(a) 60 (b) 70
350 360 (c) 48 (d) 50
(a) (b)
23 23 5. A and B can complete a task in 25 days. B
an by 360 alone can complete 33
% of the same task
(c) (d) 3
33 37
in 15 days. In how many days can A alone
2. A can do one fifth part of a task in 4 days, B
R s
can do one sixth part of the same work in 5 4
days. If they work together, how many days complete th of the same task?
a th
os ,dlkFk feydj dk;Z djrs gSa rks bl dk;Z dks fdrus
fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs gSa\ ldrk gSA bl dk;Z dk Hkkx fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk
di M
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Shift- 02) djsxk\
(a) 12 (b) 30 SSC CHSL 01/07/2019 (Shift- 03)
(c) 20 (d) 15 (a) 15 (b) 10
3. A alone can do a work in 30 days. B alone can (c) 18 (d) 12
do the same work in 60 days. If they work
6. A, B and C can finish a task in 42 days, 84
together for 5 days, then what part of the work
days and 28 days, respectively. A started the
will be left? work, B joined him after 3 days. If C joined
A fdlh dk;Z dks vdsyk 30 fnu esa dj ldrk gSAB mlh them after 5 days from the beginning, then for
dk;Z dks vdsyk 60 fnu esa dj ldrk gSA ;fn os 5 fnu how many days did A work till the completion
of the task?
rd ,d lkFk dk;Z djrs gSa] rks dk;Z dk fdruk fgLlk 'ks"k
(c) 30 days (d) 20 days
work together for 8 days. In how many days 12. A and B can do a work in 10 days and 20 days
will A alone complete the remaining work? respectively. They begin the work together but
A fdlh dk;Z dk ,d&frgkbZ Hkkx 15 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrk A leaves after five days. Now B completes the
gSA an by
B blh dk;Z dk 75» Hkkx 18 fnuksa esa
36 fnuksa esa dj ldrk gSA
C rFkk
;gh dk;Z
B vkSjC 8 fnuksa rd lkFk dk;Z
remaining work. The total number of days
needed for the completion of the work is:
djrs gSaA
A vdsyk 'ks"k dk;Z fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk djsxk\ A vkSjB Øe'k% 10 fnuksa vkSj 20 fnuksa esa ,d dk;Z dj
lquhy vkSj fnus'k bls 12 fnuksa esa djldrs gSa vkSj vfer A fdlh dk;Z dks 24 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrkBgS]
vkSj fnus'k bls 18 fnuksa esa dj ldrs gSaA ;fn vfer] lquhy dk;Z dks 32 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrk gSA ;fn os ,d lkFk
vkSj fnus'k ,dlkFk dk;Z djrs gSa] rks os mlh dk;Z dksdke djrs gSa vkSj fuf'pr le; ds ckn B us dke NksM+
fdrus le; esa iwjk djsaxs\ fn;k rks dqy dke 18 fnuksa esa iwjk gks tk,xkA fdrus fnu
SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Shift- 02) ds ckn B us dke NksM+ fn;k\
(a) 4 days (b) 16 days (a) 6 days (b) 8 days
(c) 12 days (d) 8 days (c) 10 days (d) 12 days
10. A and B, working together , can complete a 14. A can complete a work in 10 days B can
work in 10 days, C and A together can complete the same work in 15 days . If they
complete it in 20 days and C and B together work together and after certain time A left the
can complete it in 15 days. They worked work then total work be completed in 9 days.
together for 8 days. In how many days will C After how many days A left the work.
can complete the remaining work? A fdlh dk;Z dks 10 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrkBgS]
A vkSj B ,d lkFk dke djrs gq, 10 fnuksa esa ,d dke dk;Z dks 15 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrk gSA ;fn os ,d lkFk
iwjk dj ldrs gSa]C vkSj A feydj bls 20 fnuksa esa iwjk dke djrs gSa vkSj fuf'pr le; ds ckn A us dke NksM+
dj ldrs gSa vkSjC vkSj B feydj bls 15 fnuksa esa iwjk fn;k rks dqy dke 9 fnuksa esa iwjk gks tk,xkA fdrus fnu
dj ldrs gSaA mUgksaus 8 fnuksa rd ,d lkFk dke fd;kA 'ks"k
ds ckn A us dke NksM+ fn;k\
dk;Z dksC fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrk gS\ (a) 6 days (b) 8 days
SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Shift- 03) (c) 4 days (d) 2 days
A, B vkSj C Øe'k% 12] 16 vkSj 24 fnuksa esa ,d dke in 16 days. They start working together and
dj ldrs gSaA os ,d lkFk dke 'kq: djrs gSa ysfdu
A Man quits after 2 days. Woman continues.
vkSjC us dke iwjk gksus ls 1 fnu igys dke NksM+ fn;kAAfter 3 days man is called back for work. Then
(a) 4 days
an by
dqy dk;Z fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk gksxk\
(b) 5 days
after 1 day woman quits work and remaining
work is done by Man. What is the ratio of work
done by man to work done by woman?
(c) 3 days (d) 6 days
17. A , B and C can do a work in 10, 12 and 15 ,d O;fDr vdsys fdlh dk;Z dks 8 fnuksa esa lekIr dj
days respectively. They begin the work ldrk gS tcfd ,d vkSjr mlh dk;Z dks 16 fnuksa esa lekIr
R s
together but after 3 days C left the work and dj ldrh gSA nksuksa us ,d lkFk dk;Z djuk izkjaHk fd;k
4 days before B left the work. In how many
vkSj O;fDr us 2 fnu ckn dk;Z NksM+ fn;k] gkykafd vkS
a th
(a) 5 : 3 (b) 4 : 3
68 67
(a) (b) (c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 4
11 11 21. Anushka and Anirudh working together can
58 complete a piece of work in 20 days. They
(c) (d) started the work together, but Anushka left
13 11 after X days and Anirudh finished the
18. A , B and C can do a work in 10, 12 and 15 remaining work in the next X/2 days. Had
days respectively. They begin the work Anushka left after 3X/4 days, Anirudh would
together but after 4 days B left the work and have taken X days to finish the remaining
3 days before C left the work. In how many work. Find the ratio of the efficiency of
days will the total work be completed? Anushka to that of Anirudh?
A, B vkSj C Øe'k% 10] 12 vkSj 15 fnuksa esa ,d dke vuq"dk vkSj vfu#¼ ,d dk;Z dks ,d lkFk djrs gq, 20
dj ldrs gSaA os ,d lkFk dke 'kq: djrs gSa ysfdu 4 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA mUgksaus ,d lkFk dk;Z vk
fnuksa ds ckn
B us dke NksM+ fn;k vkSj 3 fnu igys
C us fd;k ysfdu vuq"dk usX fnuksa ds ckn dk;Z NksM+ fn;k]
dke NksM+ fn;k dqy dk;Z fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk gksxk\ 'ks"k dk;Z dks vfu#¼ X/2
us fnu esa iwjk fd;kA ;fn
27 26 vuq"dk dk;Z dks
3X/4 fnu ckn NksM+rh rks cps gq, dk;Z
(a) (b) dks iwjk djus esa vfu#¼ dks
X fnu yxrs rks nksuksa dh
5 5
dk;Z {kerkvksa dk vuqikr Kkr djsa\
21 23 (a) 2 : 3 (b) 3 : 2
(c) (d)
5 5 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1
and C in 15 days and A and C in 25 days. They work on alternate days with Navneet starting
all worked together for 4 days. then A leaves, the job on the 1st day, then in how many days
and B and C go on together for 5 days more will the wall be built for the first time?
an by
and then B leaves. In how many days will C
complete the remaining work?
A vkSjB 10 fnuksa esa ,d dke dj ldrs gSaA 15 fnuksa esa
uouhr ,d nhokj dks 30 fnu esa cuk ldrk gS vkSj r:.k
40 fnu esa ml nhokj dks u"V dj ldrk gSA ;fn os ,d
fnu NksM+ dj dk;Z dks djrs gks vkSj dk;Z dh 'kq:vkr
B vkSjC vkSj 25 fnuksaAesa vkSjC djrs gSaA os lHkh 4
uouhr djrk gks] rks ,d ckj esa nhokj fdrus fnu esa cu
fnuksa rd ,d lkFk dke djrs jgs] mlds cknA NksM+
R s
tkrk gS vkSjB vkSj C ,d lkFk 5 vkSj fnuksa rd dk;Z
(a) 233 days (b) 212 days
tkjh j[krs gSa vkSj fiQj
B NksM+ tkrk gSA 'ks"k dk;Z dks (c) 215 days
a th
many days, A and B together can do the work?
works 50% more efficiently than R. To
A o B ckjh&ckjh ls vdsys ,d&,d fnu dksbZ dk;Z djrs
complete a certain project, P alone takes
gSaA ;fn
A dk;Z vkjaHk djrk gS] rks iwjk dk;Z 17 fnuksa esa
50days less than Q alone. If, in this project P
iwjk gks tkrk gSAB;fn
an bydk;Z dks vkjaHk djrk gS] rks dk;Z alone works for 60 days and the Q alone works
2 for 125 days, In how many days can R alone
17 fnuksa esa iwjk gksrk gSA nksuksa lkFk feydj dk;Zcomplete
3 the remaining work?
fnuksa esa iwjk djsaxs\ P dh dk;Z{kerkQ ls 25» vf/d gS vkSj Q dh dk;Z{kerk
3 ja 1 R dh rqyuk esa 50» vfèkd gSA ,d fuf'pr dk;Z djus ds
R s
(a) 8 (b) 8
7 5 fy, P vdsyk Q vdsys dh rqyuk esa 50 fnu de ysrk
a th
complete a task in 6 days. In how many days (a) 50 days (b) 75 days
will A alone complete 20% of the task? (c) 100 days (d) 150 days
di M
A, B vkSjC dh {kerk,¡ 2 % 3 % 5 ds vuqikr esa gSA35. ,d A and B work together to complete the rest
lkFk dke djus ij os 6 fnuksa esa ,d dk;Z iwjk dj ldrs of the job in 7 days. However 37/100 of the
A vdsys fdrus fnuksa esa dk;Z dk 20» iwjk djsxk\ job was already done. Also the work done by
A in 5 days is equal to the work done by B in
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Shift- 02)
4 days. How many days would be required by
(a) 8 (b) 5 the fastest worker to complete the entire
(c) 6 (d) 4 work?
32. To do a certain work, the ratio of efficiency A vkSjB 'ks"k dk;Z dks iwjk djus esa 7 fnu dk le; ysrs gSa
of A to that of B is 3:7. Working together, they
can complete the work in 10.5 days. They
tcfd 37@100 dk;Z gks pqdk gSA A }kjk 5 fnu esa fd;k
work together for 8 days. 60% of the x;k dk;Z B }kjk 4 fnu esa fd;s dk;Z ds cjkcj gSA 'ks"k
remaining work will be completed by A alone dk;Z dks lcls rst dehZ }kjk djus esa fdrus fnu yxsaxs\
(a) 20 days (b) 25 days
,d fuf'pr dk;Z djus ds fy, A dh B dh n{krk dk
(c) 30 days (d) 10 days
vuqikr 3 % 7 gSA ,d lkFk dke djrs gq, os 10-5 fnuksa esa
dke iwjk dj ldrs gSaA os 8 fnuksa rd ,d lkFk dke djrs36. A and B together can finish a task in 12 days.
If A worked half as efficiently as he usually
gSA 'ks"k dk;Z dk 60» vdsys
A }kjk iwjk fd;k tk,xk
does and B works thrice as efficiently as he
SSC CGL Tier-II 11/02/2019 usually does, the task gets completed in 9
(a) 4 days (b) 5.5 days days. How long would A take to finish the task
(c) 5 days (d) 6.5 days if he worked independently?
;g dke iwjk djus esa fdrus vkSj fnu yxsaxs\ x,A ;fn dke 8 fnuksa esa iwjk fd;k tkrk gS] rks izkjaH
(a) 15 days (b) 12 days esa fdrus iq#"kksa us dke djus dk fu.kZ; fy;k Fkk\
(c) 10 days an by (d) 8 days SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (Shift- 02)
38. Two men and 7 women can complete a work (a) 300 (b) 252
in 28 days, whereas 6 men and 16 women can
(c) 188 (d) 150
do the work in 11 days. In how many days, will
5 men and 4 women, working together, will 42. There is sufficient food for 400 men for 31
ja days. After 28 days 280 men leave the place.
R s
complete the work?
For how many days will the rest of the food
nks iq#"k vkSj 7 efgyk,¡ 28 fnuksa esa ,d dk;Z dks iwjk djlast for the rest of the men?
a th
ldrs gSa tcfd 6 iq#"k vkSj 16 efgyk,¡ 11 fnuksa esa dk;Z 31 fnuksa ds fy, 400 iq#"kksa gsrq i;kZIr Hkkstu gSA 28
dks iwjk dj ldrs gSaA 5 iq#"k vkSj 4 efgyk,¡ ,d lkFk ckn 280 iq#"k txg NksM+ nsrs gSaA 'ks"k iq#"kksa ds
fdrus fnuksa esa dk;Z dks iwjk djsaxs\
ty a
(a) 18 (b) 20
(c) 25 (d) 30 fdlh dk;Z dks ,d fuf'pr fnuksa esa djus ds fy, 150
46. There is sufficient food for 1600 men for 120 Jfed yxk;s x;sA 4 Jfed nwljs fnu dk;Z NksM+ nsrs gSa] 4
days and each one take 900 gram food every
an by vkSj Jfed rhljs fnu dk;Z NksM+ nsrs gSa vkSj bl izdkj ;g
day. But after 80 days 400 men leave the place Øe pyrk jgrk gSA bl fy, dk;Z dks iwjk djus esa 8 fnu
and now each one take 1000 gm food every
vkSj T;knk yxrs gSa rks dk;Z fdrus fnu esa iwjk gksxk\
day. For how many days will the rest of the
food last for rest of the men? (a) 30 (b) 25
1600 vknfe;ksa ds fy, 120 fnu rd dk [kkuk i;kZIr gS (c) 38 (d) 40
R s
vkSj izR;sd vkneh izfrfnu 900 xzke [kkuk [kkrk gSA50.
A contractor undertook to complete a project
a th
80 fnu ckn 400 vkneh ogk¡ ls pys tkrs gSaA vc izR;sd in 90 days and employed 60 men on it. After
vkneh 1000 xzke izfrfnu [kkuk [kkrk gSA cpk gqvk [kkuk 3
cps gq, vkneh ds fy, fdrus fnu pysxk\ 60 days, he found that
of the work has
ty a
(a) 24 (b) 36
already been completed. How many men can
(c) 48 (d) 72
47. A certain work was started by 4 men and 10 he discharge so that the project may be
di M
vkSj vkneh dh t:jr iM++sxh\ hours more to complete a work alone than A
and B work together. In how many days A
(a) 13 (b) 15
(c) 16 (d) None of these alone can it.
48. 64 men working 8 hours a day plan to A vkSj B dh rqyuk esaA dks ,d dke iwjk djus esa 27
complete a piece of work in 9 days. How ever, ?kaVs vf/d yxsaxs rFkk
A vkSj B dh rqyuk esa B dks ,d
5 days later they found that they had
dke iwjk djus esa 3 ?kaVs vf/d yxsaxsA A vdsys
rks ml
completed only 40% of the work. They now
wanted to finish the remaining work in 4 more dke dks iwjk djus esa fdrus fnu ysxk \
days. How many hours per day should they (a) 36 (b) 18
need to work in order to achieve the target? (c) 12 (d) 20
they are working together. Then find in how (c) ` 200 (d) ` 143.50
many days B alone can complete the same 57. X, Y and Z have undertaken to complete a
work? piece of work for ` 4,800. All the three
A fdlh dk;Z dks djus esa
an by B ls 6 fnu de le; ysrs gS
vkSjC ls 2 fnu T;knk ysrk gSA ;fn B ,d lkFk dk;Z together can complete the work in 8 days.
djs rks muds }kjk dk;Z djus esa fy;k x;k le;]C }kjk
Y and Z together can complete the work in
dk;Z dks djus esa fy, x, le ds cjkcj gksA rcB vdsys
mlh dk;Z dks djus esa fdrus fnu yxk,xk\
ja 5
R s
15 days. X and Z together can complete
(a) 10 (b) 14 9
(c) 12 (d) 6
a th
money will be: X, Y vkSj Z us fdlh dk;Z dks` 4]800 esa djus gsrq
A vkSjB Øe'k% 15 fnuksa vkSj 10 fnuksa esa ,d dkeiwjk
di M
dj ldrs gSaA mUgksaus 30]000 :i;s esa dke iwjk djus dkfy;kA os rhuksa ,d lkFk dk;Z 8dks dnuksa esa lekIr
vuqca/ fd;kA vuqcaf/r /u esa
A dk fgLlk gksxk & 4
(a) ` 16,500 (b) ` 12,500 5
(c) ` 18,000 (d) ` 12,000 dj ldrs gSaAY vkSj Z ,d lkFk dk;Z dks 15 fnuksa
55. Three persons undertake a piece of work for 9
`7500. First person can do it in 75 days alone, esa lekIr dj ledrs gSaA
X vkSj Z ,d lkFk dk;Z dks
second person in 40 days while third person
can do it in 60 days working alone They did 8
the complete work with the help of fourth
12 fnuksa esa lekIr dj ldrs gSaA
X rFkkZ dks feyus
1 okys fgLls esa varj Kkr dhft,A
person in just 13 days. Find the amount
3 (a) ` 1200 (b) ` 1500
djrs gSaA
C vdsyk 'ks"k dk;Z dks 15 fnuksa esa iwjk djrk gSA
men.Five men and six women started the work
and continued for 4 days. Subsequently 3 more
A vkSjC feydj leku dk;Z ds Hkkx dks fdrus le; menjoined the group. In how many total days
6 was the work completed?
(a) 6 days
an by
esa iwjk dj ldrs gSa\
(b) 8 days 18 iq#"k fdlh dk;Z dks 14 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA 3
(c) 9 days (d) 5 days efgyk,¡] nks iq#"kksa ds cjkcj dk;Z dj ldrh gSA 5 iq#"k
60. A and B can complete a work in 15 days and vkSj 6 efgyk,¡ dk;Z 'kq: djrs gSa vkSj 4 fnu rd dk;Z
10 days respectively. They started doing the djrs gSaA blds ckn lewg esa 3 vkSj iq#"k 'kkfey gksrs
R s
worktogether but after 4 days B had to leave.
dk;Z dqy fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk gksxk\
Then A working with a new worker C
a th
esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA os ,d lkFk dk;Z djuk 'kq: djrs 64.
gSa] A can do a piece of work in 12 days. He worked
di M
completed the remaining work in 9 days. How 5
manydays will C take to complete the same time but being particularly clogged, only of
work entirely?
an by the full quantity of water flows through the
A fdlh dk;Z dks 7 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrk gS vkSj
B mlh
dk;Z dks 12 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrkA vkSj
gSA B us lkFk former and only through the latter. The
feydj bl dk;Z dks 3 fnuksa rd fd;kAC vdsyk 'ks"k
obstructions, however, being suddenly
dk;Z dks 9 fnuksa esa iwjk djrk gSA blh iwjs dk;Z dks iwjk
djus esaC dks fdrus fnu yxsaxs\ 1
R s
removed, the cistern is filled in 15 minutes
(a) 21 (b) 28
a th
gksus ds dkj.k] ikuh dh iwjh ek=kk dk dsoy
iwoZ vkSj
iwjk dj ldrs gSaA ;fn 15 O;fDr de gks tkrs gSa] rks dk;Z 6
iwjk gksus esa 18 fnu vf/d yxrs gSaA izkjaHk esa] O;fDr;ksa dh9
la[;k fdruh Fkh\ dsoy ckn esa cgrk gSA ck/kvksa ds gkykafd] vdLekr
(a) 60 (b) 56 1
(c) 50 (d) 72 gVus ls dqaM ml {k.k15ls feuV esa Hkj tkrk gSA ikuh
69. Pipes A and B can empty a full tank in 36 and ds iw.kZ çokg 'kq: gksus ls igys fdruk le; yxk Fkk\
45 minutes, respectively, whereas pipe C alone (a) 1 min. (b) 2 min.
can fill the tank is 15 minutes. B and C are
opened together for 5 minutes, and then both 1
(c) 5 min. (d) 1min.
are turned off and A is opened. Pipe A will 2
empty the tank in (in minutes) 72. Pipe A and B can fill a tank in 20 hours and
ikbi A vkSj B fdlh Hkjh gqbZ Vadh dks Øe'k% 36 feuV 30 hours respectively. Both the pipes are
opened to fill the tank but when the tank is
esa [kkyh dj ldrs gSa tcfd ikbiC vdsys Vadh dks 15
feuV esa Hkj ldrk gSA
B vkSjC dks ,d lkFk 5 feuV ds
full a leak develops in the bottom of the
fy, [kksyk tkrk gS vkSj fiQj nksuksa dks can dj fn;k tkrk 3
gS vkSjA dks [kksyk tkrk gSA ikbi
A Vadh dks (feuV esa) 1
dj ldrk gSA çkjaHk esa AuyvkSj uy B •ksys tkrs gSa
tkrk gS ysfdu tc VSad Hkj tkrk gS rks mlesa ,d fjlko vkSj tc VSad dks Hkj tkuk pkfg, Fkk rks ik;k x;k fd
VSad ds ry esa fodflr gksrk gS] ftlds ekè;e ls nksuksa xyrh ls uy C •qyk FkkA vc uyC can dj fn;k tkrk
gS] rks fdrus le; ckn VSad Hkj tk,xk\
ikbiksa }kjkikuh dh vkiwfrZ ckgj yhd gks tkrh gSA fiQj 4 4
(a) 1 hours (b) 2 hours
x.kuk djsa fd VSad fdrus le; esa Hkj tk,xk\ 5 5
the base of the tank and the 4th pipe is at opened together but when the tank was
supposed to be filled it was found that pipe C
of height of the tank. Then calculate in how was opened mistakenly. Now pipe C is turn off
much time the whole tank will empty. If the and the remaining tank is fill in next 3
an by
first pipe can empty the tank in 12 hours.
,d VSad esa leku n{krk ds pkj uy cjkcj varjky ij
minutes. In how much time pipe C can empty
the whole tank?
fiQV fd, tkrs gSaA igyk ikbi VSad ds vk/kj ij yxk;k nks uyA vkSj B Øe'k% ,d VSad 20 vkSj 30 feuV Hkj
ja 3 ldrs gSa tcfd ,d csdkj ikbi C VSad dks •kyh djrk
gS vkSj pkSFkk ikbi VSad ÅapkbZ
dh ij gSA fiQj x.kuk gSA çkjaHk esaA ikbi
R s
4 vkSjB ,d lkFk •ksys tkrs gSa ysfdu
djsa fd fdrus le; esa iwjk VSad •kyh gks tk,xkA ;fn tc VSad dks Hkj tkuk pkfg, Fkk rks ik;k x;k fd ikbi
a th
(a) 5 (b) 4 igyk uy 6 ?kaVs ysrk gS] nwljk uy 1 fnu ysrk gS vkSj
(c) 6 (d) None of these rhljk uy 18 ?kaVs ysrk gSA ysfdu ryh esa ,d Nsn Fkk tk
75. If A and B can fill a tank in 10 hours and 15 Hkjs gq, VSad dks 18 ?kaVs esa [kkyh djusa esa l{ke Fk
hours respectively. An outlet tap C can empty ds ckn Nsn dk irk pyrk gS vkSj mls rqjar Bh dj fn;k
it in 20 hours. Initially the tap A and tap B x;kA rhuksa uyksa ls Vadh dks Hkjus esa fdruk le; yxsxk
are opened and when the tank was supposed (a) 4 hr (b) 3 hr
to be filled it was found that tap C was open
mistakenly. Now the tap C is being closed, 4 15
(c) 4 hr (d) 3 hr
after how much time the tank will fill? 5 19
the work in time?
NTPC 19/03/2021 (Shift- 01)
,d flfoy Bsdsnkj us 600 fnuksa eas 3 fdeh dh nwjh
(a) 16 (b) 18
dk ,d vksoj fczt cukus dh ;kstuk cukbZA bl mns';
(c) 17 an by 1
(d) 15
ds fy,] mUgksaus 90 Jfedksa dks fu;qDr fd;kA 200 fnu
ds dke ds ckn] ;g ns[kk x;k fd iqy dk dsoy 0-5
79. One fill pipe A takes 21 minutes more to fill
the cistern then two fill pipes A and B opened
fdeh Hkkx gh iwjk gqvk FkkA dk;Z dks le; ij iwjk djus
together to fill it. Second fill pipe B takes 27 ds fy, fdrus vfrfjDr deZpkfj;ksa dh vko';drk gS\
R s
minutes more to fill the cistern than two fill SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (Shift- 03)
pipes A and B opened together to fill it. When
a th
will the cistern be full if both the pipes are (a) 100 (b) 140
opened simultaneously? (c) 125 (d) 135
ty a
di M
1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(c)
11.(a) 12.(c) 13.(b) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(d) 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(a)
21.(d) 22.(c) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(a) 26.(c) 27.(a) 28.(c) 29.(c) 30.(d)
31.(c) 32.(c) 33.(a) 34.(b) 35.(a) 36.(d) 37.(c) 38.(c) 39.(c) 40.(a)
41.(c) 42.(b) 43.(b) 44.(a) 45.(d) 46.(c) 47.(d) 48.(d) 49.(b) 50.(d)
51.(a) 52.(a) 53.(c) 54.(d) 55.(b) 56.(d) 57.(c) 58.(a) 59.(c) 60.(a)
61.(a) 62.(b) 63.(d) 64.(c) 65.(d) 66.(d) 67.(b) 68.(a) 69.(b) 70.(c)
71.(a) 72.(d) 73.(d) 74.(a) 75.(a) 76.(d) 77.(b) 78.(a) 79.(b) 80.(d)
1. (b) 6. (c)
Aditya 24 days 15 A 42 Days 2
Raman 45 days 8 B 84 Days 1 84
C 28 Days 3
A+R days
23 A started the work and B joined him after 3
2. (a) days work done by A in 3 days = 3 × 2
A 20 Days 3 = 6 units
60 C joined them after 5 days from begining
B 30 Days 2
So, work done by (A + B) in 2 days = 2 × 3
60 = 6 units
A+B = 12 Days
5 C joined them after 5 days from begining
3. (c) So, work done by (A + B) in 2 days = 2 × 3
A 30 Days
B 60 Days
an by
60 Remaining work = 84 – 12
= 6 units
They both work for 5 days A+B+C = 12 days
Work done = 5 × 3
R s
= 15 Total time taken by A = 12 + 5
Remaining work done = 60 – 15 = 17 days.
a th
= 45
7. (d)
45 3 A 40% 12 Days
= Part
60 4 100% 30 Days
ty a
= 100% = 20 Days
A + B 20 3 A 30 Days 5
60 150
A 30 2 B 25 Days 6
Efficiency of B = 3 – 2 = 1 unit (A + B) Work for 10 days
60 Work done = 10 × 11
Time taken by B =
1 = 110 units
= 60 Days. Remaining work = 150 – 110
5. (a) = 40 units
A + B 25 Days 9
Efficiency of C =
B 45 Days 5 4
Efficiency of A = 9 – 5 = 10
= 4 units Time taken by (A + B + C) to complete 28%
4 work.
Time taken by A to complete th of work
15 150 28
= ×
225 4 21 100
= ×
4 15 = 2 Days.
= 15 Days.
9. (d)
= 24 days
Amit + Sunil 9 Days 4
12. (c)
Sunil + Dinesh 12 Days 3 36
an by
Amit + Dinesh 18 Days 2
A 10 Days 2
B 20 Days 1
(A + S + D) (efficiency)
2 Time taken by (A + B) in 5 days
R s
So, work done = 5 × 3
Time taken (A + S + D) = 36
= 15 units.
a th
2 Remaining work = 20 – 15
= 8 Days. = 5 units
Now B completes the remaining work
ty a
10. (c)
A + B 10 Days 5
di M
Time taken =
4 60 1
B + C 15 Days
3 = 5 Days
A + C 20 Days
Total time = 5 + 5
13 = 10 Days.
A+B+C (Efficiency)
2 13. (b)
They worked together for 8 days
A 24 Days 4
13 96
So, work done = 8 × B 32 Days 3
= 52 units They work together but after certain time B
8 24
= B = 8 Days
0.5 3
= 16 Days. After 8 days B left the work.
B 12 Days 5
A left the work before 1 day of completion = Days.
Work done by A in 1 day = 6 units 5
an by
So, Total work = 60 + 6
= 66 units
19. (c)
X 12 Days 15
Time taken (A + B) = = 6 days Y 18 Days 10 180
16. (d) ja Z 10 Days 18
R s
A 12 Days 4 They work together for 3 days after that X
a th
3 and Z quit.
B 16 Days 48
Work done (X + Y + Z) = 3 × 43
C 24 Days 2 = 129 units
Remaining work = 180 – 129
ty a
So, Total work done = 48 + 6 Time taken by Y =
= 54 units
= 5.1 Days.
54 20. (a)
Time taken (A + B + C) =
M 8 Days 2
= 6 Days.
17. (a)
W 16 Days 1
A 10 Days 6 They started working together, but after 2 day
B 12 Days 5 60 Man quit.
C 15 Days 4 Work done (M + W) = 2 × 3
= 6 units
MX 3NX NX 38
= – So, time taken = = 76 days.
4 4 2 0.5
24. (c)
= A 10 Days 2
4 4
M:N B 20 Days 1
A started the work and they work in alternate
22. (c) days
an by
(A + B) one day work =
1 So, 1st day (A) – 2 units
2nd day (B) – 1 unit
1 1 1 2 Days 3 Units
+ = ja ×6 ×6
R s
A B 12
12 days 18 units
a th
If + = 25 +1 +2
2 2
13 days 20 units
A + B = 50
25. (a)
ty a
1 1 1
+ =
50 – B B 12 A 10 Days 6
di M
15 days
A + C 25 Days 6
3 Day 11 Units
31 ×5 ×5
A+B+C= (efficiency)
2 15 days 55 units
= 15.5 5
+ +5
Efficiency A = 5.5 6
B = 9.5 5
15 Days 60 units
C = 0.5 6
3 24 days – 72 units
10 days 48 units
4 Remaining work = 108 – 72
= 36 units
27. (a)
Navneet 30 Days
an by 4
x – 1 day 4 units
120 z – 2nd day 2 units
Tarun 40 Days – 3
2 days 6 days
Navneet started the work ×6 ×6
R s
So, 1st day (N) 4 units 12 days 36 days
a th
+1 +4
233 Days 128 units
28. (c) A B
Efficiency of B = 55 Time 8 + 1 8
A 48 days 2
If B started the work is completed in 17
1 days.
11 Days (Total time)
5+1 5+ A B
Time 8 + 8+1
A.T.Q. 3
16 A.T.Q.
6B + A = A × 48
18B + 16A = 144A (9A + 8B) – A + 9B
128A = 18B
Work done by P and Q.
60 1
= × = 6 days.
2 5 60 125
= +
32. (c) an by 200 250
3 1 4
Efficiency 3 : 7 = + =
10 2 5
Total work = 10 × 10.5
= 105 units 4
R s
Remaining work = 1 –
They worked together for 8 days. 5
a th
Work done = 8 × 10
= 80 units 1
Remaining work = 25 units 5
ty a
25 3 1 = 75 days.
Time take by A = × = 5 Days. Time =
3 5 5
di M
33. (a) 1
A + B 36 Days 5 375
C 60 Days 3 35. (a)
A 1 4 A+B 5
Given = × and here = A×5=B×4
B+C 1 4 C 3
4 A 4
= =
4 B 5
So, efficiency A = 4 Total work = 9 × 7 = 63
B=1 (Remaining)
A and C work together for 10 days 63
Word done = 10 × 7 100
= 70 units So, Total work is 100
Remaining work = 180 – 70
= 110 Time taken by B = = 20 days.
Time taken (B) = = 110 days.
A 2 28 × 34
= Time taken (3M + 5W) =
B 1 17
36 Efficiency 2 : 6 : 1
= = 18 days.
2 Total work = (6 + 24 + 6) × 6
37. (c)
an by = 216 unit
Women required to finish the work in 4 days.
Anil Rakesh 216
= =9
Efficiency ja
5 : 3 24
R s
After working for 8 days 41. (b)
a th
completed in 8 days.
Remaining work = 120 – 40 Total work = efficiency × time
di M
= 80 = x × 6 = 6x
6x = x + (x – 18) + (x – 36) + (x – 54) + (x –
Time taken (A + R) = 72) + (x – 90) + (x – 108) + (x – 126)
6x = 8x – 504
= 10 2x = 504
10 more days will be required. x = 252
38. (c) 42. (b)
(2M + 7W) 28 = (6M + 16W) 11 A.T.Q.
56M + 196W = 66M + 176W 400 × 31 = 28 × 400 + 120 × x
12400 = 11200 + 120x
10M = 20W
1200 = 120x
M 2 x = 10 days.
W 1 43. (b)
Total work = (4 + 7) × 28 A.T.Q.
= 308 units 25 × 12 = 30 × x
308 300
Time taken (5M + 4W) = = 22 Days. x= = 10 days.
14 30
15M × 21 × 8 = 21W × 6 × D2 150 + 146 142+.............+n
45 × 8 = 2 × 6 × D2 n
D2 =
45 × 8
an by
= 30 days.
Sum =
[2 × 150 + (n – 1) × (–4)]
46. (c) n
= [300 + (n = 17) × (–4)]
Remaining food = 1600 × 120 × 900 – 1600
R s
× 80 × 900 = n [150 – 2n + 2]
= 1600 × 900 × 40
a th
= m [152 – 2n]
If workers not dropped the work is completed
1600 × 900 × 400 = 1200 × 1000 × x
in (n – 8) days.
ty a
160 × 36
x= = 48 days. = 150 × (n – 8)
150 (n – 8) = n [152 – 2n]
di M
47. (d)
(4M + 10W) 12 Days 150n – 1200 = 152n – 2n²
(6M + 12W) 9 Days 2n² – 2n – 1200 = 0
(4M + 10W) × 12 = (6M + 12W) × 9 n² – n – 600 = 0
16M + 40W = 18M + 36W (n + 24) (n – 25) = 0
2M = 4W
n = 25 days.
M 2 50. (b)
W 1
T.W = (8 + 10) × 12 3
work = 60 × 60
= 216 units 4
A+Bd 45 units = 7500
We know that Amount received by 4th man (D) = 12 units
d² = 8 × 18 7500
d = 12
an by = 12 ×
= Rs.2000
So, A 20 Days 3 56. (d)
B 30 Days 1 1 1
ja 2
Given, efficiency = : : =4:3:2
R s
3 4 c
A worked for 4 days.
a th
Total work = 7 × 4 + 8 × 3 + 2 × 10
Work done = 4 × 3
= 28 + 24 + 30 = 72 units
= 12 units
Remaining work = 60 – 12 28
× 369
ty a
57. (c)
Time taken (B) = = 24 days.
53. (c) X+Y+Z
4 16
140 9
Bx+8 Y+2 140
140 11
We know that, Y+2
x² = 2 × 8
Efficiency – x – 7
Time taken by B alone = 4 + 8 = 12 days. y–5
54. (d) z–4
A 15 Days 2 Given,
30 16 units 4800
B 10 Days 3
1 unit 300
Since sum is distributed according to their Difference between of X and Z
efficiency = (7 – 4) × 300 = Rs.900
Wages (A + B + C) = 60 × 400 = Rs.24000
59. (c) = 14 hours
B 30 Days
an by 3
90 = 18 hours
62. (b)
They worked together for 5 days
Given, A B C
Work = 5 × 8 ja
R s
= 40 units 4 : 5 : 2.5
Remaining work = 90 – 40 = 50 units
a th
50 10 Total work = × 4 = 46 units
Efficiency of C = = 2
15 3
ty a
90 5 46
Time taken (A + C) = × × 3 = 9 days. Time taken (A + B + C) = = 4 days.
25 6 11.5
di M
Total work = 900 Time taken by A to empty the tank
900 1 40
Time taken (15M + 27W) = = 9 days. = = 8 days.
99 11 5
66. (d)
an by 70. (c)
X 40 D 5
A 12 Hours 5
Y 50 D 4 ja B 15 Hours 60
R s
X started the work and worked for 8 days work A + B + C 10 Hours 6
done = 8 × 5
a th
= 40 units 7.5
C = –3 =
Remaining work = 200 – 40 3
= 160 units
ty a
Capacity = × 60 = 150 litres
160 3
Time (Y) =
di M
4 71. (a)
= 40 A 30 Minutes 6
Total time = 40 + 8 180
B 36 Minutes 5
= 48 days.
67. (b) 5 9
6 × + 5 × (5 + 4.5)
A 7 Days 12 6 10
B 12 Days 1 31
7 In 15 minutes work done = ×11
2 2
(A + B) worked for 3 days
Work done = 3 × 19 341
= unit
= 57 units 2
Remaining work = 84 – 57 341 19
Remaining work = 180 – =
= 27 units 2 2
27 Total time before clog open = 19
Efficiency (C) = = 3.
9 2
Time taken by C to complete entire work 9.5
84 19
= = 28 days. = = 1 minutes
3 19
1 So, work done in 6 hours when all are working
= × (9 + 6) = 5 units
3 together.
= (6 + 4 – 3) × 6
So, an by
in 5 hours
5 hours
(60 – 5) unit
55 units
= 42 units
×3 ×3 Remaining work = 18 units
15 hours 165 units
ja When pipe C stopped
R s
+1 +9
18 9 4
+1 +6 Time taken = = = 1 hours
a th
10 5 5
17 hours 180 units
76. (d)
Total time = 17 hours. A 20 Minutes 3
ty a
73. (d) 60
th B 30 Minutes 2
di M
3 units 4
3 units 3rd Work done by (A + B) in 3 minutes
3 units 2nd = 5 × 3 = 15
3 units 1st When A and B working together tank got filled
in 12 hours
First pipe empty the tank in = 12 hrs
So, work done when all are working together,
1 (3 + 2 – x) × 12 = 45 units [Remaining work]
12 hrs × = 3hrs
1 3 3 3 12
Total time = 3 × + + +
4 3 2 1
45 15 5
So, the total time taken to fill the tank x² = × 27
= 1 + 3 = 4 hours.
x = 8 × 3 = 24
78. (a) When both pipes are opened simultaneously.
an by
Let inlets pipe be A and no. of inlet pipes be x.
outlets pipes be B and no. of outlet pipe be 80.
Cirstern bell full in 24 minutes.
(28 – x)
200 × 90 x × 400
A 14 Hours ja 5 0.5 2.5
R s
B 35 Hours –2 200 × 90
a th
x= = 25 × 9= 225
In all pipes are opened simultaneously then
Extra workers = 225 – 90 = 135.
tank got filled in 2.5 hours.
ty a
di M