PAS Inggris 8
PAS Inggris 8
PAS Inggris 8
1. Tulis namamu di sudut kanan atas
2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti.
3. Kerjakan dulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas.
A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c didepan jawaban yang benar !
My Favorite Animal
My favorite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two long ears. Its eyes are big and black, but
when it is dark its eyes are red. It has two long teeth. Its nose is small and soft pink.
Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton ball. Its legs are small. It doesn’t walk, it
1. jumps. It is vegetarian and its favorite food are carrots. Rabbits are very cute.What
happened at 23rd May to Adam?
a. He couldn’t come
b. He wrote a prescription
c. He felt ill
d. He was slipping
2. Who called the doctor?
a. Father
b. Adam
c. Mother
d. Doctor
3. What did the doctor write at 24th?
a. Instructions
b. Model aeroplane
c. Address of drugstore
d. Prescription
4. Adam could not make the aeroplane, why? Because…
a. He felt ill
b. The dog ate the glue
c. The doctor was ill too
d. Mum bought medicine
Read the text then find the suitable words to complete the sentences as an answer of
question number 10 to 15
Last week I …….(1) my grandmother’s house. I …….(2) public transportation to reach
house. On the trip, I …….(3) so many beautiful scenery there. My grandmother greet
when I ……(4) her house. She looked so glad. She …..(5) me her delicious food, then
we………..(6) together.
10.The suitable word for number 1 is…
a. go to
b. goes to
c. went to
d. gone to
11.The suitable word for number 2 is…
a. Took
b. Take
c. Taken
d. Takked
12.The suitable word for number 3 is…
a. See
b. Seen
c. Saw
d. Sawed
13.The suitable word for number 4 is…
a. Came
b. Come
c. Comed
d. Coming
14.The suitable word for number 5 is…
a. Give
b. Gift
c. Given
d. Gave
15.The suitable word for number 6 is…
a. Eat
b. Eated
c. Ate
d. Eating
a. Do you know
b. This is Indah Speaking
c. What’s wrong
d. Do you agree