The Education Process

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The Education Process


 is a systematic, sequential, logical,
scientifically based, planned course of
action consisting of teaching and
learning (Bastable, 2007)
 A teaching-learning process occurs
before the lesson begins and
continues after the last lesson ends.

This process includes

1. Assessment – information where the What is teaching
 An attempt to assist students in acquiring
learner is at
or changing skills, knowledge, ideal
2. Planning – organization of content, attitude, appreciation
methods, setting and timeline  A deliberate intervention involving the
3. Implementation – techniques and planning and implementation of
procedure to connect the theoretical instructional activities and
to practical experiencestomeet the intended learner
4. Evaluation – Measurement of the outcomes based on the teaching plan.
teaching – learning performance
What is learning?
THE NURSING PROCESS Acquisition of knowledge or skills through
experience, study or by being taught.
 A scientific, systematic, problem-
3 Pillars of Teaching
solving approach to identify, prevent
Teacher – motivates and inspire students
and treat actual and potential health Learner – develops skills and knowledge
problems and promote wellness. Subject Matter – instructional materials,
 Emphasizes the need to maximize activities or topic being learned by the
health by managing risk factors and learner.
encouraging healthy behavior.
How to be an Effective Teacher?
1. Committed
PROCESS 3. Intuitive
 Systematic & scientific problem-
solving approach
1. that provides tool to enable the nurse
to render quality nursing care.
2. Helps identify health care needs,
priorities, and outcomes.
3. Establishes interventions and evaluate
care according to the client’s goals.
4. Works collaboratively with client and
other members of health care team to
achieve holistic and individualized care.

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