Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Procedure

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Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping

Document Number: ULN SD PRO 0088
Status: Approved
Version: 2.0
Effective: 15/05/2015
Review: 28/10/2018
Owner: [Enter document owner position title here]

Table of Contents
1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 3

2 Major Hazards ................................................................................................................... 3

3 Planning Requirements.................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Design and GDP Clearing Plan ......................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Ground Disturbance Permit ............................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Survey and Demarcation ................................................................................................................... 7
3.5 Pre-Clearing Survey .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Other Planning Requirements ........................................................................................................... 8
3.6.1 Generic GDP conditions applicable to most ground disturbance projects .............................. 8
3.6.2 Other permits may also be required ...................................................................................... 9
3.6.3 Project costs to be considered .............................................................................................. 9

4 Management ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Vegetation Clearing........................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Mulching ......................................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Habitat Tree Felling ......................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Salvage of Habitat Feature .............................................................................................................. 10
4.5 Topsoil Stripping and Management ................................................................................................. 11

5 Document Information ................................................................................................... 13

5.2 Related Documents......................................................................................................................... 13

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Appendix A - GDP Process Flowchart .................................................................................. 14

Appendix B - GDP Process Assurance Form ....................................................................... 15

Appendix C - Flagging and Demarcation Requirements ..................................................... 16

Appendix D - Survey Flagging, Colours and Warnings ....................................................... 17

Appendix E - APS Files........................................................................................................... 19

Appendix F - Pre Clearing Survey for Identified Features ................................................... 20

Appendix G - Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Assessment ....................................... 21

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1 Purpose
To provide the minimum requirements and expectations for all Ulan employees and contractors to
engage in land disturbance activities onsite including clearing vegetation and the stripping of topsoil.

2 Major Hazards
Clearing outside of approved GDP boundary resulting in:
o Disturbance resulting in loss of habitat and potential harm to fauna species;
o Non-compliance with environmental regulation and approvals
o Excavation resulting in damage of underground services e.g. power, fibre optic, water lines etc.;
o Impacting on known or unknown cultural heritage areas;
Poor job planning and supervision;
Poor design, machines cannot work or access within designated clearance line;
Interactions with light and heavy vehicles;
Disturbance boundaries not clearly delineated;
Felling of trees with mobile equipment;
Falling timber;
Step rocky escarpments;
Use of chain saws;
Airborne debris from mobile mulching equipment;
Equipment used, not fit for purpose;
Injury to persons due to fauna bites and stings;
loss of habitat and potential harm to fauna species;
Working in isolated areas;
Excessive dust and/or noise generation during mulching, loading, haulage and dumping;
Soil erosion from cleared areas or topsoil stockpiles and pollution of water due to sediment runoff;
Inappropriate water diversion;
Spreading of weeds
Inappropriate topsoil management

3 Planning Requirements
For all land disturbance activities a Ground Disturbance Permit (GDP) will be required. The Ground
Disturbance Permit (CAA-HSEC-PER-0004) is designed to assess internal and external environmental
compliance requirements relevant to the task being proposed. This section explains the processes
involved in gaining a ground disturbance permit and an explanation of key requirements of a GDP.

3.1 Design and GDP Clearing Plan

A detailed design plan including a GDP clearing boundary is to be developed by the project manager
in consideration of the following;

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Minimise clearing: Is there an alternative available to avoid or minimise clearing? How will clearing
be minimised?
Have all the relevant stakeholders been consulted in the development of this plan; operations
manager, mining engineer, electrical, mechanical, environmental department, clearing contractor
and task coordinator/supervisors.
Does design take into account access and mobility of equipment in the work area to complete
required tasks? Access to area also to be marked on GDP plan.
Ground disturbance boundary; ensure all works can be completed without crossing the disturbance
May need to consider the use of an offset of the ground disturbance boundary line to the clearing
line (see figures 1, 2 & 3).
Known hazards within the clearing area e.g. power lines, pipelines, access tracks, buried services,
subsidence monitoring lines. How will clearing works will be undertaken and what equipment will be
required (mulching preferred for larger projects).
Is a risk assessment required (is this a large project, are there potential complications, are several
Ulan sites involved, is project non-routine).
A 20m barrier to be maintained from offset areas, lease boundaries and cultural heritage sites,
where this is not possible a risk assessment to be completed so controls can be put in place.
Open Cut: a final design will be developed and named Final Approved Design this is the only
design to be used for survey and APS.
Final design and plan to be reviewed by all relevant personnel prior to commencement of GDP
Process e.g. Mining Engineer, Surveyor, Mechanical/Electrical Engineer, Project Superintendent
Figure 1 - Example of a GDP design for line steep terrain (OC)

Figure 2 - Clearing design O/C pre-split

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Figure 3 - Example of clearing design

3.2 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

Projects which involve the installation of infrastructure outside of the dirty water management system
and for any works near waterways including dry flow lines an Erosion & Sediment Control Pan (ESCP)
will be required. Refer to Ulan Procedure Erosion and Sediment Control Procedure (ULN SD PLN
0067) which can be accessed via the site intranet. Catchment calculations are to be supplied as part
of the ESCP. For large project works an external consultant would likely be used in the preparation of
an ESCP. Erosion & Sediment Controls are to be in place prior to start of works, a part GDP approval
may be required to complete this. For further information on ESC requirements refer to the
Environmental Department.

3.3 Ground Disturbance Permit

The following is the steps are required to gain GDP approval (See Appendix 1 for a flow chart of the
GDP application process and Appendix 2 for GDP Process Assurance From to be tracked and
completed by the Project Owner):
1. Preliminary Stakeholder Engagement: project owner should consult relevant stakeholders
including adjacent Ulan mining operations, process owners and environmental department in
project planning;
2. Develop a draft project plan: project owner develops a map showing layout, design and total
disturbance area for project. This should include access or service corridors that must be cleared/
constructed. Develop an ESCP if required as per section 3.3 of this procedure;
3. Draft project plan must be reviewed and approved by the Project Superintendent (USO) or the
Operations Manager (Underground No 3 and Ulan West) before submitting to the Environmental
4. Schedule meeting with environmental personnel: project owner brings project plan and schedule
to the meeting with the Environmental Officer to discuss the GDP area and perform a desktop
review for any approval complications or sensitive environmental areas. See Appendix 1 GDP
flow chart for Environmental Department contacts.
5. Bring clearing plan and project design including proposed GDP Boundary, clearing boundary,
topsoil and vegetation stockpile locations, and the ESCP where required.

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6. The Environmental personnel will review GDP Base Layers

(S:\!GIS\ArcGIS\MapDocuments(mxds)\Base layers\GDP Base Layers.mxd) for any sensitive
environmental areas and advise of any further work planning, including revising designs to
minimise impact, which may be required in order to obtain a GDP.
7. Environmental personnel will also determine if additional approvals are required through a review
of the Project Approval, Mining Operations Plan (MOP), Mining Lease, Exploration Licence,
Environmental Protection Licence, Water Licences and Environmental Management Plans as
applicable. If additional approvals are required the project will be taken to the Approvals Pipeline
8. Are additional studies required? Is the area surveyed to the current Heritage Management
Standard? Are there any existing heritage items that require salvage/collection? Is the area
located in a critically endangered ecological community (CECC) or offset area? If yes complete
additional studies/surveys. Unless location is in a sensitive environmental area the pre-clearing
survey by Ecologist will occur post GDP approval as a condition of the GDP (as the pre-clearing
approval is only valid for 7 days from inspection and then re-inspection will be required for
clearing to continue).
9. If additional approvals are not required a preliminary site inspection by Environmental Personnel
with the project owner will be scheduled and completed.
10. Following the meeting and site visit with environmental personnel the project owner will make any
required refinements/changes to the draft project plan and submit the final plan to the
environmental department.
11. Environmental Personnel will add the GDP application to the Environmental GDP register 1.
(S:\!Enviro\Environment (E)\03 Planning & Internal Approvals\05 Ground Disturbance
Permits\GDP register 2014.xlsx).
12. Surveyor to survey and supervise installation of clearing boundary flagging. Final survey of
clearing and GDP boundary (may be the same boundary if practical) are sent to the
environmental department. Upon receiving the electronic file environmental personnel will upload
this to GDP Base Layers and create a GDP mxd file saved in a corresponding GDP folder at:
S:\!Enviro\Environment (E)\03 Planning & Internal Approvals\05 Ground Disturbance Permits.
13. Environmental personnel will then complete a Review of Environmental Factors
(S:\!Enviro\Environment (E)\03 Planning & Internal Approvals\05 Ground Disturbance
Permits\Review of Environmental Factors for GDP template.xlsx) and a Ground Disturbance
Permit Form CAA HSEC PER 0004. Further instruction on how to complete the GDP form is
available within Procedure CAA-HSEC-PRO-0002.
14. Upon completion of the draft GDP, environmental personnel need to record the estimated area of
clearing including vegetation types in the GDP vegetation clearance register
(S:\!Enviro\Environment (E)\03 Planning & Internal Approvals\05 Ground Disturbance
Permits\GDP vegetation clearance register.xlsx). This spreadsheet keeps track of Project
Approval total clearing allowances for Critically Endangered Ecological Communities (CECC) and
non-CECC vegetation. The figure will then be revised once the project is complete and the final
clearing survey has been undertaken; the actual clearing area will be provided at the end of each
month by the project owner as a specific condition of the GDP.
15. The completed draft GDP must be peer reviewed within the Environment and Community team
before being issued.
16. Before signing off the GDP the Environmental department will schedule a meeting with the
Project Owner and Permit Holder at the project site to review the draft GDP conditions for
applicability and constructability. Any GDP conditions that cannot be complied with must be
reviewed and changes made prior to finalisation of the GDP. Environmental personnel will also
ensure flagging/demarcation of the site has occurred to the standard set in this procedure.
17. The Surveyor will then be required to sign off part 10 of the GDP form before the Environmental
Department signs part 11.
18. Environmental personnel will scan and retain a copy of the GDP and supporting documentation
at: S:\!Enviro\Environment (E)\03 Planning & Internal Approvals\05 Ground Disturbance Permits.

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19. Environmental Department will hand permit to Permit Issuer (Project Owner or delegate) who will
hold a meeting with the Permit Holder to discuss how each condition of the GDP will be met and
who will be responsible for implementation, incorporating GDP conditions into the final work plan,
SWMS and JSAs etc. Both the Permit Issuer and Permit Holder sign part 11 of GDP
acknowledging understanding of the permit conditions and related procedures and agree to abide
by the requirements including communication of all requirements to persons involved in the
permit works. The GDP remains with Permit Issuer and hard copy will be provided to Permit
Holder for reference on job site (this includes all attachments to the GDP). It is the responsibility
of the Permit Holder (direct supervisor of work party) to comply with all conditions of the permit. It
is the responsibility of the Permit Issuer (Project Owner/Task Coordinator) to audit compliance of
the Permit Holder with the GDP conditions through regular site inspections and meetings.
20. Works can commence once all steps above have been completed and signed off in the GDP
Process Assurance Form (Appendix 2).
21. Upon completion of works engage the relevant persons to sign off/cancel the permit (Parts 15 &
16 of GDP form). Scan and send the completed permit to the Environmental Department. The
scanned permit is saved with the original GDP
22. If at any stage of works the Project Owner, Permit Issuer or Permit Holder feel they cannot
comply or continue to comply with the conditions of the GDP issued; works will stop until a GDP
variation is scoped by the Project Owner and submitted to the Environmental Department for re-
approval. All parties will again be required to sign onto the amended GDP form acknowledging
changes made.

3.4 Survey and Demarcation

Steps to be completed by competent surveyor:
The area to be cleared will be surveyed and marked using flagging tape or pegs at intervals of
less than 10 meters by a competent Surveyor;
Disturbance area to be delineated with orange rope flagging for the entire perimeter of the area to
be cleared under the supervision of the registered surveyor (as per Guidelines set out in
Appendix 3) note; If flagging is not to be used this must be approved by E&C Manager or
Delegate; and
A MXD or DWG file of the project plan, planned access, existing site services and clearing/GDP
boundaries is to be compiled and sent to the environmental department for processing the GDP.
Where applicable once the GDP has been approved, prior to starting works the final project design
APS file will be uploaded onto all equipment with GPS capability and then checked for accuracy by the
project owner or Permit Issuer. This APS design will:
Show clearance line;
Show GDP line;
Show design line;
Show lease boundaries (where applicable) and alarm when within 20m;
Alarm when within 2m of design line;
Show power lines or any infrastructure; and
Show sensitive areas such as cultural heritage sites or offset areas (where applicable);
See Appendix 4 for APS design line colours and warnings.

3.5 Pre-Clearing Survey

A pre-clearing survey will identify flora and fauna features within areas to be cleared and provide
conditions for clearing to minimise the impact of the project on biodiversity in the area. Features in the
clearing area may include threatened species of flora and fauna, animal habitat including nests,

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hollow-bearing trees, logs and caves. These features may require specific procedures for clearing.
Listed below are the guidelines for the Pre Clearing Survey (Full procedure ULN SD PRO 0054):
Clearance area to be surveyed and flagged (as per guidelines set out in Appendix 3);
Engage Ecologist prior to start of clearing works to complete pre-clearing survey (this will be a
condition of all GDPs involving clearing). Eco Logical Mudgee (qualified and inducted ecologists)
are used at Ulan for Pre-clearing surveys Ph: 4302 1228;
Provide Ecologist with DXF file of area to be cleared;
Ecologist to delineate features found through the use of flagging as per Guidelines set out in
Appendix 3);
Ecologist to log all features using GPS and complete Pre-clearing survey form (ULN SD FRM
Ecologist to notify project owner immediately of any threatened flora or fauna found. This area
must then be delineated with flagging to avoid clearing in the area. Project manager must notify
the Environment department to discuss requirements and receive written permission from the
Environmental Department before clearing this area;
If clearing works are not completed within 7 days the Ecologist will be required to complete a re-
survey of the remaining area that has not been cleared. These 7 day inspections will need to
continue until clearing has been completed;
Upon completion of a pre-clearing survey the Ecologist will provide the Project Owner and
Environmental Personnel with the completed pre-clearing form which contains recommendations
which must be implemented during clearing. The Ecologist will also provide the coordinates of all
features logged (see example in Appendix 5), so a map can be created of the identified features
such as habitat which are also marked using flagging tape in the field as per standard in
Appendix 3. This map can then be used for panning the salvage and relocation of hollows and
habitat trees (see Section 4.2.1). (Note Environmental Personnel: once pre-clearing reports are
received these should reviewed and saved in the GDP Project file as evidence of completion, it is
the responsibility of the Project Owner and Permit Issuer to enact these recommendations);
Non-habitat trees will be removed prior to habitat trees as per instructions in the pre-clearing
survey form and the Habitat Clearing Procedure (ULN SD PRO 0073). As per this procedure an
ecologist must supervise the felling of all Habitat Trees (see Section 4.2).

3.6 Other Planning Requirements

3.6.1 Generic GDP conditions applicable to most ground
disturbance projects
All works to be carried out during daylight hours where possible (if night time works are required
permission will need to be sort from the environmental department);
Dust to be managed in accordance with the Dust Management Procedure (ULN SD PRO 0068)
including the dust TARP contained in the procedure. Topsoil handling or clearing activities must
be suspended when dust cannot be controlled (i.e. dry and windy days);
Any equipment used for tree felling or mulching must have cab protection fitted and be introduced
to site;
All equipment to be washed down free from soil and seeds prior to entering or leaving site, also
prior to moving locations onsite;
Consider if task is outside of daily activities or could introduce risks to other work parties now or in
the future? If Yes, ensure risk assessment is completed with all stakeholders;
Hydrocarbons and chemicals must be approved for use onsite and stored in accordance with the
CAA Hydrocarbon Standard and Ulan Procedure for Hydrocarbon and Hazardous Substances
Management (ULN SD PRO 0071).
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At the end of each month the Project Owner is to send the actual cleared area for the project to
the Environmental Department and the USO surveyor for tracking total clearing area across the
UIan Complex.

3.6.2 Other permits may also be required

Excavation Permit XCN SD EXT 2135 to be completed for any excavation works
For exploration drilling further permits are required refer to CAA Exploration Site Permitting and
Access Guideline XCN BD GDL 0035
Contractor Work Authorisation CAA HSEC PER 0001 to be completed for any works by
contractor party

3.6.3 Project costs to be considered

If any of the following are required consult with the Environmental Department regarding possible
costs which may be incurred by the project prior to AFE submission or budget finalisation
Heritage Survey and/or salvage involves an archaeologist and the indigenous stakeholder groups
(costs could range $10k to $30k)
Ecology study (cost could range $500 – $2000)
Pre-clearing survey- required every 7 days during clearing works (between $130 - $180/hour,
hours required will depend on extent of clearing)
Erosion & Sediment Control Plan – may require an external consultant to develop plan (cost
could range $300 – $5000)
Rehabilitation of disturbed area

4 Management
4.1 Vegetation Clearing
Cleared vegetation is a valuable resource in re-establishing vegetation post works. It is not to be
mixed with overburden or topsoil and should be managed to avoid loss.
Prior to vegetation clearing the method of clearing should be identified taking into account the
Accessibility of area to be cleared;
What type of machine is best suited to remove vegetation;
Interactions with machinery and people;
Priority of areas to be cleared first;
Availability of clearing machinery;
Risks to personnel and equipment;
Use of chains saws for clearing should be avoided where other alternatives are available;
All machines involved with clearing and tree felling must have appropriate tree clearing protection
e.g. tree guards for excavators, FOPs protection and scrub canopies for dozers;
Personnel to complete clearing fully understand areas to be cleared and any special conditions
within the GDP;

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Area to be cleared is clearly identified with orange flagging, as per requirements in Appendix 3;
Appropriate positive communications signage in place for equipment being used;
Pre-clearing survey by an ecologist has been completed with all features identified and marked;
Recommendations of the Ecology Pre-clearing survey have been implemented;
Where possible habitat trees should be left until last to give fauna time to escape;
Habitat tree felling procedure to be followed;
Note: The preferred clearing option for medium to long term disturbance is mulching where possible.
For short term disturbance activities vegetation should be felled and gently pushed to the side for use
in rehabilitation of the area through brush matting which will reduce erosion potential and assist in
rehabilitation of the area following the completion of works.

4.2 Mulching
All vegetation and plant material should be mulched in situ into a product of medium coarseness. This
allows the material to act in a structural capacity when mixed with topsoil or overburden on
rehabilitated areas; reducing erosion and sediment runoff. A medium product also breaks down into
the topsoil faster than courser products allowing for quicker nutrient release beneficial to plant growth.
All mulch should be left on the surface of cleared areas and removed and subsequently blended with
the topsoil during topsoil stripping and loading. Leaving the mulch on the cleared area’s surface until
topsoil removal provides a control for the management of erosion and aids in the reduction of dust
Vegetation made up predominantly of weeds should not be mulched and incorporated into the topsoil
to minimise occurrences of weed relocation on rehabilitated areas.
If vegetation mulching generates excessive dust, operations should be halted or relocated until
appropriate controls are put in place.

4.3 Habitat Tree Felling

The procedure for habitat tree felling aims to minimise potential impacts on fauna species, particularly
threatened species during land clearing activities.
Listed below are the guidelines for habitat tree felling:
Habitat tree felling is to be conducted as per ULN SD PRO 0073 Habitat Tree Felling Procedure;
When conducting tree felling ULN SD FORM 0091 Habitat Tree Felling Form must be completed;
These documents need to be read and understood by all project owners, task coordinators and
supervisors; and
Completed forms are to be emailed to the project owner and Environmental Personnel.

4.4 Salvage of Habitat Feature

Hollow logs, fallen timber and boulders need to be relocated to mitigate habitat loss. This relocation
can provide habitat for fauna species that have been displaced during clearing activities, see below
considerations for the relocation of these features. Refer to procedure for Salvage and Reinstatement
of Habitat Features ULN SD PRO 0058;
During clearing activities it may be necessary to temporarily stockpile habitat features in an area
away from disturbance activities for a suitable time until relocation to a rehabilitation or offset area
can take place;
Identify suitable areas to place salvaged habitat features, this may be an offset area where
habitat resources have been identified as being scarce, or within rehabilitated or regenerated

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areas to increase habitat complexity and to increase the habitat quality of such areas for
threatened fauna species;
For short term disturbance activities gently move habitat features to the edge of the disturbance
area, these can then be respread in the area during rehabilitation;
Where possible cut hollows into smaller lengths to aid in transport and to create extra habitat
Carefully transport salvaged habitat features to the identified area and reposition, in a manner
that minimises their deterioration; and
Record number of relocated features and site location using GPS. This information is to be
provided to the Environmental Department.

4.5 Topsoil Stripping and Management

Ulan does not have sufficient topsoil to be careless in its handling and management.
Prior to clearing activities or the re-handling of topsoil stored on site, representative samples will be
taken to characterise the nature of the soil material (e.g. sodicity, acid-generating potential, etc.) to
determine the potential limitations to rehabilitation and sustainable plant growth. These results will be
used to determine specific ameliorant.
Where there are opportunities to salvage topsoil material for rehabilitation purposes, the following
measures will be adopted to protect its quality and enhance rehabilitation outcomes:
Extreme care to be taken when stripping topsoil to avoid topsoil loss. Remove all topsoil in area
without contaminating with other materials. Regular inspections will be conducted by the project
supervisor to verify topsoil striping is completed as directed;
Open Cut: topsoil stripping is limited where possible to 100 metres in advance of mining;
After vegetation stripping, topsoil is pushed into windrows by dozers for truck and loader removal
to reshaped areas for direct application to rehabilitation areas; or if none are available the topsoil
is stockpiled (double handling of topsoil should be avoided as possible);
Where possible, topsoil will be stripped when moist to help maintain soil structure and to reduce
dust generation. Where practical, measures will be undertaken to maximise the viability of the soil
seed bank for direct-return onto areas (where available) ready to be rehabilitated;
Long-term topsoil stockpiles will be used from time to time during mining and locations will be
chosen which will not be subject to interaction/contamination with overburden material. Topsoil
stockpiles are to be located away from mining areas, traffic areas and watercourses;
Level or gently sloping areas will be selected as stockpile sites to minimise erosion and potential
topsoil loss;
Appropriate sediment controls will be installed at the base of stockpiles to prevent topsoil loss;
Stockpiles must be less than three (3) metres high and will be set out in windrows to maximise
surface exposure and biological activity;
Stockpiles will be maintained with a combination of fertiliser and seed until they are required for
use in the rehabilitation program. Stockpiles to be kept longer than three months will be sown with
a suitable cover crop to minimise soil erosion and invasion of weed species;
Weed growth on stockpiles/windrows will be monitored and subsequently controlled if necessary.
Prior to re-spreading, weed growth will be scalped from the top of the stockpiles to minimise the
transport of weeds into rehabilitated areas;
Stockpiles will be surveyed and appropriately sign-posted to identify the area and eliminate the
potential for unauthorised use or disturbance;
Open Cut; excavator to windrow topsoil 10m from GDP line on ridge lines and 2m in all other

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Be careful to avoid contamination of topsoil with rocks and overburden (particularly when
removing from hills), if no trace of topsoil is left post stripping, excessive dilution has probably
An excavator should be used to pull topsoil in one dozer length (10m) from any clearing boundary
Stockpile topsoil on a 20m offset from the strip limit. Don’t stack material excessively high (lower
the better to reduce wind losses) and “cap off” the stockpile when finished;
When transferring topsoil for dressing rehabilitation areas consider;
o Size of area where topsoil is to be spread;
o Number of truck loads required into the area;
o Tipping profile for dozer push, to minimize dozer push.

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5 Document Information
Related documents and reference information in this section provides a single reference point to
develop and maintain site compliance information.

5.2 Related Documents

Related documents, listed in Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found.
below, are internal documents directly related to or referenced from this document.
Table 5-1 – Related documents
Number Title
ULN SD PRO 0058 Salvage and Reinstatement of Habitat Features

ULN SD PRO 0073 Habitat Tree Felling Procedure

ULN SD PRO 0054 Pre Clearing Survey Procedure

CAA HSEC PRO 0002 Ground Disturbance Permit Procedure

CAA HSEC PER 0004 Ground Disturbance Permit Form

ULN SD PRO 0067 Erosion and Sediment Control Procedure

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Appendix A - GDP Process Flowchart

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Appendix B - GDP Process Assurance Form

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Appendix C - Flagging and Demarcation Requirements

The following demarcation standard will be used for all ground disturbance lines, cultural heritage areas, habitat
trees, logs and endangered flora:

Orange rope flagging as above will be used to demarcate the clearing area. Clearing equipment will operate in
areas strictly bound by this tape only. In the case where the clearing boundary is also the GDP boundary this
flagging will be used. In the case that the GDP boundary is different to the clearing boundary environmental
personnel will advise in the GDP conditions what flagging is required for the GDP Boundary (e.g. Open Cut
clearing boundary offsets).

Orange and white rope flagging as above to be used for all lease boundary lines where the GDP boundary
encroaches within 50 meters of a mining lease or project approval boundary

50mm yellow and black barrier tape is the only tape to be used for the identification of habitat features, will be
installed by the Ecologist during Pre-clearing survey at a height/position visible to clearing equipment operating in
the area

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Ulan Complex
Procedure Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Procedure

Appendix D - Survey Flagging, Colours and Warnings

D.1 APS Colours

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Ulan Complex
Procedure Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Procedure

D.2 Survey Flagging Colours

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Ulan Complex
Procedure Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Procedure

Appendix E - APS Files

If the APS file appears incorrect, or does not make sense, or warnings are coming on then they must:
1. Stop Work immediately.
2. Contact the OCE, Surveyor or Mining engineer.
3. DO NOT resume work until satisfied that the APS is giving correct information

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Ulan Complex
Procedure Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Procedure

Appendix F - Pre Clearing Survey for Identified Features

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Ulan Complex
Procedure Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Procedure

Appendix G - Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping

G.1 Instructions
Detach assessment and answer sheet, procedure and assessment to candidate (answers for trainer
Candidate to complete assessment and coversheet details.
Trainer to mark and provide assessment result (review result/train/re-assess as required).
When candidate is competent, sign off on cover sheet candidate acknowledgment.
Forward completed cover sheet and assessment to HST department.

Candidate’s Name (Print please): Emp or Damstra #:

Candidate’s Employer: Crew # (if appl.):


Procedure or Task name:

Pre-requisite of Package(s): Scenario Code:
E.G. Dozer or Haul Truck

Theory questions (Print name)

Practical Assessments (Print name)
Recommendation: At the time of Assessment the candidate was deemed competent (Signature)
to safely and confidently apply the knowledge and skills obtained to the relevant


I have been familiarised with the Procedure or Task and have obtained the (Signature)
knowledge and skills to apply to the relevant task. I understand and agree with the
recommendations of the assessor.


Competent/Completed (Signature)

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Ulan Complex
Procedure Land Clearing and Topsoil Stripping Procedure

Q1 Complete the following sentence: C NYC

_________ coloured flagging tape is used to mark the extent of the _____ area.
No clearing can take place outside this boundary.

Q2 A qualified surveyor must supervise the installation of Clearing Boundary Flagging. C NYC
A. True
B. False

Q3 Who needs to understand the GDP conditions before works commence? C NYC
A. Task Coordinator for the project
B. Operators conducting clearing
C. Permit Holder
D. All of the above

Q4 Who must sign the GDP permit before works can commence C NYC
A. Environmental Personnel
B. A qualified Surveyor
C. Permit Holder
D. Permit Issuer
E. All of the above

Q5 What is the maximum height for topsoil and vegetation stockpiles? C NYC

Q6 Who is responsible for complying with the conditions of a GDP? C NYC

Q7 Who is responsible for gaining the GDP approval for a project? C NYC

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