Heredity CH - 9

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Heredity and
Mulciple Choice Questions
Exc -han ge or gen etic nm tcrl al tak es pla ce
(al ,·t'g et,l t h·e repr odu c-t ion
(h) a$e"\.-ual repr odu c-ti on
~\ :u al rep rod uct ion
td) bud din g

2. 1\,· o pin k col our ed flow ers on cro

ssin g res ulte d in 1 red , 2 pin k
the cro ss will be
and I whi te flow er pro gen y. The nat ure of
{a) dou ble fert ilis atio n
~ pollination
(c) cro ss ferttlisatlon
(d) no fertillsatlon
rt pea pla nt (tt} res ulte d
3. A cro ss bet wee n a tall pla nt rm and sho
in pro gen y tha t wer e all tall pla nts bec aus
(f!!....taRoess Is the dominant tra it
(b} shortness Is the dom ina nt tra it
(c) tal1 nr.s s is the rece ssiv e tra it
e T or T
(d) .beJght of pea pla nt is not governed by gen
4. Wh Jch of the foll owi ng sta tem ent ls incorre
(a} For eve ry hor mo ne the re is a gen e.
(h) For eve ry pm tetn the re ts a gen
a gen e.
(c) For production of eve ry enz ym e the re ls
~ eve ,y mo lecu le of fat the
re ts a gen e
Wd with wrt nkle<l.
5. If a round. - ~ aeeded pea pla nt (RR yy) It. Cl"<In
yellowaeeded pe-A plant. (rrYY) the seeds produc
ed F, generation are

~ and yel low

(b) rou nd and green
(c) wri nkl ed and green
(d) wri nkl ed and yel low
_ In huma n males all the chrom osome s are paired perfec tly excep t
one. This/t hese unpair ed chrom osome is/are
(i} large chrom osome
(ii} small chrom osome
(iii} Y chrom osome
(iv) X chrom osome

(a) (l) and (It} (b) (IJI} only

~ and (iv) (d) (ii} and (jv}
7. The malen ess of a child is determ ined by
(a} the X chrom osome in Lhe zygote
~ e Y chrom osome in zygote
(c} the cytopl asm of germ cell which determ ines the sex
(d) sex is determ ined by chanc e
8. A zygote which has an X-chro mosom e inheri ted from the father
will develo p into a
(a) boy
(c) X- chrom osome does not determ ine the sex of a child
{d) either boy or girl
9. Select the incorr ect statem ent
(a) Freque ncy of certain genes in a popula tion chang e over severa l
genera tions resulti ng in evolut ion
{91,Re ductio n in weigh t of the organ ism due to starva tion is
geneti cally contro lled
(c) Low weigh t paren ts can have heavy weigh t progen y
(d} Traits which are not inheri ted over genera tions do not cause
evolut ion
10. New specie s may be formed if

(i} DNA under goes signifi cant chang es in germ cells

(H) chrom osome numb er chang es in the gamet e
(iii) there is no chang e in the geneti c mater ial
{iv) malln g does nol take place
\(al,--ft) and (11) (b) (1) and (Ill)
.a(c) (11), (IU) and (iv) (d) (i), (11) and (Hi)
11. Two pea plants one with round green seeds (RRyy ) and anoth er
with wrinkl ed yellow (rrYY) seeds produ ce F progen y that have
round , yellow (RrYy) seeds. When F plants1 are selfed , the F
progen y will have new combi nation of charac ters. Choos e the new2
combi nation from the following
(I} Ron nd. ydln w
(II) RO\l lld, gH'l' ll
tllll Wrin kled , j'l'llo w
(h) \\ rlnk lrd. gt <'Cll
(al (1}.m cl(tll \b) (11,nul (Iv)
{d (Ill ,rnd (Ill} (dl (I) a nd (111)
12. A bn~i..ct ol, r~eta hlc~ conl airn, carr ot. pola
lo, radi sh and toma to.
Whi ch ('I tht'm repr esen t the corr ect hom olog
ous stru ctur es?
(,1} Carr ot and pota lo
lb) C.a rrot and tom ato
~ i s h and carr ot
(d) Rad ish and pola lo

13 . Sele ct the corr ect state men t

~ d r i l of a pea plan t and phy lloc lade
of Opu n iia are
hom olog ous
{b} Tend ril of a pea plan t and phyllocla de
of Opu ntia are anal ogou s
{c) Win gs of bird s and limb s of lizar ds are analogou
(d} Win gs of bird s and wing s of bat are
hom olog ous
1 4 . If the foss il of an orga nism is foun d in
the deep er laye rs of eart h,
then we can pred ict that
(a) the extin ctio n of orga nism has occu rred rece ntly
{b} the exti ncti on of orga nism has occu
rred thou sand s of year s
(cJ the foss il posi tion in the laye rs of eart h is not
rela ted to its time
of exti nctio n
(d) time of extin ctio n cann ot be dete rmin
15 . Whi ch of the following stat eme nts is not
true with resp ect to
vari atio n?
(a)AJI vari atio ns In a spec ies have equa l chan ce of
surv ival
(b} Cha nge in gene tic com posi tion resu lts
in vari atio n
(c) Sele ction of vari ants by envi ronm enta l fact
ors form s the basi s
of evol u Uonary proc esse s.
( ~iaUon ls min imu m in asex ual repr odu ctio
16. A trait in an orga nism ts influ ence d by
(a) pate rnal DNA only
(b} mat erna l DNA only
~ t h mat erna l and pate rnal DNA
(d) neit her by pate rnal nor by mat erna l DNA
17. Select the ~r01 1p which shares maxlrnum num 1Jer of romrnon
{il.}-two indlvlduu ls or a HJ>l'<'il'H
{b) two ~JWCl('H ol n gnHIH
(c} two genera ol n lamlly
(d} l wo genera ol two familicH

~ According to the evolutionary theory, forma lton of a new !iJWCles

is generally due to
ta) sudden creation by nature
(b} accumulation of variations over several generaUons
(c) clones formed during asexual reproduction
(d) movement of individuals from one habitat to another
19. From the list given below, select the character which can be
acquired but not inherited
(a) colour of eye
(b) colour of s kin
-~ of body
(d) nature of h air
20. The two versions of a trait (character) which are brought in by the
male and female gametes are situated on
w-<opies of the same chromosome
(b) two different chromosomes
{c) sex chromosomes
(d) any chromosome
2 1. Select the statements that describe characteristics of genes
{i) genes are specific sequence of bases in a DNA molecule
(ii) a gene does not code for proteins
(ill) in individuals of a given species, a specific gene is located on a
particular chromosome
(iv) each chromosome has only one gene
(a} (1) and (ii} ~ and (Hi)
(c) (1) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
22. In peas, a pure tall plant (TI1 ls crossed with a short plant (tt}. The
ratio of pure tall plants to short plants in F 2 is
(a) 1 : 3
(b) 3: 1
\lQrf: 1
(d) 2: I
23. The num ber of pa.Jr (s) of Sf'X chro1nosornes in the zygote of hum ans is
(b) lwo
(d) fou r
24. The theo ry or evo luti on of spe cies by nat ura l
selection wa<-, given by
(a} Me nde l \.fb JDa rwin
(c} Mo rga n (d) Lam arc k
25. Som e din osa urs had feat her s alth oug h they cou
ld not fly but bird s
hav e fea the rs tha t hel p the m to fly. In the con text of evo
me ans tha t luti on this

(a} rep tile s hav e evo lved from bird s

(b) the re is no evo luti ona ry con nec tion betw een
reptile s and bird s
(c) fea the rs are hom olo gou s stru ctu res in bot h the org
ani sms
(d} bird s hav e evolved from rep tile s

Short Answer Questions

26. How is the sex of a new bor n det erm in

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