Introduction To Matlab For Civil Engineers

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L. Kanock
Graduate Civil Engineer
+265 295 519

MATLAB (Matrix MATLAB It has powerful

Laboratory) is a integrates built in routines
powerful software computation, that enable a
tool widely used in visualization and variety of
engineering programming computations.
MATLAB Interaction Environment

1. The Command Window

▪ Where you interact with

MATLAB Interaction Environment

2. Workspace

▪ Where your variables are

MATLAB Interaction Environment

3. Current Folder

▪ Where your MATLAB active

working files are stored

▪ MATLAB only runs files in

your current folder
Using MATLAB as a Calculator

▪ Type any Expression you want to evaluate.

▪ If You do not specify an output variable, MATLAB uses

a default variable ans to store the result

▪ Note that the variable ans is created and may be

overwritten if it already exists

▪ To avoid this, declare your own variables.

Create Variables
▪ You can assign variables by typing this variable to this
command line

▪ It is displayed in the command window.

▪ You can proceed to do the following:

Matrices and Arrays
▪ You can create an array (1xn) Matrix by using square brackets
separating elements with space or a comma.

▪ Create a matrix with multiple rows by separating the rows with

semi colon.
Matrices and Arrays Operations
▪ You can create Matrices with special functions like zeros,
rand, and magic.
Matrices and Arrays Operations
▪ Process all the values in Matrix using a single arithmetic
operator or function
Matrices and Arrays Operations
▪ Perform standard Matrix operations:
Matrices and Arrays Operations
▪ To perform element wise operations use the dot as follows
Matrices and Arrays Operations
▪ Combine Matrices using the following functions:
Array Indexing
▪ Consider the following Matrix: ▪ Locate the elements using
the following methods

▪ Or
Array Indexing
▪ Try indexing outside the size ▪ You can Manipulate values
of the Matrix: in Matrix

▪ What error does it bring?

The colon operator
▪ The colon operator allows you to create equally spaced
▪ It uses the format:
start: step: end

▪ You can also use the colon operator for array indexing
Working with Strings
▪ Strings are enclosed in
double quotes.

▪ Strings in MATLAB are also

in Matrix form.

▪ Type whos to see their

Working with Inbuilt functions

▪ MATLAB has in built functions that you can

work with
▪ There are numerous of these
▪ Refer to documentation given
Making 2D Plots
Making 2D Plots
▪ You can add plots to an
existing figure.
Making 2D Plots
Making Subplots
▪ You can have multiple
graphs in one plot
▪ You can use the subplot
function to do this

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