12 Blind Dumb Demoniac - Teacher's Notes

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12. BLIND, DUMB DEMONIAC Read through Matt. |2:22-45 and answer the following questions: Who was healed? Bible Text - Matt 12:22 Ans! + One possessed with o devil blind and dumb. Contrast the different reactions from the audience? Bible Text ~ Matt |2:23-24 Ans: + The common people were amazed and convicted enough to call Jesus the son of David. © What did it mean for the Jews to call Jesus the son of David? + John 7:42— Christ, the Messiah was fo come from the seed of David. + The Pharisees (the leaders) accused Jesus of casting out demons by Beezebub, © NOTE: itwas the common people in their simplicity who believed that Jesus wos the Messich. Those who knew the prophecies condemned him. How does Jesus discredit their thoughts? Bible Text — Matt 12:25-27 Ans: + It does not make sense for Satan to use his own name to cast himself out. He: may use God's nome in mockery, but he certainly will not use his own name todo it, + If Jesus casts out devils in Beelzebub, then how about their children, other Jews? They were wiling 1 accept it from other Jews, but not Jesus. + “They shall be your judges" = the common people who recognized Jesus os son of David were o rebuke and judgment against the Pharisees. They should grecter faith. What is another name for the Spirit of God? Why do you think He is given this name? Bible Text - Matt 12:28, Luke 11:20 Ans: + Finger of God. + Why? Because He acts as our conscience. Pointing out our sins so that we may repent (like woman caught in adultery]. Also in this case, casting out cevils. What will be the actions of those for Jesus vs those against? le Text ~ Matt 12:30 Ans: + For Jesus = gathers with Christ, meaning participates in he gospel commission. + Against Jesus = scattereth abroad. Those who do net participate in the gospel work will eventually participate in pushing others away from Christ What sin cannot be forgiven? What is this related to in this encounter? le Text ~ Matt 12:31 Ans: + Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit = speaking against the Holy Spirit + Itisrelated to saying Christ, the Son of God was of Satan, even though the Pharisees felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit (how do we know? The common, People were convicted that Jesus was the Son of David] + APPLICATION: How can we commit the unpardonable sin? © One way = ignore voice of the Holy Spi when He convicts us of sin and we are convinced © Another way = ignore prompting of the Holy Spirit and accuse the servants of God of being from Beelzebub, or constantly put down God's servants, Eg. Continual putting dawn Ellen White and her writings can lead us to committing the unpardonable sin if we have been convicted that they are true. How can we tell those who are for Christ vs. those against? Bible Text - Matt 12:33, Ans: + By their fruit What is fruit being related to? Bible Text - Matt 12:34-37 Ans: + The words from our mouth, which according fo v34 come from the heart How important is our tongue? Please explain what the verses are trying to say. Bible Text ~ Jomes 3:3-6 Ans: + The tongue is compared fo « helm of a ship that controls its direction (v4 + Ithas the ability to defile the whole body just by what it says (v6) + APPLICATION: © Our tongue, the words we speak, help to steer the direction of our heart. If we speak a lot of vulgar words, our heart wil naturally gravitate towards vulgar things. if we are sarcastic with our words, our heart will naturally criticize people all the time. Many times we think ‘our heart governs our tongue, but it seems from James 3, that our tongue can infiuence our heart too. Are your words pure? What do the Pharisees then ask Jesus to do? Bible Text - Matt 12:38, Ans: + Show a sign. They wanted a miracle, What story does this remind you of Remember the nobleman who was also looking for outward proof. What was the sign of Jonah? Compare this with Christ's signs? Bible Text — Matt 12:39-41 Ans: + Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for being an evil and adulterous generation. + Compare Jonah vs Chist. Encounters with Jesus Copyright © 2008 Acvent Pr + Sign of Jona and conversion. + What was Christ's sign fo the Jews throughout his fe? © Healing the sick, casting out devils, preaching. + And yet what did the Jews do? They crucified Jesus. + CONCLUSION: As ¢ result, the Ninevites and the queen of the south will condemn the Jews because they simply believed on the servant of the Lord's words. BUT the Jews were sent someone far greater - The Son of God. And even with signs, wonders and preaching they would not believe. his preaching. This is what lead to the Ninevites repentance How do we prevent our house from being emply so that it will not be in a worse state than before? Bible Text - Matt 1 Ans + Luke 11:28 - Blessed are they that hear the word and keep it. We must keep the word, + What does it mean to “keep” the Word? © James 1:22.27 ~To keep the word = To be o doer of the word. © What does it mean to be o doer of the word? + LBridle the tongue. Why We have akeady read in James 3. + 2.\Visit the fotherless and widows. Why? Because true love for God is manifested in love for others and this translates into acts of love. Fatherless and the widows ore the 2 most challenging ‘groups to care for, They need the most love. A doer of the word puts his belief into action + 3. Keep himself unspotted from the world © Whyis this compared with fling our house? Because after conversion, God expects us to fil our house with new habits. What kind of habits? Habits of good works listed in James 1:22-26. This will prevent the demons from coming back. What kind of demons? Demons of our ast wicked lives - addiction of any kind - drugs. partying, alcohol, bad music, pomography. Al hese are overcome by believing in Christ ‘and then asking for His help to fil our lives with good habits, which ore good works stated in the Bible. This will keep us busy for the Lord ang. stop us from missing the ‘old’ fe we have been saves from. 243-45, Luke 11:24-28, James 1:22-26 ventorodueti

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