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Evaluation: Purpose

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Evaluation is the structured interpretation and giving of meaning to predicted or actual
impacts of proposals or results. It looks at original objectives, and at what is either
predicted or what was accomplished and how it was accomplished. So evaluation can
be formative, that is taking place during the development of a concept or proposal, project
or organization, with the intention of improving the value or effectiveness of the proposal,
project, or organisation. It can also be summative, drawing lessons from a completed
action or project or an organisation at a later point in time or circumstance.
Evaluation is inherently a theoretically informed approach (whether explicitly or not), and
consequently any particular definition of evaluation would have been tailored to its
context – the theory, needs, purpose, and methodology of the evaluation process itself.
Having said this, evaluation has been defined as:

 A systematic, rigorous, and meticulous application of scientific methods to

assess the design, implementation, improvement, or outcomes of a program. It
is a resource-intensive process, frequently requiring resources, such as,
evaluate expertise, labor, time, and a sizable budget
 "The critical assessment, in as objective a manner as possible, of the degree to
which a service or its component parts fulfills stated goals" (St Leger and
Wordsworth-Bell). The focus of this definition is on attaining objective
knowledge, and scientifically or quantitatively measuring predetermined and
external concepts.
 "A study designed to assist some audience to assess an object's merit and
worth" (Stufflebeam). In this definition the focus is on facts as well as value
laden judgments of the programs outcomes and worth.
The main purpose of a program evaluation can be to "determine the quality of a program by
formulating a judgment" Marthe Hurteau, Sylvain Houle, Stéphanie Mongiat (2009). An
alternative view is that "projects, evaluators, and other stakeholders (including funders) will
all have potentially different ideas about how best to evaluate a project since each may
have a different definition of 'merit'. The core of the problem is thus about defining what is
of value." From this perspective, evaluation "is a contested term", as "evaluators" use the
term evaluation to describe an assessment, or investigation of a program whilst others
simply understand evaluation as being synonymous with applied research.
There are two function considering to the evaluation purpose Formative Evaluations
provide the information on the improving a product or a process Summative Evaluations
provide information of short-term effectiveness or long-term impact to deciding the adoption
of a product or process.
Not all evaluations serve the same purpose some evaluations serve a monitoring function
rather than focusing solely on measurable program outcomes or evaluation findings and a
full list of types of evaluations would be difficult to compile. This is because evaluation is
not part of a unified theoretical framework,] drawing on a number of disciplines, which
include management and organisational theory, policy
analysis, education, sociology, social anthropology, and social change.

However, the strict adherence to a set of methodological assumptions may make the field
of evaluation more acceptable to a mainstream audience but this adherence will work
towards preventing evaluators from developing new strategies for dealing with the myriad
problems that programs face. It is claimed that only a minority of evaluation reports are
used by the evaluand (client) (Datta, 2006). One justification of this is that "when
evaluation findings are challenged or utilization has failed, it was because stakeholders and
clients found the inferences weak or the warrants unconvincing" (Fournier and Smith,
1993). Some reasons for this situation may be the failure of the evaluator to establish a set
of shared aims with the evaluand, or creating overly ambitious aims, as well as failing to
compromise and incorporate the cultural differences of individuals and programs within the
evaluation aims and process. None of these problems are due to a lack of a definition of
evaluation but are rather due to evaluators attempting to impose predisposed notions and
definitions of evaluations on clients. The central reason for the poor utilization of
evaluations is arguably[ due to the lack of tailoring of evaluations to suit the needs of the
client, due to a predefined idea (or definition) of what an evaluation is rather than what the
client needs are (House, 1980). The development of a standard methodology for evaluation
will require arriving at applicable ways of asking and stating the results of questions about
ethics such as agent-principal, privacy, stakeholder definition, limited liability; and could-
the-money-be-spent-more-wisely issues.

Depending on the topic of interest, there are professional groups that review the quality
and rigor of evaluation processes.
Evaluating programs and projects, regarding their value and impact within the context they
are implemented, can be ethically challenging. Evaluators may encounter complex,
culturally specific systems resistant to external evaluation. Furthermore, the project
organization or other stakeholders may be invested in a particular evaluation outcome.
Finally, evaluators themselves may encounter "conflict of interest (COI)" issues, or
experience interference or pressure to present findings that support a particular
General professional codes of conduct, as determined by the employing organization,
usually cover three broad aspects of behavioral standards, and include inter-
collegial relations (such as respect for diversity and privacy), operational issues
(due competence, documentation accuracy and appropriate use of resources), and
conflicts of interest (nepotism, accepting gifts and other kinds of favoritism). However,
specific guidelines particular to the evaluator's role that can be utilized in the management
of unique ethical challenges are required. The Joint Committee on Standards for
Educational Evaluation has developed standards for program, personnel, and student
evaluation. The Joint Committee standards are broken into four sections: Utility, Feasibility,
Propriety, and Accuracy. Various European institutions have also prepared their own
standards, more or less related to those produced by the Joint Committee. They provide
guidelines about basing value judgments on systematic inquiry, evaluator competence and
integrity, respect for people, and regard for the general and public welfare.
The American Evaluation Association has created a set of Guiding Principles for
evaluators. The order of these principles does not imply priority among them; priority will
vary by situation and evaluator role. The principles run as follows:

 Systematic Inquiry: evaluators conduct systematic, data-based inquiries about

whatever is being evaluated. This requires quality data collection, including a
defensible choice of indicators, which lends credibility to findings. Findings are
credible when they are demonstrably evidence-based, reliable and valid. This
also pertains to the choice of methodology employed, such that it is consistent
with the aims of the evaluation and provides dependable data. Furthermore,
utility of findings is critical such that the information obtained by evaluation is
comprehensive and timely, and thus serves to provide maximal benefit and use
to stakeholders.
 Competence: evaluators provide competent performance to stakeholders. This
requires that evaluation teams comprise an appropriate combination of
competencies, such that varied and appropriate expertise is available for the
evaluation process, and that evaluators work within their scope of capability.
 Integrity/Honesty: evaluators ensure the honesty and integrity of the entire
evaluation process. A key element of this principle is freedom from bias in
evaluation and this is underscored by three principles: impartiality,
independence, and transparency.
Independence is attained through ensuring independence of judgment is upheld such that
evaluation conclusions are not influenced or pressured by another party, and avoidance of
conflict of interest, such that the evaluator does not have a stake in a particular conclusion.
Conflict of interest is at issue particularly where funding of evaluations is provided by
particular bodies with a stake in conclusions of the evaluation, and this is seen as
potentially compromising the independence of the evaluator. Whilst it is acknowledged that
evaluators may be familiar with agencies or projects that they are required to evaluate,
independence requires that they not have been involved in the planning or implementation
of the project. A declaration of interest should be made where any benefits or association
with project are stated. Independence of judgment is required to be maintained against any
pressures brought to bear on evaluators, for example, by project funders wishing to modify
evaluations such that the project appears more effective than
findings can verify.
Impartiality pertains to findings being a fair and thorough assessment of strengths and
weaknesses of a project or program. This requires taking due input from all stakeholders
involved and findings presented without bias and with a transparent, proportionate, and
persuasive link between findings and recommendations. Thus evaluators are required to
delimit their findings to evidence. A mechanism to ensure impartiality is external and
internal review. Such review is required of significant (determined in terms of cost or
sensitivity) evaluations. The review is based on quality of work and the degree to which a
demonstrable link is provided between findings
and recommendations.
Transparency requires that stakeholders are aware of the reason for the evaluation, the
criteria by which evaluation occurs and the purposes to which the findings will be applied.
Access to the evaluation document should be facilitated through findings being easily
readable, with clear explanations of evaluation methodologies, approaches, sources of
information, and costs

 Respect for People: Evaluators respect the security, dignity and self-worth of

the respondents, program participants, clients, and other stakeholders with
whom they interact.This is particularly pertinent with regards to those who will
be impacted upon by the evaluation findings. Protection of people includes
ensuring informed consent from those involved in the evaluation, upholding
confidentiality, and ensuring that the identity of those who may provide
sensitive information towards the program evaluation is protected. ] Evaluators
are ethically required to respect the customs and beliefs of those who are
impacted upon by the evaluation or program activities. Examples of how such
respect is demonstrated is through respecting local customs e.g. dress codes,
respecting peoples privacy, and minimizing demands on others' time. Where
stakeholders wish to place objections to evaluation findings, such a process
should be facilitated through the local office of the evaluation organization, and
procedures for lodging complaints or queries should be accessible and clear.
 Responsibilities for General and Public Welfare: Evaluators articulate and take
into account the diversity of interests and values that may be related to the
general and public welfare. Access to evaluation documents by the wider public
should be facilitated such that discussion and feedback is enabled.
Furthermore, the international organizations such as the I.M.F. and the World Bank have
independent evaluation functions. The various funds, programmes, and agencies of the
United Nations has a mix of independent, semi-independent and self-evaluation functions,
which have organized themselves as a system-wide UN Evaluation Group (UNEG), that
works together to strengthen the function, and to establish UN norms and standards for
evaluation. There is also an evaluation group within the OECD-DAC, which endeavors to
improve development evaluation standards. ] The independent evaluation units of the major
multinational development banks (MDBs) have also created the Evaluation Cooperation
Group to strengthen the use of evaluation for greater MDB effectiveness and accountability,
share lessons from MDB evaluations, and promote evaluation harmonization and

The word "evaluation" has various connotations for different people, raising issues related
to this process that include; what type of evaluation should be conducted; why there should
be an evaluation process and how the evaluation is integrated into a program, for the
purpose of gaining greater knowledge and awareness? There are also various factors
inherent in the evaluation process, for example; to critically examine influences within a
program that involve the gathering and analyzing of relative information about a program.
Michael Quinn Patton motivated the concept that the evaluation procedure should be
directed towards:

 Activities
 Characteristics
 Outcomes
 The making of judgments on a program
 Improving its effectiveness,
 Informed programming decisions
Founded on another perspective of evaluation by Thomson and Hoffman in 2003, it is
possible for a situation to be encountered, in which the process could not be considered
advisable; for instance, in the event of a program being unpredictable, or unsound. This
would include it lacking a consistent routine; or the concerned parties unable to reach an
agreement regarding the purpose of the program. In addition, an influencer, or manager,
refusing to incorporate relevant, important central issues within the evaluation

There exist several conceptually distinct ways of thinking about, designing, and conducting
evaluation efforts. Many of the evaluation approaches in use today make truly unique
contributions to solving important problems, while others refine existing approaches in
some way.

Classification of approaches[edit]
Two classifications of evaluation approaches by House and Stufflebeam and Webster can
be combined into a manageable number of approaches in terms of their unique and
important underlying principles.
House considers all major evaluation approaches to be based on a
common ideology entitled liberal democracy. Important principles of this ideology include
freedom of choice, the uniqueness of the individual and empirical inquiry grounded
in objectivity. He also contends that they are all based on subjectivist ethics, in which
ethical conduct is based on the subjective or intuitive experience of an individual or group.
One form of subjectivist ethics is utilitarian, in which "the good" is determined by what
maximizes a single, explicit interpretation of happiness for society as a whole. Another form
of subjectivist ethics is intuitionist/pluralist, in which no single interpretation of "the good" is
assumed and such interpretations need not be explicitly stated nor justified.
These ethical positions have corresponding epistemologies—philosophies for
obtaining knowledge. The objectivist epistemology is associated with the utilitarian ethic; in
general, it is used to acquire knowledge that can be externally verified (intersubjective
agreement) through publicly exposed methods and data. The subjectivist epistemology is
associated with the intuitionist/pluralist ethic and is used to acquire new knowledge based
on existing personal knowledge, as well as experiences that are (explicit) or are not (tacit)
available for public inspection. House then divides each epistemological approach into two
main political perspectives. Firstly, approaches can take an elite perspective, focusing on
the interests of managers and professionals; or they also can take a mass perspective,
focusing on consumers and participatory approaches.
Stufflebeam and Webster place approaches into one of three groups, according to their
orientation toward the role of values and ethical consideration. The political orientation
promotes a positive or negative view of an object regardless of what its value actually is
and might be—they call this pseudo-evaluation. The questions orientation includes
approaches that might or might not provide answers specifically related to the value of an
object—they call this quasi-evaluation. The values orientation includes approaches
primarily intended to determine the value of an object—they call this true evaluation.
When the above concepts are considered simultaneously, fifteen evaluation approaches
can be identified in terms of epistemology, major perspective (from House), and
orientation. Two pseudo-evaluation approaches, politically controlled and public relations
studies, are represented. They are based on an objectivist epistemology from an elite
perspective. Six quasi-evaluation approaches use an objectivist epistemology. Five of them
—experimental research, management information systems, testing programs, objectives-
based studies, and content analysis—take an elite perspective. Accountability takes a
mass perspective. Seven true evaluation approaches are included. Two approaches,
decision-oriented and policy studies, are based on an objectivist epistemology from an elite
perspective. Consumer-oriented studies are based on an objectivist epistemology from a
mass perspective. Two approaches—accreditation/certification and connoisseur studies—
are based on a subjectivist epistemology from an elite perspective. Finally, adversary
and client-centered studies are based on a subjectivist epistemology from a mass


Politically controlled and public relations studies are based on an objectivist

epistemology from an elite perspective.[clarification needed] Although both of these approaches seek
to misrepresent value interpretations about an object, they function differently from each
other. Information obtained through politically controlled studies is released or withheld to
meet the special interests of the holder, whereas public relations information creates a
positive image of an object regardless of the actual situation. Despite the application of
both studies in real scenarios, neither of these approaches is acceptable evaluation

Objectivist, elite, quasi-evaluation[edit]

As a group, these five approaches represent a highly respected collection of disciplined
inquiry approaches. They are considered quasi-evaluation approaches because particular
studies legitimately can focus only on questions of knowledge without addressing any
questions of value. Such studies are, by definition, not evaluations. These approaches can
produce characterizations without producing appraisals, although specific studies can
produce both. Each of these approaches serves its intended purpose well. They are
discussed roughly in order of the extent to which they approach the objectivist ideal.

 Experimental research is the best approach for determining causal

relationships between variables. The potential problem with using this as an
evaluation approach is that its highly controlled and stylized methodology may
not be sufficiently responsive to the dynamically changing needs of most
human service programs.
 Management information systems (MISs) can give detailed information about
the dynamic operations of complex programs. However, this information is
restricted to readily quantifiable data usually available at regular intervals.
 Testing programs are familiar to just about anyone who has attended school,
served in the military, or worked for a large company. These programs are
good at comparing individuals or groups to selected norms in a number of
subject areas or to a set of standards of performance. However, they only focus
on testee performance and they might not adequately sample what is taught or
 Objectives-based approaches relate outcomes to prespecified objectives,
allowing judgments to be made about their level of attainment. Unfortunately,
the objectives are often not proven to be important or they focus on outcomes
too narrow to provide the basis for determining the value of an object.
 Content analysis is a quasi-evaluation approach because content analysis
judgments need not be based on value statements. Instead, they can be based
on knowledge. Such content analyses are not evaluations. On the other hand,
when content analysis judgments are based on values, such studies are
Objectivist, mass, quasi-evaluation[edit]
 Accountability is popular with constituents because it is intended to provide an
accurate accounting of results that can improve
the quality of products and services. However, this approach quickly can turn
practitioners and consumers into adversaries when implemented in a heavy-
handed fashion.
Objectivist, elite, true evaluation[edit]
 Decision-oriented studies are designed to provide a knowledge base for
making and defending decisions. This approach usually requires the
close collaboration between an evaluator and decision-maker, allowing it to be
susceptible to corruption and bias.
 Policy studies provide general guidance and direction on broad issues by
identifying and assessing potential costs and benefits of competing policies.
The drawback is these studies can be corrupted or subverted by the politically
motivated actions of the participants.
Objectivist, mass, true evaluation[edit]
 Consumer-oriented studies are used to judge the relative merits of goods and
services based on generalized needs and values, along with a comprehensive
range of effects. However, this approach does not necessarily help
practitioners improve their work, and it requires a very good and credible
evaluator to do it well.
Subjectivist, elite, true evaluation[edit]
 Accreditation / certification programs are based on self-study and peer
review of organizations, programs, and personnel. They draw on the insights,
experience, and expertise of qualified individuals who use established
guidelines to determine if the applicant should be approved to perform specified
functions. However, unless performance-based standards are used, attributes
of applicants and the processes they perform often are overemphasized in
relation to measures of outcomes or effects.
 Connoisseur studies use the highly refined skills of individuals intimately
familiar with the subject of the evaluation to critically characterize and appraise
it. This approach can help others see programs in a new light, but it is difficult
to find a qualified and unbiased connoisseur.
Subject, mass, true evaluation[edit]
 The adversary approach focuses on drawing out the pros and cons
of controversial issues through quasi-legal proceedings. This helps ensure a
balanced presentation of different perspectives on the issues, but it is also
likely to discourage later cooperation and heighten animosities between
contesting parties if "winners" and "losers" emerge.
 Client-centered studies address specific concerns and issues of practitioners
and other clients of the study in a particular setting. These studies help people
understand the activities and values involved from a variety of perspectives.
However, this responsive approach can lead to low external credibility and a
favorable bias toward those who participated in the study.

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