Purva Svadhyaya
(Question for closed book assessment)
1. Under whose supervision is the Krsna consciousness movement
Ans:- Srila Rupa Goswami
2. What is one’s duty in all spiritual affairs?
Ans:- Control the mind and the senses
3. On what does our advancement in Krsna consciousness depend?
Ans:- Attitude of the follower of Krsna consciousness, one must be a perfect
4. Define Goswami
Ans:- “Go’’ means the sense, “master” means the senses
Text one
5. List three examples, from the text, of anger utilized in the Lord’s service
• To become angry on the person who blasphemed the devotee
o Lord Caitanya becoming angry on Jagai and Madhai
• Utilize Anger in right way
o Hanuman sets fire to Lanka
o Arjuna’s fighting in the battle of Kurukshetra
Text Two
9. List the three primary energies of the Lord
The Supreme Personality of Godhead has three primary energies, or
potencies. The first is called antaraìga-çakti, or the internal potency. The
second is called taöastha-çakti, or the marginal potency. The third is called
bahiraìga-çakti, or the external potency. The living entities constitute the
marginal potency, and they are situated between the internal and external
2) Karmis labor to accumulate more and more money for future generations
only because they do not know their future position.
3) Those who have no desire for Kåñëa consciousness and who are simply
interested in possessing more and more material things—either in the shape
of scientific knowledge or monetary gain—are all included under the control
of atyähära.
Text Three
Text Four
17. Define guhyam akhyati prcchati
guhyam—confidential topics; äkhyäti—explains; påcchati—enquires;
An experienced devotee explains, and an inexperienced devotee learns from
him. This is guhyam äkhyäti påcchati.
Explanation: -
Sometimes the members and supporters inquire very confidentially about the
methods of performing devotional service, and we try to explain this. In this
way our Society is successfully spreading all over the world, and the
intelligentsia of all countries is gradually appreciating our Kåñëa conscious
activities. The life of the Kåñëa conscious society is nourished by these six
types of loving exchange among the members; therefore people must be
given the chance to associate with the devotees of ISKCON because simply
by reciprocating in the six ways mentioned above an ordinary man can fully
revive his dormant Kåñëa consciousness.
19. How should one deal with the devotees (kanistha-adhakari) who chants
the holy name?
The kaniñöha-adhikäré is a neophyte who has received the hari-näma
initiation from the spiritual master and is trying to chant the holy name of
Kåñëa. One should respect such a person within his mind as a kaniñöha-
Text Six
22. What is the meaning of Nityananda-Vamsa?
Descendent of Lord Nityananda,
Explanation: -
One should not think, "Oh, here is an American gosvämé," and discriminate
against him. Nor should one think, "Here is a nityänanda-vaàça-gosvämé."
There is an undercurrent of protest against our awarding the title gosvämé to
the American Vaiñëavas of the Kåñëa consciousness movement. Sometimes
people flatly tell the American devotees that their sannyäsa or title of gosvämé
is not bona fide.
23. The spiritual master not be subjected to the advice from whom?
The advanced Vaiñëava is always situated as the spiritual master, and the
neophyte is always considered his disciple. The spiritual master must not be
subjected to the advice of a disciple, nor should a spiritual master be obliged
to take instructions from those who are not his disciples.
Text seven
24. What is the meaning of jiver svarupa haya-krsnera nitya-dasa ?
The normal condition is to remain an eternal servant of the Lord (jévera
'svarüpa' haya-kåñëera 'nitya-däsa' [Cc. Madhya 20.108]).
Text Eight
28. What is the essence of all advice?
The essence of all advice is that one should utilize one's full time—twenty-
four hours a day—in nicely chanting and remembering the Lord's divine
name, transcendental form, qualities and eternal pastimes, thereby gradually
engaging one's tongue and mind. In this way one should reside in Vraja
[Goloka Våndävana dhäma] and serve Kåñëa under the guidance of devotees.
One should follow in the footsteps of the Lord's beloved devotees, who are
deeply attached to His devotional service.
29. List the three examples of perfect devotee in Santa Rasa, Dasya-rasa
and Sakhya-rasa
Santa Rasa- Cows, flute, flower
Dasya Rasa- Citraka, Patraka or Raktaka
Sakhya Rasa- Baladeva, Çrédämä or Sudämä
Rägänuga-bhakti, or spontaneous devotional service, can be executed in the
çänta-rasa when one aspires to be like Kåñëa's cows or the stick or flute in the
hand of Kåñëa, or the flowers around Kåñëa's neck. In the däsya-rasa one
follows in the footsteps of servants like Citraka, Patraka or Raktaka. In the
friendly sakhya-rasa one can become a friend like Baladeva, Çrédämä or
Sudämä. In the vätsalya-rasa, characterized by parental affection, one can
become like Nanda Mahäräja and Yaçodä, and in the mädhurya-rasa,
characterized by conjugal love, one can become like Çrématé Rädhäräëé or
Her lady friends such as Lalitä and Her serving maids (maïjarés) like Rüpa
and Rati. This is the essence of all instruction in the matter of devotional
Text nine
30. List the hierarchy of the different spiritual places
Radha Kunda
The holy place known as Mathurä is spiritually superior to Vaikuëöha, the
transcendental world, because the Lord appeared there. Superior to
Mathurä—Puré is the transcendental forest of Våndävana because of Kåñëa's
räsa-lélä pastimes. And superior to the forest of Våndävana is Govardhana
Hill, for it was raised by the divine hand of Çré Kåñëa and was the site of His
various loving pastimes. And, above all, the superexcellent Çré Rädhä-kuëòa
stands supreme, for it is overflooded with the ambrosial nectarean prema of
the Lord of Gokula, Çré Kåñëa. Where, then, is that intelligent Person who is
unwilling to serve this divine Rädhä-kuëòa, which is situated at the foot of
Govardhana Hill?
31. Why has Srila Rupa goswami given much stress to Radha-Kunda?
Rädhä-kuëòa, at the foot of Govardhana, is superior to all because it is there
that love of Kåñëa overflows. Advanced devotees prefer to reside at Rädhä-
kuëòa because this place is the site of many memories of the eternal loving
affairs between Kåñëa and Rädhäräëé (rati-viläsa).
Text Ten
32. Why are the gopis superior to all the devotes?
The gopés are exalted above all the advanced devotees because they are
always totally dependent upon Çré Kåñëa, the transcendental cowherd boy.
Among the gopés, Çrématé Rädhäräëé is the most dear to Kåñëa. Her kuëòa
[lake] is as profoundly dear to Lord Kåñëa as this most beloved of the gopés.
Text Eleven
34. What is the result of bathing in Radha Kunda even once?
If one simply bathes once within those holy waters, one's pure love of
Kåñëa is fully aroused.
t is stated that a devotee will at once develop pure love of Kåñëa in the wake
of the gopés if he once takes a bath in Rädhä-kuëòa. Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé
recommends that even if one cannot live permanently on the banks of Rädhä-
kuëòa, he should at least take a bath in the lake as many times as possible.
This is a most important item in the execution of devotional service. Çréla
Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura writes in this connection that Çré Rädhä-kuëòa is the
most select place for those interested in advancing their devotional service in
the wake of the lady friends (sakhés) and confidential serving maids
(maïjarés) of Çrématé Rädhäräëé.