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Extra Workbook Answer Key: Ing Form

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EXTRA WORKBOOK 9 Say something extr@!

ANSWER KEY A Students’ own answers

B Students’ own answers
Episode 1 1 A: Are you hungry?
1 a) 5 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1 e) 3 B: Yes, I am.
21b 2b 3b A: What would you like to eat?
3 Check the meaning 2 A: Do you like coffee?
1 polite 2 stupid 3 sexy B: Yes, I do.
4 rich 5 funny 6 A: Would you like some coffee now?
strange 3 A: Would you like a cup of tea?
7 sweet B: Yes, please.
4 Before you watch … A: Would you like some milk and sugar in
1 b) 2 a) it?
5 Part one … 10 extr@ email!
A 1 stay 2 today 3 exercise bike Who wrote the emails?
4 angry 5 a suit and tie • Gigi!! Did you get my message? Please
B 1 a) 2 b) 3 c) call me. John (Bridget’s ex-boyfriend)
C1Y 2N 3Y 4Y 5N • I told you last night, it’s finished. (And
6 Part two … don’t call me GIGI.) Bridget
A The correct order is: • Hi, Nadia! Bridget’s pen pal arrived this
1 a) 2 d) 3 e) 4 c) morning! Annie
5 f) 6 b) 7 g) • The chicks in the apartment opposite have
B1T 2T 3F 4F 5T a visitor. Nick
7 Part three … • Nick from next door is so funny! Annie
A a) Nick Picture 2 b) Hector Picture 4 • He thought I was the butler! Nick
c) Bridget Picture 3 d) Nick Picture 1 • I will teach him to speak English! Nick
B Language section (page 65)
1 No, he doesn’t. He speaks English very 1 The present continuous tense
badly. A The spellings of the -ing words tell you
2 No, she isn’t. She’s angry. the following:
3 No, he doesn’t. He wants to have a • sit – sitting – single syllable verbs ending
shower. in vowel + consonant usually double the
4 No, it isn’t. It’s one of the richest. end consonant in the -ing form
5 No, she doesn’t. She wants him to stay. • read – reading – single syllable verbs
8 In this episode … ending in a double vowel + consonant
1T 2F 3T 4F 5T don’t double the end consonant in the -
6F 7T 8T ing form
• open – opening – two syllable verbs
Are you learning Yes, I am.
ending in a vowel and a consonant don’t
English? No, I’m not.
usually double the end consonant
Is Hector riding the Yes, he is.
(exception in UK English – travel –
exercise bicycle? No, he isn’t.
travelling (traveling in US English)
Is Annie writing / Yes, she is.
• dance – dancing – verbs ending in e
reading an email? No, she isn’t.
usually drop the e in the -ing form
Are we sitting on the Yes, we are. B The spellings of other -ing words in the
sofa? No, we aren’t. table are: ride, shop, learn, speak, listen,
Yes, they are. have, walk, eat, drink
Are they watching TV?
No, they aren’t. C
Are Hector and Bridget Yes, they are.
going shopping? No, they aren’t.
D Students’ own answers 8 In this episode …
2 The present simple tense 1T 2F 3T 4T 5T
A 6F 7T 8T
1 Annie and Bridget live in London. 9 Say something extr@!
2 They don’t live in Argentina. A, B and C Students’ own answers
3 Annie watches TV every day. D
4 Nick fancies Bridget. 1 I think you mean ‘chips.’
5 Hector doesn’t speak English very well. 2 I think you mean ‘lemon.’
B Example answers. Students should write 3 I think you mean ‘coffee.’
answers that are true for them. 4 I think you mean ‘car.’
1 I live in Europe. 10 extr@ email!
2 My best friend speaks Italian fluently. Students’ own answers
3 I don’t study Russian as well as English. Language section (page 66)
4 My cousin works for an oil company. 1 The future tense with will
5 I understand Spanish very well. 1 d) 2 c) 3 e) 4 a) 5 b) 6 f)
2 Direct and indirect objects
Episode 2 1 I sent my sister a letter.
1 So far in extr@ … 2 I bought some flowers for my mother.
1 Annie 2 Nick 3 3 I’m going to show my paintings to you.
Argentina 4 I bought you this bottle of wine.
4 Bridget 5 Bridget 5 She didn’t give me her address.
2 In this episode … 6 My parents gave me a mobile phone.
Students give their own opinion based on 3 The verb look
photographic evidence 1 a) 2 a) 3 a) 4 b) 5 a)
3 Check the meaning …
The odd ones out are: Episode 3
1 boyfriend (not an adjective) 1 So far in extr@ …
2 leather (not an item of clothing) How much can you remember?
3 pyjamas (the only clothing worn in bed) 1 c) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a)
4 clothes (not a food item) 2 In this episode …
5 cool (all the others are negative Students give their own opinion based on
descriptions) photographic evidence
4 Before you watch 3 Check the meaning …
A 1 e) 2 a) 3 d) 4 b) 5 c) 1 a) b) and d)
B The answer is b) 2 a) b) and d)
5 Part one … 3 a) b) and d)
A The correct order is 4 d)
1 a) 2 d) 3 e) 4 f) 5 b) 4 Before you watch
6 c) 7 g) 8 h) A 1 b) 2 e) 3 a) 4 d) 5 c)
B 1 a) 2 c) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) B The answer is d)
6 Part two … 5 Part one …
A 1 a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 a) 5 b) A 1 a) 2 b) 3 b) 4 b)
7 Part three … B 1Y 2N 3N 4N 5Y
1 Yes, he did. 6 Part two …
2 Eggs, melons and dog food. A 1 b) 2 c) 3 a) 4 a) 5 a)
3 Yes, he did. B 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 a)
4 No, he didn’t. 7 Part three …
5 Ten. A The following words appear in part 3:
6 144. sweet, sweat, hair, smell, smile
B 1 a) 2 b) 3 c) park?
8 In this episode … 4 Would you mind talking a little more
1F 2T 3T 4T 5T quietly? I’m trying to sleep.
6F 7F 8F 5 Would you mind making a cup of coffee
9 Say something extr@! for me?
A Example answer: 6 Would you mind waiting outside for a
1 Would you clean the windows for me? few minutes? I’m rather busy.
No problem. 7 Would you mind closing the window for
B Students’ own answers me?
10 extr@ email! 8 Would you like to have a drink?
Students’ own answers
Language section (page 67) Episode 4
1 Can and can’t 1 So far in extr@ …
A Example answers; variations are possible 1 c) 2 b) 3 c) 4 b) 5 a)
1 I can’t play the guitar. 2 In this episode …
2 I can speak English well. Students give their own opinion based on
3 I don’t know if I can ski – I’ve never tried photographic evidence
it! 3 Check the meaning …
4 I can’t sing at all – I’m really bad at it. A Nick is a cook and Hector is a waiter.
5 My mother / father can play the trumpet. B
6 My sister / brother / cousin can’t speak 1 A film extra is someone who has a very
English. small part in a film.
7 No one in my family can fly a plane. 2 A gardener is someone who looks after
8 I don’t know if anyone in my family can flowers and plants.
sing. 3 A launderette assistant works in a
9 My best friend can drive a car. launderette.
10 I know someone who can run 100 metres 4 A stunt man is someone who does
in 10 seconds. dangerous things in a movie.
B Example answers; variations are possible 5 A cook is someone who cooks food.
Chris: Hi, this is Chris. Remember me? 4 Before you watch
You: Oh, yes.... A
Chris: I’d really like to meet you. Can you 1 Bridget: a) / Annie: b) 2 b) 3 b)
meet me tonight? B 1 a) 2 b)
You: No, I’m sorry I can’t. I have to do my 5 Part one …
homework. A 1 a) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 b)
Chris: OK, can you meet me tomorrow B Example answers; alternatives are
night? possible
You: Sorry, I can’t. I have to meet my Bridget: Hello?
friend. Howard: Hello, Bridget, this is
Chris: Oh. What about the weekend? Can Howard.
you meet me then? Bridget: Howard! How are you?
You: No, sorry. I have to visit my Howard: Very well, thank you.
grandmother. Would you like to have dinner with
2 Questions with would me tonight?
Example answers; variations are possible Bridget: Me? Dinner tonight!
1 Would you like to come to the cinema Howard: Yes. Meet me at seven
with me tonight? o’clock at the Singing Parrot Cafe.
2 Would you like to have dinner with me? Bridget: Seven o’clock – at the Singing
3 Would you like to go for a walk in the Parrot Cafe. OK Howard! Bye,
Howard! meaning
Howard: Bye! 1 now 2 now 3 now
C In Part one, we found out 1 and 2 4 future 5 now 6 future
6 Part two … 2 The going to future
A 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 b) Students’ own answers
B 1 b) 2 c) 3 b) 4 b) 3 The will future
7 Part three … A 1 a) 2 a) or b) 3 a) 4b)
A 1 c) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b) 5 a) or b)
8 In this episode … B
1T 2F 3T 4F 5T 1 intention
6T 7F 8T 2 immediate future event
9 Say something extr@! 3 definite future event
A 1 d) 2 c) 3 a) 4 e) 5 b) 4 definite future event
B Example answers. Alternatives are 5 intention
1 Episode 5
A: I want to travel abroad. 1 So far in extr@ …
B: Really? Where do you want to go? 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b)
A: Latin America. And first, I’m going 2 In this episode …
to study Spanish. Students give their own opinion based on
2 photographic evidence
A: I’m going to look for a new job. 3 Check the meaning …
B: Really? What kind of job do you Native speaker differences are possible
want? Food delicious / hot
A: I want to be a pilot. So I’m going to People adorable / busy / crazy /
go to flying school. good-looking / gorgeous / smooth / tired
3 Both awful / gorgeous / sweet / wonderful
A: I’m going to search the internet for 4 Before you watch …
a new boy / girlfriend. A 1 a) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a)
B: What kind of person do you want to B Students’ own answers, but the answer is
meet? b).
A: I want to meet someone who is tall, dark 5 Part one …
and handsome. A Everything happens except 3 and 7; the
C Example answers; alternatives are FBI agents are in fact Nick and Hector,
possible and Nick was only pretending to make a
1 It’s raining and I have to go out. Why speech at the Oscars.
don’t you borrow my umbrella? B1b 2a 3a 4b
2 It’s really cold in here. Why don’t we turn 6 Part two …
the heating on? A1c 2a 3c
3 I don’t understand some words in this B "Hello there. As a mother, I must fight
exercise. Why don’t you use a dictionary? different stains every day. Tomato
4 I’m thirsty. Why don’t you get a drink of ketchup. Chocolate – huh! Gravy. And
water? egg. But help is here! I will wash one
5 It’s too dark – I can’t read this book. Why shirt in ordinary washing powder and the
don’t you turn the light on? other in new Zap! So, the shirt washed in
10 extr@ email! normal washing powder is – oh! – still
Students’ own answers dirty, but the shirt washed in new Zap is
Language section (page 68) …
1 The present continuous with future C She doesn’t finish the sentence because
the second T-shirt is also still dirty! 2 Offers
7 Part three … Suggested answers; variations are possible
A 1 melt 2 Separate 3 mix 1 I’ll turn on the heating.
4 add 5 add 2 I’ll answer it.
B 1 b) 2 a) b) d) e) 3 c) 3 I’ll cook some food.
8 In this episode … 4 I’ll buy you a drink.
1T 2F 3T 4F 5T 5 I’ll go and buy one.
6T 7F 8T 6 I’ll give you a lift in my car.
9 Say something extr@! 3 Predictions
A Example answer; variations are possible 1 b) 2 a) 3 d) 4 e) 5 c)
Annie: Hello?
YOU: Can I leave a message for Rock Episode 6
Thrust. 1 So far in extr@ …
Annie: A message for who? 1 b) 2 a) 3 a) 4 b) 5 b)
YOU: A message for Rock Thrust. 2 In this episode …
Annie: Rock Thrust? Students give their own opinion based on
YOU: Yes. photographic evidence
Annie: I’m sorry, but I think you have the 3 Check the meaning …
wrong number. dustman – rubbish bins;
YOU: Oh, sorry. horoscope – lucky day;
Annie: That’s OK. Bye. multimillionaire – a life of luxury;
YOU: Goodbye. national lottery – claim a prize;
B Students’ own answers; here are sports car – traffic lights;
guidelines for correct use of the verbs waitress – cafe; yoga – calm;
You can cut and then boil vegetables; you dry cleaner’s – clothes
heat water or other liquids; you fry sausages 4 Before you watch
or potatoes; you pour liquids from one A 1 a) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b)
container to another; you stir things that you B Students’ own answers but the answer is c.
are cooking with a spoon. 5 Part one …
C and D Students’ own answers A 1 b) 2 a)
10 extr@ email! B 1 a) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 g)
Students’ own answers 6 b) 7 f) 8 h) 9 i)
Language section (page 69) 6 Part two …
1 Definite events in the future A 1 b) 2 a) then c) then d) then b)
A The following events will definitely 3 a) 4 a)
happen: B 1 d) 2 a) 3 e) 4 b) 5 c)
3, 5, 6 7 Part three …
The following events may happen: A The most likely answers are b) No, not yet
1, 2, 4, 7, 8 and a) What do you mean, they’re not the
B In the second group of sentences, will can winning numbers?
be replaced by may. B 1 b) 2 a) 3 b) 4 b) 5 b)
NOTE: Example 4 states: Prince Charles 8 In this episode …
will be the next King of England. Prince 1T 2F 3F 4F 5F
Charles is the next in line of succession to 6T 7T 8T
the throne, but any number of things could 9 Say something extr@!
happen – for example, he may die before his A Example answer; variations are possible
mother, the present Queen. For this reason, A: Hi! You look shocked! What’s happened?
will is not necessarily the best word for this B: I’ve lost my passport!
sentence. A: That’s terrible. Tell me more!
B: I left it on the table in a cafe, and it 5 Yes, she does. She borrows the same top
wasn’t there when I went back. that Bridget is wearing.
B Students’ own answers 6 No, they don’t. They think the person
10 extr@ email! they see is Bridget.
Students’ own answers 6 Part two …
Language section (page 70) 1 : a) Bridget b) Chrissy c) Chrissy
1 The present perfect tense d) Chrissy e) Chrissy
Variations are possible 2 : Two 3 : 18 4 : Darling
Annie: Bridget, you look terrible! What’s 5 : Orange and blue / violet
the matter? 7 Part three …
Bridget: I’ve won the lottery! A Students can make their own guesses, but
Annie: So why are you looking sad? the correct answers are:
Bridget: My ticket has disappeared! 1 b) 2 a) 3c
Annie: Oh no! What’s happened to it? B
Bridget: Hector took it instead of the 1 Magic for beginners
drycleaning ticket! 2 Ace of diamonds
Annie: That’s terrible. Where is he? 3 Would you like to come to the cinema
Bridget: I don’t know. I haven’t seen him! with me tomorrow night?
2 The present perfect with just 4 Chrissy
1 e) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) 5 d) 5 Darling magazine
The present perfect with ever and never 8 In this episode
Students’ own answers 1T 2F 3T 4T 5T
6T 7F 8T
Episode 7 9 Say something extr@!
1 So far in extr@ … A
1 a) 2 a) 3 a) 1 I wonder what Annie was like when she
2 In this episode … was a child.
Students give their own opinion based on 2 I wonder what my best friend is doing
photographic evidence now.
3 Check the meaning … 3 I wonder who’s at the door.
I can’t resist it – b) 4 I wonder what the weather will be like
She treats me like a baby – a) tomorrow.
She’s in a very strange mood – b) 5 I wonder when the post is going to arrive.
4 Before you watch B Example answer; variations are possible
A 1 d) 2 e) 3 b) 4 a) 5 c) Hector / Annie: Would you like to come to
B the cinema tomorrow night?
1 Students’ own answers, but the girl in the You: Yes, I’d love to.
picture on the right looks more like Hector / Annie: Which film would you like
Bridget in one of her moods; to see?
2 They are wearing different-coloured You: The new Russell Crowe film.
pullovers tied round their waist Hector / Annie: Would you like to have
5 Part one … something to eat afterwards?
Example answers; variations are possible You: Yes, that would be nice.
1 No, he isn’t. He’s speaking Spanish. Hector / Annie: Where would you like to
2 No, she doesn’t. She thinks her mother t go?
reats her like a baby. You: To an Italian restaurant.
3 No, he doesn’t. He wants a part in a Hector / Annie: What time shall we meet?
programme about doctors. You: Seven o’clock.
4 No, she doesn’t. The airline lost it. 10 extr@ email!
Students’ own answers check the meaning of certain key words and
Language section (page 71) expressions
1 Reporting statements 4 Before you watch
A A 1 b) 2 a
1 Bridget said that her mother didn’t B
understand her. Students can guess but the correct answer is
2 Nick told Hector that he has good 2.
reflexes. 5 Part one …
3 Annie told Nick and Hector that they A 1 b) 2 a) 3 b) 4 b) 5 a)
were just in time to see her new magic B 1 c) 2 a) b) and c) 3 c) 4 b) 5 b)
trick. 6 Part two …
4 Chrissie asked Bridget if she had some A Students may have other answers, but
clothes she could borrow. these are the correct ones.
5 Annie said that Nick looked so handsome 1 b) 2 a) 3 b)
in his doctor’s coat. B a) b) and d)
6 Hector told Annie that he had something 7 Part three …
to ask her. A 1 b) 2 a) 3 b) 4 c)
B B 1 a) 2 c) 3 d) 4 f) 5 e)
1 ‘My mother is my best friend.’ 6 b) 7 g)
2 ‘I like doctors.’ 8 In this episode …
3 ‘I wonder why Nick always talks about 1T 2F 3T 4T 5T
Bridget.’ 6F 7T 8F 9T 10
4 ‘I’m confused.’ F
5 ‘I have to practise being a doctor.’ 9 Say something extr@!
2 Reporting requests and commands: A Example answers; variations are possible
asking and telling people to do things She probably sings like a lark.
Variations are possible She dances like a professional.
1 She asked him to move the exercise bike She walks like a model.
to give her more space. She dresses like a film star.
2 She told him to move it back again. B Students’ own answers
3 Annie told Hector to think of a card. C 1 Always 2 Never 3 Always
4 She asked me if I could lend her some 4 Never 5 Never
money. D Students’ own answers
5 She asked me if I could possibly call her 10 extr@ email!
back. Students’ own answers
6 She told us to wait in the queue. Language section (page 72)
Verbs of the senses
Episode 8 A 1 delicious 2 awful 3 comfortable
1 So far in extr@ … 4 unhappy 5 soft 6 professional
1 No, she doesn’t. B 1 looks 2 tastes 3 sound
2 The weather programme 4 smells / looks 5 feels / looks
3 Harry Bowler 6 sounds
4 Chrissy C Example answers; other answers are
5 No possible
2 In this episode … Example answers; variations are possible
Students give their own opinion based on 1 It smells as if something’s burning.
photographic evidence 2 It sounds as if there’s been a terrorist
3 Check the meaning … attack.
This is not an exercise, merely a chance to 3 He looks like a snowman.
4 What’s in this parcel? It feels like a 2 Sing a song for me or I will be really
pullover. unhappy.
5 What’s in this sandwich? It tastes like 3 I’ve got an idea – I’ll show you how to
tuna. cook spaghetti.
6 Tom and Sarah both left the room looking 4 She won’t pass the exam because she gets
very angry. It seems as if they’ve had an very nervous all the time.
argument. 5 Whatever happens, you and I will always
be friends.
Episode 9 6 When I finish school, I’m going to make
1 So far in extr@ … a lot of money.
2, 3, 5 are all true. 7 Make me a cup of coffee and I’ll do the
2 In this episode … washing up.
Students give their own opinion based on 7 I’ve got an idea – I’ll shut up now.
photographic evidence 3 too … to
3 Check the meaning … Example answers; students’ answers may be
Students’ own answers; here are some completely different
guidelines mysterious means you don’t 1 amazed 2 too small 3 too drunk
know a lot about something; in your dreams 4 too young 5 too short 6 too difficult
means it won’t happen; a researcher is 7 too tired 8 too fat
someone who works to prepare the
programme Episode 10
4 Before you watch 1 So far in extr@ …
A 1 c) 2 a) 3 b) 1 Annie 2 Nick 3 Bridget
B 1 Nick is wearing the tights. 4 Hector 5 Eunice
2 They belong to Bridget. 2 In this episode …
5 Part one … Students give their own opinion based on
A 1 a) and c) 2b) 3c) 4b) photographic evidence
6 Part two … 3 Check the meaning …
A 1d) 2a) 3c) 4e) 5b) ★ awful, dreadful and horrid are negative
B 1 bad 2 doesn’t care 3 bad words.
4 good 5 good ★ kinds of make-up
7 Part three … ★ separate
Photo 1 a) Photo 2 b) Photo 3 b) ★ yes, you say it when you are very sure
8 In this episode … ★ a guinea pig is someone who is used in
1T 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F an experiment
9 Say something extr@! 4 Before you watch
A – F : Students’ own answers A 1 c) 2 b)
10 extr@ email! B Students can guess; the correct answers
Students’ own answers are:
Language section (page 73) 1 b) 2 a)
1 Abstract nouns 5 Part one …
1 sympathy 2 disappointment 1 c) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 c)
3 stress 4 love 6 Part two …
5 anger 6 confidence A 1a) drinking 1b) looking at
7 fame 8 success 2c) holding 2d) interviewing
2 The will future 3e) protesting 3f ) wearing
Example answers; students’ answers may be B 1 a) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b)
completely different 7 Part three …
1 I’ll be more confident when I’m older. A
1 Why does Bridget ask Nick to close his Episode 11
eyes? 1 So far in extr@ …
2 Where is Bridget going tonight? 1 Annie and Nick 2 Bridget
3 Why is Annie angry with Hector? 3 Annie 4 Hector
4 Where are the guinea pigs? 5 Nick
5 What happened to Bridget’s dress? 2 In this episode …
B Students give their own opinion based on
1 Because she wants to show him her new photographic evidence
dress. 3 Check the meaning …
2 She’s going to a film premiere. 1 f) 2 d) 3 a) 4 c) 5 b) 6 e)
3 Because he was asking awful questions. 4 Before you watch …
4 They have escaped. A Nick c) Bridget a) Nick a)
5 The guinea pigs ate part of it. B Students’ own answers, but the correct
8 In this episode … answers are:
1T 2T 3T 4T 5T 1 b) 2 b)
6F 7F 8T 5 Part one …
9 Say something extr@! A 1 b) 2 a)
A 1 d) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a) 5 e) B 1T 2T 3F 4T 5T
B Students’ own answers 6F 7T 8F
C Students’ own answers 6 Part two …
10 extr@ email! A 1 f) 2 d) 3 b) 4 a) 5 c) 6
Students’ own answers e)
Language section (page 74) B 6 T-shirts, 3 pairs of jeans,
1 I want you to do something 4 pairs of trousers, 10 bikinis,
1 allow 2 helped 3 invite 2 nightdresses, 3 pairs of trainers,
4 ordered 5 advised 5 belts, 2 jackets
2 Phrasal verbs 7 Part three …
A 1 broke down 2 grew up A2
3 sit down 4 go out B 1 c) 2 a) 3 c) 4 a)
5 come in 8 In this episode …
B Example answer; students’ own answers 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F
will be different 7F 8T
A: I was looking forward to 9 Say something extr@!
interviewing the pop star, but as soon as I A, B and C Students’ own answers
walked in, he tried to get rid of me. 10 extr@ email!
B: How rude! What did you do? A Students’ own answers
A: I told him I had come a long way to B Students’ own answers
catch up with him. C Students’ own answers
B: Didn’t he even look at your Language section (page 75)
questions? 1 Adjectives
A: No! He said he’d run at of time. A 1 amused 2 disappointed
C 3 pleased 4 surprised 5 terrified
1 I had to fill it in before they allowed me B
to enter the country. 1 amused 2 terrified 3 disappointed
2 Yesterday, I picked her up at the airport. 4 pleased 5 surprised
3 I wanted to try them on in the shop. C
4 It was hot so I took it off. 1 frightening 2 frightened
5 Will you please turn them off? 3 interesting 4 interested
5 disappointing 6 pleasing 7 pleased
2 Can, be able to and be allowed to Agent: I thought you would be pleased.
1 Remember, when you drive in France, Nick: No, of course I’m pleased! OK,
you won’t be able to drive on the left! thank you! Bye!
2 I’m confident that I will be able to B 1 a) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 a)
remember all these facts when I do the 6 Part two …
exam. A 1 e) 2 d) 3 c) 4 a) 5 b)
3 Will you be able to give me a lift in your B 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b)
car to the airport tomorrow? 7 Part three …
4 We’re very lucky because when we visit A Students’ own opinions, but the correct
the parliament building, we were allowed answer is 3.
to enter the prime minister’s office! B 1 No, he didn’t. 2 No, she didn’t.
5 I won’t be allowed to speak my own 3 Yes, he did. 4 We don’t
language in class when the new teacher know.
comes next year. 5 No, they didn’t. 6 Yes, he did.
8 In this episode …
Episode 12 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F
1 So far in extr@ … 7T 8T
1 Howard 2 Ziggy 9 Say something extr@!
3 the landlady’s cousin 4 Mr Garrier A Example answers; variations are possible
5 Bar Gordo 1 Do you promise that you won’t tell me
2 In this episode … the score?
Students give their own opinion based on 2 I promise I won’t say anything.
photographic evidence 3 We promise we won’t tell anyone.
3 Check the meaning … 4 I promise I won’t open my present until
The words all have something to do with my birthday.
football (soccer) 5 Do you promise to look after my bicycle?
1 fan 2 supporter; 3 striker; 6 Do you promise you will look after my
4 defence; 5 kick-off; 6 semi- dog when I’m away?
final 7 Do you promise to tell me when my
4 Before you watch … girlfriend calls?
A 1 a) 2 b) 3 a) B Example answers; variations are possible
B 1 a) 2 a) 1 Did you go anywhere nice?
5 Part one … 2 Is he staying long? Will he be staying
A Example answer; variations are possible long?
Nick: Hi, Cameron. How are you? 3 I know it well.
Agent: I’m fine. 4 Did you pay a lot for it?
Nick: Good. 10 extr@ email!
Agent: I’m calling to tell you about an Students’ own answers
audition. Language section (page 76)
Nick: An audition? For me? Hey-hey! 1 Question tags
What for? A 1 isn’t she? 2 are they?
Agent: London On Fire. 3 don’t you? 4 won’t they?
Nick: London On Fire? The soap? Yes! 5 can she? 6 are they?
When? 7 did you? 8 can’t you?
Agent: Today at midday. B If students have alternative answers, they
Nick: Today? At midday? Where? must explain the situation
Agent: In Birmingham. 1 isn’t it?↘ 2 isn’t it? ↗
Nick: Birmingham? But that’s 100 miles 3 weren’t we?↘ 4 did he?
away! ↗
5 haven’t you?↘ 6 wasn’t it? B: It’s the night when the best man
↗ takes the bridegroom out.
7 won’t it? ↘ A: I see.
2 Relative pronouns: who, which and that B: Your single life is over, so you must
1 who 2 which 3 (–) say goodbye to drinking beer and
4 who 5 (–) 6 which 7 (–) watching football in bed.
A: Right. So what happens?
Episode 13 B: We have parties. We go places.
1 So far in extr@ … A: Such as?
1 b) 2a) 3b) 4a) 5b) B: Brighton. And we put on different
2 In this episode … clothes.
Students give their own opinion based on A: What kind of clothes?
photographic evidence B: Sometimes we dress up as women.
3 Check the meaning … C Example answers; variations are possible
1 bride; 2 bridesmaids; 1
3 bridegroom; 4 best man; A: He’s a nice man, isn’t he?
5 reception; 6 honeymoon B: Yes, so rich!
4 Before you watch … A: I was talking about his personality!
A The girls are talking about Nick. Students 2
should check the meanings of the words A: Wasn’t that a great film?
in bold in a dictionary: idiot, macho, vain, B: Yes, great actress!
uniform, sexy A: I meant the story!
B 1 c) 2 b) 3
5 Part one … A: What a great party!
A Mrs Romero asks 1, 2, 3 and 5; she also B: Yes, so much food!
asks Hector who his best man is, not his A: I was talking about the people!
best friend. 10 extr@ email!
B 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 Yes 5 Yes Students’ own answers
6 Part two … Language section (page 77)
A 1 a) 2 a) 3 a) 4 c) The present perfect (2) with already and
B yet
1 Annie: Hector’s mother is driving me A
mad! 1 Have you heard Britney Spears’ latest
2 Nick: Do you think Bridget is ill? song yet?
3 Bridget: You’ll just have to wait and see. 2 Have your parents given you this week’s
4 Nick: Goodbye to drinking beer and allowance yet?
watching football in bed. 3 Have you found your keys yet?
5 Hector: Oh thank you Nick – you are a 4 Has your brother ever had long hair?
real friend. 5 Have you ever driven a Ferrari
7 Part three … Testarossa?
A 1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes 6 Have you ever been to a wedding at
B 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b) Westminster Abbey?
8 In this episode … 7 Have you ever met a Hollywood movie
1T 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F star?
7T 8F 7 Has Annie written to her friend about the
9 Say something extr@! wedding yet?
A Example answers; variations are possible B
A: I don’t understand. What is a Stag 1 It’s alright – I’ve already bought some.
Night? 2 Sorry! I haven’t done it yet.
3 I know. Hector has already told me. A 1 d) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) 5 e)
4 No, sorry. I haven’t read it yet. B Example answers; variations are possible
5 No, thank you. I’ve already drunk three! 1 Would you mind lending me your car?
6 What do you mean? I’ve already cleaned 2 Would you mind lending me some money?
it! 3 Would you mind feeding it?
7 No, my parents haven’t given it to me 10 extr@ email!
yet. Students’ own answers
8 I don’t know. I haven’t seen it yet. Language section (page 78)
1 Verbs which are followed by to
Episode 14 1 Hector didn’t agree to marry the girl from
1 So far in extr@ … Argentina.
1T 2T 3F 4F 5F 2 Nick is pretending to be Bridget’s perfect
2 In this episode … boyfriend.
Students give their own opinion based on 3 Bridget wants to change Nick completely.
photographic evidence 4 Annie is pretending to be the perfect
3 Check the meaning … girlfriend.
1 Hector has very good manners. He says 5 Nick is always trying to work on
‘please’ and ‘thank you’ all the time. television.
2 Bridget was in a very bad temper because 6 Annie forgot to take an umbrella and got
she had a bad day at work. wet.
3 Annie doesn’t think Hector’s mother 7 When his mother arrived, Hector started
shows her enough respect. to cook a meal.
4 Annie took part in a protest against 8 During the meal, Mrs Romero continued
genetically modified food. to ignore Annie.
5 Hector and Annie are having a 2 Verbs which are followed by an object +
relationship. to
6 There was anger in Annie’s face when 1 Does Hector want to marry the girl from
she looked at Hector’s mother. Argentina?
7 Example: Hector’s mother knows people No, he doesn’t.
who are royalty. 2 Has Hector’s family forbidden Hector to
4 Before you watch … marry Annie?
A 1 c) 2 a) 3 b) 4 c) No, they haven’t.
B Students’ own answers but the correct 3 Did the farmer tell Annie and Ziggy to
answers are 1a) and 2c) leave the field?
5 Part one … Yes, he did.
A 1 c) 2 e) 3 b) 4 g) 5 d) 6 4 Did Bridget advise Annie to buy some
f) new clothes?
7 h) 8 a) Yes, she did.
B 1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 No 5 2 So am I, so is she
Yes 1 g) 2 f) 3 a) 4 c) 5 e)
6 Part two … 6 b) 7 d)
A 1 f) 2 a) 3 d) 4 c) 5 b) 6 e)
B 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 b) Episode 15
7 Part three … 1 So far in extr@ …
A 1 b) 2 a) 1 a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 a) and c) 5 a)
8 In this episode … 2 In this episode …
1T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6F Students give their own opinion based on
7T 8F photographic evidence
9 Say something extr@! 3 Check the meaning …
Words are given with their definitions A: And why didn’t Hector get a REAL
4 Before you watch … tattoo?
A 1 c) 2 e) 3 a) 4 b) 5 d) B: Because it was painful!
B Students can make suggestions but the C Example answers; variations are possible
correct answers are 1a) 2b) 3a) 1 A: I’m hungry.
5 Part one … B: Why don’t we go to the cafe?
A 1 b) 2 a) 3 c) 2 A: I’m bored!
6 Part two … B: How about playing a game?
A The missing section is as follows: 3 A: There’s nothing on TV.
Hector: My sweets. B: Let’s go to the cinema.
Annie: Oh. And how old were you? 4 A: I haven’t got any money.
Hector: Six. B: Why don’t we just go for a walk?
Annie: And they were …? 10 extr@ email!
Hector: Five, three and two. Students’ own answers
B 1 a) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) Language section (page 79)
7 Part three … 1 Conditional sentences with if
A A 1 c) 2 a) 3 e) 4 b) 5 d)
1 Hector, Annie and Bridget are sitting on B
the sofa. 1 If I had (some money), I would buy a
2 Annie is wearing a skirt. new iPod.
3 Bridget is holding a cup. 2 If I were (tall), I would play basketball.
4 Hector is talking on the phone. 3 If she did (if she spoke English), she
5 Annie and Bridget are laughing. would get a better job.
B Hector’s reply is b) 4 If I did (if I liked cooking), I would make
8 In this episode … dinner for you.
1T 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F 2 Must be and must have been
7T 8F A
9 Say something extr@! 1 She must be on the dance floor.
A 2 He must have missed the bus.
1 Why does Hector want to marry Annie? 3 They must be friends of my father’s.
Because he’s in love with her. 4 I must have left them in the car!
2 Why can’t Bridget get into the club? B
Because her name isn’t on the list. 1 It must be downstairs.
3 Why did Hector try to tear the telephone 2 You must be Angela’s friend.
directory in half ? 3 AC Milan must have lost the match.
In order to be stronger. 4 He must have forgotten about the party.
4 Why did Hector argue with the man
outside the club? Episode 16
Because he wanted to buy Annie a drink. 1 So far in extr@ …
5 Why did the club fire Nick and Hector? 1 b) 2 a) 3 a) 4 c)
Because they had a fight. 2 In this episode …
B Example answers; variations are possible Students give their own opinion based on
A: Why did Nick get the job at the photographic evidence
night club? 3 Check the meaning …
B: In order to earn some money. 1 dirty 2 hungry 3 noisy 4 lucky
A: And why did Bridget want to go to 4 Before you watch …
the club? A Before you watch …
B: So that she could see famous A The correct answer is b)
people. B The correct answer is c)
5 Part one … like.
A Photo 1 c) Photo 2 b) Photo 3 b) 3 I asked everyone in the class but no one
B1Y 2N 3Y 4Y 5Y seems to know the answer!
6 Part two … 4 Tell me your whole life story – I want to
1 a) 2 c) 3 a) know everything about you!
7 Part three … 5 There’s nothing on the menu I can eat.
1 c) 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) I’m a vegetarian.
8 In this episode … 3 Too and too much / too many
1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 1 You put too much sugar in my coffee!
7F 8T 2 I don’t like this exercise – it’s too
9 Say something extr@! difficult.
A 1 d) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) 5 e) 3 There are too many students in the class –
B Students’ own examples: The following I only have five books!
are possible answers: 4 Please tell me if it’s too much trouble to
1 To be a good actor, you have to be very do this for me.
good-looking. 5 I don’t want to go into the club – there
2 To be a good window cleaner, you are too many people.
mustn’t be afraid of heights.
3 If you want to speak English well, you Episode 17
have to practise every day. 1 So far in extr@ …
4 To become an airline pilot, you have to 1 b) 2 a) 3 b) 4 c)
study mathematics. 2 In this episode …
5 If you want to be a teacher, you have to Students give their own opinion based on
be very patient! photographic evidence
C Students’ own answers 3 Check the meaning …
1, 3 and 4 don’t seem very good answers Possible collocations:
and need to be replaced. 1 beat f) an opponent
10 extr@ email! 2 fail b) a driving test;
Students’ own answers e) an examination
Language section (page 65) 3 install a) a computer
1 Something, anything, nothing, everything 4 order a) a computer;
1 Do you know anything about Cameron d) a takeaway pizza
Diaz? 5 pass b) a driving test;
2 There’s something important I want to e) an examination
ask you. 6 repair a) a computer;
3 Nick is useless! He knows nothing about g) a car
looking after children. 7 run away with c) a hairdresser
4 Everything in this box is mine! I own it 4 Before you watch …
all! A Students’ predictions; the correct answers
5 Hector is very cool. Nothing seems to are:
bother him. 1 c) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a)
6 I’m going to the supermarket. Is there B The answer is a)
anything you want? 5 Part one …
2 Someone, anyone, no one, everyone A 1 a) 2 c) 3 c) 4 b) 5 b)
A Students’ own answers B1N 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y
B 6 Part two …
1 Is there anyone here who can speak Student predictions; the correct answers
Spanish? are:
2 I can’t find anything in this shop that I 1 b) and d); 2c) and e); 3a) and f)
7 Part three … 1 Nick’s car is stuck in traffic on the
The order that things happen is 3, 6, 5, 4, 2, motorway.
8, 7, 1 2 Bridget can’t sing. It’s very surprising to
8 In this episode … hear that she’s joined a choir!
1F 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 3 Hector isn’t joking – he’s serious about
7F 8T wanting to marry
9 Say something extr@! 4 Back in Argentina, Hector’s father is a
A 1 You did buy my lottery ticket, didn’t successful farmer.
you? 5 Nick! You sometimes say some really
Of course I did. stupid things!
2 You do understand the instructions, don’t 4 Before you watch …
you? Of course I do. A 1 e) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) 5 d)
3 Nick did install Bridget’s computer, B Students’ own answers; in fact, Hector
didn’t he? Of course he did. says all these things
4 Hector does speak English, doesn’t he? 5 Part one …
Of course he does. A 1 c) 2 b) 3 a) 4 c) 5 c)
5 Annie did pass her examinations, didn’t B1N 2Y 3Y 4N 5N
she? Of course she did. 6 Part two …
B Students’ own answers A difficult; right; important; ticket; nice;
C Students’ own answers reasonable
10 extr@ email! B 1 b) 2 c) 3 c)
Students’ own answers 7 Part three …
Language section (page 66) A The correct answer is b)
Question tags B 1 c) 2 a) 3 e) 4 b) 5 d)
A 8 In this episode …
1 She’s Italian, isn’t she? 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T
2 They’re working today, aren’t they? 6F
3 Bridget works for a TV company, doesn’t 7T 8T
she? 9 Say something extr@!
4 Nick and Hector live in the same flat, A 1 c) 2 a) 3 e) 4 d) 5 b)
don’t they? B Students’ own answers
5 Hector’s got dark hair, hasn’t he? C Students’ own answers
6 Nick worked as a weather reporter on TV, 10 extr@ email!
didn’t he? Students’ own answers
7 Annie and Bridget met at school, didn’t Language section (page 67)
they? 1 Can and can’t
8 Annie and Hector will get married next A 1A 2 C 3C 4A 5C 6
year, won’t they? C
B Students’ own answers 7 B 8A 9C 10 B or C
2 If or whether B Students’ own answers.
1 d) 2 c) 3 e) 4 a) 5 b) 2 Could and couldn’t
A 1 e) 2 a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
Episode 18 f)
1 So far in extr@ … B Students’ own answers
1 c) 2 b) 3 c) 4 a) 5 c)
2 In this episode … Episode 19
Students give their own opinion based on 1 So far in extr@ …
photographic evidence 1 c) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b)
3 Check the meaning … 2 In this episode …
Students give their own opinion based on 7 I’ve been sending emails since this
photographic evidence morning.
3 Check the meaning … 8 My sister has been going out with her
1 flour 2 role 3 vain 4 sweet 5 turn boyfriend Jack for about a year.
4 Before you watch … 9 Annie has been working as a traffic
A 1 a) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b) warden for a week.
B The answer is b) 10 I’ve been doing this exercise all day!
5 Part one … B Students’ own answers
A 1 a) 2 c) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) C Suggested answers; alternatives are
B1Y 2N 3Y 4Y 5N possible
6 Part two … 1 How long have you been learning
A sick; agree; love; my dog Charley; so English?
much For two years.
B Photo 1 c) Photo 2 b) Photo 3 b) 2 How long have you known your best
7 Part three … friend? Since I was 14.
1 a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 a) 5 b) 3 How long have you had an email
8 In this episode … address?
1T 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T For five years.
7T 8F 4 How long has Nick had a motorbike?
9 Say something extr@! Since Tuesday.
A Suggested answers; variations are 5 How long has Annie been going out with
possible Hector? For three months.
1 Look! I’ve cleaned the flat!
2 Look! I’ve installed the computer! Episode 20
3 I’ve just seen a great programme on TV. 1 So far in extr@ …
4 I’ve just sent an email to my friend in 1 b) 2 a) 3 c) 4 c) 5 b)
Australia. 2 In this episode …
5 I’ve just been listening to an interesting Students give their own opinion based on
radio show. photographic evidence
B Students’ own answers 3 Check the meaning …
C Students’ own answers 1 back 2 roll 3 left 4 back 5 train
10 extr@ email! 6 roll 7 train 8 left
Students’ own answers 4 Before you watch …
Language section (page 68) A Students’ predictions; the correct answers
The present perfect continuous are
A Suggested answers; alternatives are 1 a) 2 b) 3 b) 4 b) 5 a)
possible B The answer is b)
1 I’ve been reading a great book for the last 5 Part one …
few days. A 1 c) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b)
2 My friend and I have been playing tennis B1N 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y
all day. 6 Part two …
3 My parents have been watching a movie A Students’ predictions; the correct answers
about China. are:
4 Stop! You’ve been eating biscuits for an 1 a) 2a)
hour! B 1 c) 2 b) 3 c) 4 b)
5 She’s been listening to her iPod for about 7 Part three …
three hours. 1 a) 2 b) 3 c)
6 My cousin has been working in a 8 In this episode …
restaurant since 2005. 1F 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T
7F 8T decorated.
9 Say something extr@! 8 I had my best dress dry-cleaned.
A Suggested answers; alternatives are 9 Do you know where I can have my
possible season ticket renewed?
1 Really? I didn’t know she was interested 10 The boys want to have the furniture in the
in Russia. flat replaced.
2 Really? I didn’t know he was interested
in architecture. Episode 21
3 Really? I had no idea he’d been to 1 So far in extr@ …
university. 1 c) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 b)
4 Really? I didn’t know that she’d been 2 In this episode …
married. Students give their own opinion based on
5 Really? I had no idea that she knew the photographic evidence
Queen. 3 Check the meaning …
B Students’ own answers Odd one out
C Students’ own answers 1 caterpillar – it can’t fly
10 extr@ email! 2 wasp – you can’t eat it
Students’ own answers 3 ridiculous – all the others are positive
Language section (page 69) 4 laughter – all the others are verbs
1 The future of must and can 4 Before you watch …
A Suggested answers; alternatives are A Students’ predictions; the correct answers
possible are:
1 You’ll be able to book them online. 1 a) 2 c) 3 c) 4 b)
2 You’ll have to cook something yourself. B The answer is b)
3 You’ll have to sleep on the floor. 5 Part one …
4 You’ll have to do it now. A 1 c) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b)
5 You’ll be able to see it next week. B1Y 2N 3N 4Y 5N
6 You’ll be able to see him when he arrives. 6 Part two …
7 You’ll have to do without. A 1 b) 2 a) 3 b) 4 b) 5 a)
8 You’ll have to use someone else’s. B1T 2F 3T 4F 5F
B Suggested answers; alternatives are 7 Part three …
possible The correct order is: 1, 5, 7, 2, 6, 3, 4, 8
Hector: What are we going to do about 8 In this episode …
Charley? Annie doesn’t want to 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T
train him. 7F 8F
Nick: We’ll have to train him ourselves. 9 Say something extr@!
Hector: But how can we train him here? A Students’ own answers
Annie will see us! B Students’ own answers
Nick: We’ll have to train him in the park. C Students’ own answers
Hector: In the park? But it’s cold! 10 extr@ email!
Nick: You’ll have to wear a coat! Students’ own answers
2 Have something done Language section (page 70)
1 They had their car cleaned. 1 Myself, yourself, ourselves etc
2 Bridget is having her nails painted. A
3 Are they having their house decorated? 1 Alice hurt herself when she fell down the
4 Is Annie going to have her hair dyed? stairs.
5 Hector is having his shirts ironed. 2 My friend and I didn’t enjoy ourselves at
6 Nick is having his teeth checked. the club.
7 My sister wants to have her flat 3 Tina and Mark made fools of themselves
at the party. B The following things happen: 1, 2, 3 and 6
4 Did your brother teach himself Italian? 8 In this episode …
5 Ask your mother to introduce herself to 1T 2T 3T 4F 5T 6T
everyone. 7T 8T
B 9 Say something extr@!
A: Did you enjoy yourself at the party? A Students’ own answers
B: Well, first I introduced myself to the B Students’ own answers
other people at the party. C Students’ own answers
B: I fell over and hurt myself. In fact, I 10 extr@ email!
made a complete fool of myself! Students’ own answers
2 Verbs such as give and direct and Language section (page 71)
indirect objects 1 Must / mustn’t, have to / don’t have to
1 gave my sister a present. 1 We don’t have to pay for tickets, the
2 They handed the border guards their concert is free.
passports. 2 I must go and get some petrol.
3 My aunt sent my brother and me a really 3 My English cousin doesn’t have to do
nice card. military service – it isn’t compulsory
4 The manager gave the players some there.
instructions. 4 We have to get to school early tomorrow,
5 When are you going to email your the exam starts at 8 am.
teacher your answer? 5 You mustn’t drive so fast – you’re
breaking the speed limit!
Episode 22 6 You mustn’t use a dictionary during the
1 So far in extr@ … exam – it’s against the rules!
1 b) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a) 2 Should / shouldn’t
2 In this episode … Suggested answers; alternatives are possible
Students give their own opinion based on 1 That’s a very bad cough, you should see a
photographic evidence doctor.
3 Check the meaning … 2 It’s raining, you shouldn’t go out into the
Compound words: Ouija board; crystal street.
ball; 3 20 cigarettes a day? You shouldn’t smoke
dog food; fortune teller. so much.
power cut; punch line 4 You shouldn’t make fun of Bernard, he’s
1 dog food 2 power cut very upset.
3 punch line 4 fortune teller 5 Bernard shouldn’t allow his cat to walk
5 crystal ball 6 Ouija board around the building – she gets lost easily.
4 Before you watch … 3 Should have
A 1 b) 2 a) 3 a) 4 a) 5 a) Suggested answers; alternatives are possible
B The answer is a) 1 Nick was very nervous. Hector shouldn’t
5 Part one … have told the ghost story.
A 1 c) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a) 2 You ate all the chocolates! You should
B1Y 2N 3N 4Y 5N have given some to me!
6 Part two … 3 You were very rude to the traffic warden.
A 1 honeymoon 2 mirror You shouldn’t have done that!
3 luck 4 petrol 5 petrol 4 They were late for the concert. They
6 noise 7 smiled should have caught an earlier train.
B Nick does 1, 2, 4 and 5 5 Why did you drive past that girl? We
7 Part three … should have given her a lift in our car.
A The correct answers are 1c) and 2b)
Episode 23 5 Can you imagine living in a palace? I
1 So far in extr@ … can’t.
1 c) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a) 6 Do you mind opening the window? It’s
2 In this episode … very hot in here.
Students give their own opinion based on 2 Verbs followed by the infinitive
photographic evidence 1 Hector promised to take Annie to
3 Check the meaning … Argentina one day.
1 It’s very difficult to tell the truth all the 2 We decided to leave the bar at about
time. midnight.
2 I’ve had a brilliant idea! 3 Tom never studies, but he managed to
3 This is the most delicious yoghurt in the pass his exams.
world. 4 Why does Ben keep ringing when he
4 Do you have a problem with that? knows Claire doesn’t want to talk to him?
5 I am having such a crazy day! 5 I need to change some money so I can
6 You are an ugly, bad-tempered witch. finish paying for the tickets.
7 I think that honesty is a great quality. 3 Contact clauses
8 We’ll decide who the winner is. 1 I met a boy who lives in Rome.
9 Bridget doesn’t feel like going to work 2 What happened to that ring you bought in
today. Peru?
10 You have the most beautiful eyes I have 3 There’s a man at the TV station Bridget
ever seen. wants to go out with.
4 Before you watch … 4 Bridget has an ex-boyfriend called Kevin
A The correct answers are: 1 a) 2 c) 3 b) who called her this morning.
B The correct answer is b) 5 Hector comes from a country in South
5 Part one … America I visited last year.
A 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 a)
B1Y 2N 3Y 4Y 5Y Episode 24
6 Part two … 1 So far in extr@ …
A 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 b) 1 b) 2 b) 3 c) 4 a) 5 c)
B1N 2Y 3N 4Y 5Y 2 In this episode …
7 Part three … Students give their own opinion based on
1 b) 2 c) 3 b) photographic evidence
8 In this episode … 3 Check the meaning …
1F 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T A
7T 8F character 3, 8; chest 1, 7; cool 5, 6; miss 4,
9 Say something extr@! 10; play 2, 9
A Students’ own answers B Students’ predictions
B Students’ own answers 4 Before you watch …
C Students’ own answers A Students’ predictions; the correct answers
10 extr@ email! are:
Students’ own answers 1 c) 2 c) 3 b) 4 c) 5 b)
Language section (page 72) B The answer is b)
1 Verbs followed by -ing 5 Part one …
1 Do you fancy going to the cinema later? A 1) speaking 2) safety
2 I hate eating seafood! It makes me sick! 3) decompression 4) masks
3 Why do they keep calling you? What do 5) Life jackets 6) position
they want? B1Y 2N 3Y 4Y 5Y
4 I know where we are. I remember going 6 Part two …
to that beach when I was a child. A The answer is b)
B1N 2Y 3Y 4N 5Y 1 I have a lot of brothers and sisters.
7 Part three … 2 There are only a few nightclubs in my
A The answers are Photo 1 b) and Photo 2 city.
b) 3 I have been on quite a few flights in my
B The stewardess actually says 1, 2 and 5 life.
8 In this episode … 4 I have seen a lot of films recently.
1T 2T 3T 4F 5T 6T 5 I have only a little bit of money in my
7F 8T wallet.
9 Say something extr@! 6 I have a little English homework to do.
A Students’ own answers 7 There are quite a few parks in this town.
B Students’ own answers 8 My mother has a lot of fashionable
C Students’ own answers clothes.
10 extr@ email!
Students’ own answers Episode 25
Language section (page 73) 1 So far in extr@ …
1 Zero conditionals without if 1 c) 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) 5 c)
A Example answers; alternatives are 2 In this episode …
possible Students give their own opinion based on
1 If there’s fire, break the glass. photographic evidence
2 If there’s stormy weather, please stay in 3 Check the meaning …
your seats. art gallery; battery chickens; beauty sleep;
3 If the head teacher comes in, please stand farm animal; loft-style apartment
up. 1 Bridget and Annie live in a loft-style
4 If the Prime Minister visits, all police apartment.
leave will be cancelled. 2 Damian Pollasco’s exhibition is on at the
5 If you see a suspect package on the train, art gallery in this street.
please tell the guard. 3 ‘No noise, please, I need my beauty
6 If there is an emergency, go directly to sleep,’ said Bridget.
the hospital. 4 Don’t eat those eggs! They were laid by
7 If the office is closed, please leave your battery chickens!
name and number. 5 A pig is a farm animal! You shouldn’t
8 If it rains, the ceremony takes place keep one in your flat!
indoors 4 Before you watch …
9 If something is stolen from you, please A Students’ predictions; the correct answers
inform the police. are:
B Example answers; alternatives are 1 a) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 c)
possible B The answer is c)
1 If the flight gets bumpy, fasten your seat 5 Part one …
belt. A 1 b) 2 a)
2 If you don’t pass the exam the first time, B1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 5N
take it again. 6 Part two …
3 If the cafe is closed, buy something at the A a) 2 b) 2 c) 1
supermarket. B 1 a) 2 a) 3 b) 4 b)
4 If there aren’t any glasses, drink out of 7 Part three …
the can. A The correct answer is b)
5 If you run out of money, call your B 1 b) 2 b) 3 c) 4 a)
parents! 8 In this episode …
2 Modifiers: a little and a few 1F 2T 3T 4F 5T 6T
Example answers; alternatives are possible 7T 8F
9 Say something extr@! 1F 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T
A Students’ own answers 7F 8T
B Students’ own answers 9 Say something extr@!
C Students’ own answers A Students’ own answers
10 extr@ email! B Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers C
Language section (page 74) 1 I wonder why all these people are here.
1 Revision of zero and first conditionals 2 I wonder where I put my English book.
1 e) 2 c) 3 b) 4 h) 5 g) 6a) 3 I wonder who stole Bernard’s clothes.
7 d) 8 j) 9 f) 10 i) 4 I wonder if Hector and Annie are going to
2 Words with variable stress and meaning get married.
1 He was very rude to me! That was the 5 I wonder when Hector will go back to
worst insult I have ever heard. Argentina.
2 Coffee is one of Brazil’s most important 10 extr@ email!
exports. Students’ own answers
3 It’s very serious. There has been a 10% Language section (page 75)
increase in gun crimes. 1 So and such
4 Che Guevara led a group of rebels in 1 My English teacher is so nice!
Latin America. 2 The teachers in this school are such nice
Episode 26 3 My uncle bought me an iPod. He’s such a
1 So far in extr@ … generous person!
1 b) 2 a) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b) 4 I was so astonished when I saw them at
2 In this episode … the party!
Students give their own opinion based on 5 It was such a difficult examination!
photographic evidence 6 Annie and Bridget are such different
3 Check the meaning … people!
ambulance, genius and investigation are not 7 Annie and Hector are such a lovely
occupations couple!
1 A butcher is someone who sells meat. 8 This meal is so perfectly delicious!
2 A dentist is someone who looks after 9 Detective Hunt is such a stupid person!
your teeth. 10 Bernard is so irritating!
3 A plumber is someone who repairs water 2 So … that and such … that
pipes. 1d 2 f) 3 a) 4 c) 5 b) 6e)
4 A detective is someone who solves 3 The infinitive of purpose
crimes. Example answers; alternatives are possible
5 A beautician is someone who makes you 1 I’m studying English in order to get a
look good! better job.
4 Before you watch … 2 My sister is studying at catering college
A 1 b) 2 b) 3 c) 4 b) 5 a) because she wants to be a chef.
B The correct answer is b) 3 I know someone who is learning Chinese
5 Part one … in order to get a job there.
A 1 c) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b) 4 She borrowed some money to pay for a
B1Y 2Y 3N 4Y 5N new car.
6 Part two … 5 He’s working part time in a shop to save
A 1 b) 2 a) 3 a) money for a holiday.
7 Part three …
1 c) 2 b) 3 b) Episode 27
8 In this episode … 1 So far in extr@ …
1 a) 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) 5 c) 2 I wish you wouldn’t fall asleep when I’m
2 In this episode … talking to you!
Students give their own opinion based on 3 I wish I could come with you, but I can’t
photographic evidence 4 I wish Bridget wouldn’t talk about men
3 Check the meaning … so much.
1 How much does that Harley Davidson 5 I wish you would turn off the television.
motorbike cost? 6 I wish I could get an ice cream.
2 Well done! That’s the correct answer! 7 I wish you wouldn’t eat with your mouth
3 Let’s welcome the next contestant who open!
wants to play Can You Live Without? 8 I wish Nick wouldn’t spend so much time
4 That girl must be very clever to pass so on the internet.
many examinations. B Example answers; variations are possible
5 It makes me very cross when people drop 1 It’s so cold in this flat. I wish we had
litter in the street. central heating.
4 Before you watch … 2 We didn’t get invited to the party because
A Students; predictions; the correct answers you were rude to him.
are: I wish you hadn’t been rude to him.
1 a) 2 c) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) 3 Marty Ross was shocked when he saw
B Example answers; alternatives are Bridget’s photographs.
possible He wishes they hadn’t been taken.
Annie is sucking her thumb. 4 There’s a great band playing at the club –
Bridget is filing her nails. but the tickets have all been sold.
Hector is reading a magazine. I wish we had bought some tickets.
Nick is scratching his head. 5 ‘I can’t believe we agreed to do this,’ said
5 Part one … Hector.
A 1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b) He wishes they hadn’t agreed to do it.
B1Y 2N 3N 4N 5Y 2 Verb + object + infinitive
6 Part two … Example answers; variations are possible
A 1 b) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) 1 Why did Nick ask the others to appear on
B Marty doesn’t say number 4 the show?
7 Part three … To get the prize money.
1N 2Y 3Y 4N 5N 6 2 How did Bridget persuade Marty to help
Y them?
7Y 8N She showed him some photographs.
8 In this episode … 3 What did Marty tell Hector to live
1F 2T 3F 4F 5T without?
6T He told him to live without chewing gum
7T 8T and touching Annie.
9 Say something extr@! 4 What did Marty order Bridget to stop
A 1 Is she? 2 Did it? 3 Will she? doing?
4 Is it? 5 Did you? 6 Is she? He ordered her to stop using the mirror.
B Students’ own answers 5 What did Marty tell Charley to do?
C Students’ own answers He told Charley to go with him.
10 extr@ email!
Students’ own answers Episode 28
Language section (page 76) 1 So far in extr@ …
1 I wish 1 b) 2 a) 3 c) 4 c) 5b)
A 2 In this episode …
1 I wish it would stop raining. Students give their own opinion based on
photographic evidence ordered him to go home.
3 Check the meaning …
1 f) 2 d) 3 g) 4 b) 5 a) Episode 29
6 c) 7 e) 1 So far in extr@ …
4 Before you watch … 1 c) 2 a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 c)
A 1 e) 2 a) 3 d) 4 b) 5 c) 2 In this episode …
B1Y 2N 3Y 4N 5Y Students give their own opinion based on
5 Part one … photographic evidence
A 1 c) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a) 3 Check the meaning …
B1Y 2Y 3Y 4N 5Y cross 1,8; sweet 4, 6; train 2, 10; turn 3, 5;
6 Part two … light 7, 9
The correct answers are 4 Before you watch …
1 a) 2 b) 3 c) A 1 a) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) 5 b)
7 Part three … B The correct answer is b)
A The correct answer is b) 5 Part one …
B 1 c) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a) A 1 a) 2 c) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a)
8 In this episode … B1Y 2N 3Y 4N 5N
1F 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 6 Part two …
7T 8T A 1 a) 2 b)
9 Say something extr@! B 1 b) 2 c) 3 c) 4 a) 5 b)
A Students’ own answers 7 Part three …
B Students’ own answers I’ve got a) it!
C 1 e) 2 a) 3 d) 4 b) 5 c) Got b) what?
10 extr@ email! Let’s a) put it up!
Students’ own answers Have you seen c) the time?
Language section (page 77) It’s three o’clock a) in the morning!
1 Let and make 8 In this episode …
1 They didn’t make me work late – I agreed 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T 6T
to do it! 7F 8T
2 Nick’s boss at the grotto lets him go 9 Say something extr@!
home early every day. A Students’ own answers
3 Listening to you talk about Rome makes B Students’ own answers
me want to visit the city. C Example answers; alternatives are
4 During the interval, they let the audience possible
meet the musicians. 1 What’s the name of that thing you use to
5 Your jokes always make me laugh. open a door?
6 Did they let you come into the country 2 What’s the word for someone who drives
without your passport? a bus?
2 Allow, permit, force, order 3 What’s the name of that machine that
Example answers; alternatives are possible prints documents?
1 How did you get here? My father allowed 4 What’s the name of that person who
me to use his car. looks at your passport when you come
2 Who cleaned the house? She forced / into the country?
ordered me to do it. 5 What’s the name of that thing you use to
3 How did you get in the house? The open a wine bottle?
caretaker allowed me to come in. 10 extr@ email!
4 Why did you sign the document? The Students’ own answers
soldier forced / ordered me to do it. Language section (page 78)
5 What happened to Hector? His father 1 Could
Students’ own answers 7 Part three …
2 Was able to A Photo 1c) Photo 2a)
1 Soon after he arrived in England, Hector 8 In this episode …
was able to get a job at Channel 9. 1T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T
2 Bridget resigned because she couldn’t 7T 8F
work with Eunice any more. 9 Say something extr@!
3 Hector and Annie could get married next A Students’ own answers
year. B Students’ own answers
4 I waited for hours but I couldn’t / wasn’t 10 extr@ email!
able to get in. Students’ own answers
5 Were you able to reserve a table at the Language section (page 79)
restaurant for tonight? 1 Superlatives
3 Questions with shall Example answers; alternatives are possible
Example answers; alternatives are possible 1 The Pacific is the biggest ocean in the
1 There’s nothing on TV tonight. Shall we world.
go to the cinema? 2 For a long time, the Petronas Towers in
2 The new bed has arrived. Shall we put it Kuala Lumpur were the tallest buildings
in the bedroom? in the world.
3 Is anyone thirsty? Shall I make a cup of 3 China is the country with the biggest
coffee? population in the world.
4 There are a lot of people queuing to get in 4 Russia covers more than 15% of the
this restaurant. Shall we go somewhere world’s surface of the world, and is the
else? biggest country in the world.
5 I’ve finished cleaning the kitchen. Shall I 5 When he moved from Juventus to Real
clean the bathroom next? Madrid, Zinadine Zidane became the
6 It’s so dark in here! Can you see what most expensive soccer player in the
you’re reading? Shall I switch on the world.
light? 2 Superlative expressions
Students’ own answers
Episode 30 3 Should have
1 So far in extr@ … A: Why are you laughing?
1 b) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) 5 b) B: I just told Jack that I think his jokes
6 c) 7 c) are terrible. You should have seen his
2 In this episode … face!
Students give their own opinion based on A: Oh no! That’s terrible! You
photographic evidence shouldn’t have done that!
3 Check the meaning … B: Why not?
1 a) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) A: Because he’s very sensitive.
4 Before you watch … B: Well, he shouldn’t have told such a
A 1 c) 2 a) 3 c) 4 a) bad joke!
B The correct answer is b)
5 Part one …
A 1 b) and c) 2 a) b) and c) 3 a)
B 1 a) 2 b) 3 c)
C1Y 2N 3Y 4Y 5N
6 Part two …
A 1 doing 2 being 3 guess
4 wrestler 5 sort 6 poached
B 1 a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 c) 5 a)

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