Business Strategy
Business Strategy
Business Strategy
Strategic management can be defined as the process of setting organizational targets,
processes as well as various objectives in terms of making the organization more competitive.
Several features of this management process are utilised for the making of strategies. These
features are capable of making several strategic steps as well as targets which has the ability
to confirm the improvement of the company such as Unilever. A British Multinational
organization headquartered in London, this company mainly deal with products including
food and refreshments, home care as well as personal care. Unilever requires considering the
various planning for holding the market shares as a result of Brexit, for the promotion of
growth as well as sustainability. This assignment will focus on the critical analysis of the
macro environment for determining as well as informing strategic management decisions and
will analyse the how the macro environment impacts. It will also examine the internal
environment with the critical evaluation of the chosen organization’s internal capabilities and
will produce appropriate planning for improving the competitive edge and market position on
the basis of the evaluation. Utilizing the theories as well as models this assignment will
produce a strategic management for the chosen organization Unilever for making this
assignment as successful one.
Strengths are referred to as the internal factors like human resources, organizational structure,
procedures of production, investments, as well as others that are based on the conditions of
the company. The strengths of Unilever are:
Strong brands
Strong presence in the worldwide market
Economies of scale
A range of broad products
Unilever consists of various strong brands within the industry of consumer goods that enable
them in penetrating markets in an effective way as compared to other companies in the
industry. Through their expansion strategies, the company has been able to enhance their
presence in the worldwide market that has been their strength in terms of reinforcing the
popularity of their brand. Through economies of scale, Unilever supports their production in
an efficient way and is also able to develop competitive strategies for pricing which is also
known as Unilever's marketing mix. Their broad product mix helps them in showcasing the
extent of and the growth of their business.
Despite their strong position within the market, Unilever still has certain weaknesses that tend
to limit their growth. The weaknesses of Unilever are:
Limited business diversification
Imitable products
Dependency on the retailers
Although Unilever has a broad product mix, Their major weakness is their limited
diversification within their business outside the industry of consumer goods. Another
weakness of Unilever is its imitable nature regarding their products. Though Unilever spends
a lot of money on the developmental procedures of their products, other companies can easily
imitate the products of Unilever such as Rexona as well as Dove products. Along with this,
Unilever also lacks a strong influence on the customers as the retailers are responsible for
affecting the buying patterns of the customers directly.
Unilever needs to take advantage of the various opportunities for growth within the industry
of consumer goods all over the globe. The opportunities of Unilever are:
Innovation of fresh products for health
Diversification of business
Development of the market
Enhancement of their business for conserving the environment
Imitation of the product tends to be a major threat for Unilever As the local businesses and
able to develop the products that are very much similar to the products developed by
Unilever. Unilever also has to face major competition in the industry that tends to be a threat
regarding the strength of the other businesses within the industry. the competitors are a threat
to Unilever as they can reduce the market share of the company and also affect their financial
performance. the retailers also pose a threat to Unilever as they are capable of selling the
products of their personal brands. These kinds of brands are also known as generic brands,
store brands, or house brands.
VRIN/VRIO analysis of Unilever
The VRIO analysis tends to be a strategic tool that is generally utilized to assess as well as
evaluate the resources of an organization and along with that determine the strategic
advantage as well as the competitiveness of that organization. This tool helps in identifying
the competitive advantage of a company in the long term through the evaluation of that
internal resources as well as their capabilities. The analysis evaluates the resources as well as
the competencies on the basis of the characteristics.
Competencies that tend to be valuable help Unilever to exploit the opportunities that are
available and also neutralize the threats from the external as well as the internal environment.
The competencies help in the growth, development, as well as further expansion of Unilever.
Brand image
The brand image of Unilever tends to be unique as well as consists of high brand integrity.
Unilever developed its brand image over a longer period and with consistent effort as well as
offers quality products to the customers. The brand image of Unilever also represents their
trust as well as honesty.
Brand image for social responsibility
Unilever continues to engage within actions that are socially responsible and also are
transparent about their actions. They have clearly defined their function regarding corporate
social responsibility. All the stakeholders of Unilever are properly acknowledged regarding
the activities of the company as well as their actions regarding social responsibility.
Unilever has its presence as well as operations all over the globe and they are highly exposed
to the various cultures as well as social values and norms. Unilever is highly adaptive towards
various cultures as they engage in marketing communication as well as localized activities.
Localization is crucial for Unilever as it helps them to penetrate various local markets.
Problem-solving skills
Unilever has developed an organizational culture regarding solving various problems among
its management as well as its employees. Due to their organizational culture, it helps them to
foster high creativity, innovation, as well as teamwork within the company.
The offering of quality product
Unilever is known to offer proper quality products to their customers so that it leads to
continuous purchases and also increased consumption of the products offered by Unilever.
Customer experience
Unilever is known to provide a unique experience for their customers by offering high brand
engagement that is not only memorable but also relevant. Unilever continues to engage with
its consumers at various touchpoints and also offers a holistic experience leading towards
continuous purchases by the customers.
Technological incorporation as well as advancement
The incorporation of the latest technology, as well as their advancements, has helped
Unilever to gain a competitive advantage within the industry. These technological
advancements help Unilever in maintaining their various business operations as well as
procedures efficiently as well as effectively. Technological advancements also help Unilever
to manage its global operations smoothly.
Investing in research as well as development
Unilever has made various investments within research as well as the development that has
enabled them to remain abreast regarding the marketing trends as well as the behavior of the
customers. Unilever utilizes their research as well as development function for the
development of various offerings that fulfill the demands as well as changing tastes of the
Critical evaluation
McKinsey's 7s model tends to be a strategic tool as well as a framework that is helpful for the
managers as well as businesses in assessing the performance of a company. This tool
identifies seven major elements of a company that requires focus as well as alignment for a
successful procedure of change management.
These seven elements are categorized into hard elements as well as soft elements.
HARD Elements SOFT Elements
Shared Values
Strategy Skills
Structure Style
Systems Staff
Hard elements
Unilever poses a flatter organizational structure that gets support from learning as well as
progressive organizations. it has fewer managerial levels and has greater access towards the
senior management as well as leadership. The coordination among various departments is
also high in Unilever. The department of heavy work tends to form interdependent teams
regarding various projects as well as tasks that consist of multiple expertise. Unilever tends to
encourage teamwork as well as team-oriented tasks. The company has also developed an
intricate system that ensures communication among the employees as well as various
managerial levels.
You will produce appropriate strategies to improve competitive edge and market
position based on your evaluation of the competitive market using the Porter’s Five
Forces model.
The chosen organization Unilever efficiently participates around the international customer
merchandise marketplace. The Five Forces Analysis of the Porter Model of Unilever
highlights the requirement to the deliberately provide importance to the rivalry as well as the
bargain control of the clientele within the industry surroundings. The Porter’s Five Forces
model is the tool for the purpose of management that helps in understanding the influence of
the external factors within the chosen surroundings. For the Unilever’s Analysis, the spirited
rivalry is seen as one of the most rigid outside forces, with the bargain control of the buyers.
To make sure the long-term achievement, the chosen corporation should address the problem
connected to these five forces. The chosen organization Unilever’s marketplace place as well
as the strengths of the organization is sufficient to deal with those forces.
This company deals with the broad variety of the outside factors, taking it the degree of its
processes in the worldwide customer merchandise marketplace. The following mentioned
aspects are the intensities for the five forces which affects the Unilever.
Competitive rivalry as well as competition (strong force)
Competition can be defined as the major force for the Unilever’s industry surroundings. This
area of inside the Five Forces analysis can help in recognizing the outside factors which
present the influence the company on the each other.
Various rival firms (strong force)
High fierceness of the companies (strong force)
There are various companies functioning in the customer merchandise industry. This outside
factor inflicts a rigid force on the chosen organization Unilever.
Bargaining power of the customers (strong force)
This chosen organization’s trade and manufacturing surroundings relies on the reply of
customers to its merchandise. The impact of the buyers on the trade performance is measured
for this area of the analysis. Unilever should deal with the following outside factors which
guide to the rigid force of the bargain control of the clientele. This includes the Low
switching expenses as well as elevated quality of information and the small size of person
The low switching costs can produce it simple for the customers to move from the Unilever’s
goods for the companies’ merchandise. This outside factor donates to the rigid strength of the
bargain authority of the purchasers.
Bargain power of the suppliers (moderate force)
Suppliers can influence the Unilever’s industry surroundings by making an effect on the stage
of supply obtainable to the companies. This area of this analysis showcases the impact of the
suppliers on the firms. The area includes the external factors that add to the reasonable force
of the bargain authority of suppliers on the Unilever and this includes the reasonable size of
personal suppliers (moderate force) as well as the Moderate inhabitants of the suppliers.
While the chosen organization Unilever has big suppliers like overseas firms that provide
paper as well as oil, the standard supplier is reasonable in size. This outside factor inflicts a
reasonable strength force on the customer goods industry environment.
Using a range of theories, concepts and models you will produce a strategic
management plan that has tangible and tactical strategic priorities and objectives for
your chosen organisation.
In term of the chosen organization Unilever, there are various theories as well as concepts
that can assist for making a strategic planning for Unilever. The plan includes Porter’s
generic strategy where there are various problems that are connected to the planning to enter
into the marketplace. Through this Unilever can implement these planning that will assist
them to arrange the problems in a perfect manner. The cost and the price leadership strategy
will be offering idea concerning the method about pricing. Differentiation of strategy is also
another planning where the merchandise will be marketed with a variety of variation. Focus
stagey is another way out which will help for specific market types. For companies like
Unilever, the diversification strategy can be proper as well as important. Globalization is
another method for the chosen organization where various issues will be vital that can be
arranged. Benchmarking is another that can be applied into the raw materials management
system. Various features of the strategic management are utilised for the manufacturing of
the plans and these features can be able for making the several strategic priorities as well as
objectives which can assure the improvement of the company. With the assistance of the
differentiation, the products will be launched within the market and number of variations can
be involved into it. On the other hand the chosen organization also has to rely on the focus
strategy and this will help Unilever to get aligned. For making a better strategic as well as
tactical action, several actions of data as well as data can be implemented among the
environmental as well as competitive analysis. In terms of gaining the data concerning the
competitive analysis and after the Brexit, there can be several changes which can be occurred
by the worst political conditions. As Unilever is capable of having string relationships with
the social parties it will able to manage the situations properly. The business strategy, as well
as the strategic direction of Unilever, is properly defined as well as it is communicated to
every employee as well as stakeholders. This helps them in the management of performance,
device effective strategies, as well as guides their actions. Unilever devices its strategies
taking into account the activities of their competitors as well as there are competitive
pressures. It also takes into account the changing trends as well as demands of the customers
along with the evolving marketing patterns of the customers as well as consumer behavior. A
crucial aspect regarding the strategic direction of Unilever is they have a flexible as well as
adaptable strategy. Due to this, the company is not only able to get benefits from its quick
reaction and response towards the buying patterns of the customers, but they are also able to
adapt their products locally as well as culturally for various regions as well as
countries.Unilever consists of a highly skilled workforce. They recruit their employees on the
basis of merit as well as qualifications and pride themselves regarding the hiring of the best
professionals. They also groom the hired employees further so that they are able to facilitate
growth as well as development. Unilever gives proper attention towards the enhancement of
skills as well as capacities of the employees by adding workshops as well as regular training.
This creates opportunities for growth as well as the development of the employees. The
human resource of Unilever tends to be its major competitive advantage. The skills possessed
by the employees are developed according to their job rules as well as requirements of
Unilever so that they are able to provide a competitive advantage to Unilever.
It can be stated from the above part that strategic management can be defined as the process
of setting organizational targets, processes as well as various objectives in terms of making
the organization more competitive. Several features of this management process are utilised
for the making of strategies. Unilever consists of various strong brands within the industry of
consumer goods that enable them in penetrating markets in an effective way as compared to
other companies in the industry. Through their expansion strategies, the company has been
able to enhance their presence in the worldwide market that has been their strength in terms
of reinforcing the popularity of their brand. Unilever will require having deal with various
social issues and they need to deal with the society as well. They are capable of preserving a
very rigid connection with the social parties among the system. However the consumer’s
turnover rate is quite low and consumer contentment rate is high and Unilever has turned out
to be make standard footprint on the perfect line. Unilever can reduce its energy usage by the
adoption fresh as well as more energy effective technologies. Competencies that tend to be
valuable help Unilever to exploit the opportunities that are available and also neutralize the
threats from the external as well as the internal environment. The competencies help in the
growth, development, as well as further expansion of Unilever. Hence almost every aspect is
quite clear in the above part.