200ph User Manual

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Part No.


pH, ORP,
Conductivity & Resistivity
Instruction Manual

INSTALLATION: This instrument must be installed by trained instrumentation personnel in accordance with
relevant local codes and instructions in this manual. Observe all instrument specifications and ratings.

SHOCK HAZARD: Make sure power to all wires is turned off before proceeding with installation or service of
this instrument. High voltage may be present on the input power and relay wiring.

RELAY CONTROL ACTION: 200pH/CR relays will always de-energize on loss of power, equivalent to normal
state, regardless of relay state setting for powered operation. Configure any control system using these
relays with fail-safe logic accordingly.

PROCESS UPSETS: Because process and safety conditions may depend on consistent operation of this
instrument, provide appropriate means to maintain operation during sensor cleaning, replacement or sensor
or instrument calibration.

This manual includes specific safety information with the following designations and formats:


CAUTION: of possible instrument damage or malfunction.

NOTE: of important operating information.


CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED .............................................................1

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1
Features ................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview of Operation............................................................................................................ 2
Installation & Setup Procedure .............................................................................................. 2

CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE 200PH/CR ...............................................3

Unpacking ................................................................................................................................ 3
Installation................................................................................................................................. 3
Electrical Connections ............................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER 3: USING THE 200PH/CR ..........................................................7

Applying Power to the 200pH/CR ......................................................................................... 7
The Display.............................................................................................................................. 7
The Keypad.............................................................................................................................. 8
Using the Menus ...................................................................................................................... 9
Installing a Sensor .................................................................................................................10
Measurement Designations .................................................................................................10
Displaying Measurements....................................................................................................10
Alarm Indications ...................................................................................................................12

CHAPTER 4: MAKING MEASUREMENTS.............................................. 13

Measurement Process .........................................................................................................13
Measurement Types .............................................................................................................13
Selecting a Measurement Type...........................................................................................15
Cell Constants .......................................................................................................................15
Conductivity Temperature Compensation..........................................................................16
pH/ORP Temperature Compensation ................................................................................17
AC Power Frequency ...........................................................................................................18

CHAPTER 5: USING SETPOINTS ............................................................ 19

Setpoint Signal......................................................................................................................19
Setpoint Value .......................................................................................................................19
Setpoint State ........................................................................................................................19
Assigned Relay .....................................................................................................................19
Programming a Setpoint ......................................................................................................20
USP Setpoint.........................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 6: USING RELAYS ................................................................... 22
Electrical Connections ..........................................................................................................22
Delay Time.............................................................................................................................22
Hysteresis ..............................................................................................................................22
Relay State.............................................................................................................................22
Programming a Relay...........................................................................................................22

CHAPTER 7: USING ANALOG OUTPUTS............................................... 24

Electrical Connections ..........................................................................................................24
Programming the Analog Outputs .......................................................................................24
Analog Output Calibration....................................................................................................25

CHAPTER 8: METER CALIBRATION ...................................................... 27

Calibration Verification.........................................................................................................27
Calibration Procedure ..........................................................................................................28

CHAPTER 9: SENSOR CALIBRATION .................................................... 31

Conductivity/Resistivity Cell Constants...............................................................................31
Conductivity/Resistivity Sensor Calibration........................................................................31
pH/ORP Sensor Calibration.................................................................................................33
pH Sensor Diagnostics ........................................................................................................35

CHAPTER 10: SECURITY/LOCKOUT ..................................................... 36

Security Features ..................................................................................................................36
Changing the Password .......................................................................................................36
Enabling the Lockout ............................................................................................................36
Accessing a Locked Menu...................................................................................................37

CHAPTER 11: OTHER FUNCTIONS ........................................................ 38

Averaging ...............................................................................................................................38
System Reset ........................................................................................................................38
Setting the Temperature Source .........................................................................................39
Sending Data to a Printer or Computer..............................................................................39

CHAPTER 12: TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................... 41

Off-Line Self-Diagnostics .....................................................................................................41
On-Line Diagnostics ............................................................................................................41
Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................42
Recovery Procedure .............................................................................................................42
CHAPTER 13: SERVICE ............................................................................ 43
Fuse Replacement................................................................................................................43
Reducing 200pH/CR Patch Cord Length ...........................................................................43
Recommended Spare Parts List.........................................................................................44

CHAPTER 14: TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATIONS ....................................... 45

Menu Trees ............................................................................................................................46
Overall Dimensions ...............................................................................................................49
Panel Cutout ..........................................................................................................................50
Exploded Assembly ..............................................................................................................50
Pipe Mounting........................................................................................................................51
Sealed Rear Assembly.........................................................................................................51
Printed Circuit Board Layout................................................................................................52
Rear Panel Wiring and Patch Cords...................................................................................53
Calibrators .............................................................................................................................54
Meter Calibration Connections ............................................................................................54

SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................... 55
WARRANTY.................................................................................................. 57

INTRODUCTION Display: 1 line x 16 character backlit LCD.

Measurements: pH, ORP, resistivity, conductivity,
The 200pH/CR is an analytical and process control °C, °F, total dissolved solids, %rejection,
instrument for measuring solution properties. It can difference, ratio, %HCl, %NaOH, %H2SO4.
process two signals from each of two sensors for
pH, ORP, two- and four-electrode conductivity or Measurement Channels: 2.
resistivity in most combinations. A 16-character Signal Inputs per channel: 2 (total of 4 signals
liquid crystal display conveys measuring data and for measurement).
setup information. The display is backlit for viewing
in all lighting conditions. The menu structure allows Measurement Cycle Time: 1 second (4
the operator to modify all operational parameters measurements processed per second).
by using keys on the front panel. A menu-lockout Programmable: all setup information is stored in
feature, with password protection, is available to a non-volatile memory.
prevent the unauthorized use of the meter. The
200pH/CR can have up to four relays for process Setpoints (alarms): 4 independent alarms
control. programmable as high, low or USP limits.

NOTE: The 200pH/CR design allows two channels Relays: up to 4 with programmable delay time and
of pH, ORP and/or conductivity measurement in hysteresis.
most applications identified in the compatibility Outputs: 2 analog outputs (0/4-20mA).
table below. Two incompatible sensors may be
used only if plastic tanks, piping, etc. isolate them Communications: RS232/RS422 interface, bi-
electrically from each other. Where an directional; external isolator recommended with
incompatible sensor pair is required in the same measurements other than conductivity with 0.1/cm
process, use two separate instruments. cell constants.

For pH and ORP, large differences in potential Security: keypad lockout with password.
between two sensor locations may cause Calibration: complete instrument, output, and
interference. Factors that could increase solution sensor calibration. Calibration can be NIST
potential differences are long distances between traceable.
sensors in a plastic piped systems or electrical
currents running through piping as in electroplating, Watchdog Timer: with a power supply monitor, to
electro-deionization, etc. Where these or similar prevent unexpected instrument lockup.
conditions exist, test the application and use two Built-In Diagnostics: several self tests can be
separate 200pH/CR instruments if needed. initiated at any time.
The 200pH/CR instrument is equipped with a Sensor Compatibility:
communication interface that can be configured as
either an RS422 or an RS232. This interface Sensors pH ORP 0.1/cm 50/cm 4-E
provides real-time data output and complete pH • • • • •
instrument configuration capabilities for central ORP • • • • •
monitoring via personal computer or Programmable
0.1/cm • • •
Logic Controller (PLC). An external isolator for the
digital communications signal is required if 50/cm • •
measurements other than conductivity with 0.1/cm 4-E • •
cell constants are being made. For coverage of • = compatible
communications, see Manual 84364.


Chapter 1 Getting Started 1

3. Required wiring: input power and sensor
4. Optional wiring: relays, analog outputs, and
When power is applied to the 200pH/CR, the serial port.
initialization process begins. The instrument will 5. Set appropriate input line frequency to reduce
perform a number of self tests. Any problems measurement noise. See AC POWER
detected during these tests will be reported by a FREQUENCY in Chapter 4.
displayed message.
6. Instrument calibration is performed at the
Next, all setup parameters (setpoints, states, relay factory to specifications. Re-calibration is not
conditions, etc.) are restored from a non-volatile necessary. If QA/QC practice requires it,
memory. meter calibration may be verified as outlined
The meter will then begin the measurement in Chapter 8.
process. A complete measurement cycle is 7. Connect sensors to the patch cords.
performed once per second and consists of the
following: CAUTION: Be certain that patch cord is wired
specifically for the type of sensor to be
1. Measure four signals and compute four connected or damage could result.
8. Select the desired measurements for each
2. Check setpoints against the measurements. sensor as shown in SELECTING A
3. Control the relays. MEASUREMENT TYPE in Chapter 4.

4. Update analog output signals. 9. Enter sensor constants from the label of each
cell as outlined in ENTERING/EDITING CELL
5. Transmit measurement data over the CONSTANTS in Chapter 9. DO NOT
6. Display data (if not displaying a menu). except for pH.

At any time during this process the menus can be 10. Optional: program the analog outputs as
accessed by pressing one of the menu keys. The shown in Chapter 7. DO NOT PERFORM AN
display of a menu will not affect the measurement OUTPUT CALIBRATION.
process. 11. Optional: program the setpoints as shown in
Chapter 5.
12. Optional: program the relays as shown in
13. Optional: program other features such as
averaging method, special temperature
The following guideline shows the steps necessary
compensation, security/password, etc, as
to install a 200pH/CR meter and begin operation.
1. Follow the meter installation procedure for
physically mounting the meter, as outlined in
Chapter 2. The meter may be mounted in a
panel, on a pipe, or on a wall.
Optional: the rear cover is required for wall
and pipe mounting. Drill holes as needed for
conduit or cable grips, install the cover and
wire the meter before wall or pipe mounting.
2. Make all necessary electrical connections to
the meter after panel mounting. The wiring
procedure is outlined in Chapter 2.

2 Getting Started Chapter 1


UNPACKING Wall Mounting

Each 200pH/CR is packed in an individual The 200pH/CR can be easily mounted to a wall
biodegradable carton. Retain the packaging in the when the rear cover is installed. The flanges on the
event that the instrument must be returned to ends of the cover contain holes for screws to
Thornton for service or calibration. fasten the assembly to the wall. A layout for drilling
mounting holes is included in the wall mount kit.
This carton should contain:
1 - 200pH/CR Instrument Pipe Mounting
1 - Set of panel mounting hardware with
gasket The 200pH/CR can be mounted to a pipe with the
pipe mounting accessory kit. The assembly is
1 - 84383 Instruction Manual shown in Figure 14.5.
1 - 84384 Startup Instruction Sheet
1 - Certificate of Calibration
All electrical connections are made at pluggable
INSTALLATION terminal blocks at the rear of the 200pH/CR case.

The 200pH/CR can be mounted in a panel, on a WARNING: MAKE SURE POWER TO ALL
pipe or attached to a wall. WIRES IS TURNED OFF BEFORE PRO-CEEDING
Panel Mounting Cutout WIRES AND RELAY WIRES.
and Installation
CAUTION: A good power earth ground
The panel cutout should measure 7.56 inches wide connection is required for safety and for
by 3.780 inches high (192 mm X 96 mm). Drill four proper operation of the instrument. To prevent
holes for the #10 mounting screws. See Figure electrostatic discharge (ESD) from damaging
14.3 for panel cutout size and mounting screw hole the instrument during installation, the installer
spacing. When mounting multiple instruments on must also be electrically grounded i.e., wear a
the same panel, note the front flange dimensions in conductive wrist strap connected to earth
Figure 14.2 in order to allow enough space ground.
between instruments. Do not run power and relay wiring in the
Panel cutouts should be clean and free of burrs same conduit or parallel with sensor and
and sharp edges. The proper dimensions allow an output signal wiring to prevent interference.
instrument to slide freely into the cutout.
Install the panel gasket (supplied with instrument) Input Power and Relay Connections
on the instrument mounting flange. Slide the
instrument into the cutout and secure it with the Terminal block TB1 contains connections for the
mounting screws. input line power and relay contacts. Depending
upon the model number, the 200pH/CR will have
CAUTION: Do not over tighten the screws as either 2 or 4 relays. Table 2.1 shows the wiring
this may crack the case. sequence.
If the rear cover is used in a panel mounted All relays have “dry contacts”; they are potential-
installation, the 200pH/CR unit must be installed in free and require external power to be wired in
the panel opening before the rear cover is installed. series with the load and instrument terminals.

Chapter 2 Installation 3
Relays 3 and 4, if specified, are solid state AC- WARNING: IF THE INPUT VOLTAGE JUMPERS
only relays (triacs) and require a minimum current ARE CHANGED YOU MUST LABEL THE UNIT
of 10 mA to switch reliably. With very small loads WITH THE NEW VOLTAGE REQUIREMENT.
such as a neon bulb, test meter or PLC, a load ALSO, THE FUSE MUST BE CHANGED TO THE
resistor is required in parallel with the load, e.g. a PROPER RATING TO AVOID RISK OF FIRE
10K ohm, 2 watt resistor, for operation with 115 HAZARD
Fuse requirements:
TB1 Input Power & Relay
For 115 VAC: 1/8 Amp, SB, 250 VAC
Label Function
For 230 VAC: 1/16 Amp, SB, 250 VAC
L 115V/230 VAC Line
N 115V/230 VAC Neutral NOTE: If the line power frequency is changed,
select the correct setting (see AC POWER
Earth Ground
FREQUENCY in Chapter 4).
NC1 Relay1: Normally Closed
C1 Relay1: Common
Setting Input Voltage for 24 VDC
NO1 Relay1: Normally Open
NC2 Relay 2: Normally Closed The 200pH/CR can be operated from a +24 VDC
power supply instead of the typical 115 VAC or
C2 Relay 2: Common
230 VAC source.
NO2 Relay 2: Normally Open
NOTE: For all measurements except those using
C3 Relay 3: Common 0.1 or 10/cm conductivity sensors, the power
NO3 Relay 3: Normally Open supply must be isolated from earth ground.
C4 Relay 4: Common Remove any AC power connections from terminal
NO4 Relay 4: Normally Open block TB1.
Table 2.1: Input Power & Relay Connections 1. Move circuit board jumper W6 to the 24V
position (left two pins) as shown in Figure
ALL WARRANTIES. 2. Connect + 24V DC power to the connection
labeled PS+ on terminal block TB3. Connect
the power supply ground to the connection
Setting Input Voltage labeled PS- on TB3.
for 115 VAC or 230 VAC
The input voltage for a 200pH/CR can be set for BE REMOVED WHEN USING THE +24V POWER
either 115 VAC or 230 VAC operation. The input INPUT.
voltage is preset at the factory and is indicated on
NOTE: The +24 VDC input is not fused within the
the serial number label on the side of the unit.
Jumpers on the printed circuit board can be
changed to change the input voltage. See Figure
14.7. W4 jumper pins are located between the Wire Size
power transformer and the fuse. For 115 VAC
operation jumper pins 1-2 and 3-4 must be used. The pluggable terminal blocks for all connections
For 230 VAC operation only a jumper on pins 2-3 will accept wire sizes from 26 AWG (0.126 mm2) to
must be installed. The jumpers can be accessed 14 AWG (2.08 mm2), solid or stranded and up to
by removing two screws from the back panel and 12 AWG (3.31 mm2) stranded only.
carefully lifting the panel off.

4 Installation Chapter 2
Output Connections Sensor Patch Cord Connections

Connections for all outputs are made to terminal The sensors are connected to plug-in terminal
block TB4. The serial port can be configured as an blocks TB2 and TB3. Each channel has nine
RS232 port (shown in Table 2.2.) or an RS422 port terminals for the sensors plus earth ground. Patch
(shown in Table 2.3). An external isolator for digital cords, 1XXX-67 series, for the 200pH/CR have a
communications is strongly recommended to connector on one end and tinned leads on the
prevent ground loop problems. other end. Table 2.5. shows the wiring pattern for
each type of sensor.
TB2 Label RS232 Function
CAUTION: Wiring for each type of sensor is
DGND Ground different. Miswiring patch cords may damage
sensors and will void all warranties. Verify
TXD+ Not Used wire colors in table 2.5.
TXD- Transmit Data To meet CE electromagnetic compatibility
RXD+ Not Used requirements for emissions Class B, install 02183
ferrite suppression kits on each sensor patch cord
RXD Receive Data close to the instrument.
Table 2.2: RS232 Connections NOTE: For ultrapure water conductivity
measurements with all-plastic piping, especially
semiconductor wet benches, it is recommended to
TB2 Label RS422 Function connect a jumper from one of the three earth
ground terminals to sensor ground terminal SIG6(6)
DGND Ground on TB3 for Channel A. This will prevent possible
TXD+ Transmit Data Positive instrument damage due to electrostatic charges
that build up in plastic piping systems. Do not use
TXD- Transmit Data Negative a ground jumper with higher conductivity water,
RXD+ Receive Data Positive with metal piping or with pH or ORP
RXD- Receive Data Negative
Terminal Conductivity/ pH/ORP
Table 2.3: RS422 Connections Resistivity
Each analog output has + and – connections. EARTH GND* SHIELD SHIELD
Analog outputs are self-powered with a maximum
load resistance of 500 ohms. +5V (9) - BLUE

CAUTION: Do not connect analog outputs to I/O (8) - -

circuits supplying power. SIG7(7) BLUE WHT/BLUE
CAUTION: Do not connect analog output SIG6(6) BLACK BLACK
cable shield(s) to the adjacent DGND
terminals. Connect shield(s) only to one of the SIG5(5) RED RED
earth ground terminals next to AC line power. SIG4(4) GREEN GREEN

TB2 Analog Output SIG3(3) WHITE WHITE

Label Function SIG2(2) CLEAR CLEAR
AO2- Output 2 (-) SIG1(1) WHT/BLUE -
AO2+ Output 2 (+) * To any of three earth ground terminals on middle
AO1- Output 1 (-) of back panel.

AO1+ Output 1 (+) Table 2.5: Sensor Patch Cord Connections

Table 2.4: Analog Output Connections

Chapter 2 Installation 5
Sensor Models/Types

240-, 243- 2-Electrode Conductivity

244- 4-Electrode Conductivity
363- pH or ORP

Alternative 3-Lead Conductivity

Sensor Connections

Tinned-lead cells with 1000 Pt or 500 Ni-Fe RTDs

may be used with the 200pH/CR. These sensors,
with integral leadwire and no connector, enable the
lead to pass through small openings. The
sensor/instrument separation is limited to less
than 50 feet (20 feet recommended).
Somewhat lower accuracy may result.
Connections are given in Table 2.6. Jumpers
should be 22 gauge to match the conductor size in
the cable, for secure terminal connections.
Terminals Three-lead Conductivity
Sensor Wire
+5V (9) -
I/O (8) -
SIG7(7) Jumper to SIG(6)
SIG6(6) Jumper to SIG(5)
SIG5(5) CLEAR (shield)
SIG3(3) Jumper to SIG(1)
SIG2(2) -

Table 2.6: Alternative Sensor Connections

With 2_8 Series Dot Two sensors there is no label
with factory-supplied precision cell constants. Only
nominal values are entered into the 200pH/CR.
With all tinned-lead sensors, when meter
calibration is desired, the cell must be
disconnected and a patch cord installed in its
place to accept a calibrator.

6 Installation Chapter 2


The 200pH/CR uses a 1 line by 16 character
After applying power to the meter, the display will alphanumeric display to convey all measurement
show an introduction message for three seconds and setup information. This instrument will display
and then begin making measurements. This one or two measurements, each with channel
message shows the model number and the indication and unit of measure. A typical display of
software version number as follows: measurement data is:

65XX Ver X.X A7.76pH B2.10µS

While the message is being displayed the This display indicates that channel A is measuring
instrument is performing self diagnostics. Various 7.76pH and channel B is measuring 2.10µS/cm.
circuits are tested during this process and any The display of the other measurements can be
failure will be noted with a message. The achieved by pressing the UP or DOWN keys.
diagnostics can be repeated at any time via the In the menus, an underline cursor and flashing
menus. (bold) characters will indicate a field that can be
The default measurement display is the primary changed. A typical menu appears as follows:
readings from the sensors on channel A and B as
shown below: SP1=17.00 M High
A1.76µS B2.11µS This menu indicates that setpoint #1 is
programmed at a value of 17.00 M (million) and is
All 200pH/CR meters are calibrated from the set as a high limit. The cursor is under the digit “7”
factory and normally require no further calibration. If indicating that the UP and DOWN keys can be
QA/QC practice requires it, the instrument be used to change it. The RIGHT and LEFT keys will
calibrated after installation. See Chapter 8 for more move the cursor to the next or previous field.
information on meter calibration.
Display Contrast Adjustment

The contrast quality of the display can change with

ambient temperature. The display contrast is
adjusted from the factory for operation at standard
room temperature (25°C). If the meter is operated
at an ambient temperature that is much different
then it may be necessary to make an adjustment.
A potentiometer is accessible from the back side
of the instrument to change the contrast. Use a
small slotted screwdriver to gently turn the
potentiometer. A counter-clockwise turn will
increase the contrast and a clock-wise turn will
decrease the contrast. The rear panel is shown in
Figure 3.1.

Chapter 3 Using the 200pH/CR 7

Figure 3.1: 200pH/CR Rear Panel

The 200pH/CR is equipped with an 11-key keypad as shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: 200pH/CR Front Panel

8 Using the 200pH/CR Chapter 3

The keypad has 6 keys that provide direct access Pressing the OK/NEXT arrow key causes the
to specific menus as follows: instrument to accept the options that are displayed
and move to the next menu.
1. MEASURE MODE - menus to change
measurement modes. Numbers are set one digit at a time using the
arrow keys. The LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys are
2. SETPOINTS - menus for programming
used to position the underline cursor below the
digit to be changed. The UP and DOWN arrow
3. RELAYS - menus for programming relays. keys are then used to change the value of the digit.
Each digit can be scrolled through the values:
4. OUTPUTS - menus for programming outputs.
.(decimal point), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 The
5. CALIBRATE - menus to perform calibration. first digit of any number can also be set to a
negative sign (-).
6. MENUS - all other menus (cell constants,
security, compensation, averaging, etc.). To exit the menus either scroll completely through
a set of menus with the OK/NEXT key or press any
The other keys are referred to as control keys and
of the six menu keys at any time. The meter will
are used to make changes within a menu.
display a prompt asking if the recent changes
1. OK/NEXT Key - used to accept a selection should be saved.
and proceed to the next menu level.
2. UP Key - up arrow is used to scroll up Save Changes Yes
through a list of options.
To save the changes press the OK/NEXT key with
3. DOWN Key - down arrow is used to scroll
“Yes” on the display. To discard the changes use
down through a list of options.
the UP or DOWN arrow keys to change “Yes” to
4. LEFT Key - left arrow is used to move the “No”, then press the OK/NEXT arrow key.
cursor to the left within a menu.
If the instrument is displaying a menu and a key is
5. RIGHT Key - right arrow is used to move the not pressed for two minutes, the instrument will
cursor to the right within a menu. automatically exit the menus without saving any
changes. When performing a calibration the
operator may need to wait for a measurement to
USING THE MENUS stabilize so the menu time-out feature is
automatically disabled.
There are six menu keys across the bottom of the
200pH/CR front panel. The first five of these keys Menu Example
OUTPUTS, AND CALIBRATION) are used to enter Press the MEASURE MODE key and the display
specific menus. These menus allow the will show:
modification of parameters most frequently used by
the operator. The sixth key labeled MENUS allows
access to all other menus for various functions A=S/cm (AUTO)
such as setting compensation methods, security
levels, etc. This menu indicates that the Channel A primary
measurement is set for conductivity (S/cm) with
The UP and DOWN arrow keys scroll vertically auto ranging. The section “S/cm” is the field to be
through the menus. Part or all of the display changed and will be flashed as long as the cursor
changes to the next option whenever an UP or is under it. Pressing the UP arrow key will change
DOWN arrow key is pressed. A field is defined as the “S/cm” to “Ω -cm”. The RIGHT arrow key will
a section of the display that can be changed. The move the cursor to the “(AUTO)” field.
characters of the field will also blink. The LEFT and
RIGHT arrow keys move the underline cursor
across the display from one field to the next. A=Ω/cm (AUTO)

Chapter 3 Using the 200pH/CR 9

The OK/NEXT key is used to accept the entry and a = channel A secondary measurement
move to the next menu. When the last menu level
B = channel B primary measurement
is reached the following message is displayed:
b = channel B secondary measurement
Save Changes Yes Upper case letters are used to indicate the primary
measurements and lower case letters are used to
Pressing the OK/NEXT key will save the changes indicate the secondary measurements.
and exit the menus. The UP and DOWN arrow
Each of the four calculated measurements can be
keys can be used to change the “Yes” to “No”.
one of the following:
Pressing the OK/NEXT key with “No” will discard
the changes and exit the menus. 1. pH
2. ORP


4. Conductivity
Each probe is equipped with a cell and
temperature sensor. Each of these elements have 5. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
calibration constants (or cell constants) that must 6. Degrees C
be programmed into the meter for proper operation.
These factors are printed on the sensor as well as 7. Degrees F
a Certificate of Calibration supplied with each 8. % Rejection
conductivity sensor. The label may look like this:
9. Difference (A-B or B-A)
RES M=1.0034 TEMP M=1.0015 10. Ratio (A/B or B/A)

RES M is the conductivity cell constant, and 11. %HCl

TEMP M is the temperature sensor constant. pH 12. %NaOH
sensors will have pH M (multiplier), pH A (adder)
and TEMP M (multiplier) constants. See 13. %H2S04
Chapter 9 for information on entering cell
Changing the Display
MEASUREMENT of Measurements
The 200pH/CR display can show either one or two
The 200pH/CR instrument will measure four measurements at a time. The display of
fundamental signals during each measurement measurements can be changed by using the UP or
cycle. These measurements are the conductivity or DOWN arrow keys. Pressing one of these keys
pH and temperature of the probe on channel A and will cause the meter to change the display mode
the conductivity or pH and temperature of the probe (show an alternative set of data).
on channel B. The display modes for two measurements per line
The 200pH/CR can process and display four are:
calculated measurements. They are referred to as Mode #1: A primary and B primary (three
A primary, A secondary, B primary and B significant digits displayed for each parameter):
secondary. These measurements are designated
by a single letter as follows:
A1.76µS B2.11µS

A = channel A primary measurement Mode #2: A secondary and B secondary (three

significant digits displayed for each parameter).

10 Using the 200pH/CR Chapter 3

a25.2°C b25.1°C Menus use arrows
Mode # 3: A Primary and A Secondary (four Press the UP arrow key until “Display Menus” is
significant digits displayed for each parameter): displayed.

A1.764µS 25.10°C Display Menus

Mode #4: B primary and B Secondary (four Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu. Use
significant digits displayed for each parameter): the Up or DOWN keys to toggle the field until “Disp
Format” appears. Press OK/NEXT to access this
B2.109µS 25.12°C
Note that when two measurements from the same Set: Disp Format
channel are displayed, the secondary
measurement indicator ( a or b) is not displayed. Use the UP and DOWN keys to toggle the field
This allows for greater precision in the display of between “1” and “2”.
the primary measurement.
The default display setting (after a system reset) is Measure per Line: 1
mode #1 (A Primary & B Primary).
Press OK/NEXT when done. The meter will ask if
The display modes for one measurement per line changes should be saved.
Mode #1: A Primary: Save Changes Yes
A 1.765µS/cm C Press OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return to the display of measurement data.
Mode #2: A Secondary:
Measurement Display Scrolling
a 25.25 deg C
The 200pH/CR has an automatic display scrolling
Mode #3: B Primary: feature for measurement data. With this feature
enabled, the display will show channel A data for 5
seconds and then show channel B data for 5
B 2.109µS/cm C seconds. This process is repeated indefinitely.

Mode # 4: B Secondary: To enable or disable this feature:

Press the MENUS key and the following menu will
b 25.12 deg C appear:

Menus use arrows

Setting the Number of Measurements
per Display Line Press the UP arrow key until “Display Menus” is
The 200pH/CR can be set to display either one or
two measurements per line.
Display Menus
To change this feature:
Press the MENUS key and the following menu will
appear: Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu

Chapter 3 Using the 200pH/CR 11

Set: Auto Scroll
Use the Up or Down arrow keys to toggle the field
until “Auto Scroll” appears. Press OK/NEXT to
access this menu.

Auto Scroll=off
Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to toggle the
field from “Off” to “On”. Press the OK/NEXT key
when done. The meter will ask if changes should
be saved.

Save Changes Yes

Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return to the display of measurement data.

A setpoint can be programmed as a high limit, a
low limit or a USP limit. When a measurement is
higher than a high (or USP) point or lower than a
low point then the setpoint is in alarm state. This
condition is indicated by flashing the corresponding
measurement value in the normal operating
display. See Chapter 5: Using Setpoints.

12 Using the 200pH/CR Chapter 3


MEASUREMENT PROCESS pH is displayed with fixed range. ORP is displayed

in fixed range millivolts (mV).
The 200pH/CR will process two measurements
from each of the two channels. The measurements Resistivity
of each channel are referred to as the primary and
the secondary measurement. The instrument will Resistivity is expressed in ohms-centimeter (Ω-
process a total of four different measurements per cm). This measurement can be displayed with a
cycle. prefix in front of the units. The prefixes are k (kilo
Measurements are designated as follows: or 1,000) and M (Mega or 1,000,000).

A = channel A primary measurement The display can be set for a fixed range such as
Ω-cm, KΩ-cm (1,000Ω-cm), and M (Mega or
a = channel A secondary measurement 1,000,000). The 200pH/CR can also be set for auto
B = channel B primary measurement ranging where the range will be automatically
adjusted for the most appropriate display. The
b = channel B secondary measurement range is set via the measure mode menus.
Note that upper case letters are used to indicate 1,000,000 Ω-cm = 1,000KΩ-cm = 1MΩ-cm
the primary measurements and lower case letters
are used to indicate the secondary measurements.

Conductivity is expressed in siemens per

MEASUREMENT TYPES centimeter (S/cm) and is the reciprocal of
resistivity. This measurement can be displayed
Each of the four measurements (channel A
with a prefix in front of the units. The prefixes are m
primary, etc.) can be programmed as one of the
(milli or 1/1,000) and µ (micro or 1/1,000,000). The
200pH/CR can also be set for auto ranging where
1. pH the range will be automatically adjusted for the
most appropriate display. The range is set via the
2. ORP
measure mode menus.
3. Resistivity
1 S/cm = 1,000 mS/cm = 1,000,000 µS/cm
4. Conductivity
5. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Total Dissolved Solids
6. Degrees C
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is another way to
7. Degrees F measure and display conductivity/resistivity data.
TDS is the equivalent of Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
8. % Rejection
required to produce the measured conductivity--
9. Difference (A-B or B-A) approximately 0.46 ppm TDS per µS/cm. If some
other conversion is desired, it is necessary to
10. Ratio (A/B or B/A)
adjust the cell constant to give direct readout. For
11. %HCl - Hydrochloric Acid example, if a conversion of 0.6 ppm TDS per
µS/cm is desired, the cell multiplier to be entered
12. %NaOH - Sodium Chloride
into the 200pH/CR is 0.6/0.46 x Multiplier on
13. %H2S04 - Sulphuric Acid sensor label. See Chapter 9, Entering/Editing
Sensor Constants.
TDS is measured in parts per billion (ppb), parts
per million (ppm), or parts per thousand (ppk). A
pH and ORP

Chapter 4 Making Measurements 13

TDS reading of 10 ppm is equivalent to 10
milligrams per liter. Because of space limitations,
the following abbreviations are used to display TDS


PM = parts per million
PK = parts per thousand

The 200pH/CR automatically converts to TDS

based on


Temperature can be measured in degrees Celsius Figure 4.1: % Rejection

(°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The 200pH/CR IMPORTANT: When preparing the system to
normally works with a 1000 ohm DIN platinum RTD perform a percent rejection measurement, the
sensor which is built into most Thornton product monitoring sensor must be installed in the
conductivity sensors. Alternatively, the 200pH/CR channel that will measure percent rejection. If the
can automatically recognize and measure with a product conductivity sensor is installed in channel
500 ohm Ni-Fe RTD temperature sensor. When A, then percent rejection must be measured in
configured for a 50/cm constant cell only, the channel A. Likewise if the product sensor is
200pH/CR automatically changes its characteristic installed in channel B, then the percent rejection
to measure from the 262 ohm @ 25°C thermistor measurement must also be programmed in
supplied in those sensors. channel B.
Difference (A-B or B-A)
% Rejection
The difference measurement is computed as:
For reverse osmosis (RO) applications, percent
rejection is measured in conductivity to determine Difference on channel A = A-B.
the ratio of impurities removed from product water or
to the total impurities in the incoming feed water.
The formula for obtaining Percent Rejection is: Difference on channel B = B-A.

[1 - (Product/Feed)] X 100 = % Rejection When the difference is assigned to one channel,

the meter will measure the same type of
Where Product is the conductivity measurement of measurement mode of the other channel as a
the first sensor and Feed is the conductivity of the basis. For example, if channel A is set to measure
second sensor. Figure 4.1 shows a diagram of an the difference and channel B is measuring
RO installation with sensors installed for Percent conductivity, then the 200pH/CR will measure
Rejection. conductivity on both channels before computing
the difference.

Ratio (A/B or B/A)

This measurement is similar to the difference

Ratio on channel A = A/B.
Ratio on channel B = B/A.

14 Making Measurements Chapter 4

micro, milli, units, or auto ranging. To change the
Concentrations field, use the RIGHT arrow key to move the cursor
(%HCl, %NaOH, %H2SO4) under “(Auto)”. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys
to select the desired range.
All concentrations are displayed as percent by The OK/NEXT key is used to accept the entry for
weight. Setting a measurement for concentration channel A primary and move to the next menu for
automatically activates specialized temperature setting channel “a” secondary. Press the OK/NEXT
compensation for that particular material. The key a third and fourth time to set the measurement
compensation setting is ignored for that channel. types for channel B primary and channel “b”
secondary, respectively.

SELECTING A MEASUREMENT When the last menu level is reached (after setting
channel “b” secondary), the following message is
TYPE displayed:

To set or change a measurement type for each of

the four measurements: Save Changes Yes
Press the MEASURE MODE key and the display Pressing the OK/NEXT key will save the changes
will show the measurement type assigned to and exit the menus. The UP and DOWN arrow
channel A primary. The display may appear as: keys can be used to change the “Yes” to “No”.
Pressing the OK/NEXT key with “No” will discard
A = Ω-cm (AUTO) the changes and exit the menus.

This menu indicates that channel A primary

measurement is set for resistivity (Ω-cm) with auto CELL CONSTANTS
ranging. The section “Ω -cm” is the first field to be
changed and will be flashed as long as the cursor The calibration of each measurement is defined by
is under it. Pressing the UP arrow key will change a set of constants known as cell constants. There
the “Ω -cm” to “S/cm”. are two cell constants for each measurement: a
Multiplier Factor and an Adder Factor. They are
A = S/cm (AUTO) used to derive an accurate measurement from the
sensor’s output signal. As an example, the output
of a conductivity sensor can be represented by the
Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select the
following equation:
desired measurement type.
R =x/M + A
For conductivity, both temperature compensated
and uncompensated measurement are available. Where:
Uncompensated readings are needed to meet
R = resistivity value
pharmaceutical USP 23 requirements. Select units
of “S/cm” for compensated measurement or “s/cm x = output from cell
U” for uncompensated measurement. Using both
M = multiplier factor
primary and secondary parameters, both
compensated and uncompensated measurements A = adder factor
are available simultaneously. In normal operation,
Example: for a typical conductivity sensor the
uncompensated measure-ments are identified by a
multiplier (M) is 0.1 and the adder (A) is 0. If the
flashing cursor under the units, for example, “µs”.
sensor output is 120,000 ohms, then the actual
Normal compensated readings are identified by
resistivity of the solution measured is 1.2 Mohm-
cm and is calculated as follows:
The field on the right half side of the display is the
R = x/M + A
range field. Some measurements can be set for a
fixed range, others can be set only for auto R = 120,000/0.1 + 0
ranging. For example, conductivity can be set for
R = 1,200,000

Chapter 4 Making Measurements 15

R = 1.2 Mohm-cm
NOTE: The adder is zero for conductivity, resistivity
Cation Compensation
and ORP sensors.
Power industry applications for cation conductivity
The cell constants can be modified via the menus. measurements with acidic samples are accurately
For more information see ENTERING/EDITING compensated with this setting. It takes into
CELL CONSTANTS in Chapter 9. account the effects of temperature on the
dissociation of pure water with the presence of very
dilute acids. See ASTM Standard D6504 for
CONDUCTIVITY recommendations on this measurement.
TEMPERATURE Semiconductor acid etch rinse operations are also
COMPENSATION more accurately monitored using this setting.

Conductivity, resistivity and TDS measurements Ammonia / ETA Compensation

can be compensated for temperature.
Compensation will adjust the measurement to give Power industry applications for specific or direct
an equivalent reading of the solution at 25°C. For conductivity on samples with ammonia or ETA
example, the resistivity of ultrapure water at 25°C (ethanolamine) are accurately compensated with
is18.18 MΩ-cm. The resistivity of ultrapure water at this setting. It takes into account the effects of
30°C is 14.08 MΩ-cm. By compensating the temperature on the dissociation of pure water with
resistivity reading, the value of pure water will these very dilute bases.
continue to read 18.18 MΩ-cm.
The 200pH/CR can use one of nine different Alcohol Compensation
compensation methods: standard, linear, cation,
alcohol, Light 84, 50% glycol, 100% glycol or This compensation provides for the temperature
none. Channels A and B can be programmed with characteristic of a 75% solution of isopropyl
different compensation methods. alcohol in pure water used for some rinsing
For pharmaceutical USP <645> conductivity operations in semiconductor manufacture.
measurements where uncompensated measure- Compensated measurements using this solution
ment is required, select None for compensation. may go well above 18 Mohm-cm.
For simultaneous uncompensated and
compensated measurements, see SELECTING A Light 84 Compensation
MEASUREMENT TYPE earlier in this chapter.
This compensation matches the earlier high purity
Standard Compensation water research results of Dr. T.S. Light published
in 1984. It is provided only for use by institutions
The standard compensation method includes that have standardized on that work. For all other
compensation for non-linear high purity effects as pure water and general purpose applications,
well as conventional neutral salt impurities and Standard Compensation (using the 1994 high
conforms to ASTM standards D1125 and D5391. purity water research of Thornton & Light) is

Linear Compensation
Glycol Compensation
The raw resistance measurement is compensated
by multiplication with a factor expressed as a “% This compensation matches the characteristics of
per °C” (deviation from 25°C). The range is 0 - 50% and 100% ethylene glycol in deionized water
99%/°C with a default value of 2%/°C. cooling/antifreeze solutions.

16 Making Measurements Chapter 4

compensated by displaying a flashing underline
Setting conductivity compensation cursor at the units character. The following display
shows that channel A is compensated and channel
Enabling the compensating feature is done via the B is not compensated (the character “µ” has a
menus as follows: blinking underline cursor).
Press the MENUS key and the following menu will
appear: A1.76µS B2.11µS

Menus use arrows

Press the UP arrow key until “Compensation”
menu is displayed.
The 200pH/CR Instrument provides two types of pH
Compensation temperature compensation, described in following
sections. If a temperature sensor is not included in
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu. a particular pH probe, a manual temperature
setting or the temperature from the other channel
A: Comp = Standard sensor may be used instead. See Chapter 11.
With ORP measurement, temperature is not
The cursor will be initially placed under channel. measured or compensated.
Use the UP and Down arrow keys to change the
channel if desired. Use the RIGHT arrow key to
move the cursor to the method field. Use the UP Conventional pH Electrode
and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the list of Temperature Compensation
available methods: “Standard”, “Linear”, “Cation”,
“Alcohol”, "Light84" or “None”. Selecting “None” Electrode Temperature Compensation (Nernst
disables the compensation feature. Press the Response) is provided in most pH instruments. All
OK/NEXT key to accept the selection. If “Linear” is pH electrodes produce a millivolt signal with gain
selected then another menu will be displayed proportional to the absolute temperature. Electrode
where the linear value can be entered. This menu temperature compensation normalizes that variable
will appear as (the actual value may be different): millivolt output to give pH values. The default and
normal operating setting of the instrument has this
compensation active. Some specialized
A: Comp = 2.000%/°C measurements may need to disable it by
accessing the "Compensation" setting via the
Adjust the numerical field as desired using the MENUS key. Compensation for each channel may
arrow keys and press the OK/NEXT key when be individually turned on or off.
done. After setting the compensation state for
channel A, repeat for channel B. Press OK/NEXT
key when done. The meter will ask if changes pH Solution Temperature
should be saved. Compensation

Solution Temperature Compensation allows

Save Changes Yes settings for compensation of the variable ionization
of pure waters. The change is so small in more
Press OK/NEXT key to save changes and return to conductive waters that it is usually ignored, but for
the display of measurement data. high purity water, it is significant. It is used in
addition to the conventional (Nernst)
Compensation Indication compensation, described above, which is normally
active. Solution temperature compensation is used
When displaying measurements, the 200pH/CR primarily with power plant and other pure water
will indicate that a measurement is NOT samples less than 30 µS/cm conductivity. It

Chapter 4 Making Measurements 17

references the pH of pure water to 25°C. All other
applications should leave the solution temperature Setting 50/60 Hz Operation
coefficient (STC) set to its default value of zero.
To set the appropriate filter, press the MENUS key
For pure makeup water or boiling water reactor
and the following menu will appear:
samples, the STC should be set to 0.016 pH/°C.
For ammonia, phosphate and/or amine-treated
samples the STC should be set to 0.033 pH/°C. Menus use arrows
The appropriate setting for other pure water
compositions may be determined by developing Press the DOWN arrow key until the “Set
temperature vs. pH data for the particular sample Frequency” menu is displayed.
with the STC set to zero. The negative slope of this
data becomes the STC value.
Set Frequency
Because Solution Temperature Compensation is
unique to the process sample and is different for Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu.
buffer solutions, it is not active during calibration.
The 200pH/CR ignores the STC during calibration.
For this reason, the reading in a buffer solution
Frequency = 60
after calibration may not be the exact value
Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to set the
entered. To read and verify the exact buffer value,
desired frequency. Press the OK/NEXT key when
temporarily set the STC to zero.
done. The meter will ask if changes should be
The Solution Temperature Coefficient setting is saved.
accessed via the MENUS key / Spec pH Function
/ STC=0.000 pH/C for each channel.
Save Changes Yes
pH Isopotential Point Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return to the display of measurement.
The isopotential Point, IP, is left at the default
setting of 7.0 for all Thornton and other
conventional pH sensors. Special purpose pH
electrodes with zero potential at values other than
7 pH will have this identified in their instruction
manuals. A different IP setting will allow proper
temperature compensation of these special
electrodes. The IP setting is accessed via MENUS
key / Spec pH Function / IP=7.000 pH for each

The 200pH/CR meter was designed to reduce
fluctuations in measurements by eliminating noise
pickup from the AC power line. The meter can be
set to filter either 50Hz or 60Hz power from the
measurements. Factory settings are 60 Hz for 115
VAC models and 50 Hz for 230 VAC models.

18 Making Measurements Chapter 4


A setpoint is a limit or alarm point applied to a
measurement. A setpoint can be programmed as
The setpoint value is the limit that will trigger a
a high limit, a low limit or a USP limit. (A USP
setpoint error condition. This number is entered as
setpoint is a high alarm used for pharmaceutical
a four digit number with a prefix. The prefixes are:
water monitoring, described later in this chapter.)
When the measurement value is higher than a high “µ” (micro) = multiply value by 0.000001
setpoint, or lower than a low setpoint, a setpoint (10-6).
error condition exists. The meter will indicate this
“m” (milli) = multiply value by 0.001 (10-3).
condition by blinking the measurement on the
display. The 200pH/CR can also be programmed to “-” (blank) = multiply value by 1
control a relay upon this error condition. Refer to
“K” (kilo) = multiply value by 1,000 (103).
Chapter 6 for more information on relays.
“M” (Mega) = multiply value by 1,000,000 (106).
Four setpoints are available and can be assigned
to any of the four measurements (A, a, B and b). For example, a setpoint value of 18.18M is
More than one setpoint can be assigned to the equivalent to 18,180,000.
same measurement and more than one setpoint
When programming the setpoint values with TDS
can activate the same relay.
units, the following prefixes should be used (parts
The following parameters can be programmed for per million is the basis):
setpoint operation:
m = parts per billion
1. The assigned signal: which signal (A, a, B, or
_ = parts per million
b) is monitored by the setpoint.
K = parts per thousand
2. The setpoint value: the measurement value
that triggers the setpoint error condition, with
3. The setpoint type: High, Low, Off or USP.
4. The assigned relay: which relay will be The setpoint type can be “High”, “Low”, "USP" or
controlled when a setpoint error occurs (this “Off”. A setpoint error condition occurs when the
is optional). measurement is above the high or USP limit or
below the low limit.
5. Operation on overrange: Whether or not the
setpoint will be active when the measurement
is outside its range — yes or no.
The assigned relay will change state according to
SETPOINT SIGNAL the setpoint condition. When a setpoint error
condition exists, the assigned relay will change
The setpoint signal is the measurement that will be state. If the relay is normally closed, then it will be
monitored by the setpoint. The signal can be any opened.
of the measurements:
Default settings after a system reset: Setpoints
1. A - Channel A primary are disabled, no signals assigned, no relays
2. a - Channel a secondary assigned and values are zero.

3. B - Channel B primary
4. b - Channel b secondary PROGRAMMING A SETPOINT

Chapter 5 Using Setpoints 19

Press the SETPOINTS key to access the first
setpoint menu. This menu is used to assign a SP1 use Relay#_
measurement to each of the four setpoints.
After selecting the desired setpoint number, move
SP1 on signal: A the cursor to the relay field. The choices are: 1 - 4
and “_”. The “_” indicates that there are not any
relays assigned to the setpoint.
The cursor is under the setpoint number field. Use
the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select the NOTE: Some models of the 200pH/CR are
desired setpoint number (1 to 4). Use the RIGHT equipped with only 2 relays and will allow settings
arrow key to move the cursor to the signal field. of only #1 or #2.
Then use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select
Press the OK/NEXT key when done to proceed to
the desired signal. The signal can be set to “-”
the next menu.
which indicates that the setpoint is not assigned
SP1 over-range Yes
To change the assigned signal of another setpoint,
move the cursor back to the setpoint number.
This menu selects whether the setpoints will be
Change the setpoint number, then move the cursor
active when the measurement is out of range,
back to the assigned signal field.
which could be due to process upset, loss of fluid
at the sensor, disconnected sensor leads, etc.
SP1=.0000 _ off Use the arrow keys to select Yes or No for each
Press the OK/NEXT key when done to proceed to
Press the OK/NEXT key when done. The meter will
the next menu.
ask if changes should be saved.
The cursor is initially under the setpoint number
field. Select the desired number then move the Save Changes Yes
cursor to the numerical field. Set the desired value
and prefix.
Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
Examples of numerical entries: return to the display of measurement data.

Example: Set Up a Setpoint

Desired Menu
Value Entry
Program setpoint #2 with the following conditions:
10.34 10.34_
1. Assigned to channel A secondary signal (“a”).
1,456 1.456K
2. A value of 18,200,000 (18.2 M Ω-cm)
18,180,000 18.18M
3. Set as a high limit
567,456 567.5K
4. Use relay #2
0.003 .0030_ or 3.000m
5. Disabled when out of range
.000000055 .0550µ

Move the cursor over to the setpoint type field. To

turn the setpoint on, select High, Low or USP.
Press the OK/NEXT key when done to proceed to
the next menu.
The next menu is used to assign a relay to the
setpoint. This is optional. The menu will appear as:

20 Using Setpoints Chapter 5

Press the SETPOINTS key The 200pH/CR instrument has the USP 23 table in
memory and automatically determines the
Use the arrow keys to select setpoint #2 and
conductivity limit based on the measured
signal “a”. The display will appear as follows:

SP2 on signal: a The USP setpoint value set in the 200pH/CR is the
percentage safety margin below the USP limits to
activate the setpoint. For example, the USP table
Press the OK/NEXT key:
conductivity limit at 15°C is 1.0 µS/cm. If the
Use the arrow keys to set the value at 18.20M and setpoint value is set at 40% then the setpoint will
the state to high. The display will appear as activate whenever the conductivity goes above 0.6
follows: µS/cm at 15°C.
USP <645> Stage 1 Conductivity Limits as a
SP2=18.20 M High Function of Temperature
Temperature Conductivity Limit
Press the OK/NEXT key: (°C) (µS/cm)
Use the arrow keys to set the relay number to 2. 0 0.6
The display will appear as follows: 5 0.8
10 0.9
15 1.0
SP2 use Relay #2 20 1.1
25 1.3
Press the OK/NEXT key: 30 1.4
Use the arrow keys to set the over-range to No, 35 1.5
resulting in the following display: 40 1.7
45 1.8
50 1.9
SP2 over-range No 55 2.1
60 2.2
Press the OK/NEXT key. The meter will ask if 65 2.4
changes should be saved. 70 2.5
75 2.7
Save Changes Yes 80 2.7
85 2.7
Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and 90 2.7
return to the display of measurement data. 95 2.9
100 3.1

USP SETPOINT To configure a USP setpoint, use the previous

procedure but select USP instead of High or Low.
The USP type setpoint is a high alarm used for When selected, the display appears as:
pharmaceutical water monitoring with non-
temperature compensated conductivity
measurements. USP (United States
SP1=0.000 % USP
Pharmacopoeia) section <645> requires that non-
Using the arrow keys, enter the percent safety
temperature compensated conductivity of
margin below the USP conductivity limit desired.
pharmaceutical waters must be below a limit from
its table based on the temperature of the sample.
In other words, USP requirements are to
temperature compensate the limit rather than the

Chapter 5 Using Setpoints 21


DESCRIPTION value is 10% then the measurement must fall

below 90 before the relay is deactivated.
The 200pH/CR is equipped with up to four relays.
Each relay can be programmed to activate when a
setpoint is exceeded (defined as a setpoint error RELAY STATE
condition). The programmable parameters for a
relay are: The relay can be programmed for normal or
inverted operation. When the relay is in the inverted
1. Delay Time: up to 999 seconds
state, the relay operation is reversed. When there
2. Hysteresis Value: up to 99% is no setpoint error condition the relay is activated.
The normally open contacts are closed.
3. State: normal or inverted
For units equipped with two relays, each one has a RETAINED ON RESTORATION OF POWER.
common connection, a normally open connection Default settings after the system reset:
and a normally closed connection. Units with 3rd
and 4th solid state relays have only a common 1. Relay is disabled.
connection and a normally open connection as 2. Delay is 0 seconds.
shown in Table 2.1.
3. Hysteresis is 0%.
4. Relay state is normal.
Delay time is the length of time that the setpoint PROGRAMMING A RELAY
must be exceeded continuously (in a setpoint error
condition) before activating the relay. When the To enable or modify a relay:
setpoint error condition occurs, the delay timer is
started. If during the delay time the setpoint error Press the RELAYS key. The first relay menu is
condition no longer exists, the delay timer is reset used to set the delay time.
and the relay will not be activated. The maximum
delay time is 999 seconds (16 minutes and 39 R1 Delay= 000 sec
In this menu, the cursor is initially under the relay
number. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to
HYSTERESIS select the desired relay number (1 to 4). Use the
RIGHT arrow key to move the cursor to the delay
The hysteresis value is entered as a percentage of time field. Then use the UP and DOWN arrow keys
the setpoint value. For a high setpoint, the to set the delay time (000 to 999 seconds).
measurement must fall more than this percentage To change the delay time of another relay, move
point below the setpoint value before the relay is the cursor back to the relay number. Change the
deactivated. With a low setpoint, the measurement relay number, then move the cursor back to the
must rise at least this percentage above the relay time field.
setpoint value before the relay is deactivated.
Press the OK/NEXT key when done to proceed to
For example: a high setpoint is set at 100 and the the next menu.
measurement is currently above this value so the
setpoint error condition exists. If the hysteresis

22 Using Relays Chapter 6

Press the OK/NEXT key. The meter will now ask if
R1 Hyster = 00% changes should be saved.

Select the desired relay number and enter the Save Changes Yes
hysteresis value (00 to 99%).
Press the OK/NEXT key when done to proceed to Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
the next menu. return to the display of measurement data.

R1 State = Normal
Select the desired relay number, then use the
DOWN arrow key to select either Normal or Invert.
Press the OK/NEXT key when done. The meter will
ask if changes should be saved.

Save Changes Yes

Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return to the display of measurement data.

Example: Setup a Relay

Program relay #2 with the following conditions:

1. Delay of 60 seconds.
2. A hysteresis of 10%.
3. Inverted state.
Press the RELAYS key.
Use the arrow keys to select relay #2 and set a
delay time of “060”. The display will appear as

R2 Delay = 060 sec

Press the OK/NEXT key.
Use the arrow keys to set the hysteresis value to
“10%”. The display will appear as follows:
Press the OK/NEXT key.

R2 Hyster = 10%
Use the arrow keys to set the state to inverted.
The display will appear as follows:

R2 State = Invert

Chapter 6 Using Relays 23



An analog output is an isolated current signal that
is proportional to any measurement. The two To set up an analog output channel, press the
200pH/CR analog outputs have a minimum value of OUTPUTS key:
4mA and a maximum value of 20mA (the signal
can be re-calibrated to 0-20mA when needed, see
ANALOG OUTPUT CALIBRATION later in this Output: Analog
chapter). Each output can be scaled to a range of
a measurement signal. Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu. The
next menu is used to assign a measurement
To use analog outputs, the following parameters signal to the output. The choices are: A, a, B, b,
must be programmed: and _. The selection of “_” is used to disable the
1. Assigned Signal - The analog output will be output by not assigning a signal to the output. The
proportional to the value of the assigned output will remain at 4mA when it is disabled. The
signal. Any of the four measurements (A, a B, menu may appear as:
b) can be assigned to the output.
2. Minimum Value - This is the measurement Aout1 signal = A
reading that will correspond to an output of
4mA. In this menu the cursor is initially under the output
number. Use the UP or DOWN keys to select the
3. Maximum Value - This is the measurement desired output number ( 1 or 2). Press the RIGHT
reading that will correspond to an output of arrow key to move the cursor under the assigned
20mA. field.
The analog outputs can be programmed for their
minimum and maximum values. This programming Aout1 signal = A
process is independent from any measurement.
See PROGRAMMING THE ANALOG OUTPUTS Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to change the
later in the chapter for details. assigned measurement. Press the OK/NEXT key
to accept it and proceed to the next menu.


Connections to the analog output signals are made
This menu is used to set the measurement value
at terminal block TB2. Each analog output channel
that will correspond to a 4mA output. Set the
has a signal line (labeled AO1+ or AO2+) and a
desired value. The last position in this menu is the
return line (labeled AO1- or AO2-). Table 2.4 shows
prefix which can be one of the following:
the electrical connections.
“µ” (micro) = multiply value by 0.000001
The minimum can be re-calibrated down very close
to zero mA when needed. See ANALOG OUTPUT
CALIBRATION later in this chapter. “m” (milli) = multiply value by 0.001 (10-3).
The analog outputs are isolated from line power, “_” (blank) = multiply value by 1.
sensors and earth ground. Each analog output
“K” (kilo) = multiply value by 1,000 (103)
channel can drive a resistive load up to 500 ohms.
“M” (Mega = multiply value by 1,000,000 (106)

24 Using Analog Outputs Chapter 7

When programming the analog output scaling
limits with TDS units, the following prefixes should Aout2 signal = B
be used (parts per million is the basis):
Press the OK/NEXT key.
m parts per billion
Use the arrow keys to set the minimum value to
_ parts per million
1.000 M ohms. The display will appear as follows:
K parts per thousand
After setting the desired value, press the OK/NEXT Aout2 Min=1.000M
key to accept minimum value and proceed to the
next menu. Press the OK/NEXT key.
Use the arrow keys to set the maximum value to
Aout1 Max=1.000_ 20.00 M ohms. The display will appear as follows:

This menu is used to set the measurement value Aout2 Max=20.00M

that will correspond to an output of 20mA. Repeat
the process as described above. Press the
Press the OK/NEXT key.
OK/NEXT key to accept the maximum value and
proceed to the next menu.
Save Changes Yes
1:If err set Max
Press the OK/NEXT key to save changes and
return the display of measurement data
Using an arrow key, select max or min as the fail
safe mode for the output signal on overange or
failure conditions. The output will go to 20mA if set
for max; to 4mA (or 0mA if re-calibrated) if set for ANALOG OUTPUT
min. The meter will ask if changes should be CALIBRATION
The analog output signals have been factory
Save Changes Yes calibrated to specifications and normally do not
require any further adjustment. To match other
Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and equipment, they may be re-calibrated in a two step
return to the display of measurement data. process where 4mA and 20mA levels are adjusted.
A current meter is connected in series with the
output. The arrow keys are then used to adjust the
Example: Setup an Analog Output current output for the appropriate level (4mA, then
Set analog output #2 with the following parameters:
The 4mA end of the signal can be calibrated down
1. Assigned to channel B primary measurement to zero mA, where needed. With a 500 ohm
resistor across the output terminals, a 0-10 VDC
2. Minimum value of 1.000 M ohms
signal may also be obtained.
3. Maximum value of 20.00 M ohms
For NIST traceability, the outputs can be calibrated
Press the OUTPUTS key. The display will show: with any NIST-calibrated current meter.
Procedure: Connect the meter in series with the
Output: Analog output signal.
Press the CAL key and the display will show:
Press the OK/NEXT key.
Use the arrow keys to select analog output #2 and
assign measurement B to this output. The display
Calibrate Sensor
will appear as follows:

Chapter 7 Using Analog Outputs 25

Use the UP and DOWN keys to change the
display until the “Analog” option is displayed:

Calibrate Analog
Press the OK/NEXT key to proceed to the next

Cal Analog Ch 1
Use the UP and DOWN keys to select the desired
output channel number (1 or 2). Press the
OK/NEXT key to proceed to the next menu.

1:Adj 4mA=10641
Use the UP and DOWN keys to adjust the output
current for a 4mA level (as measured by the
current meter). The number displayed is an
arbitrary value proportional to the analog output
signal, near 10,000 for 4 mA, near 0.000 for 0 mA
and near 55,000 for 20 mA. Adjusting a more
significant digit of this number will change the
output signal level faster. Adjust a less significant
digit for closer resolution.
Press the OK/NEXT key when done adjusting the
4mA or 0mA output. The next menu is for adjusting
the 20mA output.

1:Adj 20mA=54091
Adjust the 20mA level in a similar manner. Press
the OK/NEXT key when done adjusting the 20mA.
The meter will ask if changes should be saved.

Save Changes Yes

Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return to the display measurement data.

26 Using Analog Outputs Chapter 8


OVERVIEW Standards for verification or calibration of

conductivity and temperature are available as six
The 200pH/CR meter is factory calibrated within Thornton NIST-Traceable calibrators (second
specifications. It is not necessary to perform meter column) which include one resistance and one
re-calibration unless extreme conditions cause out temperature value in each unit. They plug directly
of specification operation shown by Verification into patch cables in place of the sensor. Full
(see CALIBRATION VERIFICATION section). Range Calibration Kit 1865-07 includes all six
Periodic verification/re-calibration may also be calibrators in Table 8.1. High Resistivity Kit 1865-
necessary to meet Q.A. requirements. ALWAYS 05 includes 1864-05,-06,-12. Low Resistivity Kit
perform a verification before considering a meter 1865-06 includes 1865-07,-08,-09.
calibration. If within specification there is no need If measurements will always be within a certain
to perform a meter calibration. range, only that range requires calibration. For
CAUTION: Do not perform a meter calibration example, if measurement will always be >200K
unless a Thornton calibrator or precision ohms, as with ultrapure water, only the >200K ohm
decade box is connected. Factory calibration range requires calibration.
cannot be restored in the field. CAUTION: Calibrators are for calibrating
The 200pH/CR meter is re-calibrated for conductivity/resistivity measurements only. Do
conductivity/resistivity by installing a known not connect a calibrator to a patch cord wired
resistance value in place of the cell and using the for pH/ORP.
calibration menus to complete the process. The If decade boxes are used, connect per Figure
meter is designed for calibration at six points for 14.10, shown for channel A, and similarly for
conductivity/resistivity and two points of channel B (temperature only).
temperature (on each channel) as shown in Table
8.1. The second column of the table indicates the NOTE: To display the actual value of a calibration
calibrators that are applicable for a region of device, use the Calibration Verification menu
measurement. Note that a single described in the next section.
conductivity/resistivity calibration covers both WARNING: INSTALLING A CALIBRATION
Channels A and B at one time but separate DEVICE ON A CHANNEL MAY TRIGGER ALARM
temperature calibrations are required on each STATES, RELAY ACTION AND PROCESS
channel. UPSET.
Calibration Calibrator Approx. Meas.
Point (ohms) Part No. Range
Short 1864-09 0-2K ohms
Open 1864-12 >200K ohms The calibration verification menu can be used to
quickly confirm the meter’s performance. A
500K 1864-05 >200K ohms
calibration/verification device is installed on a
50K 1864-06 20K-200K ohms channel and this menu is used to display the
actual resistance value. The verification feature can
5K 1864-07 2K-20K ohms
be accessed from either the CALIBRATE or
500 1864-08 0-2K ohms MENUS keys to allow the calibration menu to be
A Temp 1K 1864-06,-08 0 °C locked yet still allow operators to verify calibration.

A Temp 1.4K 1864-05,-07 104 °C Press the MENUS key and the following menu will
B Temp 1K 1864-06,-08 0 °C
B Temp 1.4K 1864-05,-07 104 °C Menus use arrows
Table 8.1 Calibration Points

Chapter 8 Meter Calibration 27

Press the DOWN arrow key until the “Verify
Calibrate” menu is displayed. Cal Meter Ch A

Calibrate Verify Use the UP and DOWN keys to select channel B if

desired (for temperature). Press the OK/NEXT key
to proceed to the next menu.
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu.
Step 3: Select the signal to calibrate:
Verify Cal: Ch A
Cal A #1: R 500K
Use the UP arrow key to select the desired
channel. Press the OK/NEXT key when set. The Use the UP and DOWN keys to select the point to
meter will now display the actual values of the be calibrated. The choices are: “R500K", "R50K",
calibrator. A typical display may appear as: "R5K", "R500", “Temp”, "Volts", "Short", or “Open”.
Press the OK/NEXT key when ready to proceed to
the next menu.
A10.04MΩ 1.003KΩ
For the following example "Temp" is selected for
The first number is the measured value of the calibration.
conductivity/resistivity input and the second
number is the measured value of the temperature Cal A #1: Temp
input. Compare these numbers with the values
printed on the label of the verifier/calibrator as well
Step 4: Enter the calibrator value:
as on the Certificate of Accuracy supplied with it.
Values should be within ±0.5%. Press any key to
end this menu. Other calibration/verification values A Temp =1.0000K
may be checked in the same manner. If within
specification, do not perform a calibration. This menu is used to enter the value of the
calibrator (printed on the label as well as the
Certificate of Accuracy supplied with the
CALIBRATION PROCEDURE calibrator). The display will show a nominal value
but the actual value of the calibrator must be
The resistance calibration sequence should use entered. Use the UP and DOWN keys to change
the "short" and/or "open" calibrators first, whenever the digit. Use the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys to
they are used. Other calibrators may be used in move the cursor to the next digit. The last
any order. character on the display is the units prefix, which
appears after the value on the calibrator.
Step 1: Select the Meter Calibration
For Reference:
Press the CALIBRATE key and the display will
show: The available prefixes are “µ” = micro, “m” = milli,
“k” = kilo, “M” = mega and “_” = one. The
Calibrate Sensor numerical entry is multiplied by the value of the
prefix as follows:
Use the UP and DOWN keys to change the “µ” (micro) = multiply value by 0.000001
display until it reads: (10-6).
“m” (milli) = multiply value by 0.001 (10-3).
Calibrate Meter
“_” (blank) = multiply value by 1.
Press the OK/NEXT key to proceed to the next “K” (kilo) = multiply value by 1,000 (103)
“M” (Mega = multiply value by 1,000,000 (106)
Step 2: Select the channel

28 Meter Calibration Chapter 8

Enter the exact value of the 2nd calibrator and
When the value of the calibrator is entered, press press the OK/NEXT key when ready to proceed.
the OK/NEXT key when ready to proceed to the
Step 9: Install the second calibrator:
next menu.
As with the 1st calibration point, the meter will
Step 5: Install the calibrator on the selected
now display the measured value of the calibrator as

A= 1.0003KT Ω OK? A=1.4011KTΩ OK?

The instrument will display the value of the
When the reading has stabilized, press the
calibrator as measured by the meter. it is
OK/NEXT key.
important to wait for this displayed measurement
to stabilize. The reading may fluctuate slightly but Step 10: Perform the calibration (point #2):
the changes should be no more than +1 digit (least
The calibration process may take a few seconds to
significant). For example, in the display above the
complete. When the instrument is done, the
reading may fluctuate from 1.0002K to 1.0004KΩ.
following message will be displayed:
It is recommended that you wait at least 30
seconds to be certain that the measurement has
settled. Done, press OK
To discontinue the calibration, press any of the
Press the OK/NEXT key. The meter will ask if the
menu keys. To proceed with the calibration
changes should be saved.
process (after the readings have stabilized), press
the OK/NEXT key.
Save Changes Yes
Step 6: Perform the calibration:
The calibration process may take a few seconds to Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
complete. When the instrument is done, the return to the display of measurement data.
following message will be displayed.
The calibration process is complete for the
temperature circuit of one channel. Repeat this
Done, press OK process for the other channel temperature, if used,
and for the conductivity/resistivity points.
Step 7: Proceed to the 2nd calibration point:
Reminder: due to entered cell constants and
Press the OK/NEXT key to complete the temperature compensation, the meter will only
calibration of the first point. The meter will display read the exact connected calibrator value in the
the following menu: “Verify” mode.

Do point #2 No Special Temperature Calibration

Press the OK/NEXT key to save the new NOTE: If using 2_8 series Dot Two cells with Ni-Fe
calibration factor and return to the measurement 500 ohm RTD, substitute a decade box with 500
mode. Otherwise, use the UP and DOWN arrow ohms for 0°C and 735 ohms for 100°C in place of
keys to change the “No” to “Yes” and press the the calibrators in the previous procedure.
OK/NEXT key to perform calibration for a 2nd point.
The meter will display the following menu,
requesting the value of the 2nd calibration point:
Step 8: Enter the calibrator value (point #2)

A Temp = 1.4000K

Chapter 8 Meter Calibration 29

Voltage Calibration for pH and ORP

It is generally not necessary to calibrate the

voltage range which is used for pH measurement.
pH sensor calibration is performed frequently in
NIST traceable pH buffer solutions and will override
any voltage calibration. (The pH scale is defined by
response in NIST standard reference materials.)
The voltage input is used with ORP sensors. To
calibrate the voltage range, use a stable voltage
source and precision voltmeter and connect as
given in Figure 14.10. Follow the procedure above,
selecting "Volts" as the signal to be calibrated. A
two-point calibration should be done near -400 and
+400 mV. A 200pH/CR meter voltage calibration
cannot be done at zero millivolts.

30 Meter Calibration Chapter 8


The cursor is initially under the channel/type field.

Use the UP arrow key to select the desired
CONDUCTIVITY/RESISTIVITY channel/type (either “A Cell”, “A Temp”, “B Cell”, “B
The next field selects either the Multiplier, M, or
Best performance is normally obtained by entering the Adder, A, factor.
the factory-documented cell constants in the
Entering/Editing Cell Constants sections below.
Cell constants are provided on the label of the A Cell M=.10000_
sensors and on their certificates of calibration.
Use the RIGHT arrow key to move the cursor to the
However, if the sensor’s performance is not number field. Use the arrow keys to enter the cell
acceptable then it can be calibrated. It is important constants from the sensor label. The last position
to ensure that the meter is properly calibrated and in the menu is a unit prefix which should be left at
that a very accurate standard solution is available “_” (blank or units); although µ (micro), m (milli), K
before performing a sensor calibration described at (Kilo) and M (mega) are also available.
the end of this chapter.
After setting the desired value, the RIGHT arrow
key can be used to move the cursor back to the
Entering/Editing Conductivity/ channel/type field (1st field) so that the other
Resistivity Cell Constants constants can be entered and edited. The changes
are recorded when you proceed to a different
Upon the installation of a conductivity cell, the cell constant.
constants must be entered into the meter. Channel
A has two cell constant types: one for the Pressing the OK/NEXT key will accept all set
resistivity/conductivity sensor and one for the values. The meter will ask if changes should be
temperature sensor. These constants are referred saved.
to as “A Cell” and “A Temp”, respectively. Each of
these types has a Multiplier and an Adder cell Save Changes Yes
constant. Channel B has similar constants (“B
Cell” and “B Temp”). Only the Multiplier factor is Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
used for conductivity/resistivity and temperature. return the display to measurement mode.
The Adder factors are left at zero.
The procedure to enter and edit constants is as
Press the MENUS key and the following menu will SENSOR CALIBRATION
Conductivity sensors can be calibrated with either
a one-point or two-point calibration process. With a
Menus use arrows two-point process, the sensor must be put in two
different solutions (or temperature values). Under
Press the UP arrow key until “Edit Sensor Cal” most circumstances only a 1 point calibration
menu is displayed. process is recommended.
The solution must be known with very high
Edit Sensor Cal accuracy (either resistivity, conductivity, °C or °F)
before the sensor can be calibrated. Calibration is
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu accomplished by entering the known solution value
into the meter and instructing the meter to perform
A Cell M=.10000_ a calibration.

Chapter 9 Sensor Calibration 31

When a one-point calibration is performed, the Enter the known value. Be certain to set the proper
meter will compute a new sensor Multiplier factor. units prefix. In this example, the prefix is “M” for
With a two-point calibration, the meter will Megohms. Press the OK/NEXT key when done.
compute new Multiplier and Adder factors.
The meter will now display the reading of the signal
Conductivity/resistivity sensor calibration cannot be to be calibrated. For example, a typical display for
done if the measurement is set for untemperature calibrating resistivity may appear as:
compensated conductivity (see SELECTING A
MEASUREMENT TYPE in Chapter 4). If
necessary, temporarily set the instrument for
A= 18.15MΩ OK?
compensated measurement for the calibration.
When the reading has stabilized, press the
(Calibration can be done, if desired, with
OK/NEXT key to perform the calibration. The
Compensation set to “None”, accessed by the
calibration process may take a few seconds to
MENUS key)
complete. When the instrument is done, the
NOTE: The 240-501 cell with 50/cm cell constant following message will be displayed:
uses a 262.4 ohm @ 25°C thermistor. With this
sensor, use the factory temperature multiplier
constant provided on the cell leadwire label. No
Done, press OK
further temperature calibration is possible.
Press the OK/NEXT key. The meter will display the
(Conductivity calibration may be performed in the
menu for performing the second calibration point.
normal manner.)

Do point #2 No
Conductivity/ Resistivity Calibration
Procedure If doing a two-point calibration, then use the UP
key to change the “No” to “Yes”. Press the
Press the CALIBRATE key and the display will
OK/NEXT key to perform the 2nd calibration point
or to exit the menus.
NOTE: Performing a sensor calibration will modify
Calibrate Sensor the cell constants shown in the "Edit Sensor Cal"
menu such that they will not match the constants
Press the OK/NEXT key to proceed to the next
written on the cell label.

Cal Sensor Ch A
Use the UP arrow key to select the desired
channel. Press the OK/NEXT key when set.

Cal Ch A #1: Res

Use the UP arrow key to select the measurement
to be calibrated. The choices are: Res, Con, pH,
Volts, °C and °F. Press the OK/NEXT key when
The next menu will allow the known value of the
signal (or solution) to be entered.

A Res = 18.180 M

32 Sensor Calibration Chapter 9

most convenient to do a grab sample calibration on
a routine basis. A two-point buffer calibration may
PH/ORP SENSOR CALIBRATION be performed at less frequent intervals to provide
full adjustment to sensor response.

Overview Buffer calibration requires removal of the sensor

from the process and immersing it in standard
Periodic sensor calibration is necessary because buffer solution. It may be done at one or two points
pH sensors have some variation in output which and gives the most direct traceability to the
can change over time, especially under harsh or standard(s). The sensor should be rinsed well with
contaminating process conditions. The frequency deionized or distilled water before immersing in
of calibration must be determined by experience each standard.
with a particular application. For example, begin With the sensor removed from the process during
with daily calibration, then extend to weekly, then buffer calibration, analog outputs and alarm relays
to monthly, bi-monthly, etc. as allowed by the drift are uncontrolled. Provide external means to disable
experienced and process accuracy requirements. any alarm or control action that could disrupt the
Such a sequence is also appropriate since new process.
sensors will show some initial drift as they
acclimate to the process. The accuracy of Grab sample calibration allows the sensor to
calibration is determined by the accuracy and remain in the process but is limited to a one-point
traceability of the standard buffer solutions used. procedure. A sample is removed and measured by
a portable pH system that has been previously
At initial sensor installation, acceptable calibrated in standard buffer solutions. The process
performance can usually be obtained by entering pH must be stable enough that there is high
the factory-documented sensor constants from the confidence that a sample will be representative of
sensor label as described. This allows startup the on-line value. For pure water samples (<20
without standard buffer solutions. However, if µS/cm conductivity), the "grab sample" should be
accuracy must be optimized and for subsequent a flowing side stream not exposed to air before
calibration, the regular procedures must be measurement, to minimize carbon dioxide
followed. contamination.
Calibration is accomplished by entering the known The steps for grab sample calibration are as
value into the instrument and instructing it to follows:
perform the calibration. When a one-point
calibration is performed, the instrument computes 1. Record the displayed pH at the time the grab
a new Adder (standardize offset or zero) constant. sample is taken.
With a two-point calibration, the instrument 2. Measure the grab sample pH.
computes new Adder and Multiplier (slope or span)
constants. It should be noted that a non-functional 3. Calculate the difference of the grab sample pH
sensor can always be calibrated at one point. minus the recorded process pH, retaining the
Response to a changing process or a second sign (positive or negative).
calibration point are needed to ensure the sensor 4. Add the difference value to the current
is functioning. displayed process pH and immediately enter
For ORP measurement, no sensor calibration is the result as the calibration standard value in
recommended although it is possible. It is the procedure.
recommended that the instrument read in absolute Example:
millivolts established by factory meter calibration.
The Adder constant is left at 0 and the Multiplier at 1. The 200pH/CR instrument reads 6.50 pH
1.0. Standard ORP solutions are available for when the grab sample is taken.
checking operation of sensors, however, their 2. The grab sample measures 6.20 pH on the
tolerance under process conditions is generally too portable system.
wide to be useful for calibration.
3. The difference is - 0.30 pH.
Two methods are used for pH sensor calibration:
buffer and grab sample. In some situations, it is

Chapter 9 Sensor Calibration 33

4. The current 200pH/CR instrument reading is Press the OK/NEXT key. The meter will display the
7.00 pH so 6.70 pH is the value entered for menu for performing the second calibration point.
one-point calibration.
Do point #2 No
pH Calibration Procedure
If doing a two-point calibration, use the UP key to
Press the CALIBRATE key and the display will change the “No” to “Yes”. Press the OK/NEXT key
show: to perform the 2nd point of calibration similar to the
first. For a single point calibration, press OK/NEXT
with “No” in the display above to exit the menus.
Calibrate Sensor
NOTE: Performing a sensor calibration will modify
Press the OK/NEXT key to proceed to the next the cell constants shown in the "Edit Sensor Cal"
menu. menu such that they will not match the constants
written on the sensor label.
Cal Sensor Ch A
Entering/Editing pH Calibration
Use the UP arrow key to select the desired Constants
channel. Press the OK/NEXT key when set.
Upon the installation of a pH sensor, its calibration
Cal Ch A #1: pH constants are entered into the 200pH/CR,
especially when buffer solutions are not available.
Channel A has two constant types: one for the pH
Use the UP arrow key to select the measurement
sensor and one for the temperature sensor. These
to be calibrated. The choices are: pH, Volts, Res,
constants are referred to as “A Cell” and “A Temp”,
Con, °C and °F. Press the OK/NEXT key when set.
respectively. Each of these types has a Multiplier
The next menu will allow the known value of the and Adder cell constant. Channel B has similar
signal (or solution) to be entered. constants (“B Cell” and “B Temp”). Only the
Multiplier factor is used for temperature. Its Adder
A pH = 4.000 _ factor is left at zero.
The procedure to enter and edit the constants is as
Using the arrow keys, change the display to the follows:
solution value. For buffer solutions, enter the exact
Press the MENUS key and the following menu will
pH value corresponding to its temperature.
Press the OK/NEXT key. The meter will now
display the uncalibrated reading to check for
stability only. The actual value of the calibration will
Menus use arrows
appear only after completion of the procedure. For
Press the UP arrow key until “Edit Sensor Cal ”
example, a typical display may appear as:
menu is displayed.

A= 3.925 OK? Edit Sensor Cal

When the reading has stabilized, press the
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu
OK/NEXT key to perform the calibration. The
calibration process may take a number of seconds
to complete. When the instrument is done, the A Cell M=1.0000_
following message will be displayed:
The cursor is initially under the channel/type field.
Done, press OK Use the UP arrow key to select the desired
channel/type (either “A Cell”, “A Temp”, “B Cell”, “B

34 Sensor Calibration Chapter 9

The next field selects either the multiplier, M, or The Multiplier (slope or span) is an indication of
the adder, A, factor. the sensitivity of the sensor to changes in pH. It
has a nominal value near 1 and is recalculated
A Cell M=.10000_ after every 2-point calibration. Reduction in this
value is usually due to aging, coating or hot
caustic attack of the glass measuring membrane
Use the RIGHT arrow key to move the cursor to the
of the sensor.
number field. Use the arrow keys to modify the
number desired. The last position in the menu is a A sensor with Multiplier value less than 0.80
unit prefix which should be left at “_” (blank); should be replaced soon. The Multiplier "M" can be
although µ (micro), m (milli), K (Kilo) and M (mega) viewed at any time in the Edit Sensor Cal menu.
are also available. The value must not be changed on this menu
(except at startup) or the sensor will have to be re-
After setting the desired value, the RIGHT arrow
key can be used to move the cursor back to the
channel/type field (1st field) so that the other
constants can be entered and edited. The changes
are recorded when you proceed to a different
Pressing the OK/NEXT key will accept all set
values. The meter will ask if changes should be

Save Changes Yes

Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return the display of measurement data.

The Adder and Multiplier constants described
above can provide valuable preventive maintenance
information about the sensors.
The Adder factor (zero, asymmetry or standardize
offset) is an indication of how far the sensor has
drifted from the nominal zero starting point, in pH
units. It is recalculated after ever calibration. Drift in
this value is usually due to aging or contamination
of the reference electrode portion of the sensor.
An offset of more than ±2.5 pH units or a more
rapid change in this value is an indication that the
sensor should be replaced soon. The Adder factor
"A" can be viewed at any time in the Edit Sensor
Cal menu. However, the value must not be
changed in this menu or the sensor will have to be
Because the 200pH/CR meter is auto-ranging,
when the Adder Factor is very small, it may be
displayed in milli-pH units with an "m" prefix
following the numeric value. In this case the value
is very near the nominal zero offset.

Chapter 9 Sensor Calibration 35


Old Pass = 00000
All menus, or only specific ones, can be protected
from unauthorized use by using the lockout After setting the current password, press the
feature. When enabled, the menu(s) will be OK/NEXT key. If the current password is not
inaccessible unless the proper five digit password properly set, then the following message will be
is entered. Each menu key on the front panel can displayed before exiting the menus:
be locked out individually. The functions that can
be locked are: Invalid Password
1. MEASURE MODE: locks the measure mode
key If the password was properly entered, then the
meter will request the new password:
2. SETPOINTS: locks the setpoint key.
3. RELAYS: locks the relays key. New Pass = 00000
4. OUTPUTS: locks the output key.
After setting the new password, press the
5. CALIBRATE: locks the calibrate key. OK/NEXT key. The meter will ask if changes
6. MENUS: locks the menu key. should be saved.

7. DISPLAY: locks the arrow keys such that the

display mode for measurements cannot be
Save Changes Yes
Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
The password can be changed at any time, return to the display of measurement data.
although the current password must be entered
before the change is allowed. The password and
lockout state is retained through a power-down
sequence and a system reset.
All units shipped from the factory are set with the To enable the lockout, press the MENUS key and
password of “00000”. It is suggested that this the following menu will appear:
password be changed to another five digit
sequence before using the lockout feature. Menus use arrows
Press the UP key until the “Set/Clr Lockout” menu

To change the password, press the MENUS key

and the following menu will appear:
Set/Clr Lockout
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu. The
Menus use arrows next menu will request the current password.

Press the UP arrow key until the “Change

Password” menu is displayed.
Password = 00000

Change Password
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu. The
next menu will request the current password.

36 Security/Lockout Chapter 10
After setting the password, press the OK/NEXT
key. If the correct password has been entered,
then the following menu will allow the enabling or
disabling of the lockout feature.

Enable Lockout N
If “N” is selected then the lockout is disabled and
the meter will exit the menus. If “Y” is selected the
next menu will allow each menu to be individually
locked out.

Lock Measure N
The first field lists the functions to be locked. Use
the UP and DOWN arrow keys to access the list.
The choices are: MEASURE, SETPOINT,
DISPLAY. When the desired function is selected,
move the cursor to the next field to change the
state. A “Y” indicates that this function is locked
and an “N” indicates that the function is not locked.
use the LEFT arrow key to move the cursor back
to the function field to select another key for
lockout. When done setting all the functions, press
the OK/NEXT key. The meter will ask if changes
should be saved.

Save Changes Yes

Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return to the display of measurement data.
NOTE: If the lockout feature is used, it is
recommended that the MENUS key also be locked
to prevent any indirect changes to the meter's


If the lockout feature is enabled and a key is
pressed that is also locked, the following message
will be displayed:

Password = 00000
If the proper password is entered, then access to
that menu will be allowed. This menu key will
operate as normal. When the menu is exited, the
lockout will be re-enabled.

Chapter 10 Security/Lockout 37

AVERAGING Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to change the

averaging level. Press the OK/NEXT key when
The 200pH/CR has various levels of measurement done. The next menu will show the averaging level
averaging or damping, each for specific for channel B. Press the OK/NEXT key after
applications. The options are: low, medium, high setting channel B. The meter will ask if changes
and special. Each channel can be assigned an should be saved.
averaging level. The assigned averaging will apply
to both the primary and secondary measurements Save Changes Yes
of that channel.
Low averaging is useful in applications that require Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
a fast response to changes in the system. Medium return to the display of measurement data.
and high averaging help to reduce display
fluctuations. The special averaging setting is
recommended for most conductivity/resistivity SYSTEM RESET
applications. This method provides the most
reduction in display fluctuations, while retaining CAUTION: A system reset will set all
fast response. operational parameters to their default
conditions and may require extensive
Special (Spec) averaging is self-adjusting. If a large
change in the measurement is detected, then the
meter will respond immediately to the change 1. A Primary Measurement Mode:
(does not use any averaging). Small changes to Conductivity (fixed at µS/cm)
the measurement (i.e., system noise less than
2. A Secondary Measurement Mode:
1%) will be highly averaged. If measurement noise
Temperature (DegC)
can exceed 1%, 0.15 pH or 15 mV, then special
averaging should not be used. 3. B Primary Measurement Mode:
Conductivity (fixed at µS/cm)
To set the averaging, press the MENUS key and
the following menu will appear: 4. B Secondary Measurement:
Temperature (DegC)
Menus use arrows 5. Display Mode:
Mode #1 (A primary and B primary)
Press the UP arrow key until the “Set Averaging”
6. Setpoints (all):
menu is displayed.
Off, value = 0, no relay assigned, active on
Set Averaging
7. Relays (all):
Delay = 0, hysteresis = 0, state = normal
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu.
8. Serial Port:
A: Average = High Data output off.
9. Analog Outputs:
The cursor is initially under the channel field. Use no signal assigned, min = 0, max = 0
the UP and DOWN keys to change the channel if
10. Manual temperature:
desired. Use the RIGHT arrow key to move the
cursor to the level field. The display will appear as:
11. Compensation Method:
A: Average = High Standard method.

38 Other Functions Chapter 11

12. Cell Constants: Press the UP arrow key until the “Temp Source”
resistivity multiplier = 0.1, temperature menu is displayed.
multiplier = 1.0, all adders = 0.
13. Auto Display Scroll: Off. Temp Source
A system reset will not change the password,
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu.
lockout state, meter calibration, analog output
calibration, or line power frequency.
A: Use this chan
To reset the meter, press the MENUS key and the
following menu will appear:
The cursor is initially under the channel field. Use
the UP or DOWN arrow keys to change the
Menus use arrows channel if desired. Use the RIGHT arrow key to
move the cursor to the source selection field. The
Press the UP arrow key until “System Reset” is display will appear as follows:
A: Use this chan
System Reset
Selections in this menu include "Use this chan",
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu. "Use other chan" and "Fixed= XX.XX°C". If the last
is chosen, using the down arrow key, the display
Reset Unit? Yes appears as:

Press the OK/NEXT key to perform the reset. The A: Fixed =25.00°C
meter will display a confirmation message for three
seconds then exit the menus. Set the desired temperature value. Press the
OK/NEXT key when done. The meter will ask if
Unit is Reset changes should be changed.

Save Changes Yes

SETTING THE TEMPERAT URE Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
SOURCE return to the display of measurement data

The temperature used for display and

compensation may come directly from the sensor, SENDING DATA TO A PRINTER
may come from the other channel sensor or may
be set to a fixed manual value. These features are
useful when a cell does not have a temperature
With measurements other than conductivity with
sensor built-in, is slow responding, or if it is
0.1/cm cell constants, an external isolator for the
desirable to compensate a measurement based on
digital communications signal is strongly
a fixed temperature.
recommended to prevent ground loop problems.
NOTE: When “Use other chan” is selected, it is
The 200pH/CR can be set to output measurement
also necessary to enter the temperature Multiplier
data automatically to a printer or computer at a
calibration factor for the sensor into both channels,
fixed time interval. The time interval can be set
as described in Chapter 9.
from 1 second up to 255 seconds. The data is
To set the temperature source, press the MENUS transmitted as a string of ASCII characters,
key and the following menu will appear: terminated with a carriage return character. All four
measurements are contained in the string. To use
Menus use arrows this feature, the baud rate, parity, and output timer
must be set as follows:

Chapter 11 Other Functions 39

Use the arrow keys to set the desired time interval
Setting the Baud Rate and Parity in seconds.
NOTE: Entering a value greater than 255 seconds
Press the MENUS key and the following menu will
will automatically set the timer interval to 255
Press OK/NEXT when done. The meter will ask if
Menus use arrows changes should be saved.
Press the UP arrow key until the “Set Serial Port”
menu is displayed. Save Changes Yes
Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
Set Serial Port return to the display of measurement data.
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu. A
typical menu may appear as:
For details on communications output, refer to
Manual 84364.
Baud=9600 P=Even
The cursor is initially under the baud rate setting.
Press the UP or DOWN arrow keys to change the
baud rate. Use the RIGHT arrow key to move the
cursor to the parity field. The parity setting can be
switched between even parity and no parity.
Press the OK/NEXT key when done. The meter will
ask if changes should be saved.

Save Changes Yes

Press the OK/NEXT key to save the changes and
return to the display of measurement data.

Setting the Data Output Timer

Press the OUTPUTS key.

Output: Analog
Press the UP-arrow key until “Serial” is displayed.
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu.

Output off >001s

Press the UP arrow key to toggle the serial output
from “Off” to “On”. Setting the serial out feature to
“On” enables the automatic data output. Use the
RIGHT arrow key to move the cursor to the time

Output On >001s

40 Other Functions Chapter 11


OFF-LINE SELF-DIAGNOSTICS The cursor is under the first field which indicates
the test to be conducted. The choices are: ROM,
A number of diagnostic and self test functions are RAM, AOUT1, AOUT2, A/D, COMM, NVRAM,
available via the menus. The following functions DISPLAY, KEYPAD or exit. Use the RIGHT arrow
can be tested: key to select the desired test. Press the OK/NEXT
key to perform the test. Select “Exit” to exit this
1. ROM: this test is non-functional in software menu.
versions up to 3.3 and failure indications
should be ignored. The test results are displayed with the following
messages (for example, the ROM test):
2. RAM: the data memory is tested for reading
and writing.
ROM: Passed Ok
3. AOUT1: analog output channel #1 is tested
by setting the output current from 0mA to or
20mA in 1mA steps.
4. AOUT2: analog output channel #2 is tested ROM: Failed Ok
by setting the output current from 0mA to
20mA in 1mAn steps.
5. A/D: the analog to digital converter circuit
(used for making measurements) is tested for
Error, Over-range & Sensor Error
6. COMM: the communication port is tested for Indications
its ability to receive and transmit data. A
jumper wire is connected from the transmit A measurement that cannot be properly measured
line to the receive line before conducting the or computed or is over-range is considered to be in
test. an error state. The display will show asterisk
7. NVRAM: the non-volatile memory is tested for characters (“*”) in place of the allocated digits.
functionality. This memory is used to hold An example:
setup information in case of a power down
condition (or low line voltage).
A *****µS *****°C
8. DISPLAY: the display is tested by writing
various patterns. This is a visual test In this display, measurements could not be
conducted by the operator. measured or computed properly. This condition
To perform any of these tests, press the MENUS could be caused by a disconnected or mis-wired
key and the following menu will appear: sensor, no sample at the sensor, too high or too
low sample conductivity or resistivity for the
sensor/instrument to measure, sensor failure, etc.
Menus use arrows If the temperature display gives asterisks indicating
a problem with that measurement then any
Press the UP arrow key until the “Diagnostic” temperature compensated measurement will also
menu is displayed. display asterisks, even if it is otherwise OK.

Diagnostic Menu
Press the OK/NEXT key to access this menu.

Test? ROM

Chapter 12 Troubleshooting 41
“Check Setup” Message

The 200pH/CR constantly checks the condition of

the setup data (setpoints, compensation methods, Check Setup
etc.). If the meter detects an unauthorized change
in this data (i.e., corrupted data) then a message This message can be cleared by entering and
will be displayed every few seconds as follows: exiting any menu.

Problem Possible Cause

1. Display is blank • no power to unit

• blown fuse
• loose display cable
• display contrast potentiometer needs adjustment
• display cable improperly connected
• circuit board failure
2. Wrong readings • sensor improperly installed
• incorrect measurement prefix entered
• incorrect cell constant entered
• meter improperly calibrated
• temperature compensation is incorrectly set or disabled
• sensor patch cord is defective
• defective sensor
• circuit board failure
3. Keypad not functioning • keypad cable connector loose or broken
• defective keypad
4. Negative readings in %rejection •% rejection is calculated on the wrong channel
5. Readings fluctuate too much • wrong line power frequency selected
• cells and/or cables installed too close to equipment that gen-
erates high levels of electrical noise
6. Data not sent out to serial port • serial port wiring is wrong
• wrong baud rate and/or parity
• automatic data output not enabled
• data output timer set too high

2. Perform a system reset as outlined in

SYSTEM RESET in Chapter 11.
3. Re-enter the cell constants as shown in
If the meter is unable to make valid measurements, ENTER/EDITING CELL CONSTANTS in
then the following procedure may help to resolve Chapter 9. Set the desired measurement
the problem. mode and prefix as shown in SELECTING A
1. Check sensor patch cord wiring. Look for
loose wires at the terminal block or incorrect 4. Re-calibrate the meter as outlined in Chapter
wiring. 8.
5. Check that the proper compensation method
is selected.

42 Troubleshooting Chapter 12

The 200pH/CR is protected from accidental voltage
overloading, short circuits, and related damage by CORD LENGTH
a 1/8 amp time-delayed fuse (for 115 VAC units
only). The 230 VAC unit uses a 1/16 amp time- 200pH/CR patch cords are available in a variety of
delayed fuse. The fuse is located on the printed standard lengths. Occasionally it is necessary to
circuit board (PCB) inside of the case. reduce standard cord lengths to accommodate
system design. The following procedure outlines
WARNING: FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION how to terminate the end of the cable to assure
AGAINST RISK OF FIRE, REPLACE ONLY WITH accurate system operation. The 200pH/CR patch
FUSE OF THE SPECIFIED TYPE AND CURRENT cords include two (2) drain (bare) wires. It is
RATING. essential that these wires never make contact with
To replace the fuse: each other. Place insulating tubing over these
1. Disconnect all power to the 200pH/CR unit
before proceeding. CAUTION: If the wires are touching, it will
cause the readings to be inaccurate. Be sure
2. Remove the two screws from the center of the that the wires never make contact with each
rear panel. other.
3. Slowly pull the rear panel assembly out of the Tools required:
unit, no more than 1”.
Cable cutters, wire strippers, insulating tubing,
4. Disconnect the two ribbon cables connecting soldering iron & solder, wire markers (optional).
the case to the PCB.
5. The fuse is located near the transformer.
Remove the old fuse and replace it with one 1. Measure the cable from the end connector to
with the same rating as indicated above. the desired length and cut.

6. Position the PCB near the case and connect 2. Strip outer jacket and shield 4 inches from the
the two cables to the PCB. Make sure each end.
cable is properly seated and oriented. 3. Cut at the jacket the orange, yellow and all
7. Gently push the rear panel assembly back white wires that are outside the inner shield.
into the case. Make sure the four mounted DO NOT CUT the drain (bare) or the wires
posts align with the holes in the assembly. enclosed inside the inner shield.

8. When the assembly is properly seated, re- 4. Strip the inner shield all the way to the jacket.
install the two mounting screws. 5. Strip all leads 1/4 inch and tin the inner shield.
9. Reconnect power to the meter. 6. Slide clear insulating tubing over the inner
drain (bare) wire. Tuck the insulating tubing
under the jacket. THIS WIRE MUST NEVER
7. Place wire markers on leads if desired.
8. Wire the cable to the 200pH/CR as indicated.
See Figure 14.8 and Table 2.5.

Chapter 13 Service 43
Description QTY Part No.
1. Fuse:
For 115VAC (Type 2AG, 1/8 Amp SB, Littlefuse® #228.125) 1 35088
For 230VAC (Type 2AG, 1/16 Amp SB, Littlefuse® #218.063) 1 35091
2. Display Assembly 1 06235
3. Power Selection Jumper(s):
For 115VAC 2 25242
For 230VAC 1 25242
4. Panel Mounting Kit (gasket, screws, nuts) - 02181
5. 9-Pin Plug in Terminal Strip 2 22617
6. 12-Pin Plug in Terminal Strip 1 22619
7. 14-Pin Plug in Terminal Strip 1 22613

Description Part #
Complete Conductivity Calibrator Kit (includes 1864-05, -06, -07, -08, -09, -12) 1865-07
High Resistivity/Low Conductivity Calibrator Kit (includes 1864-05, -06, -12) 1865-05
Low Resistivity/High Conductivity Calibrator Kit (includes 1864-07, -08, -09) 1865-06
Calibrator 500k? & 1400? (104°C) 1864-05
Calibrator 50K? & 1000? (0°C) 1864-06
Calibrator 5K? & 1400? (104°C) 1864-07
Calibrator 500? & 1000? (0°C) 1864-08
Calibrator, 0? (short) & 1097? (25°C) 1864-09
Calibrator, infinite ? (open) & 1097? (25°C) 1864-12
Back Cover for IP65 Rating 1000-62
Pipe Mounting Kit for 1-1/2 to 4” pipe (requires back cover, above) 1000-63
Ferrite Bead noise suppression kit 02183
(one for each sensor cable to meet CE class B requirements)
Patch Cord, 1 ft 1001-67
Patch Cord, 5 ft 1005-67
Patch Cord, 10 ft 1010-67
Patch Cord, 25 ft 1025-67
Patch Cord, 50 ft 1050-67
Patch Cord, 100 ft 1110-67
Patch Cord, 150 ft 1115-67
Patch Cord, 200 ft 1120-67
Manual, Communications (RS232, RS422) 84364
pH/ORP BNC Preamp – for any pH/ORP electrode with BNC connector 1000-77
pH/ORP K9 Preamp – for any pH/ORP electrode with Ingold K9 connector 1000-85

44 Service Chapter 13












Chapter 14 Technical Illustrations 45


See note

1. Choices for this menu are: Ohm-cm, S/cm, DegC, DegF, TDS, % Rejection, A/B, A-B, pH, Volts, %HCl,
%NaOH, %H2SO4, s/cmU, None.

Figure 14.1a: Menu Trees

46 Technical Illustrations Chapter 14

MENU TREES (Continued)

1. Choices for this menu are Res, Con, °C, °F, pH, Vlt.
2. Choices for this menu are R 500K, R 50K, R 5K, R 500, Temp, Volts, short, open.
3. Will display volts for pH or ORP measurements.

Figure 14.1b: Calibrate Menu Tree

Chapter 14 Technical Illustrations 47


See note

See note 2.

See note 3.

See note 5.

Auto scroll

Disp Format

See note 4.


1. Choices for this menu are: Measure, Display, Menus, Calibrate, Relays, Outputs, Setpoint.
2. Choices for this menu are: High, Medium, Low, Spec.
3. Choices for this menu are: Standard, Linear, Cation, Alcohol, Light 84, Gly 100%, Gly 50%, Ammonia,
4. Choices for this menu are: ROM, RAM, Aout#1, Aout#2, A/D, Comm, NVRAM, Display, Keypad.
5. Choices for this menu are: Use this chan, Use other chan, Fixed = XX.XX°C.

Figure 14.1c: Menus Menu Tree

48 Technical Illustrations Chapter 14


Figure 14.2a: Panel Mounting Dimensions

Figure 14.2b: Wall Mounting Dimensions (with accessory rear cover installed)

Chapter 14 Technical Illustrations 49


Figure 14.3: Panel Cutout


Figure 14.4: Exploded Assembly

50 Technical Illustrations Chapter 14


Figure 14.5: Pipe Mounting


Figure 14.6: Sealed Rear Cover Assembly

Chapter 14 Technical Illustrations 51


Figure 14.7: Printed Circuit Board Layout

52 Technical Illustrations Chapter 14


Figure 14.8: Rear Panel Wiring & Patch Cords

Chapter 14 Technical Illustrations 53


Figure 14.9: Calibrators



Terminal Conductivity pH/ORP

1 Resistance -
2 - -
3 Jumper to 1 pH/ORP voltage
4 Temperature resistance Temperature resistance
5 Temperature common Temperature common
6 Resistance common & jumper to 5 Voltage common & jumper to 5
7 Jumper to 6 Jumper to 6

Figure 14.10: Meter Conductivity and pH/ORP Calibration Using Decade Box or Voltage

54 Technical Illustrations Chapter 14

Cond./Resist. Ranges: 0.1 Constant 2-E Cell: 0.02 µS/cm to 1200 µS/cm
833 Ω-cm to 50 MΩ-cm
50 Constant 2-E Cell: 100 µS/cm to 1.0 S/cm
1.0 Ω-cm to 0.01 MΩ-cm
4-E Cell: 5 µS/cm to 500,000 µS/cm
2 Ω-cm to 0.2 MΩ-cm
TDS: covers equivalent conductivity ranges
Concentrations: HCl: 0-20%, NaOH: 0-15%, H2SO4: 0-20%,
pH & ORP Ranges: -1 to 15 pH, -1400 to +1500 mV
Temperature Range: -40° to 200°C, -40 to 392°F
Temperature Compensation: Automatic, referenced to 25°C for Resistivity, Conductivity, Percent
Rejection and TDS. Field selectable for standard high purity
(Thornton/Light), cation/ammonia/ETA (power industry), isopropyl alcohol,
or Light 84 (special microelectronics applications).
pH temperature compensation for Nernst electrode output effects plus
adjustable solution temperature compensation for high purity water
ionization effects, referenced to 25°C.
Setpoints/Alarms: Four, may be set as high, low or USP limits on any measurement. Any
relay can be programmed to operate from multiple setpoints
Relays: 2 SPDT relays, rated 5 amp max. resistive load up to 30 VDC or 250 VAC,
standard; optional additional: 2 AC-only Solid State, rated 1.5 amp max,
250 VAC resistive load, 10 mA minimum current
Analog Output Signals: Two optional powered 4-20 mA outputs (may be recalibrated to 0-20 mA),
500 ohm load maximum, freely scalable to any parameter, isolated from
input and from ground; accuracy ±0.05 mA
Serial Output: RS232 maximum distance 50 feet. RS422 maximum distance 4,000 feet.
Field selectable up to 19.2 k baud. Requires external isolation if using
sensors other than 0.1/cm conductivity.
Accuracy: Conductivity/Resistivity: ±0.5% of reading up to 18 Mohm-cm, ±0.25°C
pH/ORP: ±0.03 pH, ±2 mV, ±0.3°C
Repeatability: ±0.5% of reading for cond./resist, ±0.075°C, ±0.02 pH, ±1 mV
Update Rate: All parameters are updated once per second
Ratings/Approvals: UL listed, CE compliant.
Storage Temperature: -40° to 70°C (-40° to °158F)
Operating Temperature: -10° to 55°C (14 to 131°F)
Humidity: 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)

Display/keypad: 16 character, backlit LCD (4.8 mm x 9.6 mm);11 tactile feedback keys
Material: ABS-PC alloy
Rating: IP65 front panel seal, and rear with accessory back cover.
Panel Cutout: 3.78” x 7.56” (96 x 192 mm) DIN
Weight: 1.9 lbs. (0.9kg)
Sensor Patch Cord Length: 200 feet (61 m) maximum, 2-E, pH and ORP sensors
50 feet (15 m) maximum, 4-E sensors

Power: 90-130 VAC or 180-250 VAC 12 Watts maximum, 50-60Hz or 12-30 VDC,
300 mA steady state, 600 mA inrush at 24 VDC. With sensors other than
0.1/cm conductivity, the DC power supply must be isolated from earth
ground. On power loss all stored values are retained in non-volatile memory
without batteries.

200pH/CR Models

Part Number Relays Analog Line Power

6520-1 2 SPDT None 110 VAC (24 VDC)
6520-2 2 SPDT None 220 VAC (24 VDC)
6522-1 2 SPDT 2 110 VAC (24 VDC)
6522-2 2 SPDT 2 220 VAC (24 VDC)
6542-1 2 SPDT and 2 Solid State, AC only 2 110 VAC (24 VDC)
6542-2 2 SPDT and 2 Solid State , AC only 2 220 VAC (24 VDC)

Pending CE-Declaration of Conformity

Thornton Inc., 1432 Main-Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA declares that the 200pH/CR pH, ORP and
Conductivity/Resistivity Instruments, Models 6520-1, 6520-2, 6522-1, 6522-2, 6542-1, 6542-2, 6520K1,
6522K1 and 6542K1 meet the intent of Directive 89/336/EEC for Electromagnetic Compatibility. They have
been designed to meet Directive 73/23/EEC for Low Voltage.
Testing for compliance has been done to the following specifications.

EN 50081-2 Emissions:
EN 55011 Radiated and Conducted, Class A (Class B with
accessory ferrite bead kit installed)

EN 50082-2 Immunity:
IEC 1000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge
IEC 1000-4-3 RF-Radiated
IEC 1000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transients

Additional testing for compliance will be done to the following specification. Until that testing is complete,
these instruments will not bear the CE mark.

IEC 61010-1 Safety

UL Listing

Thornton Inc., 1432 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA has obtained Underwriters Laboratories’ Listing
for 200pH/CR pH, ORP and Conductivity/Resistivity Instruments. They bear the UL Listed mark signifying
that the products have been evaluated to the applicable UL standards for electrical process control
equipment, UL3121-1.

Thornton Inc. warrants products it manufactures against defects in materials or workmanship for one year
from start-up or 18 months from the date of shipment from Thornton, whichever is sooner. Warranties do not
apply to limited life components such as batteries. Some non-Thornton manufactured resale items may have
shorter warranties than one year. Thornton honors only the warranty period of the original manufacturer.
Catalog descriptions, although accurate, should not be taken as a guarantee or warranty. Thornton’s
obligation under the warranty shall be to repair at its facility or replace any products which Thornton finds to
be defective. Items returned for warranty must be properly packaged, shipped prepaid and insured, and must
be accompanied by the Return Authorization Number described below.
Returned Goods: Please contact us for a Return Authorization Number before any item is returned. Items
returned for credit or exchange must be in salable condition. Items returned after 30 days from date of
invoice, will be subject to a 10% rehandling charge.
Note: Substitution or modification of cables voids all warranties.

Thornton Inc.
1432 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02451-1623
(781) 839-6400

Smartline: 800-642-4418
Faxline: 781-890-5507
Email: info@thorntoninc.com

Part No. 84383

Rev. B 12/00

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