Practice Sheet 4 - Narrative Text
Practice Sheet 4 - Narrative Text
Practice Sheet 4 - Narrative Text
5. Who was stronger according to the text? Write T or F for number 11 – 17!
A. Baya C. Sura and Baya 11. The whole eggs cracked in the same time. (...)
B. Sura D. Goat 12. The ugly duckling was not like a duck at all. (...)
13. The ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. (...)
6. “He was very hungry and ...” 14. The little poor duckling was very happy. (...)
The underlined word refers to ... 15. The ugly duckling run away because his mother was
A. Baya C. Sura and Baya angry to him. (...)
B. Sura D. Goat 16. The ugly duck was actually a swan. (...)
17. The swan did not want to stay near the ugly duck. (...)
7. “Then they fought for the goat.”
18. “… they swam around him…” (Paragraph 5)
The underlined word can be best replaced by ...
The underlined word refers to …
A. competed C. debated
B. quarrel D. talked A. The swans C. The turkey
B. The ducks D. The ugly duckling
8. “Baya was very angry...”
The synonim of the underlined word is ... 19. Where did the ugly duckling hide?
A. patient C. irritated
A. In the pond C. In the forest
B. calm D. Naughty
B. In the river D. In the bushes
9. “... they lived in the different places.” 20. What is the best title of the text above?
The underlined word has same meaning as...
A. stayed C. swam A. The Beautiful Swan C. The Mother’s Eggs
B. got D. Flew B. The Ugly Duckling D. The Duck and Swan