have
banks reveals tbat the rates of interest charged been charged with committing an offence
by them in the case of advances to agricul- under Section 120-B, Indian PeDal Code, read
ture and industry range in general between with Section 420, Indian Penal Code and
8 and 9! per cent. There is no proposal under Section 511, Indian Penal Code, Section 5 of
consideration to give relief to agriculturists Import and Export (Coiltrol) Act, 1947, read
in the matter of interest rates. with 3(A) of Export Trade Control Order.
pending them can be determined ODly on able to reach the target of 400 tonnes of
receipt of the Special Police Establishment's pyrites to produce 200 tonnes of Sulphu/ic
investigation report. As such, it was not acid a day;
considered necessary by the Collector of
Customs, Bombay to suspend the officials at (b) the present daily output of pyrites
this stage. and the cost per tonne;
(a) the number and names of factories Cd) the date and names of the members
in public sector with investment in each comprising the delegatiOD that went to Finland
factory till last financial year, State-wise; and to finalize this process; and
(b) the total loss or profit made by each (e) whether it is also a fact that Amjhore
factory till last financial year 1 unit has now approached an Indian consul-
tancy firm for advice and if so, the result
THE· MINISTER OF STATE IN THE thereof and the name of the firm, with
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. amount of fees, if any paid to this firm ?
SETHI) : (a) and (b). Presumably the Honou-
rable Member desires to know the names THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
of the different units of Central Government MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHE-
undertakings, that are located in the different MICALS AND MINES AND METALS
States, and the capital invested (gross-block) (SHRI JAGANATH RAO): (a> Pyrites.
therein, State-wise. This information. as at Phosphates and Chemicals Limited (formerly
the'end of 1967-68. which is the latest year known as Pyrites and Chemicals
for which the accounts of all the Central Develop.ment Company Limited) was
Government undertakings are available, is established in March, 1960 for mining of
indicated in the statement laid on the Table pyrites are and for manufacturing of sulphur
of the House. [Placed in Library. See. No. and sulphuric acids and other products requi-
LT-l2S7/69.] ring such are. The Project Report for
production of 800 tonnes of pyrite are per
As regards the loss or profit, the infor- day from Amjhore area was approved in
mation which is only on enterprise-wise basis January, 1965. Thereafter, necessary steps
and not on unit-wise basis, in respect of the to import mining machinery from aboard
83 Central Government enterprises for the were taken and the key machinery which
year 1967-68 which is the latest year for which was received by end of 1967, was progres-
information is available is given in the state- sively installed and commissioned. The
ment laid on the Table of the House. [Placed production programme of pyrite are has been
in Library. See. No. LT-12S7/69.] phased to suit the requirements of are of
the Si ndri Sulphuric Acid Plant. The rated
production at the rate of 400 tonnes per day
Pyrites, PiIospllates and Cbemicals Limited, is expected to be reached by the end of
Amjbore 1969.
7. SHRI BABURAO PATEL: Will Cb) The present daily output of pyrite
the Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHE- is 200-225 tonnes. The cost of mining
MICALS AND MINES AND METALS is tentatively' assessed at 224/- per tonne
be pleased to state: including a return of 10% on employed
(a) whether it is a fact that after eight
IODg years, the Pyrites. Phosphates and Che- (c) No, Sir. To utilise the pyrite ore
micals Limited, at Amjhore, has not been the company has already set up a Sulphuric
S9 Writ/en Answers JULY 21, 1969 Writ/a Allswers
Acid Plant at Sindri (which has since been 2. His Highness The Maharajah Fateh-
fransferred to the Fertilizer Corporation of singhrao P. Gaekwad, Laxmi Nivas
India Limited). The acid Plant is under- Palace, Baroda.
going trials.
3. H.E.H. the Nimm's Miscellaneous
(d) Shri N. N. Kashyap and Dr. G. P. Trust, King Kothi, Hyderabad.
Kane were the members of the delegation
which visited Finland from 3rd to 8th
*4. Late Maharajadhiraja Dr. Sri
March, 1964.
Kameshwar Prasad Singh of Dbar-
(e) Yes, Sir. With a view to find econo-
mic solutions to the various problems of min-
ing at Amjhore including beneficiation etc., OS. H.E.H. the Late Nizam Sir Mir
the company has made preliminary enquiries Osman Ali Khan Bahadur through
from various Consultancy agencies in the Legal Representatives, King Kothi,
country. The offers received are at present Hyderabad;
under consideration.
6. H.H. Sir Rama Varma, Maharajah of
Persons with Wealth of Rs. one crore Travancore, Kowdiar Palace,
and obove Trivandrum.
8. SHRI BABURAO PATEL: Will 7. H.H. Vikramsinghji, Gondal.
the Minister of FINANCE' be pleased to
8. H.H. Maharao Shri Madansinghji
(a) the number of rich persons having
Saheb of Kutch, Bhuj.
total wealth of Rs. I crore and over during
the last five yea~s, year-wise; and
*9. H.U.F. of Latc H.H.J.M. Seindia of
(b) the name of the top len persons with Gwalior, by Legal Representatives,
wealth over Rs. 1 crore during the year Samundra Mahal, Worli, Bombay.
*10. Shri V. M. Salgaonkar, Vasco, Goa.
MINISTRY OF' FINANCE (SHRI P. C. - *On the basis of Return of Wealth Tax.
SETHI): (a> The information required is
given below :
SupplIes made to Northern Branch Depots
Year Number of Person.
1963-64 26 9. SHRI ABDUL GHANI DAR :
1964-65 34 Will the Minister ofPETROLEUM AND
1966-67 29 be pleased to state :
1967-68 24
(a) Ihe tolal supplies of Petrol, HSD,
LDO, SKO, IKO, MTO and' Lubricant and
(b) As given in the statement. Industrial oils made to Northern Branch
Statement Depots viz. Kanpur, Shakurbasti, Jaipur,
Agra, Hissar, Ambala, Patiala, Ferozepore,
Names of Ihe top len persons with wseallh Jullundur, Pathankot, Lucknow, Gorakhpur,
over rupees 1 Crore during the year 1967-68. Bareilly and Barabanki of each product in
each years; and
SI. No. Name of Persons
(b) whether the scheduled increase in
supply was upto the mark, if not, the reasons
01. Shri V. D. Chougule, Vasco, Goa. for the same ?
61 Written Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Writ/en Answers 62
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Royalty from Books and otbel' Sources
MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Recel.ed by Prime Minister
(SHRI D. R. CHAVAN) : (a) and (b). The 11. SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA:
required information is being collected and Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased
will be laid on the Tahle of House in due to state:
(a) the amount of Royalty from books,
OIFicers OD study tour abarod records and other sources received by the
Prime Minister from any foreign country in
the last three years;
Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased (h) the name of the ;ountry along with
to state: the amount received each year;
(a) the number of officers who were (e) the reasons for receiving the royalty
given foreign exchange for study of petro- from ea~h country;
leum products and medicine (chemicals) (d) whether the money of royalty received
abroad during the last three yea rs upto 15th in the last three years was deposited by her
June, 1969; and in any foreign bank; and
(b) their names, foreign exchange (e) if so, the name of the bank or banks
permitted, dates and object of their -tours? along with the names of the countries?
SETHI: (a) and (b). The information is NING (SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDID):
being collected and will be laid on the Table (a) and (b). A statement is placed on the
of the House as soon as it is available. Table of the House.
Name of the country Year &. amount Year &. amount Year &. amount
from which roya Ity 1966-67 1967·68 1968-69
(e) These amounts represent the royalty on account of books written by late Shri
Jawaharlal Nehru.
(d) No Sir.
9.00 5.00
Information about loans, ·if any, given (iii) to help the growers in storing their
by the National Cooperative Development products on Payment of reasonable
Corporation is being collected and will be charges.
laid on the Table of the House.
(iv) to render technical assistance and
(b) and (c). Government of India advise to all the cold storage owners.
(Department of Food) have promulgated
Cold Storage Order, 1964 under Section 3 of Under this Order all the Cold Storage
the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 with owners are required to take a licence from
effect from 1-1-1965 with the following the Department of Food which is renewed
objectives:- every year. The implementation of the
order is carried out through the field staff
(i) To develnp the Cold Storage indus- in that Department who inspect all the cold
try in the country on modem storages periodically to ensure that hygienic
scientific lines. conditions are maintained inside as well as'
outside the cold storage and that proper
(ii) To regulate storage conditions of temperature and humidity conditions are
perishable foodstuffs in Cold Storages maintained inside the cold storage chambers
and to ensure that the Cold Storqes to ensure proper preservation of perishables.
arc run efficiently as well as economi- They also draw samples of foodstuffs stored
cally. to examine effect of ltorqc on quality.
65 Writ/en Answer.. ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) 66
In case of the West &0l1li1, however, lopment Bailk of India bas not introduced
.consequent upon enactment of West Bengal . any special scheme to assist the bandJoom •
Cold Storage (Licencing and Regulation) industry in·tbe coUlltry as such, nor bas it
Act, 1966, the Central Cold Storage Order granted any assistance to tbe industry SO
has been withdrawn from that State with far. The industry being in the small scale
effect from 1-5-1969. sector, would, however, benefit from tbe
following relaxations made in the Develop.
Income Tax evaders in Film Industry IDCIIt Bank's scbemes for refinancing of
industrial loans and rediscounting of bills:
SHRI p. N. SOLANKI: (i) The minimum amount of loan eligible
for refinance was reduced from Its. 1
Will the Minister of FINANCE be lakb to Rs. 20,000 in the case of
pleased to state: loans to small scale units which are
covered under tbe Credit Guarantee
(a) the number of Income-tax evaders in Scheme of tbe Government of India
Ihe Film Industry which have come to the and the amount of refinance was
notice of Government during the yean raised from 8O%to 100%.
1966-67, i967-68 and 1968-69;
(ii) A concessinnal rate of 41% per
(b) the amount of tax arrears outstanding
annum was introduced for refinance
against each evader; and
of such loans to small scale units
covered under the Credit Guarantee
(c) the steps being taken to realise the
Scheme provided the effective rate of
interest charged by the Janding
institulion did not exceed 8 % per
SETHI): (a). The information about the
number of persons in the film industry in (iii) The minimum aBlOunt of a transac-
whose cases concealment of income had tion covering a ..t of bills under the
been detected during the years 1966-67 to rediscounting scbeme was ·reduced
1968-69 is being collected and will be laid from Rs. SO,OOO to Rs. 10,000 in
on the Table of the House. the case of machinery otber tban
asricultural implements (for which
(b) and (c). The information in respect there was no minimum) and the
of the persons mentioned in reply to part (a) guarantee of an insurance company
above is being collected and will be laid on in lieu of a bank was made accepta-
the Table of the House. ble for transactions not exceeding
Rs. 3 Iakha in nospeot of a single
Industrial Development Baak's belp to .pun:--.
Handloom Industry
AsMIIInce given "" lDdia to nder-developed
14. SHRI N. R. DEOGHAIU!: Will tbe Countries
Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:
(8) whether the Industrial Development
the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to
Bank of India has introduced a new scbeme
to help the handloom industry in tbe
country; and .
(a) the antount of financial and techni-
(b) if so, the broad outlInes of the cal assistance given by India during the
scbeme? last three years to under-dcveloped countries;
MINISTR Y OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. (b) the names of the countries and
SETHI): (a) and (b). The Industrial Deve- extent of the assistance given to each ?
67 Wrillm Answers JULY 21. 11169 Written AIlS .....,. 68
National Inoome
(Rs. crores) IS045 15173 16525 0.9 8.9
Per capita income
(Rs.) 307.3 302.4 321.3 -1.6 6.2
Income from qricult.ural
scctor"* (Rs. c:ron:s) 6421 6411 7560 ~.2 17.9
Inoome from
Industrial acctort
(Rs. c:ron:s) 3651 3670 . 3689 -0.5 0.5
Will the Minister of FINANCE be plea-
(a) Whether it is a fact that the Jammu
and Kashmir Government have to repay
SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: 84 % of tbe Central Loan and interests;
(b) the details of the Central loans and
SHRI N. R. LASKAR: interest due from other State Governments;
SHRI G. C. DIXIT: (c) wbether Government propose to treat
SHRI BHOLA NATH MAstER: auch amount as grants and if not, the reasons
69 Written An,wers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Writun Answq, 70
Ii "I ~ t
IidEW !:,Ii
!i E ~l Ilit
~ if:' I
1~li i
lIr -
I E!!~lri.~!I:l
~ i i ~ ~ii !.f :i !'i'i'i;'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i
.. -
.tv Ii
"Ii!- 'Ii N
73 Written A",wI!Ts ASADHA 30, 11191 (SAKA) Written A".wer. 74
fcrn1i! ;mlll~" f~ m ~ ~ I
of the Oil and Natural Gas Commission in
West Bongal;
~.. f~l q-( ~ arllI'ttr, (b) if 10, whether orders have been issued
~f.:'f/O ~ Jf!rr<'f1if 01fT mlf ~ and
ij; <ru~ ~ f.Rm: f~ 'lIT ~T ~ r (e) if not, the reasons for the delay?
m!f);;riI1afr '" mftIf orro I!i't ;mit it; ~'\' ~ ~<'I'i\' it fif'fT"{ fit;1fT tTIfT 'fT I
Nationalisation of Coking Coal Mines (d) whether any action is being taken
against the Refinery OfIicers; and
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: (e) whether it has been disclosed that
SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: petroleum products are beins illegally taken
SHRI YOGENDRA SHARMA: out and sold in the market without their
SHRI RABI RAY: beiog accounted for?
be pleased to state: (SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) Not yet. How-
ever, this report is expected on 21st July,
(a) whether the questioo of oationali-
satioo of private Coking Coal Mines at Jhuia
(b) to (e). Do not arise.
was discussed at the recently held coofereoc:e
of the heads .of public sector units uoder the
Department of Mines and Metals; and Ind7gs IIIId Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Barauni Refinery Discharge and Ganga (c) whetber it is also a fact that the
. Pollution Committee Cabinet was informed about this huge io-
SHRI SHIVA CHANDRA JHA: (d) whether it is further a fact that the
SHRIMATI JYOTSNA CHANDA: collaborators do not have sufticieot know-how
io respect of some products proposed to be
manufactUred there; and
Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND
Ce) if so, the impact of all this 00 the
be pleased to state:
production programme and the prices to be
charged from the consumers?
(a) whether the Barauni Refioery Dis-
charge and Ganga Pollution Committee has
submitted its report; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(b) if so, the maio conclusion thereof; (SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) It is presumed
the Hon 'ble Member is referring to the letter
(c) whether aoy compensation is being dated 3rd April, 1968 sent by him to the
paid to Monghyr Muoicipality; PriQIII MiDIster. It. feply was sent to the
79 Written AlISWers JULy 21, 1969 Writtfm Answers 80
Hon'able Member on tho 22nd Iuly, 1968 by ~ am: \;.f ~ it; ~ i!iT ~~C1
• the then Minister of Petroleum and Chemi-
cals. The Report of the Public Undertakings iR~'I\"f~l~; am:
Committee on the Indian Drugs and Pharma-
ceuticals Ltd. is under consideration. ( liT) lIft~, m~eiI; ~ ornur ~ ?
(b) Yes. ~ CNI qftm m~ aih:
~ammrCNI~ ~ mm
(c) No.
if~ ~ (~oro \t0~) : ('1\")
(d) It is not correct to say ·tbat the ~ (liT). ~~t ~
collaborators do not have the know-how 'Iit~~~CJ'if1arm~
necessary for the manufacture of the se1ectecl
products. ifift f~ f'li w.r~ Olffitctlll 'lit orR
~ ~ it; ~ 3IT1f ~ it; ornur ifift I
(e) The increaae in the cadital cost has
. resulted in some increase in the cost of pro- it ~CI": fiflliffi ~ ~ ~, ~
duction. But there are nD ·sood reasons to ~0IiIil <t)' at'R ~ ~'f 3fO!fcrf~
think that this will necessarily lead to un- ttfit; ~iJ;T~~. "fT~it;
reasonable prices being c:harFd from the
consumers. ~<: c;;r;r, flw.!1
f.r'f1f arfliff'fllif.
~ fwft fim~ ~ ~ it
m.n if ar-n1fll8 ~ flrfircr f.l;1!;
tf!!; ~ I Cl"'flfir, ~~ <'ITm-
ar;;f;r ilir
~ il; ~ ~ II"{, ~ ;rq;if 'Wir<f~1 lif" il; lI"l1T<if il; ifiRUT q;wr;r <iU'f
31Tf,{ il; arf~fuRr ;;it ~ q., ;rT~ il; arf"1"- il; ~ Sl'fT,,", II"{ ~"'t arm: ~rrT ~ am:
<m' II"{, ~ m~fll"ifi Cf'fT 0Rf ~~ il; lfrt'T'Iim il; ~ il;~ ~tl
~ ~~ l:f~ II"{ ~ ~. Wlr am: ;rq;r, 'llf~ifir~'liT ~r~ ~~
~ ;ffl1'l'A" ~ 'liT <m fifil!; ;;wiiT I tfifi ~ qf~);;r;rr aN'r'f
ffln: fiI1rn ifiT
W~ il;;r.r ~ il; OI1lIR II"{ ~ iiTJil"/ft I amm: Of~ iI'f ~ I
'tqr fAtf ~ mr.<r 1j;r"'t ll"l! iI'6'f.r ~ifi, !f1f-<rl', fiI;o;ft flI;cr;ft f.mtT ~ ri
i!1t~rnfifi: i!1t t;
(ifi) 'tll"T i:Ilf~;m: ~r ~ fiI; (~) ~~)'t~ qq'f if fiI;«-f~ ~ ~
ffln: f~-f~ If'm: il; CfifiOf"'ti!1t mrr ~ if~·
~ ifiT Ifm~ qf~-
1I)Gr;rr il; ;rilr il; ~ it Ifm oro II"{ ~ ~ ~ ft;rit mitifi ~ ~ f'WolT-
~m~~ifiT~, f~ il;'f<'T~ f~v.r-r~ rrlIT;
~ifi)@mffOf~ ~ ar~lfrt'T'liffi" (tT) ffitTT ~ ~ if ~ il;
~ftqr;{r it ~iiI" iiTTil'rrr; ft;rit ~ 'I''ifII'IfflIlihrrr if f'iI;a;fT ufu-
(~) ~~, 0) ~ m it ~ ifir f.Ilro i!1t ~ t ;
'tll"T srfu~ ~? ('!f) 'tll"T CfifiOO .ntrT !f;) ~ if ;;rr;r
~~mt<r"~ if ~~ ~ ~i1f.crcr f.rl!1IT am:;ftftr if ~~ qf~
(~fq"~ smN): (iii) an~ (~). ;ffl;r rn ifiT ~ ifiT ffln: t; am:
~ ;r ~ifi ~f;r <mi!1t~ mrif
'.{lff.'IT~ if ,!1~ ifiT ~ m-
ron-if ~ 2;r1\'T ~ Q'i{llT il; oro
dm: ~ ~ <rUlif ifiT f.nriur ~ ~ I ~ mt' ,,~""' if ~ ~ (~lto ~o
<rUlif ij- 'llRO ~ ~ DIIT'fifi ~~ it ;;r<;- mT): (iii) am: (~). ~ i!1t it;;r II"{ ~
~ am: iIiCTiiI" arrR il; ~ it ifiTqIT fiIqw ~ ~ rrlIT t furi:i 1965-66,
~ ~rrT I ~ if Ifm ii[U;;r if; 1966-67, 1967~68 am: m"'fl", 1968 if
B3 Wrillen AIISwers JULY 21,1969 Written Answers 84
of Parliament;
~ ~ ~ 1f fimft' ~~q lilt
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;mrr, (b) the number of air-conditioners which
are not working properly;
~ iIT~ ~ 1f ~ 1f 0lTlfi;;rr
m cmft ~ 1f ~ ~T;;rr;:r<mT ll'T (e) whether Government have received
some complaints about the bad condition of
dl ~ ~ ~ 1f :mrar ~ l:IT f.;miI; ~
~ 1f f.rlIim f.Iiit ;;rrit ~~ ~ I om these air·conditioners;
• reply given to Unstarred Question No. 4155 SHRI SHRI GOPAL SABOO:
on the 24th March, 1969 and state whether SHRI SHARDA NAND:
Government have since collected information SHRI ONKAR SINGH:
about the number of new Ayurvedic Dispen- SHRI KANWAR LAL
saries opened in each State during 1968·69 ? GUPTA:
MURTHY): Yes. A statement containing the SHRI OM PRAKASH TYAGI:
required information is laid on the Table of SHRI HUKAM CHAND
the House. [Placed in Library. See, No. LT- KACHWAI:
1263/69]. The information from the Govern- SHRI BHARAT SINGH
ment of Rajasthan is still awaited. It CHAUHAN:
will be placed on the Table of the Sabha as SHRI NAWAL KISHORE
soon as it is received from the State Govern· SHARMA:
Will the Minister of FINANCE be
Income Tax R.turns not Filed by Min,sters pleased to state:
34. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO: (a) the' names of the Ministers, Minis·
SHRI SEZHIYAN: ters of State and Deputy Ministers of the
SHRI BAIDHAR BEHERA: Centre who have not filed their annual
SHRI RAGHUVIR SINGH returns for the last ten years with the income-
SHASTRI: tax authorities; and
SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: (b) the action taken against them for
SHRI P. M. SAYEED: the slackness on their part ?
SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: SETHI): (a) and (b). All Ministers have
SHRI RAM GOPAL since filed their returns and these have been
SHALWALE: dealt with according to law.
JOSHI: Rajasthan's Share in Bhakra Waters
SHRI D. AMAT: POWER be pleased to state:
SHRI S. XAVIER: (a) whether the Rajasthan Government
SHRI J. MOHAMED IMAM: has protested to the Centre against the
SHRI RAM SINGH Haryana Government for denying the State
AYARWAL: its rightful share in Bhakra waters;
89 Writt~1I AlIsw,r. ASADHA 3D, 1891 (SAKA) Wrltttll A_8 90
(b) whether it is also a fact that Raja- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
sthan is in the grip of worst famine in the MINISTRY OF FINAN.CE (SHRI P. C ••
history; and SETHI): (a) to (c). The question of upgrad-
ing certain cities/towns for purposes of grant
(c) if so, the steps Government propose of house rent and compensatory (city)
to take in this matter? allowances to Central Government employees
is still under consideration of Government
THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and no nnal decision has so far been taken.
POWER (SHRI SIDDHESHWAR Liberalisation of Abortion Laws.
PRASAD) : (a) Yes.
(b) and (c). Scarcity conditions exist in SHRI SITARAM KESRI:
the State. To mitigate the hardship, relief SHRI RAMSWARUP VIDYARTHI:
works were started. Arrangements for drink- SHRI J. SUNDER LAL:
ing' water, food, fodder, transport, medical SHRI NARAIN SWARUP
assistance etc. were made. Steps bave been SHARMA:
taken to sink tube wells, and to provide long- SHRI OM PRAKASH TYAGI:
term and short-term financial assistance etc. SHRI R. BARUA:
The assistance released so far is of the order SHRI N. R. LASKAR:
of Rs. 24 crores. In addition a sum of SHRI CHENGALRA YA NAIDU:
Rs. 2.S crores has been provided to the SHRI Y. A. PRASAD:
State Government for purchase of seeds and SHRI M. SUDARSANAM:
Rs. 80 latchs for fertiliser taccavi loans. An SHRI N. K. SOMANi:
extra sum of Rs. oue crore has been promis- SHRI R. R. SINGH DEO:
ed for a drinking water scheme, if the State
Government could complete it before Will the Minister of HEALTH AND
be pleased to state: .
Upgradation of Cities
(a) whether tbe United Nation'~ Stu~y
Team on Family planning programme In Ind ..
36. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO: has recommended liberalization of abortion
SHRI RAM AVTAR SHARMA: laws even for limiting the size of family;
SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: (b) if so, whether Government propose
SHRI MAHANT DIGVUAI to Iiheralize abortion laws;
(c) if not, the reasons therefor; and
(d) the nature of other recommendations
of the Study Team and the action proposed
Will the Minister of FINANCE be to be taken by Government thereon?
pleased to state :
(a) whether Government have finalised
the list of cities and towns that are to be
upgradeCI for the purpose of giving House
Rent and City Compensatory allowances to
Central Government employees;
(b) if so, the details of the same; and (b) The mailer is under consideratiou of
the Government.
(c) the date from which the upgrading
is being done? (c) Docs not arise,
91 Writ/en Answers JULY 21, 1969 Wrillen Answers 92
<a) whether it is a fact tbat Government (c) if so, when this Institute is likely to
have called for the application .of computer be set up?
technology and resort to Joint ventures with
foreign countries in order to make the country THE. MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
self-reliant in off-shore drilling and self-suffi-MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY
(b) if so, wbether collaboration with Iran B. S. MURTHY): <a) The Ministry of
in Off-shore oil drilling has been successfull; . Health and Family Planning and Wnrks
and Housing and Urban Development are not
aware of any such proposal.
(c) whether in view of this, Government
have accepted the offer of Indonesia for
(b) and (c). DC! not arise.
similar venture ?
Complaints against tbe C.P.W.D. enquiry
dice Nauroji Nagar, New Delbi.
<a) The Oil and Natural Gas Commission Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY
is making use of a computer for processing PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
a small part of its geological, geophysical AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pl,ased
reservoir data. to state:
Oil exploration and development work (a) whether it is a fact that the comP7
in an area of the Persian Gulf, under a joint laints regarding the replacement of broken
venture, is in progress. No other proposal glass panes, ete. in the flats of Nauroji
for oil exploration and exploitation in a for- Nagar, New Delhi are not attended to
eign country is under consideration at immediately by the C.P.W.D. staff;
93 Writte" A"swers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Wr/tte"A1IIWfIr8 94
(b) whether it is also a fact that the breeding place of mosquitoes and other kinds
complaints registered as far back as on the of dangerous insects as this has not been.
23rd and 24th April, 1969 have not so far been properly maintained; and
attended to inspite of the fact that glass
panes are in stock in good number; (c) if so, what action Go(remment has
taken to redress tbe grievances of tbe resi-
(c) the reasons for the indifferent atti- dents of Sewa Napr Railway Colony ?
tude and behaviour of the stall' posted in
CPWD Enquiry Office, Nauroji Nagar, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
thus causing a great incoDvenience to' the MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY
occupants of such flats; and PLANNING; AND WORKS, HOUSING
(d) the steps Government propose to B.S. MURTHY): (8) to (c). The informa-
take to remove these difficulties of the tion is being collected and will be laid on
occupants? the Table of the Sabha.
(b) whetber it is also a fact that the 43. SHRI M. L. SONDHI: Will the
N:tIlah which is f10winll from Defence Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY
Colony and Lodi Colony has become the PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
95 JULY 21. 1969 WritJen Answers 96
(c) if not, the reasons for the delay? 'f<rT ~If <111fT qfum: ~ am:
f~, ammr <111fT ~ m-m w~ 1:!il:
97 Written Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA.) Written Answer. 98
(ar;) 1fIlT ~ 'liT 'RfT t far; m.It E:l:paasloa of Sec:arity Press at Nasik
it; ...~ ~ rn it ~;;r.r lI>'t ifj1ft t;
(1'iI') trft{~. m1fIlT ~ ifiT f;r;m: SHllI K. LAKKAPPA:
~ lI>'t ~T~i;fOfmr'IiT~it DWIVEDY:
~ §11: fcm;rT it;;r.r I!>'t ~ lI>'t 'I1Ifta
~ m it; fort!; ~ 1Il;;r;n tAf.t
Will the Minister of FINANCE he pleas-
ed to state:
ifiT t;
(a) whctper it is a fal't that Government
(lJ') 1fIlT ~ ~ em ~ have received no proper response for the
m ~ ;;r.r ~ 'li'tJft; aiR acquired land for the expansion of the
Security Press at Nasik from the Govern-
ment of Maharashtra; and
(11") ~ mr 0TTmlft ~ qtif it
~ lIl;;r;n 'R f~ 0Q'lf f'r;i\" ;;nit I!>'t (b) if so, what Government propose to
~t? do in the matter?
~. ammr
<m;:m'\'q ~ m.m MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C.
SETHn: (a) and (b). The question of mak-
\'N if ~ ~ (JJft.o ,"0 '!fiI') : ing availahle some portions of the Ex
Distillery estate to the India Security Press,
(ar;) ~ <riff 'IiW ;;rr ~ fit; ~ Nasik, has been under negotiation with the
it; ~ ~ rn it ~lI>'tifj1fttl Maharashtra Government for some time.
Recently the State Government have written
f~m. fmiTit;~ IIh" ~ fit; ~
to the Central Government stating that they
Jl"UIT<'rT it; arf~ ~ 'R mro ~ lIT ~ would make available land required for ex-
~'R ~. ~ I!>'t ~ if ~ifj1ft pansion of the Press at Nasik.
~ lI>'t 1ff t I ~ ifj1ft I!>'t 'lfu it; fort!; AcIulteratiOll of FoodstliII's
~'m'l~~;;rr ~~am:
48. SHIll P. C. ADiCHAN:
~ 1f1"I" <'PI'Tit ;;rr ~ ~ I
(1'iI') ;;iT ~. ~ it ;;r.r"'fa- it;
~ it ;f4 I!>'t;;rr ~ I 'Iiftr:rq- iflft
~fcm;rT;;r~~~~ SINGH:
rnr oft' ;;rr ~ t/ir <'IT 1ff t I SHIll BHOGENDRA JHA:
( lJ') ;;ft ~ I lI'WfT;;eft' if qy;ft lI>'t SHRI C. JANARDHANAN:
ifj1ft ~ ;;rf.t 'R tT1ff it; ~ it ~
t am:
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND
~ ~ ~ @' qy;ft f<'llIT;;rr ~ FAMILY PLANNING AND WORKS,
~ 'Iful;;r;n' 16 'lU ~ ~ 'R ~ HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
he pleased to state :
sr~~~T~'liTqy;ft ~ it; ft;ril'
~~1fftl (a) whether Government have formulat-
ed a scheme to check the adulteration of
(11") ~ Q-'lfu ~ am: foodstuft's which move from one State to
another; and
~ it; ~1'iI"i'1!>'t;;rf.t~1R
m~ \'I1l111I' ,qf,;r orm m mt
I (b) if so, the main features thereof'!
Written Arrstm'I JULy 21,1969 Wrlttetl AlfSwers 100
(city) allowance, Bad climate allowance, ment is entitled to receive a fixed salary at
Remote locality allowance, compensatory the rate of Rs. 500 per mensum plus aft
(hill) allowance, Winter allowance, project allowance at the rate of Rs. 31 for each day
allowance, etc., wherever admissible, in wben the Parliament is in session or the
addition to increased pensionary benefits. Member is required to attend the meeting of
The'merger' orders have not resulted in any a Committee. Under the law, tbe daily
abridgement of entitlement in respect of allowance received by a person by rea80n of
house rent allowance as before, on production his membersbip of Parliament is specificaJly
of receipt of actual payment of rent. The exempt from tax. The amount of Rs. 500
allowance is in the nature of subsidy and per month receivable by Members of Parlia-
there can be no objection to relating it to the ment is bowever, liable to income-tax. The
actual rent paid. The pay ceilings for admis- exemption limit of as. 4,000 is applicable
sibility of Overtime Allowance, consequent on equally to Members of Parliament it applies
the treatment of a portion of Dearness Allo- to Government employees and others.
wance as pay, has not been raised as a
measure of r~stricting the expenditure on (b) Does not arise.
Overtime Allowance which has been registering
heavy increases. (c) Yes, Sir. This question was consi-
dered at the time of the Finance Bill, 1968
(c) No, Sir. and again in April, 1969. However, it was
decided tbat it would not be desirable to
(d) Does not arise. raise the exemption limit. The present
exemption limit of Rs. 4,000 is about seven
(e) As io lb) above. times tbe national per capita income of our
country. The total number of income-tax
payers is only abut 1/2% of our population
Tax on Salaries of M.Ps. and Govemmeut and if tbe exemption limit were to be raised,
Employees as recommended by Sbri BbootbaIiDgam,
tbe proporation would be reduced to 1/4%
51. SHRI P. C. ADICHAN: Will only. The Government'. view was that
the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to income-tax sbould be a broad-based 1aX
state: covering ultimately about 20%-30% of the
population. Besides, if the eKc:mption limit
(a) whether it is a fact that salary and were to be raised to RI. 7,500 it would, in
allowances of Members of Parliament are effect, mean exempting a gross income (before
not subject to Income tax, as such, since deduction of the exempt part of savings
April 1968, while salaries of small Govern- through life insurance, provident fund, etc.)
ment employees and others are subject to ranging between Rio 9,000 and Rs. 10,000.
Income tax even at low level of Rs. 4,000 A person havinl a montbly income of about
per annum; Rs. 800 would then be paying no income-tax
which would not be justifiable. The tax
(b) if 80, the reasons for tbis disparity; payable at lower income levels is already
and small. Having regard to these considerations
the veiw taken was lhat the present exemption
(c) wbether in view of the Bhootbai- limit for ~tu: need not raised.
lingam Committee Report, Go~t have
bad under cons.ideration the question of 'I1IIrd Pay COIIIIIIissiOil
exempting Government employees and other
baving incomes upto Rs. 7500; and if not, 52 SHRI MAHANT DIGVIJAI NATH:
the reasons therefor ? SHRI HIMATSINGKA:
SETH): (a> No, Sir. Under the provisions of SHRI RAM SWARUP
the "Salaries and Allowances of .Members of VIDYARTHI:
Parliament Act, 1954", a Member of Parlia- SHRI R. BARUA:
· 103 Wrlll." AIfIWer8 JULY 21, 1969 Written Answerl 104
SHRI NARAIN SWARUP cost of living by suitable adjust-
SHARMA: ments in Dearness Allowance.
(iii) There is a ban on revision of
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Salary structure at any level.
DR. RANEN SEN: The various other demands made by the
SHRf CHENGALRAYA NAIDU: INTUC have to be considered by different
SURI N. R. LASKAR: MinistrillS/Departments of the Government
SHRI P. C. ADICHAN: to which they pertain.
SURI N. R. DEOGHARE: Aid from Aid India COIISOrtlum
(h) if so, Government's reaction thereto <a) whether it is a fact tbat Gandak
and how much of the amount will be re- project has been commissioned and is ready
quired for non-project assistance; for irrigation' purposes;
(c) the details as to how the loan will (b) if so, the area to be irrigated by the
be utilised in the country; and project in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, parti-
cularly the Eastern Districts of Uttar
(d) the share of the amount to be spent Pradesh;
in Uttar Pradesh and particularly in the
Eastern districts of Uttar Pradesh ? (c) whether purposes other than the
irrigation will also be served by the project;
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. (d) how much of the area of Nepal
SETHI): (a) and (b). Tbe Aid IDdia Consor- territory will be irrigated;
tium which met in Paris on' May 22nd and
23rd, 1969 agreed that, for tbe year 1969-70 (e) whether there arc proposals under
India required non-project assistance of the consideration of Government to cxpand
about $700 million, including approximately the area for irrigation under this project;
$100 million in the form of debt relief. , It
also recognised as reasonable the need for
project assistance of S400 million. This
assessment of the requirements of aid accords ( f) if so, the details thereof?
with the Government's estimate of needs.
(c) and (d). Tbe actual quantum of MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND
assistance available for commitment during POWER (SHRI SJDDHESHWAR PRASAD):
tbe year will depend upon the legislative (a) The barrage is practically complete.
and other approval for aid in the donor A part of the canal system has also been
countries and the progress of bilateral neg0- completcd and water has been released into
tiations and signing of agreements. Such the Eastern Main Canal for Kharif irrigation
non-project aid as is available will be of about 1.5 lakh acres this year.
utilised for the import of items, such as
fertilizers, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, (h). On completion of all the canals,
raw materials and components for industries, the Project will irrigate 28.45 lakb acres in
spare parts etc., wbich ate normally eligible Bihar and 7.12 lakh acres in U. P. in the
for financing under bilateral loan qreements. Deoria and Gorakhpur districts.
107 Written A.nawers JULY 21, 1969 Written A.nswers lOB
(c) A hydro electric power house with DcmaDds of Doctors and Nones WorkiDg
an installed capacity of IS M. W. is being ill GoTernmeat Hospitals
built at the 9th mile of the Main Western
canal Cor the benefit of Nepal. 56. SHR! M. S. OBERAI:
(d). 1.S5 lakb acres. SHRI CHENGALRAYA NAlDU:
(e) and (f). The technical and economic SHRI S. M. BANERJEE:
feasibility of a preliminary proposal to cover SHR! R. R. SINGH DEO:
another 65000 acres in Nepal is under SHRI RAM CHANDRA VEERAPPA:
examination. SHR! Y. A. PRASAD:
. (b) The contraband was concealed in (i) leave in lieu of duty on holidays;
a toy replica of aoddess Lakshmi.
(ii) reduction of work load in the
The sender, an Australian national,
(c) dispensaries;
was convicted by the Court to pay a fine of
RI. SOO/-. (iii) appointment of chemists on cont-
ract for the supply of medicines to
the patients;
(d) Suitable action is always taken
whenever such abuses come to notice.
Export of antiquities from India is not (iv) increase in the conveyance allowance
permitted without 1ic:cDc:e from the CeIltraI of the Medical 0lIicerB under
Govcmmcnt. C. G. H. S.; and
109 Written AIISWer8 ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Wrilttm A_rs JIO
(v) introduction of a single shift system All the information at (a), (b) &: (e)
in the working of dispensaries. will be laid on the Table of the House as •
early as possible.
The nurses demands were regarding
increase in dearness allowance, city com- Memoramlmn by JndIao Medical
pensatory allowance and messing allowance. Aasociation
(b) if so, the specific demands made by (a) whether a two year programme has
been laid down with a view to clearing the
backlog of Income tax cases and to liquidate
the huge accumulation of Income-tax
(c) the steps Government are taking to arrears;
ensure early completion of the Rajasthan
canal and whether to that end Government (b) if so, the details of this programme;
have decided to give additional aid for the (c) whether at tbe 16th Annual General
Project; if so, the details of such a decision; Meeting of the All-India Federation of
and Income Tax Gazetted Services Associations
held in May this year, ways and means were
(d) when the canal is likely to be com- discussed to implement research pro-
pleted as a result of the intensified effort to gramme;
that end?
(d> if so, the decisions taken at this
session in this regard; and
MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND (e) the latest estimate about the accumula-
POWER (SHRI SIDDHESHWAR PRASAD): tion of Income-tax arrears at the end of
<a) Yes, Sir. June, 1969 and how it compares with such
arrears at the end of June, 1968 and June,
]967 ?
(b). The specific demand relating to
~asthan Canal made by them was that THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
additional funds, over and above tbe Fourth MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. c.
Fi..- Year Plan allocations, be provided for SATHI): (a> and (b). For clearing the
execution of tbe Canal and that Govern- backlog of Income-tax cases, a target was
ment of India should take over its execution fixed in 1968 that the arrear asssessments
as a National Project. to be carried forward as on 31-3-1969 should
not be more then 2/3rds of the arrears
(c) and (d). The question of providing brought forward as on 1-4-1968. In respect
additional funds for the ~astban Canal of the financial year 1969-70, the All India
during the Forth Five Year Plan has already target of disposal of assessments bas been
been taken up with tbe Planning Commission. fixed at 39 lakhs, that is about S lakhs more
The question of allocation of additional assessments than those disposed of during
outlay for Rajasthan Canal Project in tbe 1968-69. The programme is intended to
Fourtb Plan will, however, be examined by clear by and large the backlog of Income-
the Planning Commission after tbe award tax cases by 31-3-1971. Although Ii number
of the Fifth Finance Commission has been of steps have been taken recently to expedite
received by them. the recovery of Income-tax arrears it is not
113 Written A_1'8 ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Writtlfll Allswers 114
possible to fix a programme for their liqui- Krislmapuram, while the water taps in Ra!p
dation by any definite date. Krishnapuram remain dry for most part of
the day and the pressure is too low for water
(c) Government have no information. to reach even on first floor; and
(d) The question does not arise. (d) if so, why this disparity in the matter
of even this basic amenity to different sec-
(e) The latest information regarding the tions of the Government employees living in
position of arrears of Income-tax as well as different sectors of the same area and the
gross demand outstanding is available upto steps proposed to be taken to remove it ?
31st March, 1969. The comparative posi-
tion as on 31st March, 1967, 31st March,
1968 and 31st March, 1969 is under : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(Figures in Clom of rupees) PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
Period eliding Gross demand Amount of S. MURTHY): (a) Yes, Sir,
outstanding arrears of
/tu:Ome-tax (b) Yes, Sir.
(a) whether it is' a fact that there have 62. SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK:
bee" complainis from the residents of Rama- SHRI RAM SWARUP
krishnapuram Delhi about shortage of water VIDYARTIJI:
during the summer month;
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND
(b) whether it is also a fact tbat there is FAMILY PLANNING AND WORKS,
110 unifoimity in the hours when water runs HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
through the taps in the different sectors; be pleased to state:
(c) whether it is also a fact that there is <a) whethet it is a fact that electric
24 hours water supply in the multi·storeyed connections have not been liven to some of
Oats and other houses in the N. D. M. C. the quarters of new sectors of Ramakrishna-
area of the RiDg. Road opposite to Rama puram in Delhi;
11S JULY 21, 1969 Wrilten Answers 116
(. (b) whether it is also a fact that street be quickly developed and maintained pro-
lighting also has not been provided in new perly?
sectors like sector 10, 11 and 12 so far, and
(c) if so, the reasons for delay in provi- MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY
ding this basic civic amenity to this major PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
Government huilt colony for the Government AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI B.
employees ? S. MURTHY): (a) A statement showing the
total number of plots and their colony-wise
TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE locations is laid on the Table of the House.
MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1267j691
AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI B. (b) The plots meant for parks have been
S. MURTHY): (a) Except for one quarter in developed. Seven plots shown as play
Sector XII which is unoccupied, D. E. S. U. grounds are yet to be developed.
have given electric connections to all other
quarters in Sectors VllI, IX and XII. (c) and (d). The question of entrusting
the development of the undeveloped plots
(b) Street lighting has been provided in and mai~tenance of plots already developed
sectors 11 and 12. Sector 10 is yet to be to the Delhi Municipal Corporation will be
developed. examined.
- tb" I;;
j t 1;
119 W,Ulell AlISwe,s JULY 21. 1969 W,itten Answers 120
~ ~'«I' m
'fiT ifiTlt m,- ~ I
qf<4'lGlilldll it; ;Rt ifil1t ...=t ~'l' if ~ 'liT
f~if"lt\' tl
(Iif) ~ mwr 1m ~ ifimfTrI'f
(If) ~ ~f.rlJll' 'liT arJlIl\JI"if
'liT ~ if fifiii ;;rf.I' t I!lfT ifiroIT t; f.rlJll' it; art\l1i\ U;'Ii
am: ~ f<IifiTij' SMIf ~
omlf F it;..r if ifiPf 'Ii<: W t. ~
(If) ~ if ~ l'\'i1r ifi) O'IT ~ SI';r;liIifi, i(1if?; anN omIf t I ;;r;r ~
sr;m: 'liT dll'h4'1idl ~ ~ SMIf ifiT
~O'IT~~Tif~...=t ~
f...~ f'Ii4T ~ I
~<m~am:~tm~ "
~if~.m (.n ~o ~o ~):
(iii) ~~ I
q~ 81ft ~ am: ~ tI'n
~ ~ if mq' .m ~o 'Uo (.n ('if) ~ ~ IfiT ItIfi f.!;rorr ~
~): <m'I' 'R: ~ \iffiIT ~ I ~ if ~
fW tfIIT I [~~ LT-1268/93]
(iii) w.rr
~ IfimfR if ~
ffllI1I' 'IiTIfi
f.mrTq;r ~ f.!it m rom
~ I mWzr 6<:r f.rlPr m;ft ~ ~ m"I' GeDeraJ Provident Fuad
mfhrf; ~IIi<:W ~ I 70. SHRI BHARAT SINGH CHAU-
HAN: Will the Minister of FINANCE he
pleased to state:
('if) ffiof1 ~ IfimfR ~ 'IiTIfi
f.mryq;r m ~ 1970 ~ ~ trIfi ~
~ ~ iI>'t ~ ~ it ~~EI"@11 am: Ca) the number of cases of General
Provident Fund where missing credits have
1fiT~'IiTIfi~~it~ not been sorted out as yet in the case of
Government of India 0IIicers CGazetted);
Cb) the amount lying un.adjusted so
~Ifim~~~~ far and for how long;
morr IfiT ifi'i'iI'T 'IiTIfi ff6lIT ~ ~
(c) the steps the Accountant General
'liT ~ \iffiIT ~ I proposes to take to clear up such pendins
~~~IIit~ Cd) whether there can be some better
method evolved by his Ministry to avoid
qif IR ~
such hardships caused to Go~ment
69 • .n ~ SAm::;m ~
<m~am:~<m~~ 12~, THE MlNlSlER OF STATE IN THE
I 969 ~ arcrrtiflI;a srq;r 9238 iii mr MINISTR Y OF FINANCE CSHRI P. C.
(b) if DOt, the reasons for thc delay; (a) whctber the Burmah·Shcll and Esso
Refineries at Bombay are refining more crude
(c) when the project was sanctioned and oil than their approved capacities; and
the original estimated amount and thc
extent of acreage envisaged; (b) if so, under what circumstances these
refineries were allowed to refine crude in
(d) how many times the I'Stimates were excess of their licensed capacities?
revised and tbe year ad tbe details of
amounts revi~; and
(e) how much amount has been spent on THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
tbis project 80 far? MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND
MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND 1963, thc Burmah-Sbell, and Esso refineries
POWER (SHRI SIDDHESHWAR PRASAD): have been authorised to opcrate at capacities
(a) to (c). Information is being collected in excess of thc licensed ones to meet tbe
and will be laid on tho Table of the House. increased demands of petroleum products.
- fW-i
I r¥~.;, j-t: ~""i"" l ~
-i -~ E p"" ~l J~
; ii-dOl! J.1i'
.~ :'111>
f'fli L i ~ I'; ~
~; J~
0 j CIoJl
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127 JULy 21, 1969 W,irlm AlUWI'8 128
~i&-a-"t' tbe 1968 policy and if 80, wbat (a> the total requirement of doctors and
cbulgea have been introduced; nurses in the country and how many dispen-
saries do not have any doctors and nurses;
(b) the extent of equity capital as well as
the loan and adVBDccs of the Public Sector (b) tbe scbemes of the Fourth Five Year
at present; and Plan under which the Government have
made provision for removing the shortage of
(c) the percentage of return during doctors and nurses;
1968-69 on tbe investments and what is
expected in tbe DeJ(t and subsequent yean?
(c) whether Government made any
survey to find out why people do not like to
1HE MINISTER OF STArn IN 1HE adopt nursing and medical profession and
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P.C if so, the result thereof; and
SETHI) : (a) The 1968 policy refem:d to by
the Honourable Member is not clear. As
regards in"estment in Public Sector, tbe (d) what Government propose to do in
policy continues to be that all investment this regard?
decisions shOUld be based on tbe scrutiny of
comprehensive Feasibility Studies/Detailed
Project Reports, prepared as thoroughly as THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
possible covering all the technical economic MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY
commercial and financial aspects. ' , PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
B. S. MURTHY): <a) the total require-
(b) and (c). At the end of 1967-68, ment of doctors and nurses on the basis
which is the latest year for which the of population is estima- ted at 170870
accounts of all the Central Government and 120000 respectively by tbe end of the
undertakings are available, the total invest- Fourth Five Year Plan.
ment in these enterprises was RI. 3,333
crores, comprising RI. 1,633 crores as equity
and RI. 1,700 crores as loan. In addition, At the end of March 1969, 352 out of
the loans taken by the enterprises under cash 4919 Primary Health Centres were without
credit arrangements for working capital pur- doctors. Information regarding vacancies
poses, amounted to Rs.200 crores. The in the posts of doctors and nurses in the
position regarding return from the investment dispensaries is not available.
in these enterprises in respect of 1967-68 i.
indicated in the •'Annual Report on tbe
Working of Industrial and Commercial (b) The schemes for the training of
Undertakings of the Central Government for doctors and nurses will be il;l the State sector
the year 1967-68" laid on tbe Tahle of the in the Fourth Five Year Plan. It is pro-
House on 13-5-1969. No estimate of return is posed to start ten more Medical Colleges in
available for 1968-69 and the subsequent the Fourth Plan to increase the admission
yean. capacity of tbe existing Medical Colleges
which i. about 12000 by 1500 more.
Similarly, facilities for the the training of
Requirement of Doctors and Nunes nurses are also proposed to be augmented so
in ladla as to train 8000 more nurses during tbe
Fourth Plan period.
SHRIMATI JYOTSNA CHANDA: (c) No survey of this nature has been
SHRI RAM AVTAR SHARMA: made hut so far as the Government are
aware, there is an increasing trend in the
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND country fOr training for the medical and
FAMILY PLANNING AND WORKS, nursing professions.
MENT be pleased to state: (d) Does not arise.
129 Written Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Written Answers 130
(d) Does not arise. The company has made steady progress during the three years
and shown satisfactory working results.
(c) whether Government have taken the "THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
possession of the area and Geologists have MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM" AND
been di reeted to have an immediate trending CHEMICALS AND MINES AND
and drilling in the area; and METALS (SHRI JAGANNATH RAO):
(a) to (d). The requisite information is
(d) if so, how far they have been being collected and will be laid on the Table
successful? of the House.
MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Setting np of Polyester Fibre Plant
(SHRI JAGANATH RAO): (a) No, Sir. The
State Government of Assam who have carried 85. SHRI M. S. OBEROI: Will the
out the investigations, have reported that only Minisier of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI-
traces of gold were "detected during the preli- CALS AND MINES AND METALS be
minary investigation in the area. pleased to state :
(b) Detailed investigation of the mine- (a) whether it is a ract that the Govern-
ralised zone has been initiated in the area ment of Punjab have submitted a proposal
during 1968-69 field season by the Govern- to the Central Government for the sellin. up
ment of Assam. of a Polyo:ster Fibre Plant in that state; and
(c) No, Sir. The question of taking
possession of the area will arise afttr (b) if so, whether any decision has
establishing sizeable reserves of gold are. been taken by Government in this regard 7
The State Government have already depuled
Geo logists to carry out detailed investigation THE MIN~TER OF STATE IN THE
by trenching and lest drilling. MINISTRY DF PETROLEUM AND
(d) OUI of 22 rock samples analysed,
(SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) The Punjab
on Iy 3 samples are reported to have shown
State Industrial Development Corporation
gold values ranging from 0.8 gms. to 6.2 gms.
Ltd. submitted an application under the
of gold per metric tonne of rock.
Industries (Development & Regulation) Act,
Mine Owners in Mysore State" 1951 for a polyester plant.
(b) A request for non-project assistance (v) Facilities for promotion of exports.
fot maintenance imports is under prepara-
(c) The position in respect of the above
points is given below seriatim.
THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE India lind Pakistan. Matters arising out of
MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND the Treaty which either Commissioner desires
POWER (SHRI SIDDHESHWAR PRASAD): to be discussod at a particular meeting are
(a) The Annual Report for the year ended included in the agenda.
on 31st March, 1969 submitted by the Perma-
nent Indus Commission, is, as in the previ- (d) The Permanent Indus Commission
ous years, beina placed on the Table of the has served the useful purpose in implemen-
House. tation of Indus Waters Treaty, 1960 which
was entered between Government of India and
(b) The Commissioner for Indus Waters, Government of Pakistan, in a spirit of good-
in the Ministry of Irrigation and Power will and friendship, with the help of World
represents the Government of India on the Bank. The purpose and functions of the
Commission. The expenditure incurred by Commission are to promote cooperation
Government of India annually on Ibe between the Parties in the development of
Commission is given in the attached state- waters of the Indus System of rivers. The
ment. functions of the Commission, inter·alia
include taking steps to implement the _pro-
visions of Annexure H to the Treaty (supply
(c) The number of meetings in a year of waters to Pakistan during the Transition
depends upon the number of subjecta to- be Period which ends in March 1970) and
discussed and the requests that either undertaking tour of inspections of the rivers
Commissioner may make for holding a for ascertaining the facts connected with
meeting. The Commission has generally various developments -and works on the
beeD meeting 3-4 times a year, alternately in rivers.
141 Written Answ..rs ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Written AnsWer. 142
The returns have not yet been received. They Location of Iacome Tax Oll"ice at Dbeokanal,
will be scrutinised. when received. In case Orissa
there is any unaccounted for acquisition
of wealth, it will be brought to assessment 94. SHRI K. P. SINGH DEO: Will the
and -other necessary action under the law Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:
will be taken.
(a) whether Government have now finalised
the location of the InCome Tax OffiCe at
Collection of Evaded Income-Tax.
Dhenkanal, Orissa;
(c) and (d). Yes. Usefulness and effective- (c) and (dl. The Chief Minister of
ness of the various methods and devices are Madhya Pradesh had written to the Prime
delermined on the basis of continuing Minister suggesting that futher attempts
evaluation through Indian Council of Medi- should be made to settle the dispute by nego-
cal Research. Such studies are still in pro- tiations. Since the Government of Gujarat
gress. are not in favour of further discussioD5 on
the subject, wbich bas been pending for over
Tribunal on Narmada Water Dispute six years, the decision to refer the dispute
for adjudication stands. -
96. SHRI N. K. P. SALVE:
SHRI R. BARUA: 97. q) SIlmR~~:
'" 1I1~~ ~:
SHRI S. K. TAPURIAH: . q) i\o.-o ~:
SHRI D. R. PARMAR: f~, ,atRRT ft1IT om)q ~ ~ ~
, KUSHWAH: if1!f.t tt 'li'lIT ",'{it f'" :
KACHWAI: ("') qf~<m: f'iI<i'r.r;r ~ ~ fil;a.ft
SHRI D. V. SINGH: ar«c:r~ SI1Tf6" ~ ~;
(~) 'flIT ~. ~'if ~ f", flW<f iii m
DHARY: ~1 if ~ ;;rR ifr.ft ~ II1t ~
SHRI SHASHI BHUSHAN: aftqf'f ~~'" SI'litIT tt ;;rr ~ t;
(If) 'flIT"ItrnI" ~~ il" ~ tftfOflif
'f'{mur flI;zrr ~; am:
(I!f) ;;IT ~ I
for., ammf ft'rT iI1ftP;r fimw If'JiT (d) the reasons for not taking immediate
appropriate action in the past to remOYe
li~ iRIf.I' ~ ~ ~~ flti: . the deficiencies and .the steps now proposed
to set them right so that the undertakings
(iii) <:lT~ lNTiI' ~T f.rqm ~mil" may be worked in a way to yield profits?
iii f.r11fur iii m
if 'IlfT wmr gt ~;
('9) 'IlfT iRTli ~<m: lIfif "1ft m;r SETHI): (a> At a Press Conference on the
~~ "'" lNTiI' ~T ~ f.rqm ~ 22nd May. 1969, the Union Finance Minister
149 Written Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKAl WrItten Answers ISO
inter aUa referred to the profitability of , (c) The ad valorem duty was introduced
Public Enterprise., and also indicated that for certain varieties of cotton fabrics having.
steps are being taken to set right the defici- regard to the fact that before the budget
ency, wherever they exist, in the operation of when these varieties were being assessed at
these enterprise~. specific rates, they bore a low incidence of
duty as compared to otber fabrics of that
(b) The factors which militate against the price range. There is presently no proposal
attaiment of optimum efficiency by some to change the pattern of levy on these costly
Public Enterprises and also the measures varieties of cotton fabrics.
taken to remedy these deficiencies are indi-
cated in the Document entitled "Public
Sector Enterprises-A Memorandum", cir- Tats Fertilizer Project
culated atong with the Budget documents on
28.2.1969. 101. SHRI S. R. DAMANI:
(d) Government have all along tried to SHRI HIMATSINGKA:
improve the working of public enterprises by SHRI BAIDHAR BEHARA:
adopting various measures like giving greater SHRI SRINIBAS MISRA:
autonomy to public enterprises, putting in SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA:
people successful in the field of management in SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA:
charge of major public enterprises. remowng SHRI YASHPAL SINGH:
chief executives who have not proved success- SHRI A. SREEDHARAN:
ful, assisting in introducing modern manage- SHRI R. R. SINGH DEO:
ment techniques in operation of public enter- SHRI R. K. AMIN:
prises. etc. It has always been Government'. SHRI J. MOHAMMED IMAM:
intention that public enterprises shall run in SHRI G. C. NAIK:
such a manner that they may fulfill all their SHRI S. XAVIER:
objectives, including profit objective. SHRIMATI ILA PAL-
Excise Duty on Grey Textile Manufacturers SHRI P. M. SA YEED:
100. SHRI S. R. DAMANI: Will the SHRI D. R. PARMAR:
Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state: SHRI S. M. SOLANKI:
(a) whether it is a fact that in the past, Will the Minister of PETROLEUM
excise duty was the lowest on grey textile AND CHEMICALS AND MINES AND
manufactures and that the duly increased METALS be pleased to .tate:
with the processing methods involved;
(b) whether it is also a fact that under (a) whetber the proposal of Taw for
lhe new ad valorem duty on certain specified setting up a fertilizer factory at Mithapur
categories of cloth no such distinction is has been finally dropped;
maintained and that the distinction continues
in respect of other non-specified qualities (b) if so, the reasons that weighed
which are under specific duties; and against the proposa I;
(c) the reasons for removing the distinc- (c) if not, whether Government have
tions when ad valorem duty was thought of taken final decision in regard to setting up
for certain categories and whether Govern- of the Tata project and if an, the details
ment would like to examine to matter thereof; and
(d) if not, tbe reasons for delay and
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE at what stage the matter rests and how long
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. c. more it is likely to take for a decision in tbe
SETHI) : (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. . mailer?
151 Wrillen Answers JULY 21, 1969 Wrillen AlUwers 152
(SHRI D. R. CHAVAN) : (a) No. (bl The required information is given
Intensified measures are being taken all ('!f) ~~ ~ 8J1oft;r, !if'!" ~;r<lft
over the country for preventing smullllling.
Beller vigilance is also being exercised in the
am:r ~ amrRl!O ili<l1" ilfTlI" ~ ~ iliR: !ifq
coastal areas supported by beller collection W1r ~ arfoR:l!O ar..zr q~frfzlT ~
of intelligence. redeployment of stall" etc.
Recently the Customs Act, 1962 has also
~ ~ ~ql'[ m
ifI'U <'11lTlI"T \iff
been amended for facilitating the detection ~~ ~, flJ;m 'U'ilT f.fcn;r m:rr rnT ;:r@
of smuggled articles. <'11lTlI"T \iff ~'fiCIT I ~~ ~ i!i¥", ~.
W1r ~ ~~, <FlIT am l'Il[lit 'ilTlt
~ 1968·69 if ~ 1Ii~ IIiT "",m 'lAT !l'ttlft~"'! ~ ~o'll~am:
108. '1T. fq: : 'IlfT ~ ~T lI"~ ~ 'U'ilfT ~ iIi<'l1'fT ili<l1" ~iI" ~T it,
Offlf.t 'I>i' ~ rn fi!;: 'U'ill" mr.r ~maif am m~ ~ ~
252 ~ aRI"~o, ~lJ ~n;r it 'I'm f;roit Ifit
(iF) ~ it ~ l'ITIIl 'I>i'mr
f~T ~ ~ iITTf~ it <ft!: ~~ ~~ am
~ f~ ~ 1968·69 it ~fif ~ <'11lTlI"T <'11lTlI"T ;;IT ~ ~ am:~;iIzr ll':iFR aRT
>TlI"T~; am: ~ fiFlfT \iff ~i!T t I ~ ~'e(lf""" ffzrfo
('!f) 'IlfT~iFff~~n~
It>1 m ~, ilfTlI"-~ iliR: ~ W'iF
(b) w!lether it is also a fact that if this are, however, being taken to suitably modify
C is not provided then the work of the the definition of oustees to debar such new
completion of the Pong Dam will be delayed purchasers to reap the benefits of rebabilita-
and the rehabilitation of the Pong Dam tion in Rajasthan.
oustees will be held up; and
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND (b) whether it is a fact tbat tile laod
FAMILY PLANNING AND WORKS, was acquired far in excess of requirements;
HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- if so who is responsible for tbis excas acquis-
MENT be pleased to slate: tion and what is the loss sustained by
(a) Ihe number of squatters' families in
Delhi 10 be resettled upto March, 1967; (c) the action proposed to be taken
against tbe officers responsible for tbis excess
(b) how many of them were aclually acquisition; and
settled till Ihal dale;
(d) if Dot, tbe reasons therefor?
(c) Ibe number of squatters' families
reseltled afler March, 1967 to April, 1969; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(d) whelher it is a fact that there was PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
a backlog upto March, 1967 ; and AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI
B. S. MURTHY): (a) 5214.12 acres of land
(e) if so, the 'persons responsible for was finally acquired for the planned develop-
that and the aelion laken against them 1 ment of Delhi under the Scheme of 'Larp
163 Written Answers JULY 21. 1969 Wrltta A".wers 164
(c) The changes have been allowed on (b) if not, reasons therefor?
account of mutual change or for other impe-
Irregularities in Allotment or Plots ia PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
B. S. MURTHY) : (a) There is no proposal
121. SHRI LAKHAN LAL KAPOOR: in the Delhi Development Authority for a
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND general reversion of officers on deputation in
be pleased to state: (b) Such a proposal will not be in accor-
dance with the normal pattern in the Delhi
(a) whether it is a fact tbat certain com- Development Authority, under which ofIic:ers
plaints, against the ollicers (working under are taken on deputation from various depart-
J. J. Scheme under Delhi Development ments/States for a specified term.
165 Wrillen Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Written Answers 166
Supply of Power to Delhi from The cost of generation has been provision-
Bhakra ally fixed at 11 paise per unit.
Will the Minister ofiRRIGATION AND (e) and (C). Any proposal on the curtail-
POWER be pleased to state: ment of power supply from Bhakra Nanpl
Project to Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking
(a) whether it is a fact that power is would depend upon the terms of agree-
being supplied to Delhi from Bhakra Nangal ment for power supply which are under
Project and the power is being supplied to negotiations between the two parties.
Punjab by Delhi Electric Supply Under-
Medical Assistance for Famine-AlFeeted
(b) if so, the extent of power supplied Areas of Rajasthan
in each case and the rates at which the same
are supplied; 124. SHRI YAJNA DATTA SHARMA:
(c) whether it is also a fact that DESU SHRI JAI SINGH:
is selling power to Uttar Pradesh; SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY:
(d) whether it has been brought to the
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND
notice of Government that Punjab is facing
power crisis with the result that development
of industry and agriculture in that State is
MENT be pleased to state:
being hindered;
(a) whether his attention has been drawn
(e) if so, whether Government propose to the reported high rate of death in the
to stop or curtail the supply of power to Famine-stricken areas of Barmer District of
DESU from the Bhakra Nangal Project; Rajasthan;
(b) whether the State Government have
(f) if not, the reasons therefor? approached the Central Government for any
type of assistance, especially medical assis-
THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE tance or the assistance rendered by the
MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND Central Government to the Slate Goven-
SAD): (a) and (b). Bhakra Power system is
supplying power to the extent of 80 MW to (c) how the death rate in the Barmer
the Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking. In district compares with the All India death
view of the acute water conditions in the hydro rate in the country, the extent of S\IC'CCSS
storages of the Bhakra system, Delhi Electric achieved in the eradication of diseases during
Supply Undertaking provided relief to the the last three years and the steps proposed to
Bhakra system by reducing its off·take from be taken for further improvement in the
the agreed quantum of 80 MW. The relief matter 7
was given from 25th December, 1968 till 15th
May, 1969 and the quantum of relief THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
varied from 10 to 40 MW. The average MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY
rate of supply from Bhakra system to Delhi PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
Electric Supply Undertaking is 4.36 paise per AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI
unit. For the relief given by Delhi Electric B. S. MURTHY): (a) Yes.
Supply Undertaking to the Bhakra system
the rate charged is the difference between the (b) Yes. Investiption teams were sent
cost of generation and the power purchased. from Delhi and drugs were supplied.
167 Written Answer. JULY 21, 1969 Wrltlrn AnJWeN 168
171 Written AlUwer6 JUL Y 21, 1969 Wri/len Answers 172
During 1969. U. N. also financed the (b) whether it is a fact that out of 13
, yjsit of the Second Evaluation Team on shops which have been kept reserved, 5 are
Family P1anninB 10 India. situated in Mohan Singh Market;
Ibnl Eledrlficatioa during Gandbl (c) whether it is also a fact that the
Centenary Year tenders have been invited for 3 or 4 times
but no body has offered even the economic
130. SHRI RAM CHARAN: rent for these shops because the shops are
SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO: located at the back of the market, where
SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: there are no chances of any business f1ouri-
(d) whether it is a fact that the dairy
Will the Minister of IRRIGATION owners of I. N. A. Colony offered Rs. 25/-
AND POWER be pleased to state: p. m. as rent for these shops while the rent
shown in the tender list for these shops is
Rs. 180/- p. m.; and
(a) whether it is a fact that Government
have decided to electrify one lac villages <e) if so, the reasons therefor?
durin. the Gandhian Centenary Year (upto
(b) if so, total expenditure likely 10 be PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING
incurred by each State thereon; and AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI B.
S. MURTHY): (a) Yes. Some shops in
(c) the State-wise break up of one lac Delhi have been reserved for allotment to
villages to be electrified ? members of Scheduled Castes. (There are no
Scheduled Tribes in Delhi).
MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND (b) 8 shops have been kept reserved for
POWER (SHRI SIDDHESHWAR PRASAD): Scheduled Castes, out of which 5 are situated
(a) Yes, Sir. It is proposed 10 electrify a in the Mohan Singh Market.
total of one lakh villages in the country by
the end of Gandhiji's birth Centenary year (c) Tenders were invited four times and
I. It. 2nd Oclober, 1970 subject to avail- out of the 48 shops in the rear portion of
ability of funds. this market, only 5 shops could be allotted
on tender basis. Other quotations being
below the economic rent, were not considered
(b) and (c). The state-wise likely outlay for allotment. The reasons for poor response
and the targets will be known only after 10 the tenders are not known.
States have assessed their available resources
for the purpose and also determined their (d) Yes.
(e) The reasons are not known.
(c) the names of other chemicals which Enforcement Directorate have . reported that •
are not banned and are used in manufactur- tbere is no scope Cor Curther enquiries and
iog drugs? the enquiries in the matter have, therefore,
been closed.
MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Power Production ia Northern Region
Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND
(b) and (c). Usts of Chemicals which are POWER be pleased to state:
required by tbe Drugs and Pbarmaceutical
industry and which are allowed to be impor- (al the total requirement oC electric
ted freely or on restricted basis or are power of the States of the northern region;
banned, are given in Appendices 19 &: 28 of
the Import Trade Control Policy Book. (b) the total firm production of the States
of northern region;
MIs. Amin Chand Payarelal
(c) whether it is a fact that the demand
133. SHRI JAI SINGH: is increasing day by day due to rapid expan-
SHRI HARDAYAL DEVGUN: sion of industrial project and tube wells and
if so, the steps taken by Government to meet
Will tbe Minister of FINANCE be the growing need; and
pleased to refer to tbe reply given to
Unstarred Question No. 1334 on the 29th (d) what assistance is Government ren-
July, 1968 and state; dering to the Government of Punjab and
other States for increasing power produc-
(a) whether the enquiry being conducted tion?
by the Enforcement Directorate into the
transactions made by Sbri Suresh Kumar of THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE
MIs. Amin Chand Pyarelal has since been MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND
SAD): (a) and (b). In the Northern Region, a
(b) if so, with wbat results gtvIDg tbe total demand of about 2750 MW is antici-
details of the parties concerning this matter; pated by 1969-70 when the availability of the
and total firm power would be about 2075 MW.
(c) if not, the r.uons tberefor ? (c) and (d). While the demand will be
progressively increasing in the Northern
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Region, deficits in the supply of power are
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. anticipated during tbe Fourth Plan derind.
SETHI): (a) to (e). As was stated in reply However, in view oC tbe stringent financial
to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1334, resources, measures bave been taken to
answerccl on the 29th July, 1968, a photostat ensure maximum utilisation of the available
copy of a letter Crom tbe National and generating capacity by integrated operatinn
Grindlays Bank, New Delhi addressed to Shri oC tbe power systems in the various States
Suraj Paul oC MIs. Amin Cband Pyarelal, in the Region. For this purpose, earmarked
Calcutta, regarding T. T. Receipt dated Central Assistance is being given towards the
the 23rd October, 1959 Cor £461-12-7 favour- construction of in~-State transmission links.
ing Mr. Suresh Kumar' was received in the In addition, new power generation schemes
Enforcement Directorate. It is apparent for implementation in this region during the
that the foreign exchange bas been received Fourth Plan are under consideration.
through banking channels. The transaction
pertains to the year 1959 and the Bank's Claim of Ownership of Bbakra Project
records, wbich would have thrown any Iigbt
as to wbether any contravention oC foreign 135. SHRI SHRI CHAND GOYAL:
excbaogc regulations is involved in the Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND
tranaac:tion, are on longer in existence. The POWER be pleased to state;
175 Wrln... Answers JULY 21. 1969 Writtell Answers 176
(a) wbetber the Punjab and Haryana (b) tbe estimated expenditure of the
Governments are making claims for their project and the area to be irrigated?
exclusive ownership and control over the
(b) what are their claims and counter POWER (SHRI SIDDHESHWAR PRA-
claims; SAD): (a) The State Government has pro-
posed the loelusion of Upper Indra.ati Pro-
(c) the steps taken by Government to ject Stage I, in the Fourth Plan. The list of
resolve the controversy; and new schemes to be included in the Fourth
Plan of Orissa is )U to be finalised.
(d) whether the State Governments of
Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh have also (b) The scheme, as submitted by the
put forward their claims over Bhakra Pro- State Government is estimated to cost Rs.
ject ? 24.20 crores and envisages annual irrigation
of 3.13,600 acres.
SAD): (a) and (b). The administration, 137. SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY:
maintenance and operation of the Bhakra Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased
Project is at present entrusted to the Bhakra to state:
Management Board, which has been consti-
tuted under the Punjab Reotpnisation Act, (a) whether India has proposed at the
1966. The Governments of Punjab. Haryana, recent ECAFE meeting in Singapore that
Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh are repre- the Asian Development Bank should consider
sented on the Board. Both the Govern- r.financin g export credit offered by develop-
ments of Punjab and Haryana have been ,ing countries to improve their competitive-
claiming exclusive control over the Project. ness in the sale of manufactured products;
(c) The matter is under consideration.
(b) if so, the decision taken in this
(d) The H"unac:bal Pradesh Government regard?
have also expressed the feeling that owner-
ship, control and management of tbe Project THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
should be handed over to that Government. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C.
The Bhakra Project was constructed jointly SETHI): (a) and (b). At the 25th Annual
by the Covernment of Rajasthan and the Session of ECAFE held during April 1969 in
Government of the composite State of punjab Singapore the Indian delegation, while speak-
and Rajasthan's share in the Project has on the review of the activities of the Asian
already been determined. The Rajasthan Development Bank. drew attention to the
Government ha.e, however, nnt put forward proposal that had been made earlier at
any claim for exclusive control over the Pr0- the Second Annual Meeting of the
ject. On the other hand, they are opposed Bank that the Bank should consider the set-
to exclusive control being given to anyone ting up of suitable export credit refinancing
State. facilities to promote the export of capital
goods from developing countries.
Indravati Project
The matter is under consideration of the
Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND Bank.
POWER be pleased to state:
Formation "NatiODaI Forum" by a Prol_
(a) wbether the Indravati Irrigation Pro- of All India ll18titate of Medical Sci_au
ject in the District of Kalabandi in Orissa is
likely to be included in the Fourth Five Year 138. SHRI A. DIPA : Will the Minister
177 "',Inen A_r8 ASADHA 30, 1891 <SAKA) 1711'
AND WORKS. HOUSING AND URBAN bungled the issue of exporting nf iron ort'.
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: from Daitari mines through Paradeep port in
Orissa to Japan;
<a) whether it has come to the notice
of GO\'erIIment that a senior Professor and (b) if so. the details thereof ; and
Head of the Department in the All India
Institute of Medical Sciences. New Delhi has (c) tbe steps taken by Government to
started a political forum known as· National restore the export of iron ore from Daitari
Forum; mines to Japan ?
is made by 10C from USSR, at prices
mo iI!~ lIlT ~m ~ 0!ffi'lT ~ I previously contracted, and approved by thc
Government. Lubricants are imported
~ ~ ~ if ~T~ f.rnm lJ'll"f ~ I 3GO
No ~o mmr cmr m'Tm
;r<'IT 'liT 8 ~
mainly against US (AID) funds. procedures
regarding which requirc the goods to be
10 artl<r fl::maff if 550 ~Te<: ~ ¥I" procured after due competitive bidciing in
U.S.A. However. under a waiver to this
"'""~ if ~ ~ fif~r lJ'll"f ~ I~ condition, applicable to Sole Agency. the
lJ'<f~qr.ftmmifl'~ ;r<'ITif~g;f various Oil Companies have been importing
~~ if amrr ~ am: ~;;r.:r ilr(RVf cmr lubricants through their respective principals/
affiliates in USA at concessional prices•
.mt if ~ ;;mrr ~ I The imports of lubricants from Rupee sources
are chanoelised through IOC at prices
( lJ') SI'fum" 25 '1m m aITmlffi' previously contracted, and approved by the
qr;ft ~ &Frr am: ~: ~ qr;ft
1970 iii Iflff iii ~ ~ ~ ;;r;my ~ Fertlllzen and CII_icals Travucore Ltd.
f~ 'litm I
(tf) II!,ti ~ UHffnRr f~ a'lT SHRI K. ANIRUDHAN;
~ ir.i'f SfiI>l~ iii 'IiT1if 'I'<: "f~. SHRI A. K. GOPALAN:
15 '1m lio ~ ~ &Frr I Will the Minister of PETROLEUM
181 Written Answer. ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Writ/en Ansll'err 182
(c) I.O.C. does not searcb fur oil and and Burmab Oil Company in 1'HO, 1965·
fu.s, therefore, spent no money thereon. and on June, 30th, 1969;
(c) whether there is any differeoce and
(d) The value of product loss during
if so, the reasons therefor; and
1967-68 was of the order of Rs. 28.66 lali:hs.
This stock loss arise during handling and (d) whether the Indian Oil Corporation
evaporations and is well within the normal is selling its products to any foreilnaJIII.
limits of permissible losses in the oil panics and tile rates of -=II said product
industry. during the lut three years, year-wile'·
(e) The profits made by Indian Oil THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
Corporation from 1964-65 to 1967-68 are as MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND
------_._- - - _.._-- - ---.- (SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) to (c). The
(Rs. in erorss) amount spent for the import of Petroleum
1964-65 0.76 Products during the last three years is as
1965-66 1.01 under :-
1966-67 6.26
1967-68 10.83 (Bs. era,..)
1966 51.31
(f) The ceiling prices of bulk refined 1967 39.67
petroleum products and bitumen are deter- 1968 40.73
mined by the Central Government and apply 1969 (Jan-April) 9.14
to all tbe oil Companies uniformally. The
oil companies are, however, free to sell tbeir Information in respect of the import of
products at lower prices by giving discounts oil machinery is being collected and will be
to consumers. These discounts are deemed laid on the Table of the Sabba.
to be business secrets. No ceiling selling Tbe Central Government determines the
prices for lubricants, grease. and specialities Basic Ceiling Selling Prices of Bulk Refined
are fixed by Government. In respect of Petroleum Products and Bitumen ex oil
some branded products and specialities companies installations at main ports.
manufactured and blended by each company, These apply to all the Oil Companies. The
there may be differences in the selling prices Companies are, however, free to sell tbeir
of the companie.. Tbe selling prices for products at prices lower than the ceiling to
sucb products are determined on the basis consumers. The differences between tbe
of tbe cost of imported base stock, additive., various ceiling prices IIxed by Government
blending and packing charge., profits and for each petroleum product and those actually
other competitive condition.. It is not in charged by each oil company product-wise
the commercial interest. of I.O.C. to from each consumer, dealer or agent are
disclose the prices paid by them for imported business secrets.
(d) Yes. Indian Oil Corporation bas
IIIIport of Oil Maebiaery aod oil products entered into product exchange arrangement
witb foreign oil companies operating in
146. SHRI ABDUL GHANI DAR: India. Corporation also sells to them
Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND surplus products like Motor Spirit aad the
CHEMICALS AND MINES AND METALS prices are recovered on the'basis. of Govem-
be pleased to state : ment pricins formula from time·to time.
(a) tbe amount speut during tbe last Oil Drilling at Bodn In West Bengal
three years, year-wise for imports of oil
machinery and different oil products till tbe 147. SHRI SAMAR GUHA:
30th June, 1969; DR. RANEN SEN:
(b) the sale price of different products SHRI JYOllRMOY BASU:
whol_le and retail sale, also of imported
goods of the ludian Oil Corporatinn, ESSO Will the Miniater of PBTllOLBUM .AND'
185 ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Written Answer. 186
CHEMICALS AND MINES AND MATALS (e) The decision not to drill Bodra 3 was
beplaued to ltate : taken in view of the results of drillinl BodI'II
I. Being structurally lower than Bodra well
(a)'whether it Is a fact that after drilling a No. I, Bodra Well No.3 is not expected to
well at BocIra, near Canning in West Bengal find hydrocarbons in view of the unfavourable
at· a depth of aerly 400 metres it was suddenly results in Bodra Well No. 1.
(f) Seismic surveys are being continued
(b) whether gass with higbest pressure in the region. If the surveys lead to tbe
(30lI0 atmosphere) hu been found in this discovery of a favourable structure, under-
'well and crude oil was also extracted; taking drilling to test the structu'e will be
considered .
(c) if so, the reasons for suspension of
rurther drilling; Western Kosi Canal Project
(d) whether in tbe same area another site 148. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA :
Bodra-3 was selected for drilling and nearly SHRI RAMAVATAR SHASTRI:
Its. 10 Iakbs have been spent for preliminary SHRI BABURAO PATEL:
work but it was stopped and the equipments SHRI YAMUNA PRASAD
for the well drilling were sent to Jammu and MANDAL:
Kashmir State;
Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND
POWER be pleased to state:
(c) if so, the reasons therefor; and
(a) wbether approval of the Government
(f) the steps taken by Government for of Nepal for the execution of the Western
fuJI scale and early exploration of oil resou- Kosi Canal Project has been received;
rces in the Canuiug and other areas of South
BenpJ and the Coastal region of the Stale? (b) if so. the details thereof and tbe
steps to be taken thereafter;
THB MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) if not, the reasons for the delay;
(d) whether it is a fact that the Govern-
(SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) and (b). The
ment of Nepal wants shifting the proposed
drillinl was stopped at tbe depth of 4197.5
alignment of the Western Kosi Canal further
metres on account of a stuck up of the drill
North-wards and simultaneous construction
strins. which could not be released inspite of
of the embankments of river Kamala extending
all efforts.
Northwards from Jainagar; and
(d) A location for drilling another well THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THB
(Bodra-3) hu been released and an expenditure MINISTRY Of IRRIGATION AND
of RI. 40.36 Iakbs (exclusift of the compen.' POWER (SHRI SIDDHESWAR PRASAD):
sation for use of land) had been incurred on (a) to (c). The approval of His Majesty's
that location, Subsequently it was decided Government of Nepal is still awaited.
not to drill at that location.
(d) No, Sir.
The drillinl ria bu not been sent to
Jammu.and Kasbmir State. It remains in (el Does not arise.
West Benp\. Some of the ancillary items
of drillinll equipment and materials are how- 011 E"ploration in Jalsehner (Rajasthan)
ever, bciDJ sent to tbe other projects of the
Oil and Natural Gas Commission, where such 149. SHRI R. K. BIRLA : Will the
items are in short supply, Minister of PBTROLEUM AND CHBMI-
187 Wrilte1l AIIsw"rs lUL Y 21, 1969 188
CALS AND MINES AND METALS be have been fixed by notifications issued by
'pleased to state : the Central Government in exercise of powers
conferred by the Indian Tariff Act or the
(a) whether it is a fact that BOme French Customs Act, 1962. Collectors of Customs
Company through the Government of France are not empowered and have no discretion
has giveo a loan of Rs. 10 crores to the to charge rates of duty different from those
Government of India and asked her to give so fixed.
the contract to the French Company for ex-
ploring and experimenting digging of oil wells 2. However, the Collectors decide under
in laiselmer in Rajasthan; which item of the tariff any particular impor-
ted goods are classifiable for assessment
(b) "hether it is also fact that the said purposes. Sometimes difference in tbe
company failed to undertake the project of practice of classification lead to duty being
digging and bungled away with the money; charged at diffemt rates. Wbenever such
difference comes to light or when a Collector
(c) if so, the name ofthe Company; has a doubt in the matter of classification,
the correct classification is decided by the
(d) the details of the case; and Collectors of Customs in consultation among
themselves. If there is difference amongst
Ie) the steps taken or proposed to be the Collectors or if a change from an earlier
taken by the Government of India in this established practice is necessary, the c1assifica;
matter ? tion is decided by the Central Board of
EAeise and Customs.
AND ~ CI'n f~ • f~ ehr
(SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) and (b). No.
lSI; .n~~ ~~ : !flIT
(c) to (e). Do not arise. ~ CI'n ~ ~ ~ ~R If» !i'IT
"'" _.8
the rates;
(c) if so, the reasons therefor; and
~ ~ if ~ '""" :
(d) the steps being taken by Government (Ill) {q'ro: snm): (If» ~ ~~ it
to have uniform policy in this respect ? ~ firMJf<'lfliRl" t :-
SETHI) : (a) to (d). The rates of duty
leviable on imported goods covered by
various items in the First Schedule to the 145000 90200
Indian Tariff Act, 1934 are prescribed in that
Schedule Itaclf. In some cases different rates 96000 30000
189 Written Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Written Answer. 190
(a) whether it is a fact that the Govern- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
ment otGujarai have requested for financial MINISTRY OF FINANCE <SHRI P. C.
aid in carrying out the work of. sUPl?lyiog SETHI: <al and (bl. The information is being
waler to 1043 villages where provision of. collected and will be laiet on the Table of
drinking water is not at all available; and the House as early as possible..
mr q1l1\'Pl' if
(1fi);;IT, ~I
mil'"" ('l1 Slo'llio ml):
schemes has been undertaken in the factories
at Namrup and Udyogamandal in the public
sector. In addition, construction work on
fertilizer projects is expected to commence
shortly at Trombay (ExJ?8Dsion) in the I?ublic
(~) ~ ~r.r ~r {!1 ~ ~r I sector and at Kandla, Goa and Mangalore in
the private sector. Further, al?proval has
Foreign Advisers in Ministries and been given in principle for location of
. Departments . fertilizer I?rojects at Mirzapur, Vishakapat-
nam, Sheva-Nhova and Kaml?tee in Maha-
160. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU: Will rashtra, a suitable p1l!ce in Punjab (or U.P.)
the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to and expansion of t he fertilizer factory at
state: Vishakapatnam in the private sector.
195 Writtell AIISWI!r. .JULY 21, 1969 Writtell AIIswn. 196
(a) the number of houses enllaged by the (The total floor space and the monthly
Geological Survey of India in Calcutta for rent paid in respect of each building is
oftice purposes; furnished below:-
2 3 4 5
-.------.- --_. __..-
1. No. 27, J. L. Nehru 53,780 Nil Geological Survey of India
Road, Calcutta. is the statutory occupant
of the buildir>g owned by
the Trustees of the Indian
Museum, Calcutta. No
rent is payable.
2. No. 29, J. L. Nehru 34,300 Nil Government owned.
Road. Calcutta.
3. No. 15A &. B Kyd 6,273 JIIil Government owned.
Street. Calcutta.
4. No. 77B, Park Street 4,100 660/- AIIotted by the Estate
Calcutta. Manager, Calculla from
his general pool of
accommodation and rent
paid by him,
S. No. 5/1, Khagendra 74,712 17,077/- -do-
Chatteljee Road,
6. No. 38/1, Panditiya .23,000 1,845/- -do-
Road, Calcutta.
7. No.2, Justice 22,881 8,000/- -do-
Chandra Madhab
Road, Calcutta,
B. No.5, Middleton 20,564 4,000/- -do-
Street, Calcutta.
9. Ratnakar Buildiog, Directly hired by the
4, Cbowringbee 95,579 95,579/- Department and rent
Lane, Calcutta-16. paid from the Depart-
mer. t"s fund.
(c) No.
(d) Docs not arise.
197 Written Answers ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Wrillen AlfSwers 198
Cd) Necessary preventive and control (a) price paid by Indian Oil Corpora-
measures against Cholera are taken by the tion F. O. R. Alwaye.
State and Local Health authoriti.. before and
during the cholera season. In order to (br railway freisht ell-Alwaye to
intensify these efforts in endemic areas,.a Gaubati on full cylinders.
Centrally sponsored cholera control scheme
has been included in the Fourth Five Year (c) railway freight ell-Gauhati to
Plan. Alwaye on empty cylinders.
199 Written AlUw,rs JULY 21,1969 Writ/en Answers 200
(d) delayed delivery of the material. (e) The work of providing Booster Pump
ing Station and replacing the existing 2"
(c) No, because the plant ran into pro- dia pipe with 4" dia pipe as a permanent
longed difficulties and it was not possible solution, is being undertaken this )ear at a
for them to make any supplies (except about total cost of Rs. 57,000 and will take 18
4 tonnes received in 1964) so far. months to complete.
(a) the number of Government sponsored offices of tbe Reserve Bank of India are
delegations which visited foreign Countries located in far off placos in private buildings; •
::iuring the off-session period of Lok Sabha
(May-July, 1969) and the purposes of visits (b) if so, the rent paid per month for
of these delegations; tbese buildings;
(b) the names of countries they visited; (c) whether it is also a fact that land was
and acquired from the Maharashtra Government
and later on surrendered without putting up
Cc) the foreign exchange involved in these buildings; and
(d) if so, what was the amount spent in
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the deveiopment .of thi. land which was
MINISTR Y OF FINANCE (SHRI P- C. surrendered later on?
SETHI): (a) to (c)_ The information is being
collected and will be laid on the Table of
the House as soon as it is available_ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
Oil Found in Pancbgram SETHI): (a) The offices/departments of the
Bank and its associate institutioJlll, which
could not be accomocated in the three build-
ings owned by the Bank, are housed in 13
Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND
leased premises all of which, except one, are .
situated within a distance of about 3 miles
be pleased to state:
from the Bank's main building.
(a) whether it is a fact that a party of
(b) Ren\ paid for the buildings leased
Oil and Natural Gas Commission visited the
by the Bank is about Rs. 2 lakhs per month.
District of Cachar and found oil and gas in
the area of Panchgram;
(c) Yes, Sir. The idea of putting up
the buildings was given up in view of the
(b) if so, whether Government propose
heavy capital expenditure involved_
to begin the preliminary work of (frilling
there; and
(d) Approximately Rs. 22 lakhs_ The
Reserve Bank has agreed not to claim this
Cc) the amount of oil and gas likely to
amount from tbe Government of Maharashtra
be extracted from there?
who have .in turn agreed not to claim the
ground rent payable to them.
CHEMICALS AND MINES AND METALS Employees of A.G.'s OII'lce, Triv8ndrum
(SHRI D_R_ CHAVAN): (a) to (c)_ O_N_G_C_
has carried out shallow drilling operations 170. SHRI VASUDEVAN NAIR: Will
in the vicinity of Badarpur and the party is the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to
now compiling the report on work done_ No state:
drilling for oil !gas has been undertaken so
far: O_N_G_C. propose to enter this area Ca) the number of employees of tbe
and have submitted their proposal recently Accountant General's Office, Trivandrum,
which is being examined in the Ministry. "ho are still under suspension or termina-
tion (as on 1.6.1969) for participation in
Reserve Bank Offices Housed in Private , September 19, 1968 strike; and
(b) what was the total number involved
169. SHRI VASUDEVAN NA.IR: Will and how many were taken back?
Ihe Minister of FINANCE be pleased to
Ca) whether it is a fact that the seventeen SETHI): (a) and (b). 29 employees were sus-
203 Written An.,wers JULY 21, 1969 Written Answers 204
, pended and 27 had their services terminated. against the allottees/sub-Iettees oC Class IV
Out of these, by 1st June, 1969 IS suspended quarters in Sector-II of R.K. Puram, Delhi
employees had been reinstated and 8 em- during the last three years;
ployees whose services had been terminated
were taken back into service, leaving 14 (b) the serial numbers of quarters of the
persons still suspended and 19 persons with residents against whom those complaints were
services jerminated. made during the said period and the names
of the complainants and the nature oC com-
Western Aid plaint in brieC in each case.
171. SHRI BHAGABAN DAS: 'WiII (c) whether the' Directorate oC Estates
the Mb.ister of FINANCE be pleased to before starting inquiries in each case had
state: verified from their records that the names oC
the complainants "-ere genuine and those
(a) whether it is a fact that the Secretary oC the actual allottees;
to the Ministry of Finance told a~ a press
conference on the Sth June, 1969, on his (d) if not, the reasons thereCor; and
return from Paris meeting that "Western Aid
Game is very much an ad hoc game"; (e) the decision taken in case oC each
(b) whether he also said that he did not complaint?
expeet a five-year commitment from the
Western Aid givers; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
(c) if so, Government's reaction ther"to?
B.S. MURTHY): (a), (b) and (el. A state-
ment is laid on the Table oC the House
SETHI) (a) and (b). Speaking to Press
[Placed in library See. No. LT-J276/39).
correspondents, on June 5, 1969, Special
Secretary; Department of Economic Affairs
(c) and (d). Complaints are not necessarily
explained the outonme of the Consortium
to be from the allotlees of Governnlent
Meeting held on 22nd and 23rd May, 1969.
quarters. These can be from those also
He said that commitments for aid are not
who share accommodation with allottees and
generally made for longer terms corres-
even· from non-allottfes. No action on
ponding to our plan periods but on the
anonymous/pseudonymous complaints is
basis of an year to year assessment of such
taken. Even before starting inquiries on the
aid requirements and therefore the Consortium
complaint received, the complainant is, first of
did not express itself on aid availability for
all, called for to explain his case and if the
India's Fourth Five Year Plan.
complaint is proved pseudonymous no action
is taken thereon.
(c) GOYemment have been emphasising
on every possible occasion, the need for longer
term commitment of ,aid in order to ensure
greater continuity in planning for develop- Committee 00 Pmcurements of
ment. Construction Equipment
Vo! possible to indicate the quantum to be (b) whether it is proper to give shelfer to
spent in the States of Andhra Pradesh and one Government employee at the cost of
Orissa. another Government employee; and'
~lfW~f'li~ ~ iI")'if~in
arfORf ~<: f<;rlr ~·it I WIT ~m it ('I ) IT~ &to aT ~ f~lf.n 'lit ~
cit t fit; ~ ~;ITq ~1 ~ 'l<:
~'if;rT If>~it ~ f<'llr lJ"~ it <m ~TtT f.t;lr ~ ?
~1 ~<'T &T mar~, zmft ~~ ~r
~ ~ ifTlT 3Th ~.~ II<: ~it <mit . ,~ <I'll qft.n: f~ am
~T ~ <r.T<:Uf !fff ~ arf'Tfffimr ~ I f~, 0I11Im <I'll ~ fit4i1u ~ if
amTr ~ f;r. ;rift arm 'I1Ii!>r mm ifiTT ~.~ (W1D 1511qf~~) : (ifi')
~I ~('f).~1~~~'Ii"T;A m~ fl
2t1 Writtell Allswers JULY 21, 1969 Wrillell A"~"'ers 212
11m "!ffi'I1f if ~T (lilT 5(0 "0 ~): THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE
NATH PAHADIA): (a) An amount of
Rs. 4.50 creres has so far been paid to the
(l!r) wm'f iIil (I"~ ilin:ur, Government of Orissa towards the ex-
~ ~ m..-"tI< ~ iliTll'f<;rIr ~ ;m: penditure on relief and rehabilitation
<lTf"lililf~ll1 iii), ~I< ~ ilir f.If~ measures undertaken by them on aa:Dunt of
f~'i If.T mr;:r rn ~ ~i!in: 'Ii1: ~
Ihe cyclone and floods in 1968.
'i~ arn:)'i-~ f~ ;;lTit If.T am ;m amr- (b) Cenlral assistance is released in tbe
'liTro:r'i 'for, f(l;;r)f~1if 'for, f.r;rit ;fit; am light of the progress of expenditure and is
finally adjusted on the basis of audited
d«t ~fl¢ ~ ~ iliTI]';;r-tr-f am figures of expenditure as certified by the
If.r~ <m!~' <:11Ir 'Iff, ;;nf~q'i iliT lJ'1< Accountant-General.
,,~~ mr lT~-f.Trir~ro;:rr irr ~ ~ (c) The items of expenditure for which
~ '11: (I1IT 'mW~ arrlf.~iIi ~r 3lRt- it was agreed to provide Central assistance
21S Writ/en Answers JULY 21, 1969 Written Answers 216
were: (i) relief items like gratuitous relief, (b) The layout area will depend on the
.."ouse-building grants, relief works, grants design .finally selected .
to fishermen, etc. (ii) loans to agriculturists
and fishermen and (iii) repairs to roads and· (c) and (d). The question involved is not
irrigation works. Central assistance is, merely of the Prime Minister's personal
however, actually released on the basis of wishe, or cohvenience. Government have
total expenditure and is not relateable to carefully considered the matter. They have
individual items. come to the conclusion tbat the present
arrangements are in many respects inadequate
(d) The State Government expect to and have accordingly decided that a new and
incur an expenditure of Rs. 6.16 crores on permanent official residence should be con-
various relief measures during the two years structed for the Prime Minister of India
1968-69 and 1969-70. As against this, the with due regard to the essential minimum
Central assistance sanctioned so. far is needs, official and public as well as
Rs. 4.SO crores. The State Government personal.
would, therefore, be spending Rs. 1.66 crores
from their own resources. Allowance to Staft" of Indian Audit and
Accounts Depurtment and Central
Ne.. Residence for Prl_ Minister Government on Deputation to
Delhi Administration
184. SHRI H. N. MUKERJEE: Will
the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY 185. SHRI N. SHIVAPPA: Will the
PL.ANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:
to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the staff of
the Indian Audit and Accounts Depanment
(a) whether it is a fact that he has and the Central Government sent on depu-
asked "selected" architects to submit designs tation to the Delhi Administration get depu-
for a new housing complex intended for the tation duty allowance at 20 per cent of their
residence of the Prime Minister; basic pay in their parent department, whereas
no deputation duty allowance is paid to the
(b) whether it is a fact that the aforesaid staff of the Audit and Accounts Department
complex will be approximately as large as and the Central Government sent on depu-
the Teen Murti House; tation to the Central Government;
(c) whether he has ascertained from the (b) whether this is not an unnecessary
Prime Minister that her present residence, expenditure on the resources of the Delhi
where she has Ihed long enough, is either Administration whose budget is passed by the
inadequate or de.rimenta I to the dignity of Central Government and is approved by the
her office or otherwise inappropriate; and Parliament; and
. (d) whether it is thought right and pro· (el the reasons why the Central Govern-
per to spend large sums in ostentatious ment had not taken· a decision in the case of
construction when so many priorities for the the Delhi Administration also when the depu-
people are being forgofton? tation duty allowance was stopped to the
staff of the Indian-Audit and Account
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Department deputed to the Central Govern-
B. S. MURTHY): (a) No, Sir. Although, MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C.
originally it was proposed to make a pre- SETHI): (a> Yes, Sir. The staff of the Audit
liminary selection of architects who would and Accounts Department and the Central
be asked to submit designs for the new Government deputed 10 other Departments of
official residence of the Prime Minister, it the Con:ral Government on posts on identi-
is now proposed to hold an open competition. cal, equivalent or lower scales of pay ar.
217 Wrltte" A"swrs ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Wrltte" Alllwers 218
• allottee5 in a block. Complaints were the Korba Coal based Fertilizer Plant would
received in respect of 8 blocks tbat !be dining begin and when it would begin production?
halls were being used for running messes on
commercial basis and the people living out- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
side those particular blocks were also using MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHE-
those dining halls. The mailer was looked MICALS AND MINES AND METALS
into and the unauthorised occupants were (SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): A final decision
evicted from the dining halls and it was has not yet been taken regarding the setting
decided to allot the dining hall and kitchen up of coal based fertilizer plants in the pub-
in the name of one of the allottees of the lic sector.
block on receipt of the consent of other
allottces subject to condi tions that all !be
a1lottees will be responsible for maintenance, Drinking water Requirements of Rural Areas
up-keep of the common places and for their in M. P.
proper use. This procedure is in vogue at
present and only 3 dining' halls stand allot- 190. SHRI NITlRAJ SINGH
ted in the names of allottees. CHAUDHARY : Will the Minister of
Exchange of Malilat~d Currenry Note by DEVELOPMENT be plea,ed to state:
Resene Bank
(a) whether a special division to survey
188. SHRI N. SHIVAPPA: Will the drinking water requirments of rural areas
Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state: in Madhya Pradesh was set up, if so,
(a) the number of mutilated currency
notes of various denominations produced at (b) whether any report has been submit-
the various Branches of the Reserve Bank of ted by the said division;
lodia for exchange of new notes during the
preceding one year; and (c) if so, the details of recommendations
made alld action taken thereon; and
(b) the percentage of these mutilated
(d) if no such division was set uP. the
notes to those curr.ntly in circulation in the
reasons therefor and when it would be set
country. ?
up 1
SETHI): (a) and (b). A statement showing
the number of mutilated currency notes of
various denominations produced at Reserve
B. S. MURTHY): (a) Yes, two special
Bank of India Offices for exchange of new
lovestigation Divisions are functioning in
notes during the year ended 31st March, 1969
M. P. The first Division was formed in
and the percentage of these mutilated notes
1964 and the second Division has been set
. to those currenlly in circulation is laid on
up recently.
the Table of the House. [P/acrt/ i" Library
See No . LT-1277/69.]
(b) and (c). The First Division submitted
its report on the assessment of the rural water
Coal Based Fertilizer Plant supply problem in November, 1966. For
making an assessment of the rural water
189. SHRI NITIRAJ SINGH supply problem, it grouped 76,843 villages of
CHAUDHARY: the State under four different categories viz.
SHRI NATHU RAM AHIRWAR: (i) difficult and scarcity areas. (ii) areas where
there is inadequate water supply, (iii) speci-
Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND ally backward areas, land (iv) areas requiring
CHEMICALS AND MINES AND METALS safe and wholesome water. The cost of
be pleased to state when the construction of providing water supply facilities to all these
221 Writlrrr ArrSM·er& ASADHA 3D, 1891 (SAKA) 222
villages is estimated at" Its. 85 crores. Both (b) if so, the percentage of its market
the Divisions are now engaged in preparing participation increased during the last three
plans and estimates for individual villages years, years-wise ?
based on priorities.
It i. for the State Government to deter- MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND
mine priorities and oullays for all the CHEMICALS AND MINES AND METALS
schemes. During the period of Fourth Five (SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) Yes.
Year Plan, Central assistance to the States for
eligible Sta te Plan Schemes, including the (b) The market participation of Indian
National Water Supply and Sanitation Pra- Oil Corporation in private business ...as
gramme, is being given in the form of Block 13 ..'10% in 1965, 20.35% in 1966, 26.17% in
loans and Block grants. 1967 and 31.15% in 1968.
Evasioa of Income Tax by O ....en of Tea 193. SHRI N. SHIVAPPA: Will the
Gardens In Assam Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI-
191. SHRI GADILINGANA GOWD: pleased to state :
Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased
to state: (a) whether Government propose to set
up a fertilizer complex near Udaipur based
(a) whether the cases of evasion of on huge deposits of rock phosphate located
Income-tax from the owners of Tea Gardens near the lakes of Udaipur; and
in Assam have come to Iiaht;
(b) when the proposal would be finally
(b) if so, the details thereof; and declared and the details thereof ~
(c) the arrears of Income-tax due from THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
them during the period and the action being MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND
taken to realise the outstanding amounts ~ , CHEMICALS AND MINES AND
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE and (b). Rock phosphate deposits Ioealed
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. r.ear Udaipur and in other areas tn
SETHI): (a) & (b). There were SOme compla- Rajasthan are still under investigation. A
ints of tax evasion in the cases of four such Working Group, set up by Government. have
owners.· In one ca!e, the complaint was on the ba.i. of data so far available. indi-
found to be baseless and the matter has cated the possibility of establishing a ferti-
been closed after enquiries. In the other lizer complex at Saladipura or Udaipur
three cases, investigations are stil! going on. making use of these rock phosphate deposits
as also the pyrites deposits located in Raja-
(c) Nil. sthan. The establishment of such a complex
can be considered only after commercial
Increase in Market I'IIrtidpatloa by exploitation or the deposits starts.
Indian Oil Corporation
World Bank Loan to India
CHEMICALS AND MINES AND METALS Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased
be pleased to state : to state:
(a) whether it is a fact tbat Indian Oil (a) whether it is a fact that the World
Corporation bave increased its market parti- Bank has recently gnulled fresh loan to
cipation in private business also; and India;
223 Wrlll~n Answers JULY 21,1969 Wr;lI~n AnslO'ers 224
(b) if so, when and the details thereof; being run by the UNICEF in the State oC
and Bihar.
(c).if not, the proposals from the (d) The requisite information is being
Government oC India which are lying befo~ collected and will be laid on the Table of
the World Bank authoritities" for considera- the Sabha.
tion for more aid to India; the reasons for
delay and the reaction of Government COIIh'OI of Kosi and Kamla Balan Floods
tbereto ?
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI P. C. POWER be pleased to state :
SETHI): (a) Yes Sir.
<a) whether it is a fact that Government
(b) Loan/Credit Agreements were signed' have taken steps for controlling the Kosi and
with the World Bank and International Kamla Balan floods in Bihar this year vls-a-
Development Association on June 18, 1969, vis last year;
Cor assistance for the Tarai Seeds Project and
the Third Tele-communication Project. The (b) if so, the details thereof; 'and
datails are given in the Statement laid on the
Table of the House. [Plaut! in Library. &e (c) if not, t~e reasons therefor?
No. LT-1278/69].
Performance of UNICEF Centre in BIhar (a) Yes; Sir.
wireless sets might continue to function inspite (IT) ~ ~t, 6T ~ ·~. IIil~
of power failure through one source.
~ it; fi;rit ~ 'liT ~ f'l'11lf 8'IT
(vii) Steps are being taken to bricksote ~ ~ 'Ill ifIir ~ i:m f.mr ilfrU
and metal the top of the western embaDk- ~'liTf;r;m:t? _ .
ment in stages to make it motorable even-
during the heaviest rainfalls.' .
t'P1f CI'fI f~ ~ if ...
Kanlla Balan : Qt (11ft fQ'~sm1t): (~) ;U;~'I
Apart from the usual maintenace of
these embankments, the same are being
(Iii) am: (IT). m.ft ~ m
raised and widened from the original crest ~l ~ if ~ 4000 f;r:W'!i
width of 12 ft. to 16 ft. and are being raised ~;f'Ii;:r.r<'ri\' ~ t I ;d m.ft ~
so as to be safe for SO year frequency flood. 'l1f<'r'IiT it; ~ if ~ 0Ill'lfIT 150 ~f.r'Ii
The work of raising and widening has T!<'!'~I;{flI;~;roff ~ ~mqr.ft~
already been completed in vulnerable ~ i{IIZ ~ ;;mrr~, m.ft ~ f;rtTlf ~
reaches i. e, upstream and downstream of
Jhanjharpur Railway bridge and is in progress it;~if~~am:~~
in other reaches. T!<'!';r{f<'ltTTll'T;;rr~tl ~. \'I'Itif ~
(c) noes not arise. srtti;rr ~ II<: ~~ II<: ~. mr m--
Petro-Cllemleal Compls at Koyali
197. 11ft mr p: ~ ftl:;;nf 198. SURI N. K. SOMANI: Will t~
"'" ~ ¢it ll'1!: ifCIf.t ~ 'li'IT ~ CALS AND MINES AND METALS be
pleased to state-:
(a) whether it is a fact that a CaJilidian
('Ii) ~~lif~ mr\'l'lITT'IIl firm has· offered to participate in a Petr0-
Chemical Complex at Koyali; and
ITO lflIl ~ aRm ~ q1f fimtl i:m qr;ft
~ ~ CIf'!'Irita ~ it; ;mar arm; (b) if SO; the terms of the ofreraliil
'lifcsm :aor;fto ~ ~ t, am: llft i!:T, 6T the reaction of Government thereto 1
;;r;rer 'lil ~ lfif~ 'Ill ~ orn- it; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
fi;rit ~ ~ if mom: 'lil ~ srfaf1f:ll'r MINISTRY. OF PETROLEUM AND
L (SURI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) and (b). Mis.
Polymer Corporation of Canada have offered
( Iii ) 'tll'T ""~~ 'liT RIT'T ~ iim'T to participate in a study of the market f!:lr
~am:lfl~\OITll'Ttmtfll;~ q1f ~ sYGthetic rubbers in the country in the next
five to ten years and the measures to be
f~ if ij''I1 amT-'ffiI' it; ~T if ~ adopted for the manufacture of the: appro-
""<:<m:lT!<'!' ~ tri\' it am: ~ 100 priate varieties as pa1'\ of the KoyaIi comp-
lex. The terms of-the offer are under con-
~ ~ ~;:r.r 'R: finh: ifiW ~ sideration.
am:-m ~ ~ 10 ll'T 15 qfffi~ ~
mqr;ft~ ~~ am: n miff 'Ill Closure of Approach Road to South
it; w.n
Moll Bagb (Nall8kpur)
amT-'ffiI' ~ CfI;ft <'!TilT ~ t; . 199. SURI BAL RAJ MADHOK: Will
ath the Minister of HEI\LTH AND FAMILY
227 Writtm Answllrs JULY 21, 1969 228
PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING (b) and (c). Government are aware of
AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased the, shortsge of medical officers in the Lep-
to state : rosy Control Programme. Incentive is
oft'ered in the form of a special allowance of
(a) whlllher it is a fact that duriug his Rs. lSO/- p~ RI. for the medical oflicers
_ t visit to a function at Nanakpur, New engaged in .the Programme. A similar allow-
Delhi it was represented to him in writing ance is given to medical officers to undergo
that tlte right of passage of the residents of orientstion trainiug.
the South Moti Bagh (Nanakpur) had been
snatched by the closure of approach road CORRECTION OF ANSWER TO USQ
from Rao Tula Ram Marg to the said colo- NO. lSOS, RE: NO OBJECTION CER-
(b) whether the matter has been enqui-
(c) if so, the outcome thenaf? HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
(SHRI K. K. SHAH): (a) ID answer to
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE parts (b) and (c) of Un starred Question No.
MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY 1505 by Shri S. D. Somasundaram, M.P.
PLANNING AND WORKS, HOUSING answered on 3rd March, 1969; it was ststed
AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI that two applications from staft' of the Cent-
B. S. MURTHY) : (a) Yes, Si,r. ral P. W. D. seeking higher technical posts
are forwarded every year and that on account
(b) and (c). The matter is beinlliooked of shortsge of competent electrical stsft', only
into. ~,another approach road very two applications are forwarded. As a result of
near to the one closed down has already further investigation of facts, it has come to
been constructed. light that the total number of· applications
received for higher posts from the non-gazet-
ted (Electrical) stall' during 1968 was 184. Out
DoctonI for Leprtlll)' Care and CODtrol
of these, 172 applications were duly forward-
.Work In India
ed. Of the remaining 12, S were withheld
because either the applications were received
late or they were not for higher posts. Only
7 applications from Sectional OfIicers (Elect.)
were withheld in the public interest because
Will the Minister of HEALTH AND
the Section Officers concerned were allached
to important Divisions which dealt with the
maintenance of refrigerators, air·conditioning
be pleased to state: plants and electrical installations in the
residences of Ministers, etc. Consequently
(a) whether two eminent Soviet Lepra- the answer to parts (b) and (c) of the ques-
logists who visited India for a month during
tion should be amended as follows :-
May-June, 19f;9, on a study tour have stres-
sed the need for more doctors takiug to lep-
rosy cure and control work in IDdia ; "On account of shortage of competent
electrical stafl', it is true that some appli-
(b) whether the sugestion 'has been cations have not been forwarded in the
uamined ;' and public interest."
(c) if so, with what results ? I regret the error which crept into the
answers liven previously.
229 Writun An.rlVes ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Written A_rs 230
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE D. M. C. was negligible and hardly exceeded •
AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI (c) The concerned Inspector was sus-
B. S. MURTHY) : The Municipal Corpora- pended by the D. M. C.
tion of Delhi had intimated in their leiter of
of 15th November, 1968 that no suits had 12 bro.
been filed by the Municipal Corporation for CALLING ATIENTION TO MATTER OF
the offence of forcible occupation of public URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE
land alainst people who have either died
years ago or who do not exist at all. It was
on the basis of this information that the Wltbdrawal of Jddian Military
following replies were gi yen to Unstarred Missioo ad Jadian Wireless
Question No. 1040 in the Lok Sabha asked Operaton from Nepal
by Sbri Bibhuti Mishra on the 18th Novem-
ber, 1961:- .nemf ~ (~ fmn)
(a) No.
it; r"...,r",r"ld .
~ If>'t am:
(b) and (c). The questions do not arise. ~ ;ril ~ Rornrr ~ am:
srPAr ~ ~
2. It was subsequently intimated by the fit; ~ ~ m
if ~ C!iRJiII" ~ :---
Municipal Corporation that two cases were
instituted against M/s Ramji La! Ram Sarup '~-'IiR ~ it; ;m.r it; ~ itt
through Shri Ramji Lal under section 321 of ~ i\tmr it; lI1iITlf ¢fr
rnr If>'t t11 l\l
the D. M. C. Act (Encroachment on public
land without permission) and Ihat it was r'ti
tWr If>'t "I1rofN ~ firo;r iIIR "I1rofN
later on revealed that Shri Ramji lal had
died 10111 ago. The Corporation also in-
~ armro i!iT ~ ~ '1m\" !<'IT
f.rqr IiJTlf I '
formed that the expendi lUre on such cases
was quite negligible hardly exceeding Rs. 10/-
per case and that the concerned Inspector
had since been suspended.
Deputy-Speaker, sir, The Nepalese autho-
rities have been sUggestinc for some time
In view of the poSItion explained above that we should clum&e the status oE the Indian
the following replies may kindly be substitu- Military Liaison Group ia Nepal which was
ted in place of those already given :- sent for a specific purpose and gradually with-
draw Indian personnel from their border
(a) whether it is a fact that authorities checkposts as more and more Nepalese trai-
of the Delhi Municipal Corporation have ned personnel become available to take on
filed suits fOl" the offence of forcibly occupa- the work assigned to them. These matters
tion of public land against those people who were again discussed during the visit of
have either died years ago or who do not Nepalese Foreilln Minister to Delhi in May,
exist at an ; 1969 and during my visit to Nepal in the first
week of June, 1969.
(b) if so, the financial loss Government
suffered as a result of such cases ; and we have informed the Nepalese authori-
ties that we have no objection in principle to
(c) the action Government have taken acceding to their request in this regard.
against the officers responsible for this ? However, these arrangements were made in
cooperation because of the very closed rela-
(a) Yes, in two cases which were tions that exist between Nepal and India. In
instituted against a firm represented through view of our open border and free movement
one and 'the same person. of people and goods, we have to see how this
cooperation can be further strenllhened in .
(b) The expenditure incurred by the our mutual interest.
231 Withdrawal Military Mission etc. 232
0/ Indian' from Napal (C. A.)
ift 1mff ~ """ ~ orrn """ ~ lIT ~T f4im fq:: it l'fTif;Wr ~ ij'
'IiT~ ~ ffiffi'r~ ;;rqy;r ~ it ifiIT m- ~~ fit; m..- ij' ~ft ~ ~ Q'l'iI'MiJ'
ifl't ~@" t ? ~ I ~ ij' ltQ'l'iI'MiJ' ~ arT ~t ~ I
been incorporated in the joint Communique Tuesday that India and Nepal bad
that these points would be examined in depth withstood many powerful pressures from
by the experts on both sides. abroad to divide the two countries."
answered to this question, namely, if the t
it 'l'JifT 'fTi!:6'T f~ ~ ~ ~ 1ITIn:.
withdrawal is agreed to. what effect it will p~f ;;r)fi!'i"~ It>'m~f
have on tbe surveillance of Cbinese move-
ments and activities and our defence.
am: ~ i!lfT~ m
mIT t?
.n mt=mr
~~ (~~ ~<:) : aJ'1T<:~~~ttIT~il'Rit~
111'<:6' ~ ~ m'l' ~ ~ itrtm'r t 'Iit'fllT~t?
~~~~;::T ~;rtvf ~
~i!'i"T ift~T ~m~tf~~
m ~ t ~ ~ :;n~ 1Jl~ am:
~~ I W'fil~~itiffl\'lTffi'tl
f.A;z t ~ ~ t~;rty f~ f~
;;Jif*ft~~~ tlTllo \f.ro ~o
~~ !!>'T ;rnr t I itrtm'r t srtrr.f 1I'lf1 aF fu'l1t<:;r ~~. ~ fuM ~~
iHU!!>'T ~ ~ ~ fit; "ltl~~ am: m ~ fit; ~;ft;r;r ~ ~t
f~ am:
~1'zr C01l'<:"~ ~ IfiT f...- ~ im<'I' ~T ~ ~ I ~ am:
itrtm'r ~ m<m ~ Rom ~ ~ 1I'i1r;;Jif ~~arq;r,.~~fit; aJ'1T<:
~ t ~-iIil1f ~1 itrtm'r t ~ ~ ;ft;r ;r itrtm'r If<: ~ f.I;lrr tIT 'ITrof ~~
~~m~II'i1r~am:~'lft ~ ~ ~ ~ ifiW I ~ fufrqr
mrr ~~ it U'f ~ ~ ~''''g6' ;rty tT m~ ~~f~"hll" i!'i"T mtlT
~ ;ft\if ;rty t I aJ'1T<: ~ II'i1r ~i!'i" fttoft· l!roiI' 'IT I <rr;:: it ~ qm 'f<'TT fit; II 0 ~ 0
1l~ ~ ~ anift tiT \j~T if'iUT ~ffi I ~o ~ fu'l1t<: ;r ~ ~ ~ IifiI'<: ;::1
W'fil ~ ~ t fit; .f.if\irz i!'i"T ;;it ~ 1f1 ~ IIT\iI" 'Iit;rty ilf~'Ii ~ 1967 'lit '"
~ ~Q;~~ ~t~~ f;;r9' If<: f...- ~ arq;rr m ~ 'IT I
~<'ffi arm: pr ~ I arr;;r ~ fcr~ \iJT ~~~;;it~1;;ftf~
~ f I ~ fl;nr;r ~ ~:;n~~;r
~ "'tv fl ~~ ~rorr~tfit; ~fit;!fi!:~amI'!!>'Tt~;::)m..
~~;rw ~lfiTm~~ 'IU'f1 t I ~T ~ ~ ;rnr ~ t am: iflJ1:
~ ·i!'i"<:ifT :;n~~ ifm;rty fiI;lrT~.
~ttIT~"~1f ~~~1Il tIT~
fOTlT'Iit t I ~ fimr)·'Iit ~ ~ ~ Rom ~ r...- ~iI<: ~·~1 t ?
ffi;r, ;m: ~;n<'T 'l'JifT ~
~r.r.fR *ft ~ arrf'!iIit itu ~ ~ t f~ i!lfT ~
t I itt~tffi;r~f I ~ tIT~ ~tfit; ~~ ;;Jififl'T fir.A ~
fi!'i" ~1 ~ lllt· d'm ~ am:
;;Jif tIT arrf.t
~« f~~. ~ T{~ r i
~ ;;Jif ffimT f.I;lrr ~ tIT ~ ~ ~~ f.I;lrr am: ~ antT ~ ;Ft~ ~
~ ~ 11 Tf ~T U'fT t: w iIl't it ~ ~ ~ .;rty f'lilIT
"The External Affairs Minister, Mr. am: ~ ~~~ fit; anq- itt ..rr.r
Dinesh Sins/!. said in New Delhi on fiIf-m<:« iI'm 'liftil'. ~ iI'm am;m:) it
~ ~~':'i ~ -";t~.r cit! ~'Ii;ar ~ t§~J'if; ~-ii'f!~~ t:w~ ~llf~
~ Ii' ~ ~ ~ ~ % 16: ar f' j ~ <t? ~ j;; If\"'~ '" t' '"' d!!: cit ~ If
! ~ ~ r ~ tfr I~ t' f:. -i ~: ~ ~~. ~: ~ ! ~ i/~ 'i : i t W: ~ Ii; ?: t ~
j IE ~ ~ ,; ~ t: Ii; ~
:§~ it'!! ~ ~ ~~~W ltlft<9~'iT~ ti~~tl!!'itfr ~ttfr~ i.l~~
~ 1 'IE ~ cit 1'Ii .g; ~ "'"' If IF f~' Iii ~ ~ - cit { I W
'" 1: '"' i' ~ ~ t 1!0/ : It
Ill" tfr
~*'j=~'f i~i~
i ~""''It; I7c;W ~
~,~ F..~!i ~ l!;f-;;~!,~t~:;&1!
!;. ~ ~*'~'"' 0.t: IP' --i ~'Io.J ~J: lT~cit
~ :*~~
J1W~ t:r ~ IE ! ~ l ~ '"' 't:. t '! 10 ~ 10/ I; r; 'If "'"'.~ fi; IP' .~ ~ ~ IF :w: :
c!! ~
~ ! ·toJ - t' ttl, ~~ ~ i ~
I;: Ii
~.;. 'Io.J ~ :w: $ ~ t a r ' " ~ t i i J!
"'"' Ift<9 t
W: 'Ii£, 't:' IE -
. .~ I; ~ i ~ ar ar ,If ~ ~ i *' ~ *' :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It It 'If
'Ii -i g Ii
~.!~ r:r:fli ~ I;j~lIl"~
~. ~t~ ~ ~'t: ~~'"' ~ It i ~i'~. I;" tfrtfr1f:
~ ~ f:.,i 'l:.j ~1jj·:~1Il" ~ 'Ii!! r:w:~:;~ s:~ ~ i~l ~f':
t' f ~ ~ r: ""' i ~ ~ ~ '"' t i i ~i ~ t ~i
~ t: ~ S t' ~
. iii!'" !:! if! ~iii h! i! i:! HH! :~iii
c!!.r. t; - 'It; J!, 'It;
i:~ ~ S! -i ~ £ ~
I J! ~ Ii: 1Ito:lf;"" t ~ (; - ~.~ ~ •
~ If: W ar " c!! "" 'IE ~. ~ : .. c!! ~ ~ •. J!
If .t: 18'
1 'IF t
iii" .
~~ IE""' .If~ 10'J6:1!: If-!; ~~it!i It:lilifr: "-~i~w
j!.~ ~: i ! I : 1f l~ .~ f i ~ ~ iIi S j ! ~:!! : ~ .~ ~ ~ t i ~ ~ i i ~
I ~ JE
,E/ ~ t: ~, If\" tfr d!: II!!: Ii'
'iT f 'Ii'~;; ~ t ~ ¥j .~ ; !;'~ 1·~ ~ t ~ I! i .W: J! t ;.~ t' ~ 'Ii ~ g 'Ii; ~
~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ if: t J! ~ .~~ ~ ~ 'If ~ f 't 17 i ! ~ ~ i Ii t' ! r~~
tfr tfr
~ ! 'ij;
241 Withdrawal ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKAl Military Mission etc. 242
o/Indlan from Nepal (C. A.l
11ft fcfm ~ ; ~ ~ crgcr ~
f~ !flIT <m ~ ~ I .
11ft "0 ,"o~: aJTf~ ~ .rrrr ~
OR: IJ"it lIT ~, ~~ ml<6" l'IR f\'fllT ~
SHRl M. L. SONDHI : Our Ambassador lIT ~ IIT'IT t, 3lTtm: ~ f.i;IJ ~ OR:
is the biggest obstacle. He should be recalled.
He has proved a complete failure.
~ ? ;qt (fifi l'IRit 'liT IJlfT\'f t, it
;;nom ~. f.I; ~ ~ ~ If~rrr f.!i
..n- fcfm ~ : it ~ IJ1rl1ia'T f.!i ~ ;n;rT or ;n;rT ~ ~ I ~f.r.Of ~ ;ft;w
~ t f.I;;;r;r ~U ~ ~ f.i;lJT mq; ~ ~·If,;m.",)~it;rn
243 Witlulrawol ofllfdUm Military JULY 21, 1969 Papers Laid 244
Mission elc.from Nepal (C.A.)
arR rn,r II ~. 1968 lIil ~ it!; ~'I\ 'I1:IT ~~"t ~ 00 tR: iI'IT ~
.It'Ii ~ amr.r IIJit m:'Ii am;f~ ~~ nrm ~l'f ~ rill' 1:IT;r(f1~;;rR~
~~I m~~~if~
;;rf.t it; m- a1l' ~T'IT fiI; ~ if ~ Ifl4r
trif iI"am: ~ ~ 'lit ~"t WI' "I11Rr "1ft 12.29 hrs.
tPt iI" I tAi ~ ~~"t ~ 'tiN prr 'IT PAPERS LAID ON THB TABLB
f\imst ~ it; ~)tih) ~ ~ 'IT I ~ Report of Iadastrlal LleeasJqg
iffi'I""Ift~~it;~if If'@" ~zm Polley Inquiry Committee
t I aNt Ilitftim f~ ~ ~ ~ an1t ~ I DEVELOPMBNT, INTERNAL TRADB
m ~qr.r~ffi'~~prr'ITf~~
AHMED) : I beg to lay on the Table a copy
~. ~~~an1t,.~~"t of the Report of the Industrial Licensing
fulm ~ an1t ~. f~ ;ir;r ~ iii· 'PIT Policy Inquiry Committee. [Placed in Library.
S. No LT-1232/69.l
iIi1~'ffi'~~ t·.·.. Proclamation in Relat/oa to the
State of Bibar
out that the question must. relate to the THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS
IUbject-mattcr of the main notice which (SHRf Y. B. CHAVAN): I beg to lay on the
relates only to military mission. Table:
(1) (i) A copy of the Proclamation dated
~ ~ ~vwn:it ~~~ the 4th July. 1969 issued by tbe
~ ~ 'l8"IT ~ ~ flI; ittmr if ~ Vice·President acting 8S President
245 Pape'6IAid ASADHA 30' 1891 (SAKAl" Papn'6IAid 246
under article 356 of the Constitution acting as President on the 9th June,
in relation to the state of Bihar 1969.
published in Notification No. G.S.
R. 1600 in Gazette of India dated (3) The Press Council (Amendment)
the 4th July. 1969, under article Ordinance, 1969 (No. 5 of 1969)
356 (3) of the Constitution. promulgated by the Vice-President
acting as President on the 30th June,
(ii) A copy of the Order dated the 4th 1969.
July, 1969, made by the Vice.Presi-
dent acting as President in pur- (4) The Gold (Control) Amendment
suance 'of su"-clause (i) of clause Ordinance, 1969 (No. 6 of 1969)
(c) of the above Proclamation, pub. Promulgated by the Vice-President
lished in Notification No. G.S.R. acting as President on the 3rd July,
1601 in Gazette of India dated the 1969.
4th July, 1969.
(5) The Banaras Hindu University
(Amendment) Ordiriance 1969 (No.7
(2) A copy of the Report of the Gover·
of 1969) promUlgated by the Vice-
nor of Bihar dated the 4th July, 1969 to the
President acting as President on the
President. [Plac~ in Libra,y. See No. LT-
17th July, 1969 .
. 1233/69.]
RosoI.tion Re. Ceatral Council for [Pla-"'d in Library. See No, LT-I235/69.l
Resaareh in Indian Medicine BANKING CoMPANIES (ACQUISITION &
HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT lay on the Table, under provisions of article
(SHRI K..K. SHAH): I beg to lay on the 123 (2) (a) of the Constitution, a copy of the
Table a copy of Government Resolution No. Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer
F. 1-3/68-AE dated the 22nd May, 1969 of Undertakings) Ordinance 1969 (No. 8 of
(Hindi and English versions) constituting in 1969) promulgated on the 19th July, 1969 by
autonomous Central Council for Research in the Vice-President acting as President.
Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy. [Placed [Placed hi Library. See No. LT-1236/69.]
in Lib,a,y. See No. LT-I234/69.]
Statement Re. Indian Railwayt
Ordlaances onder Provlsioos of (Amendment) Ordinanee, and
ArtIcles 123(2) (a) of tbe Government'. revised .,.,....enls
Coostltotloo OD Report of Railways
accidents Committee, 1962
(SHRI RAGIlU RAMAIAH): I beg to tay on Table:-
the Table a copy each of the following
Ordinances (Hindi and English versions), (1) Explanatory statemeni giving reasons
under provisions, of article 123 (2) (a) of the for immediate legislation by. the
Constitution :- Indian Railways (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1969, as required under rule
(I) The Indian Railways (Amendment) 71 (2) of the Rules of Procedure and
. Ordinance, 1969 (No.3 of 1969) pro- Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha.
mUlgated by the Vice-President acting [Placed in Library. $u No. LT-
as President on the 4th June, 1969. 1237/69.]
(2) The Central Sales Tax (Amendment (a) A copy of the revised comments of
Ordinance, 1969 (No. 4 of 1969) the Government on Item No. 20 (ii;
promulgated by tho Vi_President of the recommendation made in part
247 Papers Laid JULY 21, 1969 Papers Laid 248
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (2) I beg to lay on the Table a copy of
MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT Notification No. G.S.R. 1201 publi-
AND REHABILITATION (SHRI BHAG- shed in Gazette of India dated the
WAT JHA AZAD): I beg to lay on the 24th May, 1969 under sub-section
Table a copy of Government Resolution No. (1) of section 28 of the Mines and
WB-8(l5)/68 dated the-17th May, 1969 on the Minerals (Regulation and Deve-
report of the Second Central Wage Board lopment) Act, 1957. [Placed in
for the Cotton Textile Inllustry [Placed in Library. See. No. LT-1241/69.1
Library. See No._ LT-I239/69.]
A_I Report of Permanent Indus
Notlftcations IIIIdcr EsHatial Commission, 1968-69
c-moditles Act; 1955
MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM & CHEMI- to lay on the Table a copy of the Annual
CALS AND MINES AND METALS (SHRI Report of the Permanent Indus Com-
D. R. CHAVAN): I beg to lay on the mission for the year ended the 31st March,
Table:- 1969. [Placed in Library. See. No. LT-
(1) A copy of the Kerosene (Fixation
of Ceiling Prices) Third Amendment Statement Re. market loan floated
Order, 1969, published in Notifica- by Govt. In July, 1969, PubHc Debt
tion No. G.S.R. 15S4 in Gazette of (Annuity Deposit Certificates)
India dated -the lst July, 1969 Amendment Rules. etc. etc.
under sub-section (6) of section 3
of the Essential Commodities Act. mE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
SEmi) : I beg to lay on the Table :-
(2) A copy of Notification No. S. O.
2185 published in Gazette of India (I) A statement - (Hindi and English
dated the 7th June. 1969 und~r sub- versions) indicating result of market loan
section (1) of !cction 12A of the floated by the Government of India in July,
Essential Commodities Act, 1955. 1969. - [Placed in Library. See No. LT-
[l'14ced in Llbrar)". See No. LT- 1243/69.]
(2) A Copy of the Public Debt (Annuity
Coal Mlacs (Conservation and Deposit Certificates) Amendment Rules,
Safety) Amendment Rules, etc. 1969, puhlished in Notification No. G.S.R.
1310 (Eoglish version) and G.S.R. 1311
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN _THE (Hindi version) in Gazette of India. dated
MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM & CHEMI- the 7th June, 1969, under sub-section (3) of
CALS AND MINES AND METALS (SHRI section 28 of the Public Debt Act, 1944.
JAGANAm RAO) :-1 beg to relay on the [Placed in Library. See No. LT-1244!69.1.
(3) A copy of the report on the working
(1) A copy of the Coal Mines of the Deposit Insurance Corporation,
(Conservation and Safety) Amend- _Bombay for the year 1968 -along with the
249 Papers Laid ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Paper. Laid
India dated the 28th June, 1969, 1969, published in Notification No.
toaether with an explanatory memo- G.S.R. 1572 (English version) and
randum. G.S.R. 1573 (Hindi version) in
Gazette of India dated the SIb July,
(ix) The Customs and Central Excise 1969.
Duties Exports Drawback (General)
Seventeenth Amendment Rules, (xvi) The Customs and Central Excise
1969, published in Notification No. Duties Export Drawback (General)
G.S.R. 1545 (English version) Twenty-fifth Amendment Rules, 1969,
and G.S.R. 1546 (Hindi version) published in Notification No. G.S.R.
in Gazette of India dated the 28th 1574 (English version) and G.S.R.
June, 1969. 1575 (Hindi \ersion) in Gazette of
India dated the Sth July, 1969.
(x) The Customs and Central Excise
Duties Export Drawback (General) (xvii) The Customs and Central Excise
Nineteenth Amendment Rules, Duties Export Drawback (Geocral)
1969, published in Notification No. Twenty-sixth Amendment Rules, 1969,
G.S.R. 1547 (English version) published in Notification No. G.S.R.
and G .S.R. 1.548 (Hindi 'version) 1576 (English version) and G.S.R.
in Gazette of India dated the 28th 1577 (Hindi \'ersion) in Gazette of
June, 1969. . India dated the 5th July, 1969.
(xi) G.S,R. 1549 publishedA in Gazette (xviii) The Customs and Central Exci.e
of India dated the 28th June, 1969 Duties Export Drav.back (Ger.eral)
containing corrigendum to G.S.R. Twenty-seventh Arr.endrnent Rules,
20 dated the 6th January. 1968. . 1969, published in Notification No.
G.S.R. 1578 (English version) and
(xii) The Customs and Cen!!"al Excise G.S.R. 1579 (Hindi version) in
Duties Export Drawback (General) Gazette of India dated the 5th July,
Twenty-first Amendment Rules, 1969.
1969, published in Notmeation No. [Placed III Library. See No. LT-12SO/69.]
G.S.R. 1566 (English version)
and G.S.R. 1567 (Hindi "ersion) (9) A copy each of the following Notifi-
in Gazette of India dated the 5th cation under sub-section (4) of section 19 of
July, 1969. .
the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise
Duties) Act, 19S5:-
(xiii) The Cust oms and Central Excise
Duties Export Drawback (General) (i) The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
Twenty-second Amendment Rules, (Excise Duties) First Amendment
1969, published in Notification NO. Rules, 1969, published in Notification
G.S.R. 1568 (English version) and No. G.S.R. 1344 (English version) and
G.S.R•. 1569 (Hindi version) in G S.R. 1345 (Hindi version) in
Gazette of India dated the 5th Gazette of India dated the 7th June,
July, 1969. 1969. [Placed III Library. 'See No.
(xiv) The Customs and Central Excise
Duties Export Drawback (General) (ii) The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
Twenty-third Amendment Rules, (Excise Duties) Secoed Amendment
1969, published in Notification No. Rules, 1969, publisbed in Notification
G.S.R. 1S70 (English version) and No. G.S.R. 1561 (English nTSion) tnd
G S.R. 1S7J (Hindi version) in G.S.R. 1-562 (Hindi \enion) in Gmtte
Gazette of India dated the Sth July, of India dated tbe 5th July, 1969..
(iii) Tbe Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
(xv) The Cusloms' and Central Excise (Excise Duties) Third Amendment
Dulies Export Drawback (General) .Rulcil, 1969, published in Notification
Twenty-fourth Amendment Rulea, No. G.S.R. 1563 (Enllilh wnion) and
2S3 Papers lAid ASADHA 30. 1891 (SAKA) Papers Laid
G.S.R. 1564 (Hindi version) in (xii) G.S.R. 1167 (Hindi version) pub-
Gazelle of India dated the 5th July. lished in Gazette of India dated the
1969. [Placed in Library. See No. 17th May, 1969.
(xiii) G.S.R. 1168 (English version), and
(10) A copy each of the following Notifi- G .S.R. 1170 (Hindrversion) published
cations under section 159 of the Customs in Gazette of India dated tbe 17th
Act; 1962:-- May, 1969 together with an explanatory
(i) G.S.R. 1019 (English version) and
G.S.R. 1021 (Hindi version) published (xiv) G.S.R. 1169 (ELglish version, iIIId
in Gazelle of India dated the 26th G.S.R. 1171 (Hindi version) publisbed
April. 1969. in Gazette of India dated the 17th
May, 1969 together with an expla-
(ii) The Specified Goods (Prevention of natory memorandum.
Illegal Export) Rules, 1969 (Hindi
version) published in Notification No. (xv) G.S.R. 1172 (Hindi version) published
G .S.R. 1157 in Gazelle ofIndia dated in Gazette of India dated the 17th
the 17th May. 1969. May. 1969.
(iii) G.S.R. 1158 (Hindi version) published (xvi) G.S.R. 1173 (Hindi version) publisbed
in Gazette of India dated 17th May, in Gazette of India dated the 17th
1969. May, 1969.
(iv) G.S.R. 1159 (Hindi version) published (xvii) G.S.R. 1178 (Hindi version) published
in GaZette of India dated the 17th in Gazette of India dated the 17th
May, 1969. May. 1969.
(v) G.S.R. 1160 (Hindi version) pub- (xviii) G. S. R. 1179 (Hindi version) publi-
lished in Gazette ofIndia dated the shed in Gazette of India dated the
17th May. 1969. 17th May, 1969.
(vi) The Notified Goods (Prevention of (xix) G.S.R. 1180 (Hindi version) published
Illegal Import) Rules, 1969 (Hindi in Gazette of India dated the 17th
version) published in Notification May, 1969.
No. G.S.R. 1161 in Gazette of
India dated the 17th May, 1969. (xx) G.S.R. 1195 (English version) and
G.S.R. 1196 (Hindi version) published
(vii) G.S.R. 1162 (Hindi version) pub- in Gazette of India dated the 13th
lished in Gazette of India dated the May, 1969 together with an explanatory
17th May, 1969. memorandum.
(ix) G.S.R. 1164 (Hindi version) pub- (xxi) The Passengers (Non-Tourist) Baggage
lished in Gazette of India dated the (Amendment) Rules. 1969, (Hindi
17th May, 1969. version) published in Notification No.
G.S.R. 1226 in Gazette of India dated
(x) The Specified Goods (Prevention of the 24th May. 1969.
IIIega] Export) Amendment Rules,
1969, (Hindi version) Published in
Notification No. G.S.R. 1165 in (xxii) G.S.R. 1227 (Hindi version) published
Gazette of India dated the 17th in Gazette of India dated the 24th
May, 1969. May. 1969.
(xi) G.S.R. 1166 (Hindi version) pub- (xxiii) G.S.R. 1228 (Hindi version) published
lished in Gazette of India dated the in Gazette of India dated the 24th
17th May 1969. May, 1969.
:255 Papers Laid JULY-21.1969 E. C. hport 256
(xxiv) G.S.R. 1331 (Eng1ish version) and May, 1969 tOFther with an explana-
. G.S.R. 1332 (Hindi version) published tory memorandum.
in Gazette of India dated the 31st
May. 1969. (iii) G.S.R. 1236 published in Gazette of
India dated the 22nd May, 1969 !oF-
(lIXV) G.S.R. 1333 (English version) and ther with an explanatory memorandum.
G.S.R. 1334 (Hindi version) published
in Gazette of India dated tbe 31st (iv) G.S.R. 1342 (English version) and
May. 1969. G.S.R. 1343 (Hindi version) published
in Gazette of lodia dated the 17th
(xxvi) G.S.R. 1337 (English version) and June, 1969 together with an explana-
G .S.R. 1338 (Hindi version) published tory memorandum.
in Gazette of India dated the 7th June.
1969 together with an explanatory (v) G .S.R. 1387 published in Gazette of
memorandum. India dated the 14th June, 1969 toge-
ther with an explanatory memorandum.
(lIXvii) G.S.R: 1339 published in Gazette of
India dated the 31st May. 1969 (vi) G.S.R. 1388 published in Gazette of
together with an explanatory memo- India dated the 14th June, 1969 to-
randum. gether with an explanatory memoran-
(xxviii) The Transfer of Residence Rules,
1969 published in Notification No. (vii) G.S.R. 1459 published in Gazette of
G.S.R. 1478 (English version) and India dated the 21st June, 1969.
G.S.R. 1479 (Hindi version) in
Gazette of India dated the 21st June, (viii) G.S.R. 1460 published in Gazette of
1969. India dated the 21st June, 1969 toge-
ther with an explanatory memoran-
(xxix) G.S.R. 1480 (English version) and dum.
. G.S.R. 1481 (Hindi version) published
in Gazette of India dated the 21th, (ix) G. S. R. 1482 published in Gazelle of
June•. 1969. India dated the 21st June, 1969.
(xxx) G.S.R. 1540 (Hindi version) published [Placed in L(brary. See No•.LT-12S4/69.]
in Gazette of India dated the 28th
June, 1969. 12-31 hrs.
(ii) G.S.R. 1233 (English version) and (2) Eighty-ninth Report on action taken
G.S.R. 1234 (Hindi version) published by Government on the reCommenda-
in Gazette of India dated the 19th tions c:Gntained in !be thirtieth Report
257 RaUway Accldellts (St.) ASADHA 3D, 1891~(SAKA) /(Qilway Accidents (St.) 158
of Estimates Committee on the Mini- almost become a ritual. People are dying
stry of Financ:c--ForeillD Exchange. wbile the Minister comes here, makes a
statement and regrets. Repeatedly such
11-311 hn. accidents are happening. Therefore, y~u
must agree that this is a matter of urgent
STATEMENT ON RAILWAY ACCIDENTS importance and -we must have a discussion
on it. We bavo already given no lice of adjourn-
THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (DR. ment motions. We knew tbat tbe Railway
RAM SUBHAG SINGH): It is with deep Minister would come forward witb a state-
regret... . ment. But this series of accidents tbat
ha~e happend are so frequent that the House
SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS rose- sbould have an 0Ppoitunity to discuss tbe
matter and censure Government. I do not
'" ~.~ (~.): vrltif 'Iillln: mIT, know wby you in your wisdom, as is done
~ ~hl1tr lin: m- ~ am: m arr<r ~ always, bave disallowed these adjournment
motions. Tbis'is rather unfortunate.
SI"R'.;r;m ~ t I
SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: On a point of
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Let them order. Tho hon. Minister is making a state-
listen to his statement first. This is not the
ment on a particular subject on which many
way to raise this matter. memhers have tabled adjournment motions
and also given notices calling attention~
"'~~:~~~'{I~l!;I Adjournment motions have been tabled .be-
~~"t~.1 cause today is tbe opening day of the session
after two mllior accidents have occurred
SHRI S.M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): I rise killing 90 persons in one and 130 in the
to a point of order. other, that is, over 220 persons.
'" ~ ~ : ~ monft ij- oiFr ~ The first was attributed to some sabo-
tage. The second involved a collision. Tbe
matter is very serious and I would request
;:rm~~.~I~q-~~~ ~ that tbe adjournment motions be admitted
p IR~? ~ ft;ro;q- ~ ~ I for discussion.
'0 0'" (
know what baa happened. I do not think
we should waste tbe time of tbe House.
1111 it ;mpi;;r ) : 0'fT6l!1If
~ ~ f~ (~): ~ ~,~~!fi~m~~
lt~, 3fTlJiI» '~ smrrq' 'I': ~ ~ .mr ~ flwanq-~~~~
m iI>)t ~ ~ 'IiVrT ~ 'IT I f ?
tt ~ rri ~"~~f.I;~~~it; SHRI P. VENKATASUBBIAH : 1':ou
~ if ~ ~'f;pf ~ f arm am: have yourself ,disallowed the adjournment
motions. Once you bave done in, can you
"if;)' ~ ...m~t~~if reconsider them? It is for you to consider.
arNiJil ~ ~ ~ 'IiVrT 'IT~ lIT I
itu ~ ~ t r...
~ anq- 1ffi'lTf<'Rl" MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I shall dis-
cuss tbe matter with tbem to see if they
~ i am:~ ~ ~ ~ \'Illr ~;pf should be discussed in tho form of acljourn-
smrTlf 'I': ~~ ~ arq;ft if;)'W~ ~ I ment motion or otherwise.
~ anft ~,I!it ~ ~or(I't I SHRI 1. M. BISWAS (Bankaura)
~~~~~I I am prepared to witbdraw mine if the Prime
Minister gives Dr. Ram Subbag Sinlh the
same treatment she accorded to Shri Morarji
Desai ... (Inl.rruptionl.)
dyan) : We are also equally concerned witb
this tragic event of railway accidents. We
are very unbappy at tbe manner in which ~amrfqm~(~):
these things have occured quite often.. The ~ ~, ~ ~ f1I; atT1f 5I1IA
261 RIlilwa), kcltklft. (St.) ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) RailwQ)' Accidelf" (St.) 262
~ ~ m
it;,$~~it;~if alongwitb tbe Chairman and Member, Bogi-.
neering, Railway Board went to the site of
~ ~ it; ~ ~f,it~arW;wrifiT
the accident and visited the injured persons
~ ~ ~~I~arm;T ~ in tbe hospitals.
~ 1ft" I
3. Ex-gratia payments to the next of
SHRI CHENGALRAYA NAIDU (Chit- kin of the dead and to those injured have
tor) : I am standiog up for the last fifteen been made.
minutes but. you are BOt looking at me.
4. The accident has been inquired into
,"0 , . Ifo .., : ~ ~, 'tln by the Additional Commissioner of Railway
~~Timn\'llia-t?~~it; ~ Safety, Calcutta. According to his provi-
'R ~ 31"AT .m
~ ~ ;r{f amAT
sional finding, the derailment was the result
of a deliherate act of sabotage of track. The
~ I ~~~;mR~ ~ '!iT1f dastardly act was committed by persons
;rrn ? . .(lllle"Uptions.) unknown who opened the joints and fute-
nings of a rail, 39 feet in length ·at Km 94/
DR. RAM SUBHAG SINGH: I lay the 12-11 ·and displaced it from its former intact
statement 00 the Table of the House.
[Shri Ram Subbag Singh) Mr. Madhu Limaye made certain remarks
arrival of the medical relief train, the remai- that it sould be circulated.
ning 22 injured persons were treated by
railway doctors and thereafter sent to Cuttack MR. DEPIJfV-SPEAKER: Regal"did&
Medical College Hospital. the adjournment motion, we had disallowed
it. Then I called the han. Minister to make
9. Tbe Minister or State for Railways a statelllent. 'There was'apln a plea fat
alongwith Member, Engineering, Railway reconsideration' of my ruling.
Board visited the site of the accident and
the injured in the hospitals. ' SHRI RANDHIR SINGH: Your ruling
cannot be Challenged.
10. The Additional Commissioner of
Railway Safety, who proceeded to the site of MR. DEPUTY-SJ>EAKER: It is in the
the accident with General Manager and fitness of things that we should see in what
Heads of the Departments of the South form it should be brought before the House.
Eastern Railway on 15.7.1969 is holding an We shall discuss it. I shall call Mr, NaidU
inquiry nito this accident. also at that time.
SHRI N. DANDEKER: The issue of the SHRI PILOO MODY: Only members
Ordinance was wrqnJ. wbo make noise are beard.
SHRI RANGA : We are sure that that this point. I cannot widen the scope oft
must be your information also that the writ debate on this issue.
has been accepted. Somebody on behalf of the
Government is going to make a statement ~ m '"" ~ : irn tqT~ 0lT"fi
there. On behalf of the opposition also-
who are opposed to this Ordinance-some arm: ~ t f.t; ;;r;r ~ ~ ~ tm ...
statement would be made there. Thereafter ... (~) ......
the Court would be coming to its own deci-
sion. (11Il~rrUplion) In the meanwhile, con- SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU (Diamond
stituted as you are in the Chair, you have to lIarbour): Are you allowing me to speak
look at it from the Constitutional and legal after he has f!inished 1...... (1Illerruptions).
point of view. While the Supreme Court
is seized of the !IIatter and it is being discus- SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: (JaiDBpr):
sed there, would it be proper for you first This is not the bankers' lobby. There should
of all, on the question of propriety also, and be some procedure which we all should fol·
later on for the Prime Minister also to make low.
a statement? Would that not unnecessarily
bring us into a conflict with them? While MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: How can
the Supreme Court is siezed of the matter, you shut out a member if he wants to raise
would it be right, would it be proper, for us a point of order'1
to discuss it in the House?
",\, ~ 'UII' (~'\'): ~ arT"f ~
SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: Sir, J ~ 0lT"fi an~ 'fI' oftf';;ro; I
want to raise a point of order.
( 0!f1NTif) ......
has raised 'a relevant point, namely, about iii'\' ~'""~: irn ~ 0lT"fi
sub-judice, The question of ,ub-judice does
not arise a\ this stage. We have gone throulh
arm: lI'~ ~ f.t; ... (~) ..
it very throughly. A Committee was appoint- SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU : Are you
ed and we have discussed this matter and we going to anow us to say what we want to
have made the rules also. Therefore, at say after he has finished ?
this stage, you cannot shut out the statement
by the Prime Minister now. I am calling her MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: I am not
now ... ( IlIlerruplions). permittinB a debate on his point of order.
But I cannot shut him out when he says: "I
SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: I am have a specific point of order". To that
raisins a ~int of order. extent, I"wiJI listen to him.
nature of the measure, and also to forestall will be one of the positive objectives of
any possibility of manipulations which may natinnalised banks tn actively foster the
not be in the public interest,- it was essential growth of new and progressive entreprencurs,
to make a swift and sudden move which and to create fresh opportunities for hitherto
could only be achieved through an ordinance. neltected and backward areas in different
The fact that speculation about Government's parts of the country. The banks will now
intentions had assumed an acute phase in be beller placed to serve the farmer and to
the last few days rendered it all' the more promote agricultural production and rural
necessary to act without any further loss of deveiopment generally. Public ownership
time, and in anticipation of the approval of will also help to curb the use of bank
Parliament, which will be sought through a credit for speculative anti other unprodllctive
Bill which Government propose to bring purpose. By severing tbe link between the
during the current session. major banks and the bigger industrial groups
which have so far controlled them, govern-
So far as foreign banks are concerned, ment believe that the step they have taken
they provide, by and large, business of a will also bring about the right atmosphere
speciaiised nature such as facilitating foreign for the development of adequate professional
trade and tourism. The operation of banks management in the banking field. Govern-
of ODe country in another, subject to the ment attach the utmost importance to
laws of the land, is mainly for such pur- modern managerial techniques and practices.
poses and is part of an international facility.
Our Indian banks also maintain their The moneys which depositors entrust to
branches in many countries. It has been the banks are in the nature of a sacred trust.
Government's general policy to conOne the The interests of the depositors of the banks
opening of new branches of foreign banks which have been nationalised, will not only
to major port towns, where their specialised continue to be fully safeguarded but will now
services are needed. Having regard to all" have the backiog of the State itself. I should
these factors, Government have decided to also make it clear that the emphasis on
exclude branches of foreign banks incorpora- priority areas, new entrepreneurs (SHRI
ted outside India from the purview of the PILOO MODY: for the benefit of Qmgress-
Ordinance. (SHRI PILO MODY: This is men, new entrepreneur and backwarlfPeople.)
discrimination against the natures.) and relativelv backward areas, will not be at
the expense of considerations of economic
As I stated the other day, this is Dot the viability. Only thus can we fulfil our obli-
beginning of a new era of nationalisation. gations to those who have entrusted their
W!latevec the pattern of the economy, savings to us for the ben.eOt of the commu-
, it is widely recognised that the nity. But economic viability can still
operations of the banking system should be admit of inuch greater resourcefulness in
informed (SHRI PILOO MODY.) who is lending to priority areas than has been the
going to inform it?) by a larger social purpose, case so far. The general public already has
and .should be subject to close public the experience of the State Bank to show
regulation. Government have come to the how public purpose and security, as well as
conclusion that the desired regulation and good return to depositors, can be combined.
rate of progress consistent with the urgency
of our problems could be secured only The Ordinance bas also provided for the
through nationalisation. adequate protection of the interests of em-
ployees of the bank~ concer.ned. They have
I should like to reiterate my assurance now become employees of a publicly ,owned
that even after nationalisation, the legitimate and socially responsible banking system. niis
credit needs of private industry and trade, also places' on them special responsibility
big or small, will be met. Indeed, it shall towards the community. The success of
be Our endeavour to ensure that the needs the programme of nationalisation will, in' a
ot productl ve sectors of the economy, and large nieasure, depend upon the efficiency,
in particular those of farmers, small-scale the devotion and the dedication with which
industrialists anei self-employed professional they perform their daily tasks, and. tbe
group are met in an increasing measure. It courtesy and consideration with which they
279 Nal#t1naluatlon 01 Banks (SI.) JULY 21, 1969 Resig1lll1#t1n 01 SII,i Mo,a,ji 2@O
. Desai as DPM (st.)
[Shrimatl Indira Gandhi] I should like to take this opportunity,
treat the constituents of the bank. I hope Sir, to appeal to .al\ sections of this House
that al\ individual employees of these banks to extend their valuable cooperation in the
and their associations will now help in the purposeful implementation of tbis important
successful implementation of the step which measure.
has been taken. (SHRI N. DANDEKER:
And go on strike.) SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: rose-
The Ordinance provides for a scheme of SHRI PILOO MODY: I have some
fair compensation for the take-over in accor- questions.
dance with a formula which Parliament
approved recently. while enacting the Bank- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No, not at
Ing Laws (Amendment) Act, 1968. The tbis stage.
Ordinance provides that compensation will
be payable in the form of Government 14.25 hn.
. In order to cauSe the least possible dis- THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER
location in the working of the banks covered
by the Ordinance, and to avoid inconvenience SHRI MORARJI DESAI (Surat): Mr.
to the public, it is proposed, for the present, Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am grateful for the
tn retain the identity of each bank in the opportunity that you have given me to make
form of a new corporation. The Chief a statement on my resignation from the
Executive of each bank is now the custodian Council of Ministers.
of the unit concerned on behalf of the
Central Government, and will be subject to SHRI S. A. DANGE (Bombay central
its control and direction. The old Board of south): Is sucb a statement necessary? Why
Directors in each case stands dissolved, and should it be made? We know it.
the Ordinance vests the Government witb
the power to set up Advisory Boards in their MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is per-
place. These are interim measures. Changes milletunder the rules.
in the structure of management may also be
necessary; these will be undertaken after the \hHRI MORARI DESAI: I consider it
most careful consideration. The Ordinance rather unfortunate that I should have to
provides for luch changes io be made. appear before tbis House to explain why I
resigned as it involves the question of re-
As in other matlers of policy, Govern- lationship between me and the Prime
ment have been guided in taking the present Minister.
decision entirely by. national interests, and
the needs and aspirations of our people. The .-Iicame to the ~ncIusion that I can no
establishment of a socialist society is one of longer serve in the present Council of
our declared anals, but we bave not been Ministers except at the cost of my self-respect
guided by any doctrinaire considerations. and except as a silent spectator to methods
Our sole concern bas been to accelerate that may endanger the basic principles of
development and thus make a significant democracy on which our parliamentary
impact on tbe problems of poverty and un- system is established. I came to this con·
employment, and to bring about progressive clusion because I was summarily relieved of
reduction of disparities between the rich and the Finance portfolio without even the ordi-
the poor teetions of our people, and between nary courtesy of a prior discussion on this
the relatively advanced and backward areas matter being snown to me by the Prime
of our country. Ministe':!
I realise that the test of the decision is Arter the Fourth General Election, the
in its efFective implementation. Government Congress Party chose its leader. She. then
are determined to take al\ possible step to asked me to join her Cabinet as Deputy
make this measure a success. Prime Minister and Finance Minister. Even
281 Resigna/}/m of ASADHA 30. 1891 (SAKA) Shri Mo,a,ji Desai 282
as DPM (sl.)
though I did not want to JOin the Cabinet. the letter and the noti6cation issued by the
I did so at her own request and on the press- President. I found that I was asked only for
ing advice of m~ny colleagues and fdends. the sake of form to continue as Deputy
It was again she herself who insisted 'hat I Prime Minister.
should take up the Finance portfolil> "even
though I did not want to do so.
It is well known that the resolution on
SHRI S. A. DANGE: You laid the economic policy adopted by the Alec at
precondilion for joining. n is a false state. Bansalore was moved by me at the instance
ment. of the Working Committee. I moved that
resolution without any reservation and I
made it abundantly clear when I moved it
~HRI MORARJI DESAI: During the and later When I replied to the debate on
period of over two years I have tried cons- this resolution. if I accept to do a thing.
cientiously to perform my duty as Finance I do it conscientiously and with all my
Minister and to pursue and implement the bear!. I believe this is known to everybody
policies that the party and the Cabinet for- including the Prime Minister. If. in spite
mulated from time to time. The Prime of this. the Prime Minister came to the
Minister has not pointed out to me a single conclusion that I may not implement the
instance where I have not done so. decisions. it only means that she had not
that c06dence in my sincerity of action.
I have never believed in saying one thing The reservations to which the Prime
and doing another. It is an accepted principle Minister has refer{ed may be due to the
of democracy that every man has a right to fact that in discussions preceding a decision
think and express his views freely and frankly in tbo Cabinet or in the Working Committee.
and that every decision must be arrived at I may have put the pros and cons of a
proposition forcefully and frankly because I
after full and frank discussion. It is this right
of full and frank discussion that is the basis have believed tbat it is the duty of every
of the duty cast on every democratic person person taking part in the process of arriving
to stand by the decision unequivocally and at decisions, to express his views before a
to implement it conscientiously. Holding decision is taken and not subsequent to it.
this belief as I do. I have always considered If these arguments are taken as reservations
it to be my duty to be bound by every and the person concerned is to be penalised
decision that has been democratically taken for them, it will only lead to a condition
and I have never accepted such decisions where people will not give their views fully
with any reservations. I would ask anyone and frankly. This will pose the greatest
to show if I bave ever shown any reservation danger to the very functioning of democracy.
in either defending a decision or implemen- If I were to accept tbis position, I would be
ting it once it was taken. Anyone who doing injustice to my faith in democracy
cares to look at my 39 years of public life. and would be failing in my duty.
in the organisation. "in the State lesislature
and Cabinet. in the Parliament and the I "may be permitted to reca11 that I have
Central Cabinet. will agree that this has been privileged to work as Chief Minister"
been my record. of Bombay State for quite some years and
in the Central Council of Ministers for
I was therefore greatly surprised and more than nine years. first under the leader-
pained when soon after my return from ship of the late Pandit lawahartal Nehru
Ban..lo.... " I received a ·Ietter from the and then under the present Prime Minister.
Prime Minister on the 16th instant informing During all these years I have left nothin.
me that as she believed that I had strong undone to see that the policies of the Party
reservations about some of the basic issues and the decisions of the Cabinet are carried
that arise and "that I had my own views out fully and effectively and also to defend
about the direction and pace of the change them in legislatures or outside even when
and that she did Dot want to put an unfair they pertained to matters for which otherS
burden on me in implementing these decisions were responsible. Even in spite of my
taken at Bangalore. sbe had decided to take cooperation with the Prime Minister through-
the Finance portfolio-herself. After I saw out the last" t wo years in the implementation
l!es;gnat;on 0/ JUL \' 21, 1969 Shr; Morar}; Desai 284
as DPM (Sl.)
[Shri Morarji Desai] clear and I am not worried by the attempts
without any reservation of all the decisions of tbose who try to mal ian me out of
that have been taken collectively or indivi- ignorance or prejudice.
dually, if the Prime Minister now shows
want of Confidence in me, it would be futile If I had agreed to remain in the Cabinet
for me to remain ni the Cabinet and expect to as Deputy Prime Minister even with the
make any useful contribution. addition of some duties which the Prime
Minister may be pleased to assian to. me
This was not the only reaSOD for my after the summary treatment meted out to
resignatson. I have been so summarily me, it would have been dishonourable for
relieved of the Finallce porfolio that I felt it me and it would have proved I was only
an act of dislrace and my self-respect was hankeriDI after office. I hope and trust
deeply hurt. When I had discussions with tbat the House will see the correctness of
the Prime Minister at her request on the my action.
18th, I requested her to put herself in my
position and to tell me what would have Finally, I would like, with your permi-
been her reaction. I told her that if she ssion, Sir, to place on the Table of the
·could realise that wronl was done to me, House tlte correspondence I have had witb
then it shOUld be rectified. She was not tbe Prime Minister in tbis behalf, so that
prepared to undo the wronl. I bad there- tbe House may have the facts on its record.
fore no alternative left but to resign in [Placed in Library. See No. LT-I230!69].
order to uphold mY'" self·respect.
14.47 brs.
1f~ ~ 'I>'( arm
if ~~ ;;r;mr ,.;y ammt
~q (tilh:): im ~ arT"ii
ani'< ~ I 8fT'I'i!iT m ~T fiI; >iIiT ~ 1fI'1«IT
am: arr...mnt ~ ~ aNifT ~ ~ am: ~ iI'T'( ~ if O1TlI'r lIT ..•
m f.r;;ft roviT lfif ~ fit;!]" ~ ~ ~
f.r;lfT\j('f~t~~'IiT ~~ MR. CHAIRMAN: I want to hear. your
>iITift t I
point of order. 1 do· not want to hear all
rnT ~ ~ if ~ ~ if these.
;;r.r~m~~ ...)~mitt
~ am:~crtif~ ~~ ~.~ ~aN
11ft "! fto!1I'iI' : arT'f «IT~ arT"ii ani'<
~ ~ ~ ~lI'T~;;IT'lftfRt~ ~ ¥~? it tiI'T~~ arT"ii arm: ~ ;iM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an~ f.!; arrr...... ~~,it"llT'fUl'~~W~ I
MR. CHAIRMAN: In the name of point
of order. I do Dot want to hear all these .... ·.
;r;r''I>T1f ~ ~ m~1 ~'J:'ATt (Interruptions).
29S Bills Introduced JULY 21.1969 Bills Introduced·
MR. CHAIRMAN: Under which rule Sf/RI UMANATH : If you are not going
you are raising it ? to allow ODr point of order, we are not going
to allow you also ......
~) "1 ~ : 376 it ~ I ~ Of"( ~
SHRI MADHU LIMA YE : Who are you
~ Of"( ~ ~~~ ••. (~) ••• You are not the Speaker.
~ <mIT t'T~ 3f'I"( arr<1" ~ ~
SHRI C. C. DESAI (Sabar Kantha)
~f···(~).·· He is the Speaker for all purposes. He is
the Chairman, and he has the powers of the
of order, Sir. He has said something against
the Chair. That should be expunged or he SHRI UMANATH : If you are not
must withdraw it. going to allow us in this arbitrary manner,
. we are not going to allow you also.
J5 hrs.
'" "1 f~ : it ~ ~r <rfIflT if 3flFIr I have said that this Bill is violative of
the mandate given by this Bill. Government.
;mr ~ 'f;"( ~ ~ I 3fOli&PT~~ if ~ cannot bring forward a Bill which i, violative
m if ~ ~ ~~f'fi"\iJl~~ of the mandate of the House. I shall tell you
what this mandate has been.
_ ~,~1 'liT f.r.:r ..". ~ if 'FfIff-
f.i«r f.rn ;;rrtflTT I arr<1" m ~ f. ,"1T~:arr<1".~ aq ~ ~
~~~~ifar~~ 'fiT ~ ';ft'TTml
an- 'f'iT ~ ... (~) ... ~'fi""( ..". ~ MR. CHAIRMAN : I am not allowing.
~~~ Of"( ~ lfilWf ~ an- ~.
~~~~~'til~~;;rnrr SHRI MADHU LIMA YE: Who are
~ I wf~ lI& f.r.:r 1I&T Of"( ~ ~
~ ~ ~. lifil" ~ ~ 'liT f.rui"If ~ MR. CHAIRMAN: Let· him not talk
like that. I am the chairman. He should
Of"( ~'I liN ~'Ii't. ~ I ~ i:m ...,.~ withdraw those words. 1 am the chairman
arT'Ii arm: ~ I here.
%97 Bills llllroduMl ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKAl Bills Introduced 298
SURI UMANATH : We should DOt so, we have been following the procedure'
allow you if you are not going to allow us. that such of those Members as have given
notice should be allowed to speak. Other·
wise, I shall have to call everyone of the
MR. CHAIRMAN : I am the Chairman five hundred odd Members, and if I do that,
here. The hon. Member should resume his
then the whole day will be utilised for that
purppose. So, I am adhering to the rules and
SHRI MADHU LIMA YE : On a point regulations and I am not allowing anybody
of order, how can you refuse to listen to us ? who has not given notice to me. Therefore
I am going according to the rules. I should not be misunderstood if I do not
call every Member who rises.
SHRI UMANATH : I am on a point of '
order ..... . SURI UMANATH : we are not making
speeches. I am anly raising a Point of
(Olttoor): Under what rule is he raising
the point of order ? SHRI MADHU L1MAYE : No Bill can
be introduced against the ruling of the
SHRI. MADHU LIMAYE : He is not speaker.
the speaker ....•.
MR. CHAIRMAN : What is the point of
MR. CHAIRMAN: I aID the Speaker 'order of Shri Umanath 1
as long as I am in the Chair.
SHRI UMANATH : I shall confine
SHRI RAINDHIR SINGH: He must myself to the point of order.
apologise to the Chair. He must apologise.
The Chair cannot be addressed by saying SHRI RANDHYR SINGH: What about
'Who are you l' That is ¥ery bad. He must the derogatory remarks ?
apologise. I shall not resume my seat until he
apologises. SHRY UMANATH: My' point is that
this Bill is violative of the mandate of this
AN HON. MEMBER: Who are you? House. It is on 'that point that I am
making my submissions.
lIftamrfqm~: (~)
~~,8fT'I"W ~ ~ ~
must withdraw those remarks.
tiTo <n: f~~, ~ antI"n ~
MR. CHAIRMAN : Let Shri ,Randhir
lfiV!T ~ ~, ~ ~ lfiro ~r :;rr~
am: tt ~m ~ f.!; w ~tm
Singh resume his seat now.
In the committee, some Member raised MR. CHAIRMAN: I was also in that
the question of salary revision. Again, the committee, and I know that this point was
question came up whether the committee had discussed in the committee, and it came to
a right to go into the salary revision. It a decision that it was a joint committee
was again referred by the committee to the coniisting of Members from both Lok Sabha
Speaker to ascertain whether the committee and Rajya Sabha and, therefore, the Spea-
had that right. ker's ruling would not come in the way of
their lugestions.
MR. CHAIRMAN: what is the point
of order? The question is:
SHRI UMANATH: The point of order "That leave be granted to introduce a
is that it is violative of the mandate of the Bill further to amend the Salaries and
House. The question was referred to the Allowances of Members of Parliament
Speaker whether the committee had got any Act, 19S4".
right to go into the question of salaries.
The Speaker gave his ruling to ihe commi- The Lok Sabha dMded:
Acha\ Singh, Shri Buta Sinllh, Shri Gajraj Sinsh Rao, Shri
Agadi, Shri S. A. Ch8nda, Shri Ani! K. Gandhi, Shrimati Indira
Ahirwar, Shri Nathu Ram Chanda, Shrimati Iyotsna Ganesh, Sbri K. R.
Ahmed, Shri.F. A. Chandrika Prasad, Shri Ganga Devi, Shrimati
Ahmed, Shri I. Chaturvedi, Shri R. L. Gautam, Shri C. D.
Amat:Shri D. Chavan, Shri D. R. Ghosh, Shri Bimalkanti
Amin, Shri R. K. Choudhary, Shri Valmiki Ghosh, Shri P. K.
Amin, Shri Ramchandra J. Choudhury, Shri I. K. Ghosh, Shri Parimal
Asghar HusaiD, Shri Dalbir Singh, Shri Girja Kumari, Shrimati
Azad, Shri Bhallwat Iha Damani, Shri S. R. Gudadinni, Shri B. K.
Bajpai, Shri Vidya Dhar Dar, Shri Abdul Ghani Gupta, Shri Ram Kishan
Barua, Shri R. Dasappa, Shri Tulsidas Hazarika, Shri J. N.
Baswant, Shri Dass, Shri C. Hem Raj, Shri
Besra, Shri S. C. Deoshare, Shri N. R. Iqbal Sinsh, Shri
Bhagat, Shri B. R. Desbmukb, Shri B. D. Iadhav, Shri Tulshidas
Bhagavati, Shri Desbmukh, Shri K. G. Iadhav, Shri V. N.
Bhandare, Shri R. D. Desbmukb, Shri Sbivajirao S. iamna Lal, Shri
Bhanu Prakash Sinllh, Shri Dhillon, Shri G. S. . lena, Shri D_ D.
Bhargava:Shri B. N. Dhuleshwar Meena, Shri Kahandole, Shri Z. M.
Birua, Shri Kolai Digvijai Nath, Shri Mahant Kamble; Shri
Bist, Shri J. B. S. Dinesh Singh, Shri Kamala Kumari, Shrimati
Do.hra, Shri Onkarlal Dixit, Shri G. C. Karan Singh, Dr.
Burman, Shrj Kirit Bikram Dwivedy, Shri Nageshwar Kasture, Shri A. S.
Deb Ering, Shri D. Katbam, Shri B. N.
301 Bills Illtrodu~~d ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Bills Illtroduced 302
AYarwal, Shri Ram Sihgh Berwa, Shri Ookar Lal Brij Bhushan Lal, Shri
Banerjee, Shri'S. M. Bhagabao Das, Shri Chakrapani, Shri C. K.
Behera, Shri Baidhar Bharti, Shri Mabaraj Singh Chandra Shekhar Singh. Sbri
303 India" R/)'s (Arndt.) JULY 21,1969 'Ordilumu (Be.) tIIId Inditltl 304
Rlys (2nd Arndt.) Bill
Danae, Shri S.A. Krishna, Shri S. M. hte!, Sbri J. H.
• Das, Shri N. T. Kundu, Shri S. Ramani, Sbri K.
Fernandes, Sbri George Lakkappa, Shri K. Ray, Sbri Rabi
Gbosh, Shri Ganesh Umaye, Sllri Madhu Reddy, Sbri Eswara
Gopalan, Sbrimati Suseela OMajbi, Shri Mahendra SambhaIi, Sbri Isbaq
Goyal, Sbri Sri Cband Mangalathumadam, Sbri Satya Narain Singh, Sbri
Guha, Shri Samar Menon, Sbri Vishwanatha Sen, Dr. Ranen
Gupta, Shri Indrajit Misra, Shri Janeshwar Shab,8hri T. P.
Haridar, Sbri K. Modak, Shri B. K. ' Sharma, Sbri Beni Shaaker
Jai Singh, Sbri Mohan Swamp, Sbri Sbarma, Sbri Narain Swarup
Janardbanan, Sbri C. Molabu Prasad, Sbri Sharma, Sbri Yajna Oatt
Jba, Shri Bhogendra Mukerjee, Shri H. N. Sharma, Sbri Yogeadra
Jha, Shri Sbiva Chandra Mulla, Shri A. N. Sbastri, 8bri Ramavatar
Josbi, Shri Jllllannatb Rao Nair, Sbrl Vasudewn Sbastri, Shrl Sheopujan
Joshi, Shri S. M. Nayanar, Sbri E. K. Sunj Bilan, Sbri
Kachwai, Shri Hukam Chand Nayar, Shrimatl Shakuntala Umanatb, 8bri
Kapoor, Shri Lakhan Lal Pandey,ShriSarjoo Vajpayee, Sbri Atal Bihari
Paswan, Shri Kedar Yadav, Sbri Ram Sewak
I deprecate tbe tendency of this Govern- "If at any time, except wben both Houses
ment to govern by ordinances. This Govern- of Parliament are iD sessioD, tbe Presi-
ment bas a penchant for issuing dent is satisfied that circumstances exist
ordinances. Whenever it wanta to do a thing which render it necesSlry for bim to take
What is the use of enhancing penalties MR. CHAIRMAN: The hon. Member's
without implementing the existing laws? The
existing laws are ineffective. That is why time is up.
I say that the Ordinance is an exercise in
futility and a calculated act of salf. deception. SHRI S. S. KOTHARI: Sir, I must
This must be rectified. have half an hour at least.
m~ 'fOT iflffil' w ~ ~lI fif<1 if; f~ am: hurry; he jumps intu the train but he will
pay the excess fare if you charge him fifty.
~ ro<ro 'fO<:OT ~ I paise. But if you charge him Rs. 10/- he
will be unable to pay and so he surrenders
~ ;;mf ~1"': il<:r ~ 'fOT himself and goes to the jail. You are losing
revenue thus on the one hand. On tbe
~ ~ I ~ anf6i't~ if;:m<: OfT ~T 'f<:
other hand if he is convicted and sent to
srnnq ihr ~ 'l1n ~ ~ ~~r'f if; jail; the Government has to spend money on
3RI1To ihr gan ~ I arT'f"'T ~lf ~ feeding him. That is the complaint that
has come from tbe ticket checking staff wbo
~qtIT'f if; ~m<:"fif 'fil{ m ~~ assemble in· New Delhi in a Conference
~ if arror ~ ffi 'fflifiT f<r<:N rn 'liT yesterday. They were saying that it was
easy for them to realise fifty paise as excess
srnnq ,-lif.r 'liT l[~ ~'" it+if<: 'fiT arf~~ fare but it is very difficult to realise
~ I ;mit; amr~ ~ srnnq ihr f'l'llT 'l1n Rs. 10/-.
325 Indiarr Rlys. (Amdl.) ASADHA 30, 1891 (SAKA) Ordinance (Res.) and Indian 326
Rlys. (2nd Amdl.) Bill
What happened a month back? Some cited was that he was travelling in a train up
per!lOns were charged by the ticket checking to Madras and he found in the corridor
stall'. Immediately after being charged the compartments 2S passengers travelling witb-
pass:engers got down from the train, they out tickets, but that no ticket-checking staff
realised Rs. 20/- from the wife of the ticket was found there. Is this a ground for
checker. Ticket checking stall' are being making an allegation against the ticket-
hammered in the train. There are thousand checking staff tbat they arc inefficient and
and one instances. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh dishonest? Perhaps Shri Imam docs not
came 0llt with a statement that the public know that one af tbe latest policies adopted
were attacking the railwaymen when they by the railway administration is called
were charging the ticketless tra"ellers and 'Economy drive'. Ma'lY posts in the several
tried to realise money from the ticketless categories of staff have been surrendered.
passenges. Ticket-colfectors, Ticket-checkers and other
staff are not travelling by all the trains· due
to shortage of staff. Of laIc, the railways
after this Ordinance. It has not happened
have adopted a policy of asking the casual
after this Ordinance.
labour, gangmen, clerks, anybody they find
SHRI J. M. BISWAS: It has happened surplus, to collect and check the tickets. They
after the Ordinance. This happened about arc going on checking the tickets like this.
a month back. The wife of a ticket checking I believe the hon. Minister will agree witb
staff at Naihati (E. Rly.) was surrounded by me tbat tbe railways are running short or"
some ticket less traveller who had been such staff. That is also a cause.
charged Rs. 10/- and his wife had to pay the
entire amount. In Mogalsarai also there I do not want to go into the details of
were complaints of a similar nature. My tbe matter within such a short time at my
point is that the law should be so framed disposal. I can tell one thing, for explaining
that the railway stall' could implement it. the root cause of this evil. I had a talk
My point is that if the penalty had been with the railway officers also. I bave been
retained at fifty paise, even the poor persons travelling by the Howrah Mail from Calcutta
would have paid the penalty and it would to Delhi and vice versa. You have the
have beo:n easier for the railway staff to dining-car in this train. Just see the fate
Collect that penalty. There are some respec- of the dining-car. Any Member of Parlia-
table persons who work as Professors in tbe ment can go and see. I challenge tbem. In
University; sometime they come in the last my last budget speech also, I referred to
minute and jump into the train and after this before the House. Say, for example, the
finding out the TIE pay him the excess fare manager of the dining-car is supposed to take
of eilht anna and also the fare. 40 kg. meat in the compartment. If you go
and check, il will be 30 kgs. or below. If
The TI'E was telling me that it is very he refuses to issue receipt for 40, he will be
ditlicult to realise Rs. 10 now. Those peo- punisbed.
ple were all very respectable men. Tbe TIE
told me the reasons for their doing so. It Where do the remaining. \0 kg. of meat·
was In avoid standing in the queue. If they go? Nobody knows. . It will be distribu-
have to pay the fine, it was Rs. 10, wherees the ted in the houses of high official. These
fare was 25 paise. That happened at one things are happening there. I know a sec-
station. I request the hon. Minister to tion of the railway people, wh) in the rail-
appreciate the dilliculty. Most of the pas- ways alone, in the police also, such things
sengers who travel without tickets are happen; in the other departments also this
travelling by third class; they are very poor happens. A smalf section is corrupted; I
and it will be very difficult to realise beavy must say that the top level officers are mostly
amounts by way of fine from tbem. Instead, responsible for these people to become
the poor people will prefer to go to jail. corrupt. They want these people to be
corrupt. I know some responsible Members
Another point is tbis. Sbri Imam was of Parliament travelling on their identity-
accusing our 'railway ticket·che cking stall' as cum-card pass only with their families. The
inefficient and dishonest. The example he TIE come and ask the Member of Partia-
327 Indian Rlys. (Amdt.) JULY 21,1969 Ordinance (Res.) and Indian 328
Rlys. (2nd Amdt.) Bill
1W::Ir.;,t~~';:~l. tIr~
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~ If' J! j;q1P' ~ <f6: I.... ~ b" ~ j; IIr I IW ~ - I;
i 'Ii_
345 Indian Rlya. (Anull.) ASADHA 30. 1891 (SAKA) Ordillllnce (Res) and Indian 346
Rlys. (2nd Amdl.) Bill
~ ~ flI<;ra1 t 1 i1itT mr mr ~ ~~tl
~ifT en: ~ tI ~;rga tfun;iT ~ m """ tmi i!t If& fu.I;m'
&'tcr1 ~ arh: ma--ma- ~ ~ am: qmr ;tt iii ~ flI; T'fiI'T <rn ~ ~ <tiT ;rffi;;rr
347 Indian &IY8. (Amdt.) JULY 21. 1969 OrdirJllllCe (&a) and Indian 348
Rlys. (2nd Amdt.) Bill
~lIIVJT am:
q'aj"TiF ~ ~ ~ tfIIT 'IT. ~ am: ~ if" ~ IfiT ij"ij"Ifi ~ iff ifiT1T
~ oqmfuff lIil ~ ~;tt ~ f1r.r;it Ifi"<iIT ~ I
~ ~ i!& it ;rtl f~ qyt f~ f~ SHRIMATI ILA PALCHOUDHURI
~~ ~ ;rty f;r~ mit I mit (Krisbnagar): I have heard all the
arm; ~ it; ({"(Tit; t I ;;rT fln:tI;Ur am: speeches with a llreat deal of attention.
May I bring to tbo notice of tbe bon. get tickets and we make suggestions, the
Minister tbat I come from a district wbere answer invariably given is that tbe traffic
ticketless travelling is on tbe verge of taking does not justify opening another window to
off a railway line-from Krishnagar to sell tickets. The traffic may not justify it
. Navdeep Gbat, that line is sougbt to be for the whole day, but at peak hours at
taken off because there is so mucb ticketless least tbere must be two or three windows
travel on tbat line and the Railways suffer opened so that people can buy their tickets
a loss. I quite agree tbat there should be quickly._ There should also be checks to
better checks. What about vendors? see tbat they are getting the tickets.
Sir, bow mucb do we lose on tbe Then I do not know why you ha-'C almost
vendors ? If you have surprise checks at eliminated women ticket checkers. Women
stations, they could really be Surprise checks. who do not know mucb, very orten come
They should not be intimated about it, that burrying to catch the train. I have come
there is going to be a surprise Check. -I across a woman who got into a train baving
bave seen it for myself that people are told been asked to pay double fare because she
beforehand tbat there is going to be a did not have a ticket. She was in tears.
surprise check. Then a person doles out a She did not know wbat to do. Why should
certain number of tickets for that day. So we not have better checks so that these things
if real Rurprise cbecks are carried out, it do not bappen and tbe Railways get money?
would be found tbat they go without tickets
for many days. So there must be better By imposing a fine of Rs. 10, Govern-
checks to avoid loss to the exchequer on ment will not realise so much as by spending
this score. something more on opening more windows
and by baving- more women ticket checkers
Secondly, I come from a district wbere also. If they just watch tbe pilgrimage
there is a very big pilgrim centre, Nabadwip dates and run more trains with more third
Dham. On holidays, Fridays, "Ras Poorni- class coaches on tbose dates, tbe return
ma" and on PoorNJChamira days and other would be considerable.
auspicious occasions, you will find people
travelling thickly, even on top of tbe trains. I would support tbe Bill as far as it
The compartments aro full; even tbe tops of goes because we do not want ticketless travel.
trains are full. Could not the railway make But why do we not make use of the mike
a certain amount of mooey on such occasions and every other audio-visual medium to tell
because people will pay for going for such passengers to buy their tickets from such
pilgrimages. On such occasions, more trains and sucb bootb ? Why should this not be
should be provided; but instead of doing done in every language So that people know
that, you let them travel on tops of trains. and can buy their tickets with facility and
So there ~hould be more trains run to cope convenience ?
with the traffic on sucb occasions.
Coming to thefts on railways, the inci-
The hon. Minister said that 5S trains dence of this has increased. If it is inves-
have been added on. I do not know if he tigated, it would be found that tbe loss on
means that S5 coaches bave been added. Ihis account would be much fOOre than
through ticketless travel. Why should
mE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE thefts be there? Wbat are the watch and
ward people doing? They do not seem to
PARIMAL GHOSH) : 5S_ new trains.
be able to prevent this. I have nothins to
SHRIMATI ILA PALCHOUDHURI say apinst the railway employees. I think
would ask how many third class tbey are a very good lot. At the same time
cOaches are there in those trains. It is tbe the watch and ward must have protection so
third class coaches that will give returns. that they can do their duty without being
killed. If tbey know that they are going to
We sit on the railway conSUltative be killed, how are they going to watcb? So
committees. When we say that ticketless tbe vigilance macbinery has to be brought·
travel occurs because people are not able to into action.
359 Indian Rty•. (Arndt.) JULY 21, 1969 Ordiannce (Re•. ) and Indian 360
Rty•• (2nd Arndt.)
will have to pay tbe penalty. There is no section to wbich I referred is fu\1 of irregu-
provision to saCeguard allainst such contin- larities from another point of view. Even
gencies. That is why I say that this Bill when a ticket costs just SO paise, a passen-
is Cull of irrationalities. ger bas to pay a penalty of Rs. 10 plus SO
There are also instances where the . paise as excess fare and the normal faie of
railway ticket checking staff were killed SO paise. The total comes to Rs. 11:
by ticketless passengers. It happened in Rs. 10 as penalty, SO paise as the normal
Siliguri in 1967, when the penalty was fare and another SO paise as the excess fare,
only fifty paise. I do not know how many which come to Rs. 11. Instead of this, is
it not possible at least to have a graded
persons, belonging to the ticket checking
system of penal.y? Instead of imposing
staff, will be killed in future because the
penalty is going to be increased from fifty paiseRs. 10 as fine for not having a ticket for SO
paise, you can have a system whereby, if
to ten rupees. Th~se aspects should be kept
the value of a ticket i. Rs. 1 to Rs. 10
in mind. Tbis is not the process by which
the penalty may be SO paise, and if the value
ticketless travel can be put down. It sbould
be done in such Ii way that passengers will of the ticket is from Rs. 11 to Rs. 20, the
penalty may be Re. 1 and so 00. This may
have no mind to travel without tickets. If
be done in a graded way.
a passenger buys a ticket, the Railways must
ensure him at least a seat in the train. Is it not Otherwise, if you club a\1 together; it
a commemal organization? If that is so, is wi\1 be very hard on tbe poor passengers,
it not proper on th~ part of a passenger to and the poor passengers very often travel
expect sitting accommodation in a train if he just two or tbree or five miles and the value
is asked to pay the price? If I have to pay of their tickets will not be more than SO or 60
a certain price, naturally I should get certain paise. It will be very hard for them if they are
goods or services. There is no such Provi- penalised for Rs. 10. So, I request the hon.
sion in tbis Bill to ensure this return. As Railway Minister at least to witbdraw tbe Bill
has been pointed out by Shri Fernandes, the for the present. Let him collect the statistics
Railways are talking not about the seatless first and tben come before the House with this
traveller but about ticketless trave\1er. Bi'I1, if it is so necessary, and it may be
considered tben.
In view of a\1 tbese things, this Bill
should be withdrawn now. Let the han. '-u ~ an~~ (~):
Minister to co\1ect a\1 the facts and study them. ~a ~,\jfTfil<'r ~iiI;~~,
Let him find out if long-distance passengers
are the offenders or short-distance passengers it "ij" iii; ~ it ~arR~ffi
are the offenders. The short-distance or local ;nl¥fT ~ I W if 8 arT 0 iii; ifOIl'.T ;;IT \0 ~ 0
passengers have to travel by train to do their
business and perform their duties and it is 'liT 'tmri!T ~ ~ ~;oij"iiI;mifit
they who genera\1y come in the last moment ~~ <ro 'IiVIT~~ I aJT\jf";;IT
to catch a train. ~~mr-r~'3"ifq;:~f~~
They have to attend to a number of duties; flroffi I ;;IT orrtr arR fuiImT ~ ~ iii;
they have to attend to their office. And there
is so much of over crowding in trains. In fOfit amt ~ '3"if ~ ¢ ~ftt; ~ ~ I
such cases it may so happen that some of the ~ ~'IiT aroro ~ 'liT ~ ~ tTlIT I
passengers may not find time to purchase
the ticket, in spite of their best intention. ~ WR: ~CPrr~mr;oij","
So, it should be ascertained first as to the ~ ~ ~ trit I -~ 120 ~o 'Ii)- ~ ~
sections in which. and the mileage up to ~ 'IT I '3"if orr'll it if!! '~ Uf;r <'it arR
which sucb ticketless travelling persists, and
to what extent such passengers continue to ~ ~ ~ ~T I ~6T~~fomr
travel witbout tickets. At least tbe percent- ~ ~ ~ ~ Im~~q;:
age of such cases should be ascertained. It
is only after that, that the han. Railway ~ f~<R: fl{Orit ~ ~ ilf~ ~
Minister may corne forward with such a Bill. ~ I W 'ffiUI" ~ ~ Glf'f if OfT'll
Now, I come to the last point. The 'liT <furt;r ~ ~ I
363 Indian RIYI. (Amdt.) lULY 21. 1969 OrdinQnce (ReI.) and India 364
RIYI. (2nd Amdt.) Bill