Ece305 - PR2 - Project Proposal
Ece305 - PR2 - Project Proposal
Ece305 - PR2 - Project Proposal
Submitted by:
Andrade, Joyce Jeanelle
Danda, Eduard
Debide, Keny Gynn
Lim, Divcy-A
This project aims to develop an efficient control system for the two projects, ‘Versatile
pest repellant using arduino R3 UNO’ and ‘Aquaponics Smartplant Box’. Combining the two
systems into one, prove to consider multiple, and if not overlapping sequences of control
response, by developing a central control system that arranges and prioritizes the lists of system
response, it enables the system to overcome poor performance and power usage. It was observed
that the technology and materials utilized in these prototypes allowed us to develop a product
that is precise and cost-effective for both pest management and urban gardeners. In addition, this
prototype control system is easy to navigate and practical for each parameter selected.
1. Problem statement
This study aims to achieve the following objectives in developing a control system for
both the aquaponics smart plant box and pest repellent system:
1. The study aims to provide a feedback system for all the sensors by using an
Arduino-based microcontroller.
2. The study aims to provide the following factors necessary to create the feedback system:
a. Prioritizing important responses from simultaneous inputs
b. Efficient power usage
The system is probed with too many sensors which may come as a complication for the
limited slots of peripherals a single microcontroller has. Especially, the data groups are to be
processed inside one microcontroller, which is a concern for the space required in order to link
and control both of the systems into one in the processing stage. In addition to the data
processing space, additional storage must be allocated to the interface and monitoring display of
the system. More data space is required to properly set up the required setup for the whole
system which may complicate the process of coding it.
This study will be done through the utilization of different sensors and actuators
(Aquaponics plant box and versatile pest repellent) and will use Arduino as the main
microcontroller for both systems. For the Aquaponics plant box, the water flow sensor, ph
sensor, and light sensor are the only sensors that will be used and its actuators are limited to
motors, chemical dispensers, ph control, and oxygen tank. As for the versatile pest repellent, its
sensors are only limited to PIR sensors, and the ultrasonic sensor and its actuators are limited to
the piezo buzzer. In addition, this system is only limited to rats as the main pests of the system
and will be tested in one of the researchers’ garden. The making of the systems will be conducted
in one of the facilities of Ateneo de Zamboanga University specifically in the Microcontroller
Laboratory and C-205.
For coding and programming, both systems will use Arduino IDE as the software
application of both systems. Moreover, this study focuses on residential/house gardening and
will not cover larger commercial fields. This project shall be done in a one-month period and
shall be presented in May 2023.
4. Literature review
A study on the applicability of aquaponics to the New Zealand aid program, notably in
the Pacific, is provided by Pantanella (2013). In order to increase food security and generate
money, the study focuses on the implementation of aquaponic systems in small-scale farming
methods. The usefulness of aquaponics in increasing crop output and lowering the usage of
chemical fertilizers is examined by the author. According to the study's findings, aquaponics is a
productive and environmentally friendly farming method that can considerably increase food
security and revenue production in small-scale farming operations.
Hasan et al. (2023) look into how agricultural students feel about using technology and
smart farming methods. The purpose of the study is to determine the possible advantages and
difficulties of using smart farming technologies in agricultural education. The approach takes the
form of polling agricultural students.
A study by Nixdorf and Takahashi (2015) examines the creation of an automated system
to regulate the pH and nutrient solution concentration in hydroponic lettuce cultivation. The goal
of the study is to increase crop output by keeping the fertilizer solution's pH and nutrient
contents at their ideal levels. The authors employ a microcontroller-based system that
continuously monitors and adjusts pH and nutrition levels. According to the study's findings,
using an automated system can greatly increase crop productivity when growing lettuce in
hydroponic systems.
The research analyzed in this study emphasizes the value of digital technology in
agricultural practices. The findings show how IoT technology can boost crop output and the
necessity of raising agricultural students' awareness and comprehension of digital farming
methods. The studies also emphasize how aquaponic and hydroponic systems can increase
agricultural output while lowering the need for chemical fertilizers. All things considered, using
digital technology into farming methods can greatly increase crop productivity and support
sustainable agriculture.
4.2 PIR and Ultrasonic pest repellent control system
These three studies investigate different approaches to pest control using electronic
devices and communication systems.
An automatic farmer insect repellant system based on sound displacement technology and an
Arduino ATmega250 microcontroller was suggested in the study by Ningsih et al. (2020). By
using a high-frequency sound wave that is produced by the system to create a displacement
effect, the system is intended to keep pests away from crops by making them uncomfortable.
Ultrasonic sensors are incorporated into the device, which employs an Arduino ATmega2560 as
its main processor to look for bugs. The study showed that the approach was effective in
minimizing the number of pests and using less damaging chemicals to manage them.
Rosadi et al. (2020) suggested a method that makes use of an Arduino Uno
microcontroller to manage pests in rice plants. In order to track the growing conditions of the
rice plants and find pests, the solution incorporates temperature and humidity sensors. When
pests are found, the system has a pump that sprays a pesticide solution on the plants. According
to the study, the technique was successful in preventing pest problems and preserving ideal
growing conditions for rice plants.
The approach Hariyantin et al. (2022) designed to ward off fruit flies uses an SMS
gateway as a monitoring mechanism. With the use of a sensor, the system is intended to find fruit
flies and, via an SMS gateway, warn the farmer via his or her mobile phone. The system
communicates and processes data using GSM and an Arduino Uno microcontroller. The research
revealed that the system was efficient in identifying fruit flies and warning farmers to take the
appropriate steps to manage the pest.
These studies, taken together, show the potential of electronic devices and
communication networks to enhance pest management while lowering the usage of dangerous
pesticides in agriculture. In addition, the studies emphasize the significance of sensor-based
monitoring systems and microcontrollers for efficient pest management. The development of
more effective pest management techniques that are also more environmentally friendly may
result from further study in this field.
4.2 Theoretical Framework
Figure 1 shows the combined preparation and analysis of the sensors of the aquaponics and pest
control system. In addition, in the preparation of all the parameters needed for the data
collection, both of the different data groups will be linked into one data flow for the processing
stage. The processing stage deals with how the gathered data affects the overall performance
necessary in the system. Finally, the output stage deals with the feedback response processed by
the system, by manipulating several motors and actuators, varying results will determine the
overall condition of the plant plus the pest control. It also displays the progress and adjustable
settings of the whole system.
5. Methods
5.1 Workflow
This project will be conducted on the 3rd week of April and will be tested on the 1st week of
May. It will be done in one of the researchers’ gardens where plants, fish and rodents are present.
- Under discussion
Software development
- Under discussion
Test design
- None yet.
1. Doshi, J., Patel, T., & Bharti, S. K. (2019). Smart Farming using IoT, a solution for
2. Ezzahoui, I., Abdelouahid, R. A., Taji, K., & Marzak, A. (2021). Hydroponic and
3. Hariyantin, A. R., Herdiyanto, D. W., Chaidir, A. R., Widjonarko, W., & Gozali, M.
(2022). Fruit Fly Repellent Using SMS Gateway as A Monitoring System. INAJEEE
4. Hasan, K., Masriadi, N., Muchlis, N., & Husna, A. (2023). Digital Farming and Smart
5. Ningsih, S. R., Budi, A. H. S., Nugraha, A. T., & Winata, T. (2020). Automatic farmer
pest repellent with Arduino ATmega2560 based on sound displacement technique. IOP
6. Nixdorf, S. L., & Takahashi, H. (2015, September 15). Automated system developed to
production. Universidadeestadualdelondrina.
8. Rosadi, A., Balafif, S., & Novianti, T. (2020). System Control Pest Rice Plant based on