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MotoSim EG

ver. 2.10

MotoSim EG Functions
MotoSim EG is an off-line programming and real time 3D simu- All INFORM-commands can be used for robot programming
lation software for MOTOMAN robots. The language used is off-line, although certain commands like “Search” or “Comar-
INFORM, and it is possible to import robot programs made for cOn” are not actually executed in the simulation. The simulation
ERC-, MRC-, XRC, NX100 or DX100 controller. makes it possible to calculate cycle times; detect collision risks
and visualise the robot’s path. Due to the RRS (Real Robot Sim-
MotoSim EG comes with a library of MOTOMAN robots and ulation) module, which is the same calculation method as in
tools. With the included modeller it is also possible to make oth- real robots, MotoSim EG’s cycle time estimations have a devia-
er models. The core graphics engine is the powerful HOOPS 3D, tion of accuracy that is less than 5%.
also used in many leading CAD/CAM products.
With MotoSim EG it is possible to export information as html-
MotoSim EG supports import of 3D models in the following for- code. This makes it possible to look at 3D models in a web
mats: hsf, hmf, rwx, 3ds and vrml. With the additional Inovate browser such as Explorer without MotoSim software. This 3D
software (optional) it is possible also to handle formats like: sat model is possible to zoom in/out, rotate and to use a play but-
(acis), x_t (parasolid), step, iges, dxf, obj, stl and Catia V4. ton to animate the robot program.

Files can be transferred to the robot with a cf-card, or down- Other programs can share information with MotoSim (OLE),
loaded with communication software. However, for the NX100 which means that it is possible e.g. to create new software with
and DX100 control system it is possible to transmit files via a file C++.
transfer protocol. A program like JobEditor is recommended in
order to be able to include INFORM-commands in the jobs with Upgrading
correct syntax. All previous versions of MotoSim can be upgraded to MotoSim
EG v. 2.10.

MotoSim EG
ver. 2.10

D e s cr i p t i o n Note P a r t N o.
MotoSim EG standard 1 license (D-sub hardware key) VN60

MotoSim EG standard 1 license (USB hardware key) VN60.1

MotoSim EG + Inovate 1 license (D-sub hardware key) VN61

MotoSim EG + Inovate 1 license (USB hardware key) VN61.1

MotoSim EG standard edu *) 8 licenses (D-sub hardware key) VN62

MotoSim EG standard edu *) 8 licenses (USB hardware key) VN62.1

Extra license for above 1 license (D-sub hardware key) VN63

Extra license for above 1 license (USB hardware key) VN63.1

MotoSim EG
ver. 2.10

D e s cr i p t i o n Note P a r t N o.
MotoSim EG standard 1 license (D-sub hardware key) VN60

MotoSim EG standard 1 license (USB hardware key) VN60.1

MotoSim EG + Inovate 1 license (D-sub hardware key) VN61

MotoSim EG + Inovate 1 license (USB hardware key) VN61.1

MotoSim EG standard edu *) 8 licenses (D-sub hardware key) VN62

MotoSim EG standard edu *) 8 licenses (USB hardware key) VN62.1

Extra license for above 1 license (D-sub hardware key) VN63

Extra license for above 1 license (USB hardware key) VN63.1

MotoSim EG upgrade 1 license (D-sub hardware key) VN64

MotoSim EG upgrade 1 license (USB hardware key) VN64.1

User manual English Mrs6511GB.5.U

*) Special package for robotic training facilities at Universities, Colleges etc.

New features in MotoSim EG 2.10

The Tool Work Panel with improved functions for visual-
izing playback time and trace data. A new Job transfer
function means that robot jobs can be transferred be-
tween robots in the simulation, with the possibility to
also include shift variables.

Technical data may be subject to change without previous notice

Yaskawa UK Ltd Tel: 01295 272755

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Wildmere Road
Banbury OX16 3 JU

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