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/Global University ODISHA BHUBANESWAR _ INDIA cho CGET 2023 €.V. Raman Global University Entrance Test erro Reet) Ceara aereCtnecolh arena B +91-674-6636555 eet aera a Lord Pied) a0 tain) el meee} SZ To begin with, C. V. Raman Global University, Ocishe (CGU, Odisho} started in the year as a degree level engineering college named as C. V. Raman College of Engineering (CVRCE}. Since its inception, it being wedded to quality, it has steadfasily remained commited fo bringing cbout rapic transformations in the field of technical education by imparting high quality education and frcining through its well- equipped smart clasyooms. world class labs, unbeatable Centers of Excellence and a rich library having connectivity with the leading libraries of the world. These are some of the shining feathers in the crown of CVRCE which helped the insllule grow in’o a university in record time, (CGU, Odisha has also inherited the following things from CVRCE: a well geared system, arespontive and supportive menagement, rich infrastructure, among ¢ hest of other things. In realty, the story (of CGU, Odisha és synonymous with the story of CYKCE. CGU, Odisha was established in 2020 as per "Odisna Act 01 of 2020". Although this University is newly born, it takes pride in ils rich heritage. Aiming to improve the scholastic bility and effectiveness of the quallly education system across the globe, the University is commitled to ‘expanding the scope of the existing departments anc also to opening new ones to deliver multi as wellas_inter-cisciplinary courses by accelerating the present sectorial focus of ils mother Institute. (2 PROGRAMME OFFERED an Faculty of Engineering And Technology 11 Department of Chemical Engineering © B.Tech in Chemical Engg © MTech (Research) in Chemical Engg r Ph.D. in Chemical Engg, “ Department of Civil Engineering | 5 Diploma in Civil Engg © B.Tech in Civil Engg — M.Tech (Research) in Civil Engg PhD. Chil Engg ! Department of Computer Science & IT = Diploma in Computer Se & Engg 8 Bachetor in Computer Apaication (BCA) & B.Tech in Computer Engg © BlTech in Computer Se. and System Engineering © B.Tech in Computer Se. Engineering (Cloud Computing) B.Tech in Computer Engineering (Saftware Engineering) & B.Tech in Computer Sc. Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) © B.Tech in Computer Se. Engineering (Data Science) (B.Tech in Computer Sc. Engineering (Web Technology) © B.Tech in Computer Se. Engineering (Internet of Things & Cyber Security) & B.Tech in Robotics and Artificial intelligence © B.Tech in Artifical Intelligence & Data Science ag © BTech in Computer Science & Information Technology © BlTech in Computer Seience & Engg & —IK-Tech in Computer Seience & Engg {MTech (Research) in Computer Science & Emyg & r ‘MSc. Computer Sc (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) c F © thSc. Computer S¢ (Cloud Computing) a © the. Computer Se (Internet of Things & Cyber Security) : Ph.D. in Computer Sctence & Engg > C. V. Raman Global University ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR,INDIA Department of Electrical Engineering © Diploma in Flectrical Engineering © B.Tech in Flectrical Engineering B.Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering © M.Tech in Electrical Engineering © —McTech (Research) in Electrical Engineering © Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering }epartment of Electronics & Communication Engineering Diploma in Electronics & Telccommunication Engineering B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering M.Tech in Electronics & Communication (Signal Processing & Comm ‘Tech (Rescarch) in Electronics & Communication Enginecring ‘M.Tech in Mechatronics Ph.D. in Electronics & Communication Engineering ooconee 5 Department of Marine Engineering © B.Tech in Marine Engineering GC TWeGreduate Marne Engg (GME) 2 Ph.D. in Marine Engineering 5 SICWCourses 5 Department of ttechanical Engineering © Diploma in Mechanical Engineering B.Tech in Mechavtical Engineering © K.Tech in Heat Pover Engineering 5 W.Tech (Research) in Mechanical Engineering © Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering FACULTY OF PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE, > Department of Chemistry © MSc. in Chemistry 5 Ph.D. in Chemistry © Department of Physics Mute In Physics Ph.D. in Physics 5 Department of Mathematics 5 A.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and Computing Ph.D. im Mathematics FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE © BSc, im Agriculture 5 WScin Botany © MSc in Zoobogy © KSc in Biotechnology FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 7 Department of Humanities MAIN English 6. _ Ph.D. in English Raman Global University FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND LAW Dapartmnt of Management c Bachelor in Business Adminstraton (BBA) Bachelor in Healthcare Administration (BHA) © Waster in Business Administration (MBA) Ph.D in Management Ph.D in Hotel Management > Ph.Din Tourism FACULTY OF TOURISM & HOSPITALITY 2 Diptoma in Hote, Manaagement c Bachelor in Airlines, Tourism & Hospitality c Bachelor in Culinary & Pastry Arts © Bachelor in Hotel & Hespitality Adminstration 6 Master in Travel & Tourism Management (MTTN) Master in Hotel Aaministration (MHA) - - hE — EX V. Raman Oi) ay Global Uayereity, ODISHA. BHUBANESWAR, INDIA — A 3. ELIGIBILITY 4) Nationality = For admission, the applicant should be a Resident / Non-Resident Indian National / PIOHolder 3) Qualification Sio,| STREAM | SUBJECTS & MINIMIMUM ELIGIBILITY MARKS “arian | a Far emer: Programs | Candidate must qually the HSC/10" examination froma | | recogeized board or unbersiy with minimum of 6% mark in | agsregate |. b.Fora Semester (Lateral Entry): | Candidate must qualify +2 Science examinations from a | | recognized board or university or 2 year in engineering trade | |i ta naeepat | Indice St aad ncaa Passed 10¥2 examination{intermediate) with 60% marks along | | with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects B.TECH) | For Marine Engg-P2cced 10+2 08 equivalent examination with j- 5) an average of 60% marks in PCM and 50% marks in English at 1ozh/12" standard, Id not be miote than 21years as on 31 July 2023) @ Cc. V. Raman 03 Le B.TECH (3Years) ‘2. Passed Diploma examination with at least 452%marks (409%marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in any branch of Engineering and Technology. », Passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by the UGC, with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category] and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics as 2 subject. However, the students belonging to B.Sc. stream, seeking admission in mechanical engineering, shall be required to clear the subjects in Engineering Graphics /Engineering Drawing and Engineering Mechanics of the First Year Engineering Program along with the Second year subjects. The students belonging to B.Sc. Stream shall be considered for admission only after filling the supernumerary seats in this category with regular students belonging to the Diploma stream c. Passed D Voc. Streem in the same or allied sector. d. Inthe above cases, suitable bridge Courses, if required, such as Jn Matliesviatits nay bre ay nducted. For Marine Engg Diploma in Marine, Mechanical, Electrical, Flectrical & Electronics with 60% marks in aggregate (with 50% marks In English either at 10°"/Diploma) OR Passed 2" yaar Mechanical Enag of ayears B.Tech Program with {60% marks in aggregate (with 50% marks in English either at 10" or B.Tech) (Age - Should not be more than 25 years as on 31” Jul 2023) M-Tech 'a, Passedbachelordegreeorequivalentintherelevantfieléwithatieas vworsmarksinaggregare. D. GATE qualified candidates need not sit In the entrance examination. They have to submit their documents through the admission portal for direct admission during counseling process. ic. Passed M Se. Degree in the relevant discipline with at least 60% marks In aggregate. Bi Candidates must qualify +2 from a recognized Board or University in any stream with minimum of 50% in aggregate, BCA Candidate must qualify +2 (any stream with Mathematics] Business Mathematics / Statistics / Dinloma Enge) from a recognized Boerd or University in any stream with minimum of 50% in aggregate. L BScin Tourism & Hospitality Candidate must qualify +2 from a recognized Board or University in any stream with minimum of 50% in agaregate. fe) C. V. Raman ©) Global University Sones a pe Se. in ‘The candidate must have passed his/her 10¥2 level in Science Agriculture from a recognized Board of University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate. Qualifying subjects: Candidates must have passed his/her 10+2 level with Physics, Chemistry, MathematicsorBiologyassubjects be Passed Bachelor Degree of minimum 3 years duration, Obtained BA ‘at least 60% marks (45% marks in aggregate in case of (2¥ears) candidates belonging to reserved category). ho M.Sc. Passed bachelor degree (withHons.) in the relevant field with at Teast 60% marks in aggregate. Candidates applying for M.Sc in Biotechnology must have passed graduation with honours in Biotechnology, Botany or Zoology with 60% marks in aggregate. fia ‘Masterin Hotel | Passed bachelor degree of minimum 3 years duration in any Management | _ stream with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. 2 MA(English) Passed bachelor degree(withHons,) in the relevant field with at least 55% marks in aggregate his Research Candidate having M-Tech/ME/MCA/MBA or equivalent Degree Programme (Ph.0)| with minimum 60% marks in aggregate or an equivalent CGPA ‘or M.Sc./MA(559% marks in aggregate for English) / M.Com / LLM or an equivalent degree with minimum of 60% marks in aggregate or equivalent a ‘BPharm The candidate must have passed isfher 1072 in with Science from are cognized Board or University with minimum 60% marks. in_aearegate with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as | Age Limit: Age limit for 8 Pharm. is indidates who have completed both 10th and 12"” ste jot consideredfor admission to any of the program of CGU-Odisha. Particulars ‘Date Time Last date for filing Application form | 09% April 2023_| 11:30 PM. ‘Admit card download 112% April2023_| 12 Noon Onwards ‘Mock test (Online Mode) 13% April2023 | 3:00 PM. Final Examination (Online Mode) | 14% April 2023 | 10:00 AM (for B.Tech), 3:00 PM (Other Courses) Important Dates of CGET-2023, Phase-I] Particulers| Date Time {ast date for filing Application form _| 24 May 2023. | 11:30 PM ‘Admit card download 27% May 2023 | 12 Noon Onwards ‘Mock test (Online Mode) 25° May 2023 | 3:00PM Final Examination (Online Mode) | 308 May 2023 | 10:00 AM (for B.Tech), 3:00 PM (Other Courses) 5. APPLICATION FORM + Application Fee - No Application/Examination Fee forCGET-2023 C. V. Raman Global University ‘OOGHA, BHUBANESWAR IND) PROCESS OF FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM A. The candidates are required to apply only online as per the procedure detailed below. Further, applicants are advised to follow the “INSTRUCTION BOOKLET FOR FILLING APPLICATION FORM” that is uploaded in the website, + Candidates can apply for CGET-2023 only through “Ontine” mode. Before filling up the online form, please read the Information Brochure online or by downloading it from the CGU, Odisha website: www.ceu: odisha,se.in. + Candidates should provide all the authentic details while filling up the online form. + Candidates not complying with the instructions shall summarily be disqualified. B. On submission of details, an Application Number shall be generated C. The candidate has to fill the particulars online and also upload his/her recent photograph and full signature. It fs not necessary to send the hard copy of the application. D, Candidates must retain the Print outs of the computer: generated Application Form as reference for future correspondence. £. —_Anapplication must be completed in all respects. incomplete / unsuccessful submission of application will lead torejection. F. Applicants should give options only with respect to Reservation Categories (SC/ST/GC/ PwD/EX) that he/she can substantiate the same with documentary evidences during document verification / counseling. There is no provision of uploading any proof of these categories during online registration. jeservation pee Schedule [Green Card Physically Challenged [Ex Kategory Caste —_ribe oc) (PC) /Person with [servicemen (sc) (ST) holders Disability (Pwo) & ercentage 6% fia % bx ‘5x Bx f Seats G. Category once filled by the applicant in the application form cannot be changed afterwards under any circumstances. H. Candidates are allowed to submit only one application form. Multiple applications for a particular stream or in multiple Kk” = = of a candidate are liable to rejection. After submission Global University ‘ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR. INDIA of an application, options cannot be changed at a later stage. Os V. Raman —— |. Claim for admission will be rejected if the candidate cannot submit the original certificates, mark sheets, other necessary documents at the time of document verification or if one has filled the form in-correctly. J. Admtssion may be cancelled at any time, tf certificates / mark sheets/ other documents are found to be forged or ‘manipulated. In such cases a candidate will not be considered for admission. K Facility of submission of application form will be closed on the last day of filling up ontine-application form submission. Hence, candidates are required to complete the process within the prescribed time tit. 7. E-TRACKING / MESSAGE TRACKING Once a candidate submits the application, a message of confirmation will be sent through SMS / through e-mail to the candidate. Hence, correct e-mail Ids and contact numbers should be given. / Global University 27 ObIsHA. BHUBANESWAR, INDIA correct answer and the examinee shall have to select the appropriate choice of answer. The selected answer is stored /saved temporarily and a candidate may change his/her choice of answer later during the course of examination until it is over. A candidate can change his/her choice as per wish as many times as required before the end of examination and the last selected/chosen option will be saved finally for evaluation. If an applicant has not attempted at least one question and selected its answer circle in computer, then his/her candidature will summarily be rejected. There are no negative marks for wrong answers. No rank will be awarded to such applicants submitting blank answer. Detailed instructions regarding steps to be followed by the applicant inthe online examination will be notified before the examination. 10. RESULT . Rank List: © _ Arrank list will be prepared based on the carrier percentage fpercentile secured in CGET-2023 Entrance examination. © Rank card will be published in the student login portal available in the website. © Candidates are allowed to appear for the entrance examination only once. CGU, Odisha has the right to hold the rank and cancel the candidature of the applicant appearing more than once. . Announcement of Results: ° The CGET-2023 results will be available on the CGU, Odisha website : cgu-odisha.ac.in 11. ADMISSION PROCEDURE + The admission is based on the combined ranks secured by the applicant in CGET-2023 Examination. + Applicants has to fill up the counseling form which will be available in thewebsite after Publication of rank. + CGU, Odisha doesn’t have any agents and payment of course fee will be made only in the form of Demand Draft /RTGS/NEFT/UPI/Online Banking. Account Details will be provided in the Allotment letter as well aswill be available in the website. + Even after admission, the management reserves all the rights to cancel the candidate's admission, in case of any discrepancy. The decision shall be final and binding on the candidate. CGU, Odisha cannot be held responsible for any loss/damage arising ‘out of such cancellation of admissions. + All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts only at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 12, COUNSELING PROCESS + Candidates will not be permitted to fill the ONLINE Counseling Form more than ‘once. + The candidates should produce the following documents in original alongwithone sets of photocopy at the time of reporting, 3 CGET-2023 Rank Card. = Class K Board Certificate as a proof of date of birth. > Mark sheet of 10", 12", Graduation (if any) or any other higher courses Mark Sheet (if any). ‘Community Certificate (for SC / ST only) for relaxation 2s per Govt. norms. ‘5 _ Admission letter will be fssued indicating the program. 5. Aadhar card of the candidate = Aadhar card of Parents 5 CLC /TC (Originaly 5 Passport size color photographs (O6nos.) a If the mark statement of the qualifying exam has not been received before thedate of counseling, the candidate should furnish an undertaking stating thatif he / she fails to qualify as per the norms, he / she will forfeit his / her provisional admission. a It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether they have the requisite qualifications for admission. Having been called for the test / Counseling does not mean acceptance of their eligibility. If found ineligible at any point of time he / she will be treated as ineligible and admission will be cancelled as per the norms, © Candidates should submit all the original relevant documents in original i.e. Mark Sheets, Transfer Certificate or School Leaving Certificate etc. to the Admission Office at the time of admission for verification, 13. FEE STRUCTURE Please refer our website www.cgu-odisha.ac.in GE 4C. V. Raman ‘>/Global University ‘ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR, INDIA 14, HOSTEL FACILITY Separate hostel accommodation is available for boys and girls inside the campus. Accommodation in institute hostel will be subject to availability. The allocation will he done only after the completa payment of fees and enrolment procedure. Candidates should report to the hostel within one week from the date of commencement of classes, failing which, the hostel allotment will be cancelled and the fees paid will standforfeited. 15. DISCONTINUANCE / WITHDRAWAL FROM THE PROGRAM AFTERENROLMENT a) A candidate who desires to leave the institution after joining the program will have to submit a “No-Dues Certificate” issued by competent authorities. This should be accompanied by the application for withdrawal and the original fee receipt. b) The Original Certtficates will be returned only on production of “No- Dues Certificate” in the prescribed form, obtained from the Administrative Office. ©) Refund policy applies as per the latest UGC/AICTE norms irrespective of whether the student attended class (es) ornot. 16. REFUND OF FEE + Refund will be made as per the university norms in concurrence with UGC/AICTEnctifications from time to time. + All refundable deposits will be returned, after deductions if any, at the time of completion of the course or on cancellation of admission. The refund will be made through account transfer to the account number Mentioned in the withdraw request. Therefore, provide the current Account number details. In case of refund through the be made only in the name of the candidate. 17. SYLLABUS Candidates are advisedto —s refer the — webs http://admission.ceu-odisha.ac.in//Index/instit various programs of CGET-2023 C. ¥. Raman Global University, Mahura, Janta, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, INDIA Pin - 752 054 Phione: +91-674-6636555 Admission Cell: 9040 021 100 101 / 102 / 103 E-mail: info@egu-odisha.ac.in For Admission Query : E-mail: admission@cgu-odisha.ac.in Web: http: //www.cgu-odisha.ac.in Ranchi City office: Shop No-506, 5* Floor Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Lalpur, Ranchi-834001 Contact Number-9939436279 Patna City office: Contact Number-9937923233 Dhanbad City office: Contact Number-9778984125 C. V. Raman Global University Badyanagar, Madbura, Janie Bubencsteae. Oita INDIA. Pin -752054 Ph.:+91-674-6630885, Mob ; +91-9040 O21 100 / 101 / 102 /103

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