Herbal Medicine Approved by DOH

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Herbal meds

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is believed to have originated from an area extending from southern Mexico
into or through Central America. The Spaniards and Portuguese are considered to be responsible for
distribution of guava fruit to other parts of the world.

● The guava leaves contain essential oils rich in cineol, triterpenes, tannins, eugenol, kaempferol
and other compounds such as flavonoids, malic acid, gallic acid, chlorophyl and mineral salts.

● The leaf extract of guava has pharmacological activity due to presence of bioactive compounds
that treat dysentery, diarrhea, flatulence, gastric problems and regulate blood.

● Guava tree bark is an effective astringent, helping with acne and other skin conditions.

● All parts of plant contain oxalic acid, which can cause a stinging sensation and should be used in
moderation topically.


● Boil the recommended part of the plant material in the water. Recommended boiling time is 20


 For Hypertension
 Toothache Lowers
 Cholesterol levels in the Blood



May be fried, rosted, soaked in vinegar for 30 mins, or blanched.Take two pieces three times a day after

For toothache, pound a small piece and apply to affected part.


Lowers Cholesterol levels in the Blood

May be fried, roasted, soaked in vinegar for 30 mins, or blanched. Take two pieces three times a day
after meals.


- 5 leaved-chaste trees
- . A shrub growing wild in vacant lots and waste land.
- Matured branches are planted.
- The flower is blue and bell-shaped.
- The small fruits turn black when ripe. It is better to collect leaves when are in bloom.

- medicinal uses of lagundi are to stop coughing, relieve asthma, facilitate the discharge of
phlegm and to lower fever due to colds or flu. It is also a pain reliever for headache and


- Asthma and cough

- Fever, dysentery, colds and pains
- Skin diseases and wounds
- Headache
- Rheumatism, sprain, contusions, insect
- bites
- Aromatic bath for sick patient


- Known in the Philippines as lagundi

- plant thrives in both humid and arid regions throughout Africa and Asia and has been used by
local populations for hundreds of years to effectively treat wounds, headaches, ulcers, skin
diseases, diarrhea, and the common cold, among many others.


- For Asthma, cough and fever, boil chopped raw fruits or leaves in 2 glasses of water left
for 15 minutes until the water left in only 1 glass (decoction). Strain.
- For Dysentery, colds and pain, boil a handful of leaves and flowers in water to produce a
glass full of decoction 3 times a day.
- For skin diseases (dermatitis, scabies, ulcer, eczema) and wounds, prepare a decoction
of the leaves. Wash and clean the skin/wound with the decoction.
- For headache, crushed leaves may be applied on the forehead.
- For rheumatism, sprain, contusions and insect bites, pound the leaves and apply on the
affected part.


• Scientific Name: Quisqualis indica

• Niyog-niyogan is also one of the herbal plants endorsed by the Philippine Department of Health
for its deworming property.

• proven to be beneficial in various medical sectors. It possesses many medical values in it and is
used to treat many health problems. For medicinal purposes, its leaves, seeds, and roots are

• According to research, this plant has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antioxidants, anti-cancer,

and immunomodulatory activity.

Expels Intestinal Worms and Parasites

The seeds of Nyog-niyogan are dried and taken orally. Recommended dosage is 4 to 7 seeds for
Children while 8 to 10 seeds for Adults.
Treatment of Inflammation of Kidneys

Nyog-niyogan fruits are believed to alleviate nephritis or inflammation of the kidneys.

Remedy for boils and skin ulcers

Niyog-niyogan leaves are pounded and applied to externally to skin ulcers and boils.

• Remedy for headaches,

leaves are applied to the head to relieve headaches.

• Remedy for Diarrhea and Fever 

ripe fruits of Nyog-niyogan are roasted and taken internally for diarrhea and fever treatment.

• Remedy for Dysuria or painful urination.

decoction of boiled Nyog-niyogan leaves are taken as tea to relieve pain while urinating.

• Anti-Cancer

According to Professor Dr. Thomas Efferth of the DKFZ who studied 76 kinds of Chinese Medicinal
plants, Nyog-niyogan or the Rangoon Creeper contains three ingredients with powerful anti-tumor
activity that suppress the growth of a specific tumor cell line that is particularly resistant to many
commonly used cytotoxins due to overproduction of a transport protein in the cell wall.


1. Pound or cut about a tablespoon of flowers of nyog-niyogan

2. Then add in 2 cups of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes,

3. Strain,

4. Let it cool and drink a cup two to three times a day.

5. Make new nyog-niyogan herbal tea as needed.

6. Niyog-niyogan use Warnings and Side Effects

7. Adverse side effects of the Niyog-niyogan

8. hiccups,

9. diarrhea, and

10. abdominal pain)

11. frequently occur if the nuts of the plant are eaten for consecutive days or when fresh nuts are


Scientific name: Blumea balsamifera
- a woody, and strongly aromatic shrub found in open grasslands, and waste places in most
provinces in the Philippines. Its medicinal properties have been recognized by Filipino

Health Benefits:

(Treatment for) -




Abdominal pain

Gaseous distention

 Decoction -

 Poultice - To prepare, crush or grind the leaves into a paste and apply directly into the affected

Yerba Buena

Scientific Name: Clinopodium douglasii.

 is a perennial plant that grows up to 1 meter in height with oblong shaped leaves with toothed
margins. Flowers are hairy and the color is bluish to purplish with axillary head like whorls.
 more popular for its culinary application because of its minty flavor.

Health Benefits:

 Yerba buena is also know for its medicinal properties. Yerba buena is used as herbal medicine
for the treatment of many ailments which has been traditionally used since ancient times.

 Studies have shown that Yerba buena contains pulegone, menthol, menthene, menthenone and

Common Health benefits from Yerba buena are as follows:

Yerba Buena tea used as body pain reliever. Good for headache, stomach ache and tooth ache.

Yerba Buena poultice used for Rheumatism, arthritis and headache – crush the fresh leaves squeeze
sap. Massage sap on painful parts with eucalyptus.

Yerba Buena tea for cough and colds –. Drink as tea. Acts as an expectorant.

Yerba Buena as mouth wash for swollen gums and tooth aches – steep 6 grams of fresh plant in a glass
of boiling water for 30 minutes. Use solution as gargle.

Yerba Buena tea for menstrual and gas pain –. Drink infusion. It induces menstrual flow and sweating.

Yerba Buena minty scent for nausea and fainting – crush leaves and apply at nostrils of patients.

Yerba Buena leaves for Insect bites – crush leaves and apply juice on affected part or pound leaves until
paste-like. Then rub this on affected part.


• a traditional herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in tropical climates such as the

• widely used in herbal medicine to treat skin conditions, lung and mouth diseases and stomach
• Also called “ bayabas-bayabasan or kapurko or katandang aso(tag), etc.

• Ringworm bush(Eng).

• Scientific name “Cassia alata”

• An erect, shrubby legume with dark green compound leaves. About 1-2 meters tall.

• It’s leaves have orange rachis that has 16-28 leaflets

• produces an axis of golden yellow flowers that has 4-winged pods containing 50-60 flattened,
triangular seeds


Skin Problems and Diseases

-Akapulko used as an antibacterial and anti-fungal treatment for various skin diseases like tinea
infection, ringworms, eczema, scabies, insect bites and all sorts of skin itchiness.
Stomach Problems
-used to treat stomach related problems that include laxative to expel intestinal parasites and diuretic
Mouth Problems
-is used as a mouthwash for mouth problems like sores and toothaches.
Lung Problems
-Akapulko tea is also a folkloric remedy to prevent symptoms of lung problems such as asthma attacks,
bronchitis and coughs.
Anti-inflammatory activity
- Akapulko is known to alleviate symptoms related to inflammation and used in the treatment of
arthritis, gout, rheumatitis, bursitis, and other joint and muscle pain.

Akapulko leaves
Pound and squeeze the juice and apply topically on affected area twice a day until cured.
Akapulko herbal tea
As expectorant and for the alleviation of asthma attacks, drink a cup of Akapulko herbal medicine tea
three times a day until symptoms improved.
For the treatment of mouth infections such as stomatitis, gargle the Akapulko herbal tea three times a
day until symptoms improve.
Pound or cut a cup of Akapulko seeds, Akapulko leaves and flowers into manageable sizes then let it
seep in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes to create an Akapulko herbal tea.
Let it cool and drink a cup three times a day.
The potency of Akapulko herbal tea is good to last for one day.

Silver or shiny bush
Also called as pansit-pansitan
A weed with heart shaped leaves that grow in shady part of the green garden and yard.

Lower uric acid (rheumatism and gout)

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