Rs Ba1v2 Dc4ku
Rs Ba1v2 Dc4ku
Rs Ba1v2 Dc4ku
IC‐7300 ‐ Remote Control Software RS‐BA1 from ICOM
ICOM supplies the IC‐7300 with remote control software called RS‐BA1 Vers2. With the help of this
software, the IC‐7300 can work
1) via a directly connected PC
2) over a PC from the home network and
3) via a PC from the Internet.
The software installations and settings required for this are described below.
1.) IC‐7300 with direct connection to a PC via USB
Local PC
Default Settings
On the IC‐7300 under Set ‐> Connectors set the CI‐V USB build rate to 115200 and the CI‐V USB port
to Unlink from (Remote).
Figure 2: Setting on the IC‐7300
Software installation
Install the ICOM software "Driver" and "RS‐BA1" on PC1. After installation, the icons for "Icom
Remote Utillity" and "RS‐BA1 Remote Control" appear on the PC screen (Figure 4). Only then connect
the IC‐7300 to the PC via a USB cable, but do not switch on the transceiver yet.
Bild 3: RS‐BA1 Remote Control und Remote Utility
The USB interface of the IC‐7300 is also activated when it is switched off and the driver is installed in
the background. The "Remote Utility" program is used to configure the connection between the PC
and the IC‐7300 (client/server) and "RS‐BA1" is the actual operating software.
To check whether the driver has been installed correctly, open the Device Manager ‐> Connections
(COM & LPT) in the PC. The virtual interface was created under COM4.
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
Figure 4: UART Bridge Com 4
Then start the Remote Utility program and set up the connection between the PC and the IC‐7300.
The name of the PC (Werner‐PC) is automatically recognized and the COM ports 50001 to 50003 are
defined at the same time.
After a restart, the Setup Wizard menu opens, where you can select in which form the PC should be
configured, whether as "Local‐PC", "Server‐PC" or "Remote‐PC". We select "Setup for a Local PC".
Figure 6: Setup for a local PC
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
Figure 7: Setup a local PC and Register
Finally click on "Finish" and the Remote Utility program opens and displays the settings of the IC‐
7300 under "Radio List". After clicking on "Connect" the connection between PC1 and IC‐7300 is
established, this is confirmed by << Connected >> if successful.
Figure 8: Clicking on "Connect" (left) connects the IC‐7300 to PC1 <<Connected>> (right)
Microphone and loudspeaker
When setting the sound on the PC, make sure that the signals from the microphone and
loudspeakers cross each other. Put simply, the IC‐7300's speaker signal goes to the PC's microphone
input and the microphone signal goes to the PC's speaker output. The audio gain must be adjusted
manually (AF, Mod and Sounds). If the settings are not correct, the speaker and microphone will not
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
Fig.9: Settings for loudspeaker (left) and microphone (right)
After IC7‐7300 and PC1 have connected, start the operating software RS‐BA1 Remote Control. The IC‐
7300 now switches on automatically and its user interface appears on the PC (Fig. 10). The noise of
the IC‐7300 must now be heard in the loudspeaker and the microphone must work. If not, the audio
settings must be checked again. The IC‐7300 can then be remote controlled from the local PC (PC1).
After pressing Exit the IC‐7300 switches off remotely.
Fig. 10: Remote control of the IC‐7300 via a directly connected PC (USB interface)
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
2.) Connecting the IC‐7300 to a PC in the home network
Local-PC, Server-PC Client-PC
PC1 Client
IC-7300 LAN Router LAN
Figure 11: Connection IC‐7300 with the home network
With this configuration, the IC‐7300 will be connected to a PC in the home network. To do this, the
local PC is first connected to the home‐router via LAN/WLAN (if this has not already been done) and
is given access to the home network via this connection (Fig. 11). The router automatically assigns an
IP address to PC1, which we must find out. Open the router and look it up under Home ‐> Network,
for me the IP address was: (note the IP). In order for transfer the data and audio
transmission between IC‐7300 and PC2 , PC1 must be converted to a "server" and PC2 to a "client".
Settings on the Server‐PC
Start Remote Utility, open Setup Wizard and select "Setup for a Server PC" (Figure 12). In the
following menus only a user name and a password have to be entered. The user ID and password
must be entered for security reasons, because the signals are now fed into the network via a router.
Following PC1 acts as Server‐PC.
Figure 12: Setup Wizard
Figure 13: Settings for Server‐PC (PC1)
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
Settings on the Client‐PC
Start Remote Utility, open Setup Wizard and select "Setup for a Remote PC". In the following menu,
enter the previously determined IP address of the server (e.g., as well as a user ID
and password. User Name and Password can be freely chosen.
IP des Servers
User ID und Password
eingeben Name des Servers
Figure 14: Setup for client PC (PC2)
After clicking on Finish, the program opens and shows "Connected" under Server List. Then go to
Radio List and press Connect. The IC‐7300 now connects to the client PC (PC2) and the confirmation
>> Connected << appears in the menu.
Figure 15: Radio List (left) and Server List (right), IC‐7300 Connected
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
Then start the operating software "RS‐BA Remote Control Vers.2" on the client PC and press Connect.
After a few seconds the user interface of the IC‐7300 appears on the screen and the IC‐7300 can be
remote controlled via PC2.
Remote Utility
started, with a
connection over
the Server‐PC!
Figure 16: Remote‐controlled IC‐7300 in the home network, ready for a QSO
Note: For the connection to work, the Remote Utility program must be open on the server PC (PC1)!
3.) Connect the IC‐7300 to a PC on the Internet
Heimnetz Internet
Server Client
IC-7300 PC1 PC3
WLAN Client
WLAN Router
Figure 17: Connection IC‐7300 to the Internet
This final setting is relatively easy and quick to make. To enable remote control of the IC‐7300 from
the Internet, a "port forwarding" for ports 50000 to 50003 of the Server PC (PC1) must be set in the
router (Figure 19). Make sure that the protocol selected is UDP and not TCP. After the forwarding has
been carried out, the "public IP address" of the router is also displayed in the menu, in the example
IP= (note it!).
öffentliche IP‐Adresse frei gegebene Ports
im Internet
Figure 18: Server PC with port forwarding of 50001, 50002 and 50003
Then start Remote Utility and select "Setup for a Remote PC".
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
Figure 19: Setup for a Remote PC
In the following pages, only the previously noted public "public IP address of the router" must be
öffentliche IP‐Adresse
des Routers
Figure 20: Entering the IP address of the router
After pressing Finish, the Remote Utility program opens and displays "Connected" under Server List.
It doesn't matter if the client is in the "home network" or the "internet", the connection always
works! Then go to Radio List and press Connect. The IC‐7300 now connects to the server and
>>Connected<< appears in the menu.
Figure 21: IC‐7300 Connected
Then start RS‐BA1 Vers2 and press Connect. After a few seconds the user interface of the IC‐7300
opens and the transceiver can be operated from the Internet. The transfer rate is 50...70kbits and the
latency times are low with a fast Internet connection.
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
Remote Utility
started, with a
connection over
the Router!
Fig. 22: Display of the IC‐7300 via PC in the Internet
Note: For the connection to work, the Remote Utility on the server PC (PC1) must be open!
If you have a DynDNS‐address you should use it to control the IC‐7300 (2). The advantage is that an
Internet address, such as, is used instead of the router's public address. When you
are working with DynDNS the signal is routed additional via a DynDNS‐Server, which queries the IP of
the router for each connection and only then forwards the connection. If the IP of the router has
changed, this does not matter, the connection is still established.
To enter a DynDNS address in the settings, open the Setup Wizard on the client PC once again and
enter the DynDNS under Server Address. After that another Server will appear, under the address of
"" and under Radio‐List <<< Connected >>>.
Figure 23: Additional Radio‐ and Server‐List with DynDNS Address (blue color).
Werner Schnorrenberg - DC4KU 01.10.2019
This example results in a total of four valid IP addresses which can be used to establish a connection
between the PC and the IC‐7300:
‐ Home network: With IP address of the server PC ( or name of the server PC
(Werner PC)
‐ Home network and Internet: With IP address of the router ( or DynDNS address
The software RS‐BA1 Remote Control Ver2 works perfectly and if you run a QSO over the PC, it is not
noticed by the conversation partner, because also the latency times are very low. The Installation is a
bit complicate and the software seems to be some old‐fashioned, so ICOM would do well to offer a
completely new designed software. The Icom software manual (1) is 94 pages long, is that necessary?
For comparison: It took me a few days to install the ICOM software, only 2 hours (1) to install the
similar working software Win4Icom from VA2FSQ and only 10 minutes (3) to install RemoteTx from
To remote control the transceiver over the home network or the internet, the server software must
always be started on the local Server‐PC, otherwise there is no connection. This could be done much
easier with a simple Raspberry Pi3/4, but Icom doesn't offer this. I also miss the fact that neither a
tablet (iPad) nor a smartphone (iPhone) can be used as a controlling unit. RemoteTx shows how this
can work.
Werner Schnorrenberg
(1) RS‐BA1 Version 2, ICOM Instruction Manual‐BA1_Ver2_ENG_IM_2.pdf
(2) Win4Icom, Remote Software for IC‐7300
(3) RemoteTx, Remote Software for IC‐7300