Presentation Biomass 5 MW-2-4

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Pre-owned 5 MW waste and biomass fired power plant

1. General information/data Pre-owned 5MW biomass fired power plant,

Boiler steam parameters: 45 bar, 420°C, 25 t/h (2 x 12.5 t/h) SES

Number of firing lines/boilers 2

Steam turbine el. power output: 5 MW Blohm & Voss – MAN-Turbo

Extraction steam parameters 2.4 bar (0 - 20 t/h)

Condenser type: ACC (Air Cooled Condenser)

Generator parameters: 6.250 kVA, 6.3 kV, 50 Hz – Schorch/LDW

Commissioning year 2000

Plant is not in operation since june 2015
1. General information/data Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant

Fuel type: - common wood chips

- bark
- trimmings
- waste wood from class A1 (natural/untreated wood,
e.g., Europallets) to class A4 (treated wood,
e.g., railroad sleepers and charred wood from
- RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)
- other biomass

Wood chips size: up to approx. 150 mm

Average LHV: 14,650 kJ/kg

Average fuel consumption: approx. 50,000
t/year (70,000 t/year)
1. General information/data Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Flue gas cleaning: - de-SOx module: dry sorbent injection (lime)

- de-NOx module: urea injections

- de-dusting: cyclones and fabric filters)

Emission limit values: - Dust: 20 mg/Nm3 (10 mg/Nm3 )

- CO: 0.15 mg/Nm3

- Sox: 0.3 mg/Nm3

- NOx: 0.4 mg/Nm3

(Reference: dry, 11 % O2 )

Emission values comply with the German (European) standards
2. Major plant components Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Fuel preparation and feeding system

Steam boilers with combustion units (two lines)

Steam turbine generator package

De-SOx module

De-NOx module

Flue gas cyclones (two lines)

Flue gas fabric filters (two lines)

Electrical and control equipment/systems

Related auxiliary equipment/systems

3. Process Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,
3. Process Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Steam Turbine
steam consumption diagram
Steam flow [t/h]

Live steam: 45 bar/420oC

Extraction: 2.4 bar
Exhaust steam pressure: 0.135 bar
Exhaust steam flow: 21.3 t/h


Power output [kW]

3. Process Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

1. ACC (Air Cooled Condenser)

2. Chimney
3. Induced draft fan
4. Fly ash silo
5. Fabric filter
6. Reactor
7. Cyclone
8. Steam turbine
9. Generator
10. Safety valve
11. Boiler
12. Economiser
13. Superheater
14. Feed water pump
15. Feed water tank
16. Combustion module
17. Condensate tank
3. Process Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

15. Feed water tank

16. Combustion module
17. Condensate tank
18. Two way screw conveyer
19. Daily silo
20. Central control room
21. Water treatment plant
22. Ash extractor
23. Ash storage
24. Induced draft fan
25. Separator
26. Fuel storage
3. Process Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Lay out
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Plant general view

4. Pictures 4
Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Plant general view

(cyclones, fabric filters & ash silos)
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Plant general view

Plant general view
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Fuel storage (and preparation)

4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Example of fuel used

(waste wood, bark, trimmings)
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant

Separator (oversize)

Fuel transportation from storage building

Separator unit (metal, oversize)

4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Daily tanks

Fuel transportation to boiler building

(to daily tanks)
Boiler building
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Demin. water plant

4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Compressed air plant

4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Urea dosing unit (de-NOx module)

4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,


Steam turbine
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Flue gas redirection duct
(to boiler part)

Hydraulic fuel feeders Fuel distribution ducts

(four sections) (from the daily tanks)
Combustion unit (with post-combustion chamber)
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

MV panels

HV panels
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant,

Control panels

MCC panels
4. Pictures Pre-owned 5 MW biomass fired power plant

Central Control Room

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