Rastegardoost 2018

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2018 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)

A Machine Learning Algorithm for Unlicensed LTE

and WiFi Spectrum Sharing
Nazanin Rastegardoost and Bijan Jabbari
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
Email: {nrastega,bjabbari}@gmu.edu

Abstract—Shared use of unlicensed spectrum in practice for

coexistence with WiFi is rather complex and to achieve optimum
usage can be highly challenging. While maximal utilization is
desirable for unlicensed LTE, it is essentially important not to
disturb WiFi activity in the unlicensed channel when designing
a coexistence scheme. Opportunistic exploitation of idle gaps, or
white spaces, in the WiFi channel for unlicensed LTE transmis-
sions enables achieving the above objectives. However, complex
analytical approaches to the opportunistic coexistence problem
require considerable computation and might result in excessive
latency, which would be undesirable. Machine learning schemes
may reduce the computational complexity and hence not only
reduce the latency but also help with energy consumption in
wireless communications systems.
We propose a novel algorithm based on reinforcement learning
technique for the problem of opportunistic coexistence of unli-
censed LTE and WiFi. The proposed approach in particular is
based on Q-Learning, which provides a robust and model-free
decision-making framework that enables online and distributive Fig. 1: Interference in coexisting LTE-U and WiFi networks.
coexistence of small cells with WiFi. Our approach takes into
account the latency imposed on WiFi activity by employing
carrier sensing at the base station, and aims to minimize it,
while maximizing unlicensed LTE utilization of the idle spectral
Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA-CA) mech-
Index Terms—Unlicensed LTE, LTE-U, WiFi, ABS, coexis- anism to access the spectrum. Consequently, WiFi network
tence, white space, machine learning, 5G. performance will be pushed to the limit as a result of backing-
off for contiguous LTE-U transmissions. Therefore, in order
to protect WiFi from bandwidth starvation and performance
degradation, it is of essential importance to employ an efficient
Unlicensed LTE (for example, LTE-U used broadly for and fair coexistence mechanism for LTE-U and WiFi when
LTE in unlicensed spectrum) operating with small cells are coexisting in the unlicensed spectrum.
considered as a promising solution to increase the spectral Numerous coexistence mechanisms for LTE-U and WiFi
capacity towards the 5th -Generation (5G) wireless networks have been proposed in the literature. Many of the works
[1]. The available wide bandwidth, lightly loaded, and short that address their time domain coexistence, are based on
communication range channels in the unlicensed 5 GHz spec- muting or duty cycling. This approach is generally referred
trum, provide the opportunity for small cells to offload the to as Carrier Sensing Adaptive Transmission (CSAT), where
excess data traffic of the cellular networks by means of LTE LTE-U adaptively performs an ON/OFF duty cycle, and only
carrier aggregation [2]. However, these unlicensed bands are transmits during the ON period, leaving the OFF period for
currently occupied with incumbent technologies, such as WiFi, WiFi transmissions. Almost Blank Subframe allocation (ABS)
whose performance is shown to be seriously degraded by the is another similar approach, where a number of subframes
interference from coexisting legacy LTE operation in the same in each LTE frame are reserved for WiFi activity. The idea
unlicensed band, as illustrated in Fig. 1 [3]. was first introduced in [4], and further investigated in [1],
In addition, fundamental differences in the MAC layer where a fixed number of subframes are randomly allocated
functionality of LTE and WiFi, make their interference man- to ABS. Variations such as adaptive ABS and dynamic duty
agement and coexistence problem quite challenging. As op- cycle selection are proposed in the literature to enhance the
posed to WiFi, LTE is conventionally designed for exclusive coexistence performance of the two networks by taking into
and centrally-scheduled transmissions, without any need to account the WiFi network traffic load [5]–[8]. Although the
contend or coexist with other technologies. Whereas WiFi aforementioned works have effectively improved the LTE-U
nodes contend in a distributive fashion based on Carrier Sense and WiFi coexistence by providing a fair throughput balance,

978-1-5386-5191-9/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)

however, they fail to reflect the disturbance and the resulting small cell (with a single BS). Downlink (DL) and Uplink (UL)
latency imposed on the WiFi activity due to LTE-U interrup- traffic is assumed for the WiFi network, and the utilization of
tion in the ABS regime. the entire WiFi network, or its traffic intensity, is denoted by
On the other hand, inefficient utilization of the spectrum has ρ ∈ (0, 1).
resulted in extensive vacant portions known as white space, Distributed CSMA-CA protocol is implemented among
containing nothing but white noise. White spaces in the unli- WiFi nodes for channel access coordination based on a physi-
censed spectrum caused by random activities of the incumbent cal layer Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) and random back-
technologies, provide considerable spectral opportunities for off mechanism. Particularly, if the WiFi receiver detects any
emerging technologies such as LTE-U, at no cost. Statistical WiFi signal with decodable preamble that exceeds the Carrier
characterization of WiFi white spaces is carried out in [9] Sensing (CS) threshold, or any other signal exceeding the
using a Markov modulated batch Poisson process (MMBPP) Energy Detection (ED) threshold, it will hold a busy CCA flag
framework, where authors demonstrate the abundance and until the end of that transmission. As a result, WiFi nodes can
duration of idle opportunities in the WiFi channel. The idea detect LTE-U transmissions using the ED feature.
of exploiting WiFi white spaces for opportunistic LTE-U We assume WiFi APs and STAs as well as the co-located
access is introduced in [10] and further investigated in [11], LTE-U BS and the associated User Equipments (UEs) are
where an MMBPP-based opportunistic coexistence mechanism distributed in the same geographical area such that they are all
is proposed for LTE-U that enables the base station (BS) within the CCA range of each other, i.e., their simultaneous
to dynamically predict the duration of WiFi white spaces transmission results in severe interference, and no two nodes1
upon sensing one, and schedule transmissions accordingly. can transmit at the same time. This scenario may apply to
This approach is shown to achieve comparable throughput dense networks situations, where no other idle channels are
to ABS, while significantly reducing the latency imposed on available and the two co-located operators have to share a
WiFi activity. single channel. This assumption also helps with abstracting the
However, the MMBPP-based approach for LTE-U coexis- physical layer, which can later be improved using stochastic
tence is practically difficult to implement, due to the parameter geometry methods to account for spatial distributions and
estimation and computational complexities related to MMBPP randomness in the received SINR. Nevertheless, here we relax
calculations that have to repeatedly be carried out upon every the spatial dimension to emphasize on temporal design issues
white space occurrence. Moreover, the LTE-U probabilistic from a MAC layer perspective.
operation is subject to error, and thus, can cause alteration Here, the LTE-U supplement downlink (SDL) mode is
of the WiFi system statistics, which is not captured in the considered, where the excess DL traffic is offloaded in the
model. To address the above issues, in this paper we propose unlicensed band, and the UL and control traffic remain in the
a practically simpler method to the problem of opportunistic licensed bands, and thus, the BS is assumed to have full buffer
coexistence of LTE-U and WiFi. The proposed approach DL traffic. In accessing the shared unlicensed channel, LTE-U
is based on reinforcement learning, particularly Q-Learning, BS also implements ED to sense WiFi transmissions and avoid
which provides a robust and model-free decision-making interrupting them. Once the access is granted, the BS centrally
framework that enables online and distributive coexistence of schedules and allocates available resources for blocks of 1 ms
LTE-U small cells with WiFi. Q-Learning (QL) is employed long (equal to one LTE subframe duration) among LTE UEs.
in [12] for a distributed channel selection strategy for LTE-
U, that dynamically identifies the utilization condition of each B. LTE-U Duty Cycle
channel towards optimum selection. In [6], [13] Q-Learning is As illustrated in Fig. 2a, the real-life WiFi traffic is sig-
used for dynamic ABS duty cycle selection according to the nificantly bursty, leaving lots of white spaces between IEEE
coexisting WiFi network traffic load. However, these works 802.11 frames [14]. White space is referred to the idle periods
ignore the interference and latency imposed on WiFi activity, in WiFi channel that correspond to no transmissions, excluding
which is addressed in our proposed framework by employing the short silent gaps related to the back-off times and WiFi
carrier sensing at the LTE-U BS. protocol-related space intervals. We define a variable and adap-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
tive duty cycle for LTE-U based on temporal characteristics
provides an overview on the system structure. The Q-Learning
of WiFi traffic. As illustrated in Fig. 2b, which is an enlarged
based opportunistic coexistence scheme is proposed in Section
view of Fig. 2a, the LTE-U duty cycle is comprised of an
III. Section IV provides simulation results. Finally, Sections
OFF period, corresponding to WiFi frame transmission or
V concludes the paper.
busy time, followed by an ON period, which relates to WiFi
II. S YSTEM OVERVIEW white space or idle time. Idle and busy times in WiFi traffic
A. Deployment Scenario are naturally alternating, even though the busy times may be
comprised of consecutive frame transmissions (irrespective of
We focus on a co-channel coexistence scenario, where two the transmitter node).
networks operate in a single unlicensed frequency channel; a
legacy WiFi network (with a single or multiple access points 1 The term ”node” is used to refer to both service providers (AP/BS) and
(APs) and N user stations (STAs)), and a co-located LTE-U users (STA/UE)
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)

indicating the number of LTE subframes with duration of tSf ,

equal to 1 ms.
The BS uses Q-learning algorithm, discussed below, to
dynamically estimate the best value of a, and thus, the duration
of every LTE-U ON period, so that it can vacate the band for
upcoming WiFi transmissions such as to minimize the inter-
ference and latency imposed on WiFi activity. Consequently,
the BS adaptively adjusts its duty cycle and ON/OFF periods
according to WiFi activity such that opportunistic exploitation
of natural white spaces in WiFi channel is achieved.

A. Q-Learning Algorithm
Fig. 2: (a) Traffic trace of a real-life WiFi network [14]. (b)
Closer look: WiFi cycle (variable LTE-U duty cycle), WiFi frame Q-learning is an online model-free reinforcement learning
transmission period (LTE-U OFF), and white space (LTE-U ON). technique, where the learning agent improves its behavior
through interaction with the environment, and by estimating
the values of state-action pairs based on experience. In each
We assume LTE-U BS constantly performs carrier sensing state, the agent is able to compare the expected utility of the
to avoid interrupting WiFi transmissions in the common chan- available actions and choose the best amongst them. The Q-
nel while fully utilizing the idle resources. When the channel value, Q(s, a), is defined to be the expected discounted sum of
is idle, the BS knows that there is a white space, and starts future payoffs achieved by taking action a in state s following
the LTE-U ON period. Since our goal here is to minimize the optimal policy that minimizes the cumulative cost function,
the disturbance introduced to WiFi activity, the BS has to that is, Q : S × A → R.
stop transmission by the end of the white space, i.e. when We consider the Q-learning algorithm with -greedy policy,
a packet arrives at the WiFi network. However, due to the where the action at each step is selected as follows. A uniform
back-off mechanism of the CSMA-CA, the WiFi nodes will random number r ∈ U(0, 1) is generated first and compared
not start transmitting as long as they sense the LTE signal. against the parameter  ∈ (0, 1). If r is smaller than , an action
Consequently, LTE-U will continue transmitting, and thus, is selected randomly. Otherwise, the optimal action with the
delaying WiFi traffic further and further. lowest Q-value is selected, i.e.,
To avoid this situation, in this paper we use Q-Learning to
provide the LTE-U BS with the ability to estimate the duration at = arg min Q(s, a). (1)
of an ongoing white space at each duty cycle, such as to
vacate the channel for the upcoming WiFi frame transmission, The -greedy parameter allows for exploration of the conse-
without requiring detailed knowledge of the WiFi system quences of all actions. In fact, it ensures that all the state-action
parameters and statistics. pairs are explored with some non-zero probability, , so that
all possibilities are discovered.
III. Q-L EARNING -BASED O PPORTUNISTIC C OEXISTENCE Once the action is taken, and upon observing a new state,
M ECHANISM FOR LTE-U st+1 , and collecting the immediate payoff, ct , that results from
action at , the agent updates the Q-values as follows:
Consider an LTE-U small cell sharing an unlicensed chan-
nel with a WiFi network in time domain. As discussed Q(st , at ) ← (1−α)Q(st , at )+α[ct +γmina Q(st+1 , a)]. (2)
previously, the WiFi network generates random and bursty
traffic in uplink and downlink directions, resulting in abundant Here α ∈ [0, 1] is the learning rate, that determines how
white spaces between WiFi frames. Here, we formulate a fast the learning can occur. If α is too small, it will take
decision-making learning-based approach to the opportunistic long time to complete the learning process, whereas if it is
coexistence problem of LTE-U with WiFi, where the LTE- too big, the algorithm might not converge. Also, γ ∈ [0, 1]
U BSs are reinforcement learning agents who autonomously is the discount factor that controls the value placed on the
schedule transmissions while adapting their performance to the future rewards. If γ is too small, learning will not depend as
coexisting WiFi network activity. much on future rewards, and immediate rewards are optimized
In the co-channel coexistence scenario, the LTE-U BS instead. On the contrary, if it is too big, learning will heavily
performs carrier sensing to detect any WiFi activity in the depend on future rewards. It is worth mentioning that the
common unlicensed channel. As long as the channel is occu- above procedure involves simple computations, which helps
pied by WiFi transmissions, LTE-U remains in the OFF period with efficient energy consumption.
and continuously listens to the channel until it becomes idle,
or equivalently, a WiFi white space is initiated. Once a white B. QL-Based Opportunistic LTE-U Algorithm
space is sensed, the BS starts the ON period and transmits Consider LTE-U BS as the agent who applies carrier sensing
for a × tSf ms, where a ∈ A = {a1 , . . . , aM } is the integer to detect and opportunistically utilize white spaces in the WiFi
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)

channel, and further employs Q-learning to adaptively sched-

ule LTE-U ON periods according to the estimated duration of Algorithm 1: Q-Learning Based Opportunistic LTE-U
white spaces. 1: procedure LTE-U BS: CONSTANTLY SENSE WIFI
The set of actions for LTE-U BS is denoted by A = CHANNEL
{a1 , a2 , . . . , aM }, representing the integer number of LTE 2: Initialize:
subframes scheduled for transmissions, i.e., the length of LTE- 3: for each s ∈ S and a ∈ A do
U ON period is equal to at × tSf = at ms, where at ∈ A and 4: Initialize the Q-value representation mechanism,
tSf = 1 ms. Q(s, a)
We consider a cost function, which we aim to minimize,
5: end for
defined as the absolute difference or error in the prediction
6: Evaluate the starting state s = st ∈ S
of white space duration. In fact, given that the actual WiFi
7: Wait for a WiFi frame arrival
white space is of duration wt , the goal of the BS is to choose
8: top:
the length of ON period, at , as close to wt as possible. If
9: while channel is busy do
at is shorter than wt , then the idle spectral resources are
underutilized and LTE-U fails to achieve maximal utilization.
11: if channel becomes idle then
On the other hand, if at is longer than wt , the upcoming WiFi
12: Generate a random number r ∈ U(0, 1)
arrivals will find the channel busy by LTE-U transmissions,
13: if (r < ) then
and thus, WiFi latency is increased. Consequently, minimizing
14: Select action at randomly
the cost function will result in maximum LTE-U utilization
15: else
while limiting WiFi latency at the same time. We assume that
16: Select action at according to equation (1)
the BS can fully observe wt by sensing WiFi broadcast control
signalings such as RTS/CTS. The immediate cost is defined 17: end if
as follows: 18: LTE-U ON: transmit for at subframes
ct = |wt − at |. (3) 19: Receive the white space duration wt and the im-
mediate cost, ct = |wt − at |
We set the states, S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sN }, such that N levels 20: Observe the next state st+1 ∈ S according to
for the error in white space prediction is presumed. That is, equation (4)
at step (cycle) t, state st is determined as follows: 21: Update the Q-table entry using equation (2)
Put s = st+1

 s1 , ct < cmin 22:

 23: end if
 s2 , cmin ≤ ct < cmin + ∆c

 24: Wait until next WiFi frame arrival
st = s3 , cmin + ∆c ≤ ct < cmin + 2∆c (4) 25: goto top.

 ..

sN , ct ≥ cmax ,

well as an ABS-plus-sensing, and the MMBPP-based oppor-
where cmin and cmax are the smallest and largest tolerable tunistic approach, specified as follows.
cost values, respectively, and the range is divided by 1) ABS: We consider an ABS mechanism where LTE-U BS
cmax − cmin allocates a number of subframes at the end of each frame to
∆c = .
N −2 WiFi network activity, such that the fraction of the frame that
The agent maintains a Q-table where each entry corresponds WiFi can use is equal to the traffic intensity, or the utilization
to a pair of state-action, with a Q-value representing the of the WiFi network. For instance, if ρ = 0.2, LTE-U is ON
estimated future cost following from that state-action pair. At during the first 8 subframes, and stops transmissions for the
each state, the BS chooses the action according to the -greedy last 2 subframes of a frame (20% ABS).
policy, that is either randomly, or the one that yields to the 2) ABS+Sensing: In ABS-plus-sensing, which is in fact
lowest estimated cost, i.e., with minimum Q-value. Once the a mixture of ABS and opportunistic schemes, the BS keeps
action is executed, the agent receives a feedback from the sensing the channel and whenever the channel is idle, starts
environment in form of the cost function, and learns about the LTE-U transmission for a fixed duration equal to the average
outcome of the deployed action in the current state. The next white space length. So basically, similar to opportunistic
state is then identified, and the previous Q-value is updated. method, the LTE-U duty cycle is afloat and variable, but the
The proposed Q-learning based opportunistic LTE-U algorithm LTE-U ON period is constant and a function of the WiFi traffic
is summarized in Algorithm 1. intensity, as in ABS.
3) MMBPP-Based Opportunistic Scheme: In this oppor-
IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS tunistic approach, LTE-U BS constantly monitors WiFi activity
In this section we examine the proposed Q-learning algo- in the unlicensed channel through carrier sensing, similar to
rithm for the opportunistic coexistence of LTE-U and WiFi, the QL-based approach, and turns LTE-U transmissions off as
and compare the results with those of an ABS mechanism as long as the channel is sensed to be busy. The BS observes the
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)

time instant and size of the latest WiFi packet frame arrival, 1

(Tn−1 , Kn−1 ). Once an idle channel is sensed, that indicates 0.8


LTE-U throughput
a white space initiation, the BS uses the following equation ABS+sensing
0.6 ABS
based on the MMBPP model to estimate WiFi frame inter-
arrival time, Tban , for a = Kn−1 , 0.4


Tban = −ν a G−1
aa 1. (5) 0
0.2 0.5

This is the conditional expectation of a phase type distribution Fig. 3: Maximum achievable LTE-U throughput.
with r phases and parameters (ν a , Gaa ), where r is the
number of underlying states in the MMBPP arrival process 12

that represents the number of WiFi network traffic load levels, 10

WiFi latency (ms)

Gaa is the (a, a) block of the generator matrix, G, of the 8
MMBPP arrival process, and ν a = νa /(νa 1), where vector νa 6
represents the initial distribution of the MMBPP process for an 4

initial arrival of size a, and 1 represents a unit column vector 2

of order r. Here, it is assumed that the information regarding 0

0.2 0.5
the statistics and parameters of the WiFi network temporal ρ

behavior are provided to or learned by the BS. Specifically, Fig. 4: WiFi latency.
the BS may employ maximum likelihood parameter estimation
methods, such as EM algorithm, to estimate the statistics of
the MMBPP process. Next, the BS predicts the time of next and the set of states as follows,
WiFi frame arrival, Tbn , as follows, 

 1, ct < 0.5

 2, 0.5 ≤ ct < 1

Tbn = Tn−1 + Tban ,

st = 3, 1 ≤ ct < 2 (7)

4 2 ≤ ct < 3

and estimates the white space duration by calculating the

5, ct ≥ 3,

remainder of the time until Tbn . Consequently, the BS is able to
schedule transmissions (LTE-U ON) for the estimated duration where ct is the immediate cost function, given in equation (3).
of WiFi white space and stop transmissions (LTE-U OFF) by Fig. 3 demonstrates LTE-U throughput vs. the coexisting
the end of this period, such that the channel is available for WiFi network traffic intensity in terms of the maximum
the upcoming WiFi frame arrival. For details of the MMBPP percentage of total resources that LTE-U can exploit, for
arrival process and the associated opportunistic algorithm, the four aforementioned mechanisms. As expected, LTE-U
refer to [9], [11]. throughput generally decreases with ρ increasing, mainly
because with higher WiFi traffic the duration of white spaces
drops down. We can see that the ABS-plus-sensing achieves
A. Simulations higher throughput compared to ABS, mainly because of the
plenitude of exploitable white spaces in WiFi traffic that it
We consider a WiFi network with a single AP and N = 5 can identify using carrier sensing. Also, it achieves higher
STAs with DL traffic that is generated according to an throughput compared to the MMBPP-based approach because
MMBPP arrival process with r = 2 states, indicating low and of the fact that it is less conservative and does not vacate
high traffic load levels. Each WiFi frame arrival is assumed to the channel dynamically based on WiFi prediction. It is also
be comprised of up to 64 IEEE 802.11ac packets according to observed that the LTE-U throughput with the MMBPP-based
a state-dependent normal probability distribution. The state- opportunistic mechanism is comparable to that with ABS,
dependent arrival rates are varied to obtain different traffic which is due to the efficient exploitation of white spaces. We
intensities (WiFi utilization), ρ. The coexisting LTE-U BS can see that under the proposed QL-based algorithm, LTE-
employs the Q-Learning-based algorithm to opportunistically U is generally able to achieve a relatively high throughput,
exploit the white spaces in the WiFi channel and schedule especially when the traffic load of the WiFi network is higher.
transmissions such that the channel will most likely be vacated The latency imposed on the coexisting WiFi network is
for upcoming WiFi transmissions. shown in Fig. 4. As ρ increases, LTE-U is off for longer
For the Q-Learning algorithm, we put α = 0.5, γ = 0.9, periods in all the four mechanisms, and thus, is less likely to
and  = 0.1. We consider the set of possible actions, A = interrupt WiFi transmissions. It is evident that ABS extremely
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, indicating number of subframes disturbs WiFi traffic and results in significant latency. How-
in an LTE frame that the BS transmits (LTE-U ON period), ever, the latency with the other mechanisms is considerably
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)

(LTE-U throughput / WiFi Latency)

1.2 while decreasing the latency imposed on WiFi traffic. Simu-
1 MMBPP lation results demonstrated superior performance as compared
0.8 ABS+sensing to the ABS mechanism, as well as similar performance as
compared to the MMBPP-based opportunistic approach in

0.6 ABS

Q-Learning lightly loaded scenarios, even though extensive computations
0.2 and parameter estimation of the Markovian solution were
avoided. The proposed approach also provided a means to
0.2 0.5
ρ control the trade-off between LTE-U utilization and WiFi
latency in the coexisting networks.
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maximal utilization of idle resources for LTE-U transmissions,

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