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Fusion INV: Common Problems and Solutions - Manage Cycle Counting (Doc ID 1392372.1) To Bottom
In this Document
Questions and Answers
How can I approve a cycle count adjustment when reservations exist?
Why can't I see records in the Cycle Count Open Interface table?
How do I automatically schedule my cycle counts?
Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud Service - Version and later
Oracle Fusion Inventory Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document addresses some common questions regarding Cycle Count functionality.
Cycle counting is an inventory accuracy analysis technique where inventory is counted on a cyclic schedule to ensure the accuracy of inventory quantities and values.
Dependent Technologies:
Oracle Application Development Framework
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
Oracle PL/SQL
Microsoft Excel 2007 (for ADFdi)
Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator
When you cannot approve a count sequence because there are reservations pending, the Warehouse Manager needs to take a manual intervention. For example, the
Warehouse Manager might need to adjust these reservations (manually remove the reservations) in order to approve the cycle count adjustment. The user can do this on
the Manage Reservations and Picks page.
Why can't I see records in the Cycle Count Open Interface table?
In order to see records in the Cycle Count Open Interface table, the records must have either been exported to the Cycle Count Open Interface table from the Record Count
Sequences page, or have been put into the table by an external program.
To view records in the Cycle Count Interface table, select Review Count Interface Records from the task list in the Counts work area. If the ADFdi extension is installed, the
user will first see a dialog box indicating that they are opening a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The user will be presented with several dialog boxes and will then be asked to
log in to the ADFdi user interface. Enter the same login that you used to log in to Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. An empty ADFdi Cycle Count Interface table is
There are two tabs on the interface table: Cycle Count Interface Summary and Review Cycle Count Interface. Click the Review Cycle Count Interface tab.
To query cycle count interface records, enter search criteria or select criteria from the list of values, and click the Search button.
The Last Scheduled Date field and the Next Scheduled Date field are automatically populated by the scheduling program.
You can then process the cycle count that you just set up through the following mechanisms:
1) Use the Manage Cycle Counts page. Select the Generate Count Schedules action which will run the Generate Count Schedules process
(InvCcGenerateCountSchedulesJob). After completion, select the Generate Count Sequences action which will run the Generate Count Sequences process
(InvCcGenerateCountSequencesJob). After completion of both of these processes, the user will see a value in the Count Sequences to Record field on the Counts
Overview page.
2) Run the two ESS Programs: Generate Count Schedules process and Generate Count Sequences process. These must be scheduled to run simultaneously at the same
frequency defined in the Schedules section of the Cycle Count Definition field. For example, if the cycle count definition frequency is daily, these two processes need to be
scheduled to run daily as well.
3) Run the Full Cycle Count ESS job set. This job set will run three sequential ESS programs: Generate Count Schedules, Generate Count Sequences, and Cycle Count… 3/4
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3) u t e u Cyc e Cou t SS job set s job set u t ee seque t a SS p og a s Ge e ate Cou t Sc edu es, Ge e ate Cou t Seque ces, a d Cyc e Cou t
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Oracle Cloud > Oracle Software Cloud > Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud > Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud Service
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