Installation Manual 1/6: Installation of The Hardware (Satellite Dish)

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Installation Manual 1/6

F-connector ( 2 )
Coaxial Cable ( 1 )

toowaySAT Surfbeam Modem ( 1 )

Installation of the Hardware (Satellite Dish):

1. Please assemble the Sat Dish as shown (steps 1-9).

Sat Internet Services GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig Str. 24, 31535 Neustadt, Germany
Installation Manual 2/6
2. Please visit this Website and
satellite-dish-pointing-ka-sat-tooway-europe.htm to point the toowaySat Dish to the
right Direction and to choose your valid Spot Beam.


Sat Internet Services GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig Str. 24, 31535 Neustadt, Germany
Installation Manual 3/6
3. In order to simplify the installation, you should set now the elevation angle at the Sat Dish to
have at first a rough Elevation Angle adjustment.
4. Please install the Sat Dish on a stable Mast Pole (recommended diameter 60 mm) with a free
view to southern direction.
5.Please install the supplied F-Connector 5.
on the delivered coaxial cable and con-
nect the toowaySat Modem to the Tx
port on the Tria (LNB). (The Rx port of
the Tria is not required and is not used for the non Professional Modem). The F-connector
must be plugged and not screwed on. PLEASE NOTE: THE COAXIAL CABLE SHOULD BE
IDEALLY 15 METER! ( max. cable length 50 meter).
6. Please connect the Satellite Modem and your computer by using the supplied network cable
(blue/ yellow) and connect the satellite modem to the power supply. Please note that the
network card has not assigned a static IP
address on your computer settings.

7. Please open any Internet Browser

(Preferred Firefox) on your computer and
type in this address: You
are now in the installation process of the
toowaySAT System. Please choose the appro-
priate location for your Spot Beam color
from item 2 and then click on next at the
bottom on "→".
8. Please now aim the toowaySAT system
based on the beep coming from the Tria. If a
continuous beep appears then the system is
first stage aligned, lightly tighten bolts. Cover
the feedhorn for 7 beeps – then repeat fine
adjustment for final optimal alignment.When
the constant beep returns, and can now be
fully tightened- make sure when you tighten
the antenna, the alignment is not changing!
9. After fixing the Sat Dish, check the signal
strength shown on the computer Display. Both
signal strength must be higher than 9 dB. Please
click at the bottom right on „→“.

Sat Internet Services GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig Str. 24, 31535 Neustadt, Germany
Installation Manual 4/6
10. You are entering now to the Home
page of the Sat Modem “Basic Status”. 10.
Please click on " Modem " to get the ini-
tial Activation steps and to monitor the
settings of the Sat Modem.

11. The Connection is completed when all

four circular icons/ symbols are green and 11.
the status "online" will appear (this may
take in exceptional cases up to one hour).

12. After all the circle icons/ symbols are

green, please wait 5 minutes and then call 12.
any web page (e.g ) on
the Internet browser. You will be redi-
rected to the „Self Activation“ page. To
start the activation process please click on

Sat Internet Services GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig Str. 24, 31535 Neustadt, Germany
Installation Manual 5/6
13. You will get now once again the sig-
nal strength condition of the toowaySAT 13.
system displayed. Please make sure that
the received and transmit signal is always
higher than 9 dB to guarantee that the
service is operating smoothly. The activa-
tion Process and the Service want oper-
ate with and value lower than 9 dB!
Please click now on "continue ".

14. Please enter the toowaySat activa-

tion key you should got by eMail or 14.
Postal Mail and click on „Save“.
Your key will now checked online.

15. Your key has been accepted, your

toowaySAT System is registered and ac- 15.
tivated. Click below in the middle on
" Reboot ". The toowaySAT Modem will
do a automatic restart to finalize the ac-
tivation process.

Sat Internet Services GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig Str. 24, 31535 Neustadt, Germany
Installation Manual 6/6
16. After the toowaySAT Modem has re-
booted, it takes about 5 minutes until 17.
the Modem has registered again on the

17. Now your toowaySAT Satellite Sys-

tem is ready to surf!
If you want to check your modem status
at any time, you will find it under this IP
Address: on the diagnos-
tic side of the modem.
On our Weblink
faq.php you will also find a complete
installation video.

If you will need support by the installation-

process, please do not hesitate to contact
our Support Team.

Monday - Friday
09:00 - 18:00
Hotline: (+49) 01803-866 929
for 9 Cents/min within german fixed telefonline or max. 42 Cents/min
from a german Mobile line.


Sat Internet Services GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig Str. 24, 31535 Neustadt, Germany

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